Preparations for liquefaction of phlegm upon coughing

Mucolytic means. Expectorants, thinning medications

As a rule, the disease overtakes when a person is absolutely not ready to meet with her. The most common in modern society are viral infections, as well as diseases associated with the defeat of the respiratory system. Cough accompanying such diseases can be dry and wet, but in any case it is necessary to help the body, removing the mucus from the bronchi. Doctors in the complex therapy of respiratory diseases appoint mucolytic agents that promote the liquefaction of sputum, or expectorant, helping to remove it.

Filling agents for phlegm

In the case of a disease accompanied by a dry, debilitating cough, it is important to clear the bronchi from the accumulated mucus. The organism tries to do this with the help of a cough, however, if the sputum is too thick, then taking it out is not so easy. Doctors, after listening to the patient's complaints about a dry, "barking" cough, usually appoint mucolytic drugs that help liquefy sputum. Mucolytics specialists are divided into two groups: direct and indirect action. Both of them stimulate the work of the bronchial glands due to the reflex irritation of the mucous membrane and, ultimately, contribute to the dilution of sputum. The doctor decides the question of the agent of what action to assign to the patient, having studied the nature of the disease and the picture of the course of the pathological process. That is why self-medication is not recommended, since the cough medicine that will help one person can be completely useless for another. Mucolytic drugs of direct action include cysteine, acetylcysteine, trypsin. Indirect effects have bromhexine, ambroksol.

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The main groups of mucolytics

Experts traditionally subdivide mucolytics into three types:

- helping to reduce the density of mucus

- sputum-promoting sputum

- helping to reduce the amount of mucus.

The drugs of the first group are assigned to those patients whose cough is too dry, not accompanied by sputum. They strengthen the secretory function of the bronchi, dilute the mucus, thereby facilitating its excretion. In the event that sputum is excreted, however, its amount is insignificant, while the mucus that is released is too thick and viscous, a mucolytic remedy for a second type of cough is prescribed. Medications related to the third kind of mucolytics, doctors use to treat cough accompanied by a significant discharge of thick mucus.

Mucolytics of vegetable originI

The use of plants for medicinal purposes came to us from the ancestors of the Slavs. Many herbs and flowers are known as a wonderful and effective remedy for cough and cold, while virtually no undesirable effects. As a rule, pharmacology uses herbal preparations, extracts, dry medicines, which have an anti-inflammatory effect, which help to reduce mucosal edema. Drugs based on thyme affect the upper respiratory tract, reducing inflammation in the throat. Such drugs include "Bronchicum". A cough medicine containing an extract of ivy leaves and an althaea root has a pronounced mucolytic effect and creates conditions for easy excretion of sputum. Means that combine thyme extract and plantain in their composition effectively heal tracheitis and bronchitis, accompanied by a difficult sputum discharge. Such medicines include tablets from cough "Mukaltin" and syrup "Linkas".

Means for children

For the treatment of cough in children, as a rule, use drugs on a plant basis. They are prescribed for diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract in children, more prolonged diseases of the lungs and bronchi. One of such medicines is "Mukaltin". Tablets, the instruction for the use of which permits their use in pediatrics, are actively prescribed as a medicine for the treatment of severe cough in small patients. No less popular means for children is the syrup "Alteika and also" Pertussin "Stoptussin" Bronhicum ". All these preparations are safe to use because of their plant origin. They reduce the density of sputum, improve the excretory function of the bronchi. Mucolytic drugs for children, as a rule, do not represent any harm for the baby, but before applying should always consult a pediatrician, while treatment should be supervised doctors.

Medications for adults

A modern pharmacy network offers a wide range of mucolytic drugs. Some are designed to treat only the adult category of patients, the main contraindication to the use of such drugs is the children's age of up to 12 years. The most common mucolytics for adults are:

- "Herbion" "syrup).

- Gedelix.

- "Lazolvan" in syrup.

- "Broncholitin" (potion).

- "Prospan" (mixture).

- Syrup of primrose.

- Licorice root syrup.

- "Ambroxol" in tableted form;

- "Bromhexine" (in tablets and potions).

These drugs are the most common antitussive drugs. Some of them are plant-based, others are in turn synthetic. But both are equally effective in diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract.

Children's products

In pharmacies there is also a fairly wide range of drugs for the treatment of child cough. In the majority it is also mucolytic agents. The list of the most common children's cough suppressants is as follows:

- Gedelix in the drops.

- "Doctor MOM" in syrup.

- "Mukaltin" (tablets).

- Licorice root syrup.

Dry baby cough mixture.

- Syrup "Pertussin".

Given that these preparations contain plant components, one should take into account the absence or presence of an allergic reaction to the components of medicinal products.

Action of expectorants

Expectorants are designed to remove mucus from the bronchi, effectively while cleaning the respiratory tract. As a rule, gradually the sputum is significantly reduced, the cough gradually passes. The first group of expectorants has a pronounced irritant effect on the gastrointestinal tract, stimulating the vomiting reflex. But before vomiting it does not reach, mucus production in the respiratory ways simply increases, so the bronchi are cleared and gradually healed. The second group of expectorant drugs acts directly on bronchial mucosa, thereby stimulating their secretion. The effect of such expectorants is somewhat similar to that produced by mucolytic agents.

Expectorants for coughing

Expectorants in the modern pharmacy range are presented in the form of herbal preparations and synthetic medicines. The decision on the appointment of a drug is taken by a doctor, taking into account the presence or absence of cough accompanied by the release of viscous and hard-to-recover sputum. the most popular among patients are the funds "Lazolvan" Prospan "ACC 200" ACC Long "Sinekod" Bronchostop "Ambroene" and other drugs.

Use of expectorants for the treatment of children

It is quite common to treat cough in children using expectorants. Despite the availability of a group of these drugs in the pharmacy network and their free over-the-counter implementation, doctors warn parents that self-medication with such drugs is dangerous for babies. In search of what can be defined as a good expectorant, parents should contact the pediatrician. The doctor will be able to correctly determine the nature of the course of the pathological process in the child and choose the optimal treatment. Some expectorants for children can have a double action: mucolytic and expectorant (for example, "Mukaltin"). Tablets, the instruction for the use of which stipulates its diluting sputum properties, also contribute to its removal from the bronchi. In the event that the baby has a cough wet, liquid sputum under the action of mucaltin will, liquefying even more, accumulate intensively, closing the lumen of the bronchi from the inside. The child is threatened with bronchial obstruction, and the wrong treatment will be the fault.

Expectorants for children

Many expectorants have a herb of thermopsis in their composition. These are such medicines as "Termopsol" tableted form, "Tablets from cough" Kodelak Broncho "in the form of tablets and in syrup. The use of these drugs for the comprehensive treatment of diseases in children should be approached with caution, since even with a slight overdose, a baby may experience vomiting. Moreover, the components of these drugs stimulate the respiratory function, followed by oppression. Therefore, parents should use such expectorants strictly according to the doctor's prescription, while respecting the dosage prescribed by the doctor. It should be noted that the drug "Kodelak" belongs to the group "Expectorants and mucolytic agents therefore the question of the use of this drug for the treatment of children is decided without fail specialist.

