Temperature without symptoms of cold in an adult

Temperature without signs of a cold is a serious cause for concern

"At me temperature - we speak, when the column of a thermometer rises above a mark + 37 ° С... Also we speak incorrectly, after all the indicator of a thermal condition our organism has always. And the said common phrase is pronounced when this indicator exceeds the norm.

By the way, the body temperature of a person in a healthy state can vary within a day - from +3, ° С to +3, ° С. In addition, the norm at +3, ° C, we get only when measuring body temperature in the armpit, if the same to measure the temperature in the mouth, then on the scale you will see + 37 ° C, and if the measurement is carried out in the ear or rectally - then all +3, ° C. So the temperature of +3, ° C without signs of cold, and even more so the temperature of + 37 ° C without symptoms of a cold of special concern, as a rule, do not cause.

However, any increase in body temperature, including temperature without signs of a cold, is response of the human body to an infection that can lead to one or the other disease. Therefore, doctors say that the increase in temperature indicators to + 38 ° C indicates that the body came into conflict with the infection and began to develop protective antibodies, immune system cells, phagocytes, and interferon.

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If the fever without signs of cold keeps long enough, then the person feels bad: the load on the heart and lungs increases significantly, as the energy expenditure and the need for tissues in oxygen increase and nutrition. And in this case only the doctor will help.

Causes of fever without colds

A fever or fever is observed in almost all acute infectious diseases, as well as during the exacerbation of certain chronic diseases. And in the absence of catarrhal symptoms, the cause of high temperatures of the patient's body is doctors can establish by isolating the causative agent either directly from a local foci of infection, or from blood.

It is much more difficult to determine the cause of the temperature without signs of a cold, if the disease has occurred due to exposure on the organism of conditionally pathogenic microbes (bacteria, fungi, mycoplasma) - against the background of a decrease in the general or local immunity. Then it is necessary to conduct a detailed laboratory study of not only blood, but also urine, bile, sputum and mucus.

In clinical practice, cases of persistent - for three or more weeks - a rise in temperature without signs of a cold or any other symptoms (with scores above + 38 ° C) is called a fever of unclear origin.

To the most "simple" case of temperature + 39 ° C without signs of a cold (in the sense of diagnosis, of course) is the appearance of it after trips of a person to hot foreign lands (especially to Africa and Asia), where he was bitten by a mosquito infected with parasites of the species Plasmodium. That is, in addition to souvenirs from the journey a person brings malaria. The first sign of this dangerous disease is fever, which is accompanied by headache, chills and vomiting. According to WHO, every year around the world malaria is infected from 350 million. up to 500 million. human.

Causes of temperature without signs of cold can be associated with such diseases as:

  • inflammatory diseases of bacterial origin: endocarditis, pyelonephritis, osteomyelitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis, andexitis, sinusitis, meningitis, prostatitis, inflammation of the uterine appendages, sepsis;
  • infectious diseases: tuberculosis, typhus and recurrent typhoid, brucellosis, Lyme disease, HIV infection;
  • diseases of viral, parasitic or fungal etiology: malaria, infectious mononucleosis, candidiasis, toxoplasmosis, syphilis;
  • Oncological diseases: leukemia, lymphoma, tumors of the lungs or bronchi, kidneys, liver, stomach (with and without metastases);
  • systemic inflammation, including autoimmune nature: polyarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic polymyalgia, allergic vasculitis, nodular periarthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, disease Crown;
  • endocrine diseases: thyrotoxicosis.

The growth of temperature indices can be caused by changes in the hormonal sphere. For example, during a normal menstrual cycle, women often have a temperature of + 37-3, ° C without signs of a cold. In addition, unexpected sudden temperature increases are reported by women with early menopause.

Temperature without signs of cold, the so-called subfebrile fever, often accompanies anemia - a low level of hemoglobin in the blood. Emotional stress, that is, the release of a high volume of adrenaline into the blood, is also capable of raising body temperature and causing adrenaline hyperthermia.

