The knee does not unbend to the end, the inability to bend the joint


  • 1It hurts to bend the leg in the knee: what to do if the leg does not bend and it hurts
    • 1.1Rheumatoid arthritis as a cause of pain in the knee
    • 1.2Gouty Arthritis
    • 1.3Deforming osteoarthritis is another reason for knee pain when flexing
    • 1.4Tendonitis and bursitis
    • 1.5The Osgood-Schlatter pathology
    • 1.6Sprain of the joints
    • 1.7Treatment of pain in the knee joint
    • 1.8Physiotherapeutic procedures for knee injuries
  • 2The knee does not unbend to the end, the inability to bend the joint
    • 2.1Causes
    • 2.2Difficult to unbend
    • 2.3Difficulty bending
    • 2.4Healing measures
  • 3The knee does not bend to the end and the leg does not fully unbend: what to do
    • 3.1The leg does not bend in the knee: what to do?
    • 3.2The knee does not unbend to the end completely
    • 3.3The knee joint does not bend under contracture
  • 4What should I do if my knee does not bend?
    • 4.1Causes of the disease
    • 4.2How is it manifested?
    • 4.3Who is exposed?
    • 4.4Treatment
    • 4.5First aid
    • 4.6Prevention
    • 4.7Ways
    • 4.8"LFK for the knee joint"
  • instagram viewer
  • 5Do not bend the knee what to do with it, the reasons for limiting the straightening of the leg in the knee
    • 5.1Causes of knee discomfort
    • 5.2The knee does not bend completely
    • 5.3Rehabilitation and rehabilitation course

It hurts to bend the leg in the knee: what to do if the leg does not bend and it hurts

The knee performs the most important functions in the human body. This joint is necessary for movement, it assumes the main load during physical work, active rest, sports.

But the knee joint is very vulnerable. If the patient has suffered a trauma and then the knee hurts when bending, if the patient complains: "I can not sit down or go down the stairs without pain do not delay the visit to the doctor for a long time.

Pain in the knee can be a sign of normal fatigue. But also it is a symptom of serious diseases caused by an infection or a virus. The expert should examine a leg if it is painful to bend it to the end.

Rheumatoid arthritis as a cause of pain in the knee

If it hurts to bend the leg, the cause of this phenomenon may be rheumatoid arthritis.

With this pathology, the cartilage tissues of the joint are affected, if they collapse completely, the knee deforms and loses mobility.

The knee hurts, as with degenerative-dystrophic changes in its tissues blood vessels and nerve endings may suffer.

Rheumatoid arthritis, affecting the knees, can occur in acute or chronic form. Why this pathology begins to develop, is still not precisely established.

But the connection between the viral infections and the appearance of this disease is confirmed. Also plays the role of heredity - rheumatoid arthritis is more likely to suffer those people whose relatives have an anamnesis of joint diseases.

The disease has different degrees of severity. The knee hurts when bending already at the first stage of the disease.

Unpleasant sensations arise only when the joints are loaded. If the limb is not disturbed, it does not hurt.

In addition, the development of rheumatoid arthritis of the knee joint is indicated by the following symptoms:

  • Redness of the skin around the affected joint;
  • Swelling and swelling of the joint;
  • Limitation of mobility.

It hurts at the knee when bending often becomes after a long stay in one pose or a night's sleep.

Gouty Arthritis

If the patient pains to bend his leg in the knee area, and he says, "I can not sit down this may be a symptom of gouty arthritis. With this disease, the knee hurts if it is bent, due to the deposition of uric acid salts in the joint bag.

The articular elements become bony, lose elasticity and mobility, which is why a person feels pain in the knee.

Pain in flexing the leg is the most common sign of gout. They can be localized from both the front and back of the knee.


It is worth noting that much more often gout affects the small joints of the lower limbs, but sometimes suffer a knee or elbow. Discomfort in this case is felt with the slightest movement, if the gout of the knee joint is exacerbated.


Gout is a disease whose acute seizures alternate with periods of rest. If the patient is undergoing treatment, the pain in flexing the leg goes through the week. But if the treatment is not available, the disease goes into a chronic form.

Deforming osteoarthritis is another reason for knee pain when flexing

Pain can be felt when bending the knee, if it develops deforming osteoarthritis. This disease most often affects the knee joint. As a result, it is impossible to bend the leg to the end, its shape and length changes, the patient moves with difficulties.

