What is Demodecosis Century?

Demodecosis of the eyelids is a chronic illness. Its development is associated with the influence of the subcutaneous tick of the genus Demodex. The parasite penetrates the body and begins to progress in the tissues of the eyelids. The pathological process does not apply to the mucous membranes of the eyes. Demodekoz affects the quality of life, but does not affect visual acuity.


  • 1Causes
    • 1.1Who is more prone to demodectic disease?
  • 2Symptoms
  • 3Possible complications
  • 4Diagnostics
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Medication
    • 5.2People's means
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions


The subcutaneous tick "settles" in the hair bulbs of the eyelashes. He leads a symbiotic lifestyle. This tick can penetrate into the sebaceous glands, cartilage of the eyelids without hindrance.The pathological process also involves the meibomian glands: they produce a secret, which contains protein and fatty acids.The subcutaneous tick feels great, upholstered in the eye area. If it is placed in a condition with a temperature of +14 degrees, then it is affected. Demodex does not tolerate high temperatures. The harmful temperature for the mite is + 50 degrees: in this case, it dies.

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Dwelling in the glands and cartilages of the century, the parasite absorbs moisture, essential nutrients. He likes fat-containing substances, cytoplasmic particles.

Demodex is progressing in those conditions that are comfortable for him. The parasite makes demands on the habitat. In this regard, some people are infected with demodicosis, others - no. The disease can be hidden, but only at the initial stages. The asymptomatic course does not last long: sooner or later a clear clinical picture emerges.

Who is more prone to demodectic disease?

The parasite itself chooses the victim: a lot depends on the characteristics of the human body. There are predisposing factors to the disease.

  1. It can develop in those who stay in the sun for a long time or in rooms with a high temperature.
  2. People who take hot baths are prone to demodicosis.
  3. The predisposing factor is reduced immunity.
  4. The disease develops against the backdrop of endocrine pathologies.Hormonal failures, cardiovascular ailments, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and liver - predispose to demodicosis.
  5. The disease can develop due to pathologies associated with refractive disorders.

Local foci of infection need to be addressed in a timely manner! They, too, can lead to demodecosis.


  1. The symptom of the ailment is increased eye fatigue.
  2. In the centuries there is a weight.
  3. Demodecosis is manifested by burning in the eyelids.
  4. Near the eyelashes itch is felt.
  5. Rezi appear in the eyes.
  6. A person may feel as if he were in a foreign body.
  7. Demodecosis is characterized by discharge from the conjunctiva. These secretions fall into the corners of the eyes.
  8. Another symptom of the disease is keratin scales between the eyelashes. They lead to the "gluing" of the eyelashes.

Possible complications

If purulent exudate enters the eye, inflammation develops. The course of the disease is aggravated. Demodecosis, as a rule, does not threaten complete loss of vision, but such diseases can develop:

  • barley on the eye;
  • blepharitis;
  • meibomite;
  • haljazion.

Halyazion of the century is dangerous because it can lead to ptosis, i.e. the omission of the eyelids, and other diseases acquire an infectious nature and spread to the eyeball. Among the inflammatory processes, the dangerous include keratitis (inflammation of the cornea) and ulcers.


The examination is carried out by an ophthalmologist. Before you determine the diagnosis, you need to analyze the complaints of the patient (to collect anamnesis).

The doctor examines the eyes and using laboratory methods to identify subcutaneous mites.During the study, several eyelashes are removed. They are put on the glass, studied under a microscope.To confirm the diagnosis, it is required to examine the fundus, to scrape the demodicosis.



Therapy lasts for a month. In addition to the basic treatment, the doctor recommends using a tar soap. It has antiseptic, insecticidal properties.

Recommended massage of the eyelids, but this should be done with the use of prescribed funds and only washed hands. Thanks to a simple procedure, you can remove mucus from the eyelids. To reduce the mobility of parasites, it is necessary to treat the eyelids with alcohol (an alternative is the medicinal eucalyptus).