As experts note, a sudden jump in temperature rise can be caused by taking medications, including antibiotics, sulfonamides, barbiturates, anesthetics, psychostimulants, antidepressants, salicylates, and also some diuretics means.

In fairly rare cases, the causes of temperature without signs of a cold are hidden in the diseases of the hypothalamus itself.

Temperature without signs of cold: fever or hyperthermia?

Regulation of body temperature of a person (thermoregulation of the body) occurs at the reflex level, and the hypothalamus, which belongs to the divisions of the intermediate brain, is responsible for it. The function of the hypothalamus also includes the control of the work of our entire endocrine and autonomic nervous system, and it is in it that the centers, regulating body temperature, a feeling of hunger and thirst, a cycle of sleep and wakefulness and many other important physiological and psychosomatic processes.

In the rise in body temperature involved special protein substances - pyrogens. They are primary (exogenous, that is, external - in the form of toxins of bacteria and microbes) and secondary (endogenous, that is, internal, produced by the body itself). When a disease occurs, the primary pyrogens force the cells of our body to produce secondary pyrogen, which transmits the impulses to the thermoreceptors of the hypothalamus. And the latter, in turn, begins to correct the body's temperature homeostasis in order to mobilize its protective functions. And while the hypothalamus does not adjust the disturbed balance between heat formation (which rises) and heat emission (which decreases), a person suffers from fever.

The temperature without signs of a cold also happens with hyperthermia, when the hypothalamus does not participate in its increase: it simply did not receive a signal to begin protecting the body from infection. Such an increase in temperature is due to a violation of the heat transfer process, for example, with significant physical exertion or due to the general overheating of a person in hot weather (which we call thermal impact).

Treatment of temperature without cold symptoms

So, let's remind that treatment of temperature without signs of cold should begin with finding-out of the true reason of this problem. And for this you should turn to the doctors - and not a bag.

Only a qualified doctor (and, often, not one) will be able to answer the question, where did you get a high fever without signs of a cold, and prescribe a comprehensive treatment.

If the detected disease appears to be infectious-inflammatory, antibiotics will be prescribed. And, for example, with lesions of fungal etiology prescribe polyene antibiotics, drugs of the triazole group and a number of other medication medications.

In general, as you know, some drugs are needed to treat arthritis, for treatment of thyrotoxicosis or, say, syphilis - quite different. With an increase in temperature without signs of a cold - when this single symptom combined so different in the etiology disease - only a qualified doctor can determine which medicines should be taken in each specific the case. So, detoxification, that is, to reduce the level of toxins in the blood, resort to intravenous drip injection of special solutions, but exclusively in the clinic.

Therefore, curing the temperature without signs of a cold is not just a fever-reducing pill like paracetamol or aspirin. Any doctor will tell you that with the diagnosis not yet established, the use of antipyretic drugs can not only prevent the identification of the cause of the disease, but also aggravate its course. So the temperature without signs of a cold is really a serious cause for concern.


Temperature 38 without symptoms

Usually, an increase in temperature in an adult accompanies a cold or other inflammatory processes in the body. But in some cases, the temperature rises to 38 degrees without obvious symptoms of the disease.

Most doctors consider the increase in temperature as a favorable factor, indicating the confrontation of the body to various negative influences. The matter is that the raised temperature promotes destruction of pathogenic microorganisms and to acceleration of synthesis of an interferon which strengthens immunity. However, sometimes the temperature of 38 without symptoms lasts for several days.

Causes of temperature increase

As already noted, the temperature rise to 38 is caused by colds, the main symptom is headache. Also, the elevated temperature is observed in situations:

  • physical overstrain;
  • strong stressful experiences;
  • overheating, first of all, as a result of a long stay in the sun;
  • disorders of the digestive system;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • reactive response to the introduction of the vaccine;
  • alcohol abuse.

