Spasm of thorax


  • 1Muscle spasm in the thoracic region
    • 1.1Causes of severe chest pain
    • 1.2What happens with injuries?
    • 1.3Pathology of coronary vessels
    • 1.4Esophageal contractions
    • 1.5Chronic fatigue
    • 1.6Electrolyte imbalance
    • 1.7Muscle spasm
    • 1.8Causes of muscle spasms
    • 1.9Muscle spasm in the back
    • 1.10Muscular neck spasm
    • 1.11Muscle cramps in the legs
    • 1.12How to relieve muscle spasms?
  • 2Causes and signs of cramping in the chest in the middle
    • 2.1Causes
    • 2.2Neuralgia
    • 2.3Muscle pain
    • 2.4Spasm of esophagus, esophagitis
    • 2.5If it's hard to breathe
    • 2.6Conclusion
  • 3Spasms in the chest: causes and methods of treatment
    • 3.1Causes of spasm
    • 3.2Manifestations of spasms and methods of treatment
    • 3.3Clinical picture
    • 3.4Principles of therapy
  • 4Signs of dorsopathy of the thoracic spine
    • 4.1Pain in thoracic dorsopathy
    • 4.2Thoracalgia
    • 4.3Thorakago
    • 4.4Other common symptoms
    • 4.5Symptoms-imitators in thoracic dorsopathy
    • 4.6Intercostal neuralgia

Muscle spasm in the thoracic region

Any malaise has its own symptoms, it is they that help to orientate and make an accurate diagnosis. An experienced doctor describing similar characteristics easily distinguishes one disease from another.

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For example, a muscular spasm in the chest may indicate different pathological conditions.

Anyone who even once experienced such a phenomenon on himself should immediately seek medical help.

Causes of severe chest pain

What causes a spasm in the chest

Any spasm is a sharp contraction of the muscles, which leads to a sharp pain. It calms down only after the muscles relax, so analgesics are useless here.

If the phenomenon described is formed in the chest, the person experiences sensations similar to strong compression.

This causes suffocation, convulsive flinches, acute pain that goes away by itself after the muscles begin to relax.

What can trigger such a pathological condition?Many factors. Identify the causes of a clear description of the symptoms.

The source of pathological manifestations in the chest can be severe trauma, nerve damage, severe stress, imbalance that leads to a drop in the level of magnesium and potassium in the blood.

Calling a strong muscular spasm in the chest can dramatically reduce the coronary artery, the usual fatigue that has the property of accumulating, or chronic diseases of the lungs and heart.

Therefore, it is so difficult to understand what is happening in the body.

Special difficulties in diagnosing cause spasms, accompanied by severe nausea, vomiting, dizziness. Sometimes the fingers and toes become cyanotic.

To facilitate the task, doctors classified the symptoms and delineated them.

It makes sense to get acquainted and find out why sometimes a spasm arises in the middle in the chest, what are the causes of the phenomenon described on the left and right.

What happens with injuries?

It's only at first glance that the structure of the chest seems simple. In fact, all 12 pairs of ribs are entwined with large and small veins, large arteries and neural connections.

The rib cage of the muscle is retained, as well as the bone chondrial cartilage.

During blunt trauma, any of the listed components can be damaged, and it gives rise to severe painful spasms.

Pathology of coronary vessels

Spasm as a manifestation of heart disease

Why can even the heart be the object of pain education? Because it also consists of muscle tissue. Cutting, it helps to transport blood throughout the body and supply it with oxygen.

Circulation is carried out by the coronary vessels located in the chest. These vessels also have muscle fibers, they help create the pressure necessary for normal circulation.

Usually spasms of the coronary vessels occur only in the mornings, when the human body is in complete relaxation.The patient experiences severe pain right in the middle of the sternum.

Their causes are not fully understood, the blockade is usually temporary, the spasm itself passes very quickly, if for some time it's easy to lie and not move. And these are the correct symptoms of the phenomenon described.

