How to treat a cough in a child 1 year old

Cough in the baby 1 year old

Cough is the most common symptom of colds in children of the first and second years of life. Despite the fact that the presence of a cough in a baby indicates a lesion of the bronchi, larynx or trachea, its presence is useful, since during coughing, the child cleanses the airways from harmful microbes and sputum, which accumulated for a long time time.

Causes of wet and dry cough in a child in 1 year

Before treating a coughing child, it is necessary to establish the true cause of its appearance:

  • the presence of an inflammatory process in the upper (nasopharynx and oropharynx, nose) and lower (lung, trachea, bronchus) airways;
  • inflammation of the nasal sinuses, adenoids;
  • Cough as a symptom of bronchial asthma can act as a choking hazard;
  • excessively dry and warm air in the children's room;
  • contact with allergens that cause coughing.

In some cases, cough can be psychogenic when it is manifested in a situation that is stressful for the child. Then it is necessary to consult a child psychologist and find out the exact cause of the fear, as a result of which the child begins a violent cough.

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It is possible that the baby swallowed a foreign object and therefore began to actively and continuously cough. In such a situation, it is necessary to immediately provide the child with first aid and refer to medical personnel.

Cough in a child in 1 year: what to treat?

Treatment of cough in a child, if he was 1 year old, without fail requires a close attention from the physician and the ENT specialist in order to avoid further complications of development disease.

At home, parents need to ensure the child's compliance with sleep and wakefulness, and in addition provide peace and quiet for the period of illness.

Abundant drink and proper nutrition, rich in useful microelements and vitamins, can strengthen the immunity of the baby and speed up the healing process. Since a child spends a lot of energy and energy on fighting his illness in the form of a cough, his nutrition should be different high calorie, so that the body could make up for energy losses. Abundant drink will facilitate faster sputum production from the bronchi.

If a child is 1 year old and has a strong cough, a dry and wet cough should be distinguished, since they require different treatments. For example, there is a herbion syrup, presented in two versions: from a wet cough and dry. Tablets from a cough can be given to a one-year-old baby in a crushed form, mixing previously with a liquid. However, the purpose of the syrup is preferable, since it starts its action faster and more efficiently.

As expectorants, the doctor can prescribe the following medicines: glaucine, butamate, prenoxyndiazine, ACC, ambroxol, bromhexine. The use of mucolytic drugs is not able to completely cure the child of cough, but they help to alleviate cough, as dilute the sputum formed in the bronchial tubes.

For cough treatment in a one-year-old child, one can turn to folk medicine, which suggests using the root of the althea, licorice, leaves of plantain, mother-and-stepmother, thyme for liquefaction of sputum in bronchi and its early removal from the nursery organism.

If a cough is caused by an allergy, the doctor may prescribe the use of antihistamines.

If the child coughs at 1 year for a long time and conservative treatment does not have the proper effect, the doctor can prescribe the use of potent medicines blocking the cough reflex at the level of the cerebral cortex:

codeine, dimmorphan, ethylmorphine. However, the advisability of their use is discussed with the attending physician and the treatment takes place under the close supervision of the medical staff, so how, despite their high effectiveness, such drugs have serious adverse reactions that are undesirable in such an early childhood age.

It should be remembered that cough is not a disease in itself, but acts only as a symptom of a disease, which should be treated. And only complex therapy with the use of expectorants will help a little man to quickly recover.

Prompt how to cure a cough in a child (1 year and 4 months). Doctors only know how to treat antibiotics.