Temperature 3, and higher without symptoms can signal that lacunar or follicular angina begins (in catarrhal angina, the temperature rises slightly).

If the temperature above 38 degrees without symptoms lasts 3 or more days, this can be a manifestation:

  • rheumatism;
  • heart attack;
  • inflammation of the kidneys (with a strong stitching pain in the lower back);
  • vegetative vascular dystonia accompanied by irregular blood pressure;
  • pneumonia.

The most unpleasant syndrome is the persistence of fever for several weeks and even months. This is most likely:

  • a sign of development in the body of a tumor;
  • serious endocrine disorders;
  • leukemia;
  • diffuse changes in the liver or lungs.

The patient does not feel any clearly expressed symptoms of the disease, but, nevertheless, they are noted:

  • weakness;
  • irritability;
  • sharp weight loss;
  • hair loss.
Is it worth it to bring down the temperature?

If the thermometer has risen to 38 degrees, then it is not recommended to bring down the temperature, except when a person has serious pathological changes in the cardiovascular system, or he recently suffered a stroke, heart attack. When the temperature rises to 40... 41 degrees, measures should be taken to reduce the temperature indicators, since at 42 degrees there are convulsions and irreversible destructive processes occur in the structures of the brain. If the temperature is close to 38 degrees, it keeps alone - two days, then it is necessary to provide measures to alleviate the patient's condition:

  1. First of all, give a lot of drink, so the rise in temperature is necessarily accompanied by dehydration of the body. The best way to restore the water balance is suited drinks with an acid taste: hot tea with lemon and honey, fruit and herbal teas, berry fruit drinks, rose hips infusion or mineral table water.
  2. An effective way to reduce temperature is rubbing the body with alcohol. A fast-acting remedy is an enema with a febrifuge dissolved in 50 ml of boiled water.

However, if the body temperature has risen to 38 without symptoms and lasts for several days, do not delay the visit to the doctor. Studies conducted by specialists can help in diagnosing serious diseases. The timely treatment and implementation of all medical recommendations are often the key to a successful recovery.


High fever in an adult without symptoms: causes of increased

The appearance of fever, elevated body temperature to 40 degrees, headache and aches are not always associated with a cold disease. A similar state is a signal of the organism to the presence of some stimulus.

It is important to know why temperatures can increase. If the fever and without symptoms in an adult or adolescent lasts a long time, you need to pay special attention to this and be sure to see a doctor for the examination.

Otherwise, it can affect the functioning of the most important internal organs, resulting in serious complications.

What temperature is the norm?

Before you find out the causes of high temperature, it is worthwhile to figure out which temperature indicators are considered normal.

Throughout the day, the temperature of a healthy person can range from 35.5 to 37.4 degrees. These changes are directly related to the work of the thyroid gland and hypothalamus, which regulate metabolism.

Since the metabolic rate in the internal organs varies throughout the day, when the metabolism slows down, the temperature decreases, and increases with acceleration.

Minimum temperature values ​​of 35.5 degrees in a person usually in the morning hours after sleep, if you make measurements in the armpit. Blood in the vessels during this period moves slowly, which reduces the rate of metabolism. In the evening, the temperature rises and can reach 37-37.4 degrees.

The average temperature is measured in the daytime, when a person is relaxed. At this point, the temperature is 36.6 degrees.

  • With a decrease in indicators below 35.2 degrees, doctors can diagnose hypothermia.
  • From 35.2 to 35.8 the data are considered moderately low, which can signal a violation of the liver or a decrease in muscle tone.
  • Subfebrile is considered a temperature of 37 to 37.8 degrees.
  • A febrile temperature is called if the index rises to 38-38.9 degrees.
  • Piretic, if the data is 39-40.9 degrees.
  • Hyperpyretic is considered a high temperature of more than 41 and 42 degrees.

Thus, 37 degrees is considered the best option for a healthy person.

