Lfk with rheumatoid arthritis


  • 1Gymnastics for rheumatoid arthritis: exercise therapy and a set of exercises
    • 1.1How correctly performed exercise therapy for rheumatoid arthritis
    • 1.2Stages of physiotherapy exercises for arthritis
    • 1.3Basic complex of exercises
    • 1.4Additional Information
  • 2Correct exercise therapy for rheumatoid arthritis
    • 2.1Indications and contraindications to physical culture
    • 2.2Main methods and stages of training
    • 2.3Treatment by position
    • 2.4Exercises for the brush
    • 2.5Exercises in the defeat of the shoulder girdle
    • 2.6Exercises for the feet
    • 2.7Exercises for the Ankle
    • 2.8Exercises in the water
    • 2.9Functional-motor test
  • 3Lfk with rheumatoid arthritis: sets of exercises for various lesions
    • 3.1Physiotherapy for rheumatoid arthritis: periods and contraindications
    • 3.2Treatment by position
    • 3.3Gymnastics for rheumatoid arthritis with a lesion of the wrist
    • 3.4Exemplary sets of exercises
  • 4Exercise of physiotherapy in rheumatoid arthritis
    • 4.1General information on curative gymnastics
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.2Complex for brushes
    • 4.3Shoulder program
    • 4.4Foot gymnastics
    • 4.5Treatment by position and other methods
    • 4.6Conclusion
  • 5Gymnastics for rheumatoid arthritis and exercises
    • 5.1Prevention of immobilization
    • 5.2Lfk with rheumatoid arthritis
    • 5.3Regularity and staggering
    • 5.4Basic exercises for rheumatoid arthritis

Gymnastics for rheumatoid arthritis: exercise therapy and a set of exercises

Physiotherapy with various joint diseases always has a good effect in combination with drug treatment and physiotherapy.

There is a special set of exercises designed specifically for patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.

LFK for rheumatoid arthritis can be performed at home. But the complex of exercises for the hands or feet is always selected by a specialist. Ensure a full recovery of gymnastics in rheumatoid arthritis can not, only stop its progression and reduce the manifestation of symptoms.

The main rule is that the complex of exercises should be performed regularly, but without overloading, slowly and accurately so that there are no pain and discomfort.

How correctly performed exercise therapy for rheumatoid arthritis

Gymnastics with rheumatoid arthritis will never bring benefit in the stage of exacerbation of the disease, with progressive inflammation and severe pain.

In addition, a set of exercises should not be performed if the pathology of the lungs, heart, liver or kidneys is simultaneously noted.

Sport is very useful for joints, but active activities should be postponed if in addition to arthritis the patient is diagnosed with:

  • Infectious diseases of different nature;
  • Violations of the functions of the heart and blood vessels, congenital or acquired;
  • Pulmonary insufficiency.

The complex of exercises is designed for three stages of the disease:

  1. For patients suffering from severe disease.
  2. For those who have undergone surgery
  3. For the rehabilitation period, when it is important to restore the volume of movements and prevent a relapse of the disease.

In this case, group sport is very effective. It is noted that patients are easier and morally, and physically, if the classes are conducted in groups, and not individually. Therefore, physicians always form groups of people who will be approached by the same complex.

Stages of physiotherapy exercises for arthritis

Why is it important that exercise therapy for rheumatoid arthritis is performed regularly? The fact is that the loads are given strictly dosed, at first they are minimal, then gradually increase. The decisive role in the design of the program is played by the patient's condition, the course of the illness.

The number of exercises increases only if the patient's state of health is satisfactory and when exercising he does not feel pain or tension. Therefore, in most cases it is better to conduct the first sessions in a hospital or rehabilitation center.

The main stages of physiotherapy exercises for the hands and feet:

  1. Preparation. At this stage, the patient learns proper breathing. Sport is effective only if the muscular tissues are fully saturated with oxygen. If breathing is wrong, the effectiveness of the exercises will be much lower. Daily for respiratory gymnastics is given for 10 minutes, the duration of this stage is two weeks.
  2. Basic complex. The duration of one session is 30 minutes, exercises under medical supervision are also two weeks.
  3. Adherence stage. After discharge, the doctor teaches the patient the exercises for the hands, feet and back that he must perform independently at home, to consolidate the effect achieved and prevent the re-development disease.

Sport helps to cope with joint disease, but the effectiveness of the exercises will be higher if combined with a massage. Usually a session of hands or feet massage is performed before exercise therapy. This helps to warm up the muscles and develop joints.

Preparations that in their action and benefit equaled the regular and correct exercise of exercises from medical gymnastics, does not exist. Replace them with nothing else. Therefore, patients should not neglect this auxiliary method of treatment.

