Runny nose without fever

Runny nose without temperature in a child than to treat?

Nasmork-bez-temperatury-Kak-lechitOften a child of different ages has a runny nose without fever. Such a symptom can not be ignored, it is important to treat rhinitis in time, if it does not pass in a short time, there can be serious complications. Do not get carried away with the spray, drops, they will harm the health of the child, can be addictive. It is best to use traditional methods of treatment, an excellent and proven drug is garlic-onion syrup. Also advise to use a laser.

Causes of a cold without fever in a child

Rhinitis is an inflammatory process in the nasal mucosa. Symptom occurs for various reasons - due to viruses, various allergens, hypothermia, as a result of surgical interference, trauma, nervous system, weakened immune system, adenoids. Coryza most often occurs due to viruses. In this situation, it is not necessary to tighten the runny nose, you need to urgently consult a doctor for advice.

The treatment of a cold in a child without fever

With a cold, the nose is heavily embedded, the mucous membrane swells, and the mucus accumulates in large amounts. Note that rhinitis of bacterial, viral origin is always accompanied by high fever. When the temperature of the body does not rise in the cold, a person feels badly himself, he is disturbed by a constant allergic sneezing.

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Before treating a runny nose in a child, you must first find out the cause of the disease. For this, an antibacterial, antiviral, antiallergic drug is prescribed.

After using a local treatment, with which you can get rid of the common cold, improve the condition of the nasal passages, facilitate respiratory function.

Cleansing the baby's nose from mucus

You must make the baby blow your nose carefully. Heavy cleansing of the nose of a young child. In this situation, it is necessary to use a tube, a rubber pear, an aspirator to stretch the mucus. If the baby can not blow his nose off himself, they are advised to use a dropper.

First, all mucus is cleared, then in the back of the nose. In this situation, it is advised to use physiological saline. There is a large number of different medicines, you can cook at home, for this you need to rely on a liter of water salt - enough of a teaspoon. After dripping into both nostrils, after every 20 minutes. With the procedure, you can slime that was in the back nasal passage to move into the pharynx, after you can swallow. So the mucus will not accumulate.

The rules for treating a cold in a child

1. The room should be cool fresh air, so that the mucous membrane does not dry out, it is important to drink as much as possible. In this situation, a crimson tea, raisin broth, compote with dried fruits, still water, black strong tea with lemon will suit.

2. Advise to use drops with oils, so you can avoid drying out the mucous membrane of the pharynx, nose. Do not use drops containing antibiotics.

3. When you completely clean the baby's spout, you need to do everything in order to get rid of the swelling of the mucous membrane, so the baby can fully breathe. In this situation, you need to use vasoconstrictive drops. It is not worth getting involved, not more than 4 days, if there is no result, then it is worth to abandon them.

4. It is impossible for a child to drip milk, vegetable juices - from onions, scarlet, they can seriously damage, lead to serious irritation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, allergic reaction, spasm.

5. Modern medicine offers effective laser treatment, it positively affects the nasal mucosa when it is irradiated, it can significantly decrease, then it will be dense, hard, so you can avoid the inflammatory process in the mucosa, swelling. Using a laser, you can strengthen the vessels, do not allow them to expand. The procedure lasts no more than 15 minutes. It is necessary to go through up to 8 procedures to completely get rid of the common cold.

6. Remember that the common cold is dangerous because it can develop into a chronic form of rhinitis, sinusitis, it will greatly harm the child. If the rhinitis is correctly treated, a week can completely cure the child. The main thing is to eat right, constantly strengthen the immune system, so you can forget about this unpleasant symptom for a long time.

Simple methods of treating a cold without fever in a child

It is advised to warm your nose. It is not difficult to do this, it is necessary to warm up the bag with the addition of salt, cooked eggs. For warming advise to use a reflex lamp, the child must draw warm air with his nose, so he warms it up.

It is recommended to use Protargol droplets, they are an oxidizing agent, with the help of a drug it is possible to remove bacteria from the nose. Protargol contains silver. Keep such drops you must in dark dishes. Remember that more than 5 days Protargol can not be kept, all active components that are contained in it are destroyed.

