Why there is a pain in the head and eyes?

Almost every person during life at least once experienced a simultaneous pain in the eyes and head. In medicine, this symptom is called "cluster pain which is a sign of general overwork of the body, and of certain neurological, ophthalmic and functional diseases. In untimely treatment, chronic pain in this area can lead to the most serious consequences.


  • 1Clinical picture
  • 2Causes
  • 3Possible diseases
    • 3.1Migraine
    • 3.2Diseases of the sinuses of the nose
    • 3.3Cervical osteochondrosis
    • 3.4Liquorodynamic pathologies
    • 3.5Ophthalmic diseases
    • 3.6Vascular aneurysm
  • 4Diagnostic Methods
  • 5Treatment
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Clinical picture

In most cases, cluster pain occurs suddenly, sometimes without any provoking factors.This is one of the most severe cases of headache, as it is concentrated around the eyes, which aggravates the severity of the symptoms. Depending on the manifestations, two types of this ailment are distinguished:

  • Episodic pain in the head and eyes, which can occur spontaneously and last from a few minutes to a couple of days. If there are no serious diseases, then cluster pain can appear only once. Typically, this kind of pain is provoked by stress or other external factors;
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  • Attacks of cluster pain- a serious pathology, which requires an immediate appeal to a specialist. The ailment can last more than a year with periodic remissions. This manifestation of painful sensations in the head and eyes is always difficult to treat, but even with competent therapy there is a risk of relapse.

Pain in the head and eyes has the property to occur at certain times of the day, usually in the morning or evening. This is due to the working rhythms of the brain, however, depending on the cause of the ailment, the frequency of manifestations may be different.

Also read about ciliated cattle or eye migraine.


The causes of pain in the eyes and head are many.As a rule, such a symptom is a characteristic sign of hypertension and migraine.But often cluster pain is associated only with the impact of external and internal factors:

  • Non-compliance with sleep and rest, mental and physical overload;
  • A large amount of salt in food, unbalanced nutrition;
  • Continuous work, requiring increased concentration of attention;
  • Weather effectsand changing the time zone;
  • Wearing inappropriate corrective lenses or glasses;
  • Chronic stress and strong emotional experience;
  • Some medications, especially hormonal;
  • Excessive use of caffeine and alcohol, smoking;
  • The presence of neurologic or functional diseases.

During puberty and during pregnancy, pain in the head is not a pathology, since it is associated with a natural hormonal reorganization of the body.

For a number of diseases, cluster pain is a characteristic feature.As a rule, they are associated with the nervous or hormonal system, in a number of cases, painful sensations are caused by ophthalmic ailments.

Possible diseases

If the pain in the head and eyes occurs regularly and lasts a long time, most likely, it is caused by illness. In this case, cluster pain can be accompanied by attacks of nausea, changes in blood pressure, intestinal disorders.That is why to get rid of pain, you need to find out the reason that caused it.Pain in the head and eyes can be associated with the following diseases.


Regardless of the type, migraine always causes headache and ophthalmic manifestations.Almost always it has a pulsating character and is localized in a certain area, as the disease is caused by a violation of the blood flow in the brain.Pain can increase during movements and with tension. In addition, pain occurs only in one eye, but they can be accompanied by the appearance of flickering flashes, photosensitivity.With the movement of the eyeball, the pain intensifies, so there is a need to turn your head to see objects on the periphery.Such seizures can last from several days to a month, and the disease itself is not treatable, so strict control of provoking factors is necessary.

Diseases of the sinuses of the nose

Pain in the eyes and head almost always occurs with certain diseases of the nasopharynx. As a rule, it is a sinusitis, sinusitis or frontalitis.The pain is localized from the side of the diseased sinus of the nose and is accompanied by hyperthermia, rhinitis, sometimes facial puffiness. If you do not start treatment on time, serious complications are possible, because the diseases are of an infectious nature.

Cervical osteochondrosis

This is a chronic illness that often occurs in people with a sedentary lifestyle.Because of the weak activity of the spine, the nerves become jammed, and as a result, there is pain in the neck, which gives to the head and eyes.Often the ailment is accompanied by dizziness, unpleasant sensations when the head moves, hyperthermia.

Manifestation of cervical osteochondrosis

Liquorodynamic pathologies

Painful sensations, localized in the head and eyes, often arise as a result of disturbances in the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid.With this disease, there is an increased or decreased intracranial pressure, which leads to various unpleasant sensations and the general weakness of the body.In severe cases, dizziness, nausea, and arrhythmia may occur. If the treatment is not started on time, then the liquorodynamic disturbances lead to serious complications: the formation of a functional cyst in the brain, inflammation of its tissues, problems with blood flow.

