Valgus platypodia: treatment, choice of shoes


  • 1Valgus flat foot treatment with orthopedic footwear
    • 1.1Confronting the diagnosis of valgus platypodia
    • 1.2The principle of the appearance of valgus type of flat feet
    • 1.3The causes of flat-wail pathology
    • 1.4Proper footwear is the basis for combating flat feet
    • 1.5Special correction shoes
    • 1.6Conditions for the prevention of flat feet
    • 1.7The basic requirements for the treatment of flat feet
  • 2Dr. Komarovsky on valgus deformity of foot and flat feet
  • 3Orthopedic shoes for children with valgus deformation (reviews)
    • 3.1Diagnosis of the problem
    • 3.2The causes of deformation of feet
    • 3.3Selection rules
    • 3.4What can change with the regular use of the right shoes
    • 3.5Types of orthopedic footwear
    • 3.6Requirements for orthopedic footwear
    • 3.7Insole selection
    • 3.8Special Recommendations
    • 3.9Parents' comments
  • 4Flat feet: treatment in adults. Flat feet footwear:
    • 4.1Clinical picture
    • 4.2Therapeutic measures: the main components
    • 4.3Physiotherapy
    • 4.4Massage with flat feet
    • 4.5Operative treatment of flatfoot
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.6Supinators and orthopedic insoles with flat feet
    • 4.7Selection of shoes
    • 4.8Orthopedic shoes with flat feet
  • 5Varus and valgus stop: signs and differences in diagnosis and treatment in Moscow
    • 5.1Varus installation of feet
    • 5.2What kind of shoes to choose with a stop varus installation?
    • 5.3Valgus stop
    • 5.4
    • 5.5
    • 5.6What kind of shoes for valgus stop?
    • 5.7The frequency of occurrence of the varus stop and valgus stop

Valgus flat foot treatment with orthopedic footwear

In the process of growth, the child's body is subject to many internal and external changes, but not all are useful to him. Having discovered a valgus flatfoot in a child, a set of preventive and curative measures should be started in a timely manner.

Confronting the diagnosis of valgus platypodia

Valgus flatfoot is considered to be a frequent occurrence of pediatric pathology of foot deformity formation. A pediatric age of up to five years, diagnosed in the vast majority of small patients, is subject to a valgus change in the bone-ligament apparatus.

The principle of the appearance of valgus type of flat feet

Flat feet have several variants of foot changes.

The valgus form displays longitudinal flat feet, in which the feet tend to move their fingers inward, in the form of a slight club foot.

To treat this type of valgus manifestations is simple enough, while a stable effect is observed.

All children have a flat contour at birth, but this does not confirm the presence of a valgus version of flatfoot.

It is explained not by congenital or hereditary pathology.

During intrauterine development, a protective fatty layer develops on the feet, which begins to resolve with the first steps.

In the period from one year to the next, there is an active formation of the arch of the foot, the process of which ends at five to six years.

A stop in children who does not experience previous loads, during the beginning of walking adjusts to the distribution points the severity of the body, muscle and ligament are subject to certain fluctuations in the flat ascent of the longitudinal arch feet. This fact creates suitable conditions for the formation of flat-lagged changes.

It is possible to diagnose valgus manifestations of flatfoot precisely from the age of three, therefore, contact with a pediatric orthopedist during this period is necessarily a workable procedure.

It is in children that the age range of up to six years makes it possible to correct the valgus type of flat feet due to the incompleteness of the process of complete ossification of the supporting system tissues.

The causes of flat-wail pathology

There are quite a number of reasons that contribute to the formation of valgus alteration. This may be a lack of vitamin D, which provokes a lack of calcium in the body and is characterized by weakness of the bone apparatus.

In this group of risk of the formation of valgus manifestations of flatfoot, you can include increased traumatism of the feet in children (fractures, dislocations, sprain and another), childish hypertrophy, when the load on the unformed arch of the foot increases significantly, contributing to a rapid adaptation to the flat-lingual option.

Proper footwear is the basis for combating flat feet

One of the important factors contributing to the valgus manifestation of flat feet is the inconvenient and incorrectly chosen footwear that makes the first steps of the child.

