The baby has a rhinitis what to do

How to treat a runny nose in a newborn, babe

Before starting to treat a cold in a baby, an important rule is to immediately seek pediatric care. After the examination, the doctor will diagnose and prescribe the treatment.

Causes of a cold in infants

In newborns up to two months of age, the presence of a cold is not always the beginning of a respiratory illness. At this age, in children, the mucous nasopharynx can not fully perform its functions, its work is not adjusted enough, therefore, mucus can be excreted in a sufficiently large amount, it is a physiological rhinitis in the baby.

Of course, the main reason for the runny nose in a baby is a common cold, as well as an acute viral infection or flu. In infections, the common cold in children up to the year is always accompanied by a strong mucosal edema, which significantly disturbs the baby's breathing.

Air in a megacity or even in a small town, and the whole modern life of a person is full of the presence of various chemical stimuli, which an immature kid can have an allergic reaction, which manifests itself as a runny nose and sneezing, swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

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In any case, especially if the infant is ill for the first time, a pediatrician is required. If the baby has a fever, you should call the doctor at home, if there is not enough temperature, you should come to the reception. Especially do not postpone the doctor's call, if the child has a cough, lachrymation, he refuses the breast, becomes sluggish, whiny.

Features of the common cold in infants

It is easy to notice that the baby has sores easily, in the symptoms of the common cold of the newborn and adult there are no differences - the baby sneezes, breathing through the nose becomes difficult, mucous discharge from the nose appears. The child sniffs, sniffles, refuses to suck normally, often throws a breast or pacifier. But at this age, he can not blow his nose.

Therefore, the spout should be cleaned using a special mucus aspirator, which is sold in pharmacies or departments for infants. You can use a syringe with a soft spout, which should be boiled, cooled, pressed to let the air out, put into the nasal passage, let go. All the mucus will be in the enema.

You can not use ordinary cotton buds with a solid base, which can damage the tender little baby. Also, you can not use syringes, because at such an early age, mucus from the nose can easily fall under pressure into the Eustachian tube, which can cause otitis in the baby.

Newborn babies can not always switch to mouth breathing if there is a shortage of nasal breathing and shortness of breath. Medicine knows cases when a protracted runny nose in a child, a blockage with thick mucus of nasal passages, caused death of the baby, as the child suffocated. With a large accumulation of mucus, an uncleaned nose, it becomes numb in the bronchi and provokes bronchitis, and when you get a tube through the Eustachian tube in the ear - otitis develops. Treat this seemingly easy ailment in children up to a year as a cold with all seriousness.

Treatment of a cold in babies

How to treat a runny nose in a newborn? The first thing to do, as we have said, is to clean the baby's nasal passages from the mucus with an aspirator. They are very convenient to use, you just need to adjust. If the discharge is not very much, as happens in infants after birth, you can make a wadded flagellum and twist it in the nose of the baby, after the procedure, the accumulated mucus will be on the flagella, and the spout will be cleared. Do not push it deeply!

General recommendations on the regime for a cold in an infant

When a runny nose is accompanied by fever, it is not recommended to walk with a baby, especially in frosty weather, just do not bathe the baby. When the temperature becomes normal, you can walk, but in the windless weather, you can bathe 4 days after the obvious improvement in the child's condition.

With regard to nutrition, with a cold, the child's appetite is reduced, because it is hard for him to suck with a stuffy nose. During sucking, he suffocates, and when she is forced to breathe through her mouth, there is incomplete closure of the lips and suck, especially the baby's chest does not work. Also, against the background of ARI, a decrease in appetite is natural, since the body actively fights against a viral infection and an additional load on the digestive system, the liver is not needed in this case.

If the child refuses to eat, make every effort to have the baby breathing freely, clean the nose, do not be lazy, bury the vasoconstricting drops. A baby even in a period of illness should eat at least a third of the milk portion, and the break between feedings should be reduced. If you do not suck your breast - feed from a spoon, from a cup, from a syringe, it is important that the child receives food, because very quickly there is dehydration in infants, life-threatening.

