Well-being after a flu shot

Why is the flu vaccine mandatory and why do you feel very bad after it?


~ * TanYushKa * ~

It is obligatory to temper the body against the flu... but you feel bad because this vaccination consists of a "dead" virus, and the body starts to fight it... but when he will fight, then less than any infection will cling :) because the body will already be tempered as he already knows how to fight against this virus =)


choto at you zhosko. at us strictly at will even to children))


because it is a foreign infected protein that undermines your immunity. like all other vaccinations

Marina Bystrova

It is not even obligatory at all, everything is voluntary and no one can force it to put it. I always refuse her and do not get sick of the flu.

VICTORIA lucankina

it is not necessary! you even know what a vaccination is!? this is when you are vaccinated with a small part of the virus! then you are sick of them, and then you are getting immunity to the flu!

personal account deleted

voobche something obligatory like as not, you feel bad because. when you are planted, they plant you the minimum portion of the influenza virus that your body can overcome in sucking, but it appears immunize, .e. if you even fall asleep in the winter, your organism will curb it two times ...

instagram viewer


No, it is not necessary. I've never done it at all. I did a couple of times and got sick with this flu all winter. vobshchem to me it has the opposite effect. And in general, my... argues that the vaccination is an experiment, and we are all guinea pigs. After all, every year different deviations in influenza viruses come to us, and from each of their mutations we are not immune to vaccination.

Evgeny Vorobiev

Vaccination - from the word "vaccinate during the injection you are vaccinated with the flu virus, so that the body has developed immunity to it, and therefore it becomes bad ..."

Vladimir Koshkin

Vaccination against influenza is not necessary, but it is especially shown to children weakened and elderly, as well as to workers in risk professions - medicine, trade, etc. Deterioration of self-esteem does not occur and it is explained - because of the individual reaction of the body to the introduction of a protein modeled for the protein of the influenza virus or to directly weakened viruses / vaccines are different/. To vaccinate or not - the person decides, and the doctor can only recommend or not. Health!

Irina Sidelnikova

this vaccination is not necessary at all and you have no right to force it to do, and very often after vaccination a person suffers from influenza, complications of darkness... although I am a doctor myself, but I advise you to give up this vaccination

elena m

Inoculation is not necessary, after it is bad, because any vaccination is a mini-illness, but when you get sick with the flu - in general, the horror, people slowly bends. I never vaccinate or get sick.

Vaccination against influenza - contraindications

The flu epidemic has become habitual for a long time, and preparation for it has turned into something self-evident. Even children know how important prevention is. It is also well known that one of the best means for preventing influenza is vaccination. And only those who directly faced the problem know that the flu vaccine is not universal - it has contraindications. That is, not everyone can protect themselves from the disease with the help of a vaccine. More details about the negative aspects of vaccination against influenza will be described in the article.

Side effects of vaccination against influenza

Vaccines against influenza are of different types:

  1. Injection is more popular. There are no live viruses, but it gets into the body thanks to a shot.
  2. The second type of vaccine is aerosol. This means contains live viruses. Weakened, they do not pose a threat to the body, but contribute to the development of strong immunity.

Like any other vaccine, a flu shot can cause side effects. Different organisms perceive vaccination in their own way. The most frequent negative manifestations of vaccination are the following:

  1. Immediately after vaccination a person can feel weakness, fatigue, drowsiness. Sometimes the patient is tormented by fever and fever.
  2. Many people get a headache after the vaccination.
  3. One of the most unpleasant consequences of vaccination is a runny nose or a pharyngitis.
  4. The most serious and harmful complication of vaccination against influenza is anaphylactic shock. Fortunately, this side effect is extremely rare.
  5. A fairly frequent unpleasant consequence of vaccination is pain, swelling and redness at the injection site.

Most of the side effects the patient forgets about a couple of days after the vaccination. And in order to avoid more serious and complex consequences, it is necessary to get acquainted with the list of contraindications before vaccination.

Who is against the flu vaccine?

