Treatment of the baby at the first sign of a cold

How to treat a child at the first sign of a cold

How to treat a child at the first sign of a cold

Colds in children in the period of viral epidemics - a fairly common phenomenon. With timely measures taken, the viral infection disappears in 7-10 days, if there is no accumulation.


  1. At the firstsignsthechildcreate conditions for him to fight the infection. Observe bed rest, virus infection can not be carried on legs, the body needs strength to fight it.
  2. Let the baby drink more. Grudnikkov pour water from the bottle. For an older child, prepare cranberry mors, an extract of rose hips or tea with lemon. A plentiful drink flushes toxins out of the body, which are produced by viruses and cause malaise.
  3. Watch your body temperature carefully. When it is raised, the child becomes listless and capricious. If there is no convulsive reaction to hyperthermia, do not knock it down to 38 degrees. This is a natural reaction of the body, with the rise in temperature, most viruses die.
  4. Start taking antiviral drugs and immunostimulators according to the scheme specified in the instructions for the drug. Nasal passages lubricate with antiviral ointment.
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  5. When a runny nose comes out, drain the contents from the nasal cavity. Rinse the nasal passages with saline solution or ready-made pharmacy aerosols based on sea water. To prepare your washing aid, dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. Then, pour a solution into the small pear and rinse each nasal pass in turn. The head of the child can not be thrown back, water must flow back through the nose. Try not to use vasoconstrictive drops, only if there is a plentiful separation of mucus, which constantly prevents normal breathing.
  6. Feed the child at his will, if he does not want to eat - do not force him. Include dairy products in the diet, the bacteria contained in them help to cope with viruses. Older children give onions and garlic, they contain phytoncides, which possess bactericidal properties. Kids after three years, let's drink half the glass of garlic infusion. To make it, brew 1 slice of garlic in a glass of boiling water and insist for an hour.
  7. If the temperature rises above 38 degrees, wipe the baby with a bite solution or give him one of the antipyretic preparations containing paracetamol. They are available in the form of tablets, rectal suppositories and syrups. Before use, carefully read the instructions.
  8. If the child has started coughing, give him inhalation with eucalyptus oil. Let's take 3 times a day, the syrup of licorice root, up to 2 years - 2 drops in a teaspoon of water, from 2 to 12 years - half a teaspoon per cup of water.
  9. If the temperature is more than 3 days, or any complications of bacterial (tonsillitis, otitis media, etc.) - see a doctor in this case, the treatment will need to add antibiotics.

Than to treat the child at the first signs of a cold?

than treating a child at the first sign of a coldA caring mother knows how important prevention of colds in babies is. Parents remember the benefits of sports, walking in the fresh air, strengthening immunity. But children can still get sick. Most often they suffer from a cold. Usually this means viral infections. It is believed that children who go to kindergarten, can be ill about 10 times a year. This figure is very conditional, but it says that parents should be ready for ARVI their children. It is important to know what to treat a child at the first sign of a cold. Timely help will make it possible not to start ailment, and prompt actions will help a speedy recovery.

How to treat the first symptoms of a cold in a child?

To prevent the development of the disease, you need to notice signs of a viral infection at the time. They include:

  • nasal congestion, which later becomes a cold;
  • complaints of the baby to a tickle in the throat, cough, while the throat can be red;
  • frequent sneezing;
  • increased lymph nodes;
  • the appearance of herpes rashes;
  • temperature increase.

Even before the appearance of these symptoms, the baby can complain of headache, fatigue. If her mother suspected that she was sick, she had to start acting. On the first day of a cold a child needs to take measures, and the doctor should decide what to treat. The choice of drugs will depend on the type of virus that the baby is infected with. Parents will be helped by such recommendations:

  • give the baby a drink, for example, tea with honey, mors, broth of wild rose;
  • let the little one eat more vegetables, fruits, fermented milk;
  • it is necessary to limit fatty, sweet;
  • nose should be washed with saline solution or ready-made pharmacy products;
  • conduct wet cleaning, air;
  • bed rest is needed.

Vasodilating drops should be used only if breathing is very difficult.

Also, it's not at all superfluous to get your baby's legs, especially after a hypothermia or a winter walk.

Treatment of the first symptoms of colds in children sometimes requires medication. You may need antiviral drugs. These include Remantadin, Arbidol. Also used drugs that have an immunomodulatory effect, such as Anaferon, Viferon, Laferobion.