If the indicator keeps at level 38 and above degrees, such a high temperature causes a headache.

Why does the temperature rise?

An increased fever without signs of a cold can quickly appear and also disappear quickly. Why sometimes there is a high temperature for 38 degrees and a febrile condition is observed? This can happen for the following reasons:

  1. The person overheated in the bath, on the beach, in the sauna or when wearing too warm clothes.
  2. In the case of a psychological stressful situation, when the patient is overly rejoicing or. On the contrary, it receives negative emotions.
  3. After drinking alcohol, hot tea or strong coffee.
  4. After doing physical activity.

If the fever lasts for five or more days, then there is lability and headache, often the appearance of an inflammatory process.

The reason may be getting into the body of a viral or bacterial infection, as well as eating poor-quality food. In the event that the headache and aches do not last three weeks or more, it indicates the presence of any disease.

Often, a high fever without signs of a cold rises in the elderly. In medicine, this phenomenon is called a fever of an unknown genesis, since it can be caused by a wide range of diseases, among which:

  • Infectious-inflammatory;
  • Tumoral;
  • System;
  • Internal diseases with atypical leakage.

Including the elevated temperature without the presence of other cold symptoms can occur in the unusual course of standard diseases.

The presence of infectious and inflammatory diseases

Appearance is high

th temperature is most often associated with the emergence of chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases. Often the cause of a febrile condition, in which for several weeks the headache is felt pain and aches, becomes tuberculosis of the genitourinary system, spleen, lungs, spine, lymphatic nodes.

This disease is dangerous because it is asymptomatic. Even during the X-ray study and taking tuberculin samples at an early stage of the disease, the indices are mild and in some cases give a negative result. If the fever does not subside for more than a month, this may be the main signal for the development of this dangerous disease.

If the patient is only febrile, this can signal the presence of:

  • Pyelonephritis;
  • viral hepatitis B and C;
  • Cholangitis in the form of inflammation of the bile duct;
  • HIV infection, mycobacteriosis, fungal infections in the form of coccidiomycosis and histoplasmosis.

When the fever keeps at a level of 37 to 39 degrees for a month or more, the cause may be covered in the formation of pus in the abdominal cavity and pelvic cavity. In this case, any visible symptoms may be absent. This condition can usually be seen in people in years, when immunity decreases and the defenses of the body are weakened.

If the heat is written off for a cold, the patient usually does not hurry to see a doctor, tries to be treated at home, thereby losing the moment when it is possible to stop the development of severe disease. By the way, it is worth noting that sometimes a cold without temperature can develop.

Abscess occurs on the walls of the intestine, in the kidneys, the prostate gland, the liver. Suppuration can be formed in the presence of abdominal injuries, chronic intestinal infections, diabetes mellitus, liver cirrhosis.

The temperature of 37-38 degrees occurs with endocarditis - inflammation of the inner membranes of the heart. However, the source of such a disease is not easy to identify. It is dangerous because the inflammatory process affects the heart valves.

Pain and aches may be a sign of osteomyelitis - a purulent-inflammatory process in the bones and bone marrow. Such a disease occurs in people who have suffered a serious trauma or have a professional activity associated with high physical stress.

An increase in temperature with osteomyelitis is the first symptom of a disorder in the body, so you need to do a full study and take tests.

The appearance of tumors

With the activity of tumor cells, pyrogenic substances are released that cause fever. Temperatures from 37 to 38 degrees, headache and aches cause at an early stage such diseases as:

  • The appearance of liver cancer;
  • Detection of kidney tumor;
  • Diagnosis of colon cancer;
  • Detection of a pancreatic tumor;
  • Lymphogranulomatosis, lymphosarcoma;
  • Detection of a stomach tumor.