Herbal Remedies for Toddlers

Effective drugs for cough treatment in children are also based on althea. Most parents respond positively to the treatment of coughing in their babies with expectorants such as Mukaltin syrup Alteika. These drugs belong to the group of plant, and therefore are considered to some extent safe. However, you should know that side effects when using these medicines also take place, there are also contraindications that must be taken into account. First of all, it is an allergic reaction to the components of the drug, the presence in the anamnesis of the baby of other somatic disorders, for example, the gastrointestinal tract. The question of the appropriateness of the use of herbal preparations for the treatment of children is also decided by a graduate doctor.

Cough treatment in adult patients

Most people believe that a good expectorant in treating a cough is an expensive and highly advertised medicine. Often such an opinion turns out to be erroneous, since the drug that helps to eliminate a specific pathological condition will be effective. The cost of a medicine does not depend on its effectiveness and effectiveness, but is formed from the policy of the pharmaceutical company and the manufacturer. Cough, in which there is no sputum, is considered dry. Most often, doctors recommend drugs that suppress cough: "Sinekod" Codeine "Kofeks."

If the sputum is poorly sputumed, absolutely different preparations will be effective - not suppressing cough, but facilitating liquefaction of phlegm. The most popular are "Gedelix" Lazolvan "Prospan". Wet cough, as a rule, is accompanied by a plentiful accumulation of mucus in the respiratory tract, therefore doctors recommend expectorants that do not have a pronounced mucolytic property: Ambroxol Bromhexine "Erespal". Correctly selected medication is a pledge of a quick and full recovery, therefore doctors do not recommend self-medication to children or adults.

Treatment of cough in the smallest

Coughing toddlers, as a rule, delivers many unpleasant minutes to parents and the child. Children of up to a year are banned from many groups of mucolytic drugs, since the harm from their use by infants significantly exceeds the benefit. Pediatricians claim that expectorant thinners for babies are selected with extreme caution, since uncontrolled self-medication can lead to severe complications in the airways. Out of the permitted expectorants for up to a year of expectorants, you can distinguish "Gedelix syrup of licorice root Pertussin. " From the age of six months, babies can also be treated with dry cough syrup. In severe forms of pulmonary disease in children, "Lazolvan syrup" Bromhexine "Ambrobene" is an effective remedy.

Rules for the Determination of an Effective Drug for Children

Select a drug for cough treatment in the baby should only a specialist pediatrician, otherwise there is a big risk of harming the health of the child. Many mucolytic drugs are allowed only after two years, so parents need to take a responsible approach to treatment, strictly follow the recommendations of children's doctors. Before you start choosing and purchasing a medicine for your baby, you need to show the child to the doctor and listen to his recommendations.

All expectorants for cough with bronchitis

When ORVI, bronchitis with a damp cough with poorly separated sputum, the use of medicines is recommended, which either dilute sputum - mucolytic drugs, or facilitate its separation - expectorants from cough. These include both herbal remedies and synthetic preparations.

Many of us prefer to restrict the intake of medications not obtained from natural substances, however, it should always be remembered that any a medicinal plant, no matter what positive properties it possessed, as well as synthetic agents have side effects, and has a number contraindications.

Since the composition of all medicinal plants is very complex and saturated, in addition to useful and medicinal herbs, a lot of other, sometimes toxic, harmful substances are included in the herbs and preparations. Moreover, in our days, the majority of the population suffers from various types of allergies, and any drug, even the most expensive, effective and safe, can cause an inadequate body reaction.

Classification of funds that facilitate cough and promote rapid recovery

All means for cough relief are subdivided into antitussives, expectorants and mucolytic agents.

  • Antitussives, as well as combination preparations - are indicated for dry, unproductive cough, disturbing sleep and appetite (see. article antitussives with dry cough).
  • Expectorants - are indicated with a productive cough, when the sputum is not thick, not viscous.
  • Mucolytic agents - are shown with a productive cough, but with a thick, hard to separate, viscous sputum.

Any cough medicine must be prescribed only by your doctor. Antitussive remedies can not be used to treat concomitantly with mucolytic drugs, but there are combination drugs that have a weak antitussive and expectorant effect.

Expectorants - means that stimulate expectoration are also divided into:

  • Reflex action - these drugs have an irritating effect on the gastric mucosa, and this in its turn excites the vomiting center, but vomiting does not occur, but the production of mucus in respiratory ways. The peristalsis of the smooth musculature of the bronchi and the activity of the epithelium, which removes phlegm from small to large bronchioles and into the trachea, is also intensified. The result of this irritation is the facilitation of expectoration of mucus and the removal of sputum from the bronchi. In general, these are herbal preparations - thermopsis, Ledum, mother and stepmother, althea, plantain, thyme, etc.
  • Direct resorptive action - after digestion of these cough suppressants in the digestive tract, they cause irritation of the bronchial mucosa, thereby increasing the secretion of liquid sputum.

Mucolytic agents are preparations that dilute sputum:

  • Mukoliticheskie means, affecting the elasticity and viscosity of bronchial mucus (ATSTS, etc.)
  • Mucolytic agents that accelerate the excretion of sputum (bromhexine, ambroxol)
  • Mucolytic drugs that reduce the formation of mucus (Libexin Muko, M-cholinoblockers, glucocorticoids).

Expectorants for cough reflex action

The use of infusions from the herb of thermopsis should be treated very carefully. At children at the slightest overdose there can be a vomiting. Moreover, the cytisine (alkaloid) entering into its composition in large doses can cause a short-term stimulation of respiration in children, which then gives way to respiratory depression.

Preparations of Althea

Indication: Chronic and acute diseases of the respiratory system - bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, obstructive bronchitis, emphysema. At which a difficultly separated sputum is formed, increased viscosity.

Pharmacological action: When using expectorants from the herb althea medicinal, the effect is achieved by stimulation of peristalsis of bronchioles, it has an anti-inflammatory effect, dilutes bronchial secret.
Contraindications: increased sensitivity to this drug, gastric and duodenal ulcer. For preparations in syrup, use with caution in diabetes mellitus and fructose intolerance. Children under 3 years, with pregnancy only according to the indications.
Side effects: allergic manifestations, rarely nausea, vomiting

Mukaltin, tablets (20 rubles).

Method of use: Children mukultin as an expectorant for cough take, dissolving 1 a tablet in 1/3 of a glass of water, adults are recommended to 50-100 mg 3/4 p / day before meals, a course of therapy 1-2 weeks.

