Purulent cough

Purulent cough: causes and methods of treatment

The presence of cough with sputum, in which there is an admixture of pus, indicates the defeat of the respiratory tract and may be a symptom of the development of some serious diseases, as well as their complications.

Purulent sputum is a thick viscous fluid produced by the mucous membrane of the respiratory system. Its color can vary from light yellow to dark brown. In its composition, in addition to purulent exudate, there are lipids, immunoglobulins and glycoproteins.

Causes of purulent cough

Muco-purulent discharge during coughing can talk about the occurrence of the following diseases:

  • bronchial pneumonia;
  • influenza pneumonia;
  • gangrene of the lung;
  • purulent bronchitis;
  • abscess of the lung;
  • bronchiectatic disease;
  • cancer of the bronchi and / or lungs;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis.

How to treat a purulent cough?

It should be noted right away that a purulent cough, regardless of the cause of its development, can become aggravated, if the body undergoes hypothermia, allergic manifestations and strong emotional stress.

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Drug treatment involves prescribing a patient to a:

  • anti-inflammatory (antiviral) drugs;
  • antibiotics with a wide spectrum of action;
  • mukalitikov, diluting sputum and improving its excretion;
  • bronchodilators of drugs that dilate the bronchi. They contribute to the elimination of obstruction of the respiratory system.

Determining which medication to prescribe, the doctor takes into account the nature and severity of the course of the disease, as well as its nature of origin. The purpose of these or other drugs will directly depend on the diagnosis, that is, on a disease that provoked the development of a cough with mucopurulent discharge.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Treatment of a cough with purulent sputum with anti-inflammatory drugs helps to increase the protective functions of the body. Therefore, often doctors use drugs of this group in the treatment of various ailments.

  • Arbidol. It is an effective antiviral drug that increases the defenses of the body, suppresses viruses of group A and B, reduces the severity of complications associated with the defeat of the body infection.
  • Anaferon. It is not only an anti-inflammatory drug, but also an immunomodulator that promotes the activation of antiviral immunity. Anaferon also has an antimutagenic property.
  • Aflubin. This homeopathic preparation has immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, detoxifying and antipyretic properties. Treatment of purulent cough with this remedy promotes the activation of nonspecific factors related to local immunity. Helps normalize the mucous respiratory system of organs. Minimizes the severity and duration of an organism's intoxication.


To begin with, it is worth noting that doctors prefer treatment with one of the antibiotics, which is available in the form of powder, capