Barley on the eye: how to treat this disease

Barley on the eye affects most people. But due attention to this disease, almost no one pays, although this is one of the true signs of greatly weakened immunity. Edema and an unpleasant grain - this is what you can see in the century in people who fell ill with barley. Let's consider what is barley, how to cure it and not allow it in the future.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Possible complications
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Drug method
    • 5.2Surgically
    • 5.3People's means
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of disease

Barley is a kind of abscess, located near the eyelash, in the hair bulb.It hurts badly, it hinders to see normally. This disease is characterized by a very sharp manifestation of symptoms and a very rapid course of the process. Barley can arise in completely different people under different conditions. After all, you are unlikely to meet a man who has never experienced this ailment on his own, because there are a lot of reasons for its occurrence. He is subject to a variety of people, both for health reasons and for age groups.

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There are internal and external barley

Barley is an abscess in the eyelash area. It flows and appears quickly and sharply.


Barley itself is an infection. It can be caused by the following factors:

  • Non-compliance with hygiene. For example, use a dirty towel to wipe your face.
  • In women, it can appear due to the use of other people's cosmetics, various brushes.
  • Dirty hands. Very often people rub their eyes with not very clean hands.
  • Lack of vitamins in the body.
  • Lack of fresh air.
  • Weak immunity.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract on a chronic level.
  • Such a disease asdiabetes.

Above, the most common causes of the appearance of barley were cited. Although it is not contagious, this disease is very common.

Barley can cause many factors. Most often it's about personal hygiene and the immune system.


The symptomatology of the disease under consideration passes and is manifested by increasing. The most common symptoms of barley are:

  • Itches the eyelid.This is a sure sign of infection.
  • Pain when touching the affected area, or when blinking.
  • Puffy eyes.
  • Redness in this area.
  • Abundant discharge of tear fluid.
  • The feeling of a foreign object in the eye.
  • A purulent vesicle,appearing at the top of the swollen eye.
  • Isolation of pus from this vial.

It is worth remembering that this is in the ordinary course of events. It also happens that the barley passes by itself, without purulent discharge.

Determine the barley is easy, so if there is even one symptom, consult a doctor.

Possible complications

They happen, as practice shows, in the event that a person tries to burst a purulent sac himself. This can not be done, because in this case, the risk of developing the following complications is extremely high:

  • Penetration of pus into the blood stream.This can lead to sepsis.
  • Even more eye injuries.
  • The appearance of meibomite.

If not treated properly, then barley will appear throughout life.


Since barley is very common, there are many ways to treat it. Let's look at the most popular ones.

Drug method

The patient may be prescribed antibiotics.They will stop the course of the infection and its spread. They are appointed with a neglected disease, when conventional drugs no longer help.As a rule, drip preparations are prescribed: Tsipromed, Ofloksatsin, Levofloxacin, Levomycetin, Tobramycin depending on the pathogen.

Levomycetin is used to treat barley

These drugs have a different active substance, aimed at suppressing a certain number of bacteria, therefore it is important to consult an ophthalmologist to determine which drug is suitable for this particular the case.

Various antiseptics are prescribed in order to rinse the eye.Most often they are used by those who have already left pus from the swollen part of the eye.

Anti-inflammatory drugs.To remove pain or reduce it can prescribe pain medication. Together with him, doctors prescribe a course of vitamins.

In case the viral origin of the disease is established,antiviral drops and ointments (Ophthalmoferon, Acyclovir).

Ophthalmoferon is used in the treatment of the nerve


This method applies to those who have purulent sacs very large. After all, this means that the classical methods of treatment with medication did not bring the expected result. The surgeon can make an incision and thus release pus. A specialist can simply remove an eyelash that is in the place of the lesion, and sometimes that's enough.

Surgical removal of barley

People's means

It is highly recommended to use folk remedies only as an addition to the main treatment and only in consultation with a specialist.

There are several proven and working methods for treating barley at home:

  • With the help of aloe juice.It must be diluted with water in the proportion: 0. Wet cotton with this mixture and apply to the affected area 3 times a day.
  • Decoction.It will take 10 grams of calendula, filled with boiling water. Keep in a water bath for about 10 minutes. Then let the broth brew for about an hour. Thus make lotions, changing them once an hour.
  • If you have barley in the initial stage,then dry heat can help prevent further infection.Take a clean napkin and wrap it in a boiled egg or potatoes. It is important that they are not too hot, otherwise you will aggravate the disease even with a burn of the eye.

Only complex therapy, coordinated with a doctor, will help you quickly and without further complications save you from barley.


A number of simple measures will help in future to protect themselves from barley. Therefore, observe the following rules:

  • Touch your eyes only with clean hands.
  • Use only your makeup. Pay attention to its expiration date.
  • When using contact lenses, change the solution every day.
  • Eat those foods that are rich in vitamins.
  • Address in time to the expert.

A set of preventive measures will reduce the chance of getting sick with barley.



So, barley is often found in humans, and in any. He needs to be treated under the supervision of a doctor, undergoing comprehensive and coordinated therapy. Observe all preventive measures and do not ignore symptoms. After all, a competent and responsible attitude to your health will help to forget about a problem like barley once and for all.