The inhaler from a cold

Inhalation by a nebulizer with a cold: prescription solutions

In the treatment of rhinitis, many physiological procedures aimed at restoring the function of the nasopharynx are considered effective.

Inhalations of a nebulizer in the common cold are one of these physiotherapy procedures, widely used in the treatment of diseases in children and adults.

What are the types of nebulizers?

A nebulizer with a cold in children can be used immediately after the birth of a child, but it can only be done by the appointment of a specialist. The nebulizer is a special medical device intended for inhalation. Usually the procedure is carried out in a medical institution, but if there is such a device at home, you can treat the rhinitis yourself.

The principle of the procedure is that, during the use of the device, it sprays the fine disperse particles of the medicinal solutions used, which enter the respiratory tract. The advantage of treating rhinitis with this method is that the dispersed particles of medications penetrate the respiratory tract much faster than with another type of therapy.

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All nebulizers according to the principle of action are divided into several types:

  1. Compressor. They are quite large devices, consisting of a compressor and a camera. These two elements are connected together by an air pipe. Spraying of medicinal particles in nebulizers of this type is due to the "breaking" of the drug with a powerful jet of air. The disadvantage of such devices is their noisy work, so the use in the treatment of young children often becomes impossible.
  2. Ultrasound. When using this kind of apparatus for inhalation, the drug is converted into an aerosol by the action of ultrasonic waves. Such devices are compact and noiseless, but have one important drawback - under the influence of ultrasound, some molecular compounds can be destroyed. Ultrasonic devices can not be used in the treatment of the common cold with antibiotics and mucolytics by inhalation.
  3. Mesh-nebulizer. Modern devices, in which the drug is transformed into small particles, passing through a special membrane. This compact, convenient and silent devices, which are much more expensive than previous models.

Using such modern devices for the procedure, you should know the rule: you can not use recipes for a nebulizer with a cold with essential oils. Adult and small patients can not breathe oils with such a device, since the small particles of this agent can clog the small lumens of the bronchi and cause oil pneumonia.

It is recommended to choose a compressor nebulizer for inhalations in the common cold in children, because they are intended for patients of the youngest age. In the kit to the device there are several masks of different sizes for a more convenient procedure. The use of this mask makes it possible to penetrate the medicine directly into the respiratory system without being dispersed in the air.

What can you do inhalation for a cold with a nebulizer to a child?

It is important to know what to do inhalations in a cold with a nebulizer, so that the procedure will bring a positive result - improve the patient's well-being and speed up the healing process. First of all, it should be understood that different types of medicines are intended for each type of device.

Most often, specialists are appointed such solutions for a nebulizer with a cold:

  1. Mucolytics. It can be used for carrying out the procedure with the use of a compressor and a mesh nebulizer. To this group of solutions for inhalations a nebulizer with a common cold belongs to acetylcysteine, lazolvan, mukonist.
  2. Alkaline compresses. When using alkaline solutions for the treatment of rhinitis, all types of nebulizers can be used. These are drugs like sodium chloride and sodium bicarbonate.
  3. Antibacterial solutions. Medications for a nebulizer with a cold caused by bacteria belong to the group of antibacterial drugs. This is furatsilin, dioxidin, malavit, they can be used for compressor and mesh-nebulizer.
  4. Bronchodilator. Are intended for carrying out of procedure at use of any kind of the device. Among these medications for inhalation, the nebulizer for the common cold is berodual, salbutamol, berotek and atrovent.
  5. Glucocorticosteroids. The drugs are used in any of the three types of apparatus for carrying out the procedure. More often than not, specialists prescribe such a glucocorticosteroid as hydrocortisone.

Regardless of the chosen drug for safe and effective procedure, it is important to comply with the temperature values ​​of solutions for inhalation. The temperature of the agent should not be below 20 degrees.

What medications are suitable for inhalation in the cold with a nebulizer?

To treat acute and chronic nasopharyngeal diseases, many inhalation prescriptions are used with a nebulizer for rhinitis aimed at restoring the mucous membrane. When composing prescriptions for inhalations by a nebulizer in case of a runny nose to a child, the age of a small patient must be taken into account by a specialist.

What kind of medication for a nebulizer for a cold is better to use, the expert will say. In each case, the otolaryngologist appoints different drugs, because their choice depends on the type of rhinitis, the features of its course and the age of the patient.

In most cases, these medications are prescribed for inhalations with a cold:

  1. Interferon. The drug is prescribed for viral infectious diseases of the nasopharynx in children and adults. For the procedure, the contents of one ampoule of interferon must be diluted in 3 ml of saline. After this, the agent should be placed in the drug reservoir, the procedure should be performed 2 times a day.
  2. Tonsilong. The drug is diluted 1: 1 physiological saline in the treatment of adults and children older than 7 years. For children 1-7 years, the solution is diluted in a ratio of 1: 2, for patients up to 1 year old, 1: 3. In one procedure, it is necessary to use up to 4 ml of medication, to carry out inhalation up to two times a day.
  3. Furacilin. The procedure with this solution is performed in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, when the runny nose is one of the symptoms of the disease.
  4. Chlorophyllipt. For the procedure, the drug is diluted with physiological saline in a ratio of 1: 10. For one inhalation, 3 ml of diluted solution is required, up to three procedures are recommended per day.
  5. Tincture of calendula. Alcohol tincture is diluted with physiological solution 1: 40, in one procedure up to 4 ml of the drug is used. In acute inflammation of the nose and sinuses of the nasopharynx, it is necessary to perform inhalations three times a day.
  6. Spirituous tincture of propolis. Bought in the pharmacy tincture must be diluted with saline 1: 20. It is not recommended to apply the solution with a tendency to allergic reactions.