Esophageal contractions

Sometimes spasm in the chest area is not associated with cardiac pathologies. If the pain has a clear dislocation behind the sternum, then the causes of malaise are esophageal spasm of the esophagus.

It can be caused by toxic, microbial or viral neuritis or internal micro-trauma associated with the passage of solid food. To the pain in the chest in this case, dysphagia is added (difficulties with swallowing).

And this is a sure sign that the spasm is provoked not by cardiac pathologies.

Chronic fatigue

Fatigue can also manifest as a spasm in the chest

Very often spasm in the middle of the sternum arises because of chronic fatigue. In this case, the pain appears not only in the chest, it is given to the neck, ears, spreads over the shoulders.

Most often, these problems are experienced by women.

If the situation is left to chance and no measures are taken, chronic fatigue and the described symptoms accompanying it will lead to the development of asthma.

Electrolyte imbalance

Some trace elements, such as sodium, magnesium, potassium, chlorine, play an important role in the functioning of muscle tissue.

If the level of the content of the listed elements in the muscle tissue falls, an imbalance arises that prevents the passage of an electrical impulse.

That's why there is a strong spasm in the cage, in the sternum.

Replenish the stock from the outside helps properly compiled diet. But in order to evenly distribute sodium, potassium, magnesium and chlorine throughout the body, you must drink a lot.

Water is the main transport for mineral compounds. Its lack leads to dehydration. And it is also capable of provoking spasm in the cage, in the sternum.

And it can arise in the middle, and on the left, and from the side.

As you can see, it is rather difficult to identify the causes of sharp muscle contractions. But an ordinary person should learn to distinguish between muscle spasms and a heart attack.

An accurate diagnosis will show a cardiogram

If the heart is the cause of the spasm in the chest, the pain is acute, it spreads not downward, but upwards from the chest and is located exactly in the middle. The person experiences at the same time a feeling of strong pressure on the chest.

When you sigh, or when you move, the pain increases dramatically. Since the diseased heart stops working in the normal regime, oxygen enters the body poorly. Therefore there is a strong shortness of breath and even a feeling of some suffocation.

In this case, the pulse becomes irregular, intermittent or rapid. Of course, with any such ailment it is better to see a doctor right away.

A cardiogram will certainly give an opportunity to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe an adequate treatment.

In any case, therapy will have an individual character. But there are general recommendations that will help alleviate the condition of the patient.

It is useful to drink at least a day, a liter of water, and it is necessary to do this in summer and winter. To ease the attack, you need to lie in a horizontal position and raise your hands up.

It is good to remove the spasm of a warm bath or applying ice to the affected area.

The thoracic spine is anatomically an extension of the cervical region, and then passes into the lumbar region. Stiffness, muscle spasms and pain are the most common symptoms of the lesion of the thoracic spine.

With the defeat of this part of the spine, some patients feel pain when they take a deep breath, during movement, or when they touch the area of ​​the lesion.

Disorders of posture, deterioration of physical condition, twisting and sitting in the wrong posture, in a static position for a long time.

Even wearing a backpack can lead to the onset of pain in the cervico-thoracic spine. In addition, the cause of pain in the thoracic spine can be even scoliosis.

One of the causes of pain in the upper back is the strain of the rhomboid muscle. The rhomboid muscle begins from the spinous processes of the T3-T5 thoracic vertebrae.

Bunches of it go laterally and down, attached to the medial edge of the scapula downward from the scapula of the scapula. The strain of the rhomboid muscle and its spasm causes pain in the area between the shoulder blades.

Some patients, describing muscle spasms and discomfort, characterize the location of pain under the trapezius muscle.

Treatment of pain in the thoracic spine

Use of ice and heat treatment (compresses)

At the beginning of the course of treatment, to accelerate the healing and recovery process, cryotherapy in during the first few days followed by the application of moist heat (compresses), which will help to facilitate symptoms.

Purchased cold bags in the store or just a bag of frozen food wrapped in a towel can be applied for 20 minutes every 4-6 hours. Wet heat compresses should be used after 2-3 days of cryotherapy.

