Rheumatoid factor: what is it? norm, the reasons for the increase


  • 1Rheumatoid factor - what is it, the norm, the reasons for the increase
    • 1.1What is a rheumatoid factor?
    • 1.2What is the norm for men and women?
    • 1.3Criteria for assessing rheumatoid factor
    • 1.4The reasons for the increase
    • 1.5Reasons for the decline
    • 1.6Rheumatoid factor in the child
    • 1.7What is the evidence of increased rf?
    • 1.8How to lower the rheumatoid factor?
    • 1.9What is false positive RF?
    • 1.10The cost of analysis and where to go?
  • 2Rheumatoid factor: what is it, the norm, the reasons for the increase
    • 2.1What is the rheumatoid factor?
    • 2.2As determined in the blood
    • 2.3When an analysis is assigned
    • 2.4Revmofactor. Norm
    • 2.5Criteria for assessing rheumatoid factor
    • 2.6Causes of increased rheumatoid factor
    • 2.7The reasons for the lowering of the factor
    • 2.8Rheumatoid factor in the child
  • 3Rheumatoid factor: the norm in women, deviations
    • 3.1Rate and excess
    • 3.2Causes of increased rheumatoid factor
    • 3.3Rheumatoid arthritis and Sjogren's disease
    • 3.4Conducting an analysis for the rheumatoid factor
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.5Decreased rheumatoid factor
    • 3.6From symptomatology to disease
    • 3.7Revmofactor in patients with rheumatism
    • 3.8Prevention
  • 4Rheumatoid factor (RF): the norm in analysis in women, men and children, the causes of high
    • 4.1Essence and types of analysis
    • 4.2High RF level and low factor values
    • 4.3Rheumatoid factor in children does not predetermine the diagnosis of RA
    • 4.4Other causes of elevated rheumatophagitis
  • 5Rheumatoid factor elevated: causes
    • 5.1Methods for determining rheumatoid factor
    • 5.2Reasons to increase antibodies

Rheumatoid factor - what is it, the norm, the reasons for the increase

The reaction of the inflammatory process in the human body can lead to aggression of the immune defense. It is to destroy your own perfectly healthy cells.

Frequent victims of this reaction are cells of connective tissue, that is, all systems and organs containing collagen. Pathology, laboratory confirmed rheumatologist (RF). The group of pathologies includes rheumatism, which affects absolutely all people.

The age or sex of the disease is indifferent, but elderly people are more likely to suffer because of hormonal imbalance and accompanying chronic diseases.

Young patients are effectively treatable. About 50% of cases of rheumatism does not make itself felt after special therapy, even after repeated tests on the RF. In 10% of cases, rheumatism occurs with attacks of exacerbation, remission, complications.

Revmofactor is not only a specific sign of rheumatism, but also of other serious pathologies, therefore, without exception, you should familiarize yourself with information about the rheumatoid factor what it is, the norm, the reasons for the increase, for timely seeking medical help and eliminating the reasons disease.

What is a rheumatoid factor?

Pevmofaktop is a modified protein of anti-globulin autoantibodies of classes M, A, G, E, D, under the influence of permanent viral, microbial, fungal or physical factors.

The latter include cold, radiation, poisoning with poisonous chemicals, permanent residence in the zone increased ultraviolet background plus the use in the nutritious diet of foods rich in preservatives group E.

Antibodies are directed towards the elimination of their own healthy cells or to the common immunoglobulins of type G.

This type is produced in the synovial fluid, then enters the bloodstream, where it combines with other immune components to form aggressive complexes. They directly and purposefully act on collagen, defying all the tissues containing it.

Rheumatoid index, it is a substance of protein origin, modifying perceives connective tissue as an alien protein.

At the very beginning of the disease with rheumatoid arthritis, immunoglobulin M, specific for this disease, is found only in articular components.

In the chronic course of pathology, a specific factor is produced by other organs (cephalic, lymphatic nodes, cartilage, skin, cardiac tissue).

In laboratory analyzes of blood serum, synovial fluid and histological sections of tissues, a certain amount of immunoglobulins is detected. Their titer depends on the stage of the disease and on the accompanying pathologies.

What is the norm for men and women?

In all healthy people, the rheumatoid factor is absent, unless the person is sick with venereal diseases of a latent form.

Normal indicators like other laboratory data do not exist, which means that the factor is not in the blood or it is and is considered positive.

In the initial stages of rheumatism, the norm varies between 0 - 14ME / ml (or 0 - 10Ed / ml). These figures differ in gender, in women they are lower, and in men higher.

