Ginger from cough for children

Ginger from a cough

Ginger has long received a well-deserved recognition as a remedy: traditional Chinese medicine calls it "a drug for vomiting and Indian healers have used ginger from time immemorial cough.

Acute and burning taste, it has an antimicrobial effect, improves blood circulation, is a preventive against colds and flu, has a certain anti-cancer activity. It is especially recommended to add to fish and seafood dishes, as well as to use in the cold season.

Does ginger help cough?

Essential oil, polysaccharides, organic acids, macro elements (potassium, calcium, manganese, iron), trace elements (magnesium, copper, zinc, cobalt, chromium, aluminum, vanadium, selenium, nickel, strontium, lead, boron, iodine, zingerol) and starch - the combination of these biologically active substances in the ginger root provides him with a variety of medicinal qualities.

Pharmacological properties of ginger:

  • expectorant, antipyretic, bactericidal, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect;
  • has hypotonic, sedative, anti-spastic properties, it reduces breathing.
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In addition, it stimulates the appetite, promotes digestion and improves immunity.

This is not a complete list of properties of ginger, and all of the above - convincing arguments in favor of the thesis that ginger helps with coughing. Moreover, it is directly indicated for use in pharyngitis, laryngitis and bronchitis - catarrhal diseases and inflammatory processes, the cause of which is the infectious damage of the upper respiratory tract.

Treatment of cough with ginger

Ginger drink, so simple in preparation, can serve as an excellent preventive agent in the epidemic of acute respiratory viral infections, because it strengthens the immune system. Tea from the root of ginger not only reduces the risk of "catching the flu but also warms in the cold season, thereby leaving him the slightest chance to overcome your body.

Those who are not lucky enough to get cold or bronchitis, ginger will help to alleviate the symptoms, including quickly eliminate the annoying heavy cough.

Let us dwell on the essential features, which should be remembered when treating ginger. Firstly, despite the fact that any drink from the "miracle root" helps with coughing, the most effective is a prescription, selected according to the indications with the appropriate form of cough. So, a dry cough will soften the ginger-honey drink, and from wet will save milk-ginger tea, but about them a little later. Secondly, when choosing ginger as a medicine, one should remember about contraindications. It is not recommended for use in: peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum, hepatitis, esophageal reflux, high body temperature, arrhythmia and the intake of cardiac and diabetic agents, since it enhances the effect the latter. Before you prepare a cough medicine for ginger, also make sure that you do not have an allergic reaction to it. At home, it is impossible to diagnose it, so if you are exposed to other types of allergies and (or) the first time you try the root and do not know what the reaction will be, start with a very small amount of ginger.

How to prepare ginger from cough?

To make a drink from ginger, you need to buy a quality fresh product. When choosing, pay attention to the peel: it should be smooth, smooth, undamaged, beige in color with a slight golden tinge. Old ginger is easy to identify by thickening, tuberosity and the presence of eyes, very similar to potato. Such a root is not suitable for therapeutic purposes. Take it in your hands: ginger should not be too light and dry to the touch. The fresh and younger the root, the more delicious and healthy ginger will be. Fresh ginger easily spoils. Smell the root - it should not smell musty. And, of course, it should not be moldy. Do not buy excess - fresh, and, moreover, cut root does not "live" for a long time. Store ginger is recommended no longer than 4-5 days in the lower vegetable compartment of the refrigerator, during this period, it will not lose its healing properties.

Ginger should be cleaned gently, cutting a minimal layer with a knife, in the direction of the fibers. Such caution is important in order to maintain the greatest amount of nutrients.

Ginger from cough is most often taken in the form of a drink. To make ginger tea, fresh root must be finely chopped. The drink also adds other useful ingredients: honey, lime, lemon and orange.

Ginger from cough for children

Year after year, statistics show that children are more susceptible to colds than adults. All because children's immunity is weaker, it is at the stage of development, like the child himself. Such "immature" immunity does not know how to cope well with viral infections, so one of the main tasks of parents is to help strengthen it. Effective methods, such as hardening, healthy eating, medicinal vitaminization and mineralization, are not known for the first day. But to such a powerful immuno-elevating agent, as ginger, many mothers are still cautious. And in vain. Of course, ginger should not be given to children under the age of two, but if your child is older, then the root is not only possible, but also to be used in baby food to strengthen immunity. Moreover, it rarely causes allergic reactions and sensitivity, which is another argument in favor of a curative natural remedy.

There are several ways to prepare ginger for children:

Ginger tea

A special advantage of the drink is that it is simple enough to prepare, and, thanks to the presence of other delicious ingredients, does not cause the child to disgust. 4 tbsp. Spoons of finely grated fresh ginger root should be filled with two liters of boiling water. If you use ground dry ginger, the amount of ginger should be 2 times less, and boil it should be 20 minutes on low heat. Cook the drink for 10 minutes. Ginger is quite sharp - sweeten the child with honey tea (6 tbsp. spoons), orange juice (4 tbsp. spoon) and fresh mint. If desired, you can also add any herbal tea. Stir everything and let it brew for 5 more minutes. Ginger tea obtained should be drunk in a warm form. The proportions of the ingredients may vary depending on the taste preferences of your child. To children of younger age it is better to make a drink not strong and if there are no contraindications, it can be diluted with milk.