If the child is more than 8 months old and has already tried compotes, juices or herbal teas( see how to properly feed a child for up to a year), then you can drink it with such drinks. If the child is older than a year, in this case, the main thing is to give a good water to the baby, boiling water can be used as an additional liquid.

It is also worthwhile to regularly ventilate the room in which the baby is located, use an air humidifier, perform wet cleaning daily or hang wet diapers on the battery. When the air in the room is dry and dusty, the recovery of the baby becomes protracted. If there is a high temperature in infants, it is recommended to knock down at a temperature above 38C( see a detailed review of all antipyretics for children in suspensions and suppositories).

Drug medication for the common cold

The modern pharmaceutical industry is rich in various remedies for the common cold. In the absence of temperature and other symptoms, treatment can be limited to using only local aids for instillation into the spout. It is more correct and safe for breastfeeders to instill drops into the nose than using various sprays.

Moisturizing medicines

The advertised and recommended seawater sprays( Aqualor, Aquamaris, Quix, Otrivin baby, etc.) can not be used by infants, they are contraindicated in age. Moreover, they can provoke a purulent runny nose, get into the Eustachian tube, cause otitis, provoke spasm of the larynx.


When the swelling of the nasal mucosa becomes very significant, on the recommendation of the doctor, vasoconstrictive agents can be instilled. With the drugs of this action, one must be very cautious, measure only with droplets a special pipette, avoid overdose, and they can not be used for more than three days.

Among vasoconstrictor drops for the treatment of rhinitis, babies can use Nazol Baby, Nazivin 0.01% for infants. To drip it is necessary not more often, than 1 time in six hours, is better for the night or before a daytime dream. After a one-time instillation, some mothers try to re-instill or continue to use vasoconstrictive drops for more than 3 days - this is unacceptable. In the case of an overdose, the child may have a palpitations, vomiting, convulsions and other side effects. Ricochet syndrome is also possible, when receptors are blocked to the drug, and the rhinitis only intensifies.

You can use Vibrocil( a combination of antihistamine and vasoconstrictive action).

Drops with antiseptics

To preparations with antiseptic action carry Protorgol is a means on the basis of silver,( it is possible to order in the prescription department).You can also use eye drops sulfacil sodium - Albucid, they can also be used for instillation in the nose. Even such remedies should only be used as directed by the doctor.

Antiviral and immunomodulating agents

Any antiviral drugs and immunomodulators can be used only according to indications, since the long-term consequences of using drugs that affect the immunity of the baby are still poorly understood( see antiviral drugs in cases of influenza and flu).With a cold, if the pediatrician finds it necessary, you can use - Grippferon, Viferon, Genferon-light.

In pediatrics, Derinat proved to be a good immunomodulator of natural origin, allowed for children from birth. This solution, which is easily tolerated by children, activates immunity to fight the disease.

It is more convenient to use the bottle without a dropper, since it is then more convenient to measure the number of drops with a simple pipette. Using the droppers that are in the kit with the medicine, you can exceed the dosage. Prophylactically, Derinat drips infants who have been in contact with sick people, 2 drops 2-3 times a day for 2-3 days. And if there are already signs of a cold, then 2 drops every 1.5 hours.

Folk Treatments for

Many are advised to begin treatment of the common cold with the help of breastfeeding. This should not be done. Yes, breast milk is useful, it contains antibodies that enhance the immunity of the baby, but milk is not an antibacterial or disinfectant, moreover, in the milk the bacteria multiply at an even faster rate, and this procedure will hurt the baby rather than help.

For infants it is not advisable to use folk remedies based on an irritating effect on the mucous membrane, for example - the Kalanchoe juice. Many grandmothers recommend bitter aloe juice for burial in the nose to nursing children, but before using it, the ripped leaves should lie in a cool place for 2-3 days, otherwise the juice can cause redness, irritation of the mucosa in the child due to its high biological activity. If you run the risk of using the Kalanchoe juice, then dilute the fresh juice should be 1: 1 with boiled water and bury 1 cap.3 r / day.