Other types of diseases

Among systemic diseases, the temperature is from 37 to 38-39, body aches can last for a week with red lupus, Still's disease in adults, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic fever, Crohn's disease, vasculitis. Such diseases are usually treated with glucocorticoid drugs and salicylates, which confirms their non-infectious origin.

A febrile condition, an increase in temperature above 37 degrees, aches sometimes indicates vascular disease of the lower limbs in the form of thrombophlebitis or deep vein thrombosis. If the malaise is observed in the postpartum period or after getting a serious injury, the doctor can diagnose pulmonary embolism.

A causal increase in temperature disrupts the thyroid gland. With the help of a routine examination, it is not always possible to detect the initial stage of thyrotoxicosis or thyroiditis.

To identify the disease, you need to do an ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland.

Infringement of temperature at reception of medical products

Some medicines can cause a side effect in the form of a sudden increase in temperature above 37 degrees, as a result of which violations can be observed a few days after the patient has accepted medicine.

A few days later, for seemingly unknown reasons, increased temperature, pain and aches may appear after the patient has accepted:

  1. Antibiotics in the form of tetracycline, penicillin, cephalosporin, isoniazid;
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of Tolmetin or Ibuprofen;
  3. Iodine preparations;
  4. Antihistamines;
  5. Cardiovascular drugs in the form of Alpha methyldopa or quinidine.

In some patients, despite careful examination and research, doctors can not pinpoint the cause of the increase in temperature and determine the diagnosis. At the same time, the percentage of such people with fever of unknown origin is quite high.

Very often, a few days after going to the doctor, the pain and aches completely disappear and the patient suddenly recovers. The febrile state rarely renews. If the temperature rises again above 37 degrees, a complete diagnostic study should be done, as a result of which to determine the true cause of this condition.

Competently about the temperature and ways to deal with it will tell in the video in this article Elena Malysheva.


High fever without signs of a cold. what could it be?


♍Galina Zhigunova♍

Temperature is a strong inflammatory process in the body and not necessarily it happens with colds. Urgently you need to be examined, because the high temperature is a symptom of serious enough diseases. Good luck to you!!!

mrs dina

can the flu?

Afinogen Staff

Congratulations, this is the flu.

Mikhail Romanov

Symptoms may appear later


flu... now the flu walks at which four days the temperature only, and everything else then appears

Valery Maffia



inflammatory process... this is a protective reaction
In the case of inflammatory processes, the most reliable method of diagnosis is a biochemical blood test, with which, due to the presence of certain chemicals (markers of inflammation) in the blood, is determined by the presence of inflammation and its most probable cause.
High temperature must be brought down!!! And as soon as it falls, at least to 3, -if this is the flu or cold, all the signs of a runny nose and cough will appear, and so on.


Hello, any temperature is an inflammatory process when the body boric with an infection, at this temperature, turn to the doctor! Do not mess with this business!


Influenza, with his catarrhal phenomena are not expressed, but can then join.

Personal Cabinet Removed

Why does the adult have a high fever? There are many reasons for this. The temperature can rise due to the presence in the body of bacterial and viral infections, allergies, inflammatory processes in tissues and joints, under the influence of natural hormones, with infarcts, bleeding and etc. In any case, the high temperature itself is not a disease, but serves as an indicator of the immune system's response to some kind of disorder.

See here: http://www.justlady.ru/health/1982/

Elena Golomidova

Go for the sick-list. ARVI most likely

Yaroslav Sorokin

try or taste amiksin. It helps me very much for colds and flu, I'm practically healthy in a day. With the temperature, too, successfully fights: once before an important interview he returned me to the form for a day

High fever without symptoms - an excuse for a diagnostic search

There are not many people in the world who, suspecting an increase in their body temperature, remain indifferent to this. By itself, a high temperature means that something has got into the body with which it needs to cope. And if in infectious and purulent diseases without such a reaction, recovery (despite treatment) is slower, then in some other diseases, the temperature can only deplete a person. In any case, the heat is a request of the body for help: you need to find the cause and eliminate it.