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To prevent burns, wrap the heat source in the towel to reduce contact with the hot surface and use it before going to bed.

Carefully select and check the packages for integrity, as a punctured package with chemical gel can cause skin burn.

3 simple exercises for stretching the muscles of the thoracic spine

Under the supervision of your rehabilitation instructor or yourself, you can perform these three simple exercises to prevent and reduce pain in the thoracic spine. Start with small (3 or 5 approaches) and gradually increase the number of repetitions, depending on the degree of manifestation of pain. Perform easily, without overwork!

The starting position - standing at the wall, hands stretched out in front of him, palms touch the wall. Sliding movement slowly move your hands up above your head as high as possible without causing pain. Gently return to the starting position, relax and repeat the exercise.

Sit on a chair, hands on a belt. Pull the blades together, hold this position for 5 seconds, relax and return to the starting position. Repeat several approaches.

Stretching for the thoracic spine

Sit on a chair, hands crossed behind your head. Gently bend forward, bending at the same time and spreading your elbows to the sides, the lock does not tear. Slowly go back to the starting position, relax, and then repeat the exercise.

If the symptoms of pain are worse

If the results of self-treatment pain continues to bother, consult a doctor.

He can prescribe medications, for example, NSAIDs or muscle relaxants, various blockades can also help in coping with a painful spasm caused by muscle irritation.

Alternative therapies, you can also be advised to physiotherapy and massage.

Muscle spasm

If a person is completely healthy, his muscle tissue is evenly elastic.

But due to some diseases or other factors, certain areas may appear, the tension of which can be very difficult to remove.

We're talking about a muscle spasm that can hit any limb or body area. Next, we describe the main causes of the appearance of this spasm.

Causes of muscle spasms

Scientists and specialists even now did not know what exactly leads to such phenomena as spasms and convulsions. However, they highlight several causes that contribute to the development of muscle spasms. To them belong:

  • birth and other trauma, as a result of which the muscle spasms with pain;
  • a permanent effect on the muscle, when a person, for example, stays in one position for a long time;
  • sharp movements that lead to pinching of nerves;
  • not enough magnesium and calcium in the body.

Any treatment of such phenomena begins with the fact that specialists discover the cause that led to spasms.

Muscle spasm in the back

Dorsal spasm, or intercostal neuralgia, as it is also called doctors, # 8212; a phenomenon that manifests itself in pain and unpleasant sensations in the region of the chest and ribs. Under the supervision of a specialist with such a problem, they are fighting with the help of anti-inflammatory drugs. Spasm in the thoracic area is often confused with heart disease.

Muscular neck spasm

Your neck can get sick from the fact that you raised something heavy or made too sudden a movement. Pain from such a spasm in most cases occurs immediately, but there are cases when symptoms will appear in a few days.

With a cervical spasm, the person will have a sore side, and sometimes unpleasant sensations will shoot into the shoulders. The most painful thing you can feel in the morning. Moving your neck in at such moments will be extremely difficult.

The specialist will be laconic in his diagnosis. He will say that you have a cervical myositis, which you can get if you overcool in a draft. If the disease is not treated, it can lead to the development of an intervertebral hernia.

Muscle cramps in the legs

Why there are cramps in the legs until now or not known to the end, but doctors suggest that the causes can serve as:

  • insufficient amount of fluid in the body;
  • excessive amount of stretching exercises;
  • static position over a long period of time.

Despite the fact that convulsions often pass themselves after a while, but they can signal about such diseases:

  • lumbar stenosis or compression of the spinal nerves;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • insufficient blood supply to the extremities, which leads to atherosclerosis.

How to relieve muscle spasms?

If a spasm has arisen in the back or neck, you should consult the doctor without unnecessary hesitation. In cases of spasms, you should not self-medicate and perform the following procedures:

Warming up - spasmodic muscles are strictly forbidden to warm. This method of treatment only for a while will relieve the pain, but then the zone of swelling will begin to expand, so that the pain will begin to give to the upper limbs.