Complications of a cold in the newborn

Is it necessary to treat a runny nose in a baby? After all, it passes most often independently. To treat rhinitis in a child up to a year is necessary, first of all, to alleviate its condition, the baby can not tell what discomfort he has, but we all know how hard it is to breathe, when the nose is stuffy, how the head hurts, the baby is disturbed by sleep, dryness in the mouth appears and the tender skin on the wings of the nose and upper lip becomes inflamed.

Read our articles on antibiotics for colds in children, and also how to treat a cold in a child. One of the complications that lead to a runny nose in a babe is weight loss and dehydration, since it is difficult to suck a breast or a mixture from a bottle to a baby.

Very often diligent mothers can often wipe and "vysmarkivat" infants, which can lead to sores on the wings of the nose, upper lip and under the nose. This causes pain in the baby, and the child becomes even more moody and whiny.

To treat a cold is necessary on time, until complete recovery. The most serious complication of a runny nose in infants without treatment is:

  • Otitis mediastinal
  • Acute bronchitis
  • Etemoiditis
  • Bacterial conjunctivitis
  • Dacryocystitis

What should parents do if the baby has a runny nose?

At last, your long-awaited baby appeared. The kid gets used to the new world around him, and suddenly a baby has a cold, what to do, because he can not breathe with his mouth like older or older children? For such kids, the common cold is a serious problem. Firstly, they can not suck a breast or a bottle with a stuffy nose, since they are suffocating.

This leads to crying, whims, refusal to eat, sleep disorders and, as a result, greatly complicates the life of parents. Secondly, the common cold is a reaction to the penetration of a bacterial or viral infection. Together with the nozzles, the pathogenic microflora descends into the throat and bronchi. So begins angina and bronchitis, so treatment of the common cold should not be delayed.

Difficulty in treating infants

The nasal passages in the infant are very small. At an early age, babies can not breathe with their mouths and suffocate with a cold, so they need your help. For greater confidence it is better to consult a pediatrician. Of course, you can clean the spout and suck off the mucus with a splash, but the doctor must still fully monitor the baby's condition. In addition, the newborn may have an allergy to nasal drops or other medications.

Usually, for the treatment of uncomplicated rhinitis, children use local, age-appropriate drugs-vasoconstrictive nasal drops, sea salt solution or saline solution for lavage of the nasal cavity. If the baby has a temperature of 37.5-38 ° C, this indicates the spread of the infection to the nasopharynx. Then the doctor should be called to the house, so as not to catch a newborn on the street. If the temperature rises to 38 ° C, give the baby a febrifuge( syrup or suppositories) - Panadol, Efferalgan, Ibufen. This will ease his condition and will not allow the temperature to rise further.

How to treat a cold in a baby?

What should I do if my baby has a cold? To begin with, you will need moisturizing drops for the nose - Otrivin Baby, Aquamaris, Physiomer. Sterile saline is instilled from the vial into 3 drops in each nostril. The child should lie on his back with a slightly upturned head. If the snot in the baby is very fluid, immediately after instillation it is better to suck them with a splash pump or a nasal aspirator. The same procedure is also useful for dense yellow-green discharge. Saline solution not only moisturizes the mucous membrane, but also slightly dries, reducing swelling. Overdosing is not terrible, cleansing procedures can be done every 2-3 hours. For children, special sets are made, consisting of small metered-dose containers with drops, aspirator and sterile nozzles. These include Otrivin baby and Aqualor Baby "Soft shower".

If you need to urgently clean the nose of a newborn, and there are no listed means at hand, you can use an ampoule with 0.9% sodium chloride solution. Open the ampoule and pipette the liquid into each nostril. Remember that you need to inject the pipette to a depth of no more than 0.5 cm. After digging in, you need to use the splash pump. It will help to remove mucus from the spout and prepare a cavity for vasoconstrictor and antiviral drops.

What should I do next?

