What is pneumonia?

Inflammation: symptoms in adults and children

  • Croupous inflammation
  • Chlamydial inflammation
  • Treatment

Among the most dangerous diseases of the respiratory system in the first place is pneumonia. Inflammation of the lungs occurs in people regardless of age and can cause serious disruption to the body and even death.

Pneumonia is classified according to a number of signs:

  • According to the etiological sign, the disease occurs:
    • virus;
    • bacterial;
    • mycoplasmal;
    • fungal;
    • mixed.
  • According to clinical and morphological manifestations, the disease can be:
    • croupous;
    • focal;
    • interstitial;
    • parenchymal;
    • mixed.
  • In the course of the disease, pneumonia is distinguished as:
    • sharp;
    • acute prolonged;
    • atypical;
    • chronic.
  • In the spread of the inflammatory process, pneumonia happens:
    • one-sided;
    • two-sided;
    • focal;
    • total;
    • share;
    • sub-division;
    • basal;
    • draining.

Inflammation of the lungs in adults occurs by infection of the alveoli and bronchial epithelium.

The development of the disease occurs within 2 - 3 days, after which there are symptoms on which it is possible to diagnose pneumonia.
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The disease often occurs against the background of a weakening of the defenses of the body.

This can contribute to the following factors: hormonal changes in the body, frequent colds, malnutrition, constant intoxication.

Symptoms of pneumonia in adults are almost always similar to the appearance of a cold or flu.

If the high body temperature lasts more than 5 days and does not decrease with the use of paracetamol, you can suspect the presence of pneumonia.

The main manifestations of pneumonia are:

  • increased body temperature;
  • cough, at first the disease is dry, with development - with abundant phlegm;
  • dyspnea;
  • increased fatigue, weakness;
  • fear caused by lack of air;
  • pain in the chest.

Depending on the type of pathogen, the symptoms of pneumonia are acute or occasionally. It is very important to determine the presence of a serious disease on time, and begin treatment. It is not always the usual examination of a doctor can reveal pneumonia. To clarify the diagnosis, you need an additional examination in a medical facility.

It is especially difficult to determine the latent or chronic form of pneumonia. And yet an experienced doctor can diagnose it according to the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of a patchy blush on the cheeks;
  • sweat on the forehead with a slight load;
  • constant thirst;
  • the occurrence of pain in the chest when turning the body;
  • painful sensations with deep breath;
  • uneven, intermittent breathing;
  • frequent pulse.

Inflammation of the lungs in adults and children varies in risk factors. The disease develops for the following reasons:

  • In adults:
    • weakened immune system;
    • smoking;
    • alcohol abuse;
    • diseases of the bronchopulmonary system;
    • frequent colds;
    • poor-quality food;
    • general anesthesia during surgical interventions;
    • endocrine diseases;
    • heart failure;
    • old age;
    • forced prolonged immobility.
  • Children:
    • supercooling or overheating;
    • frequent acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis and other diseases of the respiratory system;
    • birth trauma;
    • Congenital heart defect;
    • hereditary immunodeficiency;
    • hypovitaminosis;
    • hypertrophy;
    • chronic foci of infection in the nasopharynx.

In children and adults, the symptoms of pneumonia also have differences. In a child, they are usually the least pronounced.

  • If for an adult a high body temperature is a frequent symptom, then in children, pneumonia is not necessarily accompanied by fever. Sometimes children endure this disease, as they say, "on their feet."
  • With the development of pneumonia caused by streptococcal infection, children do not develop fibrin in the cavities of the alveoli. Thanks to this, after recovery, breathing is fully restored.
  • Symptoms of pneumonia in children are often similar to those that appear at the initial stage of bronchitis: dry cough, hoarseness.
  • A loose stool, a lack of appetite, a frequent cough, a blue around the mouth against a catarrhal disease or inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx - a good reason for examining the child for pneumonia.
  • Cough is the main symptom of the disease in both children and adults.

What are the symptoms of pneumonia in adults: symptoms of croupous inflammation

Pathogens - streptococcus, staphylococcus, pneumococcus, Klebsiella. The inflammatory process occurs both in the whole lobe of the lung, so in its segments. The onset of the disease is acute: high fever, chills.

The development of the disease occurs in four stages.