Despite the large number of benefits, some groups of patients may not be vaccinated against influenza. An alternative method of protection against a disease is recommended in the following cases:

  1. First, it is strictly forbidden to get a flu shot from people suffering from colds or ARVI. Vaccination is allowed at least a month after recovery.
  2. Secondly, an inoculation against influenza is contraindicated to people with an allergy to chicken protein.
  3. Specialists are in no hurry to vaccinate patients who did not have a good previous vaccination.
  4. This method of preventing influenza is not recommended for people with diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems.
  5. Additionally, patients suffering from kidney and adrenal problems should consult.
  6. Vaccination against influenza Grippol and its analogs are contraindicated for chronic diseases of the lungs, bronchi and upper respiratory tract.
  7. You can not vaccinate babies.
  8. Asthma, anemia, hypertension and general cardiacInsufficiency can also serve as a contraindication to vaccination.

As you can see, there are a lot of contraindications to vaccination against influenza for adults. Therefore, in order to really benefit the vaccination, the procedure must necessarily be consulted with experts and with understanding to treat their detailed inquiries about the state of health and the transferred diseases.

Do not forget that the vaccine is not a panacea. To completely protect yourself against the flu, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, for the time of the epidemic, to supplement your diet with nutritious foods, fruits and vegetables.


And after vaccination against measles, hepatitis and influenza may be a bad state of health



of course... Vedb vaccination is nothing less than an attenuated virus, is introduced into the body to produce immunity... well, and accordingly you can feel all the symptoms of the corresponding disease, but only in a lightened version

[email protected]

from any vaccination can be a bad self-feeling. it was not necessary to do this stuff.

Personal Cabinet Removed

Can. This is a reaction to vaccination. And what did we do right away?


yes, it can be from any vaccinations ...

silent Vladimir

it is necessary, because they are

Irina Sidelnikova

you immediately all these vaccinations done ??


can of course! as without it!! I am sick after any vaccination, even after pressing


A normal reaction is: elevated, but not high temperature, swelling in the vaccination area (not large).

Irina Kopieva

Of course, maybe: after all, with a vaccine in your body (or someone's) is introduced a small part of the virus, which will cause your body to work more intensively - to form immunity to this disease. The stronger the organs, the easier it is transferred.


maybe, it's a little bit of the disease itself. usually some time after vaccination is an adaptation, so the state of health worsens.


no, both vaccinations are well compatible and well tolerated, only the hand can be tolerated, but on the general state of health this does not affect

Is it worth it for an adult to get a flu shot?


Lisyonok Dobry

The protective effect of vaccinations persists for at least one year, and after two to three years of consistent vaccination - for two years or more. However, there is one "but" - the flu virus easily mutates, and now there are several of its varieties. The introduced vaccine creates immunity only against one particular species. In addition, a person may well become infected not dominant in this season, but another kind of infection. Which also spreads, albeit in smaller numbers, and is looking for a "victim." Therefore, the effectiveness of vaccination, according to various estimates, does not exceed 50-60%.
Do not forget about the adverse reactions that may occur with the use of vaccines: Local reactions are the most common effects. They are expressed in the form of redness at the injection site. These are short-term events that usually take place within 1-2 days. Nonspecific systemic reactions include fever, chills, malaise and myalgia. Usually occur 6-12 hours after vaccination and last no more than 1-2 days. Hypersensitivity is a rare reaction, which is supposedly allergic in nature.
Serious contraindications for vaccinations are the following:
acute disease;
allergy to chicken protein;
bronchial asthma;
diffuse connective tissue diseases;
adrenal gland diseases;
diseases of the nervous system;
chronic diseases of the lungs and upper respiratory tract;
cardiovascular insufficiency and hypertension II and III stages;
kidney disease;
disease of the endocrine system;
blood diseases
Risk groups: small children and the elderly, as well as patients with chronic cardiovascular and broncho-pulmonary diseases. These patients often exacerbate their chronic diseases: rheumatism, tuberculosis, bronchitis and others. Of course, complications can occur in any other person. But, as a rule, in the event that he does not comply with bed rest and recommendations of a doctor. In order to decide whether or not to be vaccinated against influenza, the first thing to objectively assess the likelihood of infection with the flu is you. If you are at risk and the danger is high enough, you should consider whether there are any possible complications in your case. If they are very likely, go straight to your doctor about whether you can inject a flu vaccine. In the case of a negative answer, you will not have to think about anything. In the case of a positive doctor's answer, weigh all the pros and cons and make a decision.
Well, if you do not belong to the risk group, and complications are unlikely - do not overtake fear. And then you can and "get scared" get sick.

