Bong-benge ointment: instructions for use


  • 1Bom-Bengue
    • 1.1Composition
    • 1.2Form of issue
    • 1.3pharmachologic effect
    • 1.4Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
    • 1.5Application of ointment Bom-Benge
    • 1.6Contraindications
    • 1.7Side effects
    • 1.8Bom-Benge ointment, instructions for use (Method and dosage)
    • 1.9Overdose
    • 1.10Interaction
    • 1.11Terms of sale
    • 1.12Storage conditions
    • 1.13Shelf life
    • 1.14Analogues
    • 1.15Reviews
    • 1.16Price, where to buy
    • 1.17WER.RU
    • 1.18ZdravZona
    • 1.19Pharmacy24
    • 1.20PaniApoteka
    • 1.21BIOSPHERE
  • 2Therapeutic properties of the Bom-Benge ointment for joints
    • 2.1Composition and action of the agent
    • 2.2When ointment is used
    • 2.3When the funds must be abandoned
    • 2.4Drug Interactions
    • 2.5Patient's opinions
  • 3Ointment "Bom-Benge instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews:
    • 3.1What do you need to know about the composition and form of the release?
    • 3.2What effect does the body have?
    • 3.3Pharmacokinetic properties
    • 3.4When do doctors recommend to apply?
    • 3.5Are there any contraindications?
    • 3.6Bom-Benge Ointment: instructions for use
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.7Are there any side effects?
    • 3.8On the interaction with other medicines
    • 3.9What will happen in case of an overdose?
    • 3.10Terms of purchase and storage. Medication price
    • 3.11Are there analogues?
    • 3.12Reviews of patients and doctors
    • 3.13conclusions
  • 4Instructions for the use of Bom-Benge ointments, analogues, reviews
    • 4.1Composition
    • 4.2Healing properties
    • 4.3Indications for use
    • 4.4Form of issue
    • 4.5Dosing and Administration
    • 4.6Contraindications
    • 4.7Precautionary measures
    • 4.8The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding
    • 4.9Interaction with other drugs
    • 4.10Side effects
    • 4.11Overdose
    • 4.12Conditions and shelf life
    • 4.13Analogues
    • 4.14Ben Gay
    • 4.15Download user manual
  • 5Bom-Benge ointment: instructions for use, analogues, price, reviews
    • 5.1Composition and form of release
    • 5.2How the ointment works
    • 5.3Indications for use
    • 5.4Contraindications
    • 5.5Instructions for use
    • 5.6Side effects
    • 5.7Overdose
    • 5.8Ointment Bohm Benge analogues
    • 5.9Reviews
  • 6Bom-Benge
    • 6.1pharmachologic effect
    • 6.2Form of release of Bomb-Benga
    • 6.3Composition of Bom-Beng
    • 6.4Indications for use Bom-benga
    • 6.5Instructions for use Bom-Beng
    • 6.6Contraindications
    • 6.7Side effects of Bom-Beng
    • 6.8Additional Information
  • 7Bom-Benge instructions for use ointment 25 g
    • 7.1Bom-Benge: indications for use
    • 7.2Bom-Benge: contraindications
    • 7.3Bom-Benge ointment: analogs are cheaper
    • 7.4Bom-Benge ointment: dosage and method of administration
    • 7.5Bom-Benge: side effect
    • 7.6Ointment bomb-benge abstract (instruction for use) in photos
    • 7.7Bom-Benge ointment: reviews about the drug



In 100 g of ointmentmenthol, g,methyl salicylate2,

Paraffins are solid, vaseline is medical, - as auxiliary substances.

Form of issue

Ointment in tuba or jar.

pharmachologic effect

Locally irritating, anti-inflammatory.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


Combined drug, two active components of which -methyl salicylateandmenthol- have a pronouncedpain reliever, local anesthetic, anti-inflammatoryact.

The basis of the actionmethyl salicylatelies the influence on the processes of microcirculation and permeability of capillaries, inhibition of inflammatory mediators, which causes an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect. Menthol irritation of nerve endings causes a local anesthetic effect.


With topical application, the active ingredients are not absorbed into the bloodstream, so they do not have a general effect.

Application of ointment Bom-Benge

  • sciatica;
  • arthralgia;
  • radiculitis;
  • myalgia: pain with inflammation of the periarticular tissues;
  • exudative pleurisy.


Bom-Benge ointment is contraindicated in:

  • hypersensitivity;
  • skin irritations at the site of application;
  • skin damage and open wounds;
  • age to 6 years.

C is used with caution whenof pregnancyandaspirin bronchial asthma.

Side effects

Bom-Benge Ointment can cause:

Bom-Benge ointment, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Ointment Bom-Benge is applied externally. 2-4 g of ointment (the size of a large cherry) is rubbed in places of soreness for a few minutes. Whenexudative pleurisyrub in the chest area.

If necessary, the application of the ointment is repeated up to 3 times a day. After the procedure, apply a dry warming bandage. When applied, there is a feeling of cold, then heat, mild tingling and burning.