Inhalation of ginger from cough and cold

Rub the roots on a grater and pour with hot water. Under the supervision of an adult, throwing a towel over his head, the child should breathe a few minutes of ginger in a couple of minutes. Inhalation is best done before bedtime. This remedy is suitable in case the child has already fallen ill - to alleviate the symptoms of the cold and strengthen the weakened immunity.

Gingerbread Cookie

Of course, with the help of this recipe, cough and cold can not be cured, but the cookies are very popular with children, which makes it possible for mom to gently instill her child into the special taste of ginger root. In addition, when heat treated, the useful properties of the latter are not lost. One of the delicious recipes, which exactly like a child is the American ginger biscuit. Ingredients:

  • 1/2 cup of candied ginger,
  • 3/4 cup sugar,
  • 6 tablespoons of butter at room temperature,
  • 1/4 cup black molasses. Unfortunately, in our grocery stores to find treacle - a great rarity, but perhaps in the nearest hypermarket it is sold. If not, prepare its analog, mixing 5 tbsp. brown sugar and 1 tbsp. l. honey, and then warming them in a water bath until the sugar is completely dissolved. Patoku can also be replaced with maple syrup;
  • 1 egg,
  • 2 cups of flour,
  • 2 teaspoons baking soda,
  • 1 teaspoon ground ginger,
  • 3/4 teaspoon cinnamon,
  • 1/2 teaspoon fresh grated nutmeg,
  • powdered sugar (optional).

Finely grind candied ginger and 1/3 cup of sugar in a food processor (you can also use a blender for this purpose). Pour the resulting mixture into a bowl. Without rinsing the bowl of the combine, put oil in it and pour 1/3 cup of sugar, beat them until smooth: the resulting mass should be light and airy. Then add the contents of a bowl, treacle, and egg. Beat until smooth. In another container, mix the flour, baking soda, ground ginger, cinnamon and nutmeg, all this, too, pour into the bowl of the combine, mix. Get the dough for the biscuit: it needs to be wrapped in a food film and placed in the refrigerator for an hour. In the meantime, mix sugar with sugar powder. When the dough cools, form balls from it, approximately, cm in diameter, sprinkle each of them with sugar. Preliminarily laying the baking sheet with parchment, put balls of dough on it at a distance of 5 cm from each other. Bake the biscuits in a preheated to 180 degree oven, for 12-15 minutes. As you can see, prepare quickly, and eaten, believe me, even faster!

In baby food, ginger is recommended to use fresh, and not in the form of a dry powder, since the use of fresh root is more effective in two times. It is also worth noting that pickled ginger - a good accompaniment to Japanese cuisine, but not a therapeutic tool: it should not be given to children.

Ginger from a cough during pregnancy

It is known that during pregnancy, most drugs for medication for colds are contraindicated. There is a contradictory situation: it is dangerous to start the disease for the fetus, and it is impossible to be treated with the usual medications. Here, here and come to the rescue of recipes of folk medicine, which can be easily prepared at home.

One of the most effective, and at the same time, safe means for treating cough and other symptoms of ARVI in pregnant women in early terms is ginger. As already mentioned above, this natural product, a storehouse of vitamins and trace elements, has a lot of medicinal properties. It has an antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect, and the antioxidants that make up it will help to strengthen the immunity of the future mother, which will positively affect the baby.

Methods of treatment of ginger from cough during pregnancy:

  1. Inhalations. With the first symptoms of a cold with inhalation, you can quickly achieve a therapeutic effect even in the treatment of severe cough during pregnancy. In this case, inhalations are, perhaps, the safest way to treat colds and cough in pregnant women (prescription see. higher)
  2. Ginger drink. Useful and tasty, it will ease not only the cough, but also other symptoms of colds. You need to drink it several times a day, warm. Women who consume ginger tea in early pregnancy are less likely to suffer from colds and infectious diseases.

By the way, light tea from fresh ginger root, helps to relieve toxicosis, removing nausea, often tormenting pregnant women.

However, using ginger as a remedy, it must be remembered that it has a strong effect. Because of the warming properties, it is not recommended to take it in large quantities, as well as at high temperature and bleeding. While ginger in "reasonable" doses harmless for the future mother and fetus and provides important help to a woman in bearing, experts still recommend pregnant women to observe some caution with the "miracle root women who previously had a miscarriage, as well as women in late pregnancy, are prohibited to apply ginger.

Recipes for ginger from cough

Variants of preparation of ginger from a cough are various enough. All you need is to choose the recipe that matches your taste preferences. This section is devoted to the author's favorite methods of making drinks from fresh ginger.

Lemon-ginger beverage

With the help of a juicer or manually squeeze out two lemons juice. Mix it with a liter of water, add grated ginger and lemon grass (dry lemon grass). Cook on low heat for ten minutes, after - let it brew. In a strained drink, drip some more lemon (or lime) juice.

