The structure of the leg below and above the knee: bones, muscles, nerves and vessels


  • 1The structure of the leg below the knee
    • 1.1What are the functions of the knee and ankle?
    • 1.2Ankle joint: joint of the bones of the lower leg
    • 1.3Muscles of lower leg
    • 1.4Frequent pathology of the lower leg
  • 2The structure of the human foot: joints and bones, muscles, vessels, innervation
    • 2.1Anatomy of a man's leg
    • 2.2Bones and Joints
    • 2.3Blood vessels and nerve endings
    • 2.4Muscles of the legs
    • 2.5Anterior thigh band
    • 2.6Back hip band
    • 2.7Buttocks
    • 2.8Muscles of the lower leg (triceps)
    • 2.9Foot functions and care
  • 3Features of the structure of the lower limb of man
    • 3.1First Department
    • 3.2The structure of the thigh
    • 3.3Bone foundation
    • 3.4Muscles
    • 3.5Vessels and nerves of the thigh
    • 3.6The shin is not only beauty
    • 3.7Skeleton
    • 3.8Muscles in the leg region
    • 3.9Blood supply and innervation
    • 3.10Foot - support and stability
    • 3.11Muscular apparatus
    • 3.12Blood supply and innervation
  • 4The structure of a person's leg below the knee: the anatomy of the joint and its components
    instagram viewer
    • 4.1Ankle joint of leg
    • 4.2Bundles
    • 4.3Muscles of the lower limb of a person
    • 4.4Achilles tendon
    • 4.5Blood supply
    • 4.6Other foot ankle joints
    • 4.7Functions
    • 4.8Diagnostics
    • 4.9Pathology of ankle joint
    • 4.10Deforming arthrosis
    • 4.11Arthritis
    • 4.12Injuries
    • 4.13Rupture of the Achilles tendon

The structure of the leg below the knee

Legs -A unique structure, thanks to which HomoSapiens has become the same as it is now. It was the transformation of walking that became the main feature of the crossing of the border of the human-like creature into a full-fledged Homo. We no longer have to walk with our feet and hands.

The latter is best used for more suitable purposes. Thanks to the directness of people, it became possible to look higher, run faster and walk, fight and run, play football and dance. With the help of feet, people opened new lands and stepped onto the surface of the Moon.

With the transition to a direct form of walking, the legs of a man became stronger with time. Muscles developed, and with their help a person can jump 9 meters in length. Some craftsmen even play musical instruments with the help of lower limbs.

But this is no accident. Parallel to the development of the aesthetic purpose of the feet, the aesthetics of their structure also developed. With every ten thousand years, the legs became an increasingly complex structure. So how does this massive biomechanism of motion work?

For a deeper understanding of the structure of the leg below the knee, one must know about the general outline of the structure of the lower limb as a whole

The leg, as a limb, has an oblong formation, consisting of bones, ligaments and muscles. The cornerstone is the bones, which are connected together by joints and ligaments. Each of the articulations of the leg performs its own specific function, which ensures free movement of the foot.

The structure of the leg below the knee:

Patella (patella)- has the appearance of an oblate structure in the shape of an oval.

Knee bones:

  1. Big tibia.It is located medial (that is, closer to the trunk).
    The tibia has, like other tubular bones, a body and two ends (epiphyses) and includes the following components:
    • Two condyles:medial and lateral;
    • Connections with condyles with upper bone- Hip bone; Lateral trough of the tibia; anger;
  2. Small tibia.Located in the lateral position (closer to the axis of the center of the trunk). The fibula is thinner than its counterpart. Its proximal thickened outgrowth forms the head of the tibia. And on the articular part of it, the articular surface of the head for articulation with the tibia is selected. The body of the bone has a triangular shape. The distal outgrowth of the fibula forms a lateral bone, on the lateral surface of which is located the articular surface of the lateral bone for articulation with tarsal bones.

What are the functions of the knee and ankle?

In order to determine the function of any structure, it is necessary to understand the structure of the structure itself.

Knee-joint- This is a complex, consisting of two processes, a complex two-axis (frontal and vertical axis) mechanism.

It includes the following articular surfaces:

  • Scions and nasolennaya surface of the femur;
  • Upper articular surface of the tibia;
  • The articular surface of the patella;
  • Lateral and medial meniscus.

Hence the following functions of the joint:

  • Around the frontal axis- the possibility of flexion (reduction of the joint angle) of the shank to 120 degrees and extension (return of the limb to the anatomical position) to 180.
  • With a bent shank at an angle of 85 degrees- its rotation around the vertical axis - to the middle to 10 degrees and from the outside up to 40 degrees.

Ankle joint: joint of the bones of the lower leg

The upper ends of the tibia and peroneum form a flat and slightly moving joint.