Irene Nietzsche

1. Inhalations. Their goal is to warm, moisten and facilitate the departure of phlegm. It helps with coughing and loss of voice. The main therapeutic effect is provided by the steam itself! But to enhance the effect of inhalation make with brewed chamomile, mint, mother-and-stepmother or thyme-thyme (known to many housewives as seasoning). Infusion is prepared as follows: 2 tablespoons of herbs pour 2 cups of boiling water, make inhalation, then insist one hour under the lid and filter. Take inside half a cup four times a day.
For a stronger effect of inhalation, you need to dissolve 10 tablets of Validol or a little Golden Sprout in hot water, but you can not drink it later.
HOW TO INDUCE INHALATION. You can use a special inhaler or fold a funnel from a thick paper, cover the pan or kettle with a wide end, and inhale steam through a narrow gleam. Many people prefer to breathe steam over a bowl, covering their heads with a towel. This is also not forbidden, but be careful not to overturn accidentally a pot of hot water. And note that with increased blood pressure, this method is contraindicated.
It is strictly forbidden to breathe above water, which continues to boil on fire!
It is more convenient for a child to use inhalation from a kettle or coffee pot. Fill it with water for one third. On the spout, put a pacifier with a cut end or a rubber tube through which the baby will breathe. It is recommended to administer inhalation to children from 2 to 3 years of age and under the supervision of an adult.
The duration of any inhalation is 5 - 10 - 15 minutes, for children - up to 5 minutes. Do it 1 - 2. a day.
Babies need a nebulizer.
2. To cure for cough can help and folk remedies.
For example, drink the infusion of althea, thyme or coltsfoot, left over from inhalation.
Stir the grated black radish with honey and leave for a few hours - as a result you get a healing drink that perfectly copes with a dry cough.
Folk recipe from Brazil: wipe a couple of overripe bananas through a sieve, stir with a glass of warm water or milk, add a spoonful of honey.
Take 2-3 fig fruits, you can drice them, wash them, pour a glass of milk and cook over low heat until the milk turns brown. Drink milk and eat cooked in it figs 2-3 times a day in between meals for 10-15 days.
Milk with honey. Cook in a liter of milk of medium size onion and add a spoonful of honey. Use this mixture for the night. Milk is made very tasty, the onions do not smell at all, and even children drink it easily. Dry cough after it becomes softer and faster passes.
You can drink sweetened onion juice (2-3 spoons a day) or a mixture of freshly squeezed carrot juice with warm milk (:).
Promotes separation of phlegm warm milk with soda (a quarter teaspoon of soda per glass) or milk in half with mineral water (Essentuki No. 4) - two to three times a day.
3. To get rid of a cough during a cold, you can rub your chest with any (even pork) fat and wrap up warmer. Bearish, badger and other exotic lard has no advantages! Proof of this: Ukrainian folk remedy: pork lard from coughing From prolonged chest cough should wipe the chest with a dry cloth cloth, then rub into dry interior lard or baked oil. It should be added a small amount of pine oil to the lard, which is considered better than melted cow's butter.

apricot pie

but you can do better?

Dove Wanted

Aloe juice (a century) 1 teaspoon + tablespoon of melted honey + a couple drops of lemon))


but you can do better?
apricot pie, I certainly understand that doctors need to be trusted, and so on.
Only then it will come out. My mother trusted all my childhood with doctors and I drank antibiotics. The result: no one's health, antibiotics are now strictly forbidden to me. We have never heard any good advice, except for the discharge of antibiotics. And you imagine what will happen to the child in the future


Sometimes antibiotics are vital!
And if there is a cough with yellow or green sputum-without them - nowhere!
And if it's paroxysmal dry, you need a good pulmonologist to look for asthma to exclude.
Buy any nebulizer. and treat the child with a lazolvan and other medications through it. very effective)

Sergey Shumikhin

doctors, too, do not like, there is such a tool GLISTER a tooth from "AMWAY" -in this the concentration of more than 80 herbs, apply it in gynecology, with angina, poisonings, like antiseptic and many others. From any cough, 100%. Yes, and run a little, as with people's prescriptions, dilute the concentrate boiling. water and take it inside. And about the economy of money, I generally keep quiet. We have three children, so there is. And more vitninіNUTRILIT very well poivishy imunitet. They are with us always, therefore our children are healthy !!!


Onion syrup.
Cut finely the onions and pour the sugar (on the middle head of onion 5 tbsp. spoonfuls of sugar) and leave for a day, received syrup, water the child for 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

Anastasia and Andrey Vasiliev

Erespal, foolish. But bronchitis and inflammation of the lungs are treated only with antibiotics.

Alla Konstantinova

syrup plantain, you can from birth, it helps always ...

