The normal value of the fraction of cardiac output, the deviation of the indicator

From this article you will learn about the fraction of the cardiac output: the rate of the indicator, how it is calculated and what it shows. When the deviation of the ejection fraction( abbreviated as EF) is dangerous, why there is a pathological change. Symptoms of an output of a parameter for normal borders, principles of treatment and the forecast.

          • is the ratio of the stroke volume( blood that enters the aorta in one contraction of the heart muscle) to the end-diastolic volumeventricle( blood that accumulates in the cavity during the relaxation period, or diastole, myocardium).The obtained value is multiplied by 100% and the final value is obtained. That is, this percentage of the blood that pushes the ventricle in the process of systole, from the total volume of the liquid contained in it.

            The indicator calculates the computer during the ultrasonographic examination of cardiac chambers( echocardiography or ultrasound).It is used only for the left ventricle and directly reflects its ability to perform its function, that is, to provide adequate blood flow throughout the body.

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            In physiological dormancy, a normal PV value is considered to be 50-75%, with physical activity in healthy people it increases to 80-85%.There is no further increase, since the myocardium can not throw all the blood out of the cavity of the ventricle, which will lead to cardiac arrest.

            In the medical plan, only the reduction of the index is estimated - this is one of the main criteria for the development of a decline in heart capacity, a sign of myocardial contractility. This is indicated by the value of PV below 45%.

            Such a failure represents a great danger to life - a small flow of blood to the organs disrupts their work, which results in multiple organ dysfunction and eventually leads to the death of the patient.

            Given that the reason for reducing the volume of the left ventricular ejection is its systolic insufficiency( as the outcome of many chronic pathologies of the heart and blood vessels), it is impossible to completely cure this condition. Treatment is carried out, supporting the myocardium and aimed at stabilizing the condition at one level.

            Cardiologists and therapists supervise and select therapy for patients with low ejection fraction. Under certain conditions, a vascular or endovascular surgeon may be required.

            Features of

            1. The ejection fraction does not depend on the gender of the person.
            2. With age, physiological decrease in the index is noted.
            3. Low PV can be an individual norm, but a value of less than 45% is always considered pathological.
            4. Increase in the value is in all healthy people with an increase in heart rate and blood pressure.
            5. The norm of the indicator for the measurement by radionuclide angiography is 45-65%.
            6. For the measurement using the Simpson or Teyholz formulas, the normal values, depending on the method used, fluctuate up to 10%.
            7. A critical level of decline of 35% or less is a sign of irreversible changes in the tissues of the myocardium.
            8. For children in the first years of life higher rates are typical in 60-80%.
            9. The indicator is used to determine the prognosis of any cardiovascular disease in patients.

            Causes of decrease in the

            index At the initial stages of any disease, the ejection fraction remains normal due to the development of adaptation processes in the myocardium( thickening of the muscular layer, strengthening of work, reconstruction of small blood vessels).As the disease progresses, the possibilities of the heart exhaust themselves, there is a disruption in the contractility of the muscle fibers, and the volume of ejected blood decreases.

            Such violations are caused by all influences and diseases that have a negative effect on the myocardium.

            reason Diseases
            Reduced adequate coronary flow All forms of angina( voltage quiescent, vasospastic)

            Acute myocardial infarction

            scarring of cardiac tissue( cardio)

            Silent ischemia form

            tachy and bradyarrhythmias

            ventricular aneurysm wall hypertensive disease Infectious

            -inflammatory processes in the heart Myocarditis( muscular damage)

            Endocarditis( changes in the inner shell)

            Pericarditis( disease(

            ) Modification of the structure and function of myocardial tissue All types of cardiomyopathies

            Myocardial dystrophy

            Greater stress on the heart chambers Heart defects that occur in utero or acquired in the presence of rheumatic disease( large and decompensated defects)

            Pulmonary hypertension

            Vascular pathology Vasculitis(inflammatory process in the wall of a vessel of a chronic nature)

            Congenital malformation of a normal structure or vicesa significant reduction in aortic lumen, a pathological junction between large vessels)

            Aneurysm of any aortic aorta

            Atherosclerotic lesion

            Aortoarteriitis( cell damage of the own immunity of the aortic wall and its branches)

            Vascular pulmonary embolism

            Endocrine system disorders Dysfunction of the hormonal functionthyroid gland( hypo- and hyperthyroidism)

            Diabetes mellitus and impaired glucose uptake

            Hormone-active tumorsand adrenal glands( pheochromocytoma, carcinoid)


            Intoxication exposure Alcohol



            Drug-stimulating drugs

            Energy drinks

            Cardiac glycosides

            Symptoms of reducing the

            The low ejection fraction is one of the main criteria for disrupting the heart, so patientsare forced to significantly restrict their labor and physical activity. Often even simple household chores cause a worsening of the condition, which causes most of the time to sit or lie in bed.