Therefore, in the first place, if there is a suspicion of flat feet with valgus changes, it is necessary to pay attention to its choice, it must meet certain basic requirements:

  • have an elastic, firm sole that prevents further stretching of the ligament apparatus and fixes the range of motion in the ankle, preventing the occurrence of valgus pathology;
  • height of the sole level should not exceed one and a half centimeters, including the presence of heels;
  • clearly fix the leg and ankle with the help of holding fasteners;
  • hard and preferably inflated back, allows you to keep the position of the foot in a strictly vertical plane, preventing its displacement inward, thereby preventing the formation of flat feet with the presence of valgus manifestations;
  • It is undesirable to have internal seams in the shoes, which prevents rubbing the tender baby skin;
  • it is better to choose shoes from natural material that provides comfortable conditions for foot tissues, the right one air exchange and the work of glands, promotes competent prevention of the formation of valgus changes in flat feet;
  • at the age of up to two years, the use of an additional arch support in shoes is not required, because available fat layer of the plantar zone performs a cushioning function, helping in the independent formation of the arch, impeding the development of valgus formation flat feet;
  • The size of the shoe must correspond to the foot, do not squeeze or squeeze;
  • should pay attention to the skin of the foot after walking in the purchased shoes, if it imprinted a trace of socks or pantyhose, then the shoes have a smaller volume and it must be replaced.

Special correction shoes

Children after two years are recommended for use in shoes orthopedic insole, which makes it possible to initially take a stop shape in the right way. A good effect is provided by special orthopedic footwear, which helps to correct the valgus form of the foot in a passive way.

Shoes are made of natural material, meet all the requirements necessary for a stable fixation legs, has a molded inner shape suitable for obtaining the correct bending of the foot under a valgus form flatfoot.

Orthopedic shoes have a special heel, the variation of its length allows you to adjust the rotation of the foot Inward or outward, distributing the load as evenly as possible on its surface with the valgus version flatfoot. Orthopedic footwear has a division of models into a winter, summer and sports variant.

Conditions for the prevention of flat feet

From the first steps of children competent action will be the implementation of preventive measures in relation to the formation flat feet, which include the implementation of fairly simple rules that help strengthen the support apparatus Stop.

Swimming, holding a baby's massage, performing a set of simple game exercises ensure the correct formation of the supporting and ligament apparatus of the lower limbs, preventing the development of flat feet with the manifestation of valgus deformation.

The basic requirements for the treatment of flat feet

To cure valgus pathology is possible provided there is perseverance in the implementation of a set of measures aimed at changing the shape of the foot.

These include a group of special exercises aimed at correcting the valgus foot, requiring regular exercise and contributing to obtaining a persistent effect in the treatment of flatfoot.

Under the influence of a systematic load on the corresponding support points of the valgus foot, it gradually adjusts to the necessary structure that correctly supports the body.


Not allowing the development of flatfoot to the stage of treatment and taking as a basis the rule: "it is easier to prevent than cure it is possible to relieve children of fairly severe platypodia complications that appear during their life in the presence of valgus deformation. Healthy legs are not a dream, it's a pretty real opportunity to win your own perseverance over the flatfoot.


A source:

Dr. Komarovsky on valgus deformity of foot and flat feet

The parents take the first steps of the child as a very joyful family event. But it can be overshadowed by the identification of such orthopedic pathologies as valgus deformation of the feet.

This violation, usually, becomes obvious just at the time of the commencement of walking and after some time.

About the causes of the problem and what to do in this situation, says the famous children's doctor and author of books about children's health Eugene Komarovsky.

Valgus in medicine is called a deformation of the feet, in which they are in a cross-like position with respect to each other, reminiscent of the Latin X.

Most often, a noticeable pathology becomes when the child tries to step on the legs and take the first steps - the pathology is expressed by the fact that the crumb on the inside of the foot is supported by walking.

It's extremely difficult for such a kid to get to the steps - he quickly gets tired, sometimes he feels pain, steps themselves are shaky and insecure.

Orthopedists describe this state from the point of view of the processes occurring in the feet - the toes and heels are turned outward, the middle part of the foot is slightly lowered.

If the legs are straightened and pressed against each other in the knee area, the distance between the ankle bones will be more than 3-4 centimeters.

If the height of the arch of the foot is significantly reduced, the orthopedists will already say that the child has flat-footed feet. Valgus flatfoot is considered the most common diagnosis in pediatric orthopedics.

This curvature of the feet, there are two types: congenital and physiological (acquired).

In the first case - the legs are bent during the fetal development period under the influence of certain factors, which medicine does not yet know so much about.

Congenital pathologies of the foot are usually quite heavy, and it is possible to discern them in the first 2-3 months of the child's independent life.

Acquired deformity is often associated with errors in the development and functioning of the musculoskeletal system, ligamentous apparatus, tendons.It is these violations that become apparent closer to one-year-old age.

