Corneal edema: causes and methods of treatment

The cornea - the most convex part of the visual apparatus - is responsible for the refractive function and is an integral part of the perception of the surrounding information.

Edema of the cornea is a common phenomenon that occurs for various reasons. With edema, the patient experiences a lot of unpleasant sensations. The surrounding objects seem to him blurry, the focus spreads out.In this article, you will learn about the causes and symptoms, as well as the methods of treating cornea edema.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Possible complications
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Medical way
      • 5.1.1The reason - contact lenses
      • 5.1.2The cause is a complication after an operation to remove cataracts
      • 5.1.3Infections
      • 5.1.4Allergic reaction
      • 5.1.5Edema of the cornea after trauma
    • 5.2Surgically
    • 5.3People's means
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of disease

The cornea of ​​the eye is the main component of the refractive system.In this convex-concave lens, whose thickness is not more than one millimeter, there are 6 transparent layers.

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The cornea not only refracts light, but also protects the eyes from negative external influences, for example, from particles of dust that are in the air.Possessing high sensitivity, the cornea saves the eye from clogging by closing the eyelashes, as well as flushing the particles with teary fluid. When the lesion develops, its properties change, the translucency decreases, the photophobia develops, the vision significantly decreases, especially in the morning and evening hours.

As a result of the pathological process, edemas in the cornea can contribute to the destruction of the corneal layer substance, and further - its necrosis.


Causes of corneal edema may be as follows:

  • The development of infectious inflammation associated with various microorganisms;
  • Development of allergic inflammation caused by contact ingress of allergens into the eye (cosmetics, skin care products, dust, plant pollen, animal wool, etc.);
  • Injuries in which an aseptic component of the inflammatory reaction is present;
  • Improperly selected contact lenses;
  • Glaucoma;
  • Operative interventions on eyes.


Edema of the cornea is manifested in the formation of folds and vertical lines in its layers.Violation of its transparency and thickening leads to the appearance of a veil before the eyes and reduced visual acuity, and during the wearing of contact lenses a person begins to experience discomfort.

With constant and prolonged edema, the body begins to compensate for the violation by the appearance in the cornea of ​​a network of blood vessels.This changes the structure of the main part of the cornea - stroma; hemorrhages are formed, lipid penetration occurs and a violation of the transparency of the cornea.

Edema of the cornea can be accompanied by such symptoms as:

  • Distortion of the image;
  • Photophobia;
  • Pain;
  • Hyperemia and sensation of a foreign body in the eye;
  • Reducing transparency or changing the color of the cornea;
  • Blurred vision, decreased or loss of vision.

Often, the corneal edema is asymptomatic, and this pathology can be detected only when examined by the oculist.

Possible complications

If edema is triggered and chronic, vascularization occurs, i.e., new blood vessels are formed inside the cornea. This sign can be seen only during a biomicroscopic examination.

Edema of the cornea leads to turbidity and a significant decrease in vision.If the corneal edema becomes chronic, then surgical intervention is often required.


Therapy is completely dependent on the cause that triggered the pathology.Diagnosis is carried out by an ophthalmologist. To exclude infections, laboratory tests are prescribed. Evaluation of the degree of edema of the cornea is carried out using a technique called in medicine pachymetry of the cornea (thickness measurement using ultrasound or optics). The oculist may, if necessary, prescribe a Schirmer test, which will allow to determine the level of the tear fluid produced by the eye.

Medical way

The tactics of treatment with medications are chosen depending on the cause that provoked corneal edema.

The reason - contact lenses

If the source of the problem is contact lenses, the first thing to do is to stop using them until the symptoms disappear completely.

Bacterial infection often results from improper wearing of lenses. Provoke corneal edema such bacteria as Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, amebic infection.

Treatment in this case consists in local application of antibacterial agents, such as Levofloxacin, Ofloxacin. The antibiotics contained in these preparations will quickly and effectively help the patient.

Levofloxacin is used for corneal edema

The cause is a complication after an operation to remove cataracts

Corneal edema after cataract surgery sometimes occurs the next day after the phacoemulsification procedure.The cause of edema in this case is a large amount of fluid that passes through the eye during the crushing and washing out of the replaced lens of the eye. The denser the cataract and the lower the vision - the more likely the development of postoperative edema of the cornea.

As a rule, edema of the cornea after the operation does not require additional treatment. Disappears on its own within 1-2 weeks.

In rare cases, edemas are removed with the help of injections and procedures, which, if necessary, are prescribed by the attending physician.


