Coughing on exhalation causes

Causes of coughing with inspiration and exhalation

Cough during breathing is a common complaint with which patients turn to therapists and pulmonologists. This symptom may indicate the patient has chronic, neglected and very serious diseases. If you start coughing with breathing, consult a doctor immediately.

Dry cough with breathing - a symptom of bronchitis and pneumonia

Dry cough with a deep breath often indicates the diseases of the upper or lower respiratory tract. In this case, edema of the larynx, trachea, bronchi and nasopharynx is often observed, as well as their irritation. An unproductive cough with breathing starts due to contraction of the muscles of the diaphragm. This gradually leads to the closure of the glottis, due to the fact that the pressure on the respiratory muscles increases. The closed vocal cracks restrict air access to the respiratory tract and provoke an attack.

If you have a cough with a sigh, and before that you have suffered ARVI, acute respiratory disease, flu or even a common cold, then it can indicate the development of complications. Unfortunately, not all people are sensitive to their health and are engaged in self-medication or suffer the aforementioned ailments on their feet. These two factors are the most common cause of complications.

More often than not timely cured respiratory diseases lead to bronchitis and pneumonia. It should not be mistaken to assume that these two ailments are always accompanied by a sputum discharge. Dry non-productive cough during breathing can also be their symptom. It occurs with bronchitis or pneumonia in the event that the withdrawal of sputum is difficult. In this case, the patient often whistles during breathing, the cough is pile and paroxysmal. Patients complain that they can not sleep at night, since the attack begins when the horizontal position is taken.

"I cough for inspiration patients often complain at the therapist's reception. The specialist in this case listens to the patient for wheezing and sputum in the bronchi and lungs. This is done by comparing breath in a calm state and with a deep sigh. If you suspect a pneumonia, the patient is referred for radiology. Inflamed areas of the lungs are clearly visible on the X-ray, which greatly facilitates the process of diagnosis.

Bronchitis and pneumonia are treated with the use of strong antibiotics and, if necessary, antibacterial agents. Dry cough during breathing, resulting from these diseases, occurs with an integrated approach to treatment. Patients are prescribed expectorant drugs that dilute sputum and remove it from the bronchi and lungs. The symptom at the same time from the unproductive stage turns into productive.

Cough with inspiration, causes not associated with bronchitis and pneumonia

Cough after inhaling is often complained by heavy smokers. The reason for this spasms of the bronchi and lungs, swelling of the mucous airways, as well as chronic congestion of sputum in the bronchi. Cough during respiration in smokers can also develop due to circulatory disorders, which often lead to emphysema. In smokers, this symptom can not be clearly divided into productive and unproductive. In the mornings, when it accumulates sputum it is wet, during the day it can be either dry or moist. It arises with a deep sigh.

If as a result of constant smoking with inhalation cough begins, then the first measure of safety for health should be the abandonment of this addiction. Suffering from nicotine addiction, you should also cleanse the blood, withdraw phlegm from the bronchi and lungs. And yet, move on to a healthy lifestyle with proper nutrition. The last measure is necessary to reduce the burden on the lungs and heart.

"I breathe and cough - with such a complaint, people often come to see a cardiologist, suffering from chest pains. There are several diseases of the cardiovascular system that cause coughing during breathing. It is about ischemic disease, violation of the heart valve, heart failure. In addition to this symptom and chest pain, general fatigue and weakness, back pain and even fainting at physical exertion are noted in patients with the above diseases. A sick person wants to cough with inspiration in this case because the pressure on the heart muscle increases, gradually transferring to the diaphragm, which leads to the closing of the glottis.

Treatment of the above diseases, because of which there is a cough during breathing, is prescribed by a cardiologist only after a thorough diagnosis. The patient is prescribed medications that normalize the heart, as well as special physical exercises and oxygen therapy. In rare cases, the patient needs surgery.