With deforming arthrosis, the leg does not disturb the patient until he tries to bend it or make other movements.

But in the advanced stages the patient complains: "I can not bend my leg in the knee and I feel pain even in a state of complete rest".

Deforming arthrosis usually accompanies the following symptoms:

  1. Pain radiating to the thigh or drumstick.
  2. Tension of the skin over the affected joint pathology.
  3. Deformation of the joint.
  4. On the X-ray or ultrasound, osteophytes and narrowing of the joint gap are noticeable.

Tendonitis and bursitis

If the patient comes to the doctor and complains: "I fell or fell, and after that I can not bend my leg without pain the doctor suspects tendinitis or bursitis.

The professional athletes and people fall into the risk group, whose lower limbs are subjected to constant loads.

The pain in this case occurs in the patella, and not in the back of the knee joint.

Discomfort is felt by a person only when he tries to perform any manipulation or movement.

The causes of the disease can be trauma and overload, as well as infection of the joint bag and its mechanical damage during surgery.

The fact that the limb does not bend at the knee is not the only symptom of the disease. The signs of tendonitis or bursitis are as follows:

  • Swelling and joint enlargement in size;
  • Redness of the skin above the affected joint and around it;
  • A rise in temperature, both local and general;
  • Pain with any movement and walking.

The Osgood-Schlatter pathology

This disease is very dangerous and can lead to a complete loss of mobility of the limb, as the lesions spread to the entire tibia. The disease belongs to one of the forms of osteochondrosis. Initially, the patient feels pain under the knee, he can not do the flexion movements.

Then the pain spreads over the entire leg, becomes more intense after running, walking or sports training. With the progression of the disease, the patient is uncomfortable climbing the stairs, getting up and crouching.

The disease develops mainly in young men.

Sprain of the joints

When the patient says - "I can not bend my leg, squat, walk or run without pain one can assume the usual stretching of the ligaments of the joint. Excessive physical exertion or injury can also damage the muscle fibers or tendons.

The patient complains of pain in the leg, both during movements and at rest.


If there is a sprain of ligaments or tendons, the leg turns red, swells, the body temperature may increase locally. Sometimes bruises form on the skin in the area of ​​the affected joint. What to do in this case?


You should immediately contact a traumatologist and take a survey to determine the cause, nature and extent of damage to the joint tissues.

Treatment of pain in the knee joint

So, what to do if the knee hurts, especially when flexing, flexing the joint, squatting and lifting the stairs? The methods of treatment will depend on what caused the pain in the knee. A full-fledged diagnosis can be made only by a doctor.

He will determine the cause of uncomfortable sensations and indicate what to do in order to eliminate them. there are several important points that are worth noting:

  • If the pain is caused by a bruise or injury, then first of all you need to relieve the pain and swelling.
  • If the swelling is removed, inflammation of the joint tissues will not develop.
  • It is necessary to protect the limb from any physical activity.
  • The knee now needs complete rest.
  • Tissues of muscles and joints regenerate fairly quickly, but for this they need complete rest, any loads will delay the healing process.
  • On the damaged joint, regardless of what caused damage and inflammation, it is recommended to apply a fixative bandage. then there may be an elastic bandage, or a special bandage on the knee.
  • Orthopedic devices for the knee joint differ in their stiffness and degree of fixation, which will be optimal - a traumatologist or surgeon will tell you.

With minor injuries, it will usually be enough to wear bandages. But with serious injuries, ruptures of ligaments or tendons, you will need a bandage that will fix the knee joint in front and behind.

What else can I do to avoid inflammation with a joint injury, arthritis or osteoarthritis - the answer this question must be obtained for all patients who have experienced knee mobility disorders the joint. It is necessary to avoid the accumulation of fluid in the joint cavity. Avoid the edema of the limb can be, if you place it above the body.

The leg should be in a horizontal position, you can put under it a cushion or cushion.

In the first day after the injury, a good effect is produced by cold or ice compresses - they prevent strong swelling and the formation of a hematoma.

If the patient is forced to be in a sitting position, it is advisable to lift the foot on a stool or stool.

With severe pain, you can take analgesics. But this should not be done before a visit to the doctor, since then he will not be able to determine the localization of injury and damage, determine their degree and appearance. Independently to start taking anti-inflammatory non-steroid drugs is not recommended.

Physiotherapeutic procedures for knee injuries

To reduce pain, relieve inflammation and prevent its development, physiotherapy procedures help.