In the risk group - crumbs with weakened muscles, premature babies suffering from rickets, suffered frequent and severe viral infections in the first year of life.


The legs risk crooked in obese children, since the load on the lower limbs with excess weight is very significant.


Sometimes parents themselves are to blame for the appearance of pathology.

So, too early setting of the baby on his feet can quite "start" the mechanism of deformation of the feet, and insufficient load on the foot, walking exclusively on an even floor can cause the acquired flat feet or flat-lingual feet.

Flat-footed scares parents at least. However, Komarovsky advises not to panic, because since birth, absolutely all children have flat feet, this is a feature of babies.

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The arches of the foot will form gradually, as they grow, loads on the legs, and then everything is in the hands of the parents, with the exception of congenital flat feet, which can only be corrected surgically.

There are four main degrees of valgus disease on the severity of the defect and the severity of leaks:

  • The first degree.The angle of deviation from the norm does not exceed 15 degrees. Pathology is well amenable to correction in conservative ways.
  • The second degree.The angle of deviation is not more than 20 degrees. This condition is also successfully treated with exercises, massage and physiotherapy.
  • Third degree.The angle of deviation is not more than 30 degrees. Pathology is difficult to correct, long-term treatment, but with proper patience and perseverance from parents and doctors, the prognosis is very favorable.
  • Fourth degree.The deviation angle from normal values ​​is more than 30 degrees. If the conservative treatment is ineffective, a surgical operation is prescribed.

Flattening also has several degrees, which are likewise classified according to the degree of deviation of the arch of the foot from the norm.

As in the case of valgus deformity, the first and second degrees of conventional flat feet are treated quite simply and quickly enough.

With the third and fourth it will be more difficult.

The diagnosis is made by a pediatric orthopedist. This is done on the basis of a visual examination and designated additional studies, which include radiography of the feet, computerized planography, and podmety.

If such studies are not prescribed, and the doctor makes the appropriate diagnosis, you should contact another doctor.

Quite often, small patients with confirmed valgus pathology are advised to visit a neurologist to avoid problems with the peripheral and central nervous systems.

As soon as the causes that underlie the modification of the feet are identified, the doctor will establish the type of affection for etiology:

  • Static deformation.Such a problem is revealed if the wrong posture is involved in the curvature.
  • Structural deformation.The curvature of the feet, which has innate causes. As a rule, the talus bone with such a deformation is located incorrectly with a deviation in one direction or another.
  • Compensatory strain.If a child has a short Achilles tendon, a chamfered leg, the foot will deform functionally when walking.
  • Correction deformation.Such a curvature occurs when the child is completely wrongly treated or not treated at all by the usual clubfoot.
  • Spastic neural deformation.The reason for this curvature is in the malfunctioning of the cerebral cortex, which often causes the spasms of the limbs.
  • Paralytic deformation.Usually it is a consequence of an encephalitis or complicated poliomyelitis carried over at an early age.
  • Rickety deformation.Occurs when rickets.
  • Consequences of trauma.Pathology can be caused by ruptures of ligaments, fractures of the foot bones, ankle, hip and hip injuries.

In the diagnosis of flatfoot, the same methods and methods of investigation are used.

Finally, the baby's foot is formed only by the age of 12, so many of the problems found by specialists and by parents at a more tender age can and should be corrected precisely up to this point, says the doctor Komarovsky.

Usually the treatment of both flatfoot and valgus curvature is aimed at strengthening the ligamentous apparatus, the muscles of the foot, and forming a vault.

To do this, appoint foot baths, medical massage, magnetotherapy, electrophoresis, swimming, exercise therapy. With congenital pathology immobilize the lower limbs with gypsum.

In the absence of the desired effect of all these measures, a child may be recommended surgical intervention.

If the defect is not treated and not corrected, in the case of severe deformity, the child is threatened with a subsequent disability, since the increased stress on the knee and hip joints causes deformation and destruction of them, which leads to irreversible changes in the functions of the musculoskeletal system.

The earlier the pathology is detected, the easier it will be to correct it.

Medical statistics show that the valgus curvature of the feet and shins, revealed at the age of one and slightly older at appropriate therapy has very favorable predictions - the probability of eliminating the problem completely and forever approaches a hundred percent.

If the disease is detected late or the child was not provided with the necessary medical care for a number of reasons and the disease is neglected, in adolescence, the likelihood of developing problems with the spine.The more time since the beginning of the curvature has passed before the beginning of treatment, the less chance of a complete successful recovery.