  1. Demodekoz requires professional treatment and hygiene rules.To suppress the tick, Carbachol can be assigned 3%. These are drops: they are not instillated into the eyes. The drug is applied to a cotton swab, used to lubricate the eyelids at the edges. Carbachol 3%. removes ticks, as well as their remains. Periodicity of application - 3 times a week.
  2. With the permission of the doctor, Physostigmine can be used.It has antibacterial effect.
  3. Demolan is in demand.The medicine contains citrate of silver, sulfur, a small amount of mug and mulberry. The composition also contains Metronidazole. Demolan is applied to the edges of the eyelids (at the base of the eyelashes). It is used morning and evening. Duration of therapy is, month.
  4. In the fight against demodicosis, the gel "Stop Demodex" is effective.The active ingredients are chamomile extract and hyaluronic acid. Before use, you need to clean the eyelids with alcohol (an alternative is tincture of calendula on alcohol). The gel is applied to the eyelids, aged for 30 minutes. The residue is removed with a tissue. The duration of therapy is the same. Apply the gel 2 times a day.
  5. Blepharogel 2 can be used to treat demodectic infections.The active component of the drug is hyaluronic acid, the additional component is an extract of aloe vera, glycerin, sulfur. Blepharogel 2 is applied to the growth of eyelashes (a cotton swab is used). In this case, a light massage is shown. The frequency of use of Blepharogel 2 depends on the severity of the symptoms.

Demodectic therapy may include antibacterial agents. They are appointed if the disease is caused by an infection. Effective: eye ointment Dexa-gentamicin, Levomycetin, Ciprofloxacin.

People's means

  • Consider the first remedy: this is a decoction of wormwood.It will take 2 spoons of chopped herb. Wormwood is poured with boiling water in an amount of 2 liters. To decoction better acted, you have to boil it for 10 minutes, then - to determine in a warm place, to withstand 3 hours. The medicine is taken inside. Treatment schedule: on Monday, take 100 ml every hour, on Tuesday - 100 ml every 2 hours, from Wednesday to Saturday take 100 ml every 5 hours.

Therapy is agreed with the doctor. If you are allergic to wormwood, you should abandon this herb. Every day you need to prepare a new broth. It is not forbidden to make sweeteners, for example, honey. Decoction of wormwood helps not only to overcome the tick, but also to clean the intestines.

  • You can prepare an ointment at home: it will consist of folk remedies and medicines.
  • Buy a pharmacy trihopol.Two tablets of medicine are triturated, combined with 1 tbsp of castor oil: an ointment is obtained against demodex. It is applied to the eyelids with the help of a cotton swab, kept all night. The remains are removed in the morning.
  • To ease the symptoms of the disease, you need to use medicines with celandine.It is necessary to take the washed roots (from 200 to 230 g), combine with vegetable oil (the same amount is taken). The product is determined in the sun, aged for 15 days. At the end of this period, it is filtered, mixed with 2 tablespoons of sour cream. Apply on eyelids 2 times a day.
  • The basis of the next medicine is the oak bark.It is necessary to thoroughly wash it, chop it, pour it with boiling water. Proportion: 1 ts per 200 ml of boiling water. The medicine is applied to cotton wool, superimposed on the eyelids. Lotions are done 2 times a day.
  • Garlic will help in the fight against subcutaneous mites. This product has a powerful antibacterial effect. It is necessary to wash 2-3 cloves, wrap in a new bandage, attach to the eyelids and stand for 30 minutes. You can change garlic and bandage every 15 minutes.


Demodekoz is transmitted from person to person.In order not to infect others, you must follow the rules of hygiene. If a person is diagnosed with this ailment, he must separate hygiene items.To wipe your face, it is better to use napkins, not towels. Demodekoz - a very serious disease: do not be frivolous to him to treat. Daily it is necessary to wash the pillowcase. Personal things, including clothes, should be treated with boiling water.

The rule for girls: get rid of the mascara that was used before! You should throw out the old shadows, skin care products in the eye. The prognosis of the disease is not too good. Demodectic is chronic, so it can recur. On average, remission lasts a year.

To avoid relapse, you must observe the hygiene of the eyes, do not use dubious cosmetics.Do not be in a stuffy room, contact dangerous substances.It is important to treat the pathologies of the heart, liver, intestines in a timely manner. Do not slush the body.


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What to do if the eyes are festering, this article will tell the child.

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Demodekoz requires professional treatment. Folk remedies are used in addition to the medicines prescribed by the doctor. Independent therapy is prohibited, since it can aggravate the course of the disease.

Also read about possible ways of removing papillomas and hernia of the eyelids.

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