After using the drug, wash your hands thoroughly. Do not use more than 10 days.

Instructions for use Bom-Benge contains information that the ointment can not be used as a warming compress. Avoid contact with mucous membranes, eyes. Stop use in case of skin irritation!


Overdosage with topical application is rare, only if the instructions for use are violated: application to large areas or to damaged skin. In some cases, an overdose was observed in children with accidental ingestion.

Overdose is manifested by symptoms: nausea, abdominal pain, agitation,temperature increase, tides to the face,dizziness, unsteady gait, drowsiness, respiratory depression.

Treatment is symptomatic. A correction of the water balance is made,adsorbents, salt laxatives, heldforced diuresis.


Given that the drug causes a reflex increase in blood circulation at the site of application, the simultaneous administration of other topical agents may enhance their absorption.

Do not use simultaneously withoral anticoagulants. When using large amounts, toxicity increasesmethotrexate, applied simultaneously and the effect is reducedhypoglycemic agents.

Terms of sale

Without recipe.

Storage conditions

At a temperature of 8-150 ° C. Do not freeze.

Shelf life

3 years.


Matches by ATC code of 4th level:

Ben-Gay, Ben-Gay sports, Bengin.


The drug has a variety of uses - from bruising and stretching muscles in everyday life to exudative pleurisy.

A case of treatment is describedexudative pleurisylocal application of this ointment in combination with other drugs.

For 14 days of treatment, the fluid disappeared from the pleural cavity, which is confirmed by ultrasound.

Reviews about the Bom-Benge ointment show that it has a quick warming effect, removes pain in the joints and muscles, and causes them to relax.

"An excellent heating tool"

"A good warming agent with a menthol smell"

"Saves when you need help with joints and muscles. Deep warming effect »

"Cheap and time-tested! I remember the smell of this ointment since childhood "

"My child always rubs his feet and back when coughing. It warms well, cough decreases "

Price, where to buy

You can buy in Moscow in many pharmacies. The price of Bom-Benge ointment ranges from 31 rubles. up to 65 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Internet pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Bom-Benge ointment 25 g Samaramedprom


  • Bom-benge ointment 25g of bankTulskaya FF


  • Bom-bengeFitofarm (Ukraine, Artemivsk)
  • Ointment bomb-benge 25gViola (Ukraine, Zaporozhye)
  • Ointment bomb-benge 25gTernopolskaya FF (Ukraine, Ternopil)



  • Bom-Benge 25 g ointment in the bath. Pharmacy Karaganda (Kazakhstan)

NOTE! Information about medicines on the site is a reference-generalizing, collected from public sources and can not serve as a basis for making a decision about the use of medications in the course of treatment. Before using the drug, Bom-Benge should consult with your doctor.

A source:

Therapeutic properties of the Bom-Benge ointment for joints

Bom-Benge ointment, intended for external use, refers to locally irritating agents, which contain derivatives of salicylic acid. The finished form is a dense mass of white or yellow color, which has a persistent smell of menthol and methyl salicylate.

The remedy is traditionally used for rubbing problematic areas with the appearance of painful sensations musculoskeletal system and for auxiliary treatment of symptoms of acute respiratory diseases. Manufacturers pack a ready-to-use mass in glass jars or aluminum tubes for 25 grams.

Composition and action of the agent

Bom-Benge ointment contains in its composition 2 active ingredients and auxiliary ingredients needed to create the base.

Methyl ester of salicylic acid, which has a strong characteristic odor, is included in the composition as an analgesic, which has a well-pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

Racetenthol, the second active ingredient, enhances the therapeutic properties of salicylic acid derivatives. It soothes itching, warms the affected tissue, allowing the etheric compounds to reach the site of the lesion.

The therapeutic effect of menthol is due to irritation of sensitive nerve endings. Menthol oil suppresses reproduction of pathogenic microflora, providing antiseptic action.

After applying a small amount of ointment on the skin, the constriction of the vessels first begins and a sensation of cold sensation, which after a while passes into an easy burning and tingling.

With the absorption of ethereal compounds, the skin begins to turn red, which reflexively increases blood circulation in the subcutaneous tissue and allows salicylates to penetrate to the lesion focus.

This process helps reduce pain.

Menthol and methyl salicylate are constituents of a number of combined ready-made medicines. Ointment of Bom-Benge analogs is in abundance.

To create the basis, Vaseline is used for medical and oil solid paraffins, thanks to which ointment has a dense structure, and volatile active compounds retain their presence in it until the end of the term shelf life.

In the photo you can see what the ointment packaging looks like, so that it can be distinguished from similar means.

When ointment is used

Preparations with derivatives of salicylic acid are used externally for diseases such as:

  • arthropathy;
  • pain in the joint;
  • radiculopathy;
  • lumbago;
  • sciatica;
  • myalgia;
  • any pain in the muscles.

Ointment can be used to treat pain in the spine, if they are caused by jamming of nerve endings.

The agent is applied to the fingertips and is actively rubbed into the painful areas of the skin. The procedure can be repeated several times a day for up to 10 days.