After removal of superfluous sopek before feeding and sleeping instill vasoconstrictive drops - Nazivin for children under one year( 0.01%), Nazol baby, Rinazolinum for children under 1 year or other medicines recommended by a doctor. Packages for such crumbs are often supplied with measuring pipettes so as not to accidentally drip excess amounts of the medicine. Vasoconstrictive drops for a while remove the swelling of the nasal mucosa, thereby restoring normal nasal breathing. Use these drops can not last longer than 3-4 days. Then they cause the opposite reaction, that is, worsen the condition of the nozzle and overdry the mucous membrane. Do not use vasoconstrictive drops more than 2-3 times a day for 1-2 drops in each nostril. The main substance can cause seizures or even a coma in a child. Most often enough to dig in the nose before day and night sleep.

During the exacerbation of viral infections, the child needs to drip antiviral drops containing Interferon - Laferon, Grippferon, Nasoferon. These funds should not be used in the common cold. They are more suitable for premature babies or toddlers with reduced immunity. In cases where there is no temperature and the above treatment helps, they should not be used. Note that the drugs with interferon can cause an allergic reaction, so you need to have on hand an antihistamine drug - syrup or drops Zodak, Fenistil or Zirtek for oral administration. Allergy in infants often manifests as a strong reddening on the buttocks, reminiscent of diaper rash. Stools are very irritating to the skin, which causes extra suffering in the crumbs.

Some drops for the nose have an antihistamine component, for example, Vibrocil. He not only removes puffiness, but also struggles with local allergy.

For ease of breathing, you can smear Baby with Balm Doctor under the nose with a clean nose or drip Caravaev's oil with Vital Baby. They contain extracts and oils from medicinal plants, which not only disinfects the nasal cavity, but also softens the mucous membrane. The same action has sea buckthorn oil, it drips into a pre-cleaned spout 1-2 drops twice a day.

Quite often, doctors recommend local antiseptic drops in the treatment of purulent rhinitis in infants - Protargol. This medicine can be found in pharmacies dealing with the manufacture of prescription drugs. Protargol is sold freely, you do not need to present a prescription for purchasing. Thanks to silver ions associated with proteins, the drug is very effective in combating bacteria, but it is not capable of killing viruses and protozoan microorganisms. In newborns, drops almost never cause allergic reactions, in contrast to older children. Protargol is used twice a day for no more than 5 days. Please note that the medicine has a limited shelf life - only 2 weeks.

Another antiseptic is a drop of Albucid. Sulfacil sodium is an eye drop, but they are successfully used in the treatment of rhinitis. For children, you need to take the lowest dosage. Do not use drops more than twice a day, as they overdry mucous or can cause burns. Only a doctor can recommend such remedies, taking into account the symptoms and condition of the child. Prerequisites in room A baby with difficulty breathing needs more oxygen, so more often ventilate the room, naturally, in the absence of the baby. Positively affects the use of air humidifier in the children's room. Dry air irritates the inflamed mucosa and has a negative effect.

Rhinitis in the baby can be treated with rubbing feet balm Karavaeva or vodka. After the procedure, you need to put warm socks on your toes. By the way, the legs should always be kept warm, this reduces the release of mucus from the spout.

An ancient, but nevertheless, effective remedy for the common cold in infants is the instillation of mother's milk into the spout. Doctors do not recommend this method, although it does help. The number of nozzles drops drastically during instillation. Breast milk in excess contains protective antibodies, so it helps better than Interferon.

Lovers of traditional medicine can try to drip into a spout carrot juice. Fresh carrots are rubbed on a fine grater and squeezed through gauze. The resulting juice drips 1 drop into each nasal passage three times a day. This antiviral agent is irritating and causes sneezing, so do not perform the procedure before going to bed or feeding.

Another popular remedy for a cold in children is considered to be aloe juice. Before use, the cut off parts of the plant need to be kept in the refrigerator for two days. Then they squeeze out the juice and dilute the boiled water in a 1: 1 ratio. This drug is used 1 drop 3 times a day.

A breastfeeding baby requires parents to pay special attention, so if you have any health problems, you need to consult a pediatrician.

Snot in the baby will not pass independently, they must be treated as soon as possible, then the runny nose will end in 3-4 days, and you will return to peace.

Runny nose in babies: what to do

When a child gets sick, mom wants to help him recover sooner. To treat a cold in a babe is not easy, tk. For babies, most "adult" medications can not be used.