  1. Stage of the tide. There is a sharp hyperemia of the lung tissue and the patency of the capillaries in the affected areas is impaired.
  2. Stage of red curing. The number of leukocytes in the alveoli increases. The affected lung becomes denser.
  3. The stage of gray curing. In the lumens of the alveoli, a large amount of fibrin accumulates, which complicates the process of gas exchange in the lungs.
  4. The resolution stage. Degraded infiltrate in the alveoli.

Symptoms of croupous pneumonia:

  • increase in body temperature up to 40 Celsius;
  • dyspnea;
  • cough;
  • confusion of consciousness;
  • weakness;
  • Rusty sputum;
  • pain in the chest.

Symptoms of viral pneumonia in adults

It develops against the background of viral infectious diseases. Pathogens - influenza viruses, parainfluenza, measles, chicken pox, adenovirus. Symptoms are similar to the manifestation of colds:

  • high body temperature;
  • severe headache;
  • shortness of breath;
  • pain in the chest;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • pain in the muscles;
  • coryza.

Possible bloody discharge or pus in sputum.

Symptoms of radical inflammation of the lungs in adults

Pathogens - staphylococcus, pneumococcus, hemophilic rod. The peculiarity of the ailment lies in the fact that it is difficult to diagnose. The disease has 2 forms: tumorous - proceeds imperceptibly and slowly; inflammatory - manifests itself quickly.

The main symptoms are:

  • coughing;
  • sore throat;
  • increased body temperature;
  • an increase in leukocytes in the blood.

For the diagnosis of this type of pneumonia, an X-ray scan is required.

Symptoms of Chlamydial Inflammation of the Lung in Adults

The causative agent is chlamydia. Most often affect the genitourinary system of the body of men and women. Chlamydia pneumonia is atypical and occurs mainly in children. In adults, it can develop against a background of reduced immunity. It is similar in appearance to an ordinary cold.

The main symptoms are:

  • the temperature rises to 3, - 38 Celsius;
  • a sharp sharp cough;
  • strong weakness;
  • a hoarse voice;
  • can develop into bronchitis.

Symptoms of fungal inflammation of the lungs in adults

The disease was provoked by fungal infections: candidomycosis, blastomycosis, streptotrichosis, actinomycosis, aspergillosis, histoplasmosis. The most dangerous pneumonia, as it is very difficult to diagnose. The patient may not even suspect the presence of fungal inflammation of the lungs. Fungi damage the lung tissue, forming cavities in it.

The main symptoms are:

  • cough;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • dyspnea;
  • presence of pus in sputum;
  • muscle pain.

What are the symptoms of pneumonia in older adults?

  • there is no acute onset of the disease;
  • the temperature is raised slightly;
  • drowsiness, weakness, apathy;
  • significant shortness of breath;
  • tachycardia;
  • a blush on one cheek;
  • painful sensations in the chest during breathing.

The development of pneumonia in this category of persons can be accompanied by concomitant diseases:

  • emphysema of the lungs;
  • pneumosclerosis;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Especially dangerous is the development of pneumonia in acute vascular insufficiency. In this case, emergency care is needed, since there is a possibility of septic shock and pulmonary edema.

Inflammation of the lungs in people with alcohol dependence

People who are prone to excessive drinking alcoholic inflammation is particularly difficult.This is due to strong intoxication of the body. Possible manifestation of various psychoses:

  • visual and auditory hallucinations;
  • disorientation in space and time;
  • excessive overexcitation;
  • inadequate behavior.

Chronic form of pneumonia occurs if the disease is treated in an untimely and inappropriate manner. It is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • a cough with purulent discharge;
  • deformation of the chest;
  • hard breathing;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • inflammation of the nasopharynx and mouth;
  • changes in blood composition;
  • tachycardia;
  • decreased immunity;
  • intoxication of the body.

Treatment of pneumonia in adults

In most cases of pneumonia, the doctor diagnoses on the basis of the clinical picture of the patient's illness and the X-ray.

In some cases, we can talk about the etiology of the disease before carrying out the relevant bacteriological studies.

Depending on what kind of pneumonia, symptoms and treatment in adults differ.

The main component of the treatment are drugs aimed at fighting the pathogen. The remaining drugs are aimed at removing the symptoms of pneumonia.

If not severe pneumonia in adults, in-patient treatment is provided. It consists of the following measures:

  • taking medications that dilate the bronchi for sputum discharge;
  • reception of antibiotics, antiviral drugs for fighting the pathogen of pneumonia;
  • the passage of a course of physiotherapy;
  • performance of exercise therapy;
  • compliance with diet, abundant drink.