This external tool is used in gymnastics for warming up the muscles before hard training. Ointment is suitable for back massage, if it feels strong muscle tension.

When the funds must be abandoned

To safely use the ointment before using an external agent, a test should be done on the skin of the arm bend.

After applying for 15 minutes in adults, hypersensitivity to the active ingredients may develop, skin irritation, swelling may appear.

The use of the ointment will have to be canceled, if at the first use symptoms of hypersensitivity to any component of the drug are observed.


The ointment, which is highly irritating to the skin, has contraindications. It can not be applied to damaged areas of skin.


If this prohibition is violated, the symptoms of an overdose will appear: excitation, shortness of breath, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting.

An overdose of menthol and methyl salicylate was observed in children who accidentally swallowed this finished form. They had the following signs of intoxication:

  • dizziness;
  • unstable gait;
  • flushes of blood to the face;
  • drowsiness;
  • respiratory depression;
  • coma.

It is necessary to remember this effect of ointment on the body with internal application and keep the product out of reach of children.

The product is intended for external use only. The ready-made form can not be used as a basis for a warming compress, because it is too aggressive for the skin, and under the greenhouse effect, burning becomes worse and symptoms are observed overdose.

It is necessary to control that the remains of the ointment from the hands do not accidentally hit the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and mouth. After applying the finished form to the problem area, hands should be treated with soap and washed twice in running water.

Drug Interactions

The instruction attached to the preparation warns that mixing the ointment with other active ingredients leads to an increase in the absorption of substances, which can lead to an overdose.

  • The use of an ointment together with a drug containing methotrexate significantly increases its toxicity.
  • Hypoglycemic agents reduce the therapeutic effect when interacting with the active ingredients that make up the ointment.
  • Do not use this medication with oral anticoagulants.
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Patient's opinions

Authors who left reviews about ointments on different sites argue that this remedy benefits with bruises, stretching muscles and treating colds accompanied by dry cough. The drug is often used for osteochondrosis of the neck, eliminating with it pain and tension in the muscles and joints.

Its advantage is called a powerful warming effect, which quickly brings relief.

The disadvantage of this drug is a strong persistent odor, which irritates many.

Because of him, people turn to less effective analogues of this ready-made form. The price for the ointment purchased at the pharmacy is about 50 rubles.

A source:

Ointment "Bom-Benge instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews:

To date, most of humanity is faced with various pathologies of the system of movements and support, as well as arthritis, arthrosis and other pathologies.

There is a huge selection of different medications, the purpose of which is to eliminate such ailments. In this article we will study all the features of the medicine "Bom-Benge" (ointment).

Instruction, indications, contra-indications, composition, analogues and feedback are extremely necessary information for the most effective treatment.

What do you need to know about the composition and form of the release?

Active active ingredient, which is part of this ointment, is methyl salicylate.

However, in addition to it, essential oils of mint and menthol, as well as petroleum jelly and paraffin are also included. The drug can be bought both in glass dark jars, and in aluminum tubes.

Packaging can have a volume of 25 to 64 grams. The agent can be used only externally.

What effect does the body have?

The "Bom-Benge" (ointment) preparation describes the instruction as a combined remedy intended for outdoor use. The constituent components are able to provide a very good analgesic, cooling and anti-inflammatory effects.

During the use of this tool, you will notice how painful symptoms in muscles and joints disappear without a trace. The agent penetrates into the blood vessels and is able to eliminate inflammation spots at the drug application sites in a short time.

Pharmacokinetic properties

The "Bom-Benge" ointment, the instruction to which is described in this article, is a drug that has only a local effect.

This suggests that active ingredients do not enter the total blood flow, which means that the drug does not have a systemic effect on the human body.

This makes the tool very safe to use.

When do doctors recommend to apply?

The "Bom-Benge" ointment describes the instruction as a means having a wide range of effects, as well as a multitude of indications for use.

In the first place, this drug is intended for arresting the pain syndrome and relieving inflammation in the pathologies of muscles and joints. This includes various manifestations of radiculitis and arthralgia.


In addition, the medication will perfectly cope with neurological pathologies, joint diseases and pleurisy.


Very often, therapists recommend it for preventive measures. It can also be applied to the body during a special warm-up massage.

Are there any contraindications?

The ointment "Bom-Benge the instruction for which is described in this article, like any other pharmaceutical, has a number of contraindications. Be sure to read them before using this medication.

First and foremost, ointment is contraindicated for those patients who are overly sensitive to any of the ingredients that make up it.

Also, do not rub the product into damaged areas of the epidermis. Do not use this compound for kids under the age of six.

Doctors do not recommend combining the active composition of "Bom-Benge" with other medicines intended for external use.

With the utmost care and under the strictest supervision of specialists, you can use the drug "Bom-Benge" for twelve-thirteen-year-old children, and also for women during lactation and pregnancy.

Do not apply on the mucous membranes of your body. Avoid contact with eyes. After each application of this medication, it is very important to wash your hands thoroughly.