Coryza can be cured by decoction of chamomile, mineral water, sea water, it must be buried in the nose. Drops clean the nose, have a positive effect on the mucosa.

Most often, nasal congestion is observed in a child with acute respiratory infection. A baby can not suckle, constantly throws it, is capricious. In this situation, you need to constantly monitor that the child can breathe normally with his nose. Before you feed your baby, clean your nose, you can suck off the mucus, using a special pear. When a child has a large number of crusts, such procedures will not help.

So, it is necessary to pay attention to the runny nose without the temperature, it does not pass without a trace, can to be serious complications, it is important to avoid them in time, for this you need to treat the runny nose in all ways. Take care of various drops that can seriously damage the health of the child.

What to drink with a cold without fever?

what to drink with cold without temperature

A cold is usually called a disease of the upper respiratory tract, which is caused by viruses. It is believed that if a person has strong immunity, then such a disease will occur without temperature. This is especially common in adults. If the child's organism immediately reacts to a viral infection with fever, then the adult organism with already established and a more or less strong immune response, may not respond at all to colds with fever.

Perhaps, for this reason, there are questions, such as what medicines to drink when cold without temperature? After all, most drugs in their composition have antipyretic agents, which in this case are not required. But all in order. Let us first consider the symptoms of a cold without raising the body temperature.

Symptoms of the disease

A cold without a temperature usually proceeds as with a rise in temperature:

  • unpleasant aches in joints;
  • sore throat;
  • congestion of mucus in the nose, runny nose;
  • cough, as a result of sore throat;
  • general weakness and malaise.

The incubation period in viral infections of the upper respiratory tract is up to two days. Therefore, the symptoms can appear gradually. First the cold can begin simply with an easy indisposition, and later there will be a runny nose and a sore throat.

Approach to treating colds

The first thing to remember is that viruses are eliminated from the body with the help of abundant drinking. Therefore, drinking requires a lot, teas with honey, lemon, herbs, fruit drinks, and just water.

Whether it is worth taking pills for colds without temperature is up to you and the treating doctor, based on the general condition of the body. After all, it happens that there is no temperature, and the condition is very bad, there is no strength to rise, a strong ache all over the body. In such cases it is better to help the body cope with the virus. Perfectly suitable:

  • Imunoflazid;
  • Amiksin;
  • Lavomak;
  • Arbidol;
  • Tamiflu and others.

Modern pharmacology offers a wide range of medicines aimed at fighting viruses. Virtually all the powders that are directed to destroy the virus and raise the body's immunity have paracetamol, which is not necessary for colds without fever. But on the other hand, aspirin in the composition of drugs helps the body cope with the virus.

From a cold without fever, you can drink funds that increase overall immunity and enable you to quickly overcome a viral infection.

what to drink when cold without the temperature of the pill

Do not forget that in addition to taking medications for colds without fever, old proven methods help:

  • maximum bed rest;
  • teas from herbs (viburnum, raspberry, linden and others);
  • warm and fairly fresh air in the room.
  • positive attitude to recovery.

If the body has strong immunity, then the cold will take 5-7 days and will not leave a trace. But measures still take to avoid bad complications.

Causes and treatment of sneezing and runny nose without fever

Sneezing and runny nose without fever - this can be both allergy symptoms and ARVI. It is believed that this phenomenon in ARVI indicates a strong immunity. The body itself is able to fight infection. But is it really so?

The problem of sneezing and cold

What can cause these symptoms?

Far from always the above signs can talk about ARVI. After all, such a disease may not be accompanied by high fever, and a cough does not appear at all, so it's not worthwhile to rush to make a diagnosis and run to the pharmacy. So, sneezing and runny nose can appear for several reasons: respiratory system infections, dust ingress, allergies, colds, flu, rhinovirus infection. In order to eliminate these effects, it is necessary to know the nature of the symptoms.

