Antiviral tablets for colds

List of inexpensive drugs against influenza and colds

Almost every person, at least once a year, suffers from a cold. No matter how strong the human body, it can not be fully insured against viruses and infections, especially if there is an off-season or winter. Producers for disease control offer inexpensive medicine for colds and flu. You need to know which ones are not just cheap, but also effective.

Antiviral drugs are inexpensive but effective

Medicines for the treatment of viral infections

All funds for influenza and cold are divided into three broad categories:

  1. Antiviral. These drugs fight the virus, make the body cells more resistant to its effects.
  2. Immunomodulators. Preparations to correct the body's defense reactions to the natural level.
  3. For symptomatic treatment. Drugs of this group do not suppress the infection, but simply remove the symptoms of a cold or flu.

Antiviral tablets

The most famous drugs of this category:

  1. Tamiflu, Oseltamivir. Adults and adolescents drink 1 tablet twice a day for five days. The medicine is not recommended for those who have diseased kidneys.
  2. instagram viewer
  3. «Amiksin». Adults drink on the first day of illness two tablets of 125 mg, and then - a piece every other day. The dosage of a child's drug is halved. The drug is not allowed for pregnant women.
  4. "Ribavirin." The drug is a new generation, very effective. Adults take r, r four times a day. Course - 5 days.
Tamiflu Capsules


Inexpensive good cures for cold and flu of this category:

  1. "Cycloferon." The drug for adults and children, who are already four years old. The course is 20 days, take a pill every other day.
  2. «Kagotsel». This medicine can be combined with antibiotics. Adults drink two tablets three times the first two days, and then one each. "Kagotsel" can not be taken for the first three months of pregnancy.
  3. Anaferon. Homeopathic remedy. Adults drink one tablet 3-6 times a day.
Tablets for resorption Anaferon for children

For symptomatic treatment

List of drugs that can remove signs of illness:

  1. "Koldakt Flyu Plus." Capsules with paracetamol and excipients. Drink them one by one every 12 hours. During treatment it is necessary to refuse categorically from alcoholic beverages.
  2. "Coldrex". Helps with a cold with a wet cough. It is necessary to take one tablet 3-4 times a day. This drug can not be drunk if you have diabetes, liver or kidney failure.
  3. "Rince". Tablets take a piece 4 times a day. They can not be drunk with pregnant women, children under 15, people with heart disease, blood vessels. Course - 5 days.
  4. Fervex. The drug is released in the form of sachets of powder, which must be dissolved in warm water. Do not use "Fervex" for more than three days. A day can not drink more than 4 packages.
Fervex Powder for relieving cold symptoms

Cold remedies

In addition to pills, there are many other drugs that fight disease effectively. If you do not want to take antiviral medications for cold and flu, drink complex means of symptomatic action, then you can try another treatment tactic. The decision must be made based on the severity of the disease. There are many inexpensive drugs for cold and flu that will ease your condition.

From a sore throat

To remove inflammation and irritation you will benefit from such medications:

  1. "Grammidine." Quick-acting tablets for resorption with anesthetic. Take them two times four times a day, observing a weekly course.
  2. Strepsils. Relieve pain and have an antiseptic effect. Tablets must be dissolved one at a time every three hours. Children over five years of age are allowed to be treated with the drug. Completely remove the pain in the throat for three or four days.
  3. Faryngosept. A powerful medicine that is forbidden to children under six. Tablets are recommended to dissolve after eating and then for a while not to drink liquids. For a day - no more than five pieces. The course of treatment is three days.
Pharyngocept tablets from sore throat

Nasal drops

Runny nose will help you remove these drugs:

  1. "Sanorin". Have vasoconstrictive effect. Do not treat nasal congestion, and temporarily eliminate it. These drops can not be used for more than five days in a row. The composition of the reduced concentration of vasoconstrictor substances and eucalyptus oil.
  2. "Pinosol". Medicinal drops that have a curative effect. They struggle slowly with the causes of the common cold, but they do not eliminate the stuffiness.
  3. Aqua Maris. Means for moisturizing the nasal mucosa. It does not dry the blood vessels, it speeds up the healing process. Moisturizing drops are recommended to apply for any type of common cold.
  4. "Vibrocil". Antiviral drug. Drops remove not only the common cold, but also its cause. They have vasoconstrictive, antihistamine action, kill bacteria, and reduce swelling.