Bom-Benge Ointment: instructions for use

For one application of the device, usually three to four grams is sufficient. Apply the product to a thin layer, only on undamaged areas of the epidermis. The drug should be very well rubbed with massage movements.

The procedure should be conducted for about five minutes. The duration of treatment is determined by the attending doctor, but most often it is about half a month.

If during this period you did not notice any improvement, be sure to contact the hospital.


In this case, the doctor should conduct a comprehensive diagnosis and prescribe you other, stronger medications.


If on the spot where you apply the drug, there are irritations or allergic reactions, immediately stop using it.

Children can use this treatment composition in the same way as adults. However, it is recommended to do this very carefully, under the strict supervision of doctors.

Are there any side effects?

Ointment "Bom-Benge" (instruction, reviews presented in this article) is most often well tolerated by patients and does not lead to the formation of undesirable phenomena.

However, in some cases, patients complain of the occurrence of allergic reactions.

In general, the tool is quite safe, so you can use it without fear for your health.

On the interaction with other medicines

Ointment "Bom-Benge the instruction on application, reviews to which are described in detail on this resource, not it is recommended to combine with other medicines intended for outdoor use. application.

Do not use this drug with drugs that can lower the level of glucose in the body, as this will weaken the effects of the latter.

Also doctors forbid to combine the active composition of "Bom-Benge" with anticoagulants intended for external use.

This can lead to excessive blood circulation, which will lead to significant blood loss.

What will happen in case of an overdose?

To date, doctors have not recorded cases of overdose of the drug "Bom-Benge". Ointment, the price, the instruction on which application is described in this article, should be applied only externally.

If you have applied it orally, be sure to go to the hospital for gastric lavage. Also in this case, doctors recommend taking several tablets of activated charcoal and, if necessary, to carry out symptomatic therapy.

Usually patients complain of nausea, dizziness and abdominal pain.

Terms of purchase and storage. Medication price

Ointment "Bom-Benge the price, the instruction on which application is described on this resource, is sold absolutely in any drugstore. In order to buy this ointment, you do not need to have a prescription from a doctor.

However, self-medication is also not recommended. Be sure to visit a specialist in order to determine the most accurate diagnosis. The doctor will determine the method of treatment that is right for you.

You can store the product within thirty-six months from the date of manufacture.

In order that the ointment "Bom-Benge" (instructions for use for children described above) as long as possible retained its healing properties, store it in a dark and cool place, away from direct ultraviolet rays, and also from children's hands.

This tool is very cheap, so it is so popular. For one tube or a jar you have to pay about thirty or seventy rubles. Despite such a low cost, the drug is able to have an incredible healing effect.

Are there analogues?

Like any other medication, Bom-Benge ointment (instructions for use, reviews, price are very important data that all patients complaining about diseases of the motor system before starting the use of this drug) has many analogs that have a similar composition and exert similar effects on the body impact. Most often, experts recommend to their patients such analogues of the "Bom-Benge" ointment, as "Renervol "Saliment "Miospray" and many others. Each of these medicines has a similar effect, but before using them, consult with your doctor. After all, the consequences of self-treatment can be extremely deplorable.

Reviews of patients and doctors

Ointment "Bom-Benge" is very much in demand in the pharmaceutical market. And all this is due to the fact that the tool is effective, as well as cheap and safe.

Doctors very often recommend ointment to their patients, as they are sure that its effectiveness is justified.

The product has a good analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, so it is great for treating various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

Patients also appreciated this ointment, because it very well removes discomfort, pain in joints and muscles, besides it is safe for health. Included in the components have a wonderful healing effect.

Reviews of patients who used this remedy for two weeks, confirm that the pain really pass without a trace.


However, very often the drug is prescribed as an auxiliary method of treatment. This should tell the doctor at the reception.


In general, at the same price ointment for people who suffer from ailments of the musculoskeletal system are satisfied.


Take care of your health right now. Start eating properly and get in the habit of leading the most active way of life.

Take vitamins and active supplements, and you will not face joint and muscle problems. Do not forget that only you are in charge of your health, so take care of yourself.

Take full responsibility and do everything to live the most healthy and comfortable life.

A source:

Instructions for the use of Bom-Benge ointments, analogues, reviews

Latin name:Bom-Bengeoinment
International name: Bom-Benge ungventum

ATX Code:M02AC

Active substance:Racecentol + Methylsalicylate

Manufacturer:JSC Biokhimik, Russia

The condition of leave from the pharmacy:Without a prescription, Bom-Benge is an ointment that anesthetizes and relieves inflammation when applied topically. Such a positive effect is achieved due to the combined composition of the ointment.


In 100 grams of Bom-Benga:

  • Methylsalicylate - active substance, 2, g
  • Menthol (peppermint oil) - active substance /, g
  • Honey. Vaseline and petroleum paraffin are auxiliary substances.

Healing properties

When applied, it creates an analgesic and anti-inflammatory action.

Menthol has a weakly expressed antiseptic effect and has an irritating effect, due to which there is a reduction in pain. This phenomenon is accompanied by a narrowing of the vessels, a feeling of cold, turning into a light show and burning.