Quite often, parents tend to blame themselves for problems with the child's foot. Moms are feeling guilty for the fact that they may have chosen the wrong shoes for the child, which caused the abnormality of the foot.

Eugene Komarovsky calms parents - the deformation of the legs in no way depends on the shoes.

Since man originally appeared on the next world without shoes, it is not so necessary to him from the biological and physiological point of view.


However, with the help of special, orthopedic shoes, you can correct some pathological changes in the foote. Although Komarovsky does not advise fully and completely on the healing properties of expensive orthopedic shoes, Komarovsky advises.


They can have an auxiliary effect, but they need to be treated in other ways, and prevented through an active lifestyle, walking barefoot on uneven surfaces, running and jumping.

The more active the child, the less likely the acquired curvature of feet or flat feet.

Most parents are interested in when to start wearing shoes for a child. Komarovsky says that there is no point in doing this right after the first steps.

Let the kid go barefoot as long as possible - around the house, on the street, if possible.

Naturally, in the kindergarten or for a walk in the park you need to shoe a child.

With pronounced valgus symptomatology it is often recommended to buy insoles with insteps that do not allow the foot to "collapse" inwards.

These boots usually have rigid sides, which fix the foot in the correct position, a firm heel retainer.

Most often it is necessary to make such shoes to order, taking into account the degree of deviation from the norm, which is measured and described by the orthopedist.

Do not buy orthopedic shoes for a kid just like that, for prophylaxis, just because it seemed to Mom that the legs of the crumbs are not so.

In the choice of ordinary casual shoes Komarovsky advises to adhere to the basic rules:

  • Boots should be in size, not small and not large, the child should be comfortable and comfortable.
  • To buy shoes "for growth" does not make sense, since the geometry of the foot changes during the growth of the leg.
  • It is desirable that shoes are not sewn from synthetic materials, the leg should "breathe".
  • Sharp noses and a heel in models of children's footwear are inadmissible.

The best prevention of problems with the feet is the ability to give the child to walk more often barefoot, not only on the flat surface, which is our floor in the apartment, but also on the "rough" terrain.

If you do not have your own yard, where you can let a barefoot child run on the ground, grass and various bumps, then the ideal option will be a Swedish wall, which parents can buy and mount in the children's room child.

When climbing and walking on it, the child will "work" the muscles of the foot, and no flat feet and valgus curvature will not.

An excellent way to prevent functional (acquired) platypodia or curvature of feet - children's rugs on the floor with convex elements ("shells "stones etc.).They are sold in any large children's store, as well as in orthopedic salons.


Early setting on the legs is unacceptable.Despite the fact that the average statistical standards indicate an approximate age of 9-15 months, do not rush the child, Komarovsky believes.


Do not forcefully put it on the legs, if he himself does not make attempts to stand and walk, do not "shove" the child into the walker, since early verticalization can cause problems not only with the anatomy of the foot, but also with the spine, which is much worse and more serious.

If, on the occasion of the detected valgus pathology of the foot or flat feet, the doctor prescribed therapeutic massage, prepare for the fact that the procedures will be quite lengthy.

Several sessions with the involvement of a specialist will be enough to master the massage yourself.

What is platypodia, what factors lead to it and how to prevent it - tell Dr. Komarovsky in the video below.

A source:

Orthopedic shoes for children with valgus deformation (reviews)

One of the most particular reasons for referring to orthopedists is the incorrect setting of the feet. Many babies are diagnosed with valgus deformity.

This is a condition in which the heels deviate outward, and the foot is tilted inward. Correct the situation will help orthopedic shoes for children.

With valgus deformation, this is real salvation.

Diagnosis of the problem

The most frequent diagnosis, which is voiced by an orthopedist in his office, is a flat-valgus stop. Parents themselves can suspect problems if they know how these babies are different.

In children with flat-valgus deformation, it can be seen that the heels and toes are deflected outward, and the middle part of the foot sags. In the standing position, you can notice that the child's legs form the letter "X".

Usually, parents pay attention to shoes that wear out quickly. The sole is erased and deformed from the inside.

Often such children:

  • complain of pain in the legs, pointing to the area of ​​the feet and knees;
  • are characterized by increased fatigue.

Some may have swelling in the ankle and feet area by the evening. To correct a situation it is possible only in the event that parents will address to the orthopedist and will carry out all its recommendations.

Often doctors prescribe massages, physiotherapy procedures. And the orthopedic footwear for children with valgus deformation should help to correct the setting and to fix the result.

But it also needs to be able to correctly select.