The first two cases can occur with poor cleaning, airing the room. Dust and foreign particles enter the nasopharynx, thereby irritating it and causing sneezing.

Furacilin for nasal lavageVery often, these symptoms can talk about an allergic reaction. When irritating particles get on the mucous body, they try to get rid of them by sneezing. In addition, protective mucus is produced in the form of a runny nose, eyes are lacrimation. Now it remains to eliminate the stimulus and avoid contact with it in the future.

Colds and flu have a number of their own, unlike allergies, symptoms. The onset of influenza is characterized by chills, high body temperature. A person feels an ailment, he is thrown into the heat in the cold. There is a perspiration, a cough, a sore throat, an ache in the body, a headache. In addition, with this disease there is weakness, appetite disappears. The beginning of the cold is indicated by a runny nose. The fact is that the inflammatory process begins precisely with the nose. The appearance of a cough comes at a later stage. There are cases when first there is a fever, then a runny nose. If you do not provide medical assistance on time, there is a risk of overgrowing a cold in bronchitis.

In the event that an increase in body temperature is not observed, but sneezing and runny nose appear every morning, the causes can be the following: drying of the mucosa, polyps, rhinovirus infection.

The dryness of the nasal mucosa can be provoked by the uncontrolled use of drops against the common cold, too dry air, a violation of the functioning of the capillaries. Self-treatment of such a phenomenon can not yield any results, here specialist's help is needed.

Sea salt for washing the noseThe polyp is a small neoplasm that causes discomfort when breathing. Often people do not attach importance to a small periodic runny nose, postponing a visit to a doctor. They use drops that bring temporary relief, but they lead to more serious problems. With a permanent nasal congestion, in no case can you take medication yourself. It is better to come to the reception to the ENT. He will explain that today there are many methods for treating polyps.

Another cause of sneezing and rhinitis without fever can be a rhinovirus infection. This is an acute illness of the nasal mucosa, which is caused by viruses. As a rule, such a virus enters the body by airborne droplets. This disease has pronounced symptoms: edema, reddening of the nose, frequent sneezing, lacrimation, irritation mucous eyes, sometimes rhinovirus infection can still be accompanied by a temperature increase of up to 38 degrees. This phenomenon occurs with weakened immunity.

The course of treatment should be under medical supervision. Antimicrobial medications can be used, as well as traditional medicine in the complex. It is useful to drink broths from medicinal herbs: lime, chamomile, mother-and-stepmother. They help to speed up the action of tablets.

What can I do to relieve the condition myself?

It is recommended to wash the nasal sinuses in order to get rid of harmful viruses, thereby preventing their reproduction.

Otrivin at sneezing and runny noseWhat will help?

Tinctures based on sea water.

Use for washing the broth of medicinal herbs, iodine solution, furacilin, salt water. To prepare the solution, it is recommended to use sea salt, since it contains all the elements that are necessary in the fight against viruses.

Substances that cause allergies can be washed with ordinary boiled water.

When sneezing and runny nose, you can use the following drugs: Otrivin, Dolphin, Akvalor, Salmin.

With a runny nose effectively fight: Nazol, Knoxprey, Tizin, Sanorin.

It should be remembered that the optimal composition of the nose rinsing remedy, as well as a drop or spray, can be advised only by a specialist, depending on the nature of the disease. After all, it can be caused not only by ARI, but also by other causes (allergy, dry nasal mucosa, rhinitis).

Conclusion on the topic

So, the lack of temperature for sneezing and runny nose can be caused by a number of different reasons. Do not immediately use sprays, trying to treat a runny nose, or taking pills for allergies. It is better to consult a specialist who will prescribe the right treatment, advise washing. So you can protect yourself from the consequences of improper self-treatment by pharmacy.

Sneezing and runny nose without temperature, how to treat?

Chihanie i nasmork bez temperaturyi kak lechitIf you started sneezing, it means that the cold will soon appear. These are indeed two interrelated processes. Doctors say that sneezing is actually the standard companion of the common cold and vice versa. Depending on the type of disease, a runny nose or sneezing can occur in a person both simultaneously and in turn.