The roots of the althea(60 rubles) raw materials crushed
Dosage: Take in the form of infusion, which is prepared as follows - a tablespoon on a glass of cold water, in a water bath is boiled for 15 minutes, cooled, filtered, squeezed, brought to 200 ml. Admission is carried out 3-4 r / day after eating, before taking shake. Children 3-5 years, 1 dessert each. spoon, 6-14 years for 1-2 tablespoons, adults 1/2 cup for 1 reception. The course of treatment is 12-21 days.
Alteika syrup(90 rub) syrup Althea (30-130 rub)
Application: Inside after meals, children under 12 years old - 4 r / day for 1 hour. spoon, diluted in a quarter of a glass of water, adults for 1 tbsp. l. syrup, diluted in half a glass of water. The course of treatment is up to 2 weeks, according to the indications the duration of therapy can be continued.

Preparations of thermopsis

Thermopsolpills for cough (30-50 rub)

The herb of thermopsis has a pronounced expectorant property, this herbal preparation contains many alkaloids (cytisine, thermopsin, methyl cytisine, anagirine, pachycarpine, thermopsidin), which exert a stimulating effect on the respiratory center, and at high doses on the vomiting Centre. Sodium bicarbonate, which is a part of the tablets Termopsol also reduces the viscosity of phlegm, stimulating the secretion of bronchial glands.
Indications: Tablets from cough Termopsol are indicated when coughing with hard-to-recover sputum, with bronchitis and tracheobronchitis.
Contraindications: Stomach ulcer and 12-finger. gut, hypersensitivity
Usage: 1 table. 3 r / day course of 3-5 days.

Kodelak Broncho(120-170 rubles)without codeinethe composition includes (thermopsis extract, ambroxol, sodium hydrogen carbonate and glycyrrhizinate)
Kodelak Broncho with thyme100 ml. elixir (150 rub)without codeine,in the composition (thyme extract, ambroxol, sodium glycyrrhizinate) These are combined expectorants that have expressed and mucolytic, and expectorant action, in addition have a moderate anti-inflammatory activity. Included in Ambroxol reduces the viscosity of phlegm, and Sodium glycyrrhizinate has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties.
Indications: Kodelak Broncho is used for difficulty in sputum discharge during pneumonia, COPD, bronchitis acute and chronic, with bronchoectatic disease.
Contraindications: Pregnancy, children under 12 years, during lactation, with increased sensitivity to components of Kodelak Broncho. With caution in bronchial asthma, ulcerative gastrointestinal diseases, people with hepatic and renal insufficiency.
Dosage: When eating 1 table. 3 r / day, can not be used for more than 4-5 days.
Side effects: Headache, weakness, dry mouth, diarrhea, constipation, with high doses and prolonged reception - nausea, vomiting. Dryness of the mucosa of the respiratory tract, allergic reactions, dysuria, exanthema.

Thoracal Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4

The composition of which includes medicinal herbs:
  • Breast gathering 1 - mother and stepmother, oregano
  • Breast gathering 2 - plantain, mother and stepmother, licorice (Phytopectol 40-50 r.)
  • Breast gathering 3 - marshmallow, pine buds, anise, sage
  • Breast gathering 4 - Ledum, licorice, chamomile, calendula, violet

More details about these collections of medicinal herbs from coughing can be read in our article - Breastfeeding, "from coughing - instructions for use.

Expectorant collection- Ledum, chamomile, elecampane rhizomes, mother and stepmother, calendula, peppermint, licorice, plantain.
Application: infusion take 4 r / day before meals in 1/4 cup or 50 ml, course 10-14 days. Infusion is prepared as follows - 1 tbsp. l. collection boil in a water bath for 15 minutes in 200 ml of water, then cool, bring to 200 ml.
Side effect: Diarrhea, heartburn, nausea, allergic manifestations.
(elixir, manufacturer of Ukraine) composition: Ledum, plantain, anise, violet, licorice, sage, thyme.

Leaf of plantain, mother and stepmother, ledum and other vegetable preparations

Leaf of plantain(30 rubles pack)

Plantain contains many useful biologically active substances, mucus, vitamins, essential oil, oleic acid, bitter and tannins, resins, saponins, sterols, emulsions, alkaloids, chlorophyll, mannitol, sorbitol, phytoncides, flavonoids, macro- and microelements. It has bacteriostatic, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, expectorant, mild laxative effect. It also has a mucolytic effect, restoring the work of the ciliated epithelium.
Indication: diseases of the digestive tract, kidneys, atherosclerosis (treatment of cerebral atherosclerosis), cystitis, inflammatory diseases nasopharynx and oral cavity, with atopic dermatitis, with whooping cough, bronchitis, pneumonia as a strong expectorant therapeutic means.
Contraindications: gastritis hyperacid, ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions to herbal preparations.
Application: infusion for half an hour before a meal of 2 tbsp. spoons. 3 r / day course 1-2 weeks.
Side effect: Heartburn (see. tablets from heartburn), allergic reactions

Herbion with plantain(180-230 rubles) For more details on the use of Herbion in dry cough and Herbionum with a damp cough, read in our article.

Grasshopper herb grass(35 rubles)is part of the expectorant collection, Breastfeeding No 4 and Bronchophyta. Herbal means of expectorant action, essential oil components have a locally irritating effect on mucous membranes bronchi, ledum has both antimicrobial and moderate anti-inflammatory effect, has an exciting effect on myometrium and CNS.
Dosage: Infusion of 3 r / day for 1/2 cup, for infusion it takes 2 tablespoons of herbs per 200 ml of boiling water.
Side effects: Increased bronchospasm, increased irritability, excitability, dizziness.
Mother and stepmother(40 rub)
Application: due to the biologically active substances included in the composition it has antimicrobial, expectorant, diaphoretic, choleretic, wound-healing and antispasmodic properties.
Dosage: every 3 hours for 15 ml infusion or 2-3 tablespoons 3 r / day for an hour before meals. Prepare the infusion as follows - 2 tbsp. Spoons are filled with a glass of water and for 15 minutes. boil in a water bath, then cool, filter, volume is adjusted to 200 ml.
Plantain syrup and mother and stepmothers(200 rubles)
Contraindications: children under 6 years of age, pregnancy, lactation, peptic ulcer.
Use: the syrup is taken to children 6-10 years old to 15 years old for 2 hours. spoon, adult 1-2 tbsp. spoon 4 r / day course 14-21 day. The change in the duration of therapy is determined by the attending physician.
Side effects: allergic reactions (see. all tablets from allergies)

Stoppussin phyto syrup(130 rubles)composition: plantain, thyme, thyme. This is a phytopreparation with an anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect.
Contraindicated: during pregnancy and feeding, children under 1 year. Patients with epilepsy (causes), kidney and liver diseases, brain injuries should be taken with caution.
Application: after meals 1-5 years for 1 hour. spoon 3 r / day, 5-10 years for 1-2 hours. l. 10-15 years for 2-3 tsp, adults for 1 tbsp. l. 3-5 r / day. Usually the course of treatment is not more than 1 week, continue therapy is possible according to the indications.
Coldrex bronchus (syrup 110-250 rub)
Syrup Caldrex bronchus has the smell of anise and licorice, the main substance used is guaifenesin, and also includes dextrose, macrogol, sodium cyclamate and benzoate, tincture of red pepper, star anise seed oil, racemic camphor, levomenthol.
Contraindicated: children under 3 years, with peptic ulcer, hypersensitivity.
Usage: Children from 3-12 years of age are shown an example in a single dose of 5 ml every 3 hours, an adult 10 ml every 3 hours.
Side effects: abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, urticaria, rash.