Bone bodies are connected by means of special education - syndesmosis - interosseous membrane. Lower ends - with the help of ligaments.

Ankle jointformed by the lower ends of the small and large tibia, the articular surfaces of which, like a fork, cover the talus bone.

The structure of this joint is complex, in shape - block-shaped, in function - uniaxial. This joint involves flexion and extension of the foot around the frontal (frontal) axis.

In humans, the knee joint is the most complex, since it has many additional components. Anatomists explain why. The knee is formed by the longest bones in the human body, therefore, have the greatest swing and movement, which leads to a high load of the joint.

The bones of the shins are retainedbetween themselves due to the existing between them fibrous ligaments. One of the functions of such a ligament apparatus is overvoltage protection.

In the anatomy of the ligament the legs are divided into 3 subgroups:

Group One:

  1. Bundle that is directly between the bones. It is stretched over the entire length of the bones;
  2. The transverse ligament.It is a small element consisting of fibers. Provides the function of fixing the bones of the foot from the internal rotation;
  3. Anterior ligament of the tibia.Provides the brake function of the foot from a significant external rotation;
  4. Bundle of what is behind and below the bones.Do not allow the foot to turn inside.

In addition to the above functions, the ligaments also ensure a stable fixation of the fine fibula to its massive neighbor

The second group of fibers includes lateral ligaments of the shin.

  1. A ligament connecting the talus and fibula. It is in front;
  2. The same connection, but already behind the bones;
  3. Compound of calcaneus and peroneal;

Such a group of ligaments can be united by the common name "deltoid ligament".

The third group of ligaments:

  1. Scaphoid-tibial junction;
  2. Pseudo-tibial ligament;
  3. Anterior tibial;
  4. The same, only the back.

Muscles of lower leg

The muscles of the lower leg are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Front group:
    • Muscle front of the tibia.Its main function is to unbend the foot. This muscle is rather narrow and long, superficial;
    • The muscle that extends the fingers.Its task is the unbending of the II-V male. In addition, it also unbends the foot;
    • The muscle that unbends the thumb of the footand the very foot, including.
  2. Lateral group:
    • Long fibular muscle.Her task is to lead the foot. It is located on the lateral surface;
    • Short muscle of the same bone.Bends the foot. It is located outside, but covered from above with a long fibular muscle.
  3. Back muscle group, outer layer:
    • Slingback muscle.It is located under the three-headed muscle;
    • Plantar muscle.The main task is to tighten the joint capsule of the shin joint while rotating and flexing the shin.
    • Triceps of lower leg.He bends, the shin part of the lower limb in the knee joint. In addition, the muscle rotates and bends the foot outward;
    • Deep layer of the posterior muscle group:
        • Popliteal muscle.It rotates and pulls the capsule of the knee joint;
        • A long muscle that flexes your fingers.Responsible for the 2nd finger, also raises the medial edge of the foot;
        • The muscle flexor of the thumb.Its name speaks for the very function of the muscle.

The shin, as a structure, has a variety of different muscles. This means that it has a richblood supply.

Blood comes from numerous branches that extend from the hip artery, which in turn passes into the popliteal artery, divided into branches of the anterior and posterior tibial artery.

The front of the lower leg is supplied with the anterior artery. Then the rear, respectively, the rear.

Anterior tibial arterypasses under the popliteal fossa to the anterior surface of the lower part of the foot and enters the space between the large and tibia.

Then the vessel goes to the back of the foot, and is called already differently: the dorsal artery of the foot. In this place, as one of the options, the doctor checks the quality characteristics of the pulse (filling, rhythm and height).

Muscles of the legs are the largest in the human body. This means that the more muscle a muscle has, the more nerves it needs. Pathologists, for example, compare the femoral nerve with the girl's little finger.

Innervationthe lower leg is provided by the sacral nerve plexus, which has many connections to the lumbar cluster of nerve motor roots. In the heap of all this, a lumbosacral trunk is formed.

Nerves, as components of a huge chain, go from one to the other. The posterior femoral cutaneous nerve branches from the sacral plexus.

Subsequently, it passes into the sciatic nerve, which in turn, into the tibial branch. With its branches the nerve clings to all the muscles of the lower leg, and ends with the lateral and medial nerve of the sole.

Frequent pathology of the lower leg

Deforming arthrosis (osteoarthritis).By this term we mean a long and dystrophic (a violation of the nutrition structure) joint disease. In the first place, articular cartilage is destroyed, then it is included in the process of the epiphyses of bones entering the articulation.

Any cause that mechanically damages the cartilage can start a painful course.

Heavy work and professional sports are the main causes of joint disease

Articular cartilage is a fairly delicate structure: it is supersensitive to nutrition.