In men Among women
0 - 14ME / ml (0 - 10Ed / ml) 0 - 13ME / ml (0 - 9Ed / ml)

There are some nuances that are specific to each sex, namely men never vary, it is constantly within these limits.

Women tend to change these indicators because of pregnancy, menstrual cycle, ovulation.

Female diseases like adnexitis, endometritis, cervical erosion, cervicitis, can contribute to an increase in IgM titer in laboratory indicators. After drug therapy, the antibodies disappear.

According to statistical data and during random examinations, an increased titer of C-reactive protein was revealed in patients who abused smoking and alcoholic beverages.

In drug addicts and AIDS patients, these indicators are quite high, which indicates an autoimmune reaction of the body to its own tissues.

Frequent allergic reactions to food, chemical or organic substances lead to a change in immune responses towards the destruction of their own tissues.

Criteria for assessing rheumatoid factor

Patients with rheumatism (or rheumatoid arthritis), depending on the stage of the disease, have different indices of the C-reactive protein (IgM immunoglobulin).

In the initial stage, the RF criteria are equal to 14-15ME / ml, in subsequent stages these figures are high plus stable.

In addition to rheumatism, the criteria for increasing or decreasing the rheumatoid index are influenced by a variety of somatic diseases, as well as ongoing medical measures.

Assessment of the RF test:

  • moderate increase: 25-50 IU / ml;
  • high titer: 50-100 IU / ml;
  • extremely high titer: 100 ME / ml and higher.

Performing a latex test (determining the presence or absence of rheumatoid factor), Baaler-Rose assays are based on the measurement of antigen-antibody complexes.

To determine the groups of autoantibodies, an enzyme immunoassay is done. These laboratory tests are recommended for all patients with suspected RF presence.

Laboratory studies determine the stage of pathology and the degree of damage to organs and systems in general, as well as specific therapeutic tactics.

The reasons for the increase

The rheumatoid index rises due to the pathology of the locomotor system, especially the ligamentous and lubricating apparatus.

Other causes like Sjogren's syndrome, gonorrhea, syphilis, tuberculosis, hepatitis, glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis, endocrine pathologies, oncological diseases, as well as systemic skin diseases - are the reasons for increase RF. Pathologies of an inflammatory nature in the cardiac vascular system plus all infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract lead to changes in the indices of the rheumatophagor upward. Intoxications of any etiology are also the cause of increased RF.

Reasons for the decline

After a thorough examination of the laboratory + instrumental type, patients are assigned an individual treatment regimen.

Carrying out a full course of therapeutic therapy will reduce the rates of autoimmune aggression, and the rheumatoid factor will reach the norm.

That is, the immune system is regulated, aggression stops, and normal helpers begin to understand their own and other people's cells. The production of antibodies stops, the inflammatory-infectious reaction is eliminated.

Rheumatoid factor in the child

In childhood, the positive indicator of rheumatoid factor is manifested due to frequent ARVI, influenza or microbial infection of staphylococcus-streptococcal nature.

The antibody titer is 1, U / ml. After eliminating these reasons, the RF reaches a zero level.

If the treatment does not bring a satisfactory effect and the RF is positive, then the body has an autoimmune reaction.

In such a case, the child must be thoroughly examined and treated in a stationary condition by a rheumatologist. And also to consult a small patient with an endocrinologist.

Children older than 13-15 years are at risk, puberty often leads to an increase in rheumatoid factor due to sudden jumps of sex hormones into the bloodstream.

What is the evidence of increased rf?

The presence of RF in the analysis of synovial fluid, blood serum or in histological sections indicates the following pathologies:

  1. Rheumatism (rheumatoid arthritis):inflammatory process in certain groups of joints of the lower and upper extremities (phalanges of arms and legs, radial joint, ankle + knee joints). Seronegative outcome can be at the first signs of the disease.
  2. Sjogren's Syndrome:aggression of the immune system on the cells of the glands of the mouth and eyes.
  3. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis:they are sick children from 5 to 16 years, after puberty, the Russian Federation is reduced to zero marks.

Somatic diseases of inflammatory and infectious nature lead to an increase in the rheumatoid index to 100 U / ml, after treatment, these indicators are reduced to normal.

How to lower the rheumatoid factor?

Timely appeal for medical help with the decision of a specific diagnosis will help in choosing effective treatment, which will lead to a decrease in RF in the body. Even with rheumatism you can achieve lowering the aggression of immunity.

Preventive measures in conjunction with diet, spa treatment and refusal of alcohol and nicotine - specifically reduce the performance of the Russian Federation.