Physiologic runny nose

Normally, in the first months of life, the baby may have liquid transparent mucus in its nose. So the child's organism reacts to the need to warm and moisten the air before it enters the lungs. If the child is calm, eats well, he does not have temperature and mucus does not interfere with breathing, the baby does not need to be treated. A physiological runny nose is not a disease, but a natural reaction of a healthy baby organism to changed conditions.

Clean, humid and cool air in the nursery

Both physiologically and with common cold, adults should create optimal conditions for breathing a child. To mucus in the nose of the baby did not condense and did not dry out, parents should moisten the air in the room babies. To do this, you can place containers with water, cover the batteries with wet towels, spray the liquid several times a day from the spray gun. Daily wash the floor in the child's room. If you have an air humidifier, turn it on. Ventilate the room several times a day so that the baby can breathe fresh air.

Infants can also dry out due to too hot air. If possible, keep the room temperature at 22-23 degrees. Remove from the room sources of dust: carpets, soft toys, rugs, etc. Daily wipe the dust. The air in the baby's room should be clean.

Put the baby warmer. It is good for a baby to breathe cool air, but he should not freeze.

Clean the baby's nose

Moisten the baby's nose with salt solutions. You can buy them at the pharmacy. For grudnichka will approach or suit drops, instead of sprays. Instead of sea water, you can buy saline and bury his baby with a pipette.

Place the baby in a crib or stroller so that the head is slightly above the legs. In this case, the mucus will not linger in the nose, but will drain down the nasopharynx.

Feed your baby with your chest. Obtained with the mother's milk antibodies will help to quickly defeat the common cold. If the child is older than 6 months, ask him to drink water so that there is no dehydration.

If the baby has a weak cold that does not interfere with his breathing, clean the baby's nose with cotton wool. Take a quarter of the wadded disk, soak it in warm boiled water, roll into a tube and free the sinuses of the baby from the accumulated mucus.

With a severe runny nose, you can use an aspirator to suck off the snot. Use it only as a last resort, so as not to injure the nose of the newborn. You should also consult a pediatrician. Perhaps he will prescribe medicines.

Find out the cause of

Contact your doctor and work together to determine the cause of the common cold. If it is a virus, the child will recover within a week, when he develops antibodies. Often in infants who are breastfed, in the first months of life the spout is clogged with milk. This does not require treatment. It is enough to carry the child in his arms after the feeding. Also, the baby can have an allergic rhinitis. In this case, you will need to find out the source of the problem and fix it.

The onset of a common cold in the child: what to do and how to treat

Rhinitis is the main symptom of a cold disease, and it can also proceed as an independent disease, which is an inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa. To prevent complications, it is important to notice the onset of the common cold in time, then the treatment will be as effective as possible, and the recovery will be rapid. Especially, it is necessary to closely monitor the health of a young child, because children develop a more rapid disease and can cause dangerous consequences.

How do I know if a baby has a runny nose?

When a child has a runny nose, characteristic symptoms appear. How do you know if a baby starts having a runny nose and an older child?

First of all, the symptoms of a runny nose depend on the signs of which disease it has become. Usually the onset of a cold in a child is sluggish, but, nevertheless, attentive parents notice changes in the behavior and health of the child can.

If rhinitis is allergic, nasal discharge begins to disturb the baby soon after contact with the allergen. In this case, not only a plentiful mucus formation delays the baby inconvenience, but sneezing, itching in the nose, its stuffiness, choking in the throat are the companions of this ailment.

If a baby gets a cold due to a virus infection, in other words - the development of a cold, there is a slightly different symptomatology. Appear clear liquid discharge from the nasal cavity, because of the flow of this mucus on the back of the throat, there is perspiration and even pain.

It is very important to know what to do when a child has a runny nose, as the disease in his wrong treatment is fraught with many complications. In this period, it is worth noting self-treatment and visiting the pediatrician's office.