ba zil

at your discretion.


it's your decision. My mother-in-law does every year, says she is less sick. Daughters do at school, sick for the whole school. year about 2-3 times. I never did myself, but if I start to get sick, then the cold usually shows up. I have not yet had the choice to do or not, but I think that I will try, when they offer and compare before and after

* MAD *

I never did because I think this shit is a shit.. Those who at least once did or made it was pleasant to a flu (I about those whom I know)

Olga Gallyamova

not worth it


Here the question is ambiguous. If you can know exactly what kind of vaccination. whose production, as in what terms and under what conditions they will do, it certainly stands. Provided that you do not abuse them now and do not feel well. In this state, the vaccine can not be done, and even there are many contraindications, you should explain everything. Because when we get vaccinated, it seems like nothing terrible, made a shot and went, and it's not. When we were with children abroad, we had to vaccinate them, so we pre-donated a lot of tests, watched us for almost a week, for our well-being, and these vaccinations there are different manufactures, and there are kotorey calculated for 4 doses, that is, as soon as the ampoule is opened, should be used immediately, and not so keep open until the next patient. If you can control all this, then of course it is worth doing, the flu is now such that it is not so scary as the consequences after it ...

Vaccination against influenza

Vaccination against influenza only since 2006 is included in the National Calendar. In Europe, there is a continuous record of cases of influenza, and although it is far from complete, an inoculation against influenza has led to a decrease in the incidence.

According to WHO, with annual epidemics of influenza, 5-10% of adults and 20-30% of children fall ill, 250 000-500 000 people die from this disease, economic damage amounts to 1 to 6 mln. dollars per 100 000 population.

A vaccine against influenza should be given to patients-chroniclers, who are often ill with ARI, children of preschool age. In the countries of Europe, the elderly, patients with cardiac, pulmonary (including bronchial asthma) and renal pathology, diabetes and people with immunosuppression are vaccinated. In the USA since 2008 Inoculation against influenza is older than 6 months. introduced into the National Calendar.

Influenza vaccination in children

Vaccination against influenza should be carried out in the first year, because at this age there is a high incidence and severe course. Thus, in the 2007/08 season, the specific gravity of children 0-2 years among those who developed the flu was 3, 3%, 3-6 years - 4,%, while schoolchildren only 14%, and adults %. Among the children hospitalized with confirmed influenza, 50% were children under the age of 6 months, 2/3 - children under 1 year and 80% - up to 2 years. In another study, it was shown that of the number of children who are sick with influenza at the age of 2-5 years, every 250th, 6-24 months is hospitalized. - every 100th. and 0-6 months. - every 10th.. According to the combined data of the American Academy of Pediatrics, the hospitalization rate for this disease is 240-720 per 100 000 children 0-6 months. and 17-45 per 10, 00 children aged 2-5 years; 37% of those hospitalized were at risk - their hospitalization rate was 500 per 100 000.

And although the death rate of children is 1/10 of the death rate of older persons (and, for 10, 00), a special study in the US of this issue in 2004-2005. showed that in children of the first half of the year this figure is 8 per 100 000.

Symptoms of influenza in young children often differ from the classical picture - high fever + intoxication + cough and runny nose. At this age, febrile convulsions are frequent against the background of fever, the flu often causes croup, bronchiolitis, exacerbation of asthma, often complicated by otitis media, sinusitis and pneumonia. The frequency of otitis media in children with influenza is 18-40% according to different tori, much more often in children under 2 years old. Complication of myocarditis, as well as from the nervous system - is not uncommon. So, in one of the studies of 842 children with confirmed laboratory flu in 72 there were neurological complications: encephalopathy in 10 children, febrile seizures in 27 and afebrile - in 29, meningitis 2 and cerebral stroke due to hypotension - 4.

Who should be vaccinated?