Very useful and effective therapeutic exercises for the joints, it helps to restore their mobility, restore elasticity and flexibility.

A set of exercises is selected by the instructor, he follows the correctness of their implementation.


After the patient has fully mastered the gym, it is allowed to perform at home.


But from time to time you still need to consult with the coach to monitor the effectiveness of gymnastics.

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It should not be force, the load on the joints is given in a dosed manner. But you need to do exercises regularly, otherwise it will be ineffective.

If one of the exercises during exercise causes pain or delays discomfort, it must be removed from the curative program. Otherwise, gymnastics can cause new trauma or increase inflammation.

If the knee injury is serious, or because of joint diseases irreversible changes have occurred, doctors can offer the patient to solve the problem surgically. This method of treatment refers to radical, and is used only in extreme cases. Operation on the knee joint can be carried out in such ways:

  1. Arthroscopy.
  2. Partial replacement of individual elements of the knee joint.
  3. Complete replacement of the knee joint.

Arthroscopy is a modern, minimally invasive method of surgical intervention.

With this operation, 2-3 small incisions are made in the area of ​​the affected joint, into which special surgical instruments are inserted.

On one of them is a camera, which makes it possible to determine the state of the joint bag with maximum accuracy and to monitor the actions of the surgeon.

Arthroscopy allows you to remove from the joint cavity the damaged joint elements, affected tissues, but does not solve global problems.

If the joint is severely damaged and it is required to carry out its implantation, it will be necessary to resort to other methods of surgical intervention.

But the advantages of such an operation is that the rehabilitation period after it minimal tissue repair lasts on average 14-16 days.

If individual parts of the joint are broken or damaged, the doctor replaces them with prostheses.

If the lesions affected the joints adjacent to the joint, doctors recommend that the prosthetic knee be fully prosthetic.


Such an operation is advisable when the patient begins to die of joint tissues.


Full or partial prosthetics allows to restore the functionality of the knee joint and relieve the patient of pain, give him the opportunity to fully work, move and rest. But if the cause of the destruction of the joint was gouty arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, deforming osteoarthritis, the patient should perform preventive measures even after the operation.

To prevent a relapse of joint diseases will help a healthy lifestyle - it's moderate exercise, a balanced diet and a rejection of bad habits. If the cause of the destruction of the knee joint was trauma, the patient should control the physical load on the joint and prevent them from exceeding.

During training it is recommended to wear bandages and bandages, always warm up before training, and if necessary use warming ointments and gels.

We must not forget that in addition to the load joints also need a full rest - then their tissues, even with some damages, will have time to recover naturally.

We offer the reader in conclusion to read an interesting video in this article, in which knee pain is examined from all sides and a solution is proposed.

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The knee does not unbend to the end, the inability to bend the joint

To date, there are a large number of diseases that can affect any organ in the human body. Some diseases are secretive, while others are flaring up in the early days so that a person is unable to perform any action.

Most often the human locomotor system suffers. It is she who has all the burden of the human body, plus the impact of environmental factors, the quality of human life and much more.

Most often the disease affects the joints directly, without touching other organs and systems (arthrosis, arthritis, synovitis and others).


But it also happens that the lesion focus is initially not in the joint, but in another organ, and with the progression diseases in the process involve joints (pathology of the cardiovascular system, chronic diseases, heredity).


Most often, with the defeat of the joint apparatus, the disease is localized in large joints, such as the knees, elbows and hip joint. In more detail, we will analyze the knee joint and the reasons why a sick person can not fully bend or unbend his leg.


There are many pathological conditions in which the structures of the knee joint are destroyed. Most often it is with the defeat of these structures that the immediate function of this connection begins to suffer (flexion and extension). What can lead to such a defeat:

  1. Injury directly to the knee or area around it.
  2. Inflammatory-degenerative diseases in the joint cavity.
  3. Congenital pathologies.
  4. Degeneration of the cartilaginous plate, ligaments, bones, forming the joint.
  5. Formation of contractures (joints) between bone structures.
  6. Unsuccessful surgical intervention (injuries of ligaments and other structures).
  7. Presence of articular "mice" (parts of collapsed cartilage).