Rapidly reduce the temperature of such medicines:

  1. "Paracetamol". A time-tested and inexpensive remedy that removes heat, relieves pain and inflammation. There are practically no side effects. Paracetamol is the main active ingredient of many other medicines: Panadol, Fervexa, Flukolda, Coldrex.
  2. Ibuprofen. This medicine is rather anti-inflammatory, but it also lowers the temperature well. Do not take those with an ulcer, kidney or liver disease. It is part of the "Nurofen", "Ibuklina".
  3. "Aspirin" (acetylsalicylic acid). Antipyretic and analgesic. Do not take pregnant women, children under 12, those who have low blood coagulability. It is the main component of a huge number of other antipyretic drugs.
Antipyretics Paracetamol

From herpes

This unpleasant symptom of cold will help to overcome such ointments:

  1. Acyclovir. The most inexpensive means. It struggles with the virus, does not allow it to multiply. If you are pregnant or are breastfeeding, do not use the drug. If herpes you often appears, it is better to alternate "Acyclovir" with another antiseptic ointment or cream, so as not to cause addiction.
  2. Zovirax. The composition of the cream includes propylene glycol, thanks to which the active substance penetrates into the cells faster and more efficiently. It is well absorbed into the skin. "Zovirax" should be used clearly according to the instructions.
  3. Fenistil Pencivir. Very powerful medicine that eliminates herpes immediately. Does not allow the wound to become scarring. The drug can not be used by pregnant, lactating mothers, children under the age of 12.

From cough

Forms of the drug Lazolvan from a cough

Table of preparations:

From a dry cough

From a wet cough

  • "Lazolvan";
  • Ambrohexal;
  • "Herbion";
  • "Libexin";
  • "Stoptussin."
  • "ACTS";
  • "Broncholitin";
  • "Acestad" (analogue of ATSTS);
  • "Pertussin";
  • Mukaltin;
  • Doctor MOM.

Inexpensive drugs analogues

If even the cheapest antiviral drugs are too expensive for you, use Paracetamol, Aspirin, or Ibuprofen. For symptomatic treatment, use local remedies: nasal drops "Naphthyzine" or "Farmazolin", tablets for the treatment of sore throat "Septifril", medicine "From coughing". It will also be effective to rinse your throat with "Chlorophyllipt".

Drugs for the prevention of influenza and colds

To protect yourself from the disease, and not to cope with its manifestations, it is best to use drugs with immunomodulating action. The rules of preventive reception are described in the instructions of each of them. You can try capsules "Broncho-munal", which is allowed to combine with almost all drugs. A good prophylactic action is possessed by such drugs as Ribomunil, Immunal, Rimantadine, Arbidol, Amizon.

Video: home Coldreks for colds


Olya, 27 years old: At the first symptoms of the flu, I always take some symptomatic medicine, for example, "Rinzu" or "Coldrex". This does not allow the infection to "play out". Immunomodulators did not drink at all because of the high price. And I try to treat the child with folk remedies, but I knock down the temperature with Paracetamol. I trust more domestic products.

Lena, 35 years old: Now the pharmacy offers so many names of medicines for colds that it's hard not to get lost. I try to use antipyretic drugs, for example, "Aspirin" or "Paracetamol." If the runny nose begins, then I use "Pinosol". He helps well, though he does not break his nose. If you start a sore throat, I use "Chlorophyllipt".

Tanya, 24 years old: I always have ORVI with fever and cough. I drink Fervex in powders, and I also buy ACTS. Thanks to this treatment, my illness lasts for three or four days. Last winter, saw for the prevention of "Arbidol", but still sick, so I do not recognize any medications for correcting the immunity. I'm cured when the cold has already begun.

What pills to drink for colds

Without a common cold and flu, there is not a single cold season. We spend money on expensive medicines, trying to quickly get rid of all the unpleasant symptoms, forgetting about effective and inexpensive drugs. Meanwhile, there are pills for colds, which are several times cheaper than the advertised counterparts. The main thing - to understand the mechanism of action of drugs, use them competently and purposefully.

What pills to drink with flu and colds

Drugs that help cope with colds, SARS, acute respiratory infections, influenza, are divided into two groups. The first of these is for symptomatic treatment. Tablets from the common cold of this group have antipyretic (aspirin), antihistamine (dibazol), anesthetizing, vasoconstrictor, diluting sputum (acce) action, are struggling with the following manifestations diseases:

  • nasal congestion;
  • elevated temperature;
  • lacrimation;
  • itching;
  • pain in the muscles;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes.