The causes of deformation of feet

Many parents are thinking about whether orthopedic shoes are needed for children with valgus deformity. Photos of the legs of adults who have such a curvature, will help determine.

If parents do not want the child to suffer from constant pain in his legs, when he grows up, it's better to start correcting this problem in time.

We must understand that the development of valgus stop can lead to:

  • congenital diseases, including bad heredity, certain genetic disorders, dysplasia;
  • the acquired problems: rickets, leg trauma, early walking, incorrectly selected first shoes.

With congenital problems, treatment begins in advance, even before the child begins to walk. And the acquired deformations in most cases arise because of the negligent attitude of parents to the selection of shoes.

They buy a child sandals with soft backs, with the wrong flat footbed. And this leads to the fact that the loose ligaments can not hold the weight of the child while walking and the ankles fall under the weight of the child's weight.

To the same consequences leads and early use of walkers.

Selection rules

Parents who are faced with the problem of incorrect installation of the feet of their child, should know what to look for when selecting sandals or shoes. Orthopedic footwear with valgus stop for children should meet a number of criteria. Among them:

  • the presence of a high and firm backdrop;
  • dense sidewalls that can hold the foot in the desired position;
  • rigid fixation of the foot;
  • the presence of a special orthopedic insole.

Shoes are made with a small heel - about, see. On sale, you can find models with Velcro or laces. We must understand that orthopedic shoes for children with valgus deformation can not be just on a snake. Parents should be able to regulate its volume.

After all, there are children who have very dense legs, almost any model will suit them. And in thin children, legs in ordinary sandals will hang out like a pencil in a box.

They must always tighten the Velcro or laces so that boots or sandals tightly fit the area of ​​the ankle and foot.

What can change with the regular use of the right shoes

Everyone knows that it is quite expensive to have the necessary orthopedic footwear for children with valgus deformation. Reviews confirm that many parents refuse to buy it because of the high cost.

But, despite this, it is desirable to try to allocate funds from the family budget for the purchase of quality footwear.

If you do not listen to the recommendations of the orthopedist and ignore his advice on the choice of shoes, you can face such problems:

  • flat feet;
  • shortening of one of the limbs;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • increased injuries.

Of course, some children outgrow this problem. Over time, the ligaments of the child are strengthened, and the leg is leveled. But this does not happen to everyone.

Types of orthopedic footwear

If the baby's problems were detected at an early age, then the serial orthopedic footwear for children with valgus deformity can help to remedy the situation.

"Ladomed for example, produces models for both very young children and adults. On sale you can find sandals, boots, and winter boots. There are models with inflated or usual backs.

But you need to choose the right option only in conjunction with an orthopedist.

In addition, serial shoes can be bought only if the deformation of the foot is negligible. It can also be used in situations where the child has a hereditary predisposition to improperly set the stop or weakness of the ligament apparatus.

To prevent this can help orthopedic shoes for children with valgus deformation "Ortek". Parents confirm that this manufacturer can only find quality models that can correct the deformation that has begun or prevent its development.

Requirements for orthopedic footwear

Proven manufacturers make only quality products. But its cost is high for many. Therefore, parents who are looking for cheaper models should know what requirements should be met by orthopedic footwear for children with valgus deformities of the foot.

In addition to well-known recommendations, according to which this footwear should be rigid and securely fix the leg, it is necessary to pay attention to such moments. Qualitative orthopedic models:

  • are made of leather;
  • equipped with a dense sole made of non-slip materials;
  • equipped with a Thomas heel, which should compensate for the fall of the middle part of the foot in the inner side.

We must understand that orthopedic footwear for children can differ in appearance from the appearance of valgus deformation. Winter footwear, as a rule, is equipped with a denser sole.

Boots look more voluminous due to the presence inside the heater. But all orthopedic footwear differs from usual in appearance.

After all, it has a special design, rigid sides and a tight backdrop.

Insole selection

When selecting sandals or shoes, attention should also be paid to the element that will support the correct arch of the child's foot. There are several types of orthopedic insoles. Each of them is used for certain problems.

The insole should not be glued or otherwise fixed. It is necessary that parents always have access to it. After all, periodically it must be cleaned or replaced.

Orthopedic insoles are always made by a rigid sub-breeder (more commonly known as a pincushion). This allows you to form the right bend of the foot and prevent the development of flat feet.

To maintain the arch, doctors recommend using an insole VP-1. But with flat-valgus deformation, the VP-2 model is needed.