Inhalation with a cold with a nebulizer with saline and mineral water

Often, inhalations are also prescribed for the common cold with a nebulizer, although they are effective only if necessary to moisturize the nasal mucosa. Such procedures are advisable to carry out at an early stage of development of rhinitis. Instead of saline solution, alkaline mineral water can be used, for example, Borjomi, Essentuki, Luzhanskaya.

If you use these alkaline solutions for inhalations from the common cold with a nebulizer to children and adults, you can achieve this therapeutic effect:

  • deeply clean the nasal cavity of the patient from pathogenic microorganisms - viruses and bacteria, which caused the disease;
  • make the liquid that has accumulated in the nose more liquid;
  • prevent stagnation of mucus in the nasal sinuses;
  • quickly reduce the swelling of the nasal mucosa;
  • prevent the development of complications of prolonged rhinitis - purulent otitis and sinusitis.

If you know what to do inhalation for a cold to a child and an adult, you can get rid of rhinitis in a few days. What can you do inhalation for a cold with a nebulizer, if there are no special solutions? You can also carry out the procedure with ready-made medicines intended for irrigation or instillation of the nasal cavity. For example, nasal drops Naphthyzine can be diluted in saline and inhaled twice a day, using the drug at the age-appropriate dosage indicated in the instructions.

If the patient is concerned with purulent rhinitis, in which a secret of yellow or green is secreted from the nasal cavity, an antibacterial preparation called Isofra or Bioparox can be used. In this way, combined agents can be used, among which the vasoconstrictive Polidex antibiotic is effective. With a tendency to frequent rhinitis, inhalations can be prescribed to increase local immunity with the use of Laferobion.

Rules of inhalation with drugs for nebulizer with a cold

In order for the treatment to be effective, it is important to know which inhalations in the cold can be done by a nebulizer based on the type of disease.

However, therapy should still be as safe as possible, and for this you should familiarize yourself with the rules for inhalation with a nebulizer:

  1. Therapy can not be done immediately after meals or before it, between treatment and food intake should pass half an hour.
  2. During inhalation, you can not talk.
  3. With elevated body temperature, this method of treating rhinitis is contraindicated.
  4. During the session, the patient should be in a sitting position.
  5. When treating a cold, you need to inhale through the nose, and exhale through the mouth.
  6. The duration of one procedure on average is 10-15 minutes, depending on what inhalations to do with a cold in the nebulizer.
  7. After the procedure with the use of hormonal or antibacterial drugs, the mouth should be rinsed with water.
  8. To completely cure a runny nose, it is usually enough to hold 5-10 sessions.

What inhalations can be done by a nebulizer in a cold can only be determined by a doctor based on the diagnosis. Also, the specialist determines the dosage of the drug and the number of sessions of this treatment procedure.

What inhalations can be done with a cold: recipes

Runny nose is a constant companion of colds. Everybody knows him. There are several ways to treat it: medication, folk remedies and inhalations. The latter procedures are more effective in conducting a nebulizer. This ultrasound device is able to quickly relieve breathing in the runny nose, and then completely to get rid of it, that's why inhalations are very popular with a cold in a nebulizer recipes while you can learn in the article.

Benefits of rhinitis

Inhalations with such a device help to effectively, and most importantly, safely eliminate the symptoms of rhinitis, without resorting to powerful remedies. It can be effective at any stage of the common cold, but it is still better to use it from the first days. He will be able to:

  • moisten the nasal mucosa;
  • make the discharge from the nose less viscous and thereby reduce their deviations;
  • to eliminate dryness and itching in the nasal passages;
  • soften the crusts formed from the dryness of air or sleep and help to eliminate them;
  • to ensure the directed action of the drug on the entire surface of the nasal mucosa;
  • reduce puffiness and inflammation of the inner membrane of the nose.

The video tells how to breathe through a nebulizer with a cold:

Rules to be followed when performing inhalations:

  1. the situation during the procedure should be calm, so that the patient at the device is not distracted by anything;
  2. Inhalation is performed no earlier than an hour after ingestion;
  3. after using the nebulizer, you should not smoke, drink alcohol, rinse your mouth and drink mucus for an hour;
  4. Aerosol should be inhaled deeply by mouth, and then after a few seconds it is exhaled through the mouth;
  5. for effective treatment you need to undergo a minimum of 8 inhalations. Each of them should last at least 10 minutes.

The use of a nebulizer is justified in the case of viral diseases. Inhalations with it do not have systemic interaction on the body, and this excludes the formation of side effects. The device has a local effect on the common cold: it facilitates symptomatology and reduces pathological processes. It works more efficiently than other devices due to the fact that the drug particles emerging from it have a finer-dispersed structure, and therefore are more easily absorbed into the affected area of ​​the nose. But it is worth knowing that such an inhaler requires the use of certain solutions.

In the video - about the mandatory use of the inhaler in some cases:

What to fill in the device to treat the common cold?

Before answering this question, we first describe what substances can not be used for it:

  • vasoconstrictor drugs. They can cause a violation of breathing when penetrating the bronchi;
  • infusions and herbal teas. First, the particles of plants are clogged in various parts of the device and lead to its breakage. Secondly, during the vaporization of a drop of herbal remedies when ingested into the lungs can cause allergic reactions;
  • oils. They will spoil the nebulizer, and it can not be restored later. Also, their use can provoke pneumonia or lead to the desolation of lung areas.