The second group of drugs affects the immunity and causative agent of the disease. They are appointed only in case of detection of the viral nature of the common cold. Funds of this category include:

  • inducers of interferon;
  • viral protein blockers;
  • inhibitors of neuraminidase.
Ingavirin for the treatment of colds

Antiviral drugs

Medicines for colds of antiviral action do not belong to antibiotics. Their task is not to destroy the pathogen, but to destroy its protein membrane, which blocks the development of the virus in the body. Antibiotics for colds are prescribed only if there are bacterial complications. Popular effective antiviral drugs:

  1. "Tamiflu" is a drug based on oseltamivir (azintomivir, aziltomirin). Suitable for an adult and a child.
  2. "Grippferon" is a complex preparation based on interferon alfa-2b.
  3. Relenza. The main active substance of the drug is zanamivir. It is prescribed for treatment of influenza A, B.
  4. "Ingavirin" is an effective remedy for swine flu, ARVI.
  5. «Amiksin». The analogue of the preparation is Tiloron and Lavomax.
  6. "Arbidol" is a drug for the treatment of influenza A, B, subtypes H1N1, H2N2, H3N2 and H5N1.
  7. "Acyclovir" is an antiviral drug based on thymidine nucleoside.
  8. "Cycloferon" is a drug containing methylglucamine acridone acetate.
Antiviral agent Amiksin


To this kind of medicines are homeopathic and synthetic medicines. With catarrhal diseases, thymus preparations, interferons, cytokines are prescribed:

  • "Imunofan";
  • Betaleikin;
  • "Timogen";
  • "Amiksin";
  • Aflubin;
  • "Roncoleicin";
  • "Kipferon;
  • Ribomunil;
  • "Bronhomunal";
  • "Pyrogenal";
  • "Galavit";
  • "Dyuzifon."

It should be remembered that it is impossible to take synthetic immunity modulators on your own. Assigning them, the doctor necessarily takes into account the age of the patient, the degree of weakening of the body's defenses, the variety of the disease. In some cases, stimulation of immunity is limited to the intake of vitamins or medicines of natural origin (tincture of echinacea, eleutherococcus, ginger, medinitsa, chicory, etc.).

Antigrippin for children

List of the best drugs for treating colds in adults and children

Modern combined cold preparations for simultaneous symptomatic treatment:

  • Anaferon;
  • Arbidol;
  • "Baralgetas";
  • "Antigrippin";
  • "Grammidine";
  • "Coldrex";
  • Kagocel;
  • Remantadin;
  • "Rinza";
  • "Rinikold";
  • Sinupret;

Tablets that help quickly get rid of cough:

  • Butamirat;
  • Glaucin;
  • Mukaltin;
  • "Dextromethorphan";
  • "Ledvropropizin";
  • Prenoxediazine.

From a sore throat:

  • Strepsils;
  • "The Trachian";
  • "Linkas";
  • "Grammidine";
  • Septefril;
  • Faryngosept;
  • "Lisobakt".

Homeopathic preparations:

  • "Ocillococcinum";
  • Aflubin;
  • "Engystol";
  • "Aconite".
Laripront tablets

What can I drink to pregnant and lactating mothers

Antiviral in ARVI in its most contraindicated during pregnancy, feeding newborns, so the main task of women is the prevention of colds. If you can not get rid of the disease, you have to choose safe drugs that help to knock down heat, cope with a cough, giving an anti-inflammatory effect. From a fever it is best to take paracetamol. This medicine has both antipyretic and analgesic effects. Analogues of "Paracetamol" - "Panadol", "Efferalgan."

Safe (according to the instructions!) For pregnant and lactating mothers, medicines for sore throat will be pills based on lysozyme (natural enzyme) - Laripront, Lizobakt. Tablets for colds, accompanied by a strong cough, will be "Lazolvan", "ACTS" (powder), "Coldrex broncho" (syrup). Homeopathic "Ocillococcinum", "Anaferon", "Aflubin" are also allowed. In any case, the medication should be agreed with the doctor, who will make a final verdict in favor of or prohibition of any medication.

Eleutherococcus extract for cold treatment

What drugs are inexpensive but effective for preventing colds?