Another great advantage: exercise therapy can be performed in a prone position. This is important for those people who can not move, and are forced to comply with bed rest.

Active sports with heavy loads are prohibited by medicine at this stage of the disease. But you can perform some exercises for the arms, neck and legs, staying in bed.

Basic complex of exercises

Special sets of exercises for joints of different groups are made: hands, feet, back.

The optimal treatment is when the patient, while at home, alternates during the day the performance of various complexes.

Thus, the load is distributed evenly and none of the joints suffer.

If rheumatoid arthritis of the hands is diagnosed, one should not only perform the exercises, but also monitor the correct position and movements of the hands at rest or when doing household tasks.

For example, it is advisable not to shift the upper phalanges in the direction of the little fingers. And if the hand is at rest, keep your fingers straight, not bent.

There are special stationery, adapted specifically for patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis of the hands. The body of the handles is made in the form of a cone. Then the patient is comfortable to hold it and at the same time can use it to perform special exercises for the hands.


For successful treatment it is important that even during night sleep the patient's body is in the correct position. For this purpose it is recommended to wear special bandages and orthoses. In this case, the affected joints, even during a night's sleep, will be securely fixed and protected.


With rheumatoid arthritis of the hands, the complex of exercises is aimed at preventing development of the disease and deformation of small joints. A good result is the performance of such simple exercises:

  • Put the palms on the surface of the table and turn them palms up and down;
  • Slowly squeeze and unclench fists;
  • In the same position, slowly turn the wrist.

Many patients are well helped by exercises with an elastic ball - it can be compressed and rolled, this strengthens the joints and ligaments. Others prefer articular gymnastics with a stick. But it is important not to overload the joints and avoid heavy loads.

Preference is often given to doing exercises in the water. Doctors recommend doing exercises three times a day. The room should be ventilated, in the warm season you can perform gymnastics on the street.

Additional Information

This is especially important if the patient suffers from any cardiovascular disease. Check your pulse several times during the session. Strong fatigue after its completion should not arise, joints and other organs can not be overtaxed.

If the pulse is measured before and after the gymnastics, the difference should not exceed 20 beats - otherwise the load should be reduced. To restore the heart rate, a quarter of an hour is enough.

Has its own peculiarities of morning sports with rheumatoid arthritis. You can perform a set of exercises without leaving the bed. Loads are given in view of the fact that the body and joints are still in a state of awakening.

  1. Lying on his back and without lifting his head from the pillow, head turns are made five times to the right and to the left.
  2. On inhalation, the arms very slowly rise and enter the head, then return to their original position - stretched along the body.
  3. It is necessary to slowly compress your fingers and bend your hands, so that they are tense, hold for a few seconds. Then unclench and relax.
  4. The same exercise is done with the legs: first the lower limbs bend at the knees, then the toes are tightened, then slowly relax.
  5. The starting position - lying on the back, the pelvis and the feet are pressed to the bed, the legs are bent at the knees. Alternately the knees fall to the right and left.
  6. For this exercise, you need to turn on your side and slowly raise your knee straightened at the knee - first right, then left.
  7. Brushes fall on the shoulders, while the hands are bent at the elbows. Perform rotational movements, changing direction several times.

At the end of the complex to relax the joints, you should raise your arms upwards on inhaling, slowly lowering down on exhalation. All exercises at the initial stage are performed five times. If the doctor marks a positive result, the amount can be increased and new exercises added.

Sport is not a taboo, even with a disease such as rheumatoid arthritis, the main thing is to competently approach the exercises and listen to the advice of a doctor.

A source: http://sustav.info/lechim/fizkultura/gimnastika-pri-revmatoidnom-artrite.html

Correct exercise therapy for rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by deformity of the joints, restriction of their mobility and the development of contractures (immobility).

To reduce the symptoms in the treatment apply LFK, massage, swimming and physiotherapy.

Physiotherapy with rheumatoid arthritis is aimed at strengthening the ligaments and muscles, increasing the volume of movements in the joints and slowing down the pathological reactions.

Indications and contraindications to physical culture

LFK is shown practically to all patients. With significant restrictions, it is possible to perform respiratory gymnastics or treatment by position (more in detail later in the article).

The main contraindications for the appointment of physical education:

  • exacerbation of rheumatoid arthritis, accompanied by severe pain and inflammation;
  • systemic manifestations of the disease with severe damage to internal organs (blood vessels, kidneys, heart, lungs);
  • some concomitant chronic pathologies (infections, cardiovascular and respiratory failure).

Main methods and stages of training

All approaches to the conduct of therapeutic physical training in rheumatoid arthritis can be divided into three groups:

  1. Individual classes are ideal for patients with the most severe stage of the disease, as well as for rehabilitation after surgical treatment.