Mulled wine with ginger

Mulled wine has a healing warming effect, so a cold person should drink it before going to bed, lying under a warm blanket. You will need: 250 grams of red dry wine, 2 tangerines, fresh ginger root, ¼ lime, a pinch of grinded as much ground nutmeg, 1 head of dried cloves, a quarter of fresh pear, art. l. raisins and honey. Pour wine into the kozanok. From one mandarin squeeze the juice and add to the wine. Slice a small slice of ginger - thin strips, a quarter of the pear - along and in half, and a mandarin - as you like, and it is better to cut straight with a skin. Fruits, raisins, spices and ginger throw in the kazanok to wine. Preheat the mixture over a low heat until the steam starts to rise and a thick aroma appears. Take care that mulled wine does not boil. Turn off the fire and allow the drink to infuse for about 10 minutes. When the mulled wine is a little cool, add honey. Drink it for medicinal purposes only warm.

Tea with ginger and cinnamon

Ginger harmonizes in this drink with cinnamon, which has antipyretic effect and stimulates expectoration of sputum. Ingredients: per liter of water - cinnamon stick, art. a spoon of honey and pine nuts (to taste). Pour the water into a thick-walled pan, pour the cinnamon and finely chopped ginger, bring the mixture to a boil, and then cook on a small fire for another half hour, remembering to stir it. At the end of this time, remove the pan from the plate and remove from it a stick of cinnamon and ginger. Honey should be added to the cooled beverage. Peel the pine nuts right in the cup before use. Drinking this tea should also be warm.

Root of ginger from cough

For the treatment of cough, the root of ginger can be taken as a basis for the following, less popular, but also effective, remedies for catarrhal diseases:

  1. ginger bath. Prepare it in the following simple way: grated root of ginger is put in cheesecloth and falls into a bath full of water. Wait 10 minutes, let the ginger "give" its useful substances. This bath will warm and relax the body before going to bed, but remember: it is not desirable to take it at high temperature and low pressure;
  2. ginger tincture. Finely cut 250 grams of peeled ginger, place its half-liter glass jar, then pour it with vodka. For two weeks put the jar in the kitchen cupboard, but do not forget about it - every three days shake the tincture. This drink is enough for two weeks, that would be infused. Be sure to strain the medicine and add honey to it. Drink tincture of ginger from cough should be in small doses: for 1 hour. l. after breakfast and lunch, planting in a glass of clean water. Children aged 3-5 years - 5 drops 2 times a day, and from 5 to 12 years - 10 drops. If the patient is contraindicated in medicine based on alcohol, pour into the tablespoon the right amount of tincture, and then add a steep boiling water: the alcoholic vaputsuchatsya.

Tincture is one of the most effective ways to combat colds with the help of ginger. However, it takes time to prepare it. If the disease suddenly arrived suddenly, and there was no ready-made medication at hand, use one of the recipes described below.

Ginger, lemon and honey from cough

Dry cough is a dangerous symptom of upper respiratory tract diseases: repeated seizures shake the entire body, while harmful viruses, bacteria and their decay products, and remain on the surface bronchi. To prevent deterioration of the patient's health, it is necessary to attenuate the dry cough. With this task will help to cope with a ginger drink from 1 hour. l. fresh grated ginger juice, 1 tsp. honey and 1 tsp. lemon juice. Ginger and juice mix and let stand for half an hour. Pour 1/2 tbsp. boiling water and cover. Honey can be added when the drink has cooled down a little, so as not to destroy its beneficial properties with boiling water. Drink the obtained product from ginger from a dry cough for 1 hour. l. every half hour. Healthy person, this tea will also benefit, because it relieves fatigue and tension, increasing the overall tone of the body.

Milk with ginger from cough

Excruciates wet cough? Use the following folk recipe: in boiling milk (1 tbsp.) Add 1 tsp. ginger powder, lower the fire. After a couple of minutes, remove the milk from the plate, let the drink cool, then dissolve the honey in it. To enhance the healing effect, you can add turmeric in a small amount ("at the tip of the knife"). This drink can also be drunk though the whole winter - it is proved that daily consumption of ginger and turmeric with milk strengthens the immune system. With a wet cough it should be taken before bedtime, and for preventive purposes - at any time of the day. But remember: warm milk can not be drunk before going out to the street at minus temperatures.

Tea with ginger from cough

Take in the habit of cold weather to always keep ginger at hand. At the first symptoms of a cold, after hypothermia, or, if you accidentally wet your feet in puddles, brew your favorite tea and put a little ginger in it.

Green tea with ginger and cloves: at the bottom of a kettle or French press, fill in green leaf tea, dry ginger and three heads of spicy cloves (1 h. l.), pour all the boiling water. Let the tea be infused for half an hour.

Black tea with ginger and freshly ground black pepper: throw thin slices of ginger into boiling water, cook them on low heat, adding a bit of ground black pepper. After 10 minutes, add black leaf tea, turn off the heat and cover the drink with a lid. Let it brew, then strain, pour the tea into a cup and drink in small sips. If desired, you can add lemon, honey and even milk.