Ophthalmic diseases

Most eye diseases cause pain in the head.They can have a different nature - infectious (barley, conjunctivitis, endophthalmitis); traumatic (photo-ophthalmia or corneal ulcer); allergic and others.In addition, the pain in the head often appears during glaucoma, strabismus and with the "dry eye" syndrome.Depending on the disease, cluster pain may be accompanied by purulent discharge on the surface of the eye or in the corners of the eyelids, inflammation of the mucosa shells, abundant lacrimation, as well as various visual impairments (decreased visual acuity, the appearance of black flies or a flickering aura before eyes).All ophthalmic diseases tend to develop and cause complications, so medical care is always required.

Vascular aneurysm

Cluster pain, which is chronic and always acute, is a characteristic sign of the formation of an aneurysm in the vessels of the brain.This pathology can occur due to disorders of blood flow in the cerebral parts of a migraine, due to a traumatic brain injury or stroke.Pain in vascular aneurysm can progress as the pathology develops.

Read also about temporal arteritis: symptoms and treatment of this disease.

Diagnostic Methods

Investigation of the causes of cluster pain should be controlled by several specialists.Usually it's an ophthalmologist, neurologist, otolaryngologist, dermatologist and others. Diagnosis of the disease largely depends on the overall clinical picture, but most often the following methods are used:

  • Ophthalmoscopy(examination of the visual apparatus with a manual instrument);
  • Numerous ophthalmologic techniques(definition of visual acuity, perimetry, biomicroscopy, ultrasound of the eyeball);
  • Measurement of intraocular, intracranial and arterial pressure;
  • MRI and CT of the brain;
  • Magnetic resonance angiography;
  • Dopplerography of the vessels of the head and neck;
  • Radiography of the cranial cavity;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs;
  • Laboratory tests of blood and secretions of the conjunctival sac;
  • Biopsy or scraping of the skinwhen suspected of the dermatological nature of the disease.

With an unclear etiology of cluster pain, it is recommended to undergo a comprehensive examination of the body in order to accurately determine the cause that caused this pathology.


Methods of treatment are selected depending on the disease that causes cluster pain.As a rule, medical therapy is used, but in severe cases, for example, with an aneurysm of the brain or some neglected Ophthalmic diseases require surgical intervention (shunting of blood vessels, removal of facial nerves, plastic correction century and other methods). Traditional treatment is always complex and includes the following components:

  • Reception of medicines of various forms(painkillers, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antihistamines, antibiotics);
  • Incorporation of complex vitamin supplements into the daily diet;
  • Making a literate menu, adjustment of the daily routine;
  • Different physiological procedures(acupuncture, therapeutic massage, balneotherapy and others).

Regardless of the cause that caused cluster pain, it is not recommended to engage in self-medication. An exception is the state of overwork and overexertion.In such a situation it is necessary to restore strength, sleep and rest.It is extremely important to get rid of the source of stress, evenly distribute the workload.In addition to this, various relaxation techniques can help: yoga, aromatherapy, breathing exercises, fitness or autogenous training.


The best way to avoid cluster pain is to observe preventive measures that are aimed at the overall maintenance of the body's psychological and physical health.Warn the development of the disease can be in the following ways:

  • Compliance with the regime of the day, sleep and wakefulness.Especially important is a prolonged sleep during pregnancy, with heavy loads and in the pubertal period;
  • Proper nutrition, regular intake of vitamins and mineral supplements;
  • Carrying out gymnastics for eyes and bodywith prolonged sedentary work;
  • Timely passage of medical examinations, which allows to detect the disease in the early stages;
  • Use of relaxation techniques, elimination of severe stress and psycho-emotional stress;
  • Regular physical activity, correlated with the general state of health.

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Everything about the drug Tetracycline in the form of an ointment is written in this article.

How to do eye surgery http://eyesdocs.ru/medicinaoperacii/lazernaya-korrekciya/kak-vypolnyayutsya-oftalmologicheskie-operacii.html




Pain in the eyes and head is a common clinical sign of many diseases of the human body. In addition, this unpleasant disease can develop due to banal overwork. It is believed that pain is our body's signal that there is some kind of threat. That is why it is so important with regular painful sensations to consult a doctor in time to find a possible pathology at an early stage of development.

Also read about symptoms such as corneal opacity and yellowing of the sclera.

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