Contingents listed in the National Calendar do not include a number of groups, the flu vaccine which gives undoubted effect and can be recommended; The immunoprophylaxis calendar for epidemiological indications does not decode risk groups. The recommendations in force in the United States are presented below, the flu shot should be administered to the following categories of people:

  • Healthy children over the age of 6 months.
  • Asthma and other chronic lung diseases such as cystic fibrosis.
  • Diseases of the heart with hemodynamic disorders.
  • Conditions that are fraught with impairment of respiratory functions (aspiration, sputum stasis) - epilepsy, neuromuscular diseases, spinal cord injuries, mental retardation
  • Immunodeficiencies, including HIV infection.
  • Sickle cell anemia and other hemoglobinopathies.
  • Chronic kidney disease, metabolism, diabetes,
  • Diseases requiring long-term therapy with acetylsalicylic acid (rheumatic diseases, Kawasaki syndrome) as prevention of Reye's syndrome.
  • Family members and staff caring for children under the age of 5 (especially important for children under 6 months of age).

These recommendations, although they do not include such obvious risk groups as patients with organic lesions of the central nervous system, which influenza causes long-term apnea, children with malformations of the lungs and bronchopulmonary dysplasia, are quite acceptable for our conditions. Of course, we should also recommend vaccination on an individual basis to all children and adults.

Vaccination against influenza for people with chronic diseases is safe. Published enough convincing work, allowing to vaccinate these contingents.

Contraindications to the vaccination against influenza

For all vaccines - an allergy to egg hen proteins, to aminoglycosides (for vaccines containing them), allergic reactions to the administration of any vaccine. Split- and subunit vaccination against influenza can be used in persons with chronic pathology, incl. with immune defects, pregnant and lactating women, patients with immunosuppressive therapy, combine with other vaccines (in different syringes). It is not recommended to vaccinate people who have undergone Guillain-Barre syndrome.

Contraindications for live vaccines - immunodeficiency states, immunosuppression, malignant neoplasms, rhinitis, pregnancy, intolerance of chicken protein. Temporary contraindications, as for inactivated vaccines, are acute diseases and exacerbations of chronic.

Vaccination reactions and complications

The live vaccine against influenza is slightly reactogenic, the temperature above 3, ° in the first 3 days is allowed no more than 2% of vaccinated. With subcutaneous injection of whole-cell vaccines, it is allowed to develop a short-term temperature above 3, ° or infiltrates up to 50 mm in no more than 3% of vaccinated patients. With their intranasal administration, subfebrile within 1 to 3 days is allowed for no more than 2% of the vaccinated.

Subunit and split vaccines give weak short-term (48-72 hours) reactions in no more than 3% of the vaccinated. The least reactogenic according to international independent studies are subunit vaccines. Clinical experience confirms the low reactogenicity of inactivated sipit and subadynamic vaccines and in children even in the second half of life. The largest amount (about 7, 00 doses) of vaccine safety is from the United States. There are observations that the vaccine against influenza is safe in children in the first half of the year.

Rare cases of vasculitis are described. Observations in England for 34 000 vaccinated with different vaccines (of which 75% with chronic pathology) showed a low incidence of all and allergic reactions (overall within 1-3% for different vaccines).

Rare, immediate reactions after the vaccine against influenza Grippol was introduced in 2006. in the subsequent, they were practically not repeated.

Vaccines against influenza

The vaccine against influenza is prepared from the current strains of A / H1N1 /, A / H3N2 / and B viruses, recommended annually by WHO. Vaccination against influenza is carried out in the autumn, preferably before the onset of morbidity.

Instead of the previously released anti-influenza gamma globulin, a normal human immunoglobulin is used in a doubled dosage.

At present, a vaccine against influenza is being tested, which is based not on hemagglutinin and neuraminidase, but on a matrix protein 1 and a virion nucleoprotein that do not mutate; If successful, there will be no need for an annual vaccination.

Live vaccines are made from attenuated strains of the virus (adapted to cold mutants), they are able to produce local immunity (production of IgA antibodies) with intranasal administration. In the USA, where a live vaccine has been used since 5 years, incl. in children with asthma, it is shown to be more effective than the inactivated vaccine against A / H1N1 and B.