Massage - here everything is the same as with heating: for a while the pain recedes, and then returns again.

Physical activity is contraindicated. Wedge wedge in this case will not be knocked out.

To the person who has # 17; heats # 187; back or neck, need rest, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs that quickly relieve swelling and pain. To such medicines carry the following:

  • Movalis;
  • Diclofenac, Voltaren, Orthofen;
  • Ibuprofen, Brufen, Nurofen;
  • Ketonal, Ketoprofen, Flexan;
  • Indomethacin, Metindol.

Any of these medicines should be used as an injection. Ointments in such cases are not entirely effective.

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  • Pain in the neck on the left
  • Back pain right
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  • Pain in the chest on the left
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  • Spasm of cerebral vessels
  • Lumbago treatment
  • Pain in the heart - symptoms
  • Sore feet - what to do?
  • Intercostal neuralgia

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Causes and signs of cramping in the chest in the middle

Spasms in the chest, the causes of which are diverse, bother many. Many people are faced with these unpleasant sensations. This can be caused by both illness and psychological causes.

To understand why these unpleasant symptoms occur, only a doctor can after an objective examination of the patient.

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To understand what are the causes of this phenomenon, it is necessary to understand what a spasm is.

Spasm is a spasm or involuntary muscle contractions that a person can not control.The reasons for this phenomenon are diverse.

Muscle fibers can not be relaxed at the same time. Often this is accompanied by a sharp pain in the chest, more often in the middle.

It subsides only after relaxation of muscles, in connection with this reception of analgesics will not bring relief.

More often the pain is squeezing. Often observed convulsive convulsions, choking. Unpleasant feelings disappear on their own, after the spasm passes, that is, the muscles relax.


Cause a spasm in the chest in the middle or other place different reasons. To reveal them it is possible, knowing precisely the symptomatology of this pathology. The causes leading to these symptoms are as follows:

  • damage or inflammation of the nerves, neuralgia;
  • lesions of the bone and muscle apparatus in this area;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • stress;
  • injuries;
  • electrolyte imbalance;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • muscle fatigue;
  • temperature differences;
  • cardiovascular pathology and heart disease;
  • Infectious, inflammatory and endocrine diseases.

If a person has a spasm in the chest, then first of all, the pathology of the heart should be eliminated. For this purpose, the doctor prescribes appropriate examinations, including ECG.

Tired muscle fibers can accumulate metabolic products, which lead to these unpleasant sensations.

If the balance of electrolytes, in particular magnesium, calcium and potassium, or in the body is not enough vitamins, especially group B, there are often convulsions behind the breastbone. But the connection between these phenomena is still not scientifically grounded.

A number of infectious, inflammatory processes in the body, cirrhosis of the liver, as well as pathologies of the thyroid gland are often the causes of pain and spastic phenomena in the thoracic region. If a person has damaged ribs, an inflammatory process often occurs that provokes a spasm.


Intercostal neuralgia is often the cause of spasm of the muscles of the thoracic cell. Unpleasant symptoms often appear behind the sternum. They are very intense and painful. More often pain has a pressing character, but not infrequently, and aching, burning, sharp soreness.

Spasm in the chest in the middle increases with physical activity, sneezing, coughing, inhaling and exhaling. It happens both episodic and permanent.

There are still signs that distinguish neuralgia among other factors that cause muscle cramps in the chest:

  • increased sweating;
  • pallor or hyperemia of the skin;
  • Numbness of the skin.

In case of confirmation of the diagnosis, the patient is engaged in a neuropathologist.

Muscle pain

Muscle pain can cause a spasm in the chest in the middle. The causes of such sensations in the chest can be associated with spine pathologies, neurogenic processes, cardiac and gastrointestinal disorders.

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Most often, spasms and tenderness in the muscles of the thoracic cells result in squeezing, irritation or infringement of the nerves.

Painful sensations are different in intensity, often have a crushing character. Usually degenerative changes in the cervical and thoracic spine give irradiation, including in the chest.