Any disturbance in the supply of cartilage leads to its deformation ("dry joint"). Subsequently, changes in the structure of the cartilage lead to a weakening of its resistance, even to the ordinary load.

All this leads to its destruction.

The organism reacts to this by pathological growth of bone substance (osteophytes), which in the following leads to irritation of the joint membrane, inflammatory processes and clinical consequences. With the course of the disease of osteophytes, there is so much that the articular fissure on X-ray examination simply disappears.

Arthritis- gradually progressing disease, which is accompanied by frequent stitching pains, inflammation and considerable discomfort during movement. The causes of the disease have not been studied.

During the disease, autoimmune disorders predominate, which manifests itself in the form of excessive synthesis of the rheumatoid factor. This leads to inflammation of the synovial membrane of the joint with the subsequent proliferation of granulation tissue, which destroys the cartilage and adjacent parts of the bones.

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The disease is accompanied by the following manifestations:

  • Pain in the joint;
  • Edema;
  • Swelling;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Difficulty in moving the joint.

Rupture of the Achilles tendon.Everyone knows about Achilles and his tendon, which was his only weak point.

In our time - this is the weak spot of a professional athlete.

Any damage, whether stretching or breaking, can make a football player, runner or basketball player leave his profession and forget about it forever.

But anyway, this tendon is the strongest and thickest tendon in the human body.

The gap occurs when the load on the fiber does not correspond to the possibilities of its depreciation. People with non-athletes have a ligament injury that falls on people 35-45 years old. The rupture occurs with a sudden sudden load, with a bump or sharp bending of the foot.

Symptoms of damage to the tendon:

  1. Sharp, intolerable pain;
  2. Puffiness;
  3. Bending the foot becomes difficult or completely impossible.

Frequent knee injuries:

  • Stretches and tears of the anterior cruciate ligament. Suffer, as a rule, athletes;
  • Damage to the inner lateral ligament. Also found in representatives of sports professions;
  • Injuries of articular cartilage and meniscus;
  • Injuries of posterior cruciate ligament. It occurs mainly with increased movement of the tibia posteriorly.
  • And, of course, fractures and cracks in bones.

Thus, it became clear that the knee, shin and foot are massive, strong and stable structures, but at the same time very tender and sensitive. How to prevent damage?

  • Firstly:simple gymnastics and easy physical training. Such exercises fasten the ligamentous apparatus, make the ligaments strong and resistant to damage.
  • Situational prevention:
    • Do not wear heavy weight;
    • Use seat belts;
    • Before a sport, warm up, warm up;
  • Wear shoesin size;
  • Girls and women:high heel, of course, good, but too high and often - bad.

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The structure of the human foot: joints and bones, muscles, vessels, innervation

With the help of the lower extremities, the trunk is moved in space. The natural organization of the legs allows people to walk freely, minimizing the burden on internal organs and systems while driving.

Anatomy of a man's leg

The structure of the human foot assumes the presence of bones, tendons, muscles and nerves, which are in close relationship with each other. Allocate:

  1. belt of upper extremities (tazoobrazuyuschie elements);
  2. hip;
  3. shin;
  4. stop.

Bones and Joints

The first department is involved in the construction of the pelvic articulation (it includes the pubic, iliac and ischial bones, the sacrum and thigh muscle, which serve to strengthen and function properly; fastening of the underlying elements occurs through the hip joint).

The second includes the femur. It is the largest in the body.

The description is similar to a tube bent at a certain angle, inside of which is a yellow bone marrow.

To her body tendons and muscles are added, which ensure mobility of the leg; the lower part takes part in the creation of the knee joint.

The third is formed by a large and small tibia. The first is part of the knee joint, has condyles, to which tendons are attached. The second is located below and serves to strengthen the knee.

Blood vessels and nerve endings

The lower extremities are supplied with oxygen by the anterior and posterior tibial arteries (proceed from the aorta and have a high blood pressure in the vessels). The knee joint nourishes eight arterial trunks.

The main innervating links of the muscular structures are the sciatic nerve, originating in the sacro-lumbar plexus, passing along the posterior surface hips, covering the entire length of the legs and ending in the foot area, as well as the femoral nerve fiber connected to the related branching of sensitive cells. Both of them begin in the spine, pass in the back of the thigh, encircle the gluteal region, are responsible for the sensitivity and mobility of all components.

Muscles of the legs

Anatomy of the leg muscles divides all the muscular structures of the lower limbs into:

  • front thigh;
  • rear group;
  • gluteus muscles;
  • shin.

Anterior thigh band

It is formed by the quadriceps muscle (the most massive in this department), which provides the process of straightening of the limb in the knee joint. It stretches across the front surface of the thigh, it is crossed by an oblique tailor.