Methylsalicylate has a local-irritant effect, creates an analgesic effect, relieves muscle tension and, through the inhibition of cyclooxygenases, slows the synthesis of prostaglandins. This reduces the infiltration and swelling of inflamed tissues.

Indications for use

Bom-Benge is used for a number of diseases, among which:

  • Infectious polyarthritis
  • Muscle or articular rheumatism
  • Exudative pleurisy
  • Myalgia
  • Sciatica
  • Pain in joints of different origin. The average price is 50 rubles

Form of issue

"Bom-benge" ointment is produced in a 25-gram orange jar and in tubes of 25, 30 and 50 g. Ointment in the form of either yellow or white, has a smell of menthol.

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Dosing and Administration

Used externally.

The required volume of ointment (from 2 to 4 g, like ripe cherries) is applied to a painful, not damaged area of ​​the skin and rubbed for one to two minutes.

Rubbing is recommended to be repeated three times a day. The duration of the course without consulting a specialist is no more than ten days.

Do not use simultaneously with warming compresses. If skin irritation occurs, stop treatment immediately.


List of contraindications:

  • Skin irritation
  • Open wounds
  • Individual intolerance to a substance
  • Children under 6 years are not allowed.

Precautionary measures

Be wary of giving Bom-Benge to children under 12 years of age and people with aspirin bronchial asthma.

The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding

At this time, use ointment should be with caution or under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Interaction with other drugs

The drug Bom-Benge increases the amount supplied to the subcutaneous tissue of the blood (hyperemia) and strengthens its circulation, which is expressed in the redness of the skin.

Due to this effect, the simultaneous application of Bom-Benge together with other local-based drugs promotes the absorption of these agents.

If you use the ointment too often, it is possible to increase the toxicity of Methotrescate (a cytostatic drug) and reduce the therapeutic effect of hypoglycemic agents.

Side effects

Only in a few cases were allergic reactions manifested on the skin, and hypersensitivity due to the action of Bom-Benge.


Overdose of the drug is an exceptional phenomenon. It was observed, mainly, in young children, if they swallowed a large amount of the drug.

Also, it can occur when the ointment hits the mucous membranes (which is an odd danger, read in the article: Itching in the eyes) and large areas of damaged skin.

Conditions and shelf life

It must be stored in a dry, cool, dark place out of the reach of children. Shelf life - 3 years from the date of production (usually on the package).


Ben Gay

Pfizer, United States
Priceabout300 rub

It irritates the sensitive receptors of the skin, expands the capillaries, causes a feeling of warmth, due to which the tension decreases and the spasm is removed. Increases overall mobility. It is recommended for pain in the joints, in the muscles, in the lumbosacral spine (with stretching).


  • Quickly absorbed into the skin
  • Additionally it is produced as a sports balm


  • Costs more
  • The shelf life is less, and the conditions are more complicated.

Download user manual

Ointment "Bom-Benge"
Download Ointment "Bom-Benge"
90 kb

A source:

Bom-Benge ointment: instructions for use, analogues, price, reviews

Lekarstva. Guru> B> Ointment Bom-Benge: instructions for use, analogues, price, reviews

In modern medicine, local irritants are widely used, which quickly eliminate pain caused by soft tissue damage. These drugs have a distracting effect on the nerve endings, which makes it possible to quickly stop pain.

The drug Bom-Benge is a medicinal product foroutdoorapplication, which has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anesthetic effect on the affected area.

Ointment quickly eliminates the inflammatory process in the joints and pain of various origin due to the natural components that make up its composition.

Composition and form of release

Ointment Bomb Bengu is intended for external use.

It consists of two active substances - menthol and methyl salicylate, which have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties andadditionalcomponents - Vaseline, manufactured with the use of mineral oil and paraffin.

Ointment Bohm Benge is a white or yellowish remedy with a specific smell of menthol. The ointment is packed in aluminum tubes or glass jars of dark glass.

Since menthol and methyl salicylate are liquid substances, incomposition ofthey are connected by a solid fat base from paraffin and petrolatum, which creates a homogeneous consistency. In addition, the fatty base does not leave active substances on the surface of the skin and transfers them to the site of inflammation.

How the ointment works

The active substances do not enter the general bloodstream and do not affect the body as a whole.

Menthol has a cooling, antipruritic, anestheticimpact.

Metisalicylate stabilizes the permeability of small blood vessels and reduces the production of prostaglandins in the body.

As a result of the action of methyl salicylate, edema decreases, microcirculation of blood is activated.

Indications for use

The drug is indicated for use in relieving pain of various origins. Ointment can eliminate symptoms with the followingdiseases:

  • pain in the joints and muscles, not associated with the inflammatory process: high physical activity, bruises. Due to this property the drug is widely used by athletes;
  • radiculitis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • diseases of the upper respiratory tract.