Often, a nervous spasm in the muscles of the chest is located in the middle or lower part of the chest. It is often associated with motor activity, breathing depth, sneezing or coughing.

To muscle pains in a thoracic cage, provoked by a spasm, can result in such causes and diseases:

  • skeletal-muscular thoracology;
  • lifting of weights, physical overstrain;
  • musculo-vertebral coronary syndrome;
  • Titze syndrome;
  • infringement, spinal hernias;
  • kyphosis, scoliosis;
  • osteochondrosis.

Any of these factors irritates, squeezes and infringes the nerve endings that surround the muscles, fasciae and ligaments. Irritation can also be inflammatory and swelling, tearing, compression.

Directly, painful feelings are associated with overexertion, lifting heavy, active physical activity, awkward turns and sharp movements.

Diagnostically important is that during palpation of trigger sites, soreness increases.

Such a pathology as the Tietze syndrome is manifested by painful and spastic sensations in the sternum.

Disease and the causes of its occurrence to this day have not been thoroughly studied. It is associated with an alimentary factor and cartilage degeneration.

There is a syndrome of acute pain, shooting character in the place of attachment of the sternum and costal cartilage.

Diseases of the stomach, upper intestine, liver, gallbladder can irradiate up the esophagus, into the chest, causing spasms and muscle pains in this area.

Spasm of esophagus, esophagitis

Esophagitis is the inflammatory phenomenon of the esophageal mucosa.

As a rule, the disease manifests itself burning in the chest, but is often accompanied by spastic attacks along the esophagus, pharynx.

Young women are more likely to suffer up to 35 years of age. The causes of this phenomenon are acute, stress, and infectious processes.

The esophagus is an elastic tube that connects the stomach and pharynx, about twenty-five centimeters long. Esophageal spasm can lead to such reasons:

  • intake of too hot or solid food;
  • microtrauma;
  • aggressive substances, including strong alcohol;
  • poorly chewed food;
  • infectious processes;
  • inflammatory processes in the esophagus and next to it;
  • foreign bodies;
  • psychoemotional stress.

The difference between esophagus and heart disease is that there is a problem with swallowing and promoting food. With spasm, muscles contract greatly. The lumen of the esophagus is thereby considerably narrowed or closed at all. This is what causes the spasm of the chest and painful sensations in it.

If it's hard to breathe

Spasm in the chest, the causes of which are described above, can pass quickly, but can be prolonged for a long time, and also accompanied by such unpleasant sensations as shortness of breath.

If there was a spasm in the chest in the middle and hard to breathe, with the attack lasting more than twenty minutes, urgent hospitalization is necessary, as this can indicate serious violations in work heart. In this case, urgent therapy is necessary, otherwise the outcome may be the worst.

Whatever the cause of shortness of breath, without consulting a doctor in this case can not do. The person himself will never be able to understand what actually caused these unpleasant symptoms. Treatment is also appointed individually, taking into account the causes and severity of the process.


  1. Spasms in the chest arise quite often and the causes of this phenomenon are diverse. A person often experiences pain and other unpleasant symptoms.
  2. The causes of these sensations can be both inflammatory and infectious, and psychological. They can talk about a serious illness.
  3. To find out the reasons of occurrence of these symptoms will be helped only by medical consultation and, if necessary, a serious examination.
  4. If it is difficult to breathe or spasm lasts a long time, you need to immediately go to a medical institution.

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Spasms in the chest: causes and methods of treatment

OPnevmonii Chest Spasmodic pain in the thorax

Thoracic spasm is a sharp contraction of the muscles of the chest, accompanied by severe pain and difficulty breathing.

When the muscles contract, there is usually a feeling of squeezing or squeezing. The intensity of pain depends on the causes that caused spasms in the chest.

This condition occurs after the final relaxation of the muscles.

Muscle spasm is a symptom and signals the pathological conditions that occur in the body. Therefore, if there is discomfort in the chest, you should consult a doctor who will determine the causes of its occurrence, and also select the treatment.