The quadriceps muscle includes:

  1. the straight head (bicircular, exceeding in length all the others, widens to the middle of the thigh, then narrows into the tendon, attaches to the patella, or patella);
  2. internal (predominates in width, from the front side closes a straight muscle, covered with a tailor, comes an oblique thigh, where it forms a tendon) and a wide middle (flat and thin, is placed on the front surface, its top is covered straight);
  3. outer straight (flat, placed on the front outer surface, covered with the muscle of the broad fascia, in front - straight; the muscles go obliquely, fall down, close the femur from the front, lower are included in the tendon of the straight muscles).

Back hip band

This part includes the biceps muscle (located on both sides of the thigh), consisting of:

  • a long head (starts from the ischial hillock);
  • short (goes in the middle of a third of the lateral lip).

The functional purpose of it is due to the fact that it performs flexion of the shin in the knee joint and extension of the thigh.


They consist of a large gluteus muscle, medium and small.

The first spreads over the entire gluteal region, determines its shape; begins in the iliac region, dorsal sacral surface and coccyx, is responsible for mobility of the hip joint, straightening of the body, lead feet back.

Muscles of the lower leg (triceps)

The muscular apparatus of this part is formed by the triceps muscle, which includes the gastrocnemius (leaves the hip, passes into the Achilles tendon, connected with the heel), soleus (starts on the fibula, descends on the tibia, ends with the Achilles tendon).

The last section of the limb is the foot. It includes:

  1. Tar and heel bone (tarsus);
  2. cuboid and scaphoid bone;
  3. tubular, having a body, a base, a head (a metatarsal);
  4. phalanx of fingers.

Muscle structures are represented by flexors and extensors. They provide mobility of the fingers.

The limbs include ligaments (long strands formed from connective tissue, attached to the joints and preventing them loosening) and cartilage (prevent friction of the condyle surfaces and destruction of bones, promote their normal working capacity).

Foot functions and care

Functional purpose of the lower limbs - the creation of support and movement of the body in space. Thanks to the ability to move, a person is capable of a full-time life, can engage in active sports, run, dance.

To ensure optimal care for your feet and improve their health, you need:

  • do not overload the joints, evenly distribute the load;
  • avoid injuries;
  • keep the limbs clean;
  • not to allow hypothermia (many diseases originate from the cold and wet feet), excessive overheating in the sun;
  • use nourishing creams and masks to get rid of skin pathologies, maintain a good state of the epithelium (decongestants, anti-varicose medicinal mixtures, as well as medicines that prevent the emergence of fungus; known names such as "Vorozheya "Deokontrol" and other);
  • to hold massage sessions (similar work with muscles prevents stagnation of fluid in tissues, stimulates blood circulation, improves the nutrition of cells, it affects the biologically active points, there is a recovery of all organism);
  • to eat properly (to consume enough vitamins and useful microelements contained in vegetables, fruits, fresh and natural products) and lead a healthy lifestyle (abandon bad habits, make regular walks in the fresh air, temper organism);
  • a mandatory method of foot care for women is hair removal (getting rid of unwanted hair with the help of cosmetic ointments and creams or by mechanical removal);
  • it is important to maintain physical activity correctly (regularly hold gymnastics, strengthen the musculoskeletal apparatus, and go swimming).

To care for and constantly maintain a good leg condition, people's means are widely used.Alternative medicine recommends that you regularly prepare and take foot baths.

Among the most popular are the solutions, which include:

  1. Herbal collection (chamomile, St. John's wort, sage brewed in boiling water for ten minutes, filtered, lowered limbs into the water for half an hour);
  2. white wine (alcohol is heated until the appearance of bubbles, add a lime blossom, cook for five minutes, apply this method once a month);
  3. milk (liquid soap and salt are poured into it, liquid is used after complete dissolution of the salt crystals, a prescription with the addition of baking soda is also known);
  4. apple cider vinegar (5 spoons acid poured into warm water, the duration of the session - no more than a quarter of an hour).

Legs are the most important part of the body. They provide the man's locomotor mobility. Knowledge of the peculiarities of their structure and functioning gives the concept of how important it is to monitor their health, normal development and the work of all systems and organs.

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Features of the structure of the lower limb of man

With the help of feet, a person moves in space due to a complex structure.

In a mutual arrangement, a person has bones, muscles, departing tendons from them, as well as joints, nerves and vessels.

Nature has created a leg in such a way that during walking there is a minimal load on the organs.

Despite the complexity of its structure, the leg has four divisions.

The first is called the "upper extremity belt" and includes the pelvic bones, the second - the thigh, the third - the shin and, finally, closes all the stops.

Classification is topographic, it is most often used by clinical practice.

First Department

The beginning of the leg takes from the waist of the lower limb, which is the pelvic bones, it is to them that fixation is performed with the hip joint, it is formed by the head of the femur.

