Treatment of night blindness

Some people almost do not see anything at dusk or at a later time of the day. However, while others can clearly distinguish objects with a lack of illumination. It's all about breaking the structure of the eye. Let's take a closer look at what the disease is, how to identify it, and what methods of treatment are most effective.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Types and Classifications
    • 2.1Congenital
    • 2.2Essential (with a lack of vitamins)
    • 2.3Symptomatic
    • 2.4False
  • 3Causes
    • 3.1Symptoms
  • 4Possible complications
  • 5Diagnostics
  • 6Treatment
  • 7Drug method
    • 7.1Surgical way
    • 7.2People's way
  • 8Prevention
  • 9Video
  • 10conclusions

Definition of disease

The scientific name of this disease is hemeralopia.In most people, the eyes are arranged so that the rods intended for vision at night are eighteen times larger than the cones responsible for day vision. If this natural relationship is disturbed, the structure of the eye changes, which inevitably leads to a loss in distinguishing objects in the dark.

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Less common are specific irregularities in the work of rods, with normal ratios of them with cones.

Chicken blindness is a consequence of poor vision.

Types and Classifications

There are four main types of hemeralopia. Each of them has its own characteristics, specifics and classifications.


This type of disease is transmitted hereditary way and its signs can be seen at a fairly early age. This can be provoked by the following factors:

  • Genetic diseases;
  • Pigment retinitis.

Essential (with a lack of vitamins)

It provokes malfunctions in the functioning of the retina.To provoke such a deficiency of vitamins A, PP, B2, less often - zinc. To cause such a malaise may be a violation of the intake of these beneficial compounds into the body. Malnutrition, lack of food, liver failure, or stomach disease - all this can lead to hemorrhagia.

One of the functions of the retina is the timely enrichment of the vitreous humor and adjacent tissues with the necessary vitamins and minerals. With chronic local avitaminosis, the ability of the corneal elements to perceive not only colors and hues, but also loss of orientation at night, is lost.


This kind of hemeralopia is possible in the presence of eye diseases that affect the retina or optic nerve.Provoke it can: myopia, glaucoma, taperotetinal dystrophy, chorioretinitis, optic nerve atrophy, siderosis.


Called by usual eye fatigue - this is the constant watching TV, working at the computer. In this case, it's not really a disease, but a signal that the eyes need rest and peace.

The course of treatment depends on the type of disease.


There are a number of factors that can cause hemorrhagia. These include:

  1. Age changes in the structure of the eye.Mostly it affects older people.
  2. Violation of the work of rods and cones, responsible for the perception of colors.
  3. Genetic mutations, which are manifested by this disease.

In most situations, the patient is able to function normally and live with such a diagnosis.


Signaling the disease can be the following symptoms:

  • Extremely poor vision and ability to see the environment in the dark.The patient can not distinguish between individual objects and loses the ability to navigate in the dark.
  • Poor color perception. The presence of white spots with a sharp change from bright light to dim.
  • Changes in the fundus.There are also possible sensations of dryness of the mucous membrane of the eye, frequent skin diseases around the eyes and a buildup of pus on the conjunctiva.

If you have at least one symptom, you need to urgently consult an ophthalmologist.

Possible complications

By itself, night blindness does not carry any serious threats to human life.However, it should be taken into account that basically this ailment is a consequence of other, much more dangerous and unpleasant diseases. Also, the lack of vitamins leads to depletion of the structural components of the eye (vitreous, cornea, retina, optic nerve), which givescomplications in the form of glaucoma, cataract and other seriously treatable diseases.

Complications are that other serious illnesses may manifest. Also, not all types of hemorrhagia can be cured. It all depends on the type and severity of the problem.


Only an ophthalmologist can determine the exact diagnosisbased on complaints and problems in the patient.

The main method of diagnosis is electroradiography, allowing to see all the anomalies in the retina of the eye. Human eyes are able to respond to special electrical impulses, the data is recorded with an oscilloscope.


In addition to this method, optical coherence tomography, refractometry, and sometimes tonography are also used.

Correct and timely diagnosis can increase the chances of recovery.


Before starting treatment for night blindness, you should know that the congenital form does not respond to treatment at all.There are three main ways to get rid of this trouble- medicamentous, surgical and folk. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Drug method

An excellent medicine for getting rid of this disease is Riboflavin.It contains a lot of useful vitamins and components, allowing to normalize all processes in the organs of vision. After taking the drug, tissues are saturated with oxygen, nerve impulses are better performed.

The dosage of the medicine is as follows: Bury twice a day by drop in each eye. The duration of the course is set individually for each patient. It is necessary to know that the drug has complications in the form of allergies to certain components.

Side effects include loss of normal visual acuity for the period of taking this product.

Riboflavin is used in the treatment of hemeralopia

As an excellent remedy, medicines containing vitamins A, B2, PP are suitable.

Surgical way

This method takes place if the hemorrhagia was caused by myopia or glaucoma.An operation to correct vision or timely treatment of the disease is performed.

Laser surgery

People's way

It is the right diet and diet. The following foods should be added to the diet:

  • Cod liver;
  • Dairy;
  • Cheese;
  • Eggs;
  • Milk;
  • Blackberry Berries, black currants, blueberries, peaches, gooseberries, cherries, mountain ash, apricots.
  • Eat more greens and vegetables.

Folk methods are highly effective only in the case of joint use with drugs.


To avoid night blindness, you should lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right. It is necessary to make a schedule of work and rest, not to let your eyes overexert. It is not recommended to sit in the dark in front of a computer monitor or TV. With constant work with the computer to do a rest once in 40 minutes.

In the daytime, you need to wear sunglasses.If you are a fan of ski resorts, then the mask will help save the retina of the eye from snow reflecting light.

It is necessary to know that much depends on the person's age. The more it is, the less chance for a complete cure.

Observe prevention on a mandatory basis. This will not only reduce the risks, but will improve your overall well-being, give strength and energy.



The disease "night blindness" in humans - a very unusual disease, which manifests itself in the inability to orient and see in the dark.It can be cured if it is not congenital in nature. To do this, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat more vitamins and follow preventive measures.In the event that you were able to independently detect yourself in Chicken Blindness - immediately consult a doctor for an investigation of the cause of its occurrence.Sometimes it can hide behind itself more serious diseases, ignoring of which can reduce the quality of sight.