Thyme (thyme extract)

Thyme grass(40 rub) Thyme essential oil (90 rub)

It is also an expectorant for coughs of plant origin, has analgesic and antimicrobial effect.
Contraindications and side effects are similar to plantain leaf.
Usage: 1 tbsp. spoon or 15 sachets filled with a glass of water and boiled in a water bath for 15 minutes, cooled, filtered, brought to 200 ml. Take after eating 1 tbsp. l. 3 r / day course of 14-21 days.

  • Bronchicum - pastilliki from cough (150 rub) syrup (250 rub)
  • Pertussin syrup (30 rub)
  • Tussamag drops and syrup (90-170 rub)

These are liquid extracts of thyme, which are mucolytic and expectorant agents for coughing with bronchitis, pneumonia, with diseases with paroxysmal coughing, and with hardly detachable sputum.

  • Bronchicum With syrup and lozenges

After meals, children 6-12 months - on, h. spoons 2 r / day, 2-6 years - 1 hour. l. 2 r / day, 6-12 years - 1 tsp3 r / day, for adults 2 tsp. 3 r / day.

Pastilles should be absorbed, children 6-12 years old - 1 paste. 3 r / day, for adults 1-2 pastes. 3 r / day.
  • Bronchicum TP (primrose with thyme)

Children 1-4 years - on, ch. 3 r / day, 5-12 years - 1 tsp each. 4 r / day, adults for 1 tsp. 6 r / day. Bronchicum should be taken throughout the day at regular intervals.

  • Pertussin (thyme + potassium bromide)

After meals, children 3-6 years old, ch. Lolki,

6-12 years old by 1-2 tsp, over 12 years old on a dessert spoon, adults on a tablespoon 3 r / day, course 10-14 days.
  • Tussamag drops and syrup (thyme extract)

Children 1-5 years old take 2-3 r / day for 10-25 drops, which can be taken in diluted and undiluted form. Children older than 5 years of 20-50 drops, adults 40-60 drops of 4 r / day. Syrup should be taken after meals for children 1-5 years 3p / day for 1 tsp., Over 5 years 1-2 tsp, for adults 2-3 tsp. 4 r / day.


Gelomirtol (170-250 rub)

It is an expectorant for coughing with chronic and acute bronchitis, of plant origin.
Dosage: Children under 10 years of 120mg 5p / day for acute inflammation, 3 r / day for chronic process. Adults for half an hour before meals with acute bronchitis 300 mg 4 r / day, with chronic 2 p / day for chronic. In chronic bronchitis at bedtime, 300 mg are additionally taken to improve sputum excretion.
Side effects: dyspepsia, allergic reactions, abdominal pain, increased mobility of stones in the gallbladder and kidneys.

Expectorants for cough of direct resorptive action

Such active ingredients as ammonium chloride, sodium hydrogen carbonate, potassium and sodium iodides increase secretion liquid sputum, the same effect is possessed by essential oils of fruits of anise, medicinal herbs - rosemary, oregano and etc.



ammonium chloride, sodium benzoate, potassium bromide, licorice root extract and herbs of thermopsis.
Contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation, children under 3 years, peptic ulcer, hypersensitivity.
Application: After meals, children 3-6 years old - 1 / 2hl. 3 r / day, 6-12 years - 1 teaspoon, 12-18 years - 1 dessert each. spoon, adults for 1 tbsp. l 3 r / day, the course of treatment 10-14 days.

Mucolytic agents for coughing with bronchitis

Mucolytic agents help to dilute viscous sputum, improving the process of its removal, eliminating the nutrient medium for pathogenic microorganisms.


  • ATSTS (sachets, tab. soluble, syrup, bottles (120-400 rub)
  • Vix active agent ekspedomed (tab. soluble 220-280 rub)
  • Fluimucil (granules, ampoules, tablets 200-240 rub)

Mucolytic agent, reduces the severity of the inflammatory process, reduces the frequency of exacerbations in chronic bronchitis. It is indicated for laryngitis (treatment in a child), otitis media, obstructive, acute bronchitis, pneumonia.
Contraindicated in pregnancy, children under 2 years of age, with pulmonary hemorrhage, with caution in bronchial asthma (may worsen

bronchospasm), renal and hepatic insufficiency, adrenal diseases.
Application: Duration of therapy for acute catarrhal diseases should not exceed 7 days, with chronic bronchitis a longer reception is possible. Preparations of acetylcysteine ​​is better taken after eating, it should be borne in mind that always additional fluid intakeincreases the expectorant effect.
Children 2-5 years of 100 mg 2-3 r / day, from 6-14 years 3 r / day for 100 mg, an adult at 200 mg 3 r / day or 600 mg once a day.
Side effects: tinnitus, headache, stomatitis, vomiting, heartburn, tachycardia, lowering of blood pressure, bronchospasm, development of pulmonary hemorrhage, urticaria, skin rash.


  • Bromhexine (table 40-80 rub, drops 100 rubles, potion (140 rub)
  • Bronchosan (drops 160-190 rub) Ingredients: bromhexine hydrochloride, oil of oregano, fennel, mint, eucalyptus, anise, levomenthol
  • Solvyn (syrup, table. 120 rubles)

Mucolytic agent, has expectorant and weak antitussive effect. The effect occurs within 2-5 days after the initiation of therapy.
Contraindicated: children under 6 years of age for tablets, hypersensitivity, 1 trimester of pregnancy, during lactation.

children from 6 years 8 mg 3 r / day, from 2-6 years (in syrup, medicine) 2 mg 3 r / day, adults 8-16 mg 4 r / day. You can treat in the form of inhalations with bronchitis, laryngitis, they are 2 r / day, the solution is diluted with saline solution or distilled water 1/1, heated to body temperature, dosage for children 2-10 years -2 mg, over 10 years - 4, adults - 8 mg.
Side effects: vomiting, nausea, allergic reactions, headache, dizziness.

Combined preparations Dzhoset, Ascoril, Kashnol

They are used only for strict indications.
On the appointment of a doctor with obstructive syndrome.
  • Dzhosset syrup price 150-180 rub.
  • Cough syrup 130 rub.
  • Ascoril tablets. 300 rubles, syrup 250 rubles.

Ingredients: Bromhexine, Guaifenesin, Salbutamol.
Shown: with bronchial asthma, COPD, pneumonia, pulmonary emphysema, tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis, tracheobronchitis.
Contraindications: children under 3 years, glaucoma, pregnancy and the period of feeding, tachyarrhythmia, thyrotoxicosis, myocarditis, diabetes mellitus, stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer, hepatic and renal failure, aortic stenosis. It should not be taken together with non-selective blockers of β-adrenoreceptors, with antitussive agents, MAO inhibitors.
Dosage: Children strictly according to prescription of the doctor 3-6 years for 5 ml 3 r / day, from 6 to 12 years 5-10 ml. 3 r / day, over 12 years and adults 10 ml. 3 r / day.
Side effects: increased nervous excitability, headache, convulsions, dizziness, drowsiness, tremor, sleep disturbance (see. how quickly to fall asleep), vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, exacerbation of stomach ulcers, depression of pressure, tachycardia, staining of urine pink, rash, urticaria, paradoxical bronchospasm.
Special instructions: Do not drink alkaline.