Than to treat a cough in a child 1 year and 5 months


Nina Miloserdova

If the child does not have allergic reactions to honey, then I just do not know the best recipe:
in a glass: juice of one lemon
the same amount of medical glycyrin
to fill the glass with honey.
All this is mixed and given to the child by a dessert spoon three times a day before meals. You will not even notice how even the most persistent coughing will disappear. This can be used by adults, but on a tablespoon!
Be healthy! You and your baby!

Natalia Mironova (Sokolova)

Rub for the night with turpentine ointment back, and then tie with a woolen shawl. Inhalations can be done, syrups are truth, not really they help. Drink the root of licorice.


There are different reasons for coughing, so you need the doctor to find this very reason and pick up the right treatment.

* HoHa *

It is necessary all the same that the doctor listened to the lungs. .
I rub my breasts with herbal ointment for my children. Tice. .
I give the syrup of Alteika or Plantain. .
a warm drink is compulsory


It helps with cough, pork fat (internal), half a glass of warm milk, there is a spoonful of tea fat and honey. And give me a drink, at least a week and everything will pass. Itself so treated children and all I advise. Better than all medicines.


If you suffer from a night cough, heat a teaspoon of sugar to the brown state on the fire and pour it into a cup of hot water or milk. Give the children a drink, and if the burnt sugar freezes, then rassosat it. A fit of cough will pass, checked. And EDUS (from coughs) helps us out of the potions and TANTHUM VERDE aerosol.


It is necessary to know what cough and how long it takes to take something to help.

Marina Petushkova

you can crush half of mukultina, dilute with water in a spoon and give the child. still an iodine grid on patches and breast.


but I always make vodka with honey on a water bath, urine gauze, gauze on the chest, I tie with a bandage, on top of my pajamas. all. 3-4 days later there is no coughing at all.

Boris and Svetlana Chumakov

Take the black radish. Cut off the top of it, like a lid. Slightly cut out the core and pour a tablespoon of honey into the radish. Leave for hours at 8-12. Let the juice on a teaspoon 3 times a day.


You can ask a lazolvan, for a child, years in a pharmacy (dosage is important)

Julia Borisovna

The number of available and prescribed "cough" drugs is estimated in dozens. However, given the unpleasant consequences of the use of these drugs, associated with their side effects and / or overdose, it is necessary to accurately imagine how much medicine is needed "from cough" and whether they, in general, Your child.
So, what is a cough, and why is it needed?
Coughing is a reflex reaction of the respiratory tract to mechanical, chemical or inflammatory irritation. Cough is used by the body of the child, as a physiological function to clean the respiratory tract from what should not normally be there.
With some pathological conditions (asthma, cystic fibrosis, etc.) ) a very large amount of, often, viscous sputum is formed in the respiratory tract. With the help of a cough, the baby's body cleanses the respiratory tract, so suppressing cough, especially in such situations, can lead to a marked deterioration in the child's condition.
Many respiratory tract infections are accompanied by a cough that does not require medical treatment and passes itself for a short enough time. The main way to treat this cough is to drink and moisturize the inhaled air.
Cough reflex in children is congenital, however, the ability to cough up phlegm develops with age and reaches an acceptable level by the age of 4-5 years.
In very young children, the nasopharynx is arranged so that most of the mucous secretions in the cold flows down the back wall of the pharynx and falls on the vocal cords, irritating them and causing a reflex cough. The same thing happens when teeth are erupted, when salivation increases (to make it clearer - you yourself feel about the same feeling when you "swallow" with saliva).
Thus, prescribing to a small child refluxing and thinning medications is not only ineffective, but can also lead to unpleasant consequences.
The main feature of cough medicine is that there is still no real scientific research that determines the effectiveness and safety of most cough medicine. Doses given to children are in fact extrapolated from adult doses, that is, the exact dosages for children are unknown and unspecified. Side effects, up to the most severe, associated with taking medication "from a cough are repeatedly described in the specialist literature.
Cough in ARVI is a self-passing condition, which is treated with copious drinking and moistening of the air.
Is it necessary, dear parents, to give medicines to a child, exposing his health to risk where there is enough parental love, patience and abundant drink?