Allantoin intranasal live flu vaccine is dry for children aged 3 years and adults (Microgen, Russia) - lyophilizate for solution preparation. The contents of the ampoule are dissolved in, ml (1 dose) with boiled water (cooled). The age-appropriate vaccine is administered once, 5 ml per each nasal passage to the depth, attached by the spray dispenser type RD single use.

Vaccination against influenza is weakly reactogenic. Storage of drugs at a temperature of 2 to 8. Shelf life - 1 year.

Inactivated all-virion vaccination against influenza is used in children older than 7 years and adults. It is a purified virus, cultured on chick embryos, inactivated by UV irradiation.

Grippovak (NIIVS, Russia) contains in 1 ml of 20 μg hemagglutinin subtypes A and 26 μg B. Preservative - merthiolate. Form release: 1 ml ampoules (2 doses), vials of 40 or 100 doses. Store at 2-8 °. Introduced for children from 7 years and adolescents intranasal (spray RDZH-M4) to, 5 ml in each nasal pass twice with interval 3-4 weeks, adults - from 18 years - intranasal in the same scheme or parenterally (SC) once in a dose, ml.

Vaccination against influenza inactivated eluate-centrifuge liquid (Russia) - is applied according to the same scheme as Grippovac

Subunit and split vaccines are used in children older than 6 months, adolescents and Roslyh. Children vaccinated for the first time and neoblevshim influenza, as well as patients with immunodeficiency is recommended to enter 2 doses with an interval of 4 weeks, in subsequent years - once. With the introduction of 1 dose in the spring and one fall, the vaccines are less immunogenic

A vaccine against influenza is injected intramuscularly or deeply subcutaneously into the upper third of the outer surface of the shoulder. The vaccines are stored at 2-8 °. Shelf life 12-18 months.

Subunit and split vaccines registered in Russia

Vaccination against influenza Composition, preservative Doses and methods of vaccination


Subunit-Microgen, Russia

5 μg of 2 strains of A and 11 μg of strain B, + polyoxidonium of 500 μg, merthiolate. Ampoules, ml

Children 6 months - 3 years 2 times, 5 ml with an interval of 4 weeks. older than 3 years - by, ml 1 time.

Grippol® plus

Polymer-subunit - Petrovax FC, Russia

5 μg 2 strains A and B (Solvay Biolodzh.) + Polyoxidonium 500 μg, without preservative. Syringe, amp., Bottles on, ml

Children over 3 years and adults 1 dose (, ml) once

Agrippal S1 - Subunit, Novartis Vaccine and Diagnostics Srl Italy

15 mcg 3 strains, without cone. Syringe-dose.

Children older than 3 years and adults 1 dose (, ml) once, up to 3 years - 1/2 dose (5 ml) - vaccinated for the first time and not sick with the flu - 2 times after 1 month.

Begrivak Split, New Artis Vaccine, Germany

15 mcg 3 strains, without preservative. Syringe-dose

Vaxigrip Split, sanofi pasteur, France

For 15 mcg 3 strains, no preservative. Syringe doses, amp., ml, 10 dose vials

Children under 9 years 2-fold, to, 5 ml (up to 3 years) or, ml (3-8 years); & g; years - 1 dose, ml.

Inflexal V

Subunit, Berna Biotech, Switzerland

For 15 μg 3 strains; virosomes mimic the virion. Without preservatives, formaldehyde and antibiotics

Children older than 3 years and adults ml IM or deep sc, for children from 6 months. up to 3 years, 5 ml (previously not vaccinated with 2 doses).


Subunit, Solvay Pharma, The Netherlands

15 mcg 3 strains, free of preservatives and antibiotics. Self-destroying syringe-dose.

Individuals & g; 4 years, ml. Children

Fluarix Split, SmithKlein Forms. GmbH, KG, Germany

15 μg 3 strains, traces of merthiolate and formaldehyde. Syringe-dose.

Children over 6 years of age, ml once, 6 months - 6 years - by, 5 ml 2-fold

A cell culture-grown subunit vaccine against influenza On-taflu, Novartis Vaccine and Diagnosis GmbH, FRG and Split Vaccine FluvaxiN, ChangchukLife Science Ltd., China, is registered.