Selection of medicinal solutions for a nebulizer can not be carried out independently.It is necessary to visit a doctor, perhaps at a certain stage of the disease, he can prescribe potent drugs, such as antibiotics.

Read how to get rid of snoring in a dream to a woman.

Reviews about the use of mustard plaits for children with cough:

Here you can read about the symptoms and treatment of allergic cough in adults.

The specialist will also tell the recipe for the preparation of the solution, give clear proportions of the substances involved. For a nebulizer, you can apply a wide range of pharmacy tinctures and solutions. The means intended for inhalation have a high degree of purification. Pharmaceutical companies even produce special formulations for such inhalers. They pre-pour them in certain volumes in accordance with the optimal proportions for certain diseases. Before using them, you should carefully read the instructions attached to them, in order to avoid allergic reactions to the components included in them.

Than to fill nebulizer to breathe? Fill in a nebulizer with a cold can:

  • alkaline and salt complexes(sodium chloride and its hydrocarbonate, saline or mineral water);
  • immunostimulants(interferon or derinat);
  • antibacterial and antiseptic agents(furacilin, dioxidin, ceftriaxone, flumucil or streptomycin);
  • anti-inflammatory drugs(rotokan, eucalyptus, propolis or malavite);
  • hormonal(cromogexal, dexamethasone or pulmicort).

It is important that pregnant women can use such inhalations, but it is worth to be careful when choosing a medicine for them. They should avoid using drugs with a pungent odor, so as not to worsen the state of health.

The most suitable for them are:

  • weakly alkaline mineral water, is also used to treat cough, a link can be read about inhalations with a dry cough nebulizer with mineral water;
  • saline, also often do inhalations with saline solution with a dry cough.

Further, we will consider in detail how to prepare solutions correctly with each of the representatives of their group.

Methods for preparing solutions

Here are the recommended doses and the proportions of medicinal solutions.

Salt and Alkaline

Frequently used and simple is the procedure for inhaling vapor saline solution. For this purpose, it is taken, its salt composition, and sometimes Borjomi water is used. For effective work of the active substance, the alkaline solution needs to be slightly heated (up to 30 degrees). When inhaled, these substances soften the crusts in the nasal canals and moisten the mucous membranes. Improves the flow of mucus and reduces dryness in the nose.


Among this group, interferon is very popular. His recipe does not represent anything complicated. The contents of one ampoule medication is mixed with 3 ml of saline and all this is poured into the nebulizer. The duration of the procedure should be from 5 to 15 minutes. It is repeated twice a day.

Derinat is an antiviral drug. To conduct an inhalation, take 2 ml of the drug and dilute 2 ml of saline.

Antibiotics and antiseptics

Self-administration of antibacterial agents can worsen the situation: reduce immunity and provoke the occurrence of fungal infections.

  • FluimucilIs a two-component antibiotic. It consists of thiamphenicol and acetylcysteine. It effectively dilutes sputum. It is especially good for the treatment of diseases that are accompanied not only by a common cold, but also by a cough. Its solution is prepared as follows: the preparation in the form of a dry powder is dissolved in 5 ml,% sodium chloride. The obtained composition is divided into two steps.
  • Dioxydin- antibacterial preparation. Its active ingredient is quinoxaline. It can be either 1% or%. If the latter option is chosen, then it is diluted with saline solution, observing the ratio and for 1% solution it equals:. For one procedure, not more than 4 ml of the formulation obtained can be used.
  • CeftriaxoneIs a powerful antibiotic. It is diluted with water for injection. Take 1 ml bottle and mix with 5 ml of water for injection. Before use, you must mix it thoroughly. The minimum duration of the procedure with him is 5 minutes.
  • Furacillin- antiseptic. It is poured into the inhalation device without prior dilution. Used, 2% solution in an amount of 4 ml. Twice a day. Read if you can wash your nose with furacilin baby.
  • Streptomycin- antiseptic., 5 grams of the drug is diluted in 5 ml of sodium chloride.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

  • Rotokanconsists of natural ingredients: chamomile, calendula and yarrow. The drug is diluted in saline solution at the ratio: 0. One dosage for the inhaler should contain 4 ml of the diluted formulation. Inhalations with it are done three times a day.
  • Propolis.Its tincture is applied. It is diluted with saline solution: 0. 1 ml of herbal remedy and 20 ml of physiological composition, respectively.
  • Extract of eucalyptus- Chlorophyllipt. It removes the viscosity of mucus, making it more fluid. Take 10 to 15 drops of the drug and dissolve in 200 ml of saline. For each inhalation, 3 ml of the prepared formulation is administered. It is repeated three times a day.
  • Malawi- biological additive, consisting of extracts of herbs and minerals. For inhalation, 1 ml of the drug is dissolved in 30 ml of saline. One dose - 3 ml. It is used three times a day.

Hormonal remedies

  • Dexamethasone.Used in diluted form. You need to take a% solution for injections. Once taken 2 mg of the drug is dissolved in 3 ml of saline and used up to 4 times a day. You can also use it in ampoules. Then its ratio with the additional substance will be:. The remedy is applied no more than a week.
  • Pulmicort. Produced in the form of suspensions for inhalations with adults and children's dosage. It is used in its pure form. Only if a single dosage prescribed by a doctor is less than 2 ml, then it is adjusted to this amount by adding saline. Inhalations with it do from 1 to 3 times a day. For one inhalation, adults, as well as children over 12 years of age, use 1 mg. And for babies who have not yet reached this age, the dosage is prescribed in an amount of 5 mg.
  • Cromohexal. The active substance is cromoglycic acid. The contents of its vial should not be diluted. Adults and children older than two years are prescribed 1 vial four times a day.