In this case, a cough with a deep sigh does not require a separate treatment. It passes by itself after the normalization of the cardiovascular system.

Cough at the exhalation of the cause

Often, patients also have a cough during exhalation, the causes of which are also found in various diseases. Most often this symptom is noted in patients with bronchial asthma of people. This disease is characterized by a narrowing of the bronchi and a malfunction in their normal functioning. When breathing in, the air can easily cope with the obstruction created by the constricted organs, so a person does not experience any discomfort at this point in a patient with asthma. When exhaled, everything happens differently, because the carbon dioxide that we exhale is heavier than oxygen. It is much more difficult to get out of the narrowed bronchial tubes, causing an attack of suffocation and painful sensations. If you want to cough when you exhale, then it's time for you to see a doctor. Remember that the earlier the asthma is diagnosed, the easier it will be to treat it.

Cough during exhalation can be the cause of radical or croupous pneumonia. It usually occurs only with bilateral inflammation, when the lungs can not cope with the volume of air entering them. Such a disease is treated permanently, through antibiotics and antitussive drugs.

Lung cancer is the most dangerous ailment, during which a cough begins with a deep inspiration. Light lung contraction leads to the fact that air passes badly into the respiratory system, which causes attacks of suffocation. However, most often in cancer patients this symptom is expressed by the following scheme: inhalation - exhalation - cough. Naturally, such a disease is accompanied by severe pain. Diagnosis of lung cancer at an early stage allows you to cure it. The main group at risk of this disease is primarily smokers, as well as employees of harmful industries. Prevention of lung cancer includes the annual passage of fluorography, as well as maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Do not forget that to be afraid of knowing about the presence of a disease is stupid. Be sure to see a doctor if you have trouble breathing. By the way, one symptom "I breathe and cough" for the doctor will obviously not be enough. Your task is to describe the problem as accurately as possible. This is necessary for the specialist to prescribe the necessary laboratory tests and diagnostic procedures.

Cough with inspiration

Cough with inspiration - a situation familiar to many, especially smokers. We are used to it and do not take it seriously. However, sometimes, coughing with inspiration can be a symptom of the most serious diseases.

Cough for inspiration causes

Cough with inspiration is the first symptom of lung cancer, which indicates the endobronchial growth of the tumor. In the initial stage of the disease, the cough is dry, nauseous, painful, sometimes it is found with seizures. Cough during inspiration causes anxiety of patients, usually at night. The difficulty in assessing the clinical picture of coughing with inspiration, as a symptom of lung cancer, is that it usually affects long-smokers or patients with chronic bronchitis. Chronic cough with inspiration is typical for these categories of people.

In the course of tumor development, cough is accompanied in approximately 90% of cases with inspiration, accompanied by the expiration of thick mucus that is odorless. Later, the appearance of blood, in appearance resembling raspberry jelly, is observed. There may be profuse bleeding of the lung, from which the patient's death occurs.

Cough with deep inspiration

Cough is an increase in breast pressure, resulting in a contraction of muscles that promote squeezing mucus and sputum from the bronchi. With the rapid opening of the throat slit, air is released at a rate sufficient to rapidly purge the bronchi. Rare cough pushes are normal, when there is a special excitement should not be.

Cough with a deep breath is divided into two varieties:

- Dry cough. This kind of cough occurs with bronchial diseases and inflammation of the mucous membranes in the trachea. It is obtrusive and often associated with vocal cord disorders.

- Moist cough. It stops by separating the sputum and begins again only after the next accumulation of mucus. Wet cough is considered a symptom of bronchitis. The patient suffers from him a lot of trouble, cough is torturous for him.

Cough with deep breath is very painful for the patient. Practice confirms that most often it is caused by irritation pleurisy, asthma attacks or increased allergic sensitivity of the lungs. If the course of the cough occurs against a background of copious sputum, this indicates a breakdown in the swallowing act.