Ginger with lemon from cough

Lemon, like ginger, is the strongest weapon against the cold that nature has given us. As you know, it contains phytoncides - plant components that can adversely affect viruses. Ginger, strengthens the immune system, so a drink that combines both these products helps to avoid medicines in the first stage of the common cold, and also allows to remove irritation of the mucosa and calm cough.

It's very easy to prepare. Fill the kozanok or thick-walled pan with clean water. Scrub a piece of fresh ginger root and add to boiling water. Without covering the lid, cook the drink for 15 minutes, or even 20 minutes, add the lemon juice. Finished tea, pour into a cup, and when it cools down, add a spoonful of honey: this will make the drink even tastier and more useful. There are no exact proportions in this recipe, you can vary them, starting from your taste preferences. If you just "get acquainted" with ginger, start with a small amount, because it has a rather specific smell and a sharp taste. Ginger tea is drunk two or three times a day, so it is very convenient to prepare it in a French press: that's enough for the day. Just do not forget to warm up.

Ground ginger from cough

Ginger is an indispensable ingredient of the so-called "Bengal mixture" - a drink, long known in northern India as a remedy for colds and hypothermia. For the preparation of exotic tea you will need: dry ginger, cloves, green cardamom, cinnamon, mint and turmeric.

Pour 6 cups of water into a pan with a spout or into a kettle, put on a large fire. Add 1 small cinnamon stick, 3-4 pcs. green cardamom (it is better to use slightly opened seeds), 2-3 buds of cloves, 2-3 small pieces of dried ginger (or 1 h. l. dry ground root), 1/4 tsp. turmeric and a little mint. Bring the water to a boil, and turn off the fire as soon as the water begins to boil noticeably. Wait 2 minutes, then carefully mix the contents of the pan. Using a sieve, pour the drink into the cup. Add hot milk, let the tea cool, and then dissolve the honey in the cup. To drink "Bengal mix" you need a little, not hurrying, 4 times a day. Just a few sips of this tea - and you will feel how the throat warms, getting rid of painful sensations.

Dry ginger can also be used as a basis for heating mustard plasters: it is necessary dilute with warm water to a mushy state and rub into the skin of the feet and calves, then put on woolen socks. You can make a small cake out of the same slurry and put between the scapula for 7-10 minutes. With sensitive skin, pre-lubricate the back with a fatty nourishing cream.

Decoction of ginger from cough

You can remove sore throat and cough with another means - decoction from the root of ginger. Preparing it is very simple: 2 tea spoons of dry root are poured into a pan and filled with a glass of water. Cook need 15 minutes, no more. The resulting mixture is slightly cool, because gargle is better than a warm broth

With angina, consider that the proportion should be "weaker half a teaspoon of a glass of steep boiling water. And in this case it is necessary to cool the broth.

Rinse 3 times throughout the day and 1 time before bedtime. Sufficiently aggressive for the sore throat, rinse with ginger should alternate with soothing, - for example, a decoction of chamomile. The finished product can be stored in the refrigerator, tightly closing the lid. Before use, the broth should be heated to room temperature or even slightly more. Ginger broth can be added to herbal teas.

How to drink ginger from a cough?

Ginger from cough should be prepared and consumed, following a few simple recommendations:

  1. if you are preparing tea for the treatment of colds, water with ginger boil for 10 minutes in an open dish;
  2. if the recipe indicates grated fresh ginger, and if available - only ground dried, its amount can be simply divided by 2 (for example, Art. a scoop of grated fresh ginger - a teaspoon of ground), while warming the drink needs 20 minutes on a small fire;
  3. in marching conditions, you can brew ginger in a thermos, insisting for several hours;
  4. to start drinking ginger tea is necessary at the appearance of the first signs of a cold;
  5. It is recommended to drink tea from ginger only with warm, small gulps; during the day you need to drink at least 3 cups;
  6. Ginger is poured into tea at the time of brewing, after which it should be allowed to infuse in a teapot or thermos for at least 5 minutes.

In addition, remember that consuming ginger in large quantities can cause heartburn, so it is best to take it moderately, with food or after eating.

Reviews about ginger from cough

Reviews about the properties of ginger from cough are very flattering. Below are quotes from the forums about the benefits of the "miracle root."

"In India I fell ill: when I had already taken time off, I did not have any medicine for a cold, I thought it would not be useful. But nevertheless, I fell ill decently, I lost my voice. Cured for three days ginger drink with lemon, honey and black pepper! This tool puts on its feet very quickly, and also returns the voice. Now here too I am ill or sick and I am flied or treated to it or him. I advise everyone. "

"I know from my mother about this method of treatment: with a sore throat or cough, you can put a piece of ginger root under the tongue. In a frost the best means, than tea with ginger, it is difficult to think up ".

"When I feel that I'm getting sick - I immediately brew ginger in a large thermos bottle and drink it very much! It helps me"

"My mother, and she is more than 50 years old, says that overall health after the appearance in her life of a drink from the root of ginger was better, more spirited, and overall health improved."