A vaccine against influenza is not active against avian influenza viruses and possible future mutants. Vaccines from "avian" strains in case of an epidemic have been created in Russia and other countries.

Is the flu vaccine effective?

The vaccination against influenza develops immunity 14 days after the injection, but in children who did not previously have contact with the virus, this requires 2 doses of the vaccine administered at intervals of 4-6 weeks. Immunity is type-specific; Vaccination against influenza should be performed every year, since there is an antigenic drift of strains viruses, as well as its short duration (6-12 months), even if its strain composition, in comparison with the previous season, is not has changed.

Vaccination against influenza has a prophylactic efficacy against a laboratory-confirmed disease of 60-90%, although the degree of protection in children and the elderly is considered to be lower. When infected with strains of the virus, different from vaccine, the effectiveness is reduced; although the disease is vaccines flow more easily, but the incidence of influenza and mortality remain above the epidemic threshold.

Vaccination against influenza is the most effective method of reducing the incidence of influenza and mortality from it both among the general population and at risk groups. A vaccination against influenza reduces the hospitalization of children aged 6-23 months. (who received 2 doses of the vaccine) by 75%, and mortality by 41%, and the protective effect of the vaccination, carried out for 2 years or more, is much higher than the one-time before the epidemic. Among adults with community-acquired pneumonia vaccinated against influenza, during the influenza season mortality was lower - OR, (, 2-0, 41). Especially pronounced effect among the elderly: for 10 seasons the relative risk of pneumonia was 3, and deaths 2.

Vaccination against influenza also reduces the incidence of children with acute otitis media (by, %) and exudative otitis media (by 2, -3,%). Vaccination against influenza reduces the frequency of all ARI.

To protect children of the first half of this disease, the effect of vaccination of pregnant women is studied. Data from Bangladesh showed that this flu shot has an efficacy of 63%: up to the age of 24 weeks, 4% of children were infected with influenza, compared to 10% in controls. In addition, the frequency of febrile ARI decreased by 29%.

The problem of bird flu

The highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (H5N1) multiplies in the intestines of birds - its neuraminidase N1 is resistant to acidic medium, and haemagglutinin H5 recognizes epithelial receptors containing sialic acids typical birds. There are few such receptors (therefore people rarely get sick), but the trachea of ​​pigs contains both types of sialic acids, which makes them the main "mixer" of viruses. Mass transmission from a person to a person is possible only if the specificity of the hemagglutinin of the avian virus changes.

Post-exposure prophylaxis

Vaccination against influenza should be performed before the beginning of the cold season. During the epidemic, interferon-a-nasal drops of Alfaron, Grippferon (1, 00 U / ml) and in aeozoles are used: children 0-1 years, 1 drop (, 00 ME); 1-14 years - on 2, older than 14 years and adults - 3 drops 2 times a day for 5-7 days (if exposed to the flu) or the dose in the morning every 1-2 days (in the epidemic season). The same scheme uses Viferon 1 candles. Interferon-gamma (Ingaron - 100 000 ME in a vial, diluted in 5 l of water) for children over 7 years and adults for 2 drops in the nose: in contact with a sick flu - once, in a season of epidemics - 2-3 drops 30 minutes before meals after the toilet of the nose 1 time every other day 10 days (repeated course if necessary - after 2 weeks).

For prevention in adults and children older than 1 year, use rimantadine (tablets 50 mg, 2% syrup for children Algeria with sodium alginate), although the virus A1 has become resistant to it. Doses of rimantadine: 100 mg / day (children 7-10 years), 150 mg / day (children over 10 years and adults); Algirem: children 1-3 years 10 ml (20 mg) children 3-7 years - 15 ml: (30 mg) - once a day for 10-15 days. Similar effect in Arbidol - according to the same scheme: children 2-6 years 5, 6-12 years over 12 years

The neuraminidase inhibitor oseltamivir (Tamiflu) is approved for the treatment and prevention of influenza A and B from 1 g. When administered within 36 hours after contact with the patient, warns of influenza in 80%, is active with avian flu (but not with ARVI). Prophylactic dose for children 1-2 mg / kg / day, for adults - 75-150 mg / day - 7 days after contact or up to 6 weeks during the epidemic. Zanamivir (Relenza in an aerosol is used from the age of 5 years for 2 inhalations 2 times a day (total 10 mg / day) treatment and prevention.