Such a supine insoles is equipped with a nest to accommodate the heel, longitudinal arches are laid out in it, and in the heel section there is a supinator.

Special Recommendations

Having bought orthopedic shoes, not all parents know what to do next. Some people wear it only for a one-hour walk in the street, others allow the child to shoot it only for the night.

The recommendations of orthopedic doctors amount to the fact that children should wear orthopedic shoes 4-6 hours a day.

But sometimes it is necessary that the child is in correctional models for a longer time.

With the correct use of shoes in a child, the load on the ligaments and muscles of the legs decreases. Automatically the baby improves posture. Due to the fact that the shoes firmly hold the foot in the correct position, the child begins to suffer less from the legs and endurance occurs.

But to force a baby to wear orthopedic models all day without a break is not worth it. The ligamentous and muscular apparatus should work, and this will only happen if the child's leg is not fixed.


They can be developed with the help of massage, physiotherapy procedures. It is useful to walk on special rugs with pebbles or hard nap.


Indispensable for children with flat-valgus deformation can become an ordinary Swedish wall.

Parents' comments

Before buying orthopedic models, many people want to find out whether they really have any sense. Some argue that without them to correct the setting of the feet will not succeed, while others say that with time the foot will even out itself.

But if all children had ligaments with time, then adults with an incorrect installation of feet would simply not be. But, unfortunately, not all parents pay attention to this problem on time.

According to the majority of parents who used special models, orthopedic shoes for children with valgus deformation allows for long-term use to correct the setting Stop. But to fix the situation with one of the shoes is difficult. It is also necessary not to forget about the massage and adequate loads on the feet that occur when walking on special rugs with pebbles.

A source: http://.ru/article/243630/ortopedicheskaya-obuv-dlya-detey-pri-valgusnoy-deformatsii-otzyivyi

Flat feet: treatment in adults. Flat feet footwear:

Flattening - one of the orthopedic ailments, in which the flattening of the foot occurs, and in some cases it becomes completely flat.

With a visual inspection, you can see that the sole of a person is completely in contact with the surface on which it stands.

In medical terminology flatfoot is a change in the shape of the foot in the transverse or longitudinal arch.

Clinical picture

The patient can not always determine the development of the disease at an early stage, since in most cases its manifestations are similar to the usual fatigue of the feet after a long walk.

This is the insidiousness of the disease. Only after some period of time, when the pain spreads higher to the back and begins to progress, the person turns to the doctor.

When flat feet arise, treatment in adults is much more difficult than for children. And if you completely ignore medical procedures and prevention, the disease can lead to deterioration of the musculoskeletal system.

Although the pathology of the feet can not be completely corrected, nevertheless, whatever kind of flatfoot, treatment in adults, if it is started on time, has positive results.

Therapeutic measures: the main components

Since the main reason for the development of pathology is the weakening and uneven distribution of muscle mass to the joints, the goal of medical prescriptions is to strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the foot.

Regardless of whether longitudinal or transverse flat feet, treatment should be carried out in a complex way to protect the body, in particular the spine.

There are two types of treatment:

  • conservative;
  • operational.

When there is a transverse flatfoot, treatment is presumed to be conservative.

Traditionally, these are various special gymnastic exercises, the use of individual orthopedic insoles, massage procedures and much more.


A positive effect is achieved only if the disease does not progress much and does not go to stage 3.


The third stage is characterized by obvious deformations of the entire arch of the foot, therefore, if such a flatfoot is diagnosed, treatment in adults requires surgical intervention. During the operation, the ligaments are cut, the fingers are aligned and a number of other manipulations are performed.


LFK is shown not only to patients during the rehabilitation period after the operation, but also for therapeutic purposes in the early stages of the development of the disease, and also for preventive purposes for adults and children.

When flat feet arise, treatment in adults with the help of physiotherapy exercises can relax the muscle tone, strengthen the ligaments and thereby stop the development of the disease in the future.

Lesson exercise should be done daily for 15-20 minutes. A special set of exercises, which will be selected by a medical specialist, will train the leg muscles and the arch of the foot.

Massage with flat feet

Among all medical methods and means of prevention, foot massage can be performed automatically. This advantage allows you to not give this process time, do not spend money on private masseurs, but perform it yourself. What does that require?

It is enough to buy one or several massage surfaces. Such products can be put in different places of the apartment, for example near a chair, near a workplace, etc.