The causes that cause the appearance of cough with a deep breath are many. This suggests that you should not engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication. It is necessary to consult a good specialist for examination and disease determination.

When inhaled, dry cough

Dry cough with inspiration is the most common sign of a disease of the respiratory system. A moist and dry cough during inhalation helps cleanse the upper respiratory tract from foreign bodies, sputum and mucus.

The cause of the appearance of dry cough with inspiration is irritation and swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, trachea and bronchi. Such a cough is a reflex action, but sometimes it can be specifically provoked.

When the flu is ill, the bacilli, when coughing, scatter several meters from the person who is ill. In this case, it must be isolated from healthy people, in order to protect them from infection.

When inhaled, a dry cough occurs when the breathing is deep-there is a contraction of the respiratory muscles, as a result of which the voice gap closes. The tension of the respiratory muscles increases the pressure in the respiratory tract.

This type of cough is a distinctive feature of lung diseases, although its presence does not indicate a pathology of the respiratory system.

Dry cough with inhalation causes such diseases as allergies, flu, pharyngitis, colds, pleurisy.

In harmful industries, in the case of working with harmful substances, workers should use masks that prevent the introduction of chemicals into the respiratory organs. If this rule is ignored, coughing during inhalation may occur due to chemical irritation.

Coughing in the child with inspiration

The child has very weak respiratory organs, so the appearance of any cold infection can cause various diseases. Of particular importance is the presence of smoking members of the family, in view of the fact that the passive inhalation of tobacco smoke by the baby contributes to the appearance of a respiratory system disease.

Cough with inspiration begins in a child with acute bronchitis. In the event that coughing attacks are accompanied by wheezing, parents are dealing with obstructive bronchitis. Treatment appoints a doctor, but by the way a child coughs you can judge which type of bronchitis he is sick.

When there is an inhalation of air through the trachea into the larynx, it passes through the bronchi, eventually, getting into the lungs. Protective cells, equipped with cilia, cover the bronchi from the inside. When the harmful germs get into the bronchi, a sputum is produced, which the cilia transform into the center of the bronchi from all their corners. Cough with inspiration is not bad for this, greatly accelerating the cleansing of the bronchi.

Difficulty breathing in when coughing

Difficulty breathing in the cough in children is most often observed with a disease of viral croup. When infecting the children's body with various infections, the virus that causes the disease promotes inflammation of the mucous membrane of the trachea and larynx. Breathing is difficult because of the narrowing of the airway lumen. It is this condition that is called croup. Almost always the cause, its causing becomes SARS. However, in a small percentage of cases, cereal can be caused by other causes, so the final diagnosis can only be determined by the attending physician.

In adults, coughing with inhalation with difficulty breathing is often caused by infections that occur with HIV. In addition, these symptoms cause the immune reconstitution syndrome.


Sighing breath on exhale

A person's healthy breathing should not interfere with anything, it is carried out quite calmly and is not noticeable for a person. If, on the contrary, breathing becomes difficult, there is a whistle on exhalation or inspiration, this indicates the presence of a disease of the respiratory tract. Most often, wheezing occurs on exhalation, this happens due to the narrowing of the larynx lumen.

Causes of wheezing

The reasons for wheezing, a lot, consider some of them.

Asthma is an allergic disease. It is present at the person constantly, then calms down, then becomes aggravated. If a person ate, something from food for which he has an allergy, or sighed, got allergens by any means. There is inflammation on the walls of the bronchi, as a result of which there is swelling and narrowing of the lumen, and we hear a loud whistle.

Anaphylactic shock (reaction) is when a person was injected into the blood of some, the drug for which he has an allergy, an insect bite. Immediately after that, breathing becomes apparent, breathing becomes difficult with the nose, the person sneezes, swallowing is difficult, and because of the narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi a whistle is heard.