The pelvis consists of two pelvic bones and a sacrum, with which all connects from behind.

The pelvic bones themselves include the pubic, ischium, iliac bones, whose flesh grows together in the acetabulum region by about 16 years.

The whole frame of bone is covered with muscles, they can move away from the pelvis, reach the hip.

Some muscles overlap one another to ensure movement of the hip joint and strengthen it.

From the space of the small pelvis to the lower limb come numerous vessels, next to the nerves, they have their anatomical features.

The structure of the thigh

To begin to describe correctly the structure of this part of a person's leg follows from the femur. In any person, the right or left lower limb has the same structure.

Features are that the femur is the largest formation in the skeleton.

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In the vertical position can withstand a significant weight due to its unique structure.

Bone foundation

The structure of the hip will be incomplete without a bone base - the femur. It has a body, two ends, one of which takes part in the formation of the hip joint.

It distinguishes the head, neck, two spit (small, large) - all these components are involved in the formation of the hip joint. The capsule of the hip joint is further strengthened by ligaments.

In humans, the ligaments are so powerful that they prevent dislocation and are able to withstand body weight.

The body of the femur is a strong tube, curved at an angle. The walls are thick and strong, inside is a yellow bone marrow. To the body of the thigh bone ligaments of the joint are attached, the tendons of the muscles providing the movements of the hip joint.

The lower part of the femur is involved in the formation of the knee joint. The body smoothly passes into the condyles, on each side of which are located supracondylar.

There are articular surfaces, which are two articular areas with a notch in the center. To all bony protrusions ligaments, tendons of muscles are attached.

Unlike the hip joint, the capsule is attached to the edge of the articular surface in the knee joint, and the patella is located in front.

This bone is the largest sesamoid, it acts as an additional arm, which is weaved in the quadriceps tendons. Inside, the surface of this bone in a person is smooth, which provides a slip on the surface of the condyles of the thigh.


The anatomy of this department, in addition to the thigh bone, also includes muscles. The fleshy part of the red color is the muscle, and the white part is the tendon.

This is the linking link that connects the bone and muscle fibers. It is thanks to the muscles, the legs have a beautiful shape, if they are constantly toned.

The main points on the thigh are:

  1. The shape of the buttocks corresponds to the gluteus maximus muscle. It is large and located on top, covering the upper part of the femur and hip joint. Its function is to withdraw the leg to the side, in the region of the hip joint, to unbend it backward. Still this muscle promotes the extension of the trunk under the condition of fixed legs.
  2. The small and middle gluteal muscles are located under the above described. They are necessary in order to take their legs to the side in the region of the hip joint.
  3. The most massive and strong in man is the quadriceps muscle. It participates in the formation of the anterior and partly lateral section of the thigh. Its task is to unbend the knee joint.
  4. But the longest is the sartorius muscle, which is located on the inner surface. Its purpose is to bend the leg in the region of the knee and hip joint.
  5. There is also an internal group, it includes comb, semimembranous and thin muscles. All of them have their tendons, which are fixed to the thigh bone. Their function is to bring the foot to the inside. They have their own topographic feature, which is guided in the course of the femoral artery and vein.
  6. The rear group provides extension of the femur in the hip joint. Also, in addition to the fact that it is retracted, the muscles in a person contribute to bending the knee joint. In this group, a man has a double-headed, semimembranous and semitendinous muscle.

Vessels and nerves of the thigh

It has its own peculiarities of blood supply and innervation. Vessels and nerves occupy special spaces between the muscles that help to orient themselves.

The largest artery is the femoral, next to it is a vein, which has exactly the same name. Artery features consist in the fact that it originates practically from the aorta and has colossal pressure in its cavity.

Occupying certain spaces, she gives branches to a number of located entities.

But in the region of the posterior part there is the largest nerve, which is called sciatic. Besides him, there is her femoral nerve, which is located in the field of the internal department, and many others. All of them provide sensitivity, innervate muscles, due to which movement occurs.

The shin is not only beauty

After the thigh bone and tissues, the shin follows, which contains its anatomical formations. As in the femoral region, it also has its own skeleton, muscles and tendons, as well as blood supply and innervation.


The shin consists of two bones: one, which carries a load, is called tibial, the second - small tibia.

The first participates in the formation of the knee joint, for which on the upper area, called the condyles, there are corresponding joint fields. In the field of this department, the bones have their protrusions, to which the tendons are attached.

The fibula strengthens somewhat lower and does not take part in the structure of the knee joint.

In humans, the crural bones form a fork that covers the block of the talus. On the sides in the joint are the ankles, one internal, and the second external. In the middle part between the bones stretched tendon membrane, which limits the anatomical space.

Muscles in the leg region

In total, there are twenty muscles in the shin area, they provide movement, foot movement.