Difficult to unbend

What processes and causes can lead to the fact that the knee joint does not unbend to the end? At such complaints the doctor can suspect the following pathologies:

  • Inflammatory disease, which is called bursitis. It is during a long process of this process that a deformation (it is clearly visible) occurs at which the leg does not fully unbend. The process occurs against the background of old injuries of ligamentous structures and changes in the position of the knee cap.
  • Gonarthrosis. A similar disease with bursitis. But in this case the leg will not bend due to the increased load (pressure) on the joint. In addition, there will be a pain symptom, swelling, redness, locally, the temperature may rise.
  • Sometimes, with physical exertion, especially if there is no preliminary preparation, stretching of the ligament apparatus, micro-ruptures or tendon and muscle tears may occur. The main symptom is a severe pain in the pathology, which is amplified by the movement of the foot. The pain syndrome persists at rest, swelling, redness and inflammation quickly occur. The presence of a bruise or bruising indicates a severe course of the disease, in which a traumatologist is needed.
  • Formation of contractures of the knee joint. This process can be formed due to a previously suffered knee injury or a pinch of the sciatic nerve. As mentioned earlier, contracture is a permanent deformity of the joint, in which the formation of the block and the connection of the bone structures of the joint occurs. The process is reversible if the treatment is started on time.

All these processes can lead to persistent changes in knee joints when untimely treatment or self-treatment. They can arise both on one leg and on both legs at once.

Difficulty bending

Some of the processes described above are also capable of breaking bending. Among the pathologies that make bending difficult, distinguish:

  • Injuries and destructive changes at the level of the lower spine with bouts of osteochondrosis in the form of radiculopathy and ishalgia can lead to a temporary restriction of leg mobility, which will contribute to the development contractures. The therapeutic effect must initially be directed to the primary source of pathology, and after this it is necessary to begin restoring the motor function.
  • Infringement of the sciatic nerve promotes the spread of a pain attack on the outer and inner side of the thigh, which makes it difficult for the patient to flex his leg.
  • When the innervation of muscle fibers, reduced blood circulation and microcirculation, muscular dystrophy can form. This will limit the motor activity in the leg.
  • With a dystrophic lesion of the meniscus, a small part of it can come off of the main mass. If this part is large enough, it can wedge into the articular joint and will not allow the leg to bend. Often patients describe this pathology as follows: "Walked along the street, fell because the leg did not straighten up." Symptom passes independently with small movements of the foot or with a change in the position of the body, often pain may not occur.

As can be seen, most of the feature contributes to the violation of the process of extension and flexion. How to be and what to do if it's signs you have?

Healing measures

Most of the described processes are completely reversible, if they start to be treated in a timely manner.

Many diseases require only regular performance of gymnastic activities (in the formation of contractures, with recent injuries, with circulatory disorders), and some have more serious interventions, the operation. Treatment is:

  1. Non-medicamentous.
  2. Medicamentous.
  3. Surgical

Non-medicamentous treatment consists in the performance of regular gymnastic exercises and therapeutic physical training. These measures will strengthen the joint, increase blood circulation, accelerate the regeneration processes and slow down the destruction.

In addition, you can resort to the services of a massage therapist and a chiropractor. The application of acupuncture techniques and effects on acupuncture points is controversial, but you can try them.

As a preventive measure, you can follow a diet, monitor body weight and give up harmful habits.

Medical treatment is already used at the expressed stages of joint destruction. Most often, doctors prescribe such groups of drugs as:

  • Chondroprotectors. Enter directly into the joint cavity and ensure its preservation and recovery.
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Affect the cause, namely inflammation, suppressing it.
  • Painkillers. With a long-term current process, they must be used, since a painful attack can have a chronic course.
  • To strengthen bones and ligaments, the intake of vitamin complexes and biological supplements.

As an additional means of prescribing laser therapy, electrophoresis, kinesiotherapy and other methods.

At a far gone process the patient is sent to the table to the surgeon. Conduct both minimally invasive interventions, and also operations with complete replacement of the knee joint and its components.

The main component of successful recovery and prevention is the timely identification of the disease, adequate and comprehensive treatment.

Remember that the more difficult the process is, the more difficult it is to stop it.

Do not try to heal yourself and if you see the first signs of the disease, contact a specialist.

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The knee does not bend to the end and the leg does not fully unbend: what to do

The complaint that the knee does not unbend to the end can tell the experienced doctor that there is a pathology in the ligamentous and tendon apparatus.

If you not only do not bend the knee, but also the movements cause pain, then you can suspect arthritis, arthrosis, bursitis, or ligament rupture.

In order to differentiate pathology and prescribe appropriate treatment, the physician must conduct a number of laboratory tests. First of all, fluoroscopy is prescribed to exclude trauma and deformation of bone tissue.