- Lazolvan (Table. syrup, bottles 200-360), Ambrobe (tab. ampoules, capsules, syrup 120-200 rub), Ambrohexal (tab. syrup 70-100 rubles), Ambroxol (Table. syrup 20-40 rubles), Ambrosan (tab. 100 rubles), Flavamed (tab. the flask. 150-200 rubles), Haliksol (tab. 100 rubles).

This mucolytic, expectorant drug, Lazolvan - is today considered one of the most effective mucolytic drugs.
Indications: with COPD, pneumonia, acute and chronic bronchitis,

bronchial asthma, etc. diseases of the respiratory tract accompanied by viscous sputum.
Contraindicated: in 1 trim-re pregnancy, in 2 and 3 trim-re with caution, patients with chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys.
Application: Take the tablets after meals for 30 mg. 3 r / day for adults. Children are shown reception in the form of a syrup up to 2 years, ch. 2 r / day, 2-6 years ch. 3 r / day, 6-12 yearsfor 1 tsp. 3 r / day, adults for 2 tsp. 3 r / day, the course of therapy is usually no more than 5 days. The syrup should be taken with a large amount of liquid during meals.
Side effects: heartburn, vomiting, diarrhea, allergic reactions, skin rash.


  • Libexin Muko for adults, Libexin Muko for children (270 rubles)
  • Bronchobos syrup and capsules (200 -220 rub)
  • Fluviert syrup and tablets (230-280 rub)
  • Flüditik syrup (250 rub)

expectorant mucolytic agent, increases the viscosity of sputum, improves the elasticity of bronchial secretions.
Contraindications: pregnancy, up to 2 years (for children's forms) for children under 15 years (for adult forms - Libexin Muko, Bronhobos capsules, Flouifort tablets), gastric ulcer, chronic

glomerufrit, cystitis.
Application: 15 ml or 1 measuring cup 3 r / day, separately from food intake. The course of treatment can not be conducted for more than 8 days
Side effects: gastrointestinal bleeding, nausea, vomiting, urticaria, skin itching, weakness, dizziness.


When a large amount of mucus accumulates inside the lungs, the body tries to release these organs from unnecessary contents, and does so with the help of a cough. Based on the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes expectorants. Many drugs in this series can greatly facilitate the life of the patient, because have the property of diluting viscous sputum, changing its chemical structure and making it more liquid. As a consequence, it is better to clear the throat and the disease passes faster.

Why should expectorants

Expectorants are taken to make the dry cough wet. On how well the sputum will depart from the walls of the bronchi or lungs, the speed of recovery of the patient depends. Together with the mucus, the lungs will get rid of the infection that damages the body, and coughing passes with it. If you do not affect the mucus with drugs, it will accumulate inside the lungs, which will lead to pneumonia.

Effects of thrombolytic agents

Expectorant drugs dilute mucus and promote its rapid exit from the bronchi and trachea, so further development of the disease is prevented. These drugs are of several types:

  1. For dry cough, drugs that dilute sputum are used.
  2. For moist cough should be used to help better mucus from the walls of the bronchi, lungs and trachea.
  3. Combined drugs combine liquefying, antimicrobial, antiviral properties.
  4. Lozenges for resorption from cough.

Preparations with an expectorant effect have the right to appoint only a doctor. Many people after a little relief (and it is already on the second day of treatment) stop taking medication, this is fundamentally not true. Expectorants for cough are prescribed for up to two weeks. If negligent attitude to this condition, then the disease can return in a complicated form.

Mucolytic drugs for adults

Drugs designed to dilute and increase sputum secretion in the lungs, bronchi or trachea are called mucolytic drugs. Before taking medications, a doctor should be examined by a doctor. The most popular tools:

  • "ACTS". It is used for the treatment of bronchitis, it helps the rapid excretion of sputum. It is used to relieve cough. Dosage according to the age and weight of the child. Adults prescribe 200 mg per day. Take it until the cough disappears completely. Contraindicated for the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • Bromhexine. Assign for the treatment of pneumonia, emphysema, pharyngitis in adults (2 table. 4 times a day) and children from 4 years (by, 02 g per day). The course of admission is up to one month. There are contraindications for pregnant women.
  • Mukaltin. It is taken by patients with pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis. Dosage is 2 dragees 3 times a day for two weeks. Do not use for children under 12 years and with stomach problems.
  • "Lazolvan". It is available in the form of syrup (for children under 5 years) and tablets. It is prescribed for the treatment of pneumonia, bronchial asthma, bronchitis. Dosage is determined depending on the severity of the disease. The course of admission is up to 14 days. Contraindicated in pregnancy, during breastfeeding.
  • Ambroxol. Has an expectorant effect during bronchitis, sinusitis, adult bronchial asthma and in childhood from, year. It is accepted on 1 tab. 3 times a day. Contraindicated in pregnancy, during lactation.
  • "Cough medicine." It is designed to treat cough in children from, years, is aimed at eliminating purulent processes in the airway. The dosage is calculated by the doctor according to the age of the child. The course of admission is two weeks. Contraindicated for diabetics, pregnant.

For smokers

The smoker's cough is caused not only by the harmful substances coming in during smoking, but also by the harmful processes taking place in the human body. Dependence on cigarettes triggers increased release of viscous mucus, which is poorly expectorated. To dilute such sputum, there are medications:

  • Mukodin. It is prescribed for inflammation of the broncho-pulmonary organs, dilutes the mucus, helps to remove the infection from the body. It takes 1 capsule 3 times a day for two weeks. Contraindicated during lactation.
  • "Tonzillon". It is used to eliminate inflammation in the respiratory system. Appointed by 2 tablets or 25 drops, diluted in a large spoonful of water, several times a day with the course of admission to 28 days.
  • "Tablets for cough." They have a natural composition and are a safe medicine that dilutes viscous sputum. The drug is used not only in children from 12 years of age, but also in smokers 1 tablet up to several times a day for a week. Contraindicated during pregnancy.

Medications for children

For children, expectorants should be prescribed at a pediatrician's reception. The child's doctor, when listening to the chest, after hearing the presence of wheezing, makes a diagnosis. This may be tracheitis, bronchitis, in the worst case, pneumonia. Sometimes, for clarity of the clinical picture and clarifying the diagnosis, blood tests and x-rays are performed. The doctor calculates the dosage according to the age of the child.