In severe cases, the patient is shown hospitalization.

Medication for inflammation of the lungs in adults includes the following drugs to kill infection and relieve symptoms:

  • For the treatment of infection:
    • penicillins: amoxiclav, ampicilli, xacilli, arbenicillin;
    • aminoglycosides: gentamycin, kanamycin;
    • Lincosamides: clindamycin, lincomycin;
    • macrolides: sumamed, clarithromycin;
    • carbapenems: thienes, meronem.
  • Symptoms:
    • corticosteroids - to relieve inflammation;
    • mucolytics - for sputum expectoration;
    • antipyretics - to reduce temperature;
    • bronchodilators (list of drugs) - for cough and breathing;
    • antihistamines - to relieve allergies;
    • drugs that remove intoxication;
    • vitamins - to strengthen the body and improve immunity.
  • Concomitant treatment of pneumonia in adults includes the following procedures:
    • UHF;
    • inhalation;
    • UFO;
    • electrophoresis;
    • paraffin therapy;
    • pneumomassage.

Known in Russia, Dr. Komarovsky believes that along with antibiotics and cough tablets, physiotherapy procedures for the treatment of pneumonia are no less important. During the exacerbation, the patient needs to take medication and adhere to bed rest.And after the state of health improves, the result of treatment should be fixed by various auxiliary procedures.

For the treatment of pneumonia, folk remedies are widely used. Healing plants, fruits and roots are recommended for making beverages, inhalations, compresses. Many recipes of traditional medicine can be found on forums in the topics of discussion of the treatment of pneumonia.

Emergency care for pneumonia in adults includes the following activities:

  • oxygen therapy - with severe respiratory failure;
  • injections of non-narcotic analgesics - with severe pleural pain;
  • anti-shock therapy - with toxic shock;
  • psychotropic drugs - in case of mental disorders in people with alcohol dependence;
  • detoxication therapy - with severe intoxication.

Inadequate treatment of pneumonia can cause the following complications:

  • destruction of lung tissue;
  • pleurisy;
  • obstruction of the bronchial tree;
  • acute heart failure;
  • the spread of infection through the bloodstream (sepsis);
  • meningitis;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • septic shock.

Prevention of pneumonia in adults:

  • strengthening immunity;
  • hardening of the body;
  • timely treatment of colds;
  • timely treatment of caries;
  • to give up smoking;
  • frequent wet cleaning and airing of the room;
  • avoidance of hypothermia.


What is the temperature with pneumonia and the main reasons for its appearance

Pneumonia, or pneumonia, is a dangerous ailment that, in the absence of appropriate treatment, can result in a serious complication and even death.

Therefore, it is so important to learn in time to recognize the main symptoms of the disease, especially changes in the temperature regime.

The degree of fever depends on the type of pathogen, the severity, the prevalence of the inflammatory process, what proportion of the lungs are affected, and the effectiveness of the treatment chosen by the physician. Classical pneumonia caused by pneumococcus, characterized by an increase in temperature to 39-40 ° C. The disease begins suddenly, with severe chills, chest pain, which is worse when coughing.

  • What temperature during pneumonia indicates the onset of the disease?
  • How does this feature change during its development?
  • Can hyperthermia persist after recovery?

In addition, the development of pathology is indicated by other signs of intoxication:

  • headache and joint pain;
  • weakness;
  • sometimes the patient can not get out of bed without help;
  • general weakness;
  • confusion of consciousness;
  • dyspnea;
  • labored breathing.

The duration of hyperthermia depends on the state of the patient's immune system and the effectiveness of the treatment chosen by the physician. The body temperature, which has reached a maximum degree within several hours, stays at this level for several days, starts to decrease in two ways:

  • critical - in a sharp 12 to 24 hours;
  • lytic - gradually for 2 - 3 days.

Against the background of the normalization of the temperature regime, other symptoms of the disease also disappear.

There are different types of hyperthermia in secondary infectious pneumonia, the cause of which, as a rule, are:

  • Diseases caused by the virus (colds, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory infections, including influenza).
  • Chronic diseases of ENT organs and bronchi, caused by a bacterium (including the genus Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, etc.) or protozoa (chlamydia, proteus).
  • Diseases requiring prolonged bed rest (heart attacks, strokes, postoperative condition).