Causes of spasm

The condition in which the chest cramps convulsions, is caused by a number of reasons. This can be both predisposing factors and existing chronic diseases.

Among the main reasons for the occurrence of discomfort, the following states are distinguished:

  1. Damage that is neurological. In this case, intense and frequent impulses cause a strong contraction of the muscle fibers.
  2. Breast trauma - with physical damage, there may be a spasm that will give away in the back area. This problem is most often faced by professional athletes, since physical activity increases the likelihood of injury to the pectoral muscles.
  3. Presence of diseases of internal organs, which are chronic.
  4. Spasm of the esophagus causes severe pain in the middle of the sternum, as well as behind the thoracic region. Muscles responsible for promoting food through the esophagus, work uncoordinated, which leads to spasms in the chest. This symptom is often confused with heart disease.
  5. Inflammation of muscle fibers, resulting from hypothermia or infections.
  6. Stress and anxiety lead to a tension in the heart muscle, which begins to decrease dramatically.
  7. Electrolyte balance plays an important role in the work of all the muscles of the body. When there is a shortage of them, there is a failure in the passage of impulses, which will lead to the appearance of convulsions.
  8. Severe fatigue can provoke pain syndrome, localized in the chest and upper back. And severe pain affects the chest. Often women face this problem.
  9. Problems in the work of the coronary artery, responsible for the transportation of blood to all organs. Its walls have muscle fibers, with the reduction of which there can be a spasm. This condition is temporary, when a sharp pain appears in the pre-dawn hours, which disappears after the relaxation of the muscle fibers of the artery.

It happens that the causes of seizures are difficult to analyze and can act as a symptom of a heart attack. To exclude the possibility of manifestations of heart diseases, you need to see a doctor for diagnosis.

Manifestations of spasms and methods of treatment

Spasms in the chest have different causes of which are different, are also divided depending on the location of the problem and its intensity. Symptoms of seizures in patients have individual characteristics. So, pain sensations can be estimated as follows:

  • intensive, medium or weak strength;
  • arise periodically or disturbing constantly;
  • at the site of localization: located in the center of the thoracic region, on the sides or in the sternum;
  • are acute or chronic;
  • by the nature of the pain, pulling, pawing, pressing, burning;
  • Painful sensations increase with physical exertion or deep inspiration.

Clinical picture

Each of the signs must be considered in the context of a particular pathology:

  • When the pain is regularly localized in the center of the chest, this is a signal of gastric spasms. So, the stomach ulcer is manifested by a feeling of unpleasant tingling in the chest, which is accompanied by digestive system disorders. These symptoms are always associated with the processes of eating;
  • the diaphragmatic hernia is indicated by pain sensations in the middle of the chest, which strengthen when the position of the body changes;
  • Acute pancreatitis is characterized by the emergence of a strong pulling pain in the upper abdomen, which gradually acquires a shingling character. Simultaneously with a spasm and a pain there is a nausea or vomiting. In the chronic course of the disease no aching pains are localized in the left part of the chest and in the abdomen;
  • if acute pain, as well as a feeling of compression, appear beyond the thoracic region, this may indicate problems in the functioning of the coronary artery;
  • with ischemic illness disturbing sharp pains on the left, near to area of ​​heart. The whole thorax is squeezed by severe spasms, which can be given back by the scapula.

For the diagnosis it is important to understand the origin of the problem by comparing the symptoms with the approximate clinical picture of the alleged disease.

Diagnosis of the problem consists in a clinical examination consisting of instrumental and laboratory techniques. It is recommended to consult a cardiologist, a neurologist, to examine the condition of the spine, endocrine glands and other internal organs.