Natalia Sterlikova

Turpentine ointment is harsh. Make tortillas from honey and flour. On the water bath a little honey and stir the flour, you will understand, when it is enough, something like plasticine in density. Warm put, instead of mustard plaster. A small piece can warm up and runny nose. How to cool, in foil, in the refrigerator. Then you can also heat on a water bath. And if you do inhalation, then adjust the kettle for this, pour the solution below the spout, so that if you breathe in, the liquid does not enter your mouth. Breathe in through the tip of the kettle, exhale through the nose. But this is the future, at this age will it work out? Teapot, naturally ceramic. In it, and immediately prepare a solution. A leaf of eucalyptus, soda, 1 drop of iodine. Or what in this spirit. In the pharmacy you can ask, the baby is very small.

Running on the waves

If this barking cough and the child suffocates, then urgently need to call an ambulance, t. To it can be laryngospasm and the baby can suffocate. If the cough is normal, you can cut off half of the bulb and pour on st. a spoonful of sugar, when it appears to syrup, give it a half-spoonful to drink, it helps.

Than to treat a cough in a child 1 year?

Cough in young children occurs quite often. This unpleasant symptom can be a sign of a huge number of colds, including pneumonia and bronchitis, laryngotracheitis, whooping cough and other ailments. In addition, in some cases, cough can be triggered by the effect of an allergen on the organs of the upper respiratory tract.

When a cough occurs in a child at the age of 1 year, parents are often frightened and do not know what to treat. In the range of pharmacies today presented a huge number of different drugs intended for getting rid of this unpleasant symptom, however, each of them is intended for use in certain situations.

To understand how to cure a cough in a child aged 1 year, it is necessary, first of all, to see a doctor. Only a qualified doctor will be able to conduct a detailed examination and identify the true cause of the disease, from which it will be possible to choose suitable medications. In this article, we will tell you what kinds of child coughing exist and what can be given from a child in 1 year to facilitate its condition depending on the cause of the disease.

Types of cough

All young parents should understand that cough itself is not a disease, so you do not need to treat it. In most cases, the cough reflex in a child works when his body needs to remove the excess mucus, mud, a cluster of pathogens or a foreign body from the lungs, bronchi, trachea, larynx or nose.

That is why such a productive, or moist cough should not be treated, however, to alleviate the condition of the toddler it is necessary to give expectorants that dilute sputum and facilitate the removal of all excess.

At the same time, there is an unproductive kind of cough, when as a result of coughing movements nothing is removed from the child's organism. In this case, a strong cough only tires the crumbs, contributes to the violation of his sleep and often provokes vomiting. Under such circumstances, treat the underlying disease that caused this unpleasant symptom, and cough itself is necessary as soon as possible under the strict supervision and guidance of a pediatrician.

How to treat a severe cough in a child in 1 year?

Cough remedy for children aged 1 year should be selected, based on the necessary action of the drug, namely:

  • mucolytics are used to dilute sputum and intensify its production;
  • to strengthen the cough reflex - expectorants;
  • to reduce the activity of the cough reaction - soothing antitussive drugs.

Among all medicines of these three categories, the safest and most effective for young children aged 1 year are the following:

  1. Mucolytic agents -Ambroxol, Lazolvan, Bronchicum, Ambrobe, Bromhexine. All of them are available in the form of syrup and can be used not only for oral administration, but also for inhalation by a nebulizer as directed by a doctor.
  2. Expectorants- Stoptussin, Gedelix, Linkas, Muciltin and licorice root. Most of these medicines are made on the basis of extracts and extracts of medicinal plants, so they are practically safe for infants. Nevertheless, self-medication with the use of drugs in this category should not be dealt with.
  3. Soothing means,suppressing cough activity, at this age are used extremely rarely and only on the prescription of the attending physician.
Finally, in some cases, you can get rid of a child's cough at the age of 1 year with the help of folk remedies, for example:
  1. It is effective enough onion jam, which is a blender crushed onions, combined in equal proportions with honey. Before use, the agent should be allowed to stand for at least, hours.
  2. Decoctions of medicinal plants, such as mother-and-stepmother or plantain.
  3. Compresses for heating from camphor oil, mashed potatoes, badger fat or a mixture of honey and mustard.
  4. Chest and foot massage.