    Three groups of patients can be conventionally identified.

Some patients experience fever within 38-39 ° C, in addition, there is excretion of sputum when coughing, zalozhennost in the chest, there are phenomena caused by intoxication.

In other patients, the high temperature is maintained at 38-3 ° C, this is typical in the case of a combination of pneumonia with acute bronchitis or exacerbation of chronic. A distinctive symptom of this type of disease is the obstruction of the airway. In addition, there is a dry agonizing cough, a violation of the respiratory process, an increase in the number of heartbeats.

In other cases, pneumonia occurs in an erased form with a subfebrile temperature, weakness, ineffable cough. Such a course is most characteristic of the atypical form of the disease.

Is it necessary to reduce the temperature? What methods for this use?

It is definitely impossible to answer these questions, everything depends on the level of hyperthermia and age of the patient. The main feature of therapy for pneumonia is the mandatory use of an antibiotic. If the pathogen is not destroyed, a decrease in temperature with the help of symptomatic medicines will be temporary.

Antimicrobial agents must necessarily appoint a doctor, taking into account the sensitivity to them of a particular microorganism, the severity of the disease, the individual characteristics of the patient.It is strictly forbidden to engage in self-medication in this case.

Since an increase in temperature is a protective reaction of the organism directed to the destruction of the infection, it is advisable not to take any measures to reduce it, if in children it does not exceed 38 ° C, and in adults 3, -39 FROM.

An exception is the pathological course of fever, accompanied by the following conditions:

  • disturbances in metabolic processes;
  • disorders of microcirculation;
  • cardiac, renal or hepatic insufficiency;
  • severe course of pneumonia;
  • presence of concomitant cardiovascular diseases, mental disorders;
  • threat of development of febrile seizures in a child under 5 years.

There is a large selection of antipyretics (antipyretic drugs), issued in the form of effervescent and conventional tablets, capsules, syrups, suspensions, suppositories and injections. The choice of medication should be carried out depending on the patient's age, giving preference to effective and safe means.


With an increase in temperature in infants, especially the first 2 months of life, do not engage in self-medication. It is urgent to seek professional help.

The drugs of choice recommended by WHO for use for relief of hyperthermia syndrome and allowed for OTC leave includeParacetamol (trade names - Panadol, Piaron, Efferalgan) and Ibuprofen (trade names - Nurofen, Ibufen, Imet). In addition to lowering the temperature, Paracetamol and Ibuprofen reduce inflammation and remove pain.

If, for some reason, it is impossible to use the above drugs, for example, if the patient has allergies or they do not have the necessary effect, then in this case it is necessary to consult the doctor for correction therapy.

Perhaps the appointment of Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin), Mitamizol sodium (Analgin), other antipyretics or NSAIDs.

There are alternative ways to combat moderate hyperthermia.Their use is especially important in young children, pregnant women and people suffering from liver and stomach diseases.

Such methods include:
  1. Stimulation of sweating and diuresis with the help of warm abundant drink (compotes, fruit drinks, herbal teas). This helps to cleanse the body of toxins and accordingly reduce all manifestations of intoxication.
  2. Wiping of feet, temples, knee and elbow joints of the patient with alcohol or acetic solution. For cooking, which should take in equal parts vinegar or vodka and water.
  3. Applying compresses to the forehead of the patient from cold water gauze or cabbage leaf. After heating, the compress should be regularly changed.

When pneumonia is often observed a long subfebrile condition, even after recovery. Such a condition does not require treatment, but may indicate a chronic process.

In order not to miss the relapse of the disease, it is recommended that a month after the end of the inflammation, examine the lung tissue for the presence of foci of infection with the help of a chest X-ray.

Can pneumonia occur without fever: clinical picture

Often the question arises as to whether inflammation of the lungs can occur without temperature? Such asymptomatic pneumonia is much less common than the disease with hyperthermia. Diagnosis of the disease is significantly complicated because of the absence of characteristic symptoms.

If children usually complain of weakness, then the adult patient does not feel sick at all, because the main signs of pneumonia are absent. In such cases, the patient seeks help only after the transition of the disease to a severe stage with the defeat of a large segment of the lungs. The presence of such an atypical course of the disease (lack of temperature) indicates a weakened immunity.