At any person in the field of this department they allow to raise or lower a leg, to make movement by fingers.

Some muscles originate behind the knee joint, terminating in the foot area.

There is also a topographical classification, which allows you to divide all the muscles into the front, outer and back groups.

The front group is responsible for extending the fingers and feet. External, or peroneal, allows you to make movements in the region of the outer edge of the foot.

With the help of the back it becomes possible to bend fingers and feet.

In the field of this department, the most powerful is the gastrocnemius, it originates from the heel in the form of an Achilles tendon.

Next comes the muscle, which is clearly visible under the skin, forming a characteristic relief in humans.

Its features are that it consists of a double-headed one, which, in fact, is visible, as well as a sole located beneath it.

Also there are long flexors and extensors of the fingers, which provide movement with your fingers. They, of course, are not as complex as on the brush, everything is related to their functional purpose, which is to support.

Blood supply and innervation

The vessels and nerves of the shins originate from those that pass on the hip. They fill certain spaces, which are called channels.

Arterial blood supply is provided by the anterior and posterior tibial artery, which is separated from the popliteal. In turn, the knee joint is supplied with eight arterial trunks.

The veins in the area of ​​this department are two (one large and the second small subcutaneous), which connect with many small veins, eventually fall into the femoral.

The innervation is provided by the tibial nerve and peroneal nerve, which extend from larger trunks. They innervate the muscles, and the sensitivity is provided by the cutaneous nerves.

Foot - support and stability

Due to the foot there is a support on the surface, a person has the ability to move steadily in space.

In total, the foot has three sections, on which the bones are projected: tarsus, plyus and fingers.

The tarsus of the tarsus consists of the talus and calcaneus, which are the largest. They are followed by smaller bones:

  • scaphoid;
  • cube-shaped;
  • three cuboid bones.

All bones of this department have their own peculiarities, spaces and joints are formed between them with their bundles.

The bones of the metatarsal are represented by five tubular bones that have a body, head and base. The most massive is the first, but the small one is the fifth one.

Then follow the bones of the phalanx of the fingers, which have three bones in their composition.

The exception is the first phalanx, which contains the nail and main phalanx, the rest have an average phalanx.

Muscular apparatus

Total allocate the muscles of the rear and the plantar surface, which promote the bending and extension of the fingers, additional maintenance of the arch. On the rear pass:

  1. A short extensor of the toes, whose task is to move the fingers in the metatarsophalangeal joints and outward. The muscle gives its tendons from the second to the fourth fingers.
  2. The short extensor of the thumb not only unbends it, but also pulls it outward.

On the plantar side, the muscles have their own characteristics, in the field of this department there are more of them. The list can be represented as follows:

  1. The little finger has its own muscle, which pulls and bends it.
  2. There is a short flexor of the fingers, the function of which is clear from the name.
  3. The muscle that leads the thumb, bends and pulls it aside, helps strengthen the inside of the arch of the foot.
  4. In the area of ​​this department there is a short flexor of the thumb.
  5. The vermiform muscles also contribute to the bending of the fingers.
  6. The short flexor of the little finger not only bends this finger, but also withdraws it and helps to strengthen the arch of the foot.

Between the metatarsal bones in the area of ​​this department also has its own muscles. They are located on the rear surface, occupying the space between the bones. In addition to the fact that in the field of this department they strengthen the arch of the foot, occupying their spaces, they contribute to the movement of the fingers.

Blood supply and innervation

Certain spaces occupy vessels and nerves on the foot. In the area of ​​the soles, there are several arterial arches that provide normal blood supply to tissues when loaded on the feet. The greater number of nerves is concentrated in the rear area, this site is most sensitive.

The structure of the human foot is so complex that it provides the maximum possible functionality. All components are in close relationship, carrying out certain functions. If any component fails, the work of the entire leg is disrupted.

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The structure of a person's leg below the knee: the anatomy of the joint and its components

The ankle joint of a man is the anchor point of the skeleton of the lower limb. It is this joint of a man that accounts for the body weight during walking, playing sports, running.

Foot stop, in contrast to the knee joint, keeps weight loads, and not movement, this is reflected in the peculiarities of its anatomy.

The structure of the ankle joint of the foot and other parts of the foot is of considerable clinical importance.

Before considering the structure of different parts of the foot, it should be said that in this section of the leg organically interacts with muscle elements, ligament structures and bones.

In this case, the skeleton of the foot is divided intophalanx of fingers, metatarsus and tarsus of part. Bones of the tarsus are joined in the ankle joint with the elements of the shin.

Ankle joint of leg

In the tarsus of one of the largest bones is the talus one. On the top there is a ledge, which is calledblock. This element is connected from all sides to the tibial and fibular bones.