The treatment of somatic diseases is a clear result of the decrease in C-reactive protein in the blood.

What is false positive RF?

A false positive factor of rheumatism is the detection of this indicator in blood serum + synovial fluid, which after treatment will completely disappear. There is a whole list of pathologies in which a false positive factor is found, namely:

  1. Autoimmune pathologies of systemic type(systemic lupus erythematosus, systemic scleroderma, dermatomyositis, polymyositis, Bekhterev's disease). This group also includes gout, vasculitis, Raynaud's syndrome, thyroid pathologies as an autoimmune diffuse goiter.
  2. Inflammatory-infectious diseases(endocarditis, tuberculosis infection of systems and organs, syphilis, malaria, mononucleosis, thrombophlebitis, Crohn's disease, brucellosis, candidomycosis, dysentery).
  3. Pathologies of blood and lymph(lymphogranulomatosis, sarcoidosis)
  4. Oncological diseases.
  5. Pathology of internal organs(liver, kidney, spleen, intestine, lungs).
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Complex treatment together with immunosuppressants leads to elimination of the main cause. The rheumatic factor is regulated to normal values.

If treatment does not bring results, the positive factor remains for life. False positive RF can manifest itself after long-term drug treatment, as well as after surgical intervention.

Any allergic reactions also trigger a mechanism for the development of a temporary factor of rheumatism.

The cost of analysis and where to go?

The delivery of tests for rheumatoid is performed in polyclinics at the place of residence or in a hospital.

The cost of this procedure is acceptable to each patient, it depends on the region and on the type of clinics. In private clinics, the cost of delivery will be one and a half times more expensive than in conventional hospitals.

For the disabled, the elderly and children there is a certain discount, but it is necessary to wait for the queue.

Revmofactor is a serious evidence of autoimmune pathology of the musculoskeletal system or other diseases of organs and systems.

It can increase after a viral or spontaneous staphylococcal + streptococcal infection.

In rheumatism, many diseases lead to a weakening of immunity, so having examined the Russian Federation and identifying it does not mean that the process is rheumatoid.

Regardless of the etiology and pathogenesis, each patient is obliged to take tests for C-reactive protein markers. Armed with information about rheumatoid factor what it is, the norm, the reasons for the increase, you can exclude many complications and even disability.

A source: http://zdorovue-systavi.ru/artrit/revmatoidnyj-faktor/

Rheumatoid factor: what is it, the norm, the reasons for the increase

Rheumatoid factor in the analysis of blood is also called rheumatoid.

The name of the analyzed parameter is not accidentally associated with infamous rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

Although this analysis is used in the diagnosis of a number of other pathological conditions. For example, inflammatory diseases or some systemic diseases.

In biochemical terms, the name rheumatoid factor hides antibodies produced by the body in response to the appearance in the blood of beta-hemolytic streptococcus. How the process of their interaction develops is still poorly described in the medical literature. Nevertheless, this indicator is actively used in diagnosis.

What is the rheumatoid factor?

The rheumatic factor is mainly represented by immunoglobulins of the M. It is this variety that has the most important value in the diagnosis of diseases of internal organs.

Important.Such antibodies are produced by plasmatic cells of the synovial membrane of the joints.

After that, they enter the systemic circulation, where they form complex compounds.

Such conglomerates circulate in the blood, having a damaging effect on the vessels and synovial membranes of the joints.

With the development of a pathological condition in the body, the production of the rheumatoid produces only the affected joint. Later, various organs start to synthesize it:

  • The lymph nodes.
  • Spleen.
  • Subcutaneous rheumatic nodules.
  • Bone marrow.

It should be borne in mind that in 5% of a healthy population rheumatoid factor is determined, and in persons after 65 years it is detected in 10-20% of the population of this age group.

In order to determine the levels of rheumatoid factor, a blood test is necessary.

As determined in the blood

In order to identify the rheumatoid factor, a biochemical study of venous blood is carried out, the fence of which is made from the vein.

Important.Care should be taken to give blood for analysis on a revmo factor.

Already a day before the procedure, do not smoke, do not drink alcohol, exclude fatty foods from the diet, it is also desirable to exclude hard work.

Since the night before going to the polyclinic is not at all. You can drink water.

The most common methods for determining this marker are as follows:

  • The use of latex test is used for qualitative analysis of blood, i.e. to determine the presence or absence of rheumatoid factor.
  • The Baaler-Rose study, the classic of the definition of rheumatoid factor, is more specific, unlike the latex test, but is less common.
  • The measurement of antigen-antibody complexes is a quantitative method of analysis.
  • Immunoenzyme analysis of blood - with its help, all groups of autoantibodies are determined.

There are three aspects to consider when interpreting the results:

  • Despite the diagnostic value, the indices of the rheumatoid factor are not highly specific. Only on the basis of these data can not be accurately diagnosed. For an accurate diagnosis, additional research methods will be required, based on the general condition of the patient, clinical symptoms.
  • Since in the overwhelming number of cases in laboratories, only immunoglobulin M is included in the study, only antibodies of this group will be visible from the results of a blood test. To obtain the maximum picture, it is necessary to examine the whole complex of immunoglobulins that enter the rheumatoid factor.
  • In case of suspicion of rheumatoid arthritis, the fact that rheumatoid factors are only one of the seven necessary diagnostic criteria is taken into account.

Since the definition of rheumatoid factor is not mandatory in the analysis of blood, for its study implies the presence of strict indications.

When an analysis is assigned

The main indications for the analysis of blood for rheumatoid are the following events:

  • Suspicion of rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Suspicion of Sjogren's syndrome.
  • Differential diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis with other diseases of the joint apparatus.
  • Evaluation of the course of rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment.
  • Diagnosis of autoimmune diseases.
  • The exception in women after childbirth is the development of an autoimmune process that complains of prolonged sore throat.

For reference.It should be noted that in most cases, the first two reasons are the main indications for the analysis.

In order to evaluate the findings, it is necessary to know the norm of the factor in the blood.

Revmofactor. Norm

Such data are based on the presence of two main types of indicators of rheumatoid factor - seropositive and seronegative. With a negative index, normal rheumatoid factor levels should not be above 25 IU / ml.

Criteria for assessing rheumatoid factor

The indicators of rheumatoid factor are evaluated depending on the degree of increase in its levels:

  • Slightly elevated - from 25 to 50 IU / ml.
  • Increased - from 50 to 100 IU / ml.
  • The marked increase is from 100 IU / ml.

Each of these indicators indicates the development and severity of any pathological process in the body.

Causes of increased rheumatoid factor

To increase the rheumatoid factor in the blood there are a number of reasons:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Sjogren's syndrome.
  • Syphilis.
  • Infectious mononucleosis.
  • Bacterial endocarditis.
  • Flu.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Viral hepatitis.
  • Felty's syndrome is one of the types of arthritis.
  • Still's syndrome is a kind of JRA - juvenile arthritis.
  • Scleroderma.
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus.
  • Sarcoidosis.
  • Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia.
  • Diseases of heavy chains.
  • Myeloma.
  • Dermatomyositis.
  • Various oncological diseases.
  • States after extensive surgical operations.
  • Acceptance of certain medications (hormonal contraceptives, anticonvulsants).
  • Pericarditis.
  • Myocarditis of rheumatic genesis.
  • Malaria.
  • Trypanosomiasis.
  • Leishmaniasis.
  • Chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
  • Pneumoconiosis.
  • Gout.
  • Bechterew's disease.
  • Vasculitis.
  • Reynaud's syndrome.
  • Defeat of thyroid gland of autoimmune origin.
  • Borreliosis.
  • Thrombophlebitis septic.
  • Renal lesions.
  • Mixed cryoglobulinemia.
  • Pulmonary silicosis.
  • Brucellosis.
  • Rubella.
  • Salmonellosis.
  • Leprosy.
  • Parotite.
  • Wegener's disease.

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons for the increase of this trigger. Just determining its concentration is not a sufficient condition for the diagnosis. A whole complex of examinations is required, which will allow to determine the disease and its causes.

For reference.Moreover, each of these conditions for a different amount of time can occur with normal indices of the rheumatoid factor.

In addition to the increased indicators of this marker, there is an opinion about its lowered values.

The reasons for the lowering of the factor

Important.Consider such a definition as "seronegative states in which the rheumatoid factor is within normal limits, but the disease is already developing.

With regard to pediatrics, in this case, there are other approaches to interpreting the results of the analysis.

Rheumatoid factor in the child

Normal figures for a child are the figures from 0 to 1, IU / ml.
Correlation of the values ​​of rheumatoid factor from the presence and severity of the underlying disease in children is completely different from that of adults.

In pediatrics, the prevalence of elevated values ​​is as follows:

  • Children from 10 to 16 years - only in 20% of cases of rheumatoid arthritis can a positive result be determined on the revmo factor.
  • Children under 10 years - up to 10% of cases are characterized by elevated values ​​of rheumatoid factor.

The increase of this indicator is more characteristic in childhood at the expressed infectious processes, recent virus, bacterial diseases, helminthic invasions.

It is important that in children the rheumatoid factor does not associate so closely with the development of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, as in adults, but is most often a constant indicator of often ill children due to long immunostimulation, which occurs due to increased production of immunoglobulins M y child.

For reference.Thus, the most expressed value of the definition of rheumatoid is in adults, in children given the criterion is more strictly taken into account already with the development of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, in other situations - no.

A source: http://serdcet.ru/revmatoidnyj-faktor.html

Rheumatoid factor: the norm in women, deviations

Rheumatoid factor is a group of autoimmune antibodies, newly formed and synthesized Immunoglobulin proteins that attack their own organism, perceived by them, in turn, as foreign bodies.

In other words, the rheumatoid factor is a protein that is modified by infection, bacteria or viruses. The positive rheumatoid factor (norm) in women over 18 years is from 0 to 14 units / ml.

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Normal indicators for adolescent girls are slightly lower than in adult women: 0 to 12 U / ml.

The formation of the rheumatoid factor occurs as a result of the ingestion of a beta-hemolytic streptococcus, and usually its presence indicates that the body carries an autoimmune or inflammatory disease. But not every patient has an increased content of rheumatoid factor, only a fifth of those infected with beta-hemolytic streptococcus have its increased content.

Rate and excess

If the person is healthy, the rheumatoid factor (the norm in women) is 10 U / ml. This is an indicator included in the normal amplitude from 0 to 14 U / ml.

But even if the value of rheumatoid is increased, this does not guarantee the mandatory presence of the disease.

This situation is just the basis for a more detailed examination: ultrasound, radiography, analyzes for the presence of C-reactive protein in the blood.

Just like the absence of a rheumatoid, its detection does not necessarily indicate the presence of an autoimmune disease, it can testify about viral diseases, cancer, tuberculosis, and even the presence of immunoglobulins in a woman's body, recently borne delivery. In all these cases, the rheumatoid factor (the norm in women) is negative. This will indicate the analysis, but this situation does not always indicate that the body is healthy.

Causes of increased rheumatoid factor

There are many different theories and assumptions, for what reason in the blood there is an increase in rheumatoid factor.

One of them is the assumption about the genetic character of the disease, when rheumatoid factor (the norm in women is from 0 to 14 units.

/ ml) is transmitted by inheritance and manifests itself when exposed to the body of various infections and viruses.

Rheumatoid arthritis and Sjogren's disease

The most common phenomenon is when only during the course of long-term systemic therapy it is possible to stabilize the rheumatoid factor.

The norm in women (treatment is able to help in this) is necessarily restored to the values ​​from 0 to 14 units / ml.

Whichever diagnosis is made: rheumatoid arthritis or Sjogren's syndrome - from properly performed medical measures, the rheumatoid will return to normal limits.

Diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and Sjogren's syndrome are typical for people of advanced age.

In the first case, the patient is observed inflammation of the joints, dry mucous membranes and skin, in the second - the dysfunction of the glands of internal secretion.

Rheumatoid arthritis is also characterized by the appearance of nodular neoplasms and difficulty in the motor activity of the joints.

Conducting an analysis for the rheumatoid factor

On the eve of the analysis for the presence of rheumatoid factor the patient is obliged to conduct a complex of preparatory activities: at least 24 hours not to smoke, do not engage in manual work, do not drink alcohol and fatty food. And for eight to twelve hours, do not take any food, except for pure non-carbonated food.

The purpose of the analysis for rheumatophagor usually occurs if a woman who has recently given birth for a long time complains of a sore throat.

In such a case, the fence of venous blood is made, the analysis of which determines the indices of the rheumatoid factor in the body.

In this case, if the value is from 25 to 50 IU / ml, then it is considered slightly elevated if 50-100 IU / ml - stably increased, and more than 100 IU / ml - greatly increased.

To confirm the diagnosis, there are usually three or more additional studies that must confirm or disprove the result of a blood test.

Only in this case can rheumatoid arthritis or Sjogren's syndrome be diagnosed. It should be remembered that the treatment of these diseases is a matter for a graduate. Taking self-medication or following the advice of semi-literate people in this case will be detrimental to the health of the patient.

Decreased rheumatoid factor

If the performed examination showed that the rheumatoid factor (the norm in women in MED / ml is from 0 to 14) is elevated, steps should be taken not to reduce the rheumatoid factor, but to eliminate the causes of it increase. That is, it is necessary to treat not a symptom, but a disease that caused it.