Pharmaceutical companies offer a huge assortment of cold pills, which are easy to find cheap analogs. Thus, for example, most combined drugs for symptomatic treatment include paracetamol, which tops the rating of cold tablets. You can take it at the beginning of the disease. High-speed effervescent aspirin will successfully replace inexpensive acetylsalicylic acid, and included in antiviral drugs interferon is easy to find in pharmacies as an independent medicine for prevention influenza.

To this end, it is worth using oxolin ointment, inexpensive tincture of eleutherococcus or rhodiola rosea, ascorbic acid. Expensive "Immunal" will be replaced by a tincture of Echinacea, "Nurofen" - "Ibuprofen", "Lazolvan" and "Ambrobene" - "Ambroxol", "Mukaltin", tablets "From a cough". Gargling with throats of furacilin tablets will help either "Strepsils" or "Grammidine."

Feedback on results after application

Marina, 30 years old: The best medicine for ORZ than the powerful "Cycloferon" I just do not know. Excellent cope with a viral infection in five to six days! I bought the notorious "Coldrex", "Teraflu" and other new-fangled medicines, but paracetamol is much more effective and cheaper! I recommend everyone to take our domestic analogues of expensive imported tablets and not to overpay money.

Irina, 36 years old: I caught a cold one time at a conference where I had to make a report. Coryza, the temperature is just a nightmare. I asked the pharmacy to choose something effective, I was advised to "Rinikold". I drank a pill at night, and then in the morning. All the symptoms as a hand took off! It was easy to perform, in the photo the nose was not red. So the tablets are excellent, but they need to drink according to the scheme, every 4 hours.

Dmitry, 56 years old: Do not buy expensive imported pills for colds. Instead, take a package of paracetamol, Echinacea and ascorbic in the pharmacy. It's just that they are part of all sorts of cadavers. To not get sick, use oxolin ointment and interferon, and on the temperature of drinking aspirin. Do not be tempted by fashionable names, at the first sign of inflammation drink "Ibuprofen" and "Paracetamol".

Inexpensive antiviral drugs for colds

Nedorogie protivovirusnyie preparatyi pri prostudeFeeling of weakness, runny nose, drowsiness, pain all over the body, cough and lack of appetite. these are the first symptoms of a cold. But, despite the terrible condition, lethargy and weakness, you already now need to pull yourself together and begin treatment. Otherwise, the common cold can develop into the flu, angina and lymphadenitis. How to get rid of colds quickly, inexpensively and easily - read in the article.

The first symptoms of a viral infection

ARVI is a disease that can be found both at home and on the street. Viral infection is transmitted by airborne droplets through the sputum of infected people. You can sneeze in transport, on the street, you can drink tea from someone else's mug, take a sandwich with your dirty hands and become infected. But, with the first symptoms of a viral infection, you definitely will not think about places where you could catch an infection.

Nasal congestion, dry cough, sneezing, sharp pain in the throat, increased sweating give a signal to a person that it is necessary to take decisive action.


The first thing you need to do at the first sign of a cold is to stimulate immunity. In this you will benefit from inexpensive vitamin C from the nearest pharmacy, as well as a complex of vitamins and minerals. But, if your condition is so bad that you can not go out and ask someone for help, then brew yourself a warm tea with lemon.

Do not forget that vitamin C is contained in black elderberry. It perfectly stimulates and strengthens immunity. Burdock root, horsetail, hops, peppermint, fenugreek, laminaria, sorrel, yarrow in the form of broth will saturate the body with vitamin C.

Physicians usually as an immunotherapy prescribe an expensive remedy immunal on the basis of an extract of echinacea. You can easily replace it with a cheaper analog, namely the usual tincture of Echinacea.


In order to ease the headache, as well as to reduce body aches, at the first signs of cold use painkillers. It can be paracetamol in tablets, ibuprofen, mefenamic acid, aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid, remantadine, acyclovir, and inexpensive analgin. Their more expensive analogues, which do not differ in any way in their action, are arbidol, amixin, kagocel, tamiflu, anaferon, amyzon, cycloferon.

Reduce temperature

If the body temperature is 37 degrees, then you should not knock it down. This you will only make your body worse. After all, he just started to fight the infection on his own. Wait until the temperature is lowered to normal. If this does not happen within a day, then start to work on the body with the help of medications. To this end, you will need a conventional aspirin or a cheap analogue -acetylsalicylic acid.It also effectively and rapidly lowers the temperature of paracetamol in tablets.