A hidden form of pneumonia can occur:

  • in persons taking antitussive drugs;
  • against the background of the presence of chronic foci of infection;
  • as a result of irrational use of antibiotics.

The clinical picture of pneumonia without temperature is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • pale shade of the skin of the patient's face, the presence of fever blush or red spots on the cheeks;
  • signs of the defeat of the respiratory system (weak whistling during breathing, shortness of breath at the slightest load, difficulty breathing, rapid pulse);
  • various degrees of motor activity of the right and left sides of the chest;
  • increased fatigue, sweating, thirst.

To reveal such pneumonia it is possible by means of roentgenography which is made in two projections and other instrumental methods of diagnostics.

The absence of fever is often accepted by the patient as a sign of the lightness of the inflammatory process, but does not make the disease less dangerous. Without proper treatment, such pneumonia can lead to serious complications and death. The basis of therapy is antibacterial drugs prescribed by a doctor, in the form of tablets, syrup or injections.



What causes pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs) ???



The pneumonia develops basically against a background of the lowered immunity. alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking very much contribute to the emergence, because they reduce immunity, if there is a source (a bacterium that got into the body, or developed there)


from common cold


From the fact that I've been in the cold


Strongly cold


Pneumonia is due to the introduction of pneumococci on the background of weakened immunity and / or concomitant diseases. And from smoking and alcohol it does not happen =)))

Evgeniy Morok

from a long lying on the back m.


Physical blocking
Lungs are the main respiratory organs, because in them the oxygen saturation of the blood (venous blood turns into arterial blood). They provide the body with oxygen and remove from it carbon dioxide, which is formed as a result of oxidative processes in cells. Many problems are associated with lungs, including all breathing problems.
Emotional blocking
The lungs are directly related to life, the desire to live and the ability to enjoy life, as they deliver oxygen to the cells of the body, without which a person can not exist. Dysfunction of the lungs suggests that a person is ill, he is tormented by some kind of heartache, sadness. He feels desperate or frustrated and does not want to live anymore. Or maybe he feels that some situation or some person prevents him from breathing a full breast.
He may have a feeling that he was stymied, deprived of freedom of action. Problems with the lungs often arise in those who are afraid of dying or suffering - or to see how someone dies or suffers. When a person begins to think that he should die rather than live, he deprives himself of desires, which are the main food for the emotional body. Whoever is afraid to die is also afraid to die for something, that is, stop doing something, and therefore does not allow himself to develop, to move on to a new one. Any radical changes cause him fear and suppress enthusiasm.
Mental blockage
Since the lungs are one of the most important organs of the human body, everything that happens to them has a very important metaphysical meaning. The more serious the physical problem, the more determined you must act. Your body wants you to breathe deeply, so that you regain your desire and start appreciating life. Understand that only you can drive yourself into a corner, crush, despair.
Instead of dramatizing a situation, try to see something good in your life and analyze all the ways that can lead you to happiness. Change your attitude to life and learn to rejoice over it, because only you can build your own happiness. Show social activity. Try to breathe deeply, full-chested (better outdoors) for a few minutes a day - this will help you live a fuller life on an emotional and mental level.
Spiritual blockage and conclusion
In order to understand the spiritual blockage that interferes with meeting the important need of your true self, ask yourself the questions listed in the UNLOCKING section. The answers to these questions will allow you, not only to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem, but also to eliminate it.

Cold Moon

most often from pneumococcus, but come from other bacteria. and from smoking there is a cancer of the lungs.


pneumonia is caused by pneumococci, staphylococcus, protozoan fungi, with reduced immunity for colds, there are nosocomial pneumonia, there are viral after the flu, there are congestive pneumonia. And smoking and alcohol just worsen the condition and are not the cause

What can be dangerous inflammation of the lungs?

Inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia) is an ailment that affects people of any age. Not everyone knows about the dangerous inflammation of the lungs. Although many will call the symptoms of the disease, they say that it is treated with antibiotics, and after the illness the body will recover for a long time.

To make sure of the danger of pneumonia, you must first understand what it is.

What is pneumonia?

This disease is caused by fungi, bacteria or viruses.Normally, for each person, pathogenic microorganisms live on the pharyngeal mucosa, nose, and lungs. But as soon as the body's immunity decreases, pathogenic microbes begin to multiply at a tremendous rate, causing pneumonia. Inflammation can begin directly in the lungs or get there gradually, starting its "journey" from the throat or nose. In such cases, doctors explain that "the infection has subsided."