Usually the patient undergoes treatment with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medications or steroid hormones.

Treatment should last until the moment when the index of rheumatoid factor does not reach the norm.

During therapy, the patient also must follow certain rules: do not smoke, do not drink alcohol, do not overcool, take care of yourself from contact with sick people, for a while to get rid of physical exertion, to eat healthy food and use multivitamin complexes. These precautions will help to strengthen and improve the body.

From symptomatology to disease

Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis usually appear long before the increase in rheumatoid factor (about 6 to 8 weeks earlier), therefore the analysis carried out at the initial stage of the disease, the increased value may not show.

Low rheumatic factor indices are typical for such diseases as infectious mononucleosis, acute inflammatory processes, the consequences of multiple blood transfusions in a woman who has undergone numerous childbirth.

Elevated rheumatic factor is also observed in cases of red systemic lupus erythematosus, periarthritis of the nodular, dermatomyositis, liver cirrhosis, scleroderma, hepatitis and (in 60% of cases) with bacterial endocarditis occurring in subacute form.

Revmofactor in patients with rheumatism

It is noteworthy that most people suffering from rheumatism have a normal rheumatoid factor. The increased value of the indicator is most often observed with repeated diseases.

It can also be increased in healthy people, which will indicate the person is at risk.

There are cases when an increased rheumatic factor was detected several years before the development of the disease.


In order to prevent the increase in rheumatoid factor, it is recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle, reduce to minimal salt intake, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, do not consume alcohol and smoking.

It is very important in order to avoid an increase in the ravmatoid factor in a timely manner to treat the diseases, if they exist, and if possible to prevent their transition to the chronic stage.

Rise of the rheumatoid factor may also be caused by regular hypothermia and infectious diseases, so they should be avoided.

A source: http://.ru/article/241252/revmatoidnyiy-faktor-norma-u-jenschin-otkloneniya

Rheumatoid factor (RF): the norm in analysis in women, men and children, the causes of high

Such a biochemical study, as the determination of rheumatoid factor in serum, is well known to many patients, especially those with joint problems, becausealready the name of the analysis is associated with a specific disease - rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

Indeed, rheumatoid factor (RF) refers to the main laboratory tests that determine this disease, but, in addition to rheumatoid arthritis, with the help of revmofaktora it is possible to reveal and other pathological conditions, in particular, acute inflammatory diseases in the body and some systemic disease.

By its nature, the rheumatoid factor is an antibody (predominantly M-class up to 90%, the remaining 10% are immunoglobulins of classes A, E, G) against other antibodies (class G) and Fc-fragments.

Essence and types of analysis

The essence of the analysis consists in the detection of autoantibodies, in most cases belonging to immunoglobulins of class M (IgM).

Antibodies (IgM up to 90%) under certain pathological conditions under the influence of an infectious agent change their characteristics and begin to act as an autoantigen, capable of interacting with other intrinsic antibodies - immunoglobulins of class G (IgG).

Currently, for the definition of rheumatoid factor, basically, these types of laboratory techniques are used:

  • Latex testwith aggregated on the latex surface by human immunoglobulins of class G, agglutinating in the presence revmofaktora - a qualitative (not quantitative) analysis), determining the presence or absence of RF, but not indicating it concentration. Latex test is very fast, inexpensive, does not require special equipment and special labor, but it is used mainly for screening. Express analysis often gives false positive answers, so it can not be the basis for establishing a definitive diagnosis. Normally, the rheumatic factor in this study is negative;
  • Used less and less,but the classical analysis of Vaaler-Rose (passive agglutination with sheep erythrocytes treated with anti-erythrocyte rabbit serum) has not yet lost its practical significance. This study is still more specific than the latex test;
  • Not bad with the latex test,but in terms of its accuracy and reliability it surpasses it - the nephelometric and turbidimetric determination of rheumatoid factor. The method is standardized, the concentration of antigen-antibody complexes (AG-AT) is measured in lU / ml (ME / ml), that is, this is a quantitative analysis that speaks not only about the presence of the rheumatoid factor, but also about its quantity. Elevated rheumatologists examine the result if the concentration values ​​cross the border20 IU / ml,However, in about 2-3% of healthy people and up to 15% of elderly people (over 65 years of age) this indicator also sometimes gives increased values. In persons suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, especially with a rapidly developing and severe form, it can be quite high (RF titers exceed the values40 lU / ml,in other cases - very important).
  • The method of ELISA (enzyme immunoassay),which is able to determine, in addition to IgM, not captured by other methods of autoantibodies of classes A, E, G, constituting 10% specific protein, which we call rheumatism. This test is widely used, practically everywhere (except in rural outpatient clinics), because it is recognized as the most accurate and reliable. It is noted that the concomitant vasculitis in rheumatoid arthritis gives an increased concentration of immunoglobulins class G, and the emergence of autoantibodies of class A is characteristic for the rapidly progressive and severe course of the disease (RA).
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Until recently, for the establishment of the diagnosis (RA), the laboratory tests listed above were taken as a basis.

