How is hyperopia corrected?

Good eyesight often depends not only on the health of the eye structures, but also on certain conditions that often arise as a result of age-related changes or heredity. Such violations include hyperopia, or hypermetropia.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Possible complications
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Medication Therapy
    • 5.2Surgically
    • 5.3Folk remedies
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of disease

The functioning of the optic system of the eye is due to the refractive power of the lens and the size of the eyeball.It is these two structures that have a decisive influence on the place of formation of the image inside the eye. If the refraction is not very strong, then the image of objects under consideration forms behind the retina, and the person sees a fuzzy outline.

Most often, such a visual defect develops as a result of age-related changes in the eye and is a consequence of the disruption of the accommodation function. The lens loses the ability to change the curvature and therefore the vision deteriorates both near and far. This kind of hyperopia is called presbyopia.

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A visual defect can develop at an earlier age (18-40 years), however, for a long time To remain unnoticed, since the accommodation function compensates for the too short dimensions of the ophthalmic apple. In this case, a constant voltage can cause headaches and eye fatigue.

Hyperopia is normal for newborn babies, which, as they grow older, come to naught, because the size of the eyeball increases.

Approximately to 6-7 years the sight of the child becomes normal and does not require correction. However, preventive examinations should be regular, in case of abnormalities in time, to begin correcting the visual defect.


The development of hyperopia can be due to one or more reasons and have different degrees:

  • Weak- up to + 2D;
  • Average- from +, 5 to 5D;
  • High- more +, 5D.

The degree of hypermetropia completely depends on hereditary and age factors. If the parents of the child or other close relatives have strong farsightedness, then the likelihood of developing a visual defect in the baby is also great.

In the elderly, when the power of accommodation is almost completely lost, the lens is not able to change its curvature and focus the image in the right place. Therefore, the only solution is wearing glasses or contact lenses.

Thus, the development of hyperopia is influenced by a change in the functionality of the 3 eye structures:

  • The size of the eyeball- when hyperopia they are too small;
  • Weak refraction in the cornea- it also enters the optical system and is one of the natural lenses responsible for image formation;
  • Loss of lens function- the ability to change shape is completely dependent on normal accommodation, which is lost with age, as is the transparency of the lens.

Hyperopia may not manifest itself in middle age, when the accommodation function compensates to some extent for the visual defect. However, after 40 years, the ability of the lens becomes much lower, and vision can become fuzzy, not only near, but also far away.


The main sign of hyperopia is the blurriness of images of objects at close range.However, with a strong degree of hypermetropia, the fuzziness of perception can also be at long distances.

Since the optical system of the eye is trying to restore normal vision, the symptoms of hyperopia can be:

  • Rapid fatigue during reading;
  • Overexertion when long work is required;
  • Frequent inflammation of the eyes;
  • Pain in the field of eyeballs, superciliary arches, nose bridge;
  • Feeling of bursting and "sand" in the eyes.

If farsightedness progresses in childhood (although the norm is a reduction in hypermetropia), then it is suspected development can be due to complaints of children for headaches, reluctance to engage in reading and other exercises that require visual voltage.

One of the serious consequences of the appearance of a visual defect in childhood is development friendly strabismus caused by constant efforts to better consider the subject and the eyes to the nose.

One of the most defining symptoms is the reduction in visual acuity to a large extent. It can begin with the vagueness of the contours and the desire to blink to enhance accommodation. Changes in the fundus can also be observed: here, with an average or severe degree of farsightedness, the swelling and fuzzy boundaries of the DZN are clearly visible.

Possible complications

Some patients, considering hyperopia as a purely age-related natural change in the state of the eye, do not attach particular importance to vision impairment.However, correction in this case is mandatory, not to mention the cases of the development of hypermetropia at an earlier age.

Ignoring impairment of vision can cause:

  • At first,increased vulnerability of the eyes to infectious diseases:conjunctivitis, keratitis, blepharitis. This is due to a decrease in local immunity, which is the result of reduced metabolic processes in the eye tissues due to their overexertion with enhanced accommodation;
  • Secondly,development of additional visual defects: strabismus, spasm of accommodation, amblyopia (lazy eye syndrome), myopia. Each of these complications can become another step towards reducing visual acuity, which can no longer be cured with the help of conservative methods.

Any disease is always easier to prevent than after treatment, and hyperopia is no exception. Therefore, its correction at the earliest stages allows avoiding or at least postponing for a long time the development of its complications. A violation of metabolism in the eyes can lead to the most severe age-related disease - glaucoma, the progression of which, in order to avoid complete loss of vision, always requires an operative interference.


For the diagnosis of long-sightedness in the elderly, it is sufficient to establish that the patient has poor vision near with normal visualization at long distances.Such a survey is carried out using the Sivtsev table and the use of lenses with plus and minus dioptres.