If you do not want to resort to medical therapy, then use the old proven method - a compress. Wet towels attached to the nape, under the arms, in the groin and on the chest will help lower the temperature by a degree.

Eliminate cough

In order to eliminate the cough, it is necessary to determine whether it is dry or wet. The latter is a consequence of the inflammatory process of the respiratory tract. That is why, with expectoration, you can see traces of sputum - mucous secreted by the lungs.

Treatment of dry cough can begin with a routine rinse with food baking soda or a solution of salt and a few drops of iodine. If this method does not help, then you will need to resort to inhalations. Add in them a decoction of chamomile and essential oil of eucalyptus and after a few hours a fit of coughing will let you go.

On a wet cough you need to work differently. To get out of the lungs sputum, it is necessary to soften the tissues of the organ. In this you will benefit from inexpensive medications:

  • Mukoltin- has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Syrup pertussinbased on the extract of thyme and potassium bromide. This drug perfectly dilutes sputum;
  • Syrup or herbal infusion based on licorice rootremoves inflammation and contributes to expectoration;
  • Tablets that includegrass thermopsis and sodium hydrogen carbonatecan reduce sputum and reduce its viscosity;
  • Doctor MomIs a popular but effective drug. It is in the middle price category.

Inexpensive expectorants are: bromhexine in tablets, ambloxol, acetylcysteine.

In order to mitigate an attack of cough in a child, steam inhalations with essential oils are most suitable. Use tea tree, eucalyptus, peppermint, lavender, rosemary or cypress.

A sore throat

With sore throat, do not rush to buy expensive medicines. Pay attention to inexpensive, but effective drugs:

  • Septefril- cheap antiseptic, which is used not only for ARVI, but also for angina and stomatitis. Use septefril no more than 6 times a day.
  • Streptocidein the form of a powder or tablets. This antibiotic has a wide range of actions, but a rather unpleasant taste. Therefore, it is better to mix it with honey or sugar before use.
  • Chlorophylitisin the form of an oil or alcohol solution. The drug has an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Runny nose

Drugs from the common cold are mainly aimed at softening the nasal mucosa. As a result, mucus through the nasal passage is faster.

Reduces puffiness, narrows vessels and effectively facilitates breathing the drug sanorin. Its obvious advantage in price, and the drawback is that the spray is addictive. Already on the 3rd, 4th day, its properties are reduced.

Ximelin, otrivin, galazolin, naftizin - drugs aimed at reducing the swelling of the nose. Also have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect.

Antiviral drugs for topical use

When treating a viral infection, do not forget about the old proven means - thisbalm "Asterisk" and mustard plasters.

The composition of the herbal preparation Zvezdochka includes essential oils of cinnamon, mint, cloves and peppermint. This tool will help not only with the first symptoms of a cold, but also headache, rhinitis and flu.

Mustards have a warming effect on the lungs and bronchi.

Drugs for colds. What drugs to take with colds

The risk of catching an acute respiratory disease persists people at any time of the year, even in hot summer. But especially colds sicken us in the winter months, as well as in the off-season. What medications for colds can help get rid of it most quickly and effectively? Our review is devoted to this question.

Antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs

When we catch cold, then, as a rule, our temperature rises, nasal congestion, perspiration in the throat, coughing are unpleasant symptoms, to be sure. What drugs for cold will help to quickly relieve the condition, lower the temperature, remove puffiness in the nasopharynx, slow or even stop the development of inflammatory processes in the body? There are three tested, reliable and universal medicines:

- "Aspirin";

- "Ibuprofen";


drugs for colds

All of the listed cold tablets are widely used in therapy directed against ARI, but today it is considered that "Paracetamol" is the safest. It is produced not only in tablets, but also in the form of rectal suppositories, syrups and drops (for small children). Analogues are preparations "Panadol", "Efferalgan", "Kalpol", "Flutabs", etc. medicines. On the basis of paracetamol, many modern preparations for influenza and cold are produced:

  • "Fervex";
  • "Solpadein";
  • "Kaffetin";
  • "Coldrex";
  • "Teraflu";
  • "Rince";
  • "Maksikold";
  • "Parkotset";
  • "Sedalgin";
  • "Grippex" and others.

A question may arise: "If all these drugs for the treatment of cold unites paracetamol, then how do they differ from each other?" A business in that all of the listed drugs include various additional components that help the body to cope more quickly with disease. For example, in the notorious "Fervex", in addition to paracetamol, there are other substances such as ascorbic acid and phenyramine; in "Solpadein" are contained in small doses of codeine and caffeine, etc.