Currently, diagnostic measures, in addition to mandatory immunological studies, have been replenished with other laboratory methods, which include: A-SSR (antibodies to cyclic citrulline peptide - anti-CCP), acute phase markers - CRP (C-reactive protein), ASL-O. They enable faster and more accurate differentiation of rheumatoid arthritis from another pathology similar to symptomatically, or from diseases in which the clinical picture is different from RA, but the RF also has a tendency to increase.

High RF level and low factor values

Hence, we can conclude that there are two forms of the disease: seropositive, when the RF in the serum is found, and seronegative, when the rheumatoid is absent, but the symptoms clearly indicate the presence inflammatory process. A high level of RF can indicate a progressive course of the disease.

It should also be noted that, with high sensitivity, rheumatoid factor does not show so high specificity (each 4th result is false-positive), because its nature is not fully understood, however it is known thatauantibodies are actively produced in many chronic inflammatory processes.

In addition, the RF may not be determined in the presence of signs of disease in rheumatoid arthritis at the beginning of the development of pathological process in 20-25% of patients, therefore a single negative result can not be reassuring if the symptoms of the disease have a place. In suspicious cases, the analysis should be repeated after six months and a year (allow time to update the pool of plasma cells that produce autoantibodies).

It is not advisable to hope for this analysis and for monitoring the course of the process and the effectiveness of therapy - medicines received by the patient can influence the results studies that cease to reflect the real picture and thereby mislead the patient (he begins to prematurely rejoice at the cure, attributing the merits of some popular means).

Rheumatoid factor in children does not predetermine the diagnosis of RA

If the rheumatoid factor is closely associated with rheumatoid arthritis in adults (in women, in men, it does not matter), then the children develop a slightly different situation.

Juvenile RA, which forms up to 16 years, even with rapid development of the inflammatory process gives increased titres of the Russian Federation (mainly due to IgM) in only 20% of cases - with the debut of the disease in children before 5 years.

The beginning of the development of the process in children under 10 years is manifested by an increase in this indicator in only 10% of cases.

Meanwhile, often and long-term ill children have RF increased even without obvious signs of any disease.

This suggests that autoantibodies (IgM) can be produced in them because of prolonged immunostimulation (chronic infections, recently transferred viral diseases and inflammatory processes, helminthic invasions), and the reason lies not in the development of rheumatoid arthritis.

Given such characteristics of the rheumatoid factor, pediatricians of some special diagnostic value do not attach this laboratory study.

Other causes of elevated rheumatophagitis

The reason for the increase in the concentration of rheumatoid factor in the blood, in addition to the classical variant of rheumatoid arthritis, can be many other pathological conditions:

  1. Acute inflammatory diseases (influenza, syphilis, infectious mononucleosis, bacterial endocarditis, tuberculosis, viral hepatitis);
  2. A wide range of chronic inflammatory processes, localized in the liver, lungs, musculoskeletal system, kidneys;
  3. Sjogren's syndrome is an autoimmune disease that affects the connective tissue and draws in the process of the gland external secretion (teary, salivary - in the first place). For Sjogren's syndrome, the symptoms are also characteristic: dryness of the mucous eyes, oral cavity, external genital organs, respiratory, cardiovascular, kidney problems;
  4. Felty-syndrome, which is a special form of RA, characterized by an acute onset with a decrease in blood levels of white blood cells - leukocytes (leukopenia);
  5. Still-syndrome (Still's syndrome) is a form of juvenile (child) rheumatoid arthritis, the symptom of which coincides with such at Felty-syndrome, but differs by indicators of the general or common analysis of a blood - the quantity or amount of leucocytes is raised or increased (leukocytosis);
  6. Scleroderma;
  7. Hyperglobulinemia of various origin;
  8. B-cell lymphoproliferative diseases (myeloma, Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia, heavy chain diseases);
  9. SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus);
  10. Sarcoidosis;
  11. Dermatomyositis;
  12. Operational interventions;
  13. Oncological processes.

