A protracted cold than cure

How to cure a long cold (1 week)



Prolonged diseases are the first sign of weak immunity. The causes of poor immunity-unbalanced nutrition, preservatives, refined, GMO antibiotics and all other rubbish have weakened your body. Give them up. Cold dousing, run along the lawn barefoot, naturotherapy, herbs will save you.
At the same stage, ginger + cinnamon is very good at 2 gr. for a glass of hot water. Mustard on legs. Aromatherapy with coniferous oils. Steam inhalation with garlic, or with garlic oil. Eat more onions. Soup of lentils, Jerusalem artichoke, black radish, onions, carrots. Endogenous respiration is something that will immediately have a beneficial effect and, by the way, will raise immunity healthily. Good luck.

Cal Lightman

And the doctor did not go?

Nurzhan Omarov

a couple of glasses of hot beer

Yuliya Guzyayaeva

In general it is better, of course, to see a doctor, is it not time to drink antibiotics? If coughing - try a teaspoon of garlic juice to swallow. It burns terribly, but if you endure even a minute - all the infection from the lungs will knock out. Tried on myself. From the rhinitis strangely enough, it helps the same garlic - a half-tooth wrapped in cheesecloth and for the night in the ears. Red wine, lemon and cinnamon in a hot form is an old remedy, just do not worry.

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ewgeny gasnikov

Indian way of treatment of catarrhal diseases:
1. The presence of cold symptoms (fever, runny nose, cough, chills, but there is still no pain in the throat) ie, the disease has not yet penetrated into the body-
for 1 cup of hot milk:
by pinch
-black pepper,
-Red pepper,
- ginger (dry, ground),
cardamom (dry, ground)
1 teaspoonful:
-sahar (not honey)
To drink, 1 glass in a hot form for the night and a second glass, in the morning, as rose.
By 10-11 o'clock from the cold there will be no trace.
2.If to above listed symptoms was added also a pain in a throat,
that is, the disease penetrated deep into the body, all the ingredients are the same,
cardamom, which (in the same dose) is replaced with KURKUM (natural
antibiotic); but to drink should be 4-6 glasses, for 2 days.
The recipe is tested and tested by me personally and on relatives, it corresponds to the truth.

How to cure a prolonged cold in a child? (. +.)


Tatyana Pankevich

First, give up antibiotics and start working on strengthening immunity: vitamins, immunostimulants for the first time (Interferon Arbelol Immunal - but not for long !!!), massage is mandatory. Secondly, you need to get advice from an allergist: maybe these symptoms are given by the body to some allergen (food, household, vegetable, etc.). Third, create a comfortable psychological atmosphere for the child: do not ouch him over him and do not cry "Oh, my poor, neschastnenky... "Let your baby every day he hears from his parents only positive attitudes I'm growing healthy and beautiful child! You every day feel better and better! "etc. etc. Joy heals, believe me. And, remember that even folk remedies should be selected with extreme caution, especially for a child of this age, and only after consulting with his pediatrician. Get right!

Andrey Enyutin

it may be worth to take the child back to the hospital for a guarantee... it seems to me that you have an allergy. the most reasonable stay at home, and then wash the child in the Azov Sea.


From the company "Siberian Health" Epam-900, Epam-11. Write


still buy Siberian health root!! super I use already 5 years! from colds and at a temperature of !!!


Best of all - take to the sea!
Immunity raises natural goat's milk (it is better not boiled, if there is such an opportunity).
From the cough, the leaves of the mother and the stepmother are good (brew).
You can buy any breastfeed.
In addition, you need to increase the microflora of the intestine (linex + in parallel to do the yogurt itself on the drug "Narine is sold in a pharmacy with instructions for use).
Antibiotics, if prescribed, can be taken (incl. macrophanie for children). He has a multi-faceted action, he also sees fungi, unlike other antibiotics.


And the adenoids checked? We also treated a cold for more than a month, it turned out that the adenoids, they give a cough, and can be both dry and wet. Then, when everything turned out, only the nose was treated: washing, drops dripping special... Has passed or has taken place all within a week only periodically adenoiditis becomes aggravated, again we treat a nose!

Tip 1: How to cure a protracted runny nose

The main causes of protracted cold are complications of infections, as well as manifestations of allergies. Treatment in these cases should be carried out simultaneously in several directions.

Treatment of a protracted cold

Therapy of a protracted rhinitis takes place simultaneously in the following directions: exposure to mucous membranes shell of the nose, elimination of the cause and provoking factors, stimulation of the body's immunity, prevention relapses. If prolonged rhinitis is a consequence of not cured colds or infectious diseases, the choice of medication for treatment depends on the symptoms and health status. With abundant and transparent discharge from the nose, vasoconstrictive drugs are used (Otrivin, Adranol, Sanorin, Nazivin, Ximelin, Vibrocil, etc.).

If the runny nose has an atrophic form, which is manifested by thick and lean secretions and from the nose, antibacterial preparations ("Pinosol" drops, "Bactroban" ointment, "Polidex" spray) should be used. You should also wash your nose with saline solutions or use special sprays (Aqualor, Salin, Aqua Maris). For a few months, a protracted runny nose is treated with physiotherapeutic procedures, a laser, and surgical intervention.

Treatment of a protracted runny nose with allergies should begin with the termination of contact with a substance that causes negative symptoms. Clear manifestations of allergic rhinitis are the sudden onset of the disease, the absence of signs of a cold, the presence of characteristic signs (lacrimation, abundant discharge from the nose, multiple sneezing, difficult nasal breathing), ineffectiveness of conventional means used in runny nose. To treat the manifestations of allergy use drugs of one group - antihistamines in the second row ("Loratadin "Kestin "Clarinase "Zirtek "Telfast "Allergodil"). These medicines do not cause drowsiness, weakness, headache and impaired coordination.