In the effectiveness of inhalations nebulizer there is no doubt. It effectively eliminates the runny nose, than other means. In addition, it is completely safe, so it is recommended to use even toddlers for up to a year. The device stimulates the migration of mucus, moisturizes the mucous membranes of the nasal passages and promotes the fastest release of the cold for a long time. Perhaps you will also be useful information about the drugs used for inhalation nebulizer with laryngitis. Also read what inhalations can be done for allergic rhinitis. Here you can find out what to do if your child does not have a runny nose for two weeks.

How correctly to treat a runny nose inhaler with saline solution? (course of treatment, dosage ...).


Maria Zinchenko

Yes, it's very simple, you fill the nebulizer with saline and breathe, it is advisable to do inhalations throughout the day often, naturally, that after inhalation, go out on the street or a sharp temperature change will only go to harm. In addition to inhalations, with a runny nose, frequent washing of the nasal cavity with various solutions also helps, usually use saline, sea water or brine, which is prepared just 1h / l salt, a glass of warm water. Rinse your nose properly and with a weak pressure. In addition, with the cold, essential oils help, I use tiger balm, it just includes essential oils, I smear it with the nose, it helps to reduce the common cold and relieves congestion. In addition, for the treatment of the common cold, humidification plays a very important role, so do not forget to moisten the air, if there is, include a moisturizer, or hang wet towels on batteries, as will the frequent irrigation of the nasal mucosa water.


, ml of saline solution, pour into the compressor of the compressor nebulizer, connect it, inhale it with your nose for 10 minutes, exhale through the mouth. 7-10 days. You can do 2 times a day. If the nose is strongly embedded, add to the saline solution from the stuffiness (for example, naphthyzine or xylene (he has many other names)

vladimir frost

You pour hot water into the inhaler with the addition of crushed garlic head and just breathe through your nose. Tested on myself

Cough and catarrhal inhaler

Do you or the child have inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract? Do not rush to the pharmacy for ointments, aerosols, tablets - drug therapy is not always safe. As soon as the first signs of a runny nose or cough have appeared, start to do inhalations. They will shorten the time of illness, alleviate symptoms, eliminate pathological processes.

Types of inhalers

It is known that inhalers are special electrical devices necessary for the safe introduction of special medicines, preparations into the upper respiratory tract, and the oral cavity. Before buying the device, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor to find out which type is best for you. If this is not possible, study the description of the types of devices, note the main advantages, disadvantages. Types of inhalers for cough and cold:

  • steam;
  • ultrasonic;
  • compressor;
  • electron-mesh.

Electronic nebulizer for inhalations

The most modern and functional inhaler for the nose and throat, working at the expense of low frequencies. The electronic device has a vibrating plate consisting of a huge number of small holes. Passing through them, drugs are significantly crushed, form a useful fog. Thanks to this design, you can use small doses of drugs and save on treatment. Other benefits of electronic nebulizers for cough and cold:

  1. You can use a wide range of medicines: mucolytics, antibacterial, hormone tablets.
  2. Instruments operate silently, quickly, providing high dispersity of the medicinal composition.
  3. Reduce the possibility of drug overdose, saturate the body with the necessary doses of drugs.
  4. You can fully calculate the consumption of medicines.
  5. Allow to do the procedures in any position.

An electronic inhaler for cough and cold is almost ideal for families in which children are often ill. The device has no serious drawbacks, it will last a long time, if used neatly. It is important to follow the recommendations for care: in time and properly wash the membrane, dry it. A significant disadvantage of this type of inhaler is a high price.

Ultrasonic nebulizer with cough and cold

The device, spraying medicines due to vibration of the metal plate of the radiator. When inhaled, medications penetrate all parts of the respiratory system, localizing inflammatory processes. Inhalers are compact, safe, operate silently, and it is convenient for treating children, people of advanced age. Additional advantages of devices:

  1. Often equipped with batteries, so you can use in "marching" conditions.
  2. You can enter a certain dose of medicines.
  3. For inhalation with coughing, runny nose can be used:
  • Mineral water, for example, Borjomi;
  • solutions of essential oils;
  • herbal medicinal herbs;
  • alkaline, aqueous saline solutions.

Such an inhaler from a cough and runny nose is uncomfortable because for its comfortable operation it is necessary to purchase additional accessories: cups for medicines, gel, which are not included in the kit. Consumers have a low price, but it is not always convenient to buy them separately. Keep in mind: not all devices can use solutions containing oils, ethers, herbal tea. Each inhaler is unique - before you buy, carefully read the instructions.

Compressor nebulizer for cough and cold

Inhalation from the common cold by a jet (compressor) device is safe, hopeful and very effective. In its characteristics is similar to the ultrasonic type, but has a larger size, weight. Compressor inhaler creates a powerful airflow, which when passing through the chamber of the device is enriched by the drug composition. As a result, an aerosol cloud is created that penetrates all the respiratory systems. The most important plus of such a nebulizer - it is allowed to use any medications, solutions, infusions, saline solutions, mineral water.

