Eye drops Aloe extract according to Fedorov: drug features and application
The visual system is the main source of information about the environment. According to different data, it is through the eyes that we get about 80% of the information, so if something is wrong with them, the quality of life as a whole suffers. To maintain the organs of vision, relieve fatigue, as part of a comprehensive treatment of viral diseases, dry eye syndrome in recent years, often began to use eye drops. Aloe vera extract To Fedorov. More details about the preparation (pharmacology, purpose, side effects) read in this review.
1Description of the preparation
2Pharmacological action and group
4Possible complications
Description of the preparation
Aloe extract by Fedorov is a unique preparation of local action.It consists of natural plant components, which have a pronounced antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antiviral effect. Eye drops moisturize, relieve fatigue, eliminate such unpleasant symptoms as lacrimation, itching, dryness.Recommended for use in cataracts and glaucoma.
Eye drops Aloe extract according to Fedorov restores metabolic processes in the eye at the cellular level, therefore it is recommended for glaucoma and cataract.
Eye drops restore natural metabolism, which improves the general condition of the eyes.Therefore, their use is shown to people who constantly experience increased visual loads. Not bad results the preparation gives as a part of complex therapy of the problems connected with deterioration of clearness of sight.
Eye drops moisturize, relieve fatigue, eliminate such unpleasant symptoms as lacrimation, itching, dryness.
It does not matter why myopia develops (it can be hereditary predisposition, overload, inflammatory and infectious ophthalmic diseases, problems with spine, bad habits, etc.) - drops Aloe extract by Fedorov will provide the eye tissues with enough nutrients, start the metabolic processes and accelerate regeneration.
Composition of the preparation:
Extract of dendritic aloe- promotes rapid regeneration after injuries of the eye apparatus, accelerates the healing of wounds and ulcers. Aloe kills harmful bacteria, destroys the foci of typhoid fever, dysentery, diphtheria. Especially useful when blepharitis.
Ions of silver- restore cells, sterilize, moisturize, stop inflammation, strengthen immunity, have a pronounced antiseptic and antioxidant effect.
Bee Honey- nourishes the tissues of the eye, promotes the accelerated healing of damaged structures. This product is the strongest antioxidant, excellent antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial.
Vitamin B6 (or pyridoxine)- a powerful antioxidant, stimulating metabolic processes in the optic nerves, the retina of the eye, improving the formation of the visual impulse, restoring the full blood flow to the eye.
Ascorbic acid- strengthens the vascular walls, activates the supply of nutrients to the tissues of the eyeball, neutralizes hemorrhages.
Adenosine- an auxiliary component that activates the regenerative processes, metabolism of the eye tissues, improves blood circulation, removes and prevents swelling, dilates the vessels.
Benzalkonium chloride- antiseptic, antiviral and antifungal component.
The form of sale - a cardboard packing with the instruction. The drops go in a 10 mm plastic bottle.
Pharmacological action and group
Aloe is a well-known medicinal product used by doctors of Ancient Greece and Egypt.It contains biogenic stimulants that activate the vital functions of the body. Eye drops are enriched with silver ions - they are a complex drug complex, the main component of which is oxymethylanthraquinone - or aloe-emodin. TAlso in the composition of the formula are other anthripped derivatives- namely, aloin, hydroxy acids of fatty series, natalone, aromatic acids, homonataloin, enzymes, phytoncides and vitamins.
Production of the drug is strictly in the laboratory. Raw materials are plants collected in South America.
There are in the eye drops flower honey - a natural source of valuable compounds, nutrients necessary for the normal operation of the visual organs.Honey contains proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins. The product, an extract of which is a part of the eye drops. Aloe extract by Fedorov, improves the nutrition of the eye tissues, slows the aging process.
Aloe extract by Fedorov is an effective eye drop used to prevent the majority of pathological changes in the functioning of the visual system, as well as the treatment of diseases. Basic:
myopia, hyperopia;
dry eye syndrome;
primary glaucoma (as part of complex therapy);
hemeralopiaor "night blindness
diabetic retinopathy;
opacity of the vitreous humor;
myopic chorioretinitis;
central or peripheral retinal dystrophy;
haljazion and blepharitis.
Application of drops is shown Aloe extract according to Fedorov at strong loads on eyes - they prevent decrease in visual acuity and appearance of fatigue syndrome of eyes.It will be useful for elderly people who complain about deterioration of visual acuity with age.
The drug can be used for therapeutic and preventive purposes. Apply it courses either permanently.
Eye drops Aloe extract by Fedorov is created by a unique technology with the use of natural substances, therefore they are a safe remedy. Contraindicated in their use for individual intolerance of components, allergic reactions to active substances.
The cost of the medicine is economical - one bottle of drops. Aloe extract by Fedorov is enough for about 2 weeks.
Apply eye drops 2-3 times a day at a rate of 1-2 drops per eye.After instillation, do not strain your eyes for half an hour. The last use of drops is preferably done in the evening before bedtime. The recommended course of treatment is 4-6 weeks, but if necessary, it can be extended. According to the doctor's test, eye drops are used for a long time, but it is desirable to take a break between treatment courses.
Possible complications
Sometimes during the treatment with eye drops local allergic reactions develop.There is no information on overdose. Can I use the drug with other formulas? Yes, but with a 15-minute break (first one drug was dripped, and after a quarter of an hour another).
Allergy, as a side effect
The most popular analogs of the drug:
Sulfacil sodium.
Aloe extract by Filatov.
Hrustalin. Drops Hilabak - analogue Aloe extract by Fedorov
Eye drops Aloe extract by Fedorov is a safe remedy for moisturizing the eyes, relieving fatigue, the drug has a pronounced antiviral effect.Side effects are rare (these are allergic reactions). Store the drug in a dark place at room temperature away from children.