Before using Bom Bong ointment, remember that like any medicine, it hascontraindications:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • open wound surfaces and other damage to the skin;
  • aspirin triad;
  • children's age till 6 years;

With caution, the drug is used during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Instructions for use

Since the drug is irritant, someregulations:

  • Prepare the site of the drug, wash it with warm water using a detergent and thoroughly dry with a towel;
  • apply the drug on the affected area of ​​the skin and rub it with light massaging movements until completely absorbed;
  • for convenience, you can use a warming bandage;
  • After using the drug, rinse it off your hands.

For application use 2-4 grams of ointment. The maximum amount of the used remedy should not exceed 12 grams daily. The drug is used two to three times a day. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the patient's condition, but not more than 10 days.

Use of the drug inchildage

The use of Bome Bong ointment, according to the instructions for use, is allowed to the child from the age of six. In some cases, as prescribed by the doctor, the drug is used to treat children older than three years.

The dose of the drug for a child should not exceed 1-2 grams, the maximum dosage is not more than 6 grams per day.

After applying the ointment, it is desirable to usedrythe bandage. That the child does not touch the place of application of the product.

It should be remembered that the damage to the child's body is cured faster, so the duration of use of the ointment for the child should not exceed 5 days.


Often, the ointment of Bom Benge is used to treat upper respiratory tract diseases. The drug is recommended to use instead of mustard plasters.


Use of the drug withof pregnancy

Data of clinical studies on the effect of the drug on the body during pregnancy are not available, so there is a probability of exposing the woman and fetus to the body. In some cases, the ointment can only be used as directed by the doctor.

It is allowed to use ointment during breastfeeding

Side effects

The drug does not have a pronounced side effect and is well tolerated by all patients.By-productsthe effect can be manifested in the form of allergic reactions to the components of the drug, which are accompanied by rashes on the skin, itching, swelling.


With external use, a drug overdose is very rare. It can be caused by the use of medication on extensive body surfaces. Signs of an overdose can be noted if the ointment accidentally enters the mouth or mucous membranes.

In this case, patients may have symptomspoisoning: general weakness, drowsiness, headache and dizziness, impaired coordination of movements, pain in the intestine, nausea, stool.

If these symptoms occur, the patient should consume a large amount of fluid, prescribed laxatives and enterosorbents, which will remove the remnants of the medicine from the body

Ointment Bohm Benge analogues

In the pharmaceutical market a number of anti-inflammatory drugs are presented - derivatives of salicylic acid, which are analogues of the ointment of Bohm Benge. This cream is Bengay, Deep Heath, gel Mundizal.

AlsosimilarThe Eucalyptus-M and Evkamon ointments have an effect.

Price of the drug and where to buy

Ointment Bohm Benge can be bought in a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. The average price for a medicine package is 30 rubles.


Ointment Bohm Benge is very often recommended to patients. Its use is effective for catarrhal diseases as a warming agent. In special cases, the drug can be used to treat a child younger than six years. Responses about the drug are the best.


I use ointment for severe pain in the joints. The medicine begins to act a few minutes after application. Especially quickly the effect becomes noticeable when using a warm bandage. Among the shortcomings can be noted that the drug is poorly washed away.


The medicine was recommended to me in a pharmacy for the treatment of severe pain in the knees, which occur when weather changes or during long walking. Ointment is easy to apply, has a pleasant smell, the effect comes very quickly, and at a price very inexpensive.


A source:


Medical Directory / Medications / B

Medicinal medical product Bom-benge belongs to the clinical and pharmacological subgroup of anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs. The basic acting element in the preparation is a combination of methyl salicylate and peppermint oil.

pharmachologic effect

Bom-bengu, being a combined medicinal product, and also taking into account its active ingredients (menthol and methyl salicylate) is able to provide a rather effective local anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic impact. Due to its local use, the drug is not absorbed into the systemic bloodstream and therefore, in general, does not affect the patient's body.

When rubbed into the skin, the preparation causes irritation of the nerve endings, which manifests itself in a slight tingling, burning and sensation of cold.

Form of release of Bomb-Benga

The medicine can be made in the following form: ointments for external use of yellow or white with a specific odor methyl salicylate or menthol in an amount of 25 g, 30 g or 50 g in aluminum or polymer tubes, as well as specialized containers and glass banks.

Composition of Bom-Beng

100 g of the ointment of the preparation may contain, g menthol g of peppermint oil, 2 g of methyl salicylate.

Additional elements: petroleum solid paraffins, medical petroleum jelly.

Indications for use Bom-benga

The drug is used mainly in the implementation of symptomatic therapy with:

  • exudative pleurisy;
  • sciatica;
  • radiculitis;
  • rheumatism;
  • myalgia;
  • pain in the joints;
  • lumboishalgia;
  • arthralgia;
  • neuralgia;
  • painful sensations of various symptoms.

Instructions for use Bom-Beng

The medicine is for external use only.

The drug is applied to the previously prepared, cleaned and undamaged skin areas with a thin and even layer in an average amount of 2-4 g.

To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, the ointment should be rubbed into the skin for a few minutes with light massaging movements.