In order to effectively eliminate sneezing and runny nose, it is necessary to determine the nature of the origin of these phenomena. And, already, depending on this, there will be treatment. For example, if sneezing and runny nose are signs of a catarrhal disease, then the therapy is performed with antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs. But, what to do when sneezing and runny nose go without temperature. How to treat such conditions of ailment?

Sneezing and runny nose - as a symptom of allergy

When you have a runny nose without fever, this can be a sign of an allergic reaction. If you are allergic, for example, to pollen, then sneezing is a natural reaction of the body to foreign particles and constituents. That is, your nasal sinuses and villi in them are trying to get rid of the pollen (this, as a sample for example).

During sneezing, a pressure jet is generated, which is ejected from the nasal cavity and as a result, harmful foreign particles and excess mucus leave. When a person sneezes, it means that his upper respiratory tract spontaneously protects himself from various harmful irritating substances. Remember, what was your reaction when you were last in a dirty dusty place? After all, even when a person does not have an allergic reaction, he continues to sneeze and his mucous is actively irritated. In the formation of the common cold, the reflex to sneeze and release the nasal mucosa from foreign substances, is greatly enhanced. Therefore, the body begins to urgently release the nose from those substances that prevent it from breathing freely. As a result of this interconnected chain, a runny nose begins.

Symptoms of an allergy

So, if a person sneezes very often, and besides, after an active sneeze, a runny nose starts, in most cases all these signs indicate the presence of an allergic reaction. Most often, such a reaction occurs in the summer due to the dust and pollen of flowering plants.

But, an allergy can overtake a person not only in the summer period of time. In the autumn-winter season, a person may start allergic to mold, as well as animal hair. The causes of allergic rhinitis are huge.

A characteristic symptom of an allergic reaction is watery eyes - red, swollen. Therefore, you can immediately say that if a person sneezes constantly, has a runny nose without fever, swells and watery eyes, then these are obvious allergy symptoms. Now, you just need to understand what exactly you can have allergies and eliminate this irritant from your life.

Sneezing and cold without colds

The common cold usually begins with the inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa. Initially, the runny nose goes before sneezing. Cough comes much later than the microbes entered the larynx.

Often, first a person starts coughing, then the temperature rises, then a runny nose and sneezing appear. The common cold can spread to the upper respiratory tract, in particular, to the nasopharynx. And if in time, not to discover and do not understand that a person is troubled by colds, then chronic bronchitis can develop.

If a person does not get fever, and if the sneezing and sneezing begin to be actively disturbed in the morning, this indicates such diseases as:

  • Vasomotor rhinitis, which is non-allergic in nature;
  • Mechanical damage to the nose, due to which there is a violation of breathing;
  • Polyps;
  • The mucous nasal dries much.

Of course, sneezing and runny nose are more common during respiratory diseases. Initially, a person lays a nose, they sneeze, there is a runny nose. Treatment in this case, is to completely get rid of the bacteria-pathogens.

Treatment for sneezing

To get rid of sneezing, you must first get rid of sneezing. Of course, the treatment of the common cold depends on the severity of the disease.

Drainage of the nasal sinuses leads to the removal of the inflammatory process and the removal of edema. Also, constant washing of the nose results in complete disposal of pathogenic microorganisms. So, how can you get rid of sneezing and a cold:

  • Use of pharmacy tinctures prepared on the basis of sea salt;
  • Washing the infusions of medicines;
  • Rinsing the nose with juice of berries;
  • Application of pharmacy solutions of iodine;
  • Rinsing of the nose with the help of potassium permanganate;
  • Washing of the nasal sinuses of furacilin;
  • Usual boiled water with salt, soda.

Very good effect on the nasal mucosa of ordinary sea salt, which already contains all the useful substances and elements that normalize the nasal mucosa.

Remove allergic substances from the nasal cavity in the form of dust, pollen, and with the help of ordinary water.

During sneezing and runny nose, you can use solutions such as aquamaris, otrivin, saline, aqualor, and also dolphin.