"With a sore throat and a cough, I save them only. Honey and lemon add to the cooled beverage, because they lose their properties already at a temperature above 40 degrees. "

"I have recently become a real fan of ginger. It's hard to imagine, but when I first tasted pickled ginger, it seemed to me that it tasted like soap. Now I'm happy to eat it and not only from the land. I advise everyone to ginger tea for a cold. All elementary! I put ordinary black tea in the teapot. I take a little bit of ginger root, cut it and throw it into the kettle. I brew and drink ginger from cough, like ordinary tea. Very tasty and useful! ".

Ginger from cough: what is the recipe for cooking?

The best medicine for a sore throat is ginger from a cough, the recipe for a medicinal drink from the root of ginger is quite simple, and the effect from it is incredibly great. But if there is no possibility to prepare a medicinal drink, then it should be remembered that in the pharmacies lollies from cough and ginger are sold. However, the "living" root, of course, is better than the concentrate in the candy.

Tea with ginger from the seven ailments we drink

Brewed in the form of tea or infusion of ginger root for colds began to use a very long time. This truly "magic spine having a spicy taste and the ability to "warm" the body from the inside for a long time, helps with the treatment of cough, flu, colds. This natural natural remedy, an environmentally friendly product, has antipyretic and expectorant effect. Therefore, the ginger root extracts - these ancient folk remedies - are used in the treatment of laryngitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia and other diseases respiratory tract and lungs, and even with tuberculosis as a powerful expectorant, helping to drain phlegm and mucus, speeding up treatment with official means medicine.

Ginger - a wonderful antiseptic, which is why it is widely used for colds and any pulmonary inflammation.It increases immunity, speeds up metabolic processes in the body, purifies blood and stimulates blood circulation, which is very important in the treatment of many diseases.

Bactericidal, disinfecting, analgesic properties of ginger, as well as sedative, anti-spastic and hypotonic it "Ability" can be called a truly panacea for a variety of ailments, the treatment of which by medication sometimes is difficult.

Buying ginger from cough, you should pay attention to its freshness, because it will depend on this, how healing will be prepared from it a drink. Fresh root has a smooth light, sometimes even golden, thin skin. The older the root, the more wrinkled its skin will look. In addition, the "eyes" (like potato), appearing on the skin of the root of ginger, is also a sign of his "advanced" age. The difference between a young and stale root also affects taste: a drink from the "living" root will be spicy, fragrant, with more pronounced medicinal qualities. Drinking from ginger "herbarium" is sure to be tart and even sharp to the taste, but most importantly - it will not bring the expected therapeutic effect from it.

Secrets of brewing ginger

Ginger for cold and cough is brewed very simply: a piece of ginger root (3-4 cm) must be cleaned of Skins, grate and add to the teapot to the "main" brew (black or green tea).

You can use ground ginger, in the form of powder. However, adding it to the tea leaves, it should be remembered that ginger powder is a much more "concentrated" remedy than the fresh root. The role and method of drying (in the sun, in the oven or in a special dryer), and the "age" of the spine (young and spicy or old and tart) also play a role. Therefore, begin to add ground ginger in therapeutic tea should be very carefully, literally on a pinch.

Both of the above-described methods of preparing ginger drink "suffer" by one "purely visual" negative quality: tea when used as grated, and powdered ginger is quite cloudy drink. To get a transparent infusion, you can not rub the ginger on a grater, and plan it with tiny plates, cutting them with a thin sharp knife directly from the root (after cleaning the skin of the desired site). By the way, the skin of a young ginger root has diuretic properties, so if a cough is accompanied also temperature, then you can prepare a medicinal drink from the uncleaned (and simply well washed) root ginger. Another way to get a beautiful transparent drink is to use one-time sachets with dry ginger, sold in a pharmacy.

Tableware for ginger beverage can be any: glass french press, porcelain teapot, porcelain jug with lid, enamel saucepan, stainless steel scoop. The only rule concerns enameled dishes: it should be free of chips, so that the drink "does not contact" with the metal.

The time of brewing tea depends on the habit of tasting ginger. "Beginners" are recommended to insist tea no more than 1-4 minutes, and "connoisseurs" can withstand a drink of up to 20 minutes, and in the thermos, so that the root as fully as possible reveals all its taste and healing qualities quality. You can "harvest" the drink for future use and carry it with you in the thermos for work, for study, to take on a business trip. Such a medicine will come to the rescue when you need to urgently bring your throat in order, stop the coughing fit, calm the sick bronchi and lungs.

If the brewed drink turned out too tart - it can be diluted with boiling water or milk.

Ginger and cough: features

Ginger is a wonderful opponent of a cough. In his victory over the disease, there is no doubt. Perhaps its only drawback is a peculiar taste, for many unusual and unusual. But there are fairly simple ways to "neutralize" the astringency and burning of ginger, adding to the drink other ingredients.

So, they combine well with ginger with medicinal properties and honey recommended for coughing, lemon, cinnamon, cardamom, peppermint, cloves, nutmeg. These ingredients can be added either to the main container with the drink to be prepared (in a kettle, in a thermos, in a saucepan) or individually in a cup with a drink.