Than to treat a beginning rhinitis: vitamins and medical preparations

Few people know what to do with the onset of a common cold, namely - how to stop the disease at an early stage of its development. According to experts, the main thing is to provide the patient with an organism with vitamins and not to prevent the removal of harmful substances from it. Increase the immunity can be a sufficient amount of vitamin C, which will overcome the disease without additional use of medicines. A large amount of vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, especially much in lemon, also it is in the currant, so it is useful to drink tea from the currant with a cold. A child can be given vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid, children like the taste of these pills, so do not have to force them to drink the medicine.

Having noticed that the state of health has worsened and a feeling of indisposition arose, you should visit the specialist's office. The doctor will tell you what to treat the beginning rhinitis, so that he does not acquire more neglected forms. Obligatory actions in the treatment of the onset of a common cold in both children and adults should be regular washing of the nasal cavity. In the nasopharynx there are microorganisms that are harmful to human health, they can penetrate into the interior, causing inflammation in the lower respiratory tract. A solution based on water and sea salt is well suited for this therapeutic procedure.

Cold can begin gradually, but can suddenly, when a person goes to bed still with good health, and wakes up with a sore throat and stuffy nose. If rhinitis is caused by a cold disease, in addition to nasal congestion and sore throat, the patient may feel general weakness and malaise, sometimes even the body temperature rises and a headache occurs.

How to treat the onset of a cold if it is accompanied by fever? Adults can take powdery fast-acting products, they contain paracetamol and vitamin C, so you can lower the temperature and increase the body's defenses.

According to specialists, a medical preparation Derinat is a safe preparation that removes inflammation of the nasal mucosa. On the first day of the onset of a cold, it should be dripped into the nose every hour, the next day - at intervals of three hours.

A child has a month and starts a runny nose: safe treatment of

There are many drugs that can treat the onset of a cold in a child, but not all medicines are effective and safe for a child's body. If the child is a month and the runny nose begins to develop, the treatment should be as safe as possible. Pediatricians mainly prescribe homeopathic nasal agents and phytopreparations, since they are made on the basis of natural components of vegetable, less often - animal and mineral origin. When they are instilled in a child's spout, there is no addiction, the tender mucous membrane does not dry out and there are practically no contraindications to their use.

What if the rhinitis starts with an increase in body temperature and severe nasal congestion? The danger of a cold for a child is that it usually lays two nasal passages immediately, which greatly complicates the nasal breathing of the baby. The child becomes capricious, the sleep is disturbed, often the children even give up their breasts, as a result of which they are rapidly losing weight. To prevent this, it is possible to instill vasoconstrictive preparations into the nose, however, only for the pediatrician.

At elevated body temperature caused by a cold or inflammatory process in the nose, antipyretic agents based on ibuprofen or paracetamol are prescribed - Efferalgan, Nurofen, Paracetamol. If a child has high fever, he needs to often, but gradually give a drink. With a cold at the initial stage of its development, inhalations with alkaline mineral water are effective.

How to quickly cure the beginning cold with folk methods

For those who want to know how to quickly cure a beginning rhinitis without the use of medications, it will be useful to get acquainted with some methods of treating rhinitis with the help of traditional medicine:

  1. If the development of rhinitis occurs in the autumn-winter period,it is desirable to abandon walks in the street, the disease will pass much faster when the patient is warm.
  2. It is useful to make a hot foot bath, it is possible with the addition of mustard powder.

It will be great if the aloe or Kalanchoe grows in your house, the juice from these plants has a curative effect on the mucous membrane of the nose. To make drops, squeeze the juice from the plants, mix in the same amount and drip into the nose three times a day. When treating a cold in a child with this effective folk remedy, the medicine must first be diluted with water.

To facilitate breathing, you can rub balms with essential oils into the wings of the nose. Conducting inhalation over hot steam boiled potatoes not only normalizes nasal breathing, but also reduces the amount of mucus secreted.

Among popular methods of treatment of rhinitis immediately after the appearance of its first symptoms, the warming of the nose is considered effective:

You can warm your nose with a boiled chicken egg, warmed with salt or sand. When the mucus becomes thicker and changes its color from translucent to yellow, more radical measures should be taken to ensure rapid and effective treatment.

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