How to recognize and treat papillomas in the upper eyelid
All papillomas, except senile, have a viral origin. They are the result of activation of the papilloma virus. This virus is found in the body of 90% of the people of the world. If the defenses of the body are reduced, then it begins active life, as a result of which develops a new formation on the skin, including the eyelid.
1Definition of disease
4Possible complications
5.2Surgical method
5.3Folk remedies
Definition of disease
Papilloma on the eyelid is a pathological process, which is not only a cosmetic defect.It does not allow to fully move the centuries, but also leads to the development of inflammatory processes in the eyes - conjunctivitis, blepharitis.
Therapy of the papilloma is a mandatory, though not all, simple procedure.
The papilloma virus can be activated for various reasons.The positive effect on its development is reduced immunity. Another version of the development of the papilloma is a weak local blood circulation, because of which little immunoglobulins are entering the eye area, which are the main enemies of the viruses.
Influence on the development of papillomas can be such factors:
eye pathology, tissue thinning in the adjacent area;
infection of the virus of the lower or upper eyelid with non-observance of personal hygiene rules;
immunodeficiencies- can be congenital and acquired form;
diseases of the internal organs of various systems - endocrine, urogenital, digestive;
frequent colds and hypothermia;
constant intoxication of the body under the influence of hot drinks, nicotine, drugs and medications;
long-term use of antibacterial drugs;
hormonal imbalance.
People with impaired immunity and chronic pathologies are at risk. But the imbalance of hormones and age-related hormonal disorders are the causes of the development of papilloma in the elderly and women during childbearing.
Attacks cause the patient a number of unpleasant sensations, among which pain.But those papillomas that are concentrated on the eyelid, depending on the location and size, can lead to the development of the following symptoms:
If you find the first symptomatology, you need to go to a consultation with a specialist.
After the doctor performs an external examination of the patient and receives the result of diagnosis, he will be able to prescribe an effective therapy regimen.
Possible complications
Since the papilloma is too close to the eye, this leads to constant irritation.With frequent contact of the build-up with the mucous membrane, infection and inflammation develop.
Medical measures presuppose the use of medications, thanks to which it is possible to cope with a viral infection and to strengthen human immunity.
At the heart of the drug treatment are antiviral drugs,which are able to fight pathogens and those that will increase the production of interferon. In this case, Viferon and Panavir may be prescribed in the therapy regimen. These drugs are presented in the form of tablets. Thanks to them, it is possible to overcome the infection not only from within, but also to increase the general, local immunity, as a result of which the papilloma will disappear.
Viferon is an antiviral drug used in the treatment of papillomas
In combination with these drugs, vitamin therapy can be prescribed.Due to vitamins an excellent antioxidant effect is achieved, as a result of which the antiviral activity of the preparations is enhanced.
To note the positive effect of drug treatment can be provided, if these drugs will be prescribed in combination with local medicines, which include antiviral Components. To effective medicines should be attributed:
eye ointment Acyclovir;
drops Ganciclovir;
gels of Zirgan and KorneregelAcyclovir for the treatment of papillomas on the eyelids
Surgical method
To eliminate neoplasm on the eyelid, the doctor often prescribes to patients surgical treatment. Today it can be implemented using the following methods:
Laser treatment.This method is considered one of the most effective and baseless. The treatment is very fast, and rehabilitation lasts no longer than 7 days. When the scar remains after the procedure, the doctor can perform repeated laser resurfacing at the request of the client.
Cryodestruction.This method has found its application only in the event that the papilloma is a century away from the eye.
Electrocoagulation. It is used only in case of deeply located growths.
Surgical method. This operation is complex, but is used at any stage of pathology development.Surgical removal of papillomas on eyelids.
Whichever of the proposed methods has been applied, the rehabilitation period needs strict medical supervision and compliance with all of its recommendations.
Only the doctor knows how to remove the papilloma for a century. Do not try to do it yourself.
Folk remedies
To deduce papillomas on a century it is possible by means of house means.All of them are safe and painless.
You can not use those funds that presume the presence of alcohol.
If the papilloma is a small-sized eyelid, then it can be removed using the following methods:
Celandine.Use the juice of this herb. Apply it directly to the build-up. Only do it very carefully, without getting on healthy tissues. In the opposite case this will lead to the development of a burn. Skin covers near the built-up should be treated with a nutritious cream.
Aloe.It is necessary to take fresh leaves and grind them. Lay the gruel on the cheesecloth and attach it to the build-up. Fix all the band-aid. This procedure is best done before bedtime.
Sea salt and horseradish.It is necessary to take 10 g of salt, mix with 20 ml of horseradish root juice. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the built-up for 5 minutes. Wait 30 minutes and then remove with cold water.
To pathological tissues did not expand further and did not lead to complications, it is necessary to observe simple rules of prevention. It is not necessary to comb the build-up and avoid its trauma. Prevention itself includes:
playing sports;
increased immunity;
proper nutrition;
rejection of bad habits;
the right balance of rest and work.
Papilloma on the eyelid - this is a frequent phenomenon, which occurs primarily through the fault of the person. Unfortunately, today few people pay attention to their health, resulting in lower immunity. To get rid of papilloma is best from a specialist with the help of proven and effective methods.
Also read about what miliums are and how to get rid of these formations on the eyelids.