  2. Group lessons are the most accessible and rational approach. Patients are grouped according to the degree of mobility restriction.

  3. In patient consultations, they teach methods and exercises that they can apply at home.

The main condition of exercise therapy in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is regular exercise and systematic increase in exercise.Do not exercise with effort: after proper physical activity, the patient should be marked by a surge of strength and reduced stiffness.

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During the inpatient treatment, there are three periods of rehabilitation:

  1. Preparatory, when the doctor teaches the patient the technique of relaxation and breathing. The duration of these exercises is about 10 minutes, the duration of training is 1-2 days.

  2. During the main period, a basic set of exercises is performed. Classes are held daily for two weeks, each lasting about half an hour.

  3. The final stage is carried out before the very discharge: the doctor teaches the patient the exercises that he can do at home.

Treatment by position

The method of treatment of rheumatoid arthritis "position" is also referred to exercise therapy and used for severe lesions, when the patient is practically deprived of the opportunity to move and mostly is in bed. It should also be carried out during periods of exacerbation of the disease.

What is its essence? The mattress on which the patient lies must be smooth and rigid, it is advisable to use a special orthopedic mattress.

The feet should have a support, for this you can use either a moving back of the bed, or a stand.

At least once per hour you need to change the position of the body, if necessary with the help of another person.

If contractures begin to form, special longots are applied (hard strips of gypsum soaked bandages).

If it is difficult to do it - you can use rollers, weights and other devices.

For example, when a hip joint is affected, a two-level mattress is made, allowing the leg in the relaxed position to be unbent.

Exercises for the brush

In rheumatoid arthritis, the joints of the fingers are most often affected. Usually, the brush acquires a characteristic kind of fins, which leads to a restriction of its functionality and disability.

To reduce the strain rate, it is desirable:

  • Do not move your fingers in the direction of the little finger;
  • reduce the load on the pads of the fingers;
  • at rest ensure the correct position of the hand;
  • write only cone-shaped thickened handles;
  • correctly perform household activities: trying to ensure that the axis of movement in the joints does not deviate to the side;
  • At night, use orthoses - devices that limit mobility.

Here is one of the complexes of exercises LFK with defeat of the brush:

  1. Starting position: Brush in front of you, next to each other. Turn your palms alternately up and down.

  2. Put the brushes on the table and raise and lower them first, and then only the fingers.

  3. Hands, clenched in fists, pull forward. Rotate the brushes on and counter-clockwise.

  4. Put your elbows on the table, squeeze your hands, plant and reduce your elbows without lifting them from the surface.

  5. Do movements up-down, right-left and circular movements alternately with each of the fingers.

  6. Touch each of the fingers to the big one, as if wrapping something round.

  7. Squeeze and unclench the soft ball in his hand, roll it over the surface.

  8. Rotate the brush in the radiocarpal joint, palm while trying to relax.

  9. Tear your fingers on the stick from the bottom up.

  10. Rub your palms against each other.

Each exercise should be performed 5-7 times, depending on the condition of the patient. During the training, there should be no pain.

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Exercises in the defeat of the shoulder girdle

  1. Raise and lower the shoulders, make circular movements forward and backward.

  2. Put your palms on your shoulders, alternately take your elbows forward.

  3. Grabbing your elbows with your hands, raise them and lower them.

  4. Lying on his back to bend, raise and lower his arms straight.

  5. Put your hands on your belt and alternately wind them around your head.

  6. Embrace yourself.

During the exercises it is very important to observe the correct rhythm of breathing.

The above exercises are called dynamic, that is, associated with the movement of the body in space. Basically, they are aimed at restoring mobility and preventing contractures.

There is another type of load, in which the work of the muscles is not accompanied by limb movement, since it is fixed: isometric.


Isometric loading helps strengthen muscle fibers, even with pronounced mobility limitations.


An example of such an exercise: lying on your back press with your straightened hands on the surface.

Exercises for the feet

  1. Lying on the back to bend the leg in the knee joint, without tearing the soles off the surface (sliding steps).

  2. Exercise the bike.

  3. Bent at the knees legs to breed in the sides and reduce back.

  4. Makhi straight leg lying and standing, holding on to the support.

  5. Circular movements in the hip joint bent in the knee with the foot.

  6. Straightening the straight legs to the side in a prone position.

  7. Circular motion with a straight leg.

Isometric exercises are performed with the help of an assistant, who has resistance and does not allow the limb to move.

Exercises for the Ankle

With rheumatoid arthritis, the ankle is not affected often, but its deformation rather quickly leads to a restriction of movement and disability. For the prevention of contracture it is recommended to perform the following complex:

  1. Sitting to bend and unbend the feet and toes.

  2. Rolling from the heel to the toe and back.

  3. Stand on the socks at the support.

  4. Trying to lift from the floor with the help of the toes various objects.

  5. Stitch a stick or a ball.

  6. Walk across the stick, stepping on her middle part of the sole.

  7. To make circular movements of foot.

During the execution of any complex of therapeutic gymnastics it is desirable to alternate isometric and dynamic exercises, to breathe correctly, and at the end of the session to conduct a session of muscle relaxation.

