The most effective folk remedies for the treatment of barley on the eye

Probably every person in life had to experience unpleasant sensations, which arose because of barley on the eye. In addition to disturbing the appearance, this pathology leads to the development of burning, rubbing, lacrimation and pain. To eliminate the abscess, you can use proven methods of traditional medicine, but only after a preliminary consultation with a specialist.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Methods of folk treatment
    • 3.1Warming up
      • 3.1.1Salt
      • 3.1.2Flax-seed
      • 3.1.3Egg
    • 3.2Compresses
      • 3.2.1Alcoholic
      • 3.2.2Propolis tincture
      • 3.2.3Tea house
      • 3.2.4Butter
      • 3.2.5Soda
      • 3.2.6Garlic
      • 3.2.7Bay leaf
    • 3.3Castor oil
    • 3.4Teas and decoctions
      • 3.4.1Herbal Remedies
      • 3.4.2Euphoria
      • 3.4.3Calendula
      • 3.4.4Chamomile
  • 4Drops
      • 4.0.1Kalanchoe
      • 4.0.2Aloe
  • 5Prevention
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

Definition of disease

Barley on the eye is an education that looks like a small ball full of pus. Its dimensions can vary, as well as the location. It can be focused on the upper or lower eyelid, be internal and external. The abscess is of an infectious nature and needs immediate therapy.

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To influence the development of barley is capable of staphylococcal infection, which can penetrate the body under the influence of the following factors:

  1. Prolonged exposure to cold and colds.
  2. Not compliance with personal hygiene.
  3. Lack or excess of vitamins, diseases of the endocrine and digestive systems.
  4. Weak immunity.

Before the appointment of a doctor, the doctor must determine the type of abscess. It can be external, internal, cold and cold.

Methods of folk treatment

Warming up

Warming up can be carried out only at the initial stage of the disease and moist forms of compresses are not allowed.


It is necessary to warm salt in a frying pan, put it in a handkerchief, tie it in the form of a pouch and attach it to the area of ​​the lesion. Keep salt until it cools. Perform such actions 3-4 times a day.

It is possible to carry out such measures only at the initial stage, when there is no inflammatory process. Under the influence of heat, the ball will dissipate faster.

If there is at least a minimal inflammation, then the treatment should be abandoned, because under the influence of heat, the infection will spread.


Use this recipe is also necessary at the initial stage of development of barley. In a clean frying pan lay the raw material, warm it and put it in a clean sock. Apply heat to the affected area and keep until it cools. The day to perform 3-4 times.


Boil the hard-boiled egg, wrap it in a handkerchief and attach it to the barley. Perform slow rolling movements until the egg cools.



It is necessary to take a cotton pad, moisten it with alcohol, wring out and carefully put it on the eyelid, closing your eyes. Before this, the skin of the eyelids should be washed with water. Hold for 5 minutes, then repeat the manipulation.

Use this method is necessary for brewing barley, when there is an itch, a slight reddening and a barely noticeable ball.

Propolis tincture

An excellent alternative to alcohol - a tincture of propolis. It can be prepared at home. To do this, take a glass of alcohol and 40 g of propolis, which must be finely chopped. The components are connected and set for 2 weeks. In the filtered tincture, moisten the cotton wool discs and apply to the affected area. In a day to perform 2-3 times a duration of 5-7 minutes.

Tea house

This tool is one of the most popular and available. It can be used at different stages of barley development. To do this, you will have to stock up strong tea brewing. Wet a cotton wool in it and put it on your eyes. Do this several times a day. Due to such a compress you can refresh the eyelid skin, stop swelling, itching and minor pain.


To mitigate the present symptoms and eliminate it, you can use the usual kefir. Simply moisten the cotton pad in it and attach it to the affected area. Do this 3-4 times a day.


This is a popular home remedy that can be used to treat various ailments. With the help of soda, you can stop the itch from barley, which has just begun to ripen.

Take 20 g of soda, dissolve in 200 ml of water. Moisten cotton pad in solution and apply on eyelids. Hold for 15 minutes. On the day, repeat 3-4 times.


This acute product is characterized by disinfecting properties. You need to take a few cloves of garlic, grind with garlic to get juice. Soak a cotton swab in it and gently treat the affected area. On the day, such events should be held 2-3 times a day.

Bay leaf

It is necessary to take a few leaves, fill with water. Set on the fire by placing wadded disks. Tooth for 2-3 minutes, and then to insist for 30 minutes. Remove the cotton pads and attach them to the eyes.

Castor oil

This product is used for compress. Its effectiveness is so high that even after 2 procedures an improvement is observed. Take the oil and soak it with cotton pads. Put on eyelids and fix with a plaster.

Perform such activities best before going to bed on the pre-cleaned skin of the century.

Teas and decoctions

Herbal Remedies

For the treatment of barley, you can use decoctions and infusion of herbs. Effectively use:

  • chamomile;
  • St. John's wort;
  • calendula.

Take 20 g of collection and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Infuse for 2 minutes, filter and add 30 drops of propolis. Perform lotions for 15 minutes 3 times a day.


This herb is very effective in treating barley. It is necessary to take 60 g of raw material, pour boiling water. Simmer for 5 minutes. Filter the broth and use for washing and compress. This will help to reduce swelling, redness, inflammation and inhibit suppuration. Carry out medical treatment 3 times a day for 5 minutes.


To obtain curative infusion, you can use the flowers of marigold. They effectively stop inflammation, itching and have an analgesic effect. Take 20 grams of raw material, pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist 30 minutes. Filter and add warm water. Use a lotion and rinse aid.


This product has a soothing, antiseptic and cleansing effect. So use chamomile is necessary to eliminate the ripening barley. Take 20 g of raw materials, pour a glass of boiling water, insist 30 minutes. Before use, filter, moisten the cotton pad and attach to the eyelids. Duration of manipulation is 15 minutes, carried out 3 times a day.



Leaves of the plant finely chop, squeeze the juice. Connect with water in the following proportions:. The resulting composition should be dripped eyes 2-3 times a day.

The received infusion perfectly approaches and for lotions. Apply them to the affected area for 10 minutes.


To stop the inflammation and swelling of the eyelid with barley, it is necessary to use drops based on aloe. Squeeze the juice from the fresh leaf of the plant, dilute with water in equal amounts. Infuse infusion 3 hours, while from time to time it shaken. Finished solution to drip on 1-2 drops or used for washing eyes.


To protect yourself from barley on the eye, you must follow the following simple rules:

  1. To increase immunity.For this, it is necessary to revise the food. It should be saturated with vitamins and beneficial microelements. The diet should include more vegetables and fruits. Positively affect the body exercise. If you do not have time to do sports, then you can just exercise and jog in the mornings.
  2. Do not use other people's cosmetics and hygiene products.
  3. Observe the rules of personal hygiene.



Barley on the eye is an unpleasant phenomenon, which must be treated at an early stage of development. This will prevent the development of abscess and other unpleasant symptoms. Folk remedies have proved to be effective for a number of years in the fight against this scourge, but one should not engage in self-medication, as some of the given medicines may result from allergies.

Read also about the methods of treating barley with drops and ointments.