The pad for flat feet has a lot of useful features:

  1. As a result of walking along it, stimulation of the reflexogenic zones of the entire arch of the foot occurs.
  2. Easy to use. It is easy to fold, wash, store.
  3. Allows you to restore a rhythmic walking cycle.
  4. Strengthens the muscular system.
  5. Activates metabolic processes in the body.
  6. Eliminates puffiness in soft tissues with flat feet.
  7. Relieves pain in the legs, cramps.
  8. Increases immunity and general tone of the body.
  9. Relieves stress and strengthens the immune system.

Together with curative gymnastics, physiotherapy and other methods, the mat for foot massage can accelerate the recovery of patients in the adult category.

Operative treatment of flatfoot

Patients who have flat feet, the operation is carried out in an innovative way - this is correction of the foot with the implant.

In the place of surgical intervention, a mini-cut is made of 1 cm length, where the artificial liner, which contributes to the further partial restoration of the anatomical structure of calcaneal bones. Also, the arch of the foot is corrected to the normal state.

The time of the operation depends on the degree of deformation of the fingers and the severity of the disease. On average, surgical procedures last about 30 minutes.

Such an innovative method of treatment allows you to prescribe the patient for 2-3 days. Patients return home in a plaster cast and without crutches.

After removing the latch, the patient is recommended moderate load on the operated leg.

Supinators and orthopedic insoles with flat feet

Shoes are necessary for a man from the moment when he starts to take his first steps, without it in the modern world can not do. And it is she who influences the development of foot pathologies in many patients.

To reduce its negative impact, doctors have developed insteps and orthopedic insoles.

With flatfoot these products to some extent help to create a stop correct anatomical position, correct damping functions, as a result of which the muscles of the legs are not so tired, and the destruction of the heel bones and joints is suspended fingers.

Orthopedic nephritis with flat feet is recommended for all types of pathology, including those needed during the rehabilitation period after the operation.

Selection of shoes

Complex treatment of orthopedic diseases includes the selection of the right footwear. Orthopedists always offer shoes without the exception of soft leather. And the heel should be no more than 2 cm.

Fans of athletic shoes should be preferred only to quality sneakers. On the hairpins and high platforms, alas, the female half will have to be abandoned, as there is a high probability that they will only exacerbate the problem.

The principles of choosing shoes are quite simple:

  1. Do not purchase shoes made of synthetic materials.
  2. It should be slightly spacious with a wide toe.
  3. It is desirable that the sole is made of natural material and has flexibility.

Such rules for choosing shoes are suitable for those people who do not suffer from flat feet.

Orthopedic shoes with flat feet

Depending on the degree of the disease, orthopedic footwear is manufactured for each patient individually according to the indications in the medical device plants.

Unlike ordinary shoes, it greatly alleviates the pain in the feet, helps if it is it is necessary to compensate for the shortening of the legs, it serves as a good support area, it stops the deformation of the bones and joints.

Literally ten years ago, orthopedic shoes were ordinary tibia boots.


Now it is difficult to distinguish it from conventional models, besides sewing the top of the shoe is possible under the order at the same orthopedic plant.


To do this, it is enough to make plaster casts of feet and offer your own version of modeling.

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Varus and valgus stop: signs and differences in diagnosis and treatment in Moscow

In this article, we will try to explain in more detail about the differences between the varus plant and the valgus stop.

Main differences

A - Varus installation of feet

B - valgus installation of the feet

Varus installation of feet

Varus installation of feet- the knee joints are bent to the sides O-shaped, not connected together in a straight line, as a consequence, when walking, the child leans against the outer arches of the feet (see Fig. scheme options for setting stops in children).

Varus stop is more common in infancyand in children with diabetes mellitus, diagnosed with cerebral palsy, diagnosed with various brain tumors, due to polyemelitis disease, etc. serious illnesses. (see table. frequency of occurrence of the varus stop system and valgus installation of the feet).

If the sign of the stop varus installation has a pathological feature, then a correction special orthopedic products - tutors or elastic bandages, which will be prescribed by the doctor Orthopedic physician.

What kind of shoes to choose with a stop varus installation?

For the treatment of using special anti-footwear shoes.

Antiviral shoeshas a high backdrop, not supinirovana. Insoles for shoes are made to order with a complex correction.

Existstandard antiviral insoles, which can be bought in specialized orthopedic salons.

Such shoes keep the foot in a vertical correct position, do not let it bend in waves, cause the child to lean on a full foot, rather than on its outer vaults.

In the preschool period, it is imperative to wear anti-wrist shoes. To the treatinganti-footwear shoes can include shoes MEMO, ORTEK.