The temperature is brought down by Panadol, Effergangan, Nurofen. But do not give medicine if the values ​​on the thermometer do not reach 38 ° C. Treatment of a child with the first signs of a cold will be facilitated by taking ascorbic acid. If the condition worsens, you need to notify the doctor.

How to treat the first signs of a cold

How to treat the first signs of a cold

If you feel unwell, a sore throat, weakness, then you should use folk remedies, simple and accessible to everyone. They will help you get rid of the first signs of a cold and feel much better.


  1. Drink tea before breakfast with honey or lemon. Then wrap yourself well and go to bed. During the night you will sweat well and in the morning you will feel better.
  2. Prepare also the infusion that should be taken before bedtime. Take two laurel leaves, three peas of black pepper, three cloves, a pinch of cinnamon. All this pour a glass of boiling water. Cover with a towel and let it brew for half an hour. Then strain through the cheesecloth and add to the resulting infusion two tablespoons of honey and the same amount of vodka. Drink a warm infusion and go to bed. In the morning you can observe a positive effect.
  3. If you feel an unpleasant sensation in the throat, a painful condition, then inhale on the herbs. Take two or three tablespoons of chamomile and sage. Boil water and add herbs there. Sit over the pot, cover yourself with a blanket or towel and inhale the vapors. But be careful, do not scald them. This procedure can be carried out only in the absence of an elevated temperature.
  4. Brew two teaspoons of chamomile with steep boiling water, let it brew for fifteen minutes and rinse with such infusion of the throat.
  5. Eat as much garlic and onions in raw form as possible. They are good at fighting harmful microbes.
  6. Boil a glass of milk, add to it one teaspoon of honey and butter and take a little bit in a hot form.
  7. Drink hot tea with raspberry jam or add boiled dried raspberry berries and black currant. This will give you strength and help the body cope with the first cold symptoms.
  8. If you did not manage to stock up on dried berries, you can use black currant sprigs to make healing infusions. But they need to boil long enough for three hours. To make it, take one hundred and fifty grams of sprigs, pour a liter of water and boil over a small fire. Take half a cup of this drink before going to bed.
  9. Go to the bath and thoroughly boil (at normal temperature).
  10. If there is no possibility to go to the bath, take a hot bath with the addition of eucalyptus extract or make a foot bath.

Find out what to do with the first signs of a cold. Medications for the first signs of a cold for children and adults

Not everyone knows about what should be done at the first sign of a cold. We decided to devote this article to this topic.

at the first sign of a cold

Some statistics

As shown by medical practice, the common cold is most often exposed to children, as well as adults with weakened immunity. In addition, the disease begins to be especially worried especially in the autumn-winter season, when the weather changes dramatically from warm to cold and the body and does not have time to restructure. Though there are also such cases when the diagnosis of ARI is put by the doctor and in the summer.

So what should you do with the first signs of a cold? We will talk about this below.

What threatens a cold?

If you feel chills, weakness and other signs of a cold, then you should immediately be alerted. After all, if you do not stop such a disease on time, then, very likely, very soon you will be watching yourself not slightly elevated body temperature, and more severe symptoms that arose against such complications as otitis media, pneumonia, or bronchitis.

Symptoms of a cold

Symptoms of such a disease are known to almost everyone. This is the ache in muscles and joints, and a runny nose, and a strong cough, and a sore throat, etc. It should be noted that the common cold can arise due to completely different viruses that change regularly. In connection with this, a vaccine has not yet been invented that can quickly and effectively rid the person of this scourge. But doctors still know how to treat the first signs of cold with the help of various medications. It is about them that will be discussed in the next section.

the first signs of a cold that do

We get rid of the cold with the help of medical devices

Medications at the first sign of a cold are released in pharmacy chains without a doctor's prescription. However, it is recommended that they be purchased only after visiting the doctor. After all, improperly selected treatment can worsen the patient's uneasy condition.

Currently, there are quite a few drugs from this seemingly non-dangerous disease. As you know, they are called drugs of symptomatic action. Quite often they are recommended to use at the first sign of a cold. After all, these drugs successfully and quickly eliminate all the existing symptoms, namely: high fever, weakness in the body, nasal congestion and swelling. If your body has enough strength for further independent struggle against the virus, then these symptoms will not come back to you after the medication stops. If your immunity is too weak, then you will need to take the medication more than once. But, as it was said above, it should be done only under the supervision of a doctor.

List of funds designed to prevent colds

The first signs of a cold are what to take? To the medicines that are able to quickly get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of the disease, you can include the following:

  • "Coldrex";
  • "Fervex";
  • "Teraflu."