The compressor nebulizer can be bought at a low price, and this is also its advantage. For its operation, you do not need to purchase additional accessories, the device's inhalation system is reliable. Probably, after several years of regular use, it will be necessary to change the connecting tubes and nebulizers. The main disadvantage of the inhaler is the noisy operation due to the compressor.

Steam engine for inhalation

A simple type of device, working on the principle of evaporation of drugs. To improve the condition, it is necessary to breathe a couple of selected nutrients. Such inhalation with a cough helps to thin the sputum, to facilitate expectoration. Disadvantages of obsolete steam engines are many:

  1. They have insufficient therapeutic effect, because the inhaled substance comes out in low concentration.
  2. A young child can hardly breathe hot steam.
  3. They can be used only with aqueous volatile solutions with a boiling point below 100 degrees.
  4. Steam inhalers should not be used if the patient has a cold and has a fever.

The price of an inhaler from a cold and a cough

In the market there are different types and models of inhalers. There are adult versions, there are devices designed only for children. Which to choose? How much does an inhaler cost? If the decisive role is played by the price, it is recommended to compare the selected models and buy the most functional one. Check out the review of some nebulizers:

  1. Nebulizer Med 2000 CX AeroKid. Refers to the compression type, ideal for home use. Weighs 1350 g, the noise threshold is 50 dB per 50 cm. Can be used to treat the entire respiratory system. There is a children's option, equipped with colored applications, a mask for the child, etc. The price of the described nebulizer is from 3800 rubles. You can buy in the online store.
  2. B. Well WN-119 U. A portable ultrasound nebulizer that can be used to treat the entire family. It can use all medicines on a water basis. It is equipped with a long tube and a pipette for inhalation of bed patients. Convenient to operate - just press 1 button. The price is from 3400 rubles.

How to choose an inhaler


  1. Determine which part of the airway should be treated. The most optimal option is an ultrasonic inhaler that can penetrate deep into the respiratory tract.
  2. If you need a simpler and cheaper option, choose the compressor type.
  3. Pay attention to the duration of the work, the volume of the reservoir for medicines.
  4. If you plan to take the device on the road, buy a model that runs on batteries.
  5. Any device must be certified - be sure to check its availability.
  6. If the device is to be used to treat a child, choose a model designed for the whole family. In addition, there should be a special tip, a mouthpiece, a mask for breathing.

Video: inhalation nebulizer


Лена, 31 years old

In my family all diseases of the respiratory system are treated with inhalers. Previously, we used a steam engine, but the child did not like it. Now ordered from the medical catalog electronic, and inhalation from coughing turned into a complete pleasure. Masha sometimes has an allergic rhinitis, and our miracle device heals quickly.

Julia, 23 years old

Yesterday I bought an inhaler from a cough and a cold from And. A convenient and useful thing! I liked the equipment: there are masks for adults and children. Today she did her husband inhalation with saline solution, specially made a photo before and after. A few hours later, his runny nose went away, redness and scaling in the nose area disappeared. We are glad.

Иван, 34 years old

A week ago, the pediatrician advised me to buy an inhaler for my child, wrote recipes for the preparation of solutions. It turned out quite inexpensive. The cost of the selected device is about 4000 rubles. I decided to take an electronic nebulizer, because it uses low doses of drugs. The main thing is that the device consumes a minimum of electricity.

Solutions for inhalers and nebulizers

  • Medications for the inhaler
  • Inapplicable medicines

All of us from childhood know what inhalation is. This method has long been used to treat acute and chronic diseases, the common cold, sinusitis, acute sinusitis is treated in both children and adults.

Speaking of inhalations, most often a picture emerges from childhood, as we breathed a warm steam over a pan with broths of herbs or over a potato.

This steam inhalation, they can only be carried out with volatile drugs, so the list possible drugs and solutions for inhalers nebulizers, used in practice in such inhalations, very is limited. In addition, the procedure itself is quite unpleasant and tiring for the child.

Nowadays in any pharmacy you can buyinhalation device - nebulizer. A nebulizer or an inhaler for a child is a useful acquisition. The price of such a device may seem high.

Treatment of diseases of the respiratory system is much more effective and not so traumatic for the body as a whole when using various solutions for inhalations for children from coughing and a cold through the nebulizer (for example, taking pills and other medications that, before reaching the diseased organ, will pass through all the digestive and circulatory system).

Inhaler (nebulizer) with the help of ultrasound (ultrasonic nebulizer) or by directional air flow, supplied by the compressor (compressor nebulizers), grind the solution for the nebulizer inhaler into the smallest particles.

Thus, the drug solution is converted into an aerosol by which the patient breathes through a mask or a special tube, and enters the respiratory system purposefully. That is why the effectiveness of some drugs using a nebulizer is much higher, especially when treating children from cough and cold. Read also "The inhaler for children."

Solutions for the inhaler nebulizer are mainly obtained by diluting the drugs with saline solution. The degree of dilution of each mixture is different and may vary depending on the age of the patient and the severity of the disease. The required proportion is found in the instructions for each of the inhalation preparations, or it will be determined by your doctor.

There are exceptions: some medicines are not divorced, for example miramistin, or diluted with another substance, for example, a solution for injections. In addition, in some cases, inhalations are recommended only with saline solution or with mineral water.

What medications are used in medicine for an inhaler?

What medicines for the inhaler (nebulizer) are used in medicine and in what cases?

1. Mucolytics. Inhalations with mucolytics are used to dilute viscous and thick sputum, as well as to remove it from the respiratory system. Doctors prescribe them both at a cough, and at a cold.

