On the concept of "papilloma" many have a very vague idea. For some, it is associated with a wart, others may know that it is contagious, for the third papilloma is an innocuous neoplasm on the skin. However, the true nature of papillomas is viral, and, accordingly, when choosing ways to get rid of it, this factor should be taken into account first of all.
1Definition of disease
4Possible complications
5.1Medication Therapy
5.3Folk remedies
Definition of disease
Papilloma on the eyelid is the most problematic kind of neoplasm location, because it causes the greatest inconvenience, not to mention the increased danger of injury.But this is absolutely unacceptable, since education can be of oncogenic nature.
Papilloma is an overgrowth of the upper layer of the skin, the epidermis.However, it can be located not only on skin, but also mucous covers - in the mouth or genitals. Dimensions are usually small - from 1 to 5-7 mm, very rarely the size can reach 2 cm. But small sizes in some cases are compensated by the multiplicity of formations or "reproduction".
The appearance of papilloma on the eyelid is not only a threat in trauma, but it is also a visible cosmetic defect, and it also makes eye care more difficult.
If more recently, neoplasm was a priority for people of middle age and advanced age, in recent years the human papillomavirus (HPV), like most viruses, has "grown younger".Often, papillomas affect young people, and in this case, their immediate removal is required.
Papilloma is a consequence of the activation of the virus, which can penetrate the human body in several ways:
Domestic- the virus remains viable for a certain period of time in the external environment, therefore can easily be introduced into contact with damaged areas of the skin (abrasions, scratches) or the surface mucous membranes;
Sexual- Infection of the sexual partner can occur, including, and at anal or oral sex, and the result of such infection most often - peaked condyloma;
Vertical- from mother to child during childbirth. The result of such infection is, in most cases, laryngeal papillomatosis or anogenital warts;
Autoinoculation- a method of self-infection, when epilation or shaving can occur the transfer of the virus from one area of skin to another.
However, infection with the virus does not necessarily mean the appearance of papillomas. The surface of the skin and especially the mucous membranes are one of the external barriers of the immune system. Here there are cells that can fight against any attempts to introduce extraneous microflora. Therefore, even after hitting the skin, the virus can remain inactive for a long time, waiting for the appearance of favorable conditions for introduction.
Among the factors that trigger the activation of HPV factors include:
Subcoolinggeneral or local;
Presence of chronic somatic diseasesor foci of infection in the body;
Constantly arising stresses, overstrain of the nervous system;
The presence of bad habits(smoking, alcohol);
The need for long-term medication.
Each of these factors has a negative effect on general and local immunity, weakening it. Thus, the body has few resources to fight other microorganisms, and the risk of infection increases.
One of the provoking factors, until the unclear nature, is the influence of ultraviolet radiation.Increased risk is also faced by people who lead a promiscuous sex life.
Having penetrated into the body, the virus may not manifest itself for a while, however during this period its reproduction occurs. When the overall level of immunity decreases, the virus becomes active simultaneously with the intensive growth of the number of mutated cells.
On the eyelid appears a small growth in the form of a wart, the surface of which is rough.Most often the color of the papilloma is identical to the color of the skin, but neoplasms of a darker or light shade are found in comparison with the surrounding tissues.
Sometimes the build-up on the skin is connected to the main tissue with a thin piece of skin, which presents an increased threat of injury and requires immediate medical attention.In some cases, the papilloma begins to expand, presenting certain difficulties not only for the cosmetic plan, but also interfering with the normal functioning of the century.
Self-medication in the case of a neoplasm on the eyelid is unacceptable. In addition to the threat of infection of adjacent tissues, there is a danger of incorrect diagnosis of the true nature of the papilloma, as some other diseases have similar symptoms.
Possible complications
If the papilloma appeared on the skin of the eyelid, its progression may be slowed down for many years.In this case, it is not necessary to remove or treat the neoplasm - perhaps, its appearance is caused by a temporary decrease in the level of immunity.
However, it is necessary to pass the examination in any case. An ophthalmologist or dermatologist will be able to find out the nature of the disease and advise on the necessary actions.
Progression of the papilloma can be accompanied by a number of complications:
Keratite- when the virus is activated, the cornea can be damaged;
Chronic conjunctivitis- constant irritation of the mucosa can be triggered not only by infection, but also by the large size of the neoplasm, and also by the resulting itching;
Eyelash Dropping- a side effect of possible demodicosis, a result of a decrease in local immunity with the development of papillomas in the century.
In addition, the threat of the degeneration of the papilloma into a malignant tumor is constantly present, and only a qualified specialist can competently determine the degree of the threat.