However, you need to remember: if the cough is dry, then it is best to cope with the infusion of ginger with lemon. Wet cough will be much faster if you drink ginger tea with milk.

In the rest, the taste of the drink depends entirely on the choice of the patient: all the ginger curative herbs, personally "tested" by specific patients on themselves and really providing him with a curative Effect.

The recipe is simple - the effect is large

The recipe for a ginger drink against a dry cough is simple. You need to brew ginger tea (as described above), or take a prepared ginger (grated, planed, powdered or packaged). Put it in boiling water, hold it under a lid (can be covered with a towel or special "baba" for a kettle) from 2 to 20 minutes (depending on the patient's preferences), pour the finished drink into a cup, add slices of lemon or squeeze out lemon juice (to taste); you can add sugar, honey, rose hip syrup, tincture of ginseng or Eleutherococcus.

A recipe for a drink from ginger with milk against a wet cough:

In a container with hot milk (you can dilute it with water) add ginger, bring to a boil, cool, strain; you can add honey, turmeric (at the tip of the knife), drink several times a day with a throat and damp cough.


A recipe for a drink with a starting cold or flu:

Brew tea with ginger, add lemon and honey, drink as much and often (the proportions of the ingredients are any, the taste of the patient).

Recipe mulled wine with ginger:

Pour the red wine into the pot (250 ml), squeeze the juice of one mandarin into it, add the stranded thin slices of ginger, pieces of quarters of pear and lime, mandarin (cut better together with the skin in any way), raisins (1 tbsp. l.), a pinch of ground cinnamon and nutmeg, an asterisk of cloves; all warm up on low heat until thick aroma, remove from heat, lightly cool, add a tablespoon of honey.

Recipe for inhalations with ginger from cough (allowed for pregnant women):

In a saucepan with boiling water, gently slice the ginger root, let it brew for 10-20 minutes, breathe with your mouth open over the container, close with a blanket.


Very carefully, ginger should be used as a medicine for pregnant women and people with gastrointestinal diseases: doses must be small, the concentration of ginger in tea and infusions is weak. The fact is that tart and spicy, and sometimes sharp and burning ginger can lead to colic (gastric, renal, hepatic, intestinal). Therefore, you should start taking ginger drink very carefully, so that it does not work out, as in the well-known folk saying: one treats, the other is crippled.

Benefits of ginger from cough and recipes with its use

There are many products that, thanks to their medicinal qualities help get rid of cough, ginger in this case is very popular. The product has long been considered a universal healing agent that helps to strengthen the immune system improve blood circulation, prevent infectious diseases, optimize work intestines.

In the treatment of children's colds, it is an indispensable tool, because in its composition contains a full range of useful for the body microelements and minerals, essential oils and organic acids. The root of ginger, according to some doctors, has anti-carcinogenic properties and helps in the prevention of cancer.

Benefits of ginger root

The presence in this product of a large number of useful components gives the right to call it an effective assistant for children and adults with colds accompanied by a cough. The essential oils that make up it help to exert a strong influence on pathogens. Ginger against cough is used as an expectorant, which can quickly remove phlegm from the respiratory tract. The rich organic composition helps it to have a strong effect in the fight against inflammatory processes and viral infections.

Vitamins and trace elements that enrich the composition of ginger help to strengthen the immune system, which is especially important in the treatment and prevention of viral diseases. A good effect of spicy root can have in the presence of advanced inflammation of the mouth and with fungal skin lesions. Ginger with cough is an effective healer, as it has many healing properties:
  • antipyretic;
  • expectorant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • sedative;
  • pain reliever;
  • antimicrobial.

Despite its therapeutic versatility, ginger from cough is not the main drug. It is used only as an auxiliary substance capable of enhancing certain properties of therapeutic drugs. With a complex, neglected form of cough, it will not be effective. Ginger tea is very popular. A good effect is and made on its basis inhalation.

What do I need to know?

Many have already evaluated the therapeutic properties of ginger, so they use it not only as an excellent antitussive, but also as a prophylaxis for catarrhal diseases. With the onset of the winter period lovers of this spice make tea and make healing drinks with it. It is loved not only by adults, but also by children. Before preparing this medicinal drink from a cough, it is necessary to take into account some features.

Along with the fact that ginger from cough is recognized as the best effective remedy, it must be taken correctly in accordance with the type of disease and overall health.Before using it is necessary to find out what type of cough the patient has. In the presence of dry it is recommended to drink ginger tea with lemon and honey. When wet, milk-ginger drink will help. Children need to give a less concentrated drink than adults.

Great importance should be given to the presence of chronic ailments. It is not recommended to include in your daily diet drinks with ginger people suffering from a stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer. With great care they should be taken with hepatitis and reflux of the esophagus, in case of violations of the cardiovascular system.

Children's doctors do not recommend ginger root to include in dishes or drinks for children under 2 years. At the first reception in food it is necessary to pay attention to reaction of an organism of the child: on its chair, presence of an allergy. It is very important to consider that taking ginger drinks is contraindicated in case of bleeding and increased body temperature.