For babies and up to a year

Spasms in newborns and infants are caused by the negative influence of the environment and excessive wrapping, immobilization of the baby. Dry air, combined with the high temperature in the room, contributes to the drying of the respiratory tract, making them vulnerable to infections. The main means of preventing cough infants is a reasonable temperature regime. To facilitate coughing of a young child, such medications are prescribed, before taking which it is necessary to examine the doctor:

  • Gedelix is ​​a natural preparation intended for the treatment of breast and year-old children with inflammation of the respiratory apparatus. It is prescribed for 5 drops in several doses per day until the cough disappears.
  • "Syrup Ambrobene" - a combined herbal anti-inflammatory drug, suitable for the treatment of dry cough in infants. Take according to the dosage calculated by the doctor, depending on the weight of the child. Contraindicated with allergies to the components of the drug.
  • "Pertussin" - is taken to treat a cough provoked by ARVI, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, whooping cough. Dosage is prescribed by a pediatrician. Contraindicated in patients with diabetes mellitus.

1 to 3 years

Cough in children under 3 years old is treated with drugs prescribed by a pediatrician. These are expectorants from bronchitis, which gently clean the surface of these organs. Here are some of them:

  • "Fluimutsil" is a dry mixture for the preparation of a solution. It is used to dilute viscous mucus in an amount of 100 mg twice a day. Contraindication is a stomach ulcer (rarely found in children).
  • Carbocysteine. It is prescribed for the treatment of bronchial tubes, sinusitis and pneumonia, starting with the monthly age of the child. It is applied on 150 mg no more than two times a week. Contraindicated with antitussive drugs.
  • "Ascoril" is an antimicrobial, antiviral drug that cleanses the lungs and bronchi from thick, purulent sputum. It is prescribed for treatment of whooping cough, pneumonia, tuberculosis in the amount of 10 ml three times a day. Contraindicated for use with antitussive drugs.
  • "Sinekod" is a powerful remedy for dry cough for no apparent reason. Has an antimicrobial effect. Contraindicated if at the time of taking notice of allergy signs: rash, itching and redness of the skin.

From three years and older

Most children from three years begin to visit kindergarten, actively communicate with their peers. Often there are viral diseases, which are accompanied by a cough, runny nose. To facilitate the condition of the child and complete cure, it is necessary to take medications that only a pediatrician can prescribe:

  • "Carbocysteine" is a non-narcotic drug for the treatment of cough during bronchitis, pneumonia, which is accompanied by the presence of thick sputum. Contraindicated for children with a stomach ulcer. According to the instructions, the syrup is dosed at 200 mg twice a day for up to 2 weeks.
  • "Doctor MOM" - inexpensive expectorant for bronchitis, which includes extract from the leaves and roots of medicinal plants. It is prescribed for the treatment of productive cough, cleansing from mucus during bronchopneumonia, laryngitis, nasopharyngitis. The dosage should be calculated by the doctor. Syrup for children is contraindicated in children with kidney failure.
  • "Erespal" is an effective expectorant for children. The daily dosage is calculated based on the weight of the child (4 mg per 1 kg), the resulting amount of syrup is divided into three doses.
  • "Fljuditek" is a cough syrup with a caramel flavor. It is an expectorant aimed at diluting thick sputum. Assigned to 5 ml 3 times a day. The course of treatment is up to 14 days.

In pregnancy and GW

In expectant mothers and women who are breast-fed, immunity is weakened and sensitive to all kinds of infections and viruses. When treating cough, doctors prefer phytopreparations intended for children: Doctor MOM, Erespal, Doctor Theiss, plantain syrup (homeopathic drug), etc. Drugs that do not penetrate the placenta and are not absorbed into the mother's milk are used. For treatment of a cough in a pregnant woman inexpensive folk methods are suitable:

  • Put in the thermos a crushed rosehip (5 pcs.), Dried apples (5 lobules), berries of a viburnum (10 pcs.), Chamomile flowers. Pour boiling water, persist for at least 3 hours, drain. This drink should be taken before meals. This collection will enrich the body with vitamins and help to cope quickly with a cough.
  • One medium-sized onion is cut into rings and placed in a deep bowl, add honey, leave for one hour. During this time, honey will dissolve and the onion will allocate juice, which is used for 1 tbsp. l. up to seven times a day.

Folk remedies

A safe, strong cough treatment method always includes folk remedies. All old recipes are based on plant ingredients and do not allow the use of chemicals, therefore suitable for the treatment of children, are good as a means for pregnant women and during lactation, people prone to allergies. Folk remedies come in several forms:

  • expectorant herbs;
  • tinctures on the roots and leaves of plants;
  • warming up with mustard plasters;
  • inhalation;
  • massage.


There are herbs that have a powerful expectorant effect, they are rich in essential oils, tannic and antimicrobial substances. Herbal decoctions should be prepared from the proportions of 2 tbsp. l. dry crushed raw materials for 250 ml of boiling water. Insist no more than 15 minutes. Drain and take warm. Here is a list of effective cheap expectorants that are easy to buy in pharmacies:

  • elecampane;
  • liquorice root;
  • mother and stepmother;
  • the nettle is deaf;
  • oregano (plain white);
  • thyme.

Home recipes

Many do not want to use the services of modern medicine, then home treatments will help. Their names are known:

  • Milk with honey. One of the most popular recipes that will help change the dry on expectorant cough. It liquefies phlegm and warms the throat. In warm milk (250 ml) add 1 tbsp. l. natural honey, 1 hour. l. butter, h. l. soda. Stir thoroughly and drink at night before going to bed and in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • A good expectorant is radish with honey, it also has an immunostimulating effect. To prepare, you need to thoroughly wash the radish and make it a small through hole in which to place 1 h. l. honey. Root put on a glass, after one hour, it will be allocated juice - a natural expectorant syrup. It should take children and adults for 1 hour. l. up to seven times a day.
  • Ginger has warming, immunostimulating properties. To treat a cough, grate the spine and add it to the hot tea. This drink is recommended in the evening before going to bed.
  • Due to inhalation, the nebulizer is well hydrated with the nasopharynx, pairs of essential oils penetrate the trachea, bronchi and lungs, clearing them of mucus.

Treatment of dry cough

Dry cough - a consequence of various diseases, such as asthma, pneumonia, etc. Sometimes it occurs against the background of unfavorable conditions: dry dusty air, an allergy to chemicals. In any case, do not self-medicate, and urgently go to the doctor to discover the cause and make the right diagnosis. The doctor will prescribe an expectorant, designed to help dry sputum easier to move away from the walls of the bronchopulmonary apparatus.

How to withdraw phlegm

During a productive cough, especially in children, gurgling sounds are often heard inside the sternum, the child can hardly clear his throat. This means that excess mucus has accumulated in the bronchi, but the pectoral muscles of young children are still so weak that they can not cough up phlegm. A good expectorant is a back and sternum massage, which is performed at home before going to bed, using any cosmetic oil.

Video about cures for sputum

To have more information on how to remove phlegm, watch a video about the proper treatment with expectorants. Dr. Komarovsky is available and with humor will tell you why cough does not clear his throat, if people's remedies for cough help. Professor Malysheva will reveal the secrets of cough treatment with the help of an inhaler. In the last video you will get acquainted with the causes of the appearance of bronchitis and the ways of its treatment.