The most popular are:

  • Fluimucil, ACC. The active substance is acetylcysteine. The drug reduces the viscosity of phlegm, facilitates its excretion, and also has anti-inflammatory effect.
    How to breed Fluimutsil for inhalations?
    To obtain a solution for inhalation, we take ampoules of 3 ml of fluimycil and dilute with the same amount of saline. The amount of solution applied from the volume obtained depends on the patient's age (2-6 years - 1ml, 6-12 years - 2ml, & 2 years - 3ml). On the recommendation of a doctor, an antibiotic may be added to the nebulizer solution.
  • Lazolvan, Ambroxol. The active substance is ambroxol. Reduces the viscosity of phlegm, contributes to its elimination. To prepare a solution for inhalation, take "Lazolvan - for oral administration / inhalation." Dosage: 2 ml lazolvana / ambroksola mixed with the same amount of saline. The received volume of a liquid is used completely (to children till 2th years - half of the received volume).
    The price of a solution for inhalation Ambroxol averages 70-80 rubles, Lazolvan - 395 rubles.
  • Alkaline inhalation with nebulizer. As a medicine for the inhaler with this type of treatment, saline without additives or mineral water is used - Essentuki 4/17, Borjomi, etc. Such Borjomi for inhalation in the nebulizer allows moisturizing the respiratory mucosa, contributes to the separation sputum, has the least amount of side effects, and therefore can be used from the smallest age.
  • Very effectiveinhalation with saline solutionwith a cold. The mucous membrane of the nasopharynx is moistened, the mucus liquefies and leaves, which facilitates the breathing. In addition, most drugs from the common cold dry the nasal mucosa, while inhalations with saline in the rhinitis contribute to its healing, so they are often prescribed for the treatment of children. The price for saline is 30-40 rubles.

Depending on the age, a different amount of solution is used. Easier to measure in the duration of inhalation - for small children 5min, to adulthood increases gradually to 20 minutes.

Also, the following mucolytics are used as a solution for the inhaler: Hypertonic NaCl solution and diluted with saline solution Mukaltin, Gedelix, Dry medicine, Pectusin, Sinupret, - for inhalations in respiratory diseases these drugs are the most popular.

2. Bronchodilators. Inhalations with bronchodilators relieve bronchospasm, are used to stop attacks of bronchial asthma, treatment obstructive diseases of the respiratory system, as well as in all diseases, when there is a risk of development bronchospasm.

Among a wide list of drugs for inhalation Berodual is today the most often prescribed and most effective bronchodilator. It is used in combination with saline solution. Dosage is prescribed by a doctor individually.

Inhalations with a nebulizer with saline and Berual are also used to treat the common cold in adults and children. Berotek and Atrovent are also used.

3. Antibiotics.

  • Fluimucil + antibiotic.The drug, in which the mucolytic is connected (see Fig. 1) the constituent and antibiotic. The active substance is a combination of thiamphenicol and acetylcysteinate. Fluimucil with an antibiotic for inhalations will help with most diseases of the lower respiratory tract. To obtain a drug for inhalation with a nebulizer with a cough, 5 ml of the solvent is added to the vial with the drug. For inhalation, take 1/2 of the solution obtained.
  • Dioxydin- antibacterial agent. The active substance is quinoxaline, the drug is available in ampoules. Dioxydin for tonsillitis, runny nose, Dioxydinum for otitis and dioxydin for sinusitis are successfully used now. Inhalations are used for purulent diseases of the nasopharynx. The drug is potent, therefore, before using it, it is highly recommended to consult a doctor and strictly follow its instructions. Inhalations with dioxin are more often used when other drugs are powerless.

It is necessary to strictly monitor the proportions when preparing the solution and take into account that it can be,% and 1%. Dioxydin solution,% for inhalations, should be diluted with saline solution in the proportion respectively, 1% solution is diluted 2 times more. For one inhalation, no more than 4ml of our solution is used.

Inhalations with dioxin are also used in the treatment of the common cold. Indication will also be severe and slow flushing of the upper respiratory tract.

The instruction does not contain information on the possibility of use in children, but its use for inhalation in younger age is undesirable, and therefore should be used only in severe cases and only for the intended purpose doctor.

  • Ceftriaxone. Inhalations with ceftriaxone are potent antibacterial therapies. How to breed ceftriaxone? Diluted ceftriaxone with water for injection in the proportion of 1ml bottle for 5 ml of water for injection. Stir well before use. Depending on the age, the duration of the procedure (and accordingly, the amount of solution for inhalation) is different, ranging from 5min.

4. Antiseptic agents

Miramistine- a broad spectrum antiseptic. Inhalations with miramistin are prescribed mainly in diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

The uniqueness of miramistin is that it is an absolutely safe drug and can be used in children and pregnant women. Therefore, very often you can hear that pediatricians prescribe inhalation with miramistin from a cold and cough even to the youngest children.

According to reviews about Miramistine, this drug is very popular in its segment for the treatment of rhinitis, sinusitis and cough.

Miramistine is used without a solvent. Inhalations with miramistin are conducted from 5 to 15 minutes.

Other antibiotics and antiseptics that are used for inhalation include Furacilin, Streptomycin, Chlorophyllipt Solution, Gentamicin.

5. Immunomodulators- inhalations with this group of drugs are carried out for the prevention and treatment of viral diseases.