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In the lateral elements of the articulation are the bony outgrowths, which are called the ankles.

The outer is part of the fibula, and the inner one is tibial.

Each surface of the joint of bones has hyaline cartilage, which plays a damping and nutritional role. The junction is:

  1. The process of motion - biaxial.
  2. In shape - blocky.
  3. By structure - complex (more than 2 bones).


Restriction of movements in the human joint, protection, retention of bone structures with each other is possible due to the presence of ligaments of the ankle joint of the leg.

The description of these elements must begin with the fact thatthese structures in anatomy are divided into three groups.

The first group includes fibers that connect the bones of the shin to each other:

  • The lower posterior ligament is the part that prevents the inner turn of the bones of the lower leg.
  • The interosseous ligament is the lower part of the membrane, which is stretched between the bones of the tibia along its entire length.
  • The transverse ligament is a small fibrous part that ensures the fixation of the foot from turning inwards.
  • Lower anterior fibula ligament. Fibers of this part are directed from the outer ankle to the tibia and help to keep the foot from an external turn.

In addition to the above functions of the fibers, they also provide the fastening of the powerful tibia to the fragile peroneal. The next group of human ligaments areouter side fibers:

  1. Heel peroneal.
  2. Posterior talus peroneum.
  3. Anterior ramial peroneal.

These ligaments begin at the external fibular ankle of the bone and diverge in different directions towards the tarsal parts, therefore they are generalized by the term "deltoid ligament". The function of these structures is to strengthen the outer edge of this part.

The third group islateral internal ligament:

  • Tibial calcaneus.
  • Scaphoid scaphoid.
  • Tyrantum posterior tibial.
  • The talus anterior tibia.

Similar to the anatomy of the above-described fiber groups, ligament datakeep from shifting the tarsal boneand begin on the inner ankle.

Muscles of the lower limb of a person

Additional attachment of the elements, movements in the joint are achieved with the help of muscular elements that surround the ankle joint of the leg.

Any musclehas a specific fixation pointon the foot and its purpose, but it is possible to arrange the structures in groups according to the main function.

The muscles that participate in flexion are the plantar, tibial, posterior, long flexors of the big toe, the triceps. For the function of extension, the long extensor of the thumb and the anterior tibial muscle respond.

The third group is called pronators - these fibers rotate the ankle joint inward to the middle part. These muscles are long and short fibula. Their antagonists: a fibular anterior muscle, a long extensor of the thumb.

Achilles tendon

The ankle in the posterior part is fixed by the Achilles tendon, which is the largest in the human body. The articulation is formed by combining soleus and gastrocnemius muscles in the lower part of the tibia.

Stretched between a calcaneal tubercle and muscular abdomens, a powerful tendonhas an important function during the movement.

An important clinical moment is the probability of stretching and rupture of this structure. In order to restore the function, the traumatologist is obliged to perform complex treatment.

Blood supply

Exchange processes, the restoration of the elements after injury and load, the work of muscles in the joint is possible due to the special anatomy of the blood supply that surrounds the joint. The arteries of the ankle joint are similar to the pattern of the knee joint blood supply.

The posterior and anterior fibular and tibial arteries branch out around the inner and outer ankles and grasp the joint from all sides. Due to this device of the arterial network, the normal work of this anatomical part occurs.

Venous blood flows from this part through internal and external networks, forming important connections:tibial and subcutaneous internal veins.

Other foot ankle joints

The ankle connects the bones of the foot with the shin, but with each other small parts of the lower limb, tooare connected by small joints:

  • The bases of phalanges of basal fingers and 5 metatarsal bones are fixed by metatarsophalangeal joints. And inside all fingers are2 interphalangeal joints, which combine small bones with each other. Each of the joints on the sides is fixed by collateral ligaments.
  • Bones of the tarsus are connected to the central part of the skeleton of the foot by metatarsal and tarsal joints. These elements are fixed by the plantar long ligament - an important structure of the fibers, which forms the longitudinal arch and does not allow the appearance of flat feet.
  • The human calcaneus and calcaneus are involved in the formation of the subtalar joint. Simultaneously with the talus-calcaneo-navicular articulation of the jointconnects the tarsal bones- Back of the foot. Due to these elements, the rotation of the foot rises to 55 degrees.

Such a complex anatomy of the human foot helps it maintain a balance between the function of support and the mobility of the foot, which is important for the direct walking of a person.


The structure of the ankle, first of all, is aimed at achieving mobility, which is required when walking.

Due to the well-coordinated work in the joint of the muscles, it is possible to perform the movement in two planes. In the frontal plane of the ankleperforms extension and flexion.

In the vertical axis, rotation can occur: in a small volume, outwards and inwards.

In addition, due to the soft tissues of this area, keeping the bone structures intact, there is an amortization of movements.