Dr. Komarovsky on coughing

Errors in the treatment of cough

What to take with chronic bronchitis

Reviews about expectorants

Sofia, 25 years old

When my child comes from a kindergarten with a cough, I do not hurry to give him chemical medicines. My first help in the treatment of children - an air humidifier, wet room cleaning, copious drinking, long walks in the fresh air in all weathers. As vitamins, I give children to drink infusion of rose hips, I make raspberries, blueberries and other berries.

Lyudmila, 33 years old

When my daughter, she is 6 years old, got bronchitis, in my surprise the children's doctor prescribed a massage course, which was 10 sessions. We went to the polyclinic for this procedure on a daily basis, never missed. Already after the first day of such treatment, sputum began to disappear in large numbers, after a week the condition improved significantly. Everyone I want to advise massage for cough.

Thinning phlegm and expectorant at home

Since ancient times people have treated cough with folk remedies prepared from collections of various herbs. Some recipes have survived to this day and provide irreplaceable help in the treatment. Therefore, in this article, we will figure out how to prepare an effective expectorant at home.

During cold or infectious diseases, there is a problem with expectoration and dilution of sputum. Here, and effective sparing phlegm and expectorants come to the rescue. After all, if it is not removed in time, then serious complications caused by pathogenic bacteria that accumulate in the sputum are possible.

How to relieve the condition and contribute to the spitting and dilution of phlegm at home?

It is very important during illness not to exhaust yourself and rest more, because wrong and untimely treatment can lead to even more complex consequences and to a significant decrease in immunity. And this, in turn, will cause frequent occurrence of catarrhal and any other infectious diseases.

Bed rest

At the beginning of the disease, it is necessary, at least for a while, after that you can walk a little in the park or forest. With catarrhal diseases, it is necessary to observe a lactic, herbal-cereal diet, since at the moment the body needs vitamins more than ever.


The next thing to do is to give up smoking. This, perhaps, is the most important thing about what to think about when you catch a cold. Smoking provokes a dry cough and significantly increases the duration of the disease.


First of all, remember that nothing will happen if you do not consume enough fluid. It can be all kinds of compotes, decoctions, teas, juices, etc. Very well proven lime tea, as well as chamomile, mint, raspberry decoctions. To use a liquid is more advisable in a warm form, and even better, that it corresponds to body temperature, so it will be absorbed into the blood more quickly. This is the best therapy for cough.

Humidification of air

This also plays an important role in catarrhal diseases, which contributes to the natural moistening of the mucous nasopharynx. This is one of the most important conditions in the fight against colds and coughs. To date, there are various ways to humidify the air in the room. You can, for example, put a bowl of water next to you, hang wet towels on the batteries or buy a household moisturizer.

These are the three components that are simply indispensable in the fight against any cough.


The following procedures to help relieve coughing are steam inhalations. Each doctor for liquefying phlegm will recommend using this method. For this, you can buy an inhaler in a pharmacy or build it yourself. In this case, any deep container, in which hot water or a decoction of herbs is poured, is suitable. The patient should bend over it, cover themselves with a towel and breathe. It should be remembered that the procedure should be done carefully, do not bend too close to the tank with boiling water, so as not to burn yourself with steam.

Expectorants at home for inhalation

  1. Take the leaves of mother-and-stepmother, rosemary, plantain in the amount of 10 gr. each type. Fill with freshly boiled water (250-300 ml) and insist no more hours. Strain. Add 2 teaspoons infusion into the solution for each subsequent inhalation.
  2. Another effective expectorant at home - a mixture of leaves of mother-and-stepmother, mullein scepeter-shaped, elderberry flowers. Take each grass for 15 gr., Place the dry mixture in a thermos, pour boiling water and insist no more hours. Strain. Add 2 teaspoons infusion into the solution for each subsequent inhalation.
  3. St. John's wort, eucalyptus, calendula in the amount of 10 gr. each filled with freshly boiled water in the amount of 250-300 ml and infused for not more than an hour. Apply 2 teaspoons of infusion for each inhalation.
  4. Cook potatoes and breathe for 15 minutes over its steam. After that, go to bed and cover yourself with a warm blanket. Very good, if someone makes a lime tea with honey. This is a fairly effective expectorant in the home, which was treated by our ancestors.

Essential oils in solution for inhalations

Essential oils can also be used as effective expectorants. They can be added to the inhalation solution. A few drops of any oil are enough. Mint, pine, eucalyptus, rose, sage, fir, lemon, lavender, juniper proved to be very good in this case.

What kind of diluting phlegm and expectorants can be prepared at home?

  1. It is necessary to take leaves of mother-and-stepmother in the amount of 8 tsp, pour, l boiled water and insist about 5 hours. Strain. To consume 150-170 ml for one intake (2-3 times a day).
  2. Suffice it to work well enough as the best expectorant for coughing honey. Take -2 tsp. honey and one small onion. Rub it and mix it with honey. Let's mix the patient in half a tablespoon in one session (2-3 times a day).
  3. For children, it is very good to dilute honey in hot milk. This will not only help ease the cough, but will also calm the nervous system.
  4. Cough syrup is very effective at home, it can also be given to babies. Take 300 gr. rubbed onions, 40 gr. honey and 200 g. Sahara. Pour 700 ml of water into a saucepan and put on a plate. When the water boils, add onions and sugar, cook on low heat for about 2 hours. Then place honey there and stir well. Cool and give the patient for 8-9 hours. l. three times a day.
  5. A few days, follow this course. The root of licorice, elecampane, marshmallow, cyanosis (you can use the herbs in turn) are taken half a teaspoon and filled with freshly boiled water (250 ml). Insist no more than 20 minutes. Drink 60-70 ml 3-4 times a day. This remedy will allow the phlegm to retreat after a few days.
  6. The best cough suppressant that helped a large number of people - the juice of black radish. Take a small radish, wash it and peel it. Then chop the root and squeeze the juice through the gauze, mix it in equal quantities with honey. Adults take 4 teaspoons a couple of minutes before meals, children - one dessert spoon. It should be remembered that with the disease of the gastrointestinal tract, use this medication after eating.
  7. This plant will help both with dry, and with a damp cough. For dry - chew the aloe leaf, for wet - eat it. Children can grind the leaf and mix it with sugar or honey in equal amounts.
  8. In the category of "expectorant strong remedies the fruit of anise proved to be very successful. Infusions are made from it. For this 1 h. l. pour a glass of boiling water (200-250 ml), then insist half an hour, filter. Take should be 5 glasses 3-4 times a day for a couple of minutes before eating. In medicine, anise oil is often used, which is prescribed for bronchitis in combination with expectorants.
  9. The breast elixir is prepared from licorice root (30 parts), anise oil (part), water (90), alcohol (25), ammonia solution (5). All mixed and applied as a strong expectorant for 20-45 drops. Children should be given an elixir with caution and in extreme cases (1 drop - for one year of life of the child).
  10. Another effective herbal expectorant is a decoction of pine, birch buds, mint, licorice, mother-and-stepmother leaves. Take everything in equal proportions and mix. One tablespoon of the resulting dry mixture pour freshly boiled water in an amount of 200 ml. Strain, take 120-140 ml 3 times a day.
  11. Very good expectorant at home based on bananas. To do this, take a few bananas, 2-3 tablespoons. sugar and one cup of water (150 ml). Water should be put in a saucepan on a plate and dissolve sugar in it. Then add the banana, previously spread in a slurry. Take 4 teaspoons before meals.
  12. Take horseradish and honey in the same proportions. Stir and take one dessert spoon before eating.
  13. Take a few walnuts. Wash them under running water. Shred and send all the contents together with the shell to the jar. Then add 1 tbsp. honey and the same number of elderberry flowers, pour two glasses of freshly boiled water. Cover and let it rest until it cools down. Drink half a cup 3 times a day.