To increase the load, you can gradually increase the amount of movement in the affected joints and the number of repetitions.

Exercises in the water

Of all the sports for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, swimming is the most suitable, since there is no stress on the joints due to the severity of the body in the water.

At a weight of 60 kg, completely immersed in water, a person feels only 7 kg. Therefore, exercises in the pool can be performed even by those patients who practically do not move.

The intensity of the load is determined by the degree of immersion, which allows you to gradually restore the motor activity. A higher density of water requires greater effort to overcome resistance.

The temperature in the pool also has a positive effect: the thermal effect significantly reduces the pain syndrome.

Contraindications to water activities:

  • open damage to the skin;
  • allergy to chlorine;
  • eye diseases (conjunctivitis);
  • lesions of the ear, throat, nose;
  • venereal diseases;
  • some chronic pathologies of other organs and systems.

In the basin you can perform the following complex:

  1. Walking with straight and bent legs. Hands should be diluted to the sides, so as not to lose balance, if necessary, you can stick to the support. The water level is adjusted depending on the required load.

  2. Makhi kicked back and forth, aside, circular movements.

  3. Squats with widely spaced legs (it is important to keep your back straight).

  4. Having immersed in water on a neck, to plant direct hands in the parties and to carry out circular movements in humeral, elbows and radiocarpal joints.

The swimming itself can be free or lightened (using fins, special foam boards or inflatable objects). Depending on the objectives pursued, you can increase the burden on your legs or on your hands.

Functional-motor test

Before the beginning of the rehabilitation period, the physician of the exercise therapy evaluates the degree of damage to the patient's motor system.

To do this, you can use different tests, but the most popular functional-motor study, which lasts only 5-6 minutes.

The doctor asks the patient to perform various actions, for each of which a certain number of points is assigned. The test results allow an objective assessment of the violation of functions:

  • There are no functional limitations.
  • Preservation of professional work capacity.
  • The disability is completely lost.
  • Can not self-service.

Based on the obtained result, patients are divided into groups and the optimal complex of exercise therapy is selected.

If you have rheumatoid arthritis - do not put a cross on yourself. Begin to perform special exercises.

Daily exercise in physiotherapy exercises will lead to muscle tone, improve well-being and increase mobility.

Before the beginning of gymnastics it is necessary to consult with the doctor.

A source: http://SustavZdorov.ru/artrit/lfk-pri-revmatoidnom.html

Lfk with rheumatoid arthritis: sets of exercises for various lesions

LFK with rheumatoid arthritis is prescribed at all stages of the disease. The only limitation is the acute course of pathology. When the activity of the inflammatory process is high, position treatment, breathing exercises, corrective massage of the hand brushes, etc. are used.

Physiotherapy for rheumatoid arthritis: periods and contraindications

Patients with rheumatoid arthritis are not prescribed exercise therapy in the following cases:

  • the third stage of the inflammatory process with a bright pain syndrome and exudative phenomena;
  • expressed complications in the form of lesions of internal organs (nephritis, pneumonia, vasculitis, pleurisy, etc.);
  • general contraindications to curative gymnastics (fever, exacerbation of chronic diseases of internal organs, infection, cardiovascular insufficiency, etc.).

Physical exercises with rheumatoid arthritis are recommended after taking medications that reduce pain and morning stiffness.

Patients are engaged both without items and with objects (balls, balls, sticks, rope, etc.).

Recently, special installations with suspensions, blocks and weights are widely used.

In the curative gymnastics classes, three periods are distinguished:

1) Preparatory. Duration - 10-15 minutes for two to three days. The task - to teach you to relax, breathe properly, prepare the organs for exercise.

2) Basic. Duration - 25-30 minutes for ten to fifteen days. The task is to strengthen muscular strength, increase the amplitude of movements, restore the basic functional of the musculoskeletal system.

3) Final. Duration - five days. The task is to prepare the patient for independent exercise at home.

The earlier the gymnastics classes are started for rheumatoid arthritis, the faster the motor function will be restored.

Treatment by position

In acute periods of the disease, with high activity of the rheumatoid process, treatment is prescribed by position. This is a passive exercise with the help of a methodologist.