In the ankle joint, legs can undergo different pathologies. To visualize the defect, to identify it, to correctly establish the diagnosis, there isdifferent methods of diagnosis:

  1. Ultrasound. To date, it is rarely used, because unlike the knee joint, the cavity of the ankle joint is small. But this method is distinguished by the absence of a negative effect on the fabric, the speed of the conduct, the economy. You can identify foreign bodies, swelling and blood clots in the joint bag, visualize the ligaments.
  2. Atroscopy. Low-traumatic and minimally invasive procedure, including the introduction of a capsule in a video camera. The doctor will be able to see the surface of the bag with his own eyes and identify the focus of the disease.
  3. Radiography. The most affordable and economical version of the survey. In different projections, shots of the ankle joint are performed, where one can detect a tumor, a dislocation, fracture and other processes.
  4. MRI. This procedure better than any other will determine the condition of the Achilles tendon, ligaments, articular cartilage. The method is quite expensive, but the most effective.
  5. CT scan. This method is used to assess the condition of the joint bone system. With arthrosis, neoplasms, fractures, this method is the most accurate in terms of diagnosis.

Instrumental methods are supplemented by the results of laboratory studies and medical examination, on the basis of this information the specialist determines the diagnosis.

Pathology of ankle joint

Alas, even a stout ankle is prone to traumatization and the appearance of diseases. The most common diseases of the ankle joint are:

  • Arthritis.
  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Ruptures of the Achilles tendon.
  • Injuries.

How to identify the disease? What to do and which doctor to contact? It is necessary to understand all of the listed diseases.

Deforming arthrosis

In this disease, due to lack of calcium, trauma, frequent overstrain develops a degeneration of cartilage structures and bones. Over time, on the bones are formed outgrowths - osteophytes, violating the volume of movements.

Diseaseis manifested by mechanical pains. This means that the symptoms increase in the evening, weaken at rest and increase after the load. Stiffness in the morning is absent or short-lived. There is a gradual decrease in the mobility of the ankle.

With these symptoms, you need to contact the therapist. With the development of complications, he will send for consultation with another doctor.

After diagnosis, the patient will be recommended therapeutic exercises, physiotherapy, medication correction. It is very important to fulfill all the requirements of the doctor, in order to avoid deformation, which will require surgery.


Inflammatory processes of articulation can occur during the development of rheumatoid arthritis or into the infection cavity. Also, the ankle can become inflamed with gout as a result of the deposition of uric acid salts.

The disease manifests itselfjoint pain from morning and end of night. When you move, the pain subsides.

Symptoms are removed with the help of anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Nyz, Ibuprofen), and after applying gels and ointments to the ankle.

You can also determine the pathology for the simultaneous damage to the joints of the hand and knee joint.

This disease is dealt with by rheumatologists, they recommend basic drugs to eliminate the symptoms of the disease. Each disease has its own drugs, designed to stop the inflammatory process.

For the removal of symptoms, a therapy similar to the treatment of arthrosis is recommended, which includes a spectrum of medications and physiological techniques.

The most important thing to distinguishinfectious arthritis from other causes.

As a rule, it manifests itself with severe symptoms with edematous syndrome and intense pain. In the joint cavity, pus is collected.

Often, hospitalization of the patient is required, bed rest is required, treatment is performed with antibiotics.


During the direct traumatization of the ankle in the workplace, in the event of an accident, sport can damage various connective tissues. Damage can cause damage to the integrity of the tendons, rupture of ligaments, fracture of bones.

Common features are: swelling, pain after trauma, inability to step on the lower limb, reduced mobility.

After injury of the ankle joint, it is necessary to ensure the calmness of the limb, apply ice to this place, and then consult a doctor. Traumatologist after examination and research will prescribe a set of medical procedures.

Typically, therapy includesimmobilization(immobilization of the joint), as well as the appointment of analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs. Sometimes surgical intervention may be required, it can be carried out with the help of arthroscopy or in a classical way.

Rupture of the Achilles tendon

With a direct impact on the back surface of the ankle, when falling on the leg, with sports loads, an Achilles tendon rupture may occur.

In this case, a person can not unbend the foot, get up on socks. In the area of ​​the foot injury, blood accumulates, and edema develops.

The movements in the joint are very painful.

Traumatologist often recommendsoperative intervention. Perhaps conservative treatment, but with a complete rupture of the tendon is not effective.

In the end, I would like to note that the leg muscles are controlled by the nervous system.

If the joints and muscles are without stress, then they gradually atrophy, while when the joints work for a long time without rest, then inevitably comes their fatigue.

After rest, the joints of the feet come to tone, and their working capacity is restored. Therefore, doctors recommend more often to take breaks between hard physical work.

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