If a foreign body enters the respiratory tract, a person could inhale something, and a foreign body gets into the lungs or bronchi. As a result, there is a strong dry cough, whistling, palpitation, lips and face become cyanotic color, the temperature rises.

Damage to the lungs, this occurs with a trauma, an explosion, an accident. Such damage is very dangerous for life and a person urgently needs medical help. There is swelling, difficulty breathing, pain in the chest, whistling with breathing, bleeding.

Bronchitis is a fairly common disease, a man has caught cold. There is inflammation in the bronchi, accompanied by a cough, whistling, fever, weakness, the appearance of wheezing.

Tracheitis is an inflammatory process in the bronchi and trachea. Symptoms are the same as those of bronchitis, it results from a complication of the common cold.

Lung cancer, a tumor appears, and it lends the lumen of the respiratory tract, because of this there is wheezing, and as a cough with blood, a person quickly becomes tired, loses weight.

Treatment of wheezing

It is necessary, please consult a doctor for an examination. He will determine that you have a disease, will prescribe an effective treatment if you need to take pictures. By the way, by the color of phlegm, it is easy to determine what a person has a disease. If the color of phlegm after coughing is yellow, then it is an infectious disease, and it requires treatment with antibiotics. As a rule, in such cases, the doctor prescribes preparations for liquefaction and expectoration of sputum, such as syrups, herbal decoctions, tablets. To relieve the spasm appoint treatment with inhalers, nebulizer to breathe, antiallergic drugs.

Wheezing in the child

Sizzling breath in a child occurs as a result of the accumulation of mucus in the trachea or bronchi due to spasm. It is necessary to observe how the child breathes, the whistle appears on inhaling or exhaling, if on inhalation, it can talk about that, a child in the respiratory tract could get a foreign body and he urgently needs to provide the first help. When a child has a whistle, it is necessary to show the wheeze to his doctor, to determine the nature of the disease. This may be a sign of asthma, acute bronchitis, laryngitis, a manifestation of allergy. The earlier the causes are clarified and the treatment is started, the sooner the disease will recede.

Whistling breath in an adult

In an adult person, wheezing can occur, as well as a child as a result of hypothermia, bronchitis. In adults, obstructive bronchitis occurs most often with such breathing. It is influenced by many factors. Such as, inflammatory-infectious diseases of the respiratory system. Pneumonia, bronchitis, swollen bronchi and trachea, allergies, burns of the larynx, trauma, smoking.

Coughing and wheezing

Most often, first there is a cough with inflammation in the airways, and only then a whistle. Sizzling breath when coughing is a complication, and whatever it takes to get to that, you need to contact the doctor in a timely manner and with proper treatment it will not come to this.

Is there bronchitis without fever? I cough for a week, cough when exhaling, and only in the evening after 6 hours ...


Maria Zinchenko

Of course it happens, now there are so many viruses, and by the way, many of them do not cause a temperature, but at the same time a person has bronchitis or even worse pneumonia (pneumonia) Therefore, I highly recommend that you seek help from a specialist, let them listen to the lungs, if necessary, then they can send you to a fluorography, it is needed for a more accurate result. And do not pull.

Marianna Golovtsova

A CT of the thorax to you in pomosh. Bronchitis is without temperature.

L ...

Of course!


Can adenovirus infection, now goes. Chamomile pate, the pharmacy is now in the bags are more, the same mint. Adenovirus is similar to stomatitis, only all mucus is inflamed, some in the throat, others in lungs, ronha, can be in the stomach, the musculature, the osopharynx, and so on. Only antibiotics do not accept, nor can aggravate state. Inhalation can be eucalyptus. But of course the traditional advice: consult a doctor. Although I have not gone to them for 30 years. If you are a believing man, read about health, or ask higher powers for health. If he smokes, then it's difficult to give advice, eating tobacco contains , 00 poisons.

Cosmetologist Irina

In half the cases, bronchitis passes without a rise in temperature. There is also the concept of "smoker's bronchitis"

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