  • Interferon (powder). To obtain a solution in a vial of interferon, pour in warm boiled water to obtain 2 ml of liquid for nebulizer inhalations. Actively used for the prevention of diseases in the child.
  • Derinat. Inhalations with Derinat nebulizer are used for children and adults. The dosage is 2ml for each inhalation without dilution. Cm. also "Derinat photo".

6. Anti-inflammatory drugs (phytotherapy)

The following medicines are used as anti-inflammatory drugs of plant origin for inhalations with nebulizer: Rotokan, Propolis, eucalyptus tincture, Malavit, Tonzilgon N, tincture calendula. Solutions for inhalation are prepared with the addition of saline.

7. Anti-inflammatory hormonal drugs (Glucocorticosteroids)

Pulmicort is a glucocorticosteroid. The active substance is budesonide. Inhalations with pulmicort are used for bronchial asthma and obstructive pulmonary disease. Separately, it should be noted that pulmicort inhalation is very effectively used to stop attacks of false cereal in children under 3 years old.

The solution for inhalation is prepared with the addition of saline solution, while the proportion depends on the age of the patient and the stage of the disease.

Also with the help of the nebulizer, the children for inhalation use the following glucocorticosteroids: Dexamethasone, Cromogexal.

8. Vasoconstrictive drugs

In order to relieve the symptoms of the common cold, you can use the following mixtures for inhalation of the nose through the nebulizer. Also read the instructions for their preparation.

  • Adrenaline - for 1 inhalation for children under 2 years of age, 5 ml, children over 2 years and adults ml without dilution.
  • Naphthyzine 5% or,%. The proportion of dilution solution for inhalation for children and adults with saline: and 1: 10, respectively. For 1 inhalation the child needs 3 ml of the drug.

9. Antitussives- symptomatic therapy with an obtrusive dry cough.

  • Lidocaine - is used without dilution. On 1 inhalation for children from 2 to 12 years - 1ml, older - 2 ml.
  • Tussamag - the drug is diluted with saline in the proportion: children from 1 to 5 years from 6 to 16 years & g; 7 years -: . For 1 inhalation, take no more than 4 ml.

What medicines can not be used for the inhaler?

Now let's see what medicines can not be used with an inhaler (nebulizer)?

  1. Oily solutions- use leads to spoilage of the inhaler.
  2. Suspensions, decoctions of herbs- may also lead to spoilage of the inhaler, since they contain large particles. You can not use juices - for example, it is useless to apply aloe juice in a cold through an inhaler.
  3. Systemic hormonal preparations- when applied through a nebulizer, the effect does not become "local but is still systemic, so there is no point in moving from the traditional form of treatment to inhalation.
  4. Somedrugs that do not have a point of application in the airway, since they do not affect the mucous membrane (so, do not use for inhalation euphyllin, papaverine, etc.).

The order of application of medicines for the inhaler

If simultaneous coughing and runny nose procedures are prescribed with several solutions for inhalation (from different groups), they should not be mixed, but performed in the following order:

  1. bronchodilators;
  2. mucolytics;
  3. anti-inflammatory or disinfectant.


The main principle when using medicines for the inhaler: we dilate the bronchi, we deduce what accumulates there, we remove the inflammation.


Inhaler for children from cough and cold

Effective and safe way to cope with the symptoms of colds, flu and ARVI - nebulizer therapy. So called treatment with the help of special devices, inhalers and nebulizers. The inhaler for children from cough and cold makes the medicine immediately to the focus of inflammation. Inhalations are indicated for bronchitis, asthma, laryngitis and other problems associated with respiratory health.

Types of inhalers for children

Physicians distinguish three main types of devices: steam, ultrasonic and compressor. All of them operate according to the same principle: they convert the drug into steam or aerosol for deep penetration of the drug into the respiratory tract. Using inhalers for children from cough and cold helps to carry out procedures with a minimum amount of medication. Before deciding which inhaler is best, you need to find out how they differ.


A steam inhaler is suitable for treating the upper respiratory tract. It is an improved modification of the famous folk method "breathe over the potatoes." The device is based on the inhalation of hot steam. He works with volatile substances, in which the threshold of boiling is less than 100 degrees - these are essential oils and herbal decoctions. The solution heats up to 45 degrees, is transformed into steam and is fed through a mask into the nose and mouth.

Disadvantages of a steam inhaler in the treatment of children:

  • It is difficult for a child to inhale a hot stream of air.
  • During heating, part of the active nutrients is destroyed.
  • The concentration of the drug in the inhaled cloud is lower than necessary for treatment.
  • The list of solutions that are allowed to fill the device is small.

Steam inhaler - the cheapest, the cost of simple devices - from 10 dollars, the average price range: 35-40 dollars. Famous steam inhalers for children: "Cow" (the name was translated as "Burenka"), "Puppy" ("Dog"), "Camomile". In the pharmacy can offer a device called "Chudopar it is not childish, but it is used for all family members, including children.


The device of this type creates a powerful airflow and feeds it through a small hole in the drug solution chamber. An aerosol cloud is formed, which through the mask is inhaled to the patient. The advantage of this device is that it can spray almost all types of drugs prescribed for inhalation. Minus - the device is very noisy and some kids perceive it with caution, with difficulty get used to it. The device has an electric compressor and a nebulizer, spraying liquid.

To reduce the anxiety of children when meeting with the device, manufacturers make compressor-type inhalers attractive. A merry locomotive or a baby whale is taken for a toy. Among such devices, Omron inhalers are distinguished. They are qualitative, they often use the epithet "best inhalers". The cost of compact Omron inhalers starts at $ 60. The famous compressor inhaler is the "Delphin" (Delphinus). It makes it possible to adjust the particle size of the aerosol. There is such an instrument from 80 dollars.