What can be dangerous paracetamol

This drug is well tolerated by most patients, it has relatively few contraindications. In favor of paracetamol is the fact that this medicine is approved for use even in infants (in droplets and syrups). Nevertheless, even the safest drugs for colds can have some side effects on the body. And the drug "Paracetamol" is not an exception.

pills for colds

In the press, they write a lot about medical research, claiming that this drug, taken in a child's age, is able to further provoke the development of asthma in adolescents, and also contributes to the emergence of eczema and allergic rhinitis. Therefore, cold medicines for children should not be used without a good reason and without consulting a doctor.

Paracetamol adversely affects the liver (however, like many other drugs), so patients with severe diseases of this body should take this drug with great care.

Drugs from the common cold

What remedy for cold and flu can effectively fight with nasal congestion with a cold? Such a drug should be sought among the so-called decongestants - drugs that have the ability to narrow the blood vessels, so that they can remove the swelling of the nasopharynx, and the sick person gets the opportunity relatively freely breathe.

These drugs are available in the form of tablets, as well as in the form of drops, ointments and sprays. The most popular today are sprays, drops and emulsions. All vasoconstrictive drugs can be divided into three groups: short, medium and long.

To drugs from the common cold shorts are:

  • "Sanorin";
  • "Tysin";
  • "Naphthyzine"

The advantage of these drops is their quick action and inexpensive price, and the disadvantage is that they "work" only a few hours, and sometimes even less. Meanwhile, they can be buried in the nose no more than 4 times a day.

Drugs of medium duration:

  • "Rinostop";
  • "Ximelin";
  • "Galazolin";
  • Xylen;
  • "Otrivin".

The composition of these drops and sprays includes the substance xylometazoline. It is thanks to him, in these drugs, the duration of the action (up to 10 hours) is successfully combined with high efficiency. Disadvantage: these drugs can not be buried in the nose of children up to the age of two, and their use should not last more than 7 days.

Drugs for colds with a runny nose:

  • "Nazol";
  • "Nazivin".

Use these funds is allowed only twice a day and not more than 3 consecutive days. They are capable of providing free breathing for a long time. The disadvantage is that prolonged vasospasm acts destructively on the mucous membrane of the nose. Contraindications for use are the age of the child under 1 year, pregnancy, as well as diabetes and kidney disease.

If you have a sore throat

We will continue to study the issue of how to fight against flu and colds. Drugs that are used for this, can not be limited only to tablets from temperature and drops for the nose. If the throat hurts, and this happens in ARI in most cases, then effective medications are also needed for it.

for colds, what to drink

Today, very popular are various absorbable lozenges and pills that can have a local anti-inflammatory effect, as well as aerosols:

  • "Ingalipt";
  • "Proposol";
  • "Cameton";
  • "Tharyngosept";
  • "Akvalor throat";
  • "Yoks";
  • Laripront;
  • Strepsils;
  • "Hexoral";
  • "Teraflyu LAR";
  • "Septoleto Neo";
  • "Septolete Plus";
  • "Anti-Angin";
  • "Adjicept";
  • "Sebidine";
  • "Stopangin" and others.

The big plus of the listed drugs is that they are indicated for topical application, their penetration into the body is negligible, they practically do not flow into the blood. Meanwhile, these drugs have a strong effect against viruses and microbes, which, in case of colds, actively multiply in the mouth and cause inflammation and sore throat.

However, one must understand that with severe angina such medications can not cope entirely with the disease. The attending physician usually prescribes effective pills for influenza and colds, sometimes even antibiotics. You can also read about them in our article.

What will help cough

Runny nose, sore throat, fever is not all symptoms of ARI. If a person coughs badly for colds, what to drink then? It will be better if the doctor prescribes the medicine on the basis of the diagnosis, because cough can be caused by different causes (bronchitis, laryngitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, etc.). In addition, the cough can be dry or wet, with the spitting of phlegm.

To get rid of dry painful cough used such tools as:

  • "Kodelak";
  • "Stoptopsin";
  • "Terpinkod";
  • "Tussin plus";
  • "Sinekod";
  • "Neo-coding";
  • Cophanol;
  • "Insty";
  • "Glycodine";
  • Butamirate;
  • "Bronhicum";
  • "Falimint";
  • "Hexapnevmin" and others. preparations.