How can you treat cough in children up to one year?

Is the child sick? How to treat cough in children before the year? For parents, this is a real headache. A newborn baby has one physiological feature: it is a rather immature developed respiratory system.

In order for cough treatment in the baby does not hurt him, it is necessary to use medicines on a natural basis. Do not forget that before taking any medications, you must get a consultation from a local doctor. After a medical examination, the doctor will make an appointment for the use of the necessary medicines. Follow the instructions and recommendations of the doctor must be very strict, because it's about the health of your month-old baby.

The treatment of cough in an infant is the combination of cool and warm air.

In addition, you need a copious drink that maximizes the elimination of abnormal fluid loss in the body in an infant.

What medications do pediatricians recommend for infants with a wet cough?

Currently, pediatricians in Russia agree on how to treat cough in children up to a year.For the treatment of cough in infants most often they appoint mucolytic agents.

Such drugs as gently dilute sputum and remove it from the lungs. Their main advantage lies in the fact that the action they have on the lungs is unable to increase the amount of phlegm in the lead.

Thus, even acute and chronic coughs are eliminated very easily in newborns and children up to one year. The best syrups are:

  1. Ambroxol is a pleasant taste for children's syrup, which is a part of medicines using mucolytic agents. It promotes rapid liquefaction of sputum in the lungs, and is also used for severe coughing for babies, since their birth. The course of treatment should not exceed 5 days. To obtain a more rapid effect during treatment, a generous drink is recommended. It can be compotes, juices or water.
  2. Lazolvan - a wonderful universal tool that can be used for two purposes. It is available in the form of a baby syrup and is an excellent remedy for a wet cough. Drink it is necessary during meals for breakfast and dinner for 5 days. In addition, it can be used for inhalation. Add it directly to the inhaler. This is a wonderful baby syrup, which easily removes phlegm from the lungs and eases the breathing of the baby.

Medicines for dry cough for a baby and children under one year of age

Ambrobene is a wonderful, pleasant taste for children's syrup, which can be given to children from the first days of life. This effective drug is used to treat dry cough. It perfectly dilutes sputum and removes it from the lungs. The baby does not feel very uncomfortable. Syrup is given to children twice a day for breakfast and dinner. After 5 days, the effect of the drug will be noticeable. The child will completely get rid of a dry cough.

Bronchicum is an excellent medicine, which is recommended for children, starting from 6 months. The composition of the syrup includes extract from the herb thyme. She perfectly copes with a dry strong cough and is able to mild phlegm in just 14 days. Take this syrup twice a day (morning and evening). In addition, there is a group of drugs that can induce sputum expectoration from the lungs of a one-year-old child. Often, doctors recommend them in acute and chronic forms that cause severe chest cough and are accompanied by difficulty in phlegm withdrawal. Basically, they are prepared on the basis of herbal preparations, which have a soft and gentle nature. These drugs include Gedelix, Linkas and Stoptussin.

Gedelix - a preparation of vegetable origin, which is available as a syrup. Take it necessary in a diluted form (in a bottle) with water or juice. Daily allowance should not exceed half a teaspoon if the child has not yet turned a year old. Further the dosage can be increased after consultation with the district doctor. Linkas is a medicinal product that is approved for use by children from the age of 6 months. It should take up to 10 days. It promotes the release of sputum from the lungs and relieves severe pain in the throat. Stopoutsin is available in the form of drops. You can take it from 6 months after eating. The drug has a strong effect, so it is very important to take it according to dosage. Determine the required dose can be based on the weight of the child. Dilute the medicine better with warm tea, juice, compote, but you can and water.

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In addition to taking medications, it is also worth remembering that the baby needs bed rest and dry heat. The amount of liquid also needs to be increased several times. He will be cured by medical preparations and gentle hands of the mother, no matter how old the kid is.

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