Ginger drinks in young children can cause sleep disturbance, so its dosage and reception capabilities must be coordinated with the child's doctor.

How to prepare healing teas and drinks?

Ginger tea is especially relevant during the cold and flu epidemic. To prepare a drink that will not only benefit, but also will be tasty, you should remember a few recommendations:

  1. Ginger must be purchased in good quality, without visible damage.
  2. The rind of the root should be smooth, even with a golden hue.
  3. It is necessary to choose the old root. Drinks made from young ginger will be much more fragrant and tastier.
  4. Ginger store in a cool place for no more than 1 week.
  5. Before use, the root is washed, cleaned and poured with boiling water. Sometimes it can be boiled.

Therapeutic recipes with ginger

Children can prepare healing ginger tea. Ginger grate on a fine grater, 4 tbsp. l. The resulting mass of pour 2 liters of boiling water. If there is no root, and in the house only ginger powder, it can also be used, but 2 times more than the root. Boil the mixture for 20 minutes. To give the drink not only medicinal properties, but also the aroma, you can add several mint leaves and 4 tbsp. l. orange juice. Stir the drink for 10 minutes. Give every cough. It is necessary to take into account the age of the child when the drink is strong. The younger the baby, the less strong the drink should be.

You can make a ginger-lemon drink. It is necessary to squeeze out the juice from 2 lemons and pour it 2 liters of boiled water. Add grated root of ginger and dry grass of magnolia vine. For 10 minutes, boil the mixture. Let him brew. When serving, add a little lemon juice and honey to taste.

In cold winter evenings, you can prepare mulled wine with ginger, which is not only pleasant to taste, but also very useful for colds. To prepare the drink, take 250 ml of dry red wine, 2 tangerines, 1 ginger root, 1 lime, a pinch of ground nutmeg and cinnamon. Add to the composition 2 carnations, a quarter of fresh pears and 1 tbsp. l. honey and raisins. In the pan, add all the ingredients, cut the ginger into slices, squeeze the juice out of the mandarins. Bring the mixture to a boil. Let her brew for 10 minutes. When the mulled wine is a little cool, you can add honey to it. Drink in small sips.

Ginger tea perfectly reveals its fragrant and flavoring qualities thanks to cinnamon.

Drink of this composition has antipyretic and stimulating sputum smear removal effect.

To make it, you need to take 2 liters of water, 2 cinnamon sticks, finely chopped ginger root, 1 spoon of honey, a handful of pine nuts.

Mix everything, except cinnamon and nuts, bring to a boil.

Then add cinnamon and boil for 20 minutes. The drink should survive, then it is filtered.

The cinnamon is again lowered into a drink and nuts and honey are added. The remedy should be warm when used.

Recipes for children

Children can be given a specially prepared syrup from the root of ginger. It is prepared as follows. It is necessary to connect 30 ml of ginger juice, 1 glass of water, half a cup of sugar. Warm up the compound on low heat, stirring until it thickens. To improve the flavor and aromatic qualities, you can add saffron and nutmeg. Take this drug you need 5 ml before meals 2 times a day. This is a wonderful medicine to stimulate immunity.

A healer can be prepared from mixed in equal quantities of juices of ginger and lemon. Add honey in the same proportion. Give the baby 5 ml 3 times a day.

A green ginger drink can be prepared from any green tea. Pour it into 500 ml of water. Boil for 5 minutes. Add, hours l. cardamom, dried ginger, cinnamon. Insist 30 minutes. Strengthen the fragrant properties can be, adding mint and lemon juice.


A milk-ginger drink is suitable for children. Finely chopped root of the ginger is mixed with black tea (2 tbsp. l.). Pour 400 ml of water and boil. Add 1 cup of milk and boil again. After decanting the drink should be slightly cooled and add 1 spoonful of honey. Give the child in a warm state.

Ginger can be taken not only for children, but also for pregnant women, whose body is very sensitive to viruses and colds. To strengthen the health of the future mother and her baby will help all the recipes that are recommended to children.

How to take ginger from a cough?



- Catarrhal diseases are perfectly treated with ginger tea with lemon and honey (with a wet cough you can add cinnamon or cloves)

Ironically, one of the most useful spices - ginger, in our country is not too popular. Probably, it so happened that not many know the useful properties of ginger. In Sanskrit ginger, or "visvabhsage means "a universal medicine." In the first century of our era, the warming action of ginger, the use of digestion, and even referred to ginger as an antidote were described.

As a spice, ginger is used to make almost all dishes, teas and even used in its pure form, "vpriskusku including with lemon and salt. Usually on sale it is possible to find fresh and dry (ground) ginger. Fresh ginger - the most aromatic, and dry ginger - more spicy. To prepare fresh ginger for use, you need to scrape off the peel and grate it.

Pungent to taste, the root of ginger refers to the category of "hot spices" that kindle the "fire" of digestion and improve blood circulation. To taste, ginger is hot and sweet.

Such a combination of taste and medicinal qualities, like that of ginger, can not be found in any other spice, and even recognized medicinal plants sometimes give way to ginger a palm tree of primacy. As a remedy, ginger has a long list of properties.