Vaccination against influenza in people with chronic diseases

Vaccination against influenza in the form of split and subunit vaccines has been shown to be effective and safe when administered patients with severe pathology (asthma, leukemia, liver transplant recipients, diabetes, multiple sclerosis and other). Clinical experience of vaccination of more than , 00 children, 31 of them with various pathologies, showed its safety and effectiveness.


Vaccination against influenza: contraindications. Do I need a flu vaccine?

Seasonal flu is a disease that affects millions of citizens annually. The most favorable time for the disease is autumn and winter, when human immunity is weakened and can not cope with viruses so effectively. Different strains of viruses can cause the development of an acute respiratory disease, but, despite the nature of the pathogen, the symptoms are very similar in all cases. The patient has a fever, a sore throat, a cold, a cough and a headache.

Inoculation against influenza

To prevent the onset of many infectious diseases, vaccination is given. After the opening of the first vaccine, doctors saved hundreds of millions of lives. Against the flu every year, millions of people are vaccinated, because the vaccine is today considered to be the main preventive method in the fight against infections.

Sometimes potential patients have a question: do I need a flu vaccine? The vaccine is a weakened viral material that can not reproduce in the body. When a vaccine material is introduced to a person whose set of proteins is identical to the active virus, his immune system starts producing antibodies against the virus.

Time for vaccination

To be vaccinated against the flu is best in the fall (from September to November), because the epidemic of the disease at this time is becoming a massive one. Inflammation is administered to children and adults. It is not recommended to vaccinate the vaccine in the spring or summer, as the amount of antibodies decreases with time, and the effect from it is not so strong.

You can get a vaccine against the flu even after the epidemic begins. If the vaccination was carried out and the next day the person was infected, the vaccine will not worsen the course of the disease. Much worse the flu will leak if such vaccinations are not done, even there is a risk of serious complications.

Who needs an inoculation

To date, inoculations are already done by infants from 6 months of age. There is a category of people who need a vaccination against the flu in the first place. In the high-risk zone, there are elderly people, patients who are on inpatient treatment, pregnant women. It is necessary to vaccinate children and adolescents (from 6 months to 18 years), especially if they have been using aspirin for a long time for the purpose of treatment. Such patients may have severe complications after the flu. This category includes people with problems of the kidneys, lungs, heart, with metabolic disorders, patients with immunodeficiency, with hemoglobulinopathies, with staphylococcal infection, as well as students and schoolchildren who are constantly are in society.

Vaccination against influenza: contraindications

The main material for the manufacture of the vaccine is chicken embryos. Not every organism is susceptible to them, and there are a number of cases when a flu vaccine is not recommended. Contraindications are primarily to those patients who suffer from an allergic reaction to chicken protein. It is not necessary to vaccinate people during the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases. Vaccination is undesirable for two weeks after the final recovery, because the body is weakened and may react incorrectly.

It is not necessary to inoculate patients with progressive forms of neurological diseases, as well as with an allergy to influenza vaccines.

What is the flu?

The disease belongs to the category of acute viral infections, is accompanied by a general infectious syndrome in severe form and affects the respiratory tract. Not all patients realize the full danger of this disease. In some cases, the flu begins with a cough, fever and a runny nose, and can end with the death of the patient. Statistics show that annually about 40 thousand people from developed countries die from the flu and complications caused by it.

Types of the causative agent of influenza

The causative agent of the virus is divided into three independent types: A, B and C. The constant mutation of the virus, which leads to a change in its antigenic structure, leads to the fact that qualitatively new varieties of the influenza virus actively appear and multiply. The danger for the population is that the immunity to them in the human body has not yet developed, so the virus affects the patient and can cause unpredictable complications. The transmission of the influenza virus from a sick person is carried out by airborne droplets, which allows it to spread to all categories of the population.