As a rule, these agents are used either in the form of tablets or as a hot drink. The safest of these drugs can be considered "Ferveks". After all, he has much less contraindications than the rest. It is allowed to use people suffering from diabetes, hypertensive patients and even children after 7 years.

The drug "Coldrex" is softer, and therefore it is recommended to use it only when the patient's condition is not too heavy. By the way, the basis of this drug is "Paracetamol." That is why this drug is especially effective at elevated body temperature.

As for Teraflu, it is desirable to take this medication only with strong manifestations of the viral disease. Children at the first sign of colds give it is highly discouraged.

Buying medicines to prevent colds, it should be remembered that not all medicines can cope with inflammatory phenomena. In fact they only for some time eliminate signs, but in any way do not treat illness.

A folk remedy at the first sign of a cold

Viral disease never goes away quickly. In this regard, do not expect a miracle from medications. Moreover, some supporters of alternative medicine argue that pharmacies should not be taken at all at the first sign of a cold. After all, today there is a huge number of various prescriptions of folk remedies that do not contain artificial chemical compounds.

So, what actions should be taken to prevent the disease from "flaming up" in full force?

Bed rest

The first signs of a cold are what to do? To begin with, you need to forget about work, study and other household problems and arrange a rest for yourself. However, it should be organized correctly. To do this, it is necessary to ventilate the room, change into dry and warm clothes, and then lie down in bed and hide behind a thick blanket. If the room is cold, you can turn on the heater.


To prevent pathogenic bacteria from attacking the entire body, it should be helped to purify itself of already existing microbes. It is recommended to drink more warm liquid for this. If the patient has a stuffy nose and a throat, it is advisable to use a baking soda solution for regular rinses of the nasopharynx (1 dessert spoonful of food per 1 cup of warm boiled water). In addition, it is necessary to use more antimicrobial products (onions, garlic, lemon, ginger, etc.).

the first signs of a cold that take

Enhancement of the immune system

As you know, the cold attacks only those people who have weakened immunity. To restore it, you need to consume more vitamins. Someone gives their preference to the pharmaceutical drops, we recommend every hour to drink a cup of hot tea with honey, ginger or lemon. As a variant, it is allowed to use decoctions of such herbs and fruits as oregano, St. John's wort, viburnum or rose hips. These ingredients will satiate your body with the necessary amount of vitamin C, and you will immediately feel relieved.

Inhalation measures and thermal procedures

The first signs of a cold are what to do? Especially if you have a sore throat? With seasonal viral diseases, the patient often complains that his tonsils are swollen and sore. To facilitate the patient's condition and relieve him of unpleasant symptoms, you should perform inhalation procedures 2-3 times a day. To do this, you can use broth oregano or some other solutions.

drugs at the first sign of a coldIn the event that you feel a strong chills and aches in the joints, you are advised to warm up with the help of foot-heated hot tubs. After such a procedure, the feet should be wiped dry and wear warm socks. By the way, you can keep warm with alcoholic tinctures, which must be added to hot tea or a decoction in the amount of a couple of dessert spoons. However, this method should not be used to treat a sick child.

Observing all the above requirements to eliminate the first signs of a cold, you must win it in the shortest possible time.

Prevention of colds

For sure, many people know the wisdom of the fact that the disease is easier to prevent than treat. And, really, that in the autumn-winter season not to get sick, but to enjoy the new period of the year, it is necessary to strictly follow a few simple rules. Let us consider them in more detail.

  • Reception of vitamins. Each pharmacy sells vitamin complexes that will help you maintain immunity at the proper level and prevent the proliferation of viral bacteria. It should be specially noted that the most should be consumed vitamin C. Its daily norm for an adult is about 60 mg. By the way, if you do not trust pharmacy products, you can get such a substance through the use of citrus fruits: oranges, tangerines, lemons, etc.Children with the first signs of a cold
  • Reception of natural phytoncides. These substances effectively and quickly destroy bacteria. Products that contain phytoncides include: honey, garlic, onions, cloves and cinnamon.

In addition, in the autumn-winter season, a large number of people should be avoided. After all, if there are too many people in a particular room, then there is a high probability that among them there is at least one that will spread the pathogenic bacteria. If such clusters are unavoidable for you, then it is better to use a mask.

One can not ignore the fact that flu vaccinations are very popular today. If you have a desire, then for the prevention of a viral disease, you can also use vaccination.

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