How to treat a protracted runny nose

A protracted runny nose can be caused by endocrine disorders, a reflex action on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. Its causes may be a change in the temperature of food or air, emotional stress, overwork. In this case, the use of multivitamins and biostimulators is recommended. Wellness activities, frequent airing of the premises, long exposure to fresh air, sports will be useful.

Prolonged rhinitis can be cured by traditional medicine. The inhalation of fumes of chopped garlic or onions is good. The procedure should be performed three times a day for 5-8 minutes. With a prolonged runny nose, you can use aloe juice mixed with honey. It is necessary to wrap a sheet of plant in black paper and put it for 14 hours in the refrigerator. Then squeeze out the juice and mix it with 1/3 of a teaspoon of honey. The mixture is digested in the nose three times a day by a full pipette into each nostril. Folk remedies for the treatment of a protracted runny nose should be used only after consulting a doctor.


What to drink with a cold without fever?

A cold is usually called a disease of the upper respiratory tract, which is caused by viruses. It is believed that if a person has strong immunity, then such a disease will occur without temperature. This is especially common in adults. If the child's organism immediately reacts to a viral infection with fever, then the adult organism with well-established and more or less strong immune response, can completely not respond to colds temperature.

Perhaps, for this reason, there are questions, such as what medicines to drink when cold without temperature? After all, most drugs in their composition have antipyretic agents, which in this case are not required. But all in order. Let us first consider the symptoms of a cold without raising the body temperature.

Symptoms of the disease

A cold without a temperature usually proceeds as with a rise in temperature:

  • unpleasant aches in joints;
  • sore throat;
  • congestion of mucus in the nose, runny nose;
  • cough, as a result of sore throat;
  • general weakness and malaise.

The incubation period in viral infections of the upper respiratory tract is up to two days. Therefore, the symptoms can appear gradually. First the cold can begin simply with an easy indisposition, and later there will be a runny nose and a sore throat.

Approach to treating colds

The first thing to remember is that viruses are eliminated from the body with the help of abundant drinking. Therefore, drinking requires a lot, teas with honey, lemon, herbs, fruit drinks, and just water.

Whether it is worth taking pills for colds without temperature is up to you and the treating doctor, based on the general condition of the body. After all, it happens that there is no temperature, and the condition is very bad, there is no strength to rise, a strong ache all over the body. In such cases it is better to help the body cope with the virus. Perfectly suitable:

  • Imunoflazid;
  • Amiksin;
  • Lavomak;
  • Arbidol;
  • Tamiflu and others.

Modern pharmacology offers a wide range of medicines aimed at fighting viruses. Virtually all the powders that are directed to destroy the virus and raise the body's immunity have paracetamol, which is not necessary for colds without fever. But on the other hand, aspirin in the composition of drugs helps the body cope with the virus.

From a cold without fever, you can drink funds that increase overall immunity and enable you to quickly overcome a viral infection.

Do not forget that in addition to taking medications for colds without fever, old proven methods help:

  • maximum bed rest;
  • teas from herbs (viburnum, raspberry, linden and others);
  • warm and fairly fresh air in the room.
  • positive attitude to recovery.

If the body has strong immunity, then the cold will take 5-7 days and will not leave a trace. But measures still take to avoid bad complications.


Tip 1: How to treat a cold in adults

Cold common people called viral diseases of the upper respiratory tract, flowing in a mild form. The most common of these are acute respiratory disease (ARI) and acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI). These diseases are easily recognized and amenable to home treatment.

You will need

  1. - salt
  2. - milk
  3. - honey
  4. - Butter and sunflower oil
  5. - chemist's collection of herbs
  6. - cranberries
  7. - essential oils
  8. - Radish
  9. - lemon


  1. Begin treatment for the first symptoms of a cold. It can be a cough, runny nose, sore throat, general weakness. The sooner you take action, the sooner the disease will come to naught. However, do not rush to run to the doctor for prescription for antibiotics, first try tried home remedies.
  2. Drink more warm liquid, the ideal option - green or herbal tea with honey. Use a natural antibiotic: cranberries, make mashed potatoes, add boiling water to it, filter and take during the day. In the absence of allergies to bee products, use honey and other medicinal products. For example, mix it with radish juice (it stands out if you make a cone-shaped depression in a vegetable and leave it in a closed pan for several hours).
  3. Dissolve a quarter teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. With the resulting solution, rinse your throat with a cough, and in case of a cold, drop a few drops into each nostril two or three times a day. After the procedure, lubricate the nostrils with petroleum jelly or "Asterisk" balm. As an option - heat a few teaspoons of salt in a dry frying pan, pour it into a tissue bag or a handkerchief and apply to the sinuses. In the same way, you can warm your nose with a hot baked potato.
  4. Rinse your throat with broths of pharmacy herbs. Take one tablespoon of dry leaves of sage or chamomile and brew in a glass of boiling water. Cool to room temperature and use during the day every few hours. If you trust aromatherapy, try a massage with essential oils of plants. Mix five drops of sage oil, chamomile and eucalyptus with four tablespoons of sunflower oil. The resulting mixture rub your neck and back before going to bed.
  5. Do not ignore general medical recommendations for patients with colds. Avoid heavy fatty foods, give preference to chicken broth, green apples, lemons, warm milk with a piece of butter. Often ventilate the room. If possible, observe bed rest, sleep in woolen socks and with a scarf around his neck.
  6. Be sure to consult a doctor if after several days of active treatment the cold becomes only stronger. The reason for the visit to the doctor should be and new emerging symptoms of the disease, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, high fever.


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