            The manifestations of the decrease of the indicator are distributed according to the frequency of occurrence from the most frequent to the rarer:

            • considerable loss of strength and fatigue from the usual loads;
            • breathing disorder by type of frequency increase, up to choking attacks;
            • breathing problems increase in prone position;
            • collapsoid states and loss of consciousness;
            • changes in vision( darkening in the eyes, "flies");
            • pain syndrome in the projection of the heart of varying intensity;
            • increased frequency of cardiac contractions;
            • edema of the shins and feet;
            • accumulation of fluid in the chest and abdomen;
            • gradual increase in the size of the liver;
            • progressive weight loss;
            • episodes of impaired coordination and gait;
            • periodic decrease in sensitivity and active mobility in the limbs;
            • discomfort, moderate pain syndrome in the projection of the abdomen;
            • unstable stool;
            • attacks of nausea;
            • vomiting with an admixture of blood;
            • blood in the stool.

            Treatment with decreasing

            Ejection fraction less than 45% - a consequence of changes in the functionality of the heart muscle against the background of the progression of the underlying disease-cause. Decrease in the index is a sign of irreversible changes in the tissues of the myocardium, and there is no longer any possibility of complete cure. All medical measures are aimed at stabilizing pathological changes at their early stage and improving the patient's quality of life - at a late stage.

            Treatment package includes:

            • correction of the main pathological process;
            • therapy for left ventricular failure.

            This article is devoted directly to the left ventricular ejection and the types of its disturbance, therefore further we will only discuss this part of the treatment.

            Dosage adjustment

            main drugs

            The destination drugs Group group representatives
            expansion of peripheral arterial

            Improving cardiac tissue supply

            Increased myocardial resistance

            load Significant increase in efficiency of the heart muscle

            ACE inhibitors enalapril



            Reducing demandheart in nutrients and oxygen


            Reduction of the processes of natural cardiac cell death in conditions of increased work

            Increase in the number of zones with active contraction in the myocardium

            Beta-adrenoblockers Nebivolol



            Stabilization of the level of electrolytes in blood( potassium and sodium)

            Removing excess fluid and reducing the loadon myocardium

            Antagonists of aldosterone receptors Eplerenone


            Removal of accumulated excess fluid

            Reduction of bulkburden on myocardium

            diuretics or diuretics Torasemide



            Improved myocardial contractility

            conductivity Increase in conditions of impaired myocardial function

            Cardiac glycosides Digoxin


            same as that of the ACE inhibitors, but with great effect receptor antagoniststo angiotensin 2 Olmesartan



            Complementary funds

            Intended purpose Drug group Predstaviteli group
            Cholesterol Lowering

            vascular protection in a changing blood flow Statins

            Simvastatin Pravastatin Fluvastatin

            Increased blood flow

            prevention of clot formation in the background of venous congestion

            Anticoagulants Warfarin Ksarelto



            The destination medicaments Group group Representatives
            Reducing the load on the myocardium ventricle

            Improved blood flow in the heart vessels

            Peripheral vasodilators Nitroglycerin

            Sodium nitroprusside


            expansion to increase food cardiac vascular tissue Calcium channel blockers Nifedipine



            Obstruction to the formation of blood clots Desaggregants Plavix


            CoupTreatment of myocardial contraction rhythmicity Antiarrhythmics Amiodarone



            Surgical correction

            1. Pacemaker or cardiovector defibrillator for life-threatening heart rhythm disorders.
            2. Resynchronizing therapy - stimulation of contraction of ventricles and atria in different rhythm( slowing of ventricular contraction by creating an artificial heart block).

            Non-pharmacologic correction

            • Normalization of nutrition in accordance with the needs of the body to stabilize the normal weight.
            • Dosage, but mandatory physical activity.
            • Normalization of the work-rest mode.
            • Psychotherapeutic help.
            • Physio-and reflexotherapy.


            • If the left ventricular ejection fraction decreases, being in the range of 40-45%, the risk of a lethal outcome against a background of cardiac arrest is about 10-15%.
            • The reduction to a level of 35-40% raises this risk to 20-25%.
            • A further decrease in the exponent in the geometric progression worsens the prognosis for survival of the patient.

            There is no complete cure for the pathology, but timely therapy allows prolonging life and maintaining a relatively satisfactory quality.