Principles of therapy

Treatment of each clinical case is selected individually. But there are several common ways. Their main goal is to alleviate the condition of the patient at the time of a muscle attack:

  1. You should take a horizontal position and stretch your arms above your head. In this position, you need to wait for complete relaxation of the muscles and the end of the spasm.
  2. Help the muscles to relax and reduce the pain can a warm bath or shower.
  3. Since water promotes the transport of electrolytes in the body, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of dehydration. To do this, you should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
  4. For some time to provide complete physical peace, do not lift weights or do not make sudden movements, as this leads to a load of muscle tissue.
  5. You can not massage the area where the problem occurred. Initially, the spasm may even decrease, but after a while it will become stronger, there will be swelling and pain will increase.
  6. For the removal of muscle spasm is usually prescribed a course of vitamins of group B (1, 6 and 12), which contribute to the restoration of the nervous structure.
  7. To ease the pain, you can take local pain medications, which will also help to eliminate the inflammatory process (Diclafenac, Indomethacin).
  8. With a strong spasm, you can take antispasmodics: Papaverin, Drotaverin, Galidor.
  9. As a sedative, you can drink decoctions of valerian, melissa and chamomile (1 tbsp. Spoon the herbs with half liters of boiling water and insist).
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Sharp contractions of the pectoral muscles always act as a signal of the presence of pathology in the body, therefore one should not engage in self-medication and immediately consult a doctor.

In addition to alleviating the condition, specialists will determine the causes of the problem. The timely treatment will help to avoid serious health problems.

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Signs of dorsopathy of the thoracic spine

Dorsopathy is not a separate disease of the spine, but a whole group of degenerative and dystrophic pathologies spinal column, which slowly develop under the influence of negative external and internal factors and progress. An obligatory criterion for dorsopathy of any part of the spine is pain.

The term "dorsopathy" was introduced into medicine for the convenience of physicians and patients.

Since there are several pathological processes that lead to the development of vertebrogenic signs, for example, osteoarthritis, spondyloarthrosis, chondrosis, spondylosis, protrusion and herniated intervertebral disk.

Given that all these processes to some extent simultaneously affect the tissues of the spine, dorsopathy more fully characterizes the disease.

Most of all dorsopathy is affected by the mobile parts of the spine (cervical and lumbar), but the thoracic also often suffers. Symptoms of dorsopathy of the thoracic spine often remain unrecognized, as they are able to simulate a large number of diseases of internal organs.

Pain in thoracic dorsopathy

The main sign of dorsopathy of the thoracic spine is pain.

First of all, it must be said that for a long time the pathology of the thoracic spine does not manifest itself in any way, if it does not simultaneously occur with the lesion of the cervicothoracic spine.

Often, the diagnosis of degenerative changes in the thoracic spine is accidental when the patient seeks a doctor for a different matter.

The fact is that the thoracic vertebrae are practically immobile, therefore the signs of pathology begin to appear already in the far gone stages, when the spinal cord nerves of the thoracic spinal cord begin to suffer the brain.

The most common, and sometimes the only symptom of dorsopathia of the thoracic spine is pain, which can have 2 clinical options.


The main sign of dorsopathy of the thoracic spine is pain

This is a constant chronic pain in the thoracic spine, which is strengthened by active and passive movements, in a certain posture.

The nature of such pain lies in the reflex spasm of the muscles of the back, which arise as a protective reaction of the body to pathological changes in the discs, vertebrae and ligaments of the spine.

Over time, muscle spasm acquires a pathological character and causes permanent pain in the thoracic spine.


This is a sharp pain in the chest in the form of a lumbago, electric shock. As a rule, occurs at the time of sudden movement, when there is a jamming of the nervous spinal root between injured vertebrae.

The pain is so strong that it forces a person to freeze in the position in which she overtook him. The patient is afraid even to breathe or cough, so as not to increase pain.

After a few minutes, the intensity of pain decreases, but soreness is felt for another 1-2 weeks.

Other common symptoms

Other typical signs of thoracic dorsopathy include:

  • aching pains in the region of the heart that do not depend on the intensity of physical activity, intensify with sudden movements and in a certain body posture, lasts long, sometimes throughout the day;
  • tingling pains in the chest, which suddenly occur, last for several seconds, increase with breathing and coughing;
  • sensation of tension in the muscles of the back;
  • limitation of the amplitude of movements in the chest;
  • numbness and crawling sensation in the arms and skin of the chest;
  • frequent shallow breathing due to pain;
  • incomprehensible and unpleasant, sometimes painful, sensations in the abdominal cavity.