For the prevention of anti-virus installation of the feet or with a slight deviation, it is necessary to wear a good preventive footwear with ankle-retaining backs, with lift locks, instep support in such shoes should not be.

The resulted stop often meets withdiagnosis of the stop varus.This means that the foot is curved undulating (see Fig. scheme options for setting stops in children).

Valgus stop

Valgus stop- the knee joints are connected together X-shaped, the feet in this case diverge, while walking the child rests on the inner arches of the feet. (cm. scheme options for setting stops in children).

With the diagnosis of the valgus stop, the following diagnoses of the foot disease come into contact:

Longitudinal flat feet- means a flat foot along the entire length of the foot.

This is the most common flat feet in children's preschool and junior school age. According to statistics, every second child has deviations in the development of the foot. (cm.

Table. frequency of occurrence of the varus stop system and valgus installation of the feet).

With longitudinal flat feet,the longitudinal arch of the foot is flattened. It touches the floor with almost the entire area of ​​the sole in such a way that the length of the feet increases.

Approximately 30% of the adult population, longitudinal flat feet, due to weakness of the calf and foot muscles with an increase in body weight, work in a standing position, a decrease in muscle strength in physiological aging, lack of muscle training in the persons of the sedentary profession, trauma and etc.

What kind of shoes for valgus stop?

When diagnosed, a flat-valgus foot, a flat-valgus stop of the 1st degree, a longitudinal flatfoot of the 1st degree is suitable:

  • supine shoes with good backs, hiding the ankle joint MINIMEN, ORTOPEDIA, TASHI ORTO, ORSETTO, ORTEK prophylactic supine, etc.
  • orthopedic insoles standard

When diagnosed, a flat-valgus foot, a flat-valgus stop of the 11th degree, a longitudinal flatfoot of grade 11 is suitable:

  • supine shoes with good backs, hiding the ankle joint MINIMEN, ORTOPEDIA, TASHI ORTO, ORSETTO, ORTEK.
  • Orthopedic insoles are standard, or individual insoles, manufactured by special prosthetic and orthopedic enterprises, medical centers by appointment of an orthopedic doctor, surgeon

When diagnosed as a flat-valgus foot, flat-valgus stop of the 111th degree, longitudinal flat-foot of the 111th degree is suitable:

  • supine shoes with good backs, hiding the ankle joint MINIMEN (sneakers, moccasins, boots, boots, orthopedic series of sandals 18-25), ORTOPEDIA, TASHI ORTO, ORSETTO, ORTEK.
  • Orthopedic insoles are standard, or individual insoles, manufactured by special prosthetic and orthopedic enterprises, medical centers by appointment of an orthopedic doctor, surgeon

The resulted stop often meets with the diagnosis valgus stop.This means that the foot is curved undulating (see Fig. scheme options stop settings).

Transverse Platypodia- increase (widening) of the forefoot, and the foot itself is shortened, because

there is a discrepancy of metatarsal bones in the form of a fan.

The fingers are deformed, acquiring a hammer-shaped form (mainly the middle finger), the thumb is deflected to the outside. Swell interphalangeal cartilages.

There is a characteristic "bump-cone" on the side of the base of the big toe, the nails begin to grow. Transverse flatfoot is the most common adult disease (~ 70%), especially women aged 30-60 years and full men.

One of the prerequisites of transverse flatfoot is wearing inconvenient, narrow shoes with high heels. It manifests itself in the form of permanent piles, corn cones, curvature of all toes. That's why it is very difficult for adults, especially women, to pick up shoes.

To correct transverse flatfoot, you need to properly choose shoes, special intertwined orthopedic silicone inserts that correct the arrangement of the toes.

All cartilaginous cones and napotypes are removed only surgically.

In children, in the pure form of transverse flatfoot practically does not occur, more often it is combined - longitudinal-transverse.

Longitudinal-transverse flatfoot- observed both longitudinal and transverse flattening of the arch of the foot. Children are diagnosed with longitudinal-transverse flatfoot most often with a pronounced flattened 111 degree. Most often, such a diagnosis occurs at the age of 16-25.

The frequency of occurrence of the varus stop and valgus stop

according to the research of A.V. Pchelyakov, Odessa State Medical University

p / p
deformities of the foot
Frequency of occurrence (in%)
Infants In school-age children
1 Varus installation of feet 52 38
2 Valgus stop 18 79

Scheme: options for setting the feet in children (R. Burnback, A. Sinios, 1980)

1-2. Vario variants of the foot. 3. Flat-reduced foot.

4. Norm.

5-6. Variants of valgus stop.

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