After this, it is important to exclude the rheumatoid nature of pain and limitation of mobility of the knee joint. To do this, a general and biochemical blood test is performed to determine the C-reactive protein.


Usually a painless restriction of mobility is associated with the formation of contractures.

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This condition is characterized by loss of elasticity of ligaments and tendons, shortening of muscle fibers and formation of connective tissue strands that impede full-fledged movements. What to do in this case - we will consider further.

The leg does not bend in the knee: what to do?

So, you have a situation where the leg does not bend at the knee and you do not feel pain while walking and squats.

In this situation, it is easy to assume that there is contracture in the knee joint area.

What if the knee does not bend and this causes visible discomfort, deforming the gait and posture? First of all, the cause of this pathology should be clarified.

If you have a destruction of the cartilaginous tissue of the lower spine with periodic exacerbations of an osteochondrosis in the form of a radiculopathy and ishalgia treatment should be begun with this disease.

It is worthwhile to understand that for the formation of a contractual connection it is sufficient to temporarily limit the mobility of the limb due to soreness.

When the sciatic nerve is infringed, the pain syndrome spreads along the outer and inner sides of the thigh, any movements cause pain.

If this condition is not treated for a long time, the innervation of the muscle fibers is inevitably broken, the blood supply to the affected limb worsens. There are prerequisites for the development of muscular dystrophy and the limitation of the amplitude of mobility in the knee and ankle joints.

The second group of reasons for the limitation of mobility lies in the traumatic lesions of the tendons and ligament apparatus.

These are various stretches, microscopic tears, subluxations and complete dislocations with deformation of the joint bag, strokes and much more.

With such pathologies, a temporary limitation of mobility is required, after which the correct rehabilitation period is important.


It is necessary to pay attention to the "development" of the damaged limb with the help of therapeutic massage and physical training under the guidance of an experienced instructor. These tips are especially relevant for those patients who are forced to wear gypsum for a long time due to fractures of the femoral and tibia.


And if the bend is not bent knee: what to do in this case, to which specialist to apply? First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of bursitis of the knee joint.

This can be done using manual therapy or surgically using an arthroscope.

The second method is characterized by a long period of rehabilitation, and when using manual therapy techniques, one should prepare for prolonged and persistent treatment.

However, the result in this case is more predictable, since any surgical intervention in articular cavity leaves the risk of septic necrosis and as a consequence, disability rights.

The knee does not unbend to the end completely

The knee does not unbend fully normally with prolonged recurrent bursitis, chronic ligament injuries and displacement of the patella.

Deforming osteoarthritis can cause a similar symptom only in the late stages, when the deformation of tissues is clearly visible, there is a complex of inflammatory reactions.

Therefore, confusing gonarthrosis with traumatic lesions and bursitis is quite difficult, especially if it is possible to make an X-ray.


At home, to determine the reason why you do not unbend the knee to the end, definitely impossible, since even an advanced diagnosis can be made by an experienced doctor based on the data obtained during the course of inspection.


But there are a number of distinctive features that will help you distinguish one state from another.

We strongly advise you not to engage in self-treatment at the same time, since in these advanced cases these pathologies can lead to a partial or complete loss of your ability to work.

At gonatroze the knee does not unbend completely only in the case when the joint has an increased load. Movements are accompanied by pain. The area around the knee joint can be swollen, hyperemic, hot to the touch.

Sprains of the ligaments of the knee joint, as well as microscopic ruptures of tendons and muscle fibers signal themselves with a sharp acute pain that occurs suddenly after an awkward movement or a sharp rise on his feet. The pain persists even in a state of rest, while trying to unbend the leg pain syndrome intensifies and becomes intolerable. Quickly there is swelling of the soft tissues around the damaged joint. There may be bruising - this indicates a severe degree of injury. The help of the traumatologist is necessary. It is important to start rehabilitation as soon as possible with the help of manual therapy methods in order to prevent the development of contracture.

Bursitis can also be manifested by a decrease in the amplitude of mobility in the knee joint. This disease is characterized by an inflammatory process in one of the periarticular bags - the bursa.

Most often, the outer knee bursa is affected, which is just below the kneecap. The main difference is the palpation of a limited cavity filled with liquid. Palpation can be painful.

The knee does not fully unbend and thus a dull drawing pain arises.