That's all effective expectorants.

Vaccine sputum compresses at home

The most famous and quite effective means for a compress is a leaf of white cabbage and honey. To do this, dip a cabbage leaf into boiling water for a few minutes until it becomes soft. On the chest, without touching the heart area, apply honey, then cover the smeared area with a cabbage leaf. Wrap a food film and on top put on a warm dressing gown or lie down under a warm blanket. Hold the compress for about 4 hours (can be overnight). Repeat the procedure for 5-6 days. This is a very effective method that will help to quickly dilute sputum.

For children, a compress-cake helps. To do this, mix vodka, vegetable oil, mustard, honey, corn flour. Knead the dough. Divide it into two equal parts. Place one - on the chest, the second - on the back through a rag. This compress can be put on all night.

A compress made from vegetable oil is also very effective in severe sputum expectoration. All you need is to warm it up a bit, rub it in the chest area, wrap it around a cloth, better woolen, and put a heating pad on top. A few days of using this tool will already feel a great deal of relief.

All of the above mentioned funds have been used for a long time by our ancestors who did not know about the existence of medications, so folk remedies can be trusted, but not fully. Before applying, be sure to get a doctor's advice, especially when it comes to children.

Expectorants for cough for adults, for children

Coughing can disturb adults, children. In modern pharmacology there is a large number of expectorants, with which you can get rid of different types of cough and withdraw phlegm. Each of the drugs has its effect on the body, if you do not control the reception, you may have problems with breathing, central nervous system, heart. Therefore, before consuming expectorant drugs, you should always consult a doctor.

Stimulation of expectoration with medication

This group acts on the epithelium of the respiratory organs, improves the motor activity of bronchioles. So the sputum can move from the lower part of the airway up, then it is withdrawn. With the help of expectorants, you can increase the excretory function of bronchial glands, so sputum will be released in large quantities, while it will not be viscous.

This group of drugs is prescribed for a damp cough, if you need to quickly withdraw phlegm in acute bronchitis, pneumonia, inflammatory process in the respiratory organs. The main components of expectorants are medicinal plants. Pharmacology offers different dosage forms - tablets, syrups, preparations on the basis of which broths and infusions are prepared, suspensions are especially popular.

Among adults and children, such expectorants are popular:

1. Medicine for cough, Tablets for cough, these products include a plant - thermopsys lanceolate.

2. Altemix, Alteika, Syrup from the root of the althea, this means includes the root of the althaea. Also, it is included in such a well-known drug as Mucaltin, you need to be very careful with it, often an overdose can cause nausea and severe vomiting. Especially dangerous is to give in large numbers to his children. The root of the marshmallow is included in various herbal breasts, perfectly combined with sage, licorice, pine buds, fruits of anise. To prepare the infusion, it is necessary to brew a tablespoon of herbs in a glass of boiling water, to insist for 30 minutes. Eat 100 ml after eating.

3. One of the best plant components is the licorice root. It is available in the form of powder, syrup or solution - "Thoracic Elixir it also includes anise oil, ammonia. Licorice can be found in the breast collection, except for it in its composition, the mother-and-stepmother, plantain.

4. As an expectorant is recommended to use anise in the form of drops, oils. Anis enters the breastfeed to prepare an infusion from him, you need to brew a tablespoon of a vegetable in a glass of boiling water. Drink three times a day for 100 ml. The best expectorant is "Bronchicum it is sold in the form of tea, in its composition contains fruits and butter.

5. Plantain is included in many expectorants, most often it is credited as a syrup Dr. Thyss, Herbion. To make this, you need to make a tablespoon of the plant in 200 ml of boiling water, insist 30 minutes.

6. The composition of many expectorants includes ivy, thyme. You can buy in a pharmacy in a packetized form, also in the form of drops Bronchiptret - drink three times a day 50 drops per adult. It is a part of syrup Prospan, Pertussin, Gedelix, Bronchostop.

7. The granules of Tussin, Gwaifenesin contain waste, cyanosis, elecampane, and oregano. Drink three times a day for an adult not more than 200 mg.

8. Combined effective expectorant is Dr. Mom, it includes aloe, ginger, elecampane, licorice, basil, turmeric. It can be drunk in the form of syrup, tablets, lozenges.

9. Syrup Pectoral in its composition has plantain, Senegu, thyme. The same plant components are included in the Stopptissin syrup.

10. Eucabal from cough has proved to be well, it includes oil of needles, eucalyptus, also thyme, plantain.

11. Adults recommend to use for expectoration Pectolvan, it has a rich composition, it contains soap, thyme, hyssop, root elecampane, cetrar.

Preparations for liquefying sputum for adults and children

With the help of these drugs you can get rid of dry cough, they are often combined with expectorants. The main components that make up mucolytics are:

1. Acetylcysteine ​​with the help of it can quickly dilute and bring out sputum, is the best stimulant for expectoration, stops the inflammatory process. It is a part of such mucolytic agents as ATSTS, Atsistein, Kofatsin, Fluimitsil.

2. Carbocysteine ​​has the same effect as the previous component. He comes in such preparations as Fljuditik, Mukosol - they are all in the form of syrup, you can use it for children.

3. Bromhexine - stimulates the lungs. The drug is administered orally in the form of a syrup or tablets. Especially effective are drops, in addition to the main drug component, they contain anise, fennel.

4. Ambroxol has the same effect as the previous component, except that it dilutes sputum, fixes the work of the bronchi. It is part of Lazolvan, Flavameda, Ambrobene.

Combined expectorants

It is recommended to use syrup, teas, Milistan drops. An effective remedy is Bronchosan, besides the main component of bromhexine, the preparation contains anise, fennel, menthol, peppermint, eucalyptus.

Often, doctors prescribe drugs that depress cough, with the help of which they can withdraw phlegm, advise them to take with laryngitis, chronic inflammatory processes in the respiratory system. With oncology, analgesics are prescribed that depress the respiratory center.

So, expectorants can help cough. Independently you can not use these drugs, especially for children, they have a large number of side effects. Before use, you should carefully read all contraindications. Some drugs can cause a serious allergic reaction, so you need to take into account individual tolerance to different components.

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