The duration of such therapy depends on the individual characteristics of the disease and is prescribed only by a doctor.

In general, the use of Bom-Benge is prescribed up to 3 times a day. In the intervals between the use of the drug, the patient may use a warming bandage, but only on the advice of the attending physician.


The appointment of Bom-beng as a medicine is contraindicated when:

  • treatment of children under 3 years;
  • the presence of open wounds or lesions of the skin;
  • irritation of the skin;
  • available indications for hypersensitivity to the effects of active substances of the drug.
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Also, with some caution, it is necessary to use the Bom-Beng preparation with:

  • pregnancy;
  • during breastfeeding;
  • treatment of children from 6 to 12 years;
  • aspirin bronchial asthma.

Side effects of Bom-Beng

With the use of this drug, taking into account its active components, certain negative reactions and manifestations can occur, often expressed in the following form:

  • irritation in places of application;
  • respiratory depression;
  • unstable gait;
  • stomach ache;
  • angioedema;
  • coma;
  • vomiting;
  • symptoms of central nervous system depression;
  • hyperpyrexia;
  • nausea;
  • drowsiness;
  • skin allergic reactions;
  • dizziness;
  • tides to the face;
  • increased depth of breathing;
  • dyspeptic reactions.

Additional Information

It is not recommended simultaneous use of the Bom-Benge preparation with other topical drugs in certain areas of the skin.

The drug is stored under normal conditions and room temperature. The total shelf life is 3 years.

Do not freeze the drug.

Do not use with warming compresses.

Do not use the drug for more than 10 days without first consulting a doctor.

The drug is dispensed without a prescription.

With the combined use of Bom-Benge with other local effects, there may be an increase in their absorption. Also, the Bom-Benge preparation should not be used in conjunction with oral anticoagulants.

A source:

Bom-Benge instructions for use ointment 25 g

Bom-Benge - ointment for external use, is intended for such diseases as: arthralgia, diseases of the periarticular tissues, lumboschialgia, and also with radiculitis.

Trade name:Bom-Benge ointment

INN / group name:Methyl salicylate + [levomentol]

Dosage form:ointment for external use

Photo packing ointment bomb-benge on which the composition is indicated

Ingredients per 100 g:

Active substances: levomenthol g, methyl salicylate - 2,

Excipients: Vaseline - 6, g, paraffin (paraffin oil solid)


Ointment from light yellow to yellow with the smell of levomentol and methyl salicylate.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:anti-inflammatory for external use.


Pharmacological properties

Has a local anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.


With topical application, the active components of the drug are not absorbed into the systemic circulation and do not have a systemic effect.

Bom-Benge: indications for use

Atralgia, myalgia, (muscle pains) before and after sports, pain syndrome with diseases of the periarticular tissues, lumboishialgia, sciatica.

Bom-Benge: contraindications

Hypersensitivity, violation of the integrity of the skin, inflammatory skin diseases at the site of the intended application. Pregnancy III trimester, children under 18 years.


Intolerance to salicylic acid derivatives. Pregnancy I-II trimester.

Application in pregnancy and during breastfeeding

It is not used during breastfeeding and in the third trimester of pregnancy. The use of I-II trimesters only if the intended benefit to the mother exceeds the potential risk to the fetus.

Bom-Benge ointment: analogs are cheaper

Bom-Benge ointment: dosage and method of administration

Outer (in the form of grinding). The necessary amount of ointment (2-4 g, which corresponds to the volume of a large cherry) is rubbed into the painful areas of the skin. If necessary, the procedure is repeated after several hours (up to 3 times a day). The duration of the course (without a doctor's consultation) is 10 days.

Application of the drug at the first admission or upon its cancellation: there is no information.


Overdose of menthol and methyl salicylate was observed in some cases, mainly in children with the occasional ingestion of drugs containing these substances.

Symptoms of overdose: agitation, increased depth of breathing, hyperpyrexia, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting and symptoms of oppression central nervous system, such as dizziness, unstable gait, "hot flashes" of blood to the face, drowsiness, respiratory depression and coma.


Treatment is symptomatic and supportive: correction of the water-electrolyte balance, the appointment of absorbents and saline laxatives, forced diuresis, external cooling of the body: in severe cases - blood transfusion, hemodialysis.


Overdosing with topical application is rare and only when the drug is used improperly (applying to mucous membranes, to large areas of damaged or infected skin).

Bom-Benge: side effect

In rare cases, hypersensitivity to the drug develops, skin allergic reactions (itchy skin, urticaria, skin rash) and angioedema.

Interactions with other medications

The drug causes flushing of the skin and reflexively enhances blood circulation in the subcutaneous tissue, such co-administration with other topical preparations may lead to an increase in their absorption. The use of large amounts can increase the toxicity of methotrexate and reduce the therapeutic effect of hypo-plaque agents. Do not use the drug with oral anticoagulants.

special instructions

Do not allow contact with conjunctivitis, other mucous membranes. Do not apply to damaged or irritated skin. Do not use with warming compresses.

Information on the possible effects of the drug on the ability to drive vehicles and engage in other potentially dangerous activities that require an increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions - no information.