If the sneezing is caused by the aggravation of the allergic reaction, then eliminate this effect such means: Teridin, Telfast, Zirtek, Claritin. Their active action is aimed at narrowing the blood vessels, eliminating itching, sneezing.

Cures for the cold

Listed below are the most popular medicines for the common cold in the form of sprays: Nazol, Knoxprey, Sanorinchik for children; Sanorin with eucalyptus oil, Otrivin, Rhinorus, Tizin.

Effective vasoconstrictors are the following drugs: oxymetazoline, naphazoline, tetrisolin, xylometazoline.

Chills, runny nose WITHOUT temperature



Cold! You are being treated ...


pulse is) cool, probably, and air conditioning is?)

Alexander Brezgunov

Chilliness WITHOUT temperature speaks about a lack
food-eating culture ...


Physical manifestations
Rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. With a cold, the nose is laid and "flows", the patient constantly sneezes.
Emotional causes
Runny nose occurs in a person who has encountered some confusing situation and is confused. He has the impression that someone or some situation is like attacking him. As a rule, such a person is too worried about minor details. He does not know where to begin. This causes him anger, because he would like to do everything in one fell swoop. The confusion that arises in his head prevents him from realizing his true needs and living the present. He may even feel that some situation smells bad. He is able to get sick with a runny nose and from a subconscious calculation - that some unpleasant person will eventually leave him alone for fear of getting infected.
Mental causes
The main mental blockage in the common cold is the popular belief that "the runny nose occurs due to hypothermia." Such beliefs influence us much more than we think, working as formulas for auto-suggestion. No less common is the misconception that you can catch a cold. They are infected only by those who share this error. So you have to get rid of such misconceptions. If everyone does this, there will be many more healthy people on our planet. In any case, since any sickness bears some meaning in itself, a runny nose as a result of some common misconceptions tells you that you are a light-hearted and subject to someone else's influence.
The deeper meaning of the common cold as a message is that you need to relax and not waste yourself in vain. Do not put down your feelings. Do not try to do many things at the same time. Do not get used to blaming in your problems some situation or other people: not wanting to feel, smell the situation or a person, you turn off all your feelings, and this prevents you from accurately determining your priorities and needs. Cm. also the article of FNL (PROBLEMS).
Spiritual causes and elimination
In order to understand the spiritual causes that interfere with the satisfaction of the important need of your sincere Self, ask yourself the questions contained in the material monadotherapy. Answers to these questions will allow you, not only to more accurately determine the true cause of your physical problem, but also to eliminate it.

Cough with phlegm and runny nose without fever

cough with phlegm and runny nose without fever

If the disease occurs against the background of a rise in temperature, then this is evidence of the body's struggle with the infection that caused the disease. But sometimes there is coughing with phlegm and a runny nose without fever. What kinds of health problems are indicated by these manifestations, and what therapy is required? We listen to the advice of experienced therapists.

Causes of wet cough and runny nose without fever


The most common cause of cough with sputum and simultaneous swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose is smoking. The fact is that some substances contained in tobacco are catalysts for secretory secretions of the nasopharynx. Constantly produced mucus causes coughing attacks of the "inveterate smoker", which are especially pronounced in the morning hours. With "smoker's bronchitis", bronchial deformity occurs.


Coryza, cough, sore throat and headache without fever - signs of SARS and ARI against a background of reduced immunity. If in this case there is pus in the viscous sputum or a curdled white detachable, the patient developed hypertrophic pharyngitis with a pharyngeal mucosa that is characteristic for the disease.


Cough, continuous sneezing and other signs of a cold (nasal congestion, shortness of breath) without temperature are observed in allergy attacks. In some cases, the reaction to the allergen disappears immediately after stopping contact with it, but sometimes the allergy can last weeks, months and go into asthma - a serious illness characterized by sudden attacks of suffocation.