Fundamental rules:

  • The bed must be firm and level. You can put a shield under the mattress.
  • To stop the feet, you need to put a support to them.
  • To facilitate the recovery of the patient, the reins are tied to the sheath edge of the bed.
  • To relax the brush used balls, balls or langets.
  • If hip joints are affected, the patient is placed on a high bed. Under the back lay a mattress 4-5 cm thick, so that the relaxed leg is unbent in the hip joint. The foot should have emphasis.
  • If the knee joints are affected, a small cushion is placed under the heels. The hips are pressed to the bed with a woven "lock" with side pockets for the load.
  • If shoulder joints are affected, the rollers are placed under the shoulders. The patient should change position more often. Take your hands to the sides, if possible, behind your head, behind your back.

Gymnastics for rheumatoid arthritis with a lesion of the wrist

Most often, the middle joints of the hand are involved in the inflammatory process. A deformed limb can not perform normal movements. A person loses the ability to self-service, to professional activity. Becomes disabled.

To retain the functional capacity of the brush, you must first learn to keep it in the right position, take advantageous physiological positions.

Basic principles:

  • Preservation of a straight axis of a brush at various manipulations.
  • The maximum reduction in the load on the pads of the fingers.
  • Avoiding movements towards the little finger.
  • Preservation of transverse and longitudinal arches of the hand.
  • Perform any actions from the position on the edge or on the palm of your hand.
  • The correct position in the state of rest - a brush on the rib, on the forearm, on the ball or cylinder.
  • Write only cone-shaped handles.
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During periods of exacerbation of arthritis, the brush should be relaxed on a cone-like object. Muscle strains should be avoided. Orthoses are used to maintain the correct position of the brush during the sleep period. These are special devices from polymers that hold the joints in the desired position.

A good effect is the combination of exercise therapy and massage with rheumatoid arthritis. But in acute periods can not be massaged.

Exemplary sets of exercises

When the brush is damaged

  • Put the brush on the edge of the table. Raise your palms up, lower them down. Repeat ten times.
  • Do the same exercise. Only with the thumb down from the edge of the table.
  • Put the brush on the table. Raise and lower hands with the first finger assigned. Repeat eight times.
  • Press your hands to the table. Raise and lower your fingers.
  • Pull your hands forward, squeezing the hand into a fist. Perform circular motions inside.
  • Put your hands on the table, moving your elbows and hands, tightly pressing them against each other. For once or twice - elbows to the sides (without taking it off the table), the brushes remain shifted. For three or four - to connect the elbows. Repeat ten times.
  • Put the brush on the table. For one or two - to collect with effort fingers in a fist. For three or four - relax. Repeat eight times.
  • Rest your palms on your hips. Each finger is torn off and pressed.
  • Connect hands in front of the chest (from the elbow to the fingertips). Tilt your palms to the right and left.
  • Put your hands on your hips. "Say hello" with a small pillow of each finger with a thumb pad.
  • Rub your palms against each other.
  • Roll the ball open with a brush.

When an ankle is affected

  • Sit on a chair, legs apart, shoulder width apart. Bend and unbend fingers.
  • From the same position, bend and unbend the feet.
  • From the same position, focus on the outer edge of each foot, in turn.
  • Raise and lower the big toe.
  • Socks of feet to unite, heels to spread apart. Raise your heels up one by one.
  • From the same position to reduce and breed socks. The heels must remain in place.
  • Put your feet together. The forefoot of one foot "strokes" the shin of the other leg.
  • Roll the ball with your feet.
  • Roll the ball with a foot of one foot over the lower leg of the other leg.
  • Grab your toes with small objects.

When the shoulder girdle is affected

  • Sit on a chair, hands down. On the shoulders up, on two - down, on three - forward, on four - back.
  • In the same position, perform circular movements with shoulders.
  • Put your hands on your shoulders, press your elbows against your body. At times - right elbow forward, two - back, three - left elbow forward, four - back.
  • Lie on your back, hands stretch along the body. At times - raise your hands up, lower them for two.
  • Lie on your back, hands stretch out to the sides with your hands up. On the left hand, connect with the right hand, turning the body to the side. On two - to return to the starting position. For three or four - repeat the movement in the other direction.

Reduced complexes are given. In each specific case of arthritis, the exercises will be prompted by the doctor.

A source: http://TvoyAybolit.ru/lfk-pri-revmatoidnom-artrite.html

Exercise of physiotherapy in rheumatoid arthritis

Therapeutic gymnastics with rheumatoid arthritis is an important component of complex therapy together with medical treatment. It allows you to return the ability to move joints, eliminates pain. This practice is useful at any stage of the disease, except for the period of exacerbation.

General information on curative gymnastics

There are 3 main approaches to performing therapeutic gymnastics for rheumatoid arthritis. The first and second options can be performed only under the supervision of a professional.

For example, it can be individual lessons.

Typically, doctors recommend them to patients with severe illness, as well as patients who need rehabilitation after surgery.