Why does a fever without symptoms appear?

The appearance of high temperature can be caused by an acute and chronic process. Acute fever is one that lasts up to two to three weeks, the chronic fever is the one that exceeds this period. The causes of these two types of fever are different. Also, the starting factors of temperature increase in adults, children and adolescents differ.

When there is an acute fever without symptoms?

1. With infectious and purulent diseases. It can be any viral, bacterial, fungal, rickettsial pathologies. If there are absolutely no symptoms (no cough, no runny nose, no diarrhea, no vomiting, etc.), at the first stage, the nature of the fever will help in diagnosis:

a) When the temperature during the day falls to normal numbers: it can be an abscess (accumulation of pus anywhere in the surface, in some internal organs). Such a temperature curve can also be with tuberculosis.

b) The temperature has a diurnal rhythm of fluctuation (in the morning below), but it does not drop to normal figures. This fever is not characteristic of any particular disease.

c) High fever without symptoms is observed during the day, not particularly decreasing. It can be with typhus or typhoid fever, some other diseases.

d) Increase body temperature to high digits, followed by its decrease, which can last even a few days. This can be for:

- malaria - after staying in countries with a hot climate where there are mosquitoes;

- Soda - after a rat bite;

- disease of the bile ducts - Charcot's disease;

- urinary tract infections.

2. Mechanical injury: bruise, crushing, fracture. Even infection splinters can cause a rise in body temperature.

3. Neoplasms, especially malignant ones. In this case, the temperature without symptoms of a cold (and any other symptoms) may become the first sign of a tumor of any organ.

4. Some endocrine diseases: thyrotoxicosis, goitre, porphyria.

5. Acute destruction of erythrocytes (hemolysis) due to various causes.

6. Infarction of the lung, myocardial infarction can also cause a rise in body temperature.

7. Diseases of the blood, including leukemia (it starts with the appearance of high temperature without others symptoms), lymphoma (it is characterized by fever with a drop in temperature to normal in during the day).

8. Systemic diseases: systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis.

9. Mental disorders.

Why can the temperature rise sharply in a teenager?

The temperature in a teenager without symptoms may indicate bacterial endocarditis (the formation of bacterial raids on the valves of the heart - this is usually combined with drug addiction, but can occur without it), leukemia, haemolytic crisis, the use of some "medicine" for weight loss or muscle building masses.

Why can an acute temperature rise in an infant of an early age?

High temperature without symptoms is most often of infectious origin (ARI, meningitis, angina, intestinal infection, appendicitis, otitis and others). But it can be the first sign of heart disease, blood disease, allergies. There may be a "fearless" increase in temperature during teething, after grafting, with prolonged crying in response to a psychogenic factor.

What to do if the temperature increases without symptoms?

To be surveyed at the doctor-therapist (or the pediatrist). Sometimes, you are not a symptom of the disease, it is. Many serious diseases (eg, leukemia, hemolysis or kidney disease) can be detected by a routine blood or urine test. If necessary, you will be prescribed ultrasound, x-ray, blood culture, urine and sputum for various media. It is not necessary to "heal" the disease with antipyretic - so you prevent the body from fighting, and doctors are confusing.


Temperature without sore throat and runny nose: causes, treatment

The temperature without pain in the throat and runny nose is not that rare. This is an indicator that an infection has entered the body. What are the causes of heat without colds in adults and children? Than to treat temperature, whether it is necessary to do or make it? Let us consider in more detail the answers to these and other questions.

How does the regulation of temperature in the body

The level of human body temperature is regulated by the department of the intermediate brain - the hypothalamus. As soon as an infection gets into the body, the cells of the body begin to transmit impulses to the hypothalamus, or more precisely, to its thermoreceptors. As a result, the protective functions of the body are mobilized to fight the virus: heat production increases and heat loss decreases. As a result, a person begins to suffer from fever.