It is obvious that the list of conditions that can cause a rise in the concentration of rheumatoid is not limited to rheumatoid arthritis alone.

However, the attending doctor will understand, and our article is intended for people trying to interpret the results of biochemical studies on their own.

After all, it happens that after hearing information about the high figures of some analysis, especially hypochondriacs fall into a panic or (even worse) begin to show amateur performance and be treated by various dubious means.

A source: http://sosudinfo.ru/krov/revmatoidnyj-faktor/

Rheumatoid factor elevated: causes

Rheumatoid factor - the presence of pathological immunoglobulins in the blood; if the rheumatoid factor is increased, then antibodies of classes A, M, E and D, produced by the immune system and acting directed against healthy immunoglobulins group G.

The process begins with the development of a certain disease, at the very beginning of which the production of antibodies is carried out only in the inner lining of the joint, with progression - in the lymph nodes, spleen and in the bone brain.

Methods for determining rheumatoid factor

Normally, the rheumatic index in blood plasma should be absent. Even a small amount of it indicates the presence of a pathological process in the body.

It is generally accepted that if the rheumatoid factor is high, then this indicates a disease such as rheumatoid arthritis. But it is not always the case. This indicator may increase for other reasons.

Depending on the result of the analysis, there are several forms of the disease development: seropositive and seronegative. In the first case, the rheumatophagus is present in the blood, which is confirmed by the presence of symptoms of the disease.

At the second variant the rheumatoid factor is absent, but all other diagnostics confirms presence of pathological process. Such a result can be obtained at the very beginning of the disease, so do not rely on a single analysis.

In suspicious cases, it is repeated after 6-7 months.

To determine the presence of pathological antibodies, several laboratory methods exist.

But the most common are:

  • enzyme immunoassay (ELISA method). It is considered the most accurate test that allows to determine not only immunoglobulin M, but also antibodies of classes A, E and G, poorly differentiated by other methods;
  • latex test determines the presence or absence of a rheumatoid. The advantages of this method include speed (the result will be obtained in a very short time), low cost and lack of attachment to high-tech laboratories. The disadvantage of the latex test is that it does not determine the concentration of antibodies in the blood. If the test is positive, there will be a need for an additional examination to clarify all the nuances of the disease;
  • turbidimetric determination of rheumatoid factor - an analysis that allows to determine the amount of pathological immunoglobulin. Usually goes in combination with a latex test. At the result of the index above 20 IU / ml it is a question of the presence of the disease. If this value is less than or equal to 15 IU / ml, then the diagnostic diagnosis is assigned. But this applies only to adults. Children may have a complete lack of increase in this indicator. Therefore, even with a negative rheumatic test, combined with the presence of symptoms, appropriate treatment is necessary.

The only drawback of such techniques can be their high cost and time to wait for the result.

Reasons to increase antibodies

Increased rheumatoid factor in the first place suggests the presence of a disease such as rheumatoid arthritis.

But besides this, there are a number of conditions that lead to an increase in antibodies in the blood.

  1. Felty-syndrome - rheumatoid arthritis, characterized by an acute onset of the disease and leukopenia (a sharp decrease in leukocytes in the blood).
  2. Still's syndrome is a form of arthritis, accompanied by high leukocytosis (an increase in the number of leukocytes). It occurs mainly in childhood.
  3. Scleroderma. Disease characterized by scarring and tightening of connective tissue.
  4. Sjogren's syndrome. The defeat of connective tissue and lacrimal, salivary, sweat glands.
  5. Sarcoidosis. Pathology, the main manifestation of which is the formation in the organs (most often in the lungs) of granulomas (clusters of inflammatory cells).
  6. Systemic lupus erythematosus. Violation of the immune system, which leads to uncontrolled inflammatory processes in the tissues.
  7. Dermatomyoside. The defeat of muscle fibers with the involvement of internal organs, small vessels and skin.
  8. Surgical interventions. Any operation is a stress for the body, which causes a protective reaction of the immune system. One of the factors of such protection may be an increase in pathological antibodies.
  9. Oncological diseases. The increase of hostile immunoglobulin groups may become a sign of the appearance of foreign cancer cells, which are provoking grounds for increasing rheumatoid factor.

This is a list of conditions that immunoglobulins of classes M, A, D and E. can talk about.

With a positive analysis of rheumatic tests, even if there is no symptomatic accompanying rheumatoid arthritis, it is necessary to undergo an additional examination and find out the cause of the increase in antibodies.

A source: http://BolezniKrovi.com/analizy/immunologicheskij/revmatoidnyj-faktor-povyshen.html