The knee joint does not bend under contracture

If a contracture is formed after a trauma or a pinch of the sciatic nerve and you do not bend the knee joint, you should start a special rehabilitation course as soon as possible. To prevent doctors from telling you, remember that this condition is reversible and can be corrected with the help of complex manual effects.

Our clinic employs specialists in the practice of which hundreds of cases of successful recovery after the formation of contractual joints in both knee and other joints.

Usually we offer our patients safe and painless methods of developing the affected ligamentous and tendon apparatus.


Simultaneously, work is carried out aimed at developing the muscular structure, improving the metabolic processes and blood supply of pathologically altered areas. Treatment massage, acupuncture, manual therapy, physiotherapy exercises are prescribed.


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What should I do if my knee does not bend?

The knee joint is one of the areas on which the maximum load rests during walking.

Here is a large volume of cartilaginous tissue, which allows to soften the weight of the human body.

The knee makes it possible to perform many different movements: from ordinary walking to jogging and jumping.

But the knee joint is arranged quite difficult, and therefore vulnerable to traumatic injuries and diseases. If the knee injury is not treated, the consequence may be severe complications and even the inability to walk normally.

Causes of the disease

If the patient says that his leg does not bend at the knee joint, the reasons can be very different.Most likely, this is a pathology of cartilaginous tissue or a ligament injury. It is also possible that this is not a chronic pathology, but the result of usual fatigue and fatigue.

Why does it bend badly or, conversely, unbend the leg in the knee? It's all about the characteristics of cartilaginous tissues. Normally, they are very elastic, and with the load that the bone gives, push it away. But cartilage tissue of the joints, including the knee, does not have its own blood circulation system.

Nutrients of the joints are obtained through the circulation of the soft tissues nearest to them. And the circulation of blood here is not always sufficient.

As a result, the joint begins to lose elasticity, ceases to be elastic. And accordingly, it is gradually damaged by bones pressing on both sides.


Infectious pathogens can easily enter the damaged joint joint. The body will fight them, which will cause an inflammatory process.


Most likely, the infection will be defeated in just a few days.

But in the process, the immune system will cause even more damage to the cartilaginous tissue of the articular joint.

As a result, the knee joint can be damaged so much that the amplitude of its movements drops sharply. The cartilaginous tissue is too deformed to make the knee normally bend and unbend. Or, bone growths will interfere with normal mobility.

How is it manifested?

In fact, when the knee is swollen and does not bend - this is just a symptom, and not an independent disease. Most likely, this problem is caused by inflammatory or degenerative-dystrophic pathological processes of the knee.

When the knee is difficult to bend, this symptom usually does not come alone. Together with him, others begin to torment, depending on what kind of disease a person suffers. Or from what traumatic damage his knee joint got.

By concomitant symptoms, you can determine why the patient has lost the ability to bend the leg in the knee:

  1. Osteoarthritis - poor mobility is accompanied by crunching, a feeling of friction inside the knee joint. Initially, this symptomatology is noticeable only when the patient crouches or walks. Then the pain begins to torment in the mornings and evenings, after a hard day's work.
  2. Bursitis, inflammation of the joint. There is swelling, it is difficult to move the knee joint, painful sensation and redness.
  3. Inflammatory process of the knee cartilage tissue. About this disease can speak such a symptom as painful sensations when descending the stairs.
  4. Arthritis. Increases the temperature in the knee joint area. Pain occurs with bending movements, general fever may rise. The knee swells and turns red.
  5. In inflammatory processes in the lumbar region, nerves can be impaired. In this case, nerve impulses can pass to the knee with difficulty. The person will feel pain in the legs, and can not bend them. The pain will be acute, and localized not only in the region of the knee joint.

Who is exposed?

Circulatory problems are one of the sources of low mobility. The organism, feeling a lack of nutrients, refuses to carry out movement. Quite often this happens in adolescence. The growing organism has a high rate of development of bones in comparison with the vessels.

Traumatic injury of ligaments or cartilage can cause limited mobility of the knee. This includes bruises, dislocations, sprains, meniscus injuries. Naturally, it is sportsmen and people engaged in sports halls that often become victims of such damages.

Sometimes the knee does not straighten out completely against the background of usual fatigue, chronic fatigue. And in this case, this can not be ignored. After all, if such conditions repeat, this can cause already chronic diseases.

Diseases of the joints first of all torment the elderly. Unfortunately, cartilaginous tissues are not designed for all the loads that we undergo during their lifetime. Therefore, the joint joint of the knee is destroyed, not allowing a person to bend or unbend the leg.

