The retina of the eye: how to treat detachment?

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This pathology of vision as a retinal detachment is considered one of the most serious, since without proper treatment it is fraught with a complete loss of vision. Any problems with the retina require urgent surgery.

How to find out the problem in time, and how not to prevent its occurrence, we will discuss in detail below.


  • 1What it is
  • 2Causes
    • 2.1Remotogenic
    • 2.2Traction
    • 2.3Exudative
    • 2.4Are common
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Diagnostics
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Complications
    • 5.2Prevention
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

What it is

Retinal detachment is the separation of the retina from the vascular membrane and pigment epithelium.As a result, the retina ceases to function normally, which leads to a rapid decrease in visual acuity.

Normally, the retina is tightly attached to the vascular envelope that feeds it, and if there are any problems, it ceases to receive enough food, so detachment occurs.

Experts say that in most cases, detachment occurs in middle-aged and elderly people, much less often it can occur in young children.

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The retinal detachment is divided into three types:

  1. Regmatogenic.It occurs because of the appearance of a rupture on the surface of the retina. Regmatogenic exfoliation is typical for short-sighted people, as well as for people aged from thirty five to seventy-five years (at this time irreversible age-related changes in the vitreous body). The retina is thinned in places of her dystrophy on the periphery of the fundus. Occasionally, gaps may appear, because the vitreous body begins to separate from the retina, and thus the retina breaks. Through the ruptures under it may drain the intraocular liquid, under the action of which the retina begins to exfoliate from the vascular membrane.
  2. Traction.When dense seams begin to appear between the retina and the vitreous body, which are formed as a result of the presence of various diseases. The fissures contract and stretch the retina, which leads to detachment.
  3. Exudative.This kind of detachment is also called serous. The detachment occurs due to the accumulation of intraocular fluid in the subretinal space. It can occur for various reasons, the main ones of which are problems with retinal vessels or disruption of the vascular membrane.


The causes of detachment of the retina depend on its type.


So rhegmatogenous retinal detachment arises for such reasons as:

  • Peripheral dystrophy of the retina with the presence of thin areas.
  • Myopia of high and medium degree.
  • Complications after cataract removal.
  • Dilution of the vitreous body, detachment of its membrane.
  • Genetic diseases (Stickler syndrome, homocystinuria and others).
  • Inflammation and infection of the posterior segment of the eye.
The process of detachment of the retina


Traction detachment arises due to the appearance of dense splices. Their appearance provokes such serious diseases and injuries as:

  • Diabetes.
  • Sickle-cell anemia.
  • Wounds of the eyes and their contusions.


The causes of exudative retina detachment:

  • Congenital anomalies (coloboma of the choroid and optic nerve, vitreoretinopathy and so on).
  • Inflammation (ulcerative colitis, sarcoidosis, scleritis and the like).
  • Infectious diseases (syphilis, tuberculosis and so on).
  • Problems with the kidneys.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Complications after surgery on the eyes.
  • Systemic diseases.
Changes in the position of the retinal layers

Are common

Common causes of retinal detachment:

  • Problems with circulatory disorders;
  • Viral infections;
  • Stress;
  • Excessive physical activity;
  • Injuries of the eyes.


Symptoms of retinal detachment are very characteristic, so it is difficult to confuse it with other diseases.

A person who has a retinal detachment complains of the appearance of a "curtain" before his eyes, and it does not go away if you rub your eyes or drip drops in them.Another characteristic symptom is flares, flies and lightning. In the event that the detachment occurs in the central region, the vision deteriorates, the objects in front of the eyes are distorted. The field of vision may be narrowed.

This is how a person sees when a retina detaches

When detached, a person does not feel any pain.

If the detachment occurs in the peripheral areas, the visual acuity may not change, and if it is total, it causes a significant deterioration in the quality of vision.


To diagnose detachment of the retina, a detailed examination is necessary. For this, ophthalmologists use three types of techniques:

  1. Standard methods(perimetry, tonometry, vidiometry, biomicroscopy, ophthalmoscopy and study of entopic phenomena).
  2. Special Methods(ultrasound in the B-mode and electrophysiological methods).
  3. Methods of laboratory diagnostics(urine and blood test for HIV, hepatitis and syphilis).

Ophthalmoscopy is one of the best methods for diagnosing retinal detachment. With it, you can quickly identify a problem and begin treatment. Only the ophthalmologist knows exactly what the fundus shows.


Retinal detachment requires an immediate surgical procedure, therefore eye drops, gymnastics, pills and folk remedies will not help.

Do not try to solve the problem yourself, the more time is lost, the more dangerous. If the detachment appeared less than two months ago, then a person has a much better chance of restoring vision. If more time has passed, then the operation is more difficult, and it will take longer to recover after it.Doctors say that the more time has passed since the detachment, the more nervous receptor cells die, and the less chance to restore vision.

Surgical operations, which are used for detachment of the retina, are aimed at creating a complete retina of the retina to the choroid.

Operations groups:

  1. Extracleral operations.They are carried out from the side of the sclerotic shell (that is, from the outside), seals are placed in the places of ruptures, which bring the retina closer to the choroid.
  2. Endovitration operations.These are operations that are performed inside the eye. In this case, either the strands from the connective tissue or the vitreous can be removed.
  3. Hyperthermic and hypothermic operations.They are carried out in the case of peripheral flat delaminations.

After the surgical intervention, the patient should be observed at the ophthalmologist twice a year. In addition, special courses of treatment with medicinal products are prescribed.


Complications that may occur in the postoperative period

  • Infection of the infection.
  • Detachment of the choroid.
  • High intraocular pressure.
  • Imbalance of the eye muscles.
  • Ptosis of the upper eyelid.
  • Strabismus.

In a period of several weeks or even months, the implant may be exposed, changes in the macular area, decreased vision, cataracts.


People who have a high or medium degree of myopia diagnosed with abnormal changes in the fundus or retina are advised to undergo at least an ophthalmologist at least once a year.

Those who are at risk should avoid excessive physical exertion, weight lifting. In addition, it is recommended to avoid blows and injuries to the head and eyes.



In the case of retinal detachment, the problem should be detected as soon as possible. Therefore, you need to carefully and carefully treat the health of the eyes. This is especially true for people whose co-morbid conditions can lead to detachment of the retina.

You will learn about folk methods of treating retinal detachment in this material.