Form of issue

Ointment for external use. By 20, 25, 30, 40, 50 g in aluminum tubes with buds or tubes of combined material with buds, or lips laminated with buds.

By 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 100 g in cans or bottles of dark glass, with screwed plastic caps with sealing element or gaskets, or by means of closure polymeric, or in cans of glass with a triangular corolla.

Capped with polyethylene stretchable lids or 50, 100 g in polymer bottles with lids with a piston for extrusion.


Each tube, jar or bottle together with the instruction for use is placed in a pack of cardboard box for consumer packaging or from cardboard for recycled paper. It is allowed to lay tubes, cans or bottles in a group package (carton box) with an equal number of instructions for use.


Photo tube of ointment bomb-benge 25 g

Shelf life

3 years. Do not use after the expiration date.

Photo of packing of ointment bomb-benge on which expiration date is indicated

Storage conditions

In the dark place at a temperature of 8 to 15 ° C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Photo packing ointment bomb-benge on which the storage conditions are indicated

Conditions of leave from pharmacies

Available without a prescription.

Photo packing ointment bomb-benge on which the method of application is indicated

Name, address of the manufacturer of the medicinal product and address of the place of production of the medicinal product

OJSC "Samaramedprom 443070, Samara region, Samara, Partizanskaya, d. 86

Tel.Fax (846) 373-81-07.

OJSC "Samaramedprom 446100, Samara Region, Chanaevsk, Lenina, d. 99 b.

Tel / fax (846) 373-81 -08.

OJSC "Samaramedprom 446246, Samara region, Volzhsky district,, Petra-Dubrava, in the territory of the plant "Kommunar lit. B, B1, building number 2.

Phone / Fax (846) 373-81-09

Ointment bomb-benge abstract (instruction for use) in photos

Photo instructions for the use of ointment bomb-bengu, part 1

Photo instructions on the use of ointment bomb-bengu, part 2

Bom-Benge ointment: reviews about the drug

Irina Myasnikova,Nazran

I had a very unpleasant ailment, a long-running monoarthralgia of large joints.

With this problem I had to go to a paid clinic, because a simple clinic could not help me.

After all, they prescribed me this ointment, which I had a strong allergic reaction.

Svetlana Blinova,Solnechnogorsk

I constantly use this ointment with severe muscle pain. This problem often occurs after severe physical exertion. The smell of the ointment is normal, not much smelly, it is inexpensive. I smear a problem zone several times a day. Excellent ointment, I personally help quickly.

Lyudmila Pakhomova,Gukovo

At an arthralgia to me have registered this ointment in complex treatment. In addition to her appointed Ibuprofen and Finalgon. Treatment was long, more than once had to conduct a re-diagnosis. I liked the whole treatment, no drug caused a side effect. Yes, and their value is pleasant.

Konstantin Tarasov,Arsenyev

On fishing I pulled the muscles and began to smear the affected area with this remedy. Anointed for 2 days, during this period of time I constantly experienced a slight burning sensation.

Then on the third day there was an allergic reaction to the type of urticaria.

Has ceased to use ointment as to sense from it or her any is not present, only display of a by-effect.

Ivan Matveyev, Moscow


I'm currently preparing for a serious training. Therefore, from the morning until late at night, I'm in the gym.


The last time I had a small injury, severely injured my elbow joint, thereby causing pain. I immediately bought myself a remedy for this ailment. First I bought a spray, but he did not help me.

Then they advised me this ointment, they said that it has a small freezing effect. He began to smear his elbow. Ointment really helps quickly, the pain has gone for 10 minutes.

Then he continued to smear his elbow for a couple of days, so that before the competition I did not have pain. The competition went well, thanks to the Bom-Benge ointment.

Irina Lebedeva,Slavyansk-on-Kuban

My grandfather had radiculitis, which arose from a sedentary lifestyle, well, because of old age. At first he drank the pills, but they did not help.

Then I bought this ointment and started to rub my grandfather well. The ointment is quickly absorbed and does not cause a side effect. But here is a negative also in this tool.

Ointment does not really smell.

Anastasia Samsonova,Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky

Frequent training I was caught off guard. I really wanted to lose weight after the birth, so I started going to the gym. I was tormented myself with power loads, in the end, I had pain all over my body, because all the muscles ached heavily.

I just lay on the bed and could not get up. My husband bought this drug and began to rub me well. Literally in half an hour it became a little easier for me. I could even get out of bed. It was smeared still couple of days, and all has passed or has taken place.


Now you can go back to training, but only not in the same load as before.


Tatyana Nosova,The find

Ointment has a good composition, quickly helps with radiculitis and with pain in the joints. Bought her her grandmother, she just radiculitis. The pain passes quickly, only the ointment does not smell very pleasant.

My joints started to hurt because of standing work, so I also began to rub myself with ointment. The effect is good, it helps and does not cause a side effect. If only the smell was pleasant, it would be generally good.

I put the ointment on a solid four on a 5-point scale.

A source:

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