Inflammation can be exposed to the whole lung or part of it.

Symptoms of this disease are: pain in the side, intensifying with deep inspiration or cough, very high body temperature, dry or wet cough, shortness of breath, chills. For the correct diagnosis, you will need a radiographic examination of the lungs, a blood test and sputum. These studies will help establish the nature of the disease and begin adequate therapy.

When treating pneumonia, doctors usually prescribe antibacterial drugs. Depending on the severity of the disease, the patient can be placed in the hospital, where he is injected several times a day. With properly selected antibiotic, the patient's condition improves after 5-6 days from the beginning of treatment. If no improvement occurs, doctors usually prescribe a different drug to the patient. Further it is important to dilute and withdraw from the lungs formed sputum. To this end, the patient may be prescribed inhalation, massage. In parallel, the patient is prescribed antiviral and immunomodulating drugs. Complete recovery usually occurs 3-4 weeks later.

Inflammation of the lungs is a very serious disease, from which, despite a wide range of modern antibiotics, people continue to die. About self-treatment speech can not even go. This is fraught with serious consequences.

Danger of pneumonia for children

For a child's organism pneumonia is a very serious test, even if the child has received medical help on time. Most often, infirmity affects children of preschool age. Doctors believe that up to 6 years the child is developing immunity. During this period, they are very vulnerable to all kinds of infections, including streptococcal, which in most cases causes babies pneumonia.

In addition to the symptoms of pneumonia listed above, the nasolabial triangle (cyanosis) is often marked in children. This is a very serious indicator, indicating that the disease is not all right with the cardiovascular system of the child.

The danger of pneumonia is also that in the course of the disease the lungs can not continue to function in full: the baby's breathing becomes shallow, he has a feeling of lack air. Therefore sick children sleep very badly, eat, show constant concern.

The following factors aggravate the situation:

  1. Later, seek medical help.
  2. Presence of concomitant chronic diseases in the baby.
  3. Incorrect treatment of the child.
Each of these factors increases the risk of illness for the child several times. At the initial stage, the disease is very similar to the usual viral infection, so doctors prescribe antibiotics not immediately. If antiviral treatment did not work for 3 days (high fever persists and cough does not stop), this is an excuse to contact the doctor again. Such a picture of the disease means its bacterial nature. At this stage, the intake of antibiotics is mandatory. Not all mothers know this. Many continue to treat the child according to the original scheme prescribed by the doctor, losing valuable time. Within a few days the child may develop acute respiratory failure, sometimes death occurs. This is the danger of pneumonia.

Another dangerous consequence of untreated pneumonia in children is neurotoxicosis. It is characterized by first increased activity of the child, his excitement, frequent crying, whims. This state is smoothly replaced by the opposite: the child is apathetic, does not eat, sleepy, muscle tone is reduced. At the third stage, the temperature rises, the child has convulsions, develops pulmonary insufficiency (until the breath stops).

To reduce the risk of developing a baby's inflammation of the lungs, my mother has to adhere to a few simple rules:
  1. Try to breast-feed at least 1 year.
  2. Do not give up vaccinating the baby.
  3. Ensure the child's diet of foods rich in zinc.
  4. Engage in tempering a child, spend a lot of time walking in the open air.
  5. Observe the basic rules of home hygiene: more often to ventilate the premises and conduct wet cleaning.

Effects of pneumonia in adults

No less dangerous is pneumonia and for adults. The most common consequences:

  1. Abscess of the lung.
  2. Fibrosis of the lung.
  3. Bronchial asthma.
  4. Heart failure.
  5. Respiratory failure.
Especially dangerous are the first two diseases.

Abscess of the lung is the decomposition (decay) of the lung tissue in the part where there was inflammation. The hearth can be one. Sometimes there are several. During the period of abscess formation, the patient's fever rises, weakness, lack of appetite, difficulty breathing, severe pain in the chest, cough. In the next stage, the formed abscess is opened, sputum in large quantities (up to 1 liter per day) exits through the respiratory tract. With the right treatment for several years, the tissue of the lung becomes scarred, and a full recovery comes.