Long-sightedness at a younger age is carried out using special drops to dilate the pupil, which weaken accommodation. It is also possible to conduct additional studies:

  • Skiascopy(shadow test);
  • Refractometry- to determine the degree of farsightedness;
  • Computer keratotopography- to measure the refractive power of the cornea.

Medication Therapy

To correct the refractive power of the optical media of the eye, glasses or contact lenses can be used.The use of these drugs is effective in the early stages of developing a visual defect and is successfully used with a weak degree of farsightedness.

Scoring rules:

  • For each eye, the lens is selected separately, because often the degree of farsightedness (as well as myopia) in different eyes is manifested in varying degrees;
  • Choose a lens that precedes the one that provides maximum visual acuity. Do this to avoid overexertion at maximum accommodation;
  • After that, check the possibilities of binocular vision- with the coordinated work of both eyes through selected lenses. With some diseases, image doubling is possible;
  • Final stage -endurance check.Absence of discomfort in the presence of glasses for more than 10-15 minutes. - a kind of test on the correctness of the selection of glasses and lenses, because at discharge the doctor must also specify the distance between the outer edge of the iris of one eye and the inner one of the other.

The second common method of correction are contact lenses, which are selected according to the same principles as the glasses. Contact lenses have a number of advantages (practicality, aesthetics, optimal correction), but their use is associated with several unpleasant moments:

  • Feeling of discomfort at the time of installation and removal;
  • Increased vulnerability to infections (with non-compliance with hygiene rules);
  • The need for a constant shift(at least 1 p. per month).

As an alternative method for treating farsightedness, children use hardware methods, often including game elements. It can be:

  • Vacuum massage;
  • Electrostimulation;
  • Ultrasonic and magnetotherapy;
  • Laser therapy;
  • Video-computer auto-training, etc.
    Physiotherapy with microcurrents

With the progression of the symptoms of hyperopia, even after applying conservative methods of correction, the doctor can recommend operative ways of eliminating the defect.


There are several methods for correcting hyperopia. All of them are successfully used to correct visual acuity at different stages:

  • Laser correction- change in the degree of curvature of the cornea through the action of a laser beam;
  • Lensectomy- the replacement of the lens with an artificial lens with a given optical power, is used with the lost function of accommodation;
  • Implantation of a phakic lens- A lens is implanted in the anterior or posterior chamber of the eye, providing the necessary visual acuity;
  • Keratoplasty- replacement of the cornea with a graft. It is also possible to transplant into the thickness of the cornea or the location on its anterior layers.
    Laser correction

The method of surgical correction is selected by the doctor strictly individually on the basis of the diagnostic tests performed and the parameters of the patient's general health.

Folk remedies

The effectiveness of treatment with folicular farsightedness has not been proved, but the opposite is not proved. Therefore, as a supplement, it is possible to use folk remedies in addition to the methods of traditional medicine:

  • Brewed 2 tbsp. l. herbs of the ovary with 2 cups of boiling water.Insist, filter and drink during the day, dividing into 4 equal portions;
  • In berries of sweet cherry and blueberries contains many vitamins and microelements necessary for the functioning of the eyes. Berries are consumed in any form and make lotions from the juice;
  • Boil 1 liter of boiling water with 4 tbsp. l. dried and crushed rhizome rhizomes up to ¼ of the original volume.Insist, filter and take 1 st. l. 4-5 r. per day;
  • Make a tincture of 5 tbsp. l. chopped dried fruit of Chinese magnolia vine in 1 liter of alcohol. Preparation time - 10 days (in a dark place). Filter and take 20 drops, dissolved in water, before eating in the morning. The drug is contraindicated for people with abnormalities in the work of the gastrointestinal tract and vascular system;
  • Boil fresh rose hips(1 kg) in 3 liters of water until completely softened, after which they are wiped through a sieve, 2 cups of honey and 2 liters of hot boiled water are added. All stirred and heated for 3-5 minutes. Take 100 ml an hour before meals.

Before using the drugs according to folk recipes, one should consult an ophthalmologist, since many herbal components have an allergenic effect.


From the manifestations of hyperopia, no one is immune, so the main thing in its prevention is timely detection and correction at the earliest stages, which can be easily carried out with regular preventive examinations.

Slow down the development of age-related changes can be observed with a healthy lifestyle and constant attention to the level of general immunity.


Eye drops from dryness and fatigue Vial

Treatment of acute conjunctivitis in children of two years is described in this article.

Treatment for accommodation spasm in children is available on the link.




Hyperopia is not a disease in the usual sense of the word, but the inevitable the progression of a visual defect can reduce visual perception and even develop into complications cause of blindness.

Therefore, do not leave it without attention and try to avoid the development of adverse symptoms by available correction methods: conservative and operative.

Also read about such visual impairments as myopia and astigmatism.

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