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Another group at risk is patients with large excess weight. They always put their knee joint under stress, which it is not designed for. In addition, hypothermia becomes a dangerous factor. In this situation, the joint can easily become inflamed.


What if the knee does not unbend to the end? First of all, you need to determine what is the reason. Sometimes this can be done by the patient himself, for example, if he has just or recently suffered from trauma.

In other cases, you need to focus on the symptoms, so as not to harm yourself with first aid and treatment. So, the area of ​​the inflammatory process can not be exposed to warming ointments and compresses. When inflammation is undesirable, as opposed to frequent opinion, to drink alcohol and visit the bath.

It is unmistakable to determine the symptoms and their cause, only a doctor can prescribe an adequate treatment.


Therefore, after first aid, you need to think hard about going to the doctor. After all, joint joint disease has a property only to progress.


Therefore, in order not to face complications, it is necessary to engage in the prevention of exacerbations.

First aid

If the leg in the knee does not straighten, do not panic. To begin with, simply assume a horizontal position, eliminating all stress factors. Take an anesthetic or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

Just in case, do not warm up your knee. Instead, apply cold or use an external product containing menthol. The chill will distract the nerve endings from the transmission of nerve impulses, remove the possible edema.

Do not try to unbend the knee by force. Instead, it is better to completely relax and rest. After a while the joint will begin to gradually "depart". If this does not happen, try to get to the hospital or call an ambulance.

If there is a stretching of the knee ligament or a meniscus injury, proceed as follows:

  • immediately fix the knee joint with an elastic bandage;
  • Do not perform rubbing or kneading movements;
  • apply a large compress with ice or a piece of frozen meat;
  • making a compress, place a piece of tissue between the skin and the cold, so as not to cause a cold burn.


Prevention of low mobility of the knee joint is the prevention of inflammatory and degenerative-dystrophic processes. To prevent the development of such pathologies, it is necessary to improve the blood circulation of the joint, strengthen the supporting muscles and ligaments.

Among the preventive recommendations are the following:

  • lose weight;
  • give up a sedentary lifestyle;
  • do sports, or at least more often stroll;
  • give up fatty, hot and smoked;
  • do a self-massage of the knee.

Of course, no one is immune from injury. In particular, this applies to professional athletes. To reduce the likelihood of a knee injury, after which it stops moving, there are two recommendations:

  • warm up well;
  • do not exceed the permissible load threshold.


To stop unpleasant symptoms, the following medicamental agents are used:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • painkillers;
  • chondroprotectors;
  • corticosteroids.

If the articulation does not bend against the background of arthrosis, try to do regular self-massage. Perform this procedure can only be exacerbated. Ideally, you need to do self-massage in a warm bath.

Move from the lower leg and thigh alternately, all the way to the side of the popliteal cavity. We move our hands in a circle either along a straight line or a spiral (you can alternate a figure).

During self-massage the following movements are performed:

  • stroking;
  • rubbing;
  • kneading;
  • effleurage;
  • again stroking.

Not always conservative treatment works well. In cases of severe degenerative-dystrophic processes, the patient may lose too much in mobility. When the knee hurts and does not bend for long, doctors can prescribe a surgical operation.

During surgery, in the case of reduced mobility, surgeons perform one of the following actions:

  • remove particles of the destroyed cartilaginous tissue from the joint cavity;
  • pump out the synovial fluid and blood;
  • replace the joint with an implant (endoprosthetics);
  • Splice the bones in the knee together (arthrodesis).

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"LFK for the knee joint"

This video tells you what exercises to do, if the knee does not bend or flex.

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Do not bend the knee what to do with it, the reasons for limiting the straightening of the leg in the knee

If the knee does not bend to the end, this suggests that there are pathologies in the tendon and connected apparatus. You can suspect arthrosis, rupture of ligaments, arthritis if you not only do not bend the knee, but also when driving severe pain.

For a complete differentiation of pathology, a number of laboratory tests must be performed. To avoid injury, fluoroscopy is prescribed. After this, it is important to limit the mobility of the knee joint.

Usually, these restrictions in the knees are associated with the formation of contractures. This is a characteristic loss of flexibility of ligaments and tendons, which impedes full-fledged movements. Let's consider what to do in this situation.