Diagnosis of tumors begins with the use of conventional techniques: visometry, tonometry, biomicroscopy, etc.As additional methods of research use a computer tomography or optical coherent tomography, and also takes material for histological examination (scraping, slice or imprint). Differential diagnosis is performed with the following diseases:
Molluscum contagiosum;
Cutaneous nevus;
Seborrheic keratosis on the foot;
Single neurofibroma;
Papillomas of the conjunctiva (located at the edge of the eyelids, but the base is on the surface of the conjunctiva).Biomicroscopy
If necessary, a consultation of an oncologist and a dermatologist is appointed.
Medication Therapy
For the treatment of papillomas on the eyelid, the following preparations can be used:
Papillight- a product of exclusively natural origin and possessing a high degree of safety. In its composition there are garlic, propolis, red pepper, Jerusalem artichoke, as well as Caragana and Rhododendron Adams. Reviews about the effectiveness of the drug are almost equally positive and negative, but one thing is certain - qualified diagnosis should be a top priority;
Papillo and balsam Papillosk plus- preparations of the same plan as Papileite, possessing a natural composition and at the same time questionable effectiveness. Use them as a panacea without a doctor's recommendation is not recommended;
Antiviral and immunostimulants- means can suppress viral activity in the body and simultaneously provide enhanced immune protection.Papillitis is used in the treatment of papillomas
If you want to get rid of the papillomas on your eyelids do not forget that the skin on them is very thin and delicate, and in the immediate vicinity are the mucous membranes of the eye. Self-employed funds without medical examination can not just not work - great The probability of severe complications and infection of adjacent tissues when trying to self-delete papillomas.
To date, papilloma on the eyelid is most often removed by the operative method, but beforehand therapy is always conducted to strengthen the immune system. To get rid of the tumor on the eyelid, one of the following methods can be used:
Surgical.The operation is performed with the help of a scalpel and is used extremely rarely, since there is a high risk of injury to adjacent areas. In addition, after removal, scars are often left, which requires additional efforts to eliminate them;
Cryodestruction.The most commonly used method is using liquid nitrogen, which burns the tumor. This method is the easiest and safest, and also provides almost 100% of the successful operation without relapse;
Laser therapy.To remove the papilloma laser is used, with preliminary anesthesia of adjacent tissues. The main advantage of this method is the speed of holding (not longer than a few minutes);
Electrocoagulation.Removal occurs with the use of an electric current and is used, mainly, when a malignant nature of the tumor is detected.Surgical removal of papillomas
In the postoperative period, it is necessary to carefully follow the doctor's recommendations and fully comply with the rules of personal hygiene. Additional measures for strengthening immunity will be superfluous: a balanced diet, taking multivitamins and natural sources of necessary substances, good motor activity.
Folk remedies
The use of folk methods requires special care when using, as well as preliminary full information on the components of the recommended means.So, the safest are the use of aloe juice and Kalanchoe. These plants have a mild effect, while also exerting a depressing effect on viruses.
Use tools such asjuice celandine, garlic, etc. components with a burning effect, to remove papillomas in the century is not recommended, since the proximity of the eyes increases the risk of accidental penetration of the mucous membranes. And this is fraught with irritations and even the appearance of ulcers. Such drugs are more suitable for removing papillomas on other, less vulnerable, parts of the body.
As a folk remedy, you can try some essential oils:tea tree, pine, fir, juniper, cedar.These substances also have high antiseptic properties and are relatively safe.
With the independent use of folk remedies, you should have complete confidence in what you are treating. Therefore, their use can be effective only after a full diagnosis.
Two main rules for the prevention of papillomas in the century: strict adherence to hygienic norms and constant attention to general immunity. The rules of sanitation have allowed mankind to get rid of many terrible infections and continue to remain effective to this day.
And the level of immunity, against the background of the increased virulence of most microbes and the emergence of many new strains, still remains the most reliable barrier between the human body and the pathogenic world microflora.
Papilloma on the eyelid is the result of activation of HPV, which occurred due to a decrease in the overall level of immunity. If you are concerned about the appearance of multiple papillomas or their rapid growth, a visit to the doctor should not be delayed, as there is a possibility that the tumor will degenerate into a threat of an oncological plan.
The official removal of papillomas is strictly forbidden by the official medicine, especially near the eyes. This can lead to the most unpredictable consequences. But the removal of the operative method is one of the safest and most promising ways to solve this problem.
Also read about why the miliums are formed in the eyelids and how to get rid of hernias under the eyes.