Ultrasonic inhalers are similar to the compressor way of delivering aerosol to the respiratory tract, but compared to them, they are almost noiseless. With the help of ultrasonic vibrations, the device sprays the drug onto the smallest particles, up to 5 microns. Ultrasonic inhalers for children from cough and cold are an effective method of treatment. The child can breathe both the mouth and nose. When choosing an ultrasonic inhaler, attention should be paid to a characteristic such as the dispersion, i.e., the particle size of the sprayed drug.

Penetrate into the bronchi can particles of matter with a diameter of only 5-10 microns. And if the instruction says that the device generates larger particles, it is better to abandon the purchase. The device, in which the characteristic of a large dispersion of aerosol particles, may be of poor quality, especially inexpensive. The cost of an ultrasonic inhaler starts at $ 45. Famous manufacturers: Omron, AND, Beurer. How to choose an inhaler, tell the pharmacist in the pharmacy.

Which is better: an inhaler or a nebulizer

Any device for inhalation is sometimes called a nebulizer, then an inhaler. The word nebulizer comes from "nebula which in translation means "cloud, fog". This name means that the liquid medicine is transferred to an aerosol cloud. And "Inhalo" in Latin is "I breathe in". Nebulizers are a narrower version of inhalers. Steam does not belong to them, because it does not allow changing the particle size. The best nebulizers allow you to change the mode of aerosol delivery.

What to choose for a child from coughing

When you cough, you can use both a steam inhaler and a nebulizer. A steam inhaler will help when the child has a dry cough, with diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Steam inhalations, done correctly, contribute to liquefaction and easier sputum discharge. This method is not suitable for young children. An ultrasonic or compressor nebulizer is safe to use, even if the baby is nursing. They are irreplaceable in the treatment of the lower respiratory tract, and if the child is suffering from a wet cough.

How to use an inhaler at home

The use of the device involves the implementation of several rules. Carry out the procedure in an hour and a half after eating. Repeat two to three times a day. Before the procedure, it is necessary to clean the nose well to release the airways, and to facilitate access to the aerosol to the destination. Do not use the inhaler if there are contraindications:

  • elevated temperature, more than 3, degrees;
  • from the nose there is blood, and there is a tendency to bleeding in general;
  • The allergy to a medicine for inhalations on which the prescription is written out is found out;
  • there are serious diseases of the cardiovascular system.

What medicine should I take

The medicinal preparation to be used is prescribed by a doctor. The usual dosage for children is 2 ml of the solution. In addition to medicines, children need saline for inhalations. They plant a remedy in the ratio:. With a dry, barking cough, it is necessary to use ambroben, lazolvan and ambrohexal, the active substance in them is ambroxol. Berodual is used to expand the bronchi. Its dosage determines the age of the child, the year-old is supposed to mix 6 drops of the drug with 2 ml of saline. Children from three years to fill 8 drops.

With laryngitis, stenosis, pharyngitis, rhinitis and false croup helps naftizine. Procedures with it are also carried out on saline, in the ratio:. A proven agent for alleviating the course of colds is inhalation with a mineral water for children. The gas from it must be released. The recommended mineral water is Borjomi. Pour 3-5 ml of liquid into the nebulizer for children.

For steam inhalations often used chamomile, herbal decoction. It helps with a cold, such procedures are useful for tonsillitis, influenza, tracheitis and bronchitis. Other herbs that help in the treatment of colds include thyme, coltsfoot and sage. Effective steam inhalations with essential oils of menthol, eucalyptus, geranium and juniper. 3-5 drops of oil are placed in saline solution. To small children such inhalations are forbidden. In an ultrasonic nebulizer, you can not pour oil.

How much to breathe

Inhalation during coughing in children can last 1-3 minutes. If a steam inhaler is used, it is important to ensure that the steam does not come in contact with the skin of the face. Breathing with steam inhalation should be carefully, a sharp breath can lead to a burn of the respiratory tract, so pediatricians prohibit such a procedure for babies. After inhaling the drug cloud, it is recommended to hold your breath for one or two seconds, to ease the cough, then exhale.

Video about children's inhalers

Before buying and using the inhaler, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video, which offers visual answers to most of the parental questions. You will see how the noisy compressor inhalers perceive very young children, how comfortable they feel in the mask. Hear the useful advice of a well-known pediatrician - Dr. Komarovsky on what to do with inhalations, learn how to help a child stop being afraid of a nebulizer.

Nebulizers for children

With what to do inhalations

If the child is afraid of the procedure

Reviews about inhalers

Larisa, 32 years old: I am a mother of two children, a younger (3 years) often has a cough, colds are constantly turning into bronchitis. Bought a compressor nebulizer "Steam Engine I thought that I would have to keep the baby, but he happily transfers the procedures, and does not even want to finish. The effect is visible after one day of inhalation, we spend two: in the morning and one hour after lunch.

Svetlana, 25 years old: Daughter went to the kindergarten this autumn and became more often sick with ARVI. On the advice of a friend bought a nebulizer, I spend the procedure with mineral water "Borjomi helps quickly, we are much less likely to sit on a sick leave. We bought an ultrasonic nebulizer Omron in the pharmacy. Doing inhalations with the whole family is very convenient. The kit of the nebulizer includes masks for adults and for children.

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