Fibrosis of the lung is a condition of the patient, in which the connective tissue begins to form on the site of the damaged pulmonary tissue. Lungs can not work at full power, breathing becomes difficult, chest pain occurs. The disease progresses very quickly, so it requires immediate treatment in a medical institution. It is impossible to get rid of lung fibrosis completely. Treatment is usually aimed at alleviating the symptoms and preventing the further development of the disease. In extreme cases, the patient is shown lung transplantation.

How to avoid the negative consequences of pneumonia?

The mortality from pneumonia in our country, despite the sufficient level of development of medicine, remains quite high.

To quickly recover and avoid negative consequences, you need to be very attentive to health.


In Russia it is accepted to go to the doctor when there are already very serious problems. It is not right. In the case of pneumonia, this can lead to death. Medical care should be handled as soon as the first symptoms of the disease have appeared, and the temperature is still not so high. Do not neglect and analysis, which appoints the doctor. Their results will help the doctor immediately make a scheme for effective treatment.

Mom, caring about the health of her baby, should know that at the slightest suspicion of any disease she must show the child to the doctor. Statistics show that the largest infant mortality from pneumonia is observed among toddlers under the age of 1 year. In the case of children's pneumonia, do not neglect hospitalization.


Both adults and children will be protected from pneumonia by physical training, proper nutrition, vitamins and microelements, hardening, frequent stay in the open air and close attention to your health.


Inflammation of the lungs: symptoms (without temperature). What are the symptoms of pneumonia?

Unfortunately, pneumonia occurs quite often. Respiratory organs are very sensitive to all kinds of infections, bacteria and fungi. Many people often ask the question: "What are the symptoms of pneumonia?" Is it necessary to have a high temperature? Many diseases are latent in nature. Often in a latent form and inflammation of the lungs. Symptoms without temperature significantly complicate the diagnosis.


Pneumonia is a serious disease of the respiratory system, which affects the lung tissue. This condition can provoke streptococci, staphylococci, other bacteria, chlamydia, legionella, some fungi (eg, candida), influenza viruses, herpes. Infection "settles" is not in the nasopharynx, but falls below, causing inflammation in the lungs. The products of the vital activity of pathogens, which are inherently toxins, poison the body. Special harm is done to the central nervous system, the heart and blood flow organs. Pathogens penetrate the body by airborne droplets. Often, the disease can cause bacteria that inhabit the upper respiratory tract.


In general, pneumonia develops on the background of a weakening of immunity and respiratory diseases. With significant supercooling, the defenses of the body weaken, and harmful microbes penetrate into the lung tissue without much difficulty. In addition, fatigue, improper nutrition, lack of essential vitamins and minerals, stress and strong emotional outbursts also contribute to the development of a disease such as inflammation lungs. Symptoms (without fever or with a significant increase in it), cough should alert the patient. The danger of a latent course of the disease lies in the fact that there is a great risk of all kinds of complications (damage to the central nervous system and the cerebral cortex, decrease in the level of red blood cells in blood) and so on. The mildly flowing disease is not paid special attention, it is not difficult to confuse it with other similar ailments.

Types of pneumonia

Pneumonia can develop as an independent disease (primary), and as a complication after the transferred infectious diseases (secondary). Depending on which area of ​​the lung is affected, the following types are distinguished: focal, segmental, lobar, draining, total pneumonia. In the first type, a small area of ​​the lung tissue becomes inflamed. Segmental affects several segments, and the share can spread even to the whole organ. With drain inflammation, small areas merge into one large one. Total pneumonia affects all of the lungs. If the inflammation is present in one lobe, then they say one-sided pneumonia. But if the disease touched both, then bilateral inflammation of the lungs is diagnosed. Symptoms (without temperature and cough, including) can be used to judge the development of SARS. By type of pathogen, the following types can be distinguished: bacterial, parasitic, viral, fungal inflammation of the lungs.

Classic Symptoms of Pneumonia

The most common is pneumonia as a complication in acute respiratory infections. As an independent disease in infections, it is not so widespread. What are the first symptoms of pneumonia? Cough, which has a permanent character, and over time it becomes stiff, with phlegm. The body temperature is significantly increased, the person is shivering. Paracetamol often does not have any effect. It becomes hard to breathe, an attempt to take a deep breath provokes a fit of coughing. It is worth paying attention to the bluish shade of the skin around the mouth and wings of the nose. If the catarrhal disease does not pass in a week, or the symptoms worsen, the doctor may also suspect pneumonia. Knowing which symptoms of pneumonia most often occur will help in time to consult a doctor. After all, this disease is extremely dangerous, especially in young children.