Expectorants for the treatment of wet cough:

  • "Bromhexine";
  • "Lazolvan";
  • "ATSTS";
  • "Mukaltin";
  • Tussin;
  • "Glyceram";
  • "Ambrobene", etc.


Sometimes the illness is so strong that the doctor decides to appoint the most powerful drugs to the patient, which are available in the arsenal of modern pharmacology. What antibiotics for a cold should be taken to the patient - only a qualified doctor can decide. The fact is that different bacterial drugs affect different types of bacteria. Here is a list of modern antibiotics, which are most often used in the treatment of acute respiratory disease, bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, etc.:

1. Penicillin group:

  • "Amoxicillin";
  • "Amoxiclav";
  • "Augmentin" and others.

These drugs are effective against bacteria that cause inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

2. Group of cephalosporins:

  • "Zinzef";
  • "Zinnat";
  • Supraks.

Drugs of this group help with bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy.

3. Group of macrolides:

  • "Summamed";
  • "Hemomycin".

This is one of the strongest antibiotics of the last generation. They are able to cope fairly quickly even with SARS.

pills for flu and colds

Antiviral drugs

Often people identify flu with colds. This is because the symptoms are similar in many respects. With the flu, the throat also hurts, the nose does not breathe, the head hurts, the body temperature rises, etc. That's why, when self-medicated, grief-sick people try to fight the flu by taking usual anti-cold medications, including antibiotics, which can be very harmful for themselves.

Meanwhile, you need to know that the nature of the flu is not bacterial, as in conventional ARI, but viral. And this means that antiviral drugs are needed to fight the disease. The following medicines are most often used in complex therapy for the treatment of influenza:

  • "Amiksin";
  • Kagocel;
  • "Arbidol";
  • "Relenza";
  • "Grippferon";
  • "Rimantadine";
  • "Midantan";
  • "Ribamidyl";
  • Interferon.
against flu and cold preparations

Medicines that strengthen immunity

When we are already sick, the flu and cold pills, of course, will help to quickly overcome the disease and get well, but there are medicines with which you can strengthen immunity and avoid infection even in the peak of the epidemic ARI.

Very popular and safe are immunomodulators, which are produced on a plant basis:

  • "Immunal";
  • "Tincture of Echinacea";
  • Extract of echinacea "Dr. Theiss";
  • "Tincture of ginseng";
  • "Eleutherococcus extract";
  • "Tincture of Chinese magnolia vine".

It is also possible to increase the resistance of the body to catarrhal diseases with the help of medicines that contain microscopic doses of enzymes of various pathogens (streptococcus, staphylococcus, pneumococcus and other). In the pharmacy network the following drugs are sold for the prevention of colds from this group:

  • "Lycopid";
  • Ribomunil;
  • "Broncho-munal";
  • "Imudon";
  • "IRS-19".


With a cold, what else to drink? Usually the doctor necessarily prescribes vitamins to his patients who have taken up ARI. In no case should not neglect this recommendation, because these drugs effectively strengthen the body of a sick person, stimulate immunity, help the damaged cells to regenerate, e. Here is the list of vitamins that we need for a successful fight against the common cold:

1. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid, or ascorbic acid). This is the most powerful assistant in ARI. It is able to actively inhibit the multiplication of viruses and bacteria. When ailments a day, it is recommended to take 1000-1500 mg of vitamin C;

2. Thiamine (B1). It promotes the regeneration of damaged epithelial cells of the upper respiratory tract.

3. Riboflavin is a vitamin B2. It needs an organism for the synthesis of antibodies.

4. Pyridoxine is a vitamin B6. Participates in the regenerative processes of nerve endings when the disease is affected by the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract.

5. Nicotinic acid is a vitamin PP. Thanks to it, blood circulation improves, vessels are restored.

6. Retinol - vitamin A. This is a very necessary element for the successful regeneration of epithelial cells.

7. Tocopherol - vitamin E. It has powerful antioxidant properties; can stimulate the immune system.

Of course, vitamins enter our body with food, but this is not enough, especially in winter and spring. In the pharmacy you can buy universal multivitamin complexes, for example:

  • "Complivit";
  • "Multivit";
  • "Polivit";
  • "Undevit";
  • "Pangexavit";
  • "Oligovit";
  • Nutrisan;
  • "Macrovit";
  • "Hexavit" and many others.

