Amblyopia in children: signs, prevention and treatment

Amblyopia refers to the number of diseases of the visual apparatus, which is characterized by impaired work on the background of complications of other diseases of the organs of vision.Thus the eye ceases to see and react to stimuli. Often this pathology can be observed in children from an early age, so parents need to monitor their behavior and well-being in a special order. These measures are important to prevent the development of the disease and severe consequences.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Kinds
  • 3Causes
  • 4Symptoms
  • 5Possible complications
  • 6Treatment
    • 6.1Medication
    • 6.2Surgically
  • 7Prevention
  • 8Video
  • 9conclusions

Definition of disease

Amblyopia (second name "lazy eye") - a pathology of the visual apparatus, in which the quality of vision is reduced due to the lack of work of one of the eyes.This is due to the impossibility of comparing the brain images obtained from both organs. As a result, the integrity of the resulting image is lost, the depth and volume, the order of objects in the field of view. Can be weak, medium, high and very high degree.

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Most often amblyopia affects children, so if there is a predisposition, they should be registered as soon as possible.


Amblyopia has the following types:

  • Refraction. It is a consequence of the development of hyperopia, astigmatism, myopia. In the absence of treatment, the eye changes and adapts to the proposed conditions.
  • Obscuration. Visual disturbance in this case is a consequence of pathological changes, dystrophy and opacity of the cornea.
  • Anisometric.Occurs in the case when there is a significant difference in the sharpness between the two eyes.
  • Disbinocular. It is accompanied by the development of strabismus and the lack of proper operation of binocular vision.
  • Hysterical.It has, as a rule, a temporary nature and can arise against a background of nervous breakdown and constant stresses.
Disbinocular amblyopia

These types of amblyopia are most common in more adult children. However, if a child suffers from a visual impairment, he has a higher risk of this anomaly.


Currently, there are many possible causes of the disease.Among them:

  • Prematurity and retinopathy of prematurity;
  • Cerebral paralysis;
  • Congenital cataracts, opacities;
  • Deficiency of weight;
  • Strabismus;
  • Dystrophy in the background of a lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • Inflammation of the organs of vision;
  • Astigmatism;

  • Strong exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • Farsightedness.

In the presence of one of the listed factors, it is recommended to put the child on the account of an ophthalmologist and periodically undergo medical examinations.


In general, a violation of this type has signs associated only with distortion of perception and a general deterioration in the quality of sight.These include:

  • Decreased sharpness;
  • Doubles;
  • Shroud, blurred vision;
  • Lack of possibility to consider clear boundaries of objects and objects;
  • Fast fatiguability;
  • Poor orientation in space.

It is especially difficult for children to determine the presence of a problem. However, it is important to observe their behavior. When anomalies occur, they can be capricious for no apparent reason, rub their eyes.

Possible complications

If treatment is started before the age of five, vision can be restored completely or with minor disturbances (for example, the lack of depth of the image of the object).After the age of ten, therapy can be given more difficult and rarely lead to complete recovery. As a rule, in this case one can expect only a partial improvement of the situation. The absence of treatment as such can significantly reduce visual acuity, with all the characteristic symptoms exacerbated many times.


Therapy of the pathology of a lazy eye has the following tasks:

  1. Correction of visual acuity;
  2. Treatment of strabismus;
  3. Exercise and return of a tone.

Important in the appointment of a suitable treatment is diagnosis, which includes:

  • Visometry;
Determination of visual acuity (visometry)
  • Perimetry;
  • Investigation of the color fields of the eye;
  • Determination of the refractive force.

A complete examination of the cornea, the lens and the fundus can also be performed.A large amount of information an ophthalmologist can get by questioning and studying the patient's medical history.


Therapy with the use of medications can be useful only in the early stages of development and until the age of five.In this case, patients are shown Atropine, which helps to relax the muscles that support a healthy eyeball. In parallel with this, it is important to provide the patient with an independent work.

Atropine - drops with relaxing effect

During the period of treatment it is necessary to take vitamins of groups A (retinal restoration), B (improvement work of the nerves of the visual apparatus) and C (improving the structure and repair of vessels, strengthening their walls).


Surgical intervention can give positive results if the disease is caused by damage to the cornea, the lens and cataracts.Here it is possible to carry out laser correction of sharpness with the subsequent restoration of functions of the lazy eye.It is also important to eliminate the weakness of the supporting muscles of the eyeball causing strabismus. In other cases, more conservative methods are used:

  • Occolutes. In order to make the affected eye work, a special bandage is applied to the healthy one, which is required to be worn for at least two hours a day.
Okkolyud on the glasses
  • Computers.Use special training programs that make the lazy eye work.
  • Apparatus.Lamps, electrostimulators and other stimuli establish contact with the weak eye and stimulate it. In the same way, photostimulators are used.
  • Exercises.Exercises are used to stimulate the diseased eye and relax the muscles.

To begin treatment it is necessary immediately, immediately after the discovery of the first symptoms. With age, the treatment of a child can be hampered more and eventually the disease is able to deprive him of sight at all.


Prevention of the disease is possible and can be shown to both adults and children.This is especially necessary with a possible predisposition to it. Among the main effective preventive measures are:

  • The use of healthy foods rich in vitamins;
  • Compliance with hygiene rules;
  • Providing full sleep and rest, reducing the possible tension of the visual apparatus;
  • Execution of preventive exercises (can be selected from an ophthalmologist individually);
  • Compliance with the daily routine (especially important for young children);
  • Timely elimination of eye pathologies, correction of vision with glasses or lenses;
  • Visiting an ophthalmologist, although it can be every six months for an examination.



Amblyopia is one of the most dangerous diseases of the visual apparatus, capable of depriving the patient of vision.Often in children, its course is accompanied by a visible change in the form of strabismus and reduced visual acuity. Therefore, the earlier the problem is identified, the more likely the patient will get a full recovery of the visual functions.

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