After a person has had ARVI or pneumonia, for a while there may be weakness, cough, a runny nose without fever. Doctors believe that this is quite normal phenomenon, explained by the reception of mucolytics. But if there are signs of asphyxiation at the same time, you should definitely seek help from a specialist, since it may be a relapse of the disease.

Heart diseases

Cough with phlegm without temperature in rare cases - a symptom of a malfunction in the work of the cardiovascular system.


Signs of a sluggish cold - a cough with a cold without temperature - are characteristic of invasions. Infection with parasites (helminths, pinworms, ascarids) can occur not only in a child, as many believe, but also in an adult. Such a symptomatology can be in venereal diseases.


A sputum with pus, bloody veins and a low-grade fever is an occasion to undergo an examination with an oncologist. Thus, lung cancer is manifested in the initial stages.

Severe lung disease

Dark-colored sputum when coughing without fever is a sign of severe damage to the respiratory system in some professions employed in the coal, mining, machine-building industries, such as pneumoconiosis, lung abscess, gangrene.

Treatment of cough and cold without fever

If coughing, runny nose without temperature is a problem for a fairly long time, you should consult a doctor and go for a recommended examination if necessary.

cough and runny nose without fever

Therapy of the condition is associated with the treatment of the underlying disease, so for allergy prescribed antihistamines, with cardiovascular pathologies - cardiac drugs, etc. Treatment of cold cough is based on the intake:

  • antitussive drugs;
  • mucolytics;
  • expectorant and inflammatory remedies (syrups, piles, decoctions of wild rosemary, St. John's wort, mother-and-stepmother, chamomile, sage, etc.).

An excellent effect gives inhalation and irrigation of the nasopharynx soda solutions, sodium chloride, herbal decoctions.

Causes and treatment if sore throat cough runny nose no temperature

The throat hurts, there is a cough, a runny nose, and there is no temperature - such symptoms are well known to many people. And this is a true manifestation of the common cold, or, in medical terms, an acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI). More precisely, one of the diseases caused by various viral pathogens. Therefore, despite the seeming insignificance of the symptoms, in no case should they be ignored. After all, a trifling sore at first glance is quite capable not only to seriously poison life, but also lead to very bad complications.

The problem of ARVI disease

Who is the culprit of the disease?

Characteristic for SARS symptoms can be caused by a fairly large family of viral pathogens, which are divided into 5 main groups:

  • influenza viruses;
  • parainfluenza viruses;
  • rhinovirus;
  • adenoviruses;
  • reoviruses.

In addition, more than 300 different subtypes have pathogenic properties. The most characteristic feature is that they are all highly infectious and mostly transmitted by airborne droplets. Many of them are able to spread even with physical contacts (handshake, touching handrails in public transport).Therefore, during the seasonal binge of infection it is very important not only to avoid places of mass gathering of people, but also to observe elementary rules of hygiene.

The general picture of infection

Headache is a symptom of ARVI

Due to the peculiarities of the spread of acute respiratory viral infections, the nasopharynx and larynx are often primarily affected, so first a person can feel pain and perspiration in the throat, which in the future are accompanied by a cough and discharge from the nose. Getting to the cells of the mucous membrane, the viruses quickly adapt, and then they begin to capture the territory with lightning speed. In most cases, the incubation period takes only a few days (an average of 1-3 days), after which the entire range of unpleasant symptoms is immediately felt.

The classic set of symptoms of SARS usually consists of the following manifestations:

  • cough and runny nose;
  • sneezing;
  • pain and sore throat;
  • headache;
  • aches in muscles and joints;
  • redness and swelling of the tonsils.

Elevated body temperature in most cases is observed only if the primary disease is complicated by a secondary bacterial infection.

Is it possible to identify a particular pathogen?

The structure of adenovirus

At home, it is very difficult to determine which virus caused the disease. This pattern of infection is usually the same for almost all groups of pathogens, but there are some differences that can help identify the culprit.

The main and most characteristic symptom of influenza is a very severe headache. In addition, there is a pronounced general malaise, lethargy and aches in the body, but the runny nose and cough are poorly expressed. If these symptoms are accompanied by a fever, then you can be 100% sure that this is the flu.