But there are also cases when the body temperature rises and without the involvement of the hypothalamus. For example, it can be as a result of a heat stroke (severe overheating), during which the heat transfer in the body is disrupted.

What body temperature is normal in adults and children

Almost everyone knows that during the day the temperature of a healthy person can fluctuate within 3, -3, degrees. This is considered a completely normal process. In this case, we must not forget that the temperature 3, - the maximum threshold of the norm. If it rises higher or does not go down for several days, you need to start looking for the reasons for its occurrence. Especially it concerns cases when there is a temperature without pain in the throat and runny nose or other signs of a cold.

Another important thing to take into account one important detail: the generally accepted norm of 3 degrees is designed for measurement in the armpit. When measuring the temperature in the mouth, the norm is 37 degrees, and in the case of rectal measurement - 3 degrees.

Children concept of "normal temperature" is more blurry. At them it can vary depending on the most diverse factors, from the time of day and ending with the activity of the child. In this case, we can say that the temperature 3, -3, is the maximum rate.

Temperature without cold symptoms: causes of adults

Everyone is accustomed to the fact that fever is a sign of the common cold and it is combined with a cough, headaches, stuffiness of the nose and so on. Situations in which the temperature rises without pain in the throat and runny nose, can put many at a dead end. In such cases, it is difficult to understand the causes of its occurrence and choose the right treatment, which will relieve not only the symptoms, but also the disease itself.

We'll figure out why the temperature "no reason" appears (in quotes, because there is a reason).

First, the appearance of fever in adults can be triggered by exposure to the body of various microbes due to a decrease in local or general immunity.

Secondly, a sudden increase in temperature may indicate the presence of inflammatory (pneumonia, meningitis, tonsillitis, pyelonephritis, etc.), infectious (HIV, tuberculosis, typhoid etc.), viral and parasitic (toxoplasmosis, malaria, syphilis, mononucleosis, etc.), oncological (tumors, lymphoma, leukemia, etc.), endocrine (thyrotoxicosis) diseases.

Third, systemic inflammations such as rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease and others can provoke the appearance of fever.

Fourthly, this may indicate a decrease in the level of hemoglobin and accompany anemia or be the result of the release of excessive amounts of adrenaline into the blood.

In addition, women may experience a small temperature as a result of hormonal changes during menstruation.

Also, the appearance of heat is possible due to the taking of certain medications that caused so-called medicinal fever.

Well, the last of the most common reasons is overheating. This happens as a result of a long stay in a stuffy room or under direct sunlight.

Temperature without cold symptoms: causes of children

In children, the temperature without sore throat and runny nose is usually observed in such cases as:

  • overheating in the sun or in a poorly ventilated, stuffy room;
  • the child has a lot of warm clothing;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • poisoning;
  • severe overwork;
  • allergic reactions;
  • teething.

When do I need to bring down the temperature?

As for children, pediatricians do not advise to bring down the temperature to a mark of 3 degrees. It is generally believed that the body at this time fights with microbes and does not need to interfere with it. But if the baby becomes weak, irritable, stops eating, crying a lot and so on, then taking antipyretics is mandatory. This applies to cases and when the temperature of the child is 3, no symptoms, and if there are obvious signs of a cold. To the mark of 3 degrees, in no case do you need to knock down anything, so as not to harm the body so that he could continue to fight the infection by himself.

Adults are not recommended to bring down the temperature, which did not reach 38-39 degrees, if it lasts less than 3-4 days. After the fourth day, the intake of antipyretics usually begins in combination with antibiotics.

Medications for lowering the temperature in adults

So, the heat rose in the adult. What to do in this situation? The answer is quite logical - to bring down it. To date, there are many antipyretic drugs with completely different composition and type of action. Consider the most popular of them.