There are multivitamin preparations, the action of which is enhanced by useful mineral substances. Independently to understand the abundance of vitamin funds is difficult, so it is better to rely on the choice of a doctor.

Medications for children

Drugs for colds for children should be prescribed by a pediatrician. After all, individual drugs from an adult home medicine chest can be harmful to children. But to have at hand some proven drugs in the family, where there is a baby, is also necessary.

Antipyretics for children:

  • "Panadol" children's candlelight or in suspension.
  • Analogues of "Panadol": "Cefekon", "Kalpol", "Efferalgan."

Cough medicine:

  • Syrup "Tussin".
  • A solution or syrup "Lazolvan".
  • "Sinecod" in drops or syrup (from a dry cough).

For ears, throat and nose:

  • "Nazol Kids" and "Nazol Baby" (spray and drops) - from the common cold.
  • "Otypaks" - droplets for the ears, not containing an antibiotic.
  • "Aqua-Maris" - a weak solution of sea salt in the form of a spray. It moisturizes and cleanses the mucous membranes of the throat and nose. Analogues: "Salfin" and "Valleys".

The listed funds are enough to hold out until the doctor arrives.

for colds for children

Folk remedies

Good cold pills - it's certainly great! But some people, for various reasons, prefer to be treated purely by natural means. Well, folk medicine can offer a lot of excellent recipes and recommendations. Here are some of the most versatile and effective:

1. Raspberry tea is a remedy for colds and flu, which has been used by mankind since time immemorial. Raspberry berries in dried form or in the form of jam will help to quickly lower the temperature, they have antipyretic properties, since they contain natural salicylic acid. In addition, in raspberries in sufficiently large quantities there is vitamin C.

2. In the gruel, garlic is added honey (proportion:), the drug is thoroughly mixed and given to the patient twice a day, one to two teaspoons. Garlic is also recommended for inhalation. To do this, several of its teeth are crushed, poured with water (1 tbsp.) And boiled for 10 minutes. Then this "shock" medicine can be put in front of the patient, so that he breathes over it.

3. Another remedy (and very effective) for a cold is ordinary milk. Perhaps you do not know that it contains enzymes that enhance immunity, and there is also a tryptophan substance, which contributes to the development of serotonin in the body - a strong soothing. In a liter of milk, you need to add a few spoons of honey, nutmeg, cinnamon, vanilla, bay leaves and a couple of peas of sweet pepper. Bring the milk drug to a boil and insist before use 5 min.

4. If the patient is suffering from cough, you can try to use such a proven means, as the juice of black radish, mixed with honey. The drug is prepared as follows: from the washed root the apex is cut off, a part of the pulp is scraped from the middle, so that an empty cavity is formed. The hole is put honey (2 h. l.), and the radish is closed by a cut top, like a lid. Wait 12 hours - during this time, the juice will be allocated, which, combined with honey, will turn into an antitussive medicine. Take the drug is recommended as follows: for adults - 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day, for children - 1 hour. l. three times a day.

remedy for cold and flu


We are used to fighting flu and cold from time to time. Drugs in the pharmacies are abundant, so most meet the disease with the certainty that it will not be easy to cure. But prevention is a great and necessary thing. Therefore now we will remind, what preventive measures help happily miss each other with a heavy foul:

1. Inoculation against influenza. Every year, doctors warn the public about the need for timely vaccination, but many of us simply ignore it, and in vain.

2. In the cold season, when there is not enough sun in the street, and there are not enough fresh fruits and vegetables on the table, you can and need to feed yourself synthetic vitamin complexes and do not forget about lemon, cranberries, decoction from the hips - all this will save the body from a deficit vitamin C.

3. Oksolinovaya ointment, neatly applied before going out on the mucous membrane of the nose, is a strong shield that can repel attacks of bacteria and viruses.

4. Personal hygiene should be on top. That is the motto "more often to wash hands with soap" is actual as never!

5. The room in which you are, you need to ventilate and conduct mandatory wet cleaning, since in a dry dusty atmosphere, the microbes feel incredibly comfortable.

6. During the epidemic of influenza and acute respiratory disease, it is not recommended to go to popular shopping centers, cinemas, cafes and other places where a lot of people gather. But walks (especially skiing) in the open air in a country park or a forest are excellent for strengthening the body.


Having become acquainted with information about what preparations to take with cold, you can meet ORZ or the flu fully armed. But it's better, of course, never to catch a cold and not get sick! Take care of yourself, we wish you strong health!

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