Paragripp - this group of viruses is located mainly on the larynx. The main symptom is a rough barking cough and a hoarse voice. It is very important to diagnose this disease in time, as often it gives such a dangerous complication as a false cereal.

The main symptom of rhinovirus damage is a severe cough in the total absence of fever (in young children, sometimes it can cause a fever). Also, the effect of rhinoviruses is characterized by a severe runny nose. Possible complications in the defeat of rhinovirus are sinusitis and bronchitis.

Weakness in a child with adenovirus

Cough with adenovirus damage is not the most pronounced symptom. Much more often they are manifested by a very strong runny nose and inflammation of the conjunctiva. In the presence of these symptoms, it is better to immediately think about self-medication and go to a medical facility as soon as adenoviruses often cause dangerous complications. If the human immunity is too weak, the virus can affect not only the respiratory tract, but also the kidneys, liver, spleen, intestines and even the brain. Therefore, do not once again take chances.

When the body is infected with an agent from the group of reoviruses, a very strong inflammation of the nasopharynx first of all arises. There is a runny nose and cough. In addition, patients often experience nausea, digestive problems and painful inflammation of the tonsils. To determine that the causative agent of the disease was exactly the reovirus, it is possible and for such features as swelling of the lymph nodes and complete absence of appetite in patients. And, although the symptoms look quite intimidating, they often completely go away within seven days. However, if this does not happen, it is necessary to appear to the doctor, since reoviruses are also capable of causing very serious complications.

What kind of treatment should be done?

First of all it is desirable to determine after all what type of virus the disease was caused by. This will help to choose a more adequate therapy and to start the correct treatment more quickly. But if this can not be done, there is no harm, since treatment often reduces to the elimination of unpleasant symptoms.

Benefits of gargling

The fact is that anti-catarrhal drugs that are capable of destroying the virus itself, are currently simply does not exist, so the only thing that is possible is to help the body to deal with the problem itself.

In order to recover as quickly as possible, the patient will need the following:

  • light, but nutritious food;
  • reception of a full complex of vitamins, minerals and amino acids;
  • abundant drinking;
  • fresh air (need as often as possible to ventilate the room);
  • regular rinsing of the throat and washing of the upper respiratory tract with a special solution;
  • constant rest and sound sleep.

The last point can be considered the most important. There is nothing to think about, to pass the disease on your feet.

Physicians have long proven the fact that, with complete rest, the illness begins to recede for 3-4 days, at that time as a patient, who through force continue to lead an active lifestyle, stretch it for 7-10 days or more.

In addition, it is not only the best way to significantly prolong their anguish, but also a considerable chance to get dangerous complications. Therefore, it is better to immediately take a sick leave and, having had a few days to recover, quickly get to your feet.

Are medicines and folk medecine effective?

Benefits of rose hips in ARVI

Despite the fact that in most cases the body can perfectly cope with the disease on its own, very often there is a need to resort to special medications. After all, each person's symptoms are manifested in completely different ways. The main set of medications in this case can be limited by expectorant drugs, cold remedies, as well as analgesic anti-inflammatory drugs.

The first will facilitate coughing up phlegm and clearing the lungs of mucus, the second will eliminate blockage of the upper respiratory tract, and the third help locate the inflammatory process, and also give the patient the opportunity to fully relax, which is a very important help for an early victory over the disease.

Will the benefits of traditional medicine - the answer is only positive. Decoctions of rose hips, hawthorn and dried fruits, herbal teas based on thyme, lemon balm, marigold, chamomile, mint and many other medicinal herbs (more details can be consulted at the pharmacist), hot tea with raspberry or currant jam, warm milk with honey - all these funds contribute to the overall strengthening of the body and greatly facilitate the course of the disease.

However, from popular means such as banks, mustard plasters or vodka (alcohol) compresses, it is better to refuse. The fact is that for their use it is necessary to have certain skills, therefore, if it is not possible to entrust this matter to an experienced therapist, it is better to abandon them altogether. Be healthy!

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