Influenza A type instantly spreads over vast areas and is pandemic or epidemic in nature. Local spread of the influenza B virus type allows recording its individual outbreaks and taking timely measures. Sporadic outbreaks of infections cause influenza type C.

Benefits of Inoculation

The vaccine helps the body develop a permanent immunity, which will help to avoid getting infected with the flu. If even a vaccinated person has taken up an infection, then the disease goes on without complications and in a lighter form than those who refused to vaccinate. Specific prophylaxis is carried out by live and inactivated vaccines. The vaccine against influenza for children over three years old is of domestic origin. Imported vaccines, which have all the necessary licenses, are intended for children between the ages of 6 to 12 months.

The maximum amount of antibody is reached 14 days after vaccination. The annual vaccination is explained by the fact that the vaccine provides the body with short-term immunity (6-12 months). Vaccination should be carried out before and during the epidemic season.

Vaccines against influenza

Vaccines aimed at fighting the flu are divided into several types. The first is live vaccines. They are made from strains of the virus that are safe for humans. With intranasal administration, they contribute to the development of local immunity. Vaccination before the beginning of the epidemic period. Live vaccines vary depending on who they are intended for - children or adults.

People who are older than 7 years are assigned inactivated vaccines. It is a concentrated and purified influenza virus, grown on chick embryos and inactivated by UV radiation and formalin. Inactivated vaccines include flu-like liquid chromatographic, centrifugal and eluate-centrifugal.

Subunit and split vaccines have domestic and imported varieties. These include drugs such as "Grippol" Agrippal "Begrivac" Waxigrip "Influvak" Fluarix. "

Refusal of vaccination

Increasingly, people refuse to vaccinate. This is explained by the fact that often after vaccination against influenza, unwanted reactions of the organism to the material occur. Illiterate introduction, poor quality of the vaccine or non-compliance with the rules after vaccination leads to complications. Another reason for not taking vaccinations is that parents think this is harmful to the health of their child.

Refuse can be from all vaccinations or from some specific. Refusal to vaccinate against influenza should be argued and notified about this decision of employees of the polyclinic.

There are a number of cases when medical workers confirm that it is undesirable to vaccinate against influenza. Contraindications relate primarily to the health of the child, when he suffered a trauma or is ill. But after the state of the baby is normalized, the vaccine still has to be done.

To refuse the vaccination, you must write a special application in two copies (one for yourself, and the second for a school, kindergarten or polyclinic). The application must be registered in the institution's documents journal, it must contain: a deciphered signature, a number, a document number, a seal. It is also worth remembering that the refusal of vaccinations is a decision to take responsibility for the diseases against which vaccination is carried out.

Consequences of refusal of vaccinations

Not always refusing to vaccinate the flu (sample - below) is the right decision by the parents. Preventive vaccinations are protected by law, and their absence makes life difficult for citizens. Thus, they are prohibited from traveling to countries that require specific vaccinations. Citizens may be temporarily denied admission to health or educational institutions, especially if there is a threat of epidemics or infectious diseases. In the absence of the necessary vaccinations, citizens have problems in hiring, where there is a risk of contracting infectious diseases. In other words, non-vaccinated children and adults are not allowed into the collective if there are suspicions of an epidemic.

Effects of flu vaccination

Vaccination against influenza, contraindications to which have already been thoroughly studied, may also negatively affect human health. It is about the occurrence of side effects. Before you do the vaccination, you need to go through the examination and consult with your doctor. The maximum caution should be exercised in the case of vaccination of children, pregnant women and elderly people. Vaccination does not save from all diseases (in this case from influenza) at all, but it at times reduces the possibility of infection. Untimely vaccination can lead to flu. But even then, the disease will be much easier to transfer than by giving up the vaccine.

After vaccination, allergic reactions and chronic illnesses can become aggravated. To avoid this, you need to warn the doctor about their availability. Children should be vaccinated only healthy, because even a slight runny nose during vaccination can turn into a child's insomnia, loss of concentration and reduced immunity. Also, you must follow the rules of care for the vaccination, in order to avoid local problems on the skin. If the organism somehow reacted to previous vaccinations, then the following should be abandoned.


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