- Ginger has carminative, diaphoretic, analgesic, expectorant, antiemetic effect.

- Ginger feeds all the tissues. The latest research indicates an exceptionally favorable effect of ginger on the stomach, digestive and respiratory systems.

- Ginger makes food easy and easily digestible and gives it a slightly spicy, spicy taste.

- Ginger is taken to stop diarrhea, eliminate the harmful effects of animal poisons.

- Regular use of ginger in food in small amounts increases internal heat, causing appetite and stimulating digestion, warming the stomach and blood. That is why ginger is especially useful in cold weather and in cold climates.

- Tea with ginger is an excellent remedy for physical or mental fatigue, which helps to overcome stressful situations and regain strength after a hard day.

- This unique spice reduces the level of cholesterol.

- Wild ginger (turmeric) also facilitates the disease of joints. Essential oil inhibits the growth of bacteria.

- Peel ginger has a diuretic effect and stimulates the secretion of saliva.

- Ginger helps to relieve cramps during menstruation.

- Ginger is also used for paralysis, jaundice, helminthic diseases.

- Ginger - an excellent remedy for all skin and allergic diseases, including bronchial asthma.

- Ginger improves cerebral circulation, strengthens blood vessels and improves memory, and stimulates the activity of the thyroid gland.

- Ginger is an excellent remedy for aging. In addition, it increases the sex drive.

Mybus Man

Cut it in circles, pour boiling water, squeeze out half a lemon. When it is a little cold, add honey.

Marina Kudryavtseva

To a half-liter mug.

You take ginger (root of ginger), break off (cut off if you can not break it off =) from it a piece the volume of one and a half quail eggs (slightly less than the yellow container inside the kinder surprise =).

Further this piece of ginger you wash and clear a knife from a peel.

Then rub it on a large grater, put it in a container, in which you are going to brew it. At me on a floor a liter mug the table spoon with a hill of the grated ginger turns out.

In the same capacity, put a piece of lemon to taste (or squeeze the lemon directly inside), add a tablespoon of your favorite honey.

Then, attention, fill the tank with about a fifth of ordinary cold water, stir everything that is inside, and then you pour hot water.

Stir everything, you wait a few minutes and you can drink.

As a result, a slightly burning, fragrant, sour-sweet hot drink turns out, which perfectly warms and contains an incredible amount of all sorts of useful substances.


Indian recipe: bring the milk to boil, make strong tea, add it to boiling milk, add grated ginger, pour into cups (through a strainer), add honey-recover!


Use the massage: we get rid of the inflammatory processes in the lungs
The inflammatory processes in the lungs include bronchitis and pneumonia, tracheitis. To get rid of inflammatory processes it is necessary, first of all, to stimulate immunity both antimicrobial and antiviral. The more pronounced inflammation processes, the more intense the massage (rubbing of hands, feet, tapping the head up to 5-8-10 times a day). At a high temperature, pay special attention to rubbing the legs, hands up to 5-8 times a day.
Local effect in the projection of the lungs from the front: intensively rub the chest with the palm 2-3-5 times a day, tap on the sternum in the projection of the trachea and lungs. Coughing so immediately and knock for 1-2 minutes, massage the point of bronchitis (third-fourth intercostal space to the right of the sternum by 1-2 centimeters). Local impact in the projection of the lungs from the back: a back massage in the projection of the lungs (grinding, kneading, vibrations in the form of tapping with the ribs of the palms). Independently, a back massage, you can do about the door jamb. Vibrations are performed by a rolling pin with a rubber extruder ring on it. In a painful, hysterical, painful cough, carry out an intensive action on the point of bronchitis, tapping the sternum with the fist and projection of the lungs in front and behind, tapping the blade with the scapula.
It is important, during the massage of the chest, to identify painful areas in the projection of the lungs and to act on them day in and day out until painfulness disappears in them. Recovery comes in two to three days.

We get rid of the pain in the throat, once and for all.
Pain in the pharynx, larynx appear during inflammatory processes (pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis). To get rid of these phenomena, it is required to stimulate immunity, that is, rub the palm base with a hand and a forearm, external area, up to the elbow inclusive, and the legs - the lift of the foot and the shin, from all sides, up to the knee inclusive from three to eight once a day. Legs can rub your foot on the leg. Local effect: tear the skin over the larynx and rub the crease between the toes especially painful places. Find on the surface of the cartilage of the larynx painful points and press them with the fingernail of the index finger. Also, the nail of the index finger to press and hold for 3-5 seconds the soreness and on the front surface of the cervical spine. Especially effective is the pressure on those places, when exposed to which arrows of pain (painful irradiation), the point of which just reaches your glands or inflamed mucous. That is, it reaches exactly the pain that bothers you. Try to press on this pain, to cause the arrow and to hold this arrow of pain within 3-5 seconds, change the place of touch and again press and hold. That's how to handle all parts of the neck and especially painful places. With the right massage, you can get rid of the pain in the throat for two to three hours, in some cases even for 10-20 minutes. The sore throat either does not develop or ends within three hours. Success to all.

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