Zone of pain

Causes of knee discomfort

One of the most important joints of the human body is the knee. It has a number of functions, without which it is impossible for a person to move normally. The knee joint is susceptible to constant heavy loads, because it is fragile enough. As a consequence, it can be subjected to various diseases.

To establish the concrete reason of a pain the doctor can and with a campaign to it or him; them can not be debugged.

The first and most common discomfort of such pains are:

  • Injuries to the knee joint. Osgood-Schlatter disease is a typical pathology in adolescence after exercise when exercising. A person has pain when flexing his leg, when he descends the stairs. This condition lasts up to a month and, as a rule, ends in recovery.
  • Development of arthrosis. Crunch and discomfort can mean the onset of arthrosis. First, the symptoms are manifested when squatting or walking, further pain becomes permanent.
  • Inflammation of the articular bags - bursitis. Decreased mobility, frequent puffiness and decreased mobility of the joint.
  • Inflammation of patella cartilage. Increased pain when walking down the stairs, aching with prolonged sitting, you hear a crunch when you move.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis. There is pain when flexing, swelling, fever, over the affected area, raising the temperature of the skin.
  • Can become a factor pathologists, sciatica nerve.

Knees can not be bent not only from overwork, but also from inflammatory and destructive processes in the human body. Also from diseases of a viral and infectious nature. Sources of discomfort can also be:

  • Intense physical activity.

People of different ages suffer from leg pains in the area of ​​the knee due to overload. This happens unnoticed, cartilage is destroyed, unbearably pain and inflammatory processes begin in them.

Symptoms: pain when running or at gym, when squatting. Incorrect activities lead to dislocations, damage to the meniscus, sprains and ligament ruptures. Also the reasons can be: falling, blows, unsuccessful turn of a leg.

  • Disturbance of blood circulation.

Poor blood circulation in the joints and tissues account for 10% of the disease. Most often it worries teenagers, because the skeleton develops faster than the young organism and the vessels supply blood to the joints in insufficient volume. But with age, it must pass.

Symptoms of the disease increase with changing weather, as well as with physical activity, colds and cold.

The knee does not bend completely

Usually, with a prolonged bursitis, a shifted knee cap and chronic injuries, the knee does not bend. What to do in this case?

The cause of bursitis joint should be eliminated. This can be done surgically or by manual therapy.

Any surgical intervention can lead to the development of septic necrosis, and the use of methods of manual therapy and will take a long period of rehabilitation, but the result will be positive predicted.


Only the doctor can diagnose, at home the reason why the knee is not bent can not be determined.


But you will be able to distinguish one state from another by a series of distinctive features.

In no case do self-medication is not recommended, because pathologies can lead to loss of your ability to work.

  • With rheumatoid arthritis.

The development of the disease against the background of a viral infection. Already at the 1st stage of arthritis, unpleasant sensations when bending. Symptoms: around the joint redness of the skin, impaired mobility, swelling.

When arthritis a person is affected: joints, cartilage, muscle fibers, which leads to inflammation.

  • With gouty arthritis.

It appears as a result of the development of gout and is strengthened during the spread of the disease. It hurts behind and in front of the affected area. If the treatment is not started on time, the joint will become firmer, the movement is chained.

  • With deforming osteoarthritis / gonarthrosis.

There is an inflammatory process in the joint box. As a result, the knee can hardly bend. Symptoms: a decrease in the joint space, the joint hardens, and the skin around it stretches, pain in the thigh, severe heat in the affected area.

Rehabilitation and rehabilitation course

Start a special rehabilitation course as soon as possible. It can be: massages, acupuncture, exercise therapy, manual therapy.

A very efficient and effective healing process for joints is physiotherapy, helps restore mobility, restore elasticity and flexibility of the joints.

The doctor after the examination and the establishment of an accurate diagnosis may ascribe bed rest. Gradual joint development, walking with a cane.

Women forget about walking on their heels, shoes should be soft and comfortable to wear.

Rehabilitation and rehabilitation should be done under the supervision of doctors, self-medication only aggravate the problem.

A healthy way of life will help a speedy recovery. Abandonment of bad habits, full nutrition, moderate physical activity.

Complex of exercises for rehabilitation:

  • In the sitting position, pull your toes to yourself, raise your foot from the surface to a height of 15-25 cm, without bending your leg in this position.
  • In the position of the maximum possible bending of the knee from the sitting position, the foot should slide along the surface for 5 minutes.
  • At the maximum load angle, perform flexion and extension in the ankle joint.

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