Pneumonia. Symptoms without fever

Unfortunately, it is widely believed that pneumonia is a disease in which a high fever is required. Her absence misleads people, they do not even suspect that a disease such as pneumonia is already developing. Symptoms without temperature characterize atypical pneumonia. General lethargy, fatigue, headache, nausea - all these signs a person often closes his eyes. In addition, it is possible to suspect pneumonia if breathing becomes severe, there is pain in the chest, dyspnea appears. A cough that does not go away for a long time should be alerted. All this is the main feature. Inflammation of the lungs (the symptoms are often contradictory) requires a complete examination for confirmation of the diagnosis, including X-ray and blood tests to determine level of leukocytes.

Pneumonia in children

And how does pneumonia develop in children? The disease has its own characteristics. Inflammation of the lungs in infants has the following symptoms: lethargy, anxiety, poor sleep and appetite. Atypical pneumonia is characterized by the fact that the child constantly wants to sleep, he literally falls asleep on the go. He will not perform the usual actions for him, he does not want to play if the inflammation of the lungs develops. Symptoms (without temperature) also include increased sweating, pain in different parts of the body. Children become more capricious during the period of the disease. If there is a suspicion of the usual inflammation of the lungs, Komarovsky's symptoms are as follows: a prolonged cough, high body temperature does not go away after 3-4 days. You can conduct a small test. If more muscle participates in breathing, it is given as it were with difficulty, then the development of pneumonia is possible. To make a diagnosis, you should consult a pediatrician. Obligatory is a blood test, which will determine the level of leukocytes.


If an appropriate diagnosis is made, therapy should be started immediately. Atypical pneumonia is well treated with antibiotics, which are selected depending on the type of pathogen. On average, the duration of treatment is approximately 10 days. In addition, the doctor prescribes special cough preparations. They contribute to the dilution of phlegm. Incorrectly selected medications (if the patient decided to prescribe themselves) will only intensify the coughing attacks and make it tough. If there is a high fever, then you can take antipyretic medications alone. Over the course of the illness, a generous warm drink is recommended. If the patient's age is less than 60 years, and there are no accompanying diseases, then therapy can be carried out at home. Indications for hospitalization are the risk of complications, severe form of the disease, age over 60 years. In addition to antibiotic therapy, a specialist can prescribe respiratory gymnastics, vitamin preparations, massage and exercise therapy.

Actions that can not be performed with pneumonia

If all signs are found (inflammation of the lungs symptoms are sufficiently characteristic) of this disease, then it is important to remember and what to do absolutely not. First of all, you should not take antibiotics yourself. Only in the case of a complete clinical picture with an established type of pathogen the specialist prescribes the necessary preparations. You can not warm up your chest. A sauna, a sauna and hot tubs are strictly forbidden. Cough medicine is also prescribed only by a doctor. If the body temperature does not exceed the value of 3, ° C, then do not take antipyretic drugs. It is necessary to give the body the opportunity to fight pneumonia on its own. Large physical exertion, lack of bed rest will only exacerbate the course of the disease. Even if hospitalization is not needed, it is not worth bearing the disease on your feet.

Inflammation of the lungs in animals

Pneumonia often occurs in animals. It is very important to know that such a condition is a direct threat to the life of the pet. Inflammation of the lungs in cats has symptoms similar to those seen in humans. First of all, a cough develops. In addition, the animal loses its activity, refuses to eat. What symptoms of pneumonia can be observed yet? One of them is high temperature. To confirm the diagnosis, an X-ray examination is performed. Inflammation of the lungs in dogs has the same symptoms. However, often four-legged friends retain their usual activity and lead a seemingly ordinary way of life. When the condition is stable, when the animal is active and has a normal appetite, the therapy is carried out at home. If the cat or dog is passive, badly eats, then before the normalization of the state of treatment occurs in the hospital. Everything, as at people. Sometimes our friends have smaller and critical condition, which requires ventilation. As in the case of humans, treatment of cats and dogs can not do without the use of antibacterial drugs. Additionally, physiotherapy, which helps to separate sputum, is also shown. If the therapy is carried out at home, it is worth paying attention to weather conditions. Unusual walks in wet, rainy weather. It is important to complete the course of taking antibiotics according to the recommendations of the veterinarian.


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