Symptoms-imitators in thoracic dorsopathy

Because of the anatomical and physiological features of innervation of internal organs (nerve fibers approach them from the nerve plexuses that are formed by a part of the spinal roots, left from the thoracic spine) symptoms of chest dorsopathy can mimic, and sometimes act as the root cause, a large number of internal diseases and pathological signs.

In the figure, pink color indicates which organs are innervated by the autonomic nerves from the thoracic spine

The table shows the data on the lesion of which nervous spinal root of the thoracic spinal cord segment, which organs suffer and what it leads to.

Thoracic spinal nerve root The organ that is innervated by it Diseases and pathological symptoms that may occur
Th1 Esophagus, trachea, wrists Pain and stiffening of brushes, suffocating cough, violation of swallowing.
Th2 Heart, pericardial sac, coronary vessels Violation of the rhythm of the heart, pain in the cardiac region, which resemble angina in ischemic disease.
Th3 Bronchial tree, pleura, lungs, chest muscles, mammary glands Bronchitis, suffocating cough, pleurisy, pain in the chest.
Th4 Bile duct and gallbladder Dyskinesia of the gallbladder, pain in the right hypochondrium, bitter taste in the mouth, impaired digestion of fats.
Th5 Liver and solar plexus Violation of liver function, pain in epigastrium.
Th6 Stomach Belching sour, stomach pain, indigestion, gastritis and peptic ulcer, functional dyspepsia.
Th7 Duodenum, pancreas A variety of digestive disorders, alternating diarrhea and constipation, pain in the left hypochondrium.
Th8 Diaphragmatic muscles Hiccups, sometimes very long, disturbances in rhythm and depth of breathing.
Th9 Adrenal glands Decreased immune defenses of the body, fluctuations in blood pressure.
Th10 Kidneys Violation of urination, back pain, frequent urinary tract infections.
Th11 Urolitters Pathology of the passage of urine.
Th12 Thin and large intestine, fallopian tubes Violation of digestion and absorption of food in the intestines, female diseases, infertility.

Intercostal neuralgia

Separately, it is worth mentioning such a condition as intercostal neuralgia.

This is a complex of pathological symptoms that occur when the intercostal nerves are squeezed or irritated, which occurs with thoracic dorsopathy.

This condition can be called, as one of the symptoms of dorsopathy, and its complication.

Pain in the region of the heart - a frequent sign of intercostal neuralgia

Why is it important to distinguish between intercostal neuralgia? The fact is that this condition is clinically very similar to such a life-threatening pathology as an attack of angina and myocardial infarction. Therefore, in the case of localization of neuralgia in the left half of the chest, it is first necessary to distinguish these two states.

So, neuralgia or heart?

Intercostal neuralgia Angina pectoris / myocardial infarction
  • Pain begins after unaccustomed activity, trauma, hypothermia;
  • Painful sensations are sharp, stitching;
  • It is noted on a limited area of ​​the chest;
  • Irradiates along the intercostal space, does not pass to the neighboring;
  • Sometimes it is accompanied by shortness of breath, mainly due to the fear of taking a deep breath, so that it does not again pierce in the chest;
  • Long pain (hours, sometimes all day);
  • It increases with changes in body position, inspiration, cough;
  • With pressure on the painful area, the pain intensifies;
  • The patient can accurately indicate the point of soreness.
  • Pain of burning, squeezing character;
  • Often accompanied by shortness of breath and a sense of lack of air, even with deep breathing;
  • The pain lasts for several minutes (up to half an hour), if more, it is not angina, but a heart attack;
  • Pain is accompanied by pallor and increased sweating;
  • Develops after physical exertion, emotional shock;
  • Locates behind the breastbone, gives to the left side of the body;
  • With pressure, the intensity of pain does not change.

Thus, do not underestimate the symptoms of thoracic dorsopathy, because they may be hiding life-threatening pathologies.

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