Treatment of infectious diseases that caused corneal edema requires antibacterial, antifungal or antiviral therapy.Usually, local remedies (eye drops) are used, but in more severe conditions tablets or intravenous injections are prescribed.

In case of viral diseasesuse drugs containing interferon (for example, Ophthalmoferon), as well as an artificial tear.

Ophthalmoferon is used for viral diseases of the cornea

With bacterial infectionsantibacterial agents are shown (Moxifloxacin, Levofloxacin).

Moxifloxacin is used in bacterial infections

Allergic reaction

To remove the edema of the cornea of ​​an allergic nature, the first thing to do is to identify and eliminate contact with the allergen(cosmetics, dust, animal fur, pollen of plants, perfumery). To relieve symptoms, you should take an antihistamine (Diazolin, Suprastin, Dimedrol).

Diazolin is an antihistamine

Edema of the cornea after trauma

Injury of the cornea is a fairly common phenomenon. An easy trauma does not require treatment. If the damage is significant, the doctor should be called immediately. Before the arrival of help, you should often blink (if the foreign body does not interfere) and rinse the eye with clean water.

In case of injury, do not rub your eyelids with your fingers, do not yourself pull out the foreign body that has pierced the eye.


If the methods of conservative treatment do not help, the doctor can recommend surgical intervention. In case of violations in the cornea, a transplant is performed, and in some modern clinics, the corneal is ultraviolet.

People's means

With inflammation and edema in the eye, you can use as an additional treatment with traditional medicine recipes. Next - the most popular recipes:

  • A little bit of natural honey dilute with clean boiled water: and drip into the eyes(2 drops twice a day).
  • Take a small amount of onions and horseradish, chop and mix in equal amounts.The resulting mixture is diluted with water (:) and wait 15 minutes for bitterness. Apply the wadded disk moistened in this solution. This stimulates microcirculation.
  • With edema and rez in the eyes will help decoction of the bark and leaves of mulberry.For cooking, take 1 large spoonful of raw material on a glass of water and cook for a quarter of an hour in a water bath. Use as drops in the eye up to 4-5 times a day for 1-2 drops. Particularly well helps with dry eye syndrome.
  • Swelling in the eyes is successfully removed by grated raw potatoes.To do this, take 1 tuber, clean and rub. The resulting mass is spread in gauze and make lotions on the eyes (20-25 minutes).
  • To rinse the eye, peel the middle bulb and cook it in a small amount of water.Add a few drops of boric acid to the resulting broth and use it twice a day.
  • If, in addition to edema, severe pain disturbs, then decoction helps to remove it from a mixture of such herbs as cornflower, linseed and elderberry.Take the herbs in equal quantities. 3 spoons of the collection pour 2 cups of boiling water. Insist for 8 hours in a warm place. After percolation, wash the eyes several times a day.

It is not recommended to engage in self-medication. Any remedy, be it pharmacy or folk, must be approved by a doctor.


Preventive measures against corneal edema:

  • Compliance with hygiene in the care of a person;
  • Use of hypoallergenic quality cosmetics;
  • Regular measurement of intraocular pressure level by patients over 45 years of age;
  • Eye protection with special glasses to avoid injury to the eye and the appearance of symptoms of swelling during dangerous work.

A significant role in the prevention of pathological conditions of the corneal layer is played by the correct selection of contact optics. Lenses should be qualitative, letting oxygen pass to the eyes. Use lenses correctly.

Recommendations for compliance with simple rules for the use of contact lenses:

  • Remove and wear the lens only with clean hands.
  • Wash the lens storage container after each use.
  • Thoroughly clean the lens in a special solution.
  • Do not wear more than the specified service life.
  • Periodically let eyes rest from contact lenses.
  • Use lens to correct vision, which let in air.

Cosmetics for eyelids and eyelashes are selected from the point of view of safety for health, there should not be any allergens that cause swelling in its composition.

After removing cataracts, glaucoma and other surgical procedures in different parts of the eye, do not load the vision organs with computer work, reading, so as not to cause a relapse.

The work should be selected one that does not require strong physical activity, slopes. During sleep, it is necessary to lie down so that the head is above the legs, which will ensure the necessary outflow of blood.

It is forbidden to go swimming after swimming, go to the sauna.

If these rules are observed, you can avoid repeated puffiness of the cornea.



Most often, the corneal edema is a reflection of the inflammatory process, which has a different origin. It is very important to establish the cause of the state of swelling with the help of medical diagnosis, after which it is possible to carry out treatment aimed at effectively eliminating the cause of the disease.