  1. "Aspirin" (acetylsalicylic acid). The drug is multifunctional and can not only lower the heat, but also provide analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-aggregative action. But you need to treat it cautiously, because "Aspirin" is inherently an acid that can provoke the appearance of a stomach ulcer. In order to avoid such participation, the drug is recommended to be washed down with mineral water, although in this case its absorption and efficacy are significantly reduced. So here you have to make your own choice and correctly set all the priorities.
  2. "Paracetamol". The drug is intended solely for lowering the heat, it unfortunately does not possess anti-inflammatory properties. At the same time, Paracetamol does not cause any side effects if it is used for its intended purpose and to observe the necessary dosages. Due to the "harmless" composition, the use of "Paracetamol" is allowed during pregnancy and lactation as an antipyretic agent. The only thing that this drug is prohibited to use for patients with kidney failure or suffering from alcoholism, as it has a slight toxic effect on the liver and kidneys.
  3. "Analgin". This drug is highly effective in fighting high fever and severe pain. Usually it is used in the form of injections, thanks to which it begins to act almost instantaneously. But numerous studies have shown that "Analgin" has a number of side effects, and is also capable of killing white blood cells. As a result, the body loses its protective functions in the fight against bacteria and fungi. Therefore, the drug begins to gradually disappear from pharmacies in Russia, as it becomes less common.
  4. "Diclofenac" and "Ibuprofen". Drugs based on substances such as diclofenac and ibuprofen are the safest. But take combined drugs is with the utmost care to avoid allergic reactions to one or more components. They also have antipyretic and analgesic effect.

Medications for lowering the temperature in children

As mentioned above, if the temperature of the child is 3, without the symptoms of a cold, it does not cause the baby inconvenience, it is not necessary to shoot down. When it is raised to 3, -3, degrees, it is necessary to monitor the general state of the child and shoot down only when necessary. At a temperature above 3, the intake of antipyretics is mandatory.

Preparations based on paracetamol are allowed starting from the age of 3 months of the child, they are released in the form of candles. The most popular are: "Cefekon" Panadol "Efferalgan."

Preparations based on ibuprofen are available in the form of syrups, have antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effects. The most common drug in this group is Nurofen.

Medicines based on both paracetamol and ibuprofen can be used no more than 4 hours after the previous intake. If the temperature rises faster, then alternation of drugs is possible, for example, the baby is given a dose of Nurofen and after a while they put an additional paracetamol candle.

How to take antipyretics correctly

If the fever has risen, the antipyretic agent will be the best option to reduce it to a normal level. The main thing here is to strictly adhere to the necessary dosages to achieve the desired result and avoid side effects. Also it is necessary to pay attention to the expiration date of the drug, since the spoiled medicine can not only not bring benefits, but also harm.

How to knock down the temperature in popular ways

To ease your condition during a fever, you can use the following methods:

  1. Do not interfere with heat transfer processes. This means that you do not need to wear a few sweaters and wrap yourself in three blankets. The temperature will not go away with sweat, as it is commonly believed. Rather, on the contrary: due to the dehydration of the body the situation can worsen even more.
  2. Restoration of water balance. You need to drink as much liquid as possible, preferably without sugar.
  3. A warm (not hot!) Bath can bring down the temperature even under 40 degrees. It takes about 20-30 minutes to lie in it. The minus method is that after 1-2 hours the fever can resume and the procedure will have to be repeated.
  4. Rubbing the skin with a mixture of five parts water with one part vinegar can quickly remove heat and improve the overall condition. But repeat this procedure with a periodicity of approximately two hours.

Revealing the cause of temperature rise

Temperature without pain in the throat and runny nose can indicate a number of infectious or inflammatory diseases, so knocking it down does not mean completely recovering.

To establish the true causes of fever (if it lasts more than 3-4 days), you should consult a doctor to examine and prescribe the necessary tests. After all, it is necessary to fight not with a symptom (temperature), but directly with the disease itself. Only then will the treatment end quickly and successfully.

Be healthy!


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