As for the second approach, this is a group work. They unite several patients with the same phase of development of the disease.

Since the restrictions on mobility in the joints they have about the same, then the exercises they will perform similar.

At the moment, this approach is considered the most rational, so it is the most popular.


As for the third option, in this case, it is envisaged that the patients will be trained in the counseling sessions.


They are shown various methods and exercises, which they can then perform independently at home.

But this approach requires patients to be persistent, disciplined and organized.

As a rule, there are several periods in the treatment of the patient with exercises. First there is a preparatory stage. It lasts about a couple of days.

At this time, the doctor teaches patients relaxation.

Then comes the main stage - the basic exercises, and after the final, when the restrictions on mobility go away.

Complex for brushes

The choice of exercise for rheumatoid arthritis depends on the place where the joints are located. Most often this applies to fingers. In this case, the following set of exercises will help:

  1. Put your hands on the table. Raise the brush from the surface about 5 to 10 times - depends on the state of health. Then repeat these exercises with just one fingers.
  2. Pull out your palms and keep them in front of you. Turn them in turn. Also repeat the action about 5-10 times. Then squeeze your fingers into fists, and keep your hands in front of you.
  3. Brushes rotate clockwise and in the opposite direction. Repeat the action approximately 10 times.
  4. For the brushes the following exercise is very suitable: you need to rub your palms together. Repeat the movement 10 times. Then lean your hands on the table and put your hands in the lock. Now the elbows need to be reduced and planted, while keeping them constantly on the surface of the table.
  5. Each finger to move in a circle several times - up to 10. Then lift the fingers each separately, then lower it, and after that try to move each finger to the sides.
  6. With the edge of the nail of each finger, try to reach the nail on the thumb of this hand. Repeat the action 5 to 10 times.
  7. Exercises for brushes can also be non-intensive. For example, you can relax your palms and start to rotate with brushes - this movement favorably affects the wrist joint.
  8. Hold the stick with your hands and quickly run your fingers along it from top to bottom and back 10 times.

At the end of the training, it is recommended to take a small soft ball and roll it on the table, then between the palms.

Shoulder program

Separately designed gymnastics for the shoulder. LFK helps restore mobility of the joint, eliminate unpleasant symptoms, and also prevents contractures. Motions can be both isometric and dynamic.

The first option is used if the person has a pronounced restriction of joint mobility. Such exercises will help keep the muscles toned in this place. But with an aggravation, such training is prohibited.

A vivid example of training is an exercise: you need to lie on your back on a flat surface and put your hands on it, pre-stretching them.

Dynamic training involves certain movements. For example, this set of exercises is suitable:

  1. First, raise and lower your shoulders. Try to reach them as high as possible.
  2. Shoulder joint rotate back and forth in a circle.
  3. With the palms of your hands grab your elbows and try to lower and raise both elbows at the same time, without taking your hands off.
  4. Brushes to put on the shoulders and take turns to move the elbows forward.
  5. Lie on your back, stretch your arms in front of you up. Then bend them with the chest. Then straighten and put near the hips.
  6. Stand up and hold your hands on your waist, pick them up and put them behind your head. Then again, repeat everything.

All tasks must be performed 10 times. This complex of exercises is recommended to end this way: hug yourself by the shoulders. After that, you just have to rest.

Foot gymnastics

LFK with rheumatoid arthritis for the legs is also developed. It is best to perform all actions slowly without making sudden movements. All exercises can be performed at home.

To start charging, you need to lie on your back. Do not tear off the feet from the floor and alternately bend and unbend legs in the knee.

Bent legs can be lifted, then placed in the air, and then pressed again against each other.


It is also recommended that you make circular movements with your feet in the air, as if a person were riding a bicycle. It is very useful for joints to make flies in the air with legs. They should be straightened. Perform the exercise in turn with each foot.


Then you can do the mahi in standing position, but you must hold on to any support. Now it is necessary to bend a little leg in the knees and make movements around the pelvis. In the end, it remains only to make the semicircles straightened by the foot.

As for the isometric leg training, in this case you will need the help of another person. He will have to keep his foot and create resistance.

Treatment by position and other methods

Various methods are used to treat rheumatoid arthritis. One of them is the treatment of the situation. This gymnastics helps in neglected cases, as well as during an exacerbation.

It helps when the patient is practically unable to move. Its essence boils down to the fact that a special mattress of the orthopedic type is used.

Instead of it, you can use any surface, but it should be pretty tough.

In order to do all the exercises, you need to take care of the leg support. In hospitals, for this purpose, use the backrest for special beds, which moves.

If there is no possibility to use it, a firm support is placed between the backs of the beds and the feet. A prerequisite for such treatment is the following: every hour the patient must change the location of the body.

If he can not do it himself, then he needs help.

The main goal of such therapy is the following: to prevent the emergence of a condition in which a person can not independently bend and unbend the joints.


To do this, use various auxiliary items. For example, you can use rollers, longes, loads.


In more severe cases, a two-level mattress is used, thanks to which the legs relax in the unfolded state.

If the patient has rheumatoid arthritis in neglected state, then it is necessary to sleep on a special rigid mattress and constantly turn over. To develop brushes, use a soft ball. Try to lie down and sit yourself, without the assistance of an assistant.

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In addition, rheumatoid arthritis can be treated with water gymnastics. Such therapy, according to many experts, is considered the most effective.

Its advantage lies in the fact that when a person is in the water, he practically does not feel the load on the articular joints.

But it is important to control the temperature of the water: the colder the liquid, the stronger the pain becomes.

The patient can perform such simple exercises in the water:

  1. Raise your hands to the sides to keep your balance, and then walk in the water first on your straight legs, and then on the bent legs.
  2. Hands to keep aside (you can grasp the support). Do the mahi legs one by one forwards, backwards and to the side.
  3. Crouch in the water, spreading legs as wide as possible.
  4. Sitting in the water and doing various exercises for the shoulders.
  5. Perform circular motions clockwise and against it with different joints.

All these exercises will be much easier to perform in the water.


Physiotherapy with rheumatoid arthritis is considered an important element of therapy. It is used at any stage of the disease, except for exacerbation of pathological processes. Correctly selected exercises will help improve the patient's condition, prevent complications.

A source: https://OrtoCure.ru/kosti-i-sustavy/artrit/gimnastika-pri-revmatoidnoj-forme.html

Gymnastics for rheumatoid arthritis and exercises

Therapeutic gymnastics is an auxiliary, but no less effective tool in the fight against various ailments. There are various sets of exercises designed to combat rheumatoid arthritis.

Ailment, of course, they can not heal, but they can help stop its development. It is impossible to select exercises of LFC for rheumatoid arthritis alone.


If a person suffers from this disease, he can perform gymnastics at home, but, again, all exercises should be appointed by specialists.


Gymnastics with rheumatoid arthritis, as well as with other joint diseases, is performed strictly according to certain rules. Observance of them for patients is mandatory. And the first is the slow, accurate execution of each exercise LFK.

Prevention of immobilization

With rheumatoid arthritis, deformity of the joints develops, as a result of which the person is threatened with complete immobility.

Immobilization, as well as destructive changes in the structure of joint tissues, is able to rapidly increase the area of ​​damage, if nothing is done.

To successfully fight against rheumatoid arthritis, every effort should be made not only to strengthen the joints, but also periarticular, bone tissue, ligaments, muscles, blood vessels.

LFK can significantly improve the vitality of the body and strengthen its immunity, which is important in countering rheumatoid arthritis. Gymnastics belongs to the category of non-drug effects, but it, like drugs, has its own contraindications.

Lfk with rheumatoid arthritis

Gymnastics for rheumatoid arthritis should in no case be performed if the exacerbation of the disease begins, accompanied by pronounced pain symptoms.

The condition of the lungs, heart, kidneys, vessels is an important question.

If in rheumatoid arthritis the diseases associated with these organs develop in parallel, in most cases the exercise complex of exercise therapy can not be performed.

This rule is valid if arthritis in a person there are diseases due to the presence of chronic pathologies. They include:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • various infectious diseases;
  • respiratory insufficiency.

All classes of LFC in rheumatoid arthritis are divided into three groups.

Individual exercises of exercise therapy are performed if a person has a severe form of rheumatoid arthritis or the patient has only undergone surgical intervention.

After the rehabilitation period, gymnastics effectively helps to restore the body in a variety of situations.

Group exercises are most common in Russia. This takes into account both the economic and psychological factor explaining their popularity.

It is much more expedient for medical institutions to unite people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis into groups and conduct exercises in therapeutic gymnastics.


In rheumatoid arthritis, many patients experience a severe psychological condition when they realize that the consequences are caused by the disease.


To overcome the stressful conditions that can accelerate the development of rheumatoid arthritis, it is recommended for people who have joint diseases to conduct group sessions.

Regularity and staggering

Gymnastics in arthritis should be regular. Inadmissible sharp increase in loads on the first day of classes, or in the following time.

The increase in the number of exercises is carried out gradually, in stages, taking into account the dynamics of the disease and the patient's well-being. If Lfk with rheumatoid arthritis causes attacks of pain and worsening of well-being, gymnastics should be stopped immediately.

If the patient is in the hospital, with rheumatoid arthritis, there is a distinction between the types of exercises that are used for rehabilitation purposes.

The first step in preparing for exercise exercises exercise is teaching the patient the technique of proper breathing. Respiratory exercises are the basis of all medical gymnastics, these actions can not be neglected.

Every day for 10 minutes, there are exercises for the development of breathing and relaxation techniques. The basic part of exercise therapy is its basic complex, the exercises of which must be selected strictly on an individual basis.

Exercises of the basic complex in a hospital are performed within two weeks. Each lesson lasts no more than 30 minutes.

Before discharge from a medical facility, a physician conducting exercise therapy exercises the patient with exercises that are recommended at home.


As the statistics show,patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis are more likely to resist an ailment if they are included in the course of their treatment.


Massage - no less relevant method of drug treatment, combined with it.

To date, an analog of curative gymnastics or a drug that would have been mildly effective in treating the human body has not been invented.

In some cases, exercise therapy is prescribed for people who can not move. Staying in a bed is not an obstacle for practicing therapeutic gymnastics.

Active physical exercises during exacerbation of rheumatoid arthritis can not be performed, but this prohibition of official medicine does not apply to treatment by position.

To make it as effective as possible, you need an orthopedic mattress. Moving back of the bed or a special stand is also an option.

Once a day, the patient himself or with the help of specialists gently changes his position in the bed - in these actions and is the specificity of "treatment by position".

Basic exercises for rheumatoid arthritis

For each part of the body affected by rheumatoid arthritis, there are special sets of exercises.

If the treatment of an illness is performed at home, a person should try during the day perform actions that will help him develop joints, not limited to just one complex exercise therapy.

For example, with rheumatoid arthritis of the fingers, doctors are advised to do the following. Reduce the load on the pads of the fingers, do not move them towards the little finger.


If the hand is at rest and is not occupied by any actions, be sure to take care of its correct position and place it only in the right way.


If a person needs to keep records or work with papers, stationery should be better selected. Cone-shaped thick handles will support the correct position of the fingers, and working with them will become one of the "exercises" exercise therapy.

Orthoses are also necessary adaptations for people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. They are used during night rest to limit the mobility of the affected area of ​​the body and prevent it from assuming the wrong position.

If the brushes are affected by rheumatoid arthritis, the set of exercises must necessarily include actions that contribute to reducing the rate of deformation of the joints.

For example, when the hands are defeated, the hands are placed on the table and alternately turn the palms up and down, hands slowly squeeze into fists and rotate the brushes. Very useful exercises with a soft ball, which rolls on the arm, squeeze, shift from hand to hand.

Equally convenient is the stick. Exercise for fingering on its surface helps to strengthen the joints affected by rheumatoid arthritis. The number of all exercises should be strictly regulated.

One of the most effective methods of treating arthritis is the implementation of a number of actions of the LFC complex in water.

Classes are held 3 times a day. Before starting the training, it is necessary to ventilate the room.


After performing a set of exercises, only mild fatigue can be felt, since during the exercises no intensity of movements and control of the pulse is required.


In cases of violations from the cardiovascular system, you can periodically monitor the pulse. However, the difference in the number of strokes before and after classes should not exceed 20 beats per minute.

It takes 15 minutes to restore the pulse.

In the morning, waking up, you need to perform the following exercises:

  1. The starting position is to lie on your back with your legs straight.
  2. We make turns of the head in different directions (5 in each direction), without lifting your head from the pillow.
  3. We slowly raise the arms on the inhalation and place them behind the head, and on exhalation we lower them to the starting position.
  4. Brushes and fingers are gradually compressed and slightly strained, and after a few seconds, we unclench and release the tension (about 5 times).
  5. Then we do a similar exercise with the legs, bending them in the knees and returning to the starting position (about 5 times).
  6. We make the slopes of the knees to the left and to the right, without lifting the pelvis and feet from the bed (about 5 times).
  7. From the position lying on its side we make a slow rise alternately left or right foot, unbent at the knee (about 5 times).
  8. With arms bent at the elbows, when the shoulder of the shoulder joint is touched, we make rotational movements with bent hands.

    Direction of rotation should be changed several times.

  9. While in the initial position, we do the raising of the hands on the inhalation, and we lower them when exhaling.

This complex is good to perform in the morning, immediately after awakening.

During the day it is repeated, increasing the number of exercises, and if the attending physician allows to supplement the complex with new exercises, we follow its recommendations. Exercise is good to spend in a relaxed atmosphere, under easy calm music.

Be sure to consult a doctor before treatment of illnesses. This will help to take into account individual tolerance, confirm the diagnosis, make sure the treatment is correct and exclude the negative interactions of the drugs. If you use prescriptions without consulting a doctor, it is entirely at your own risk. All information on the site is provided for informational purposes and is not a medical benefit. All responsibility for the application lies with you.

A source: http://artrozmed.ru/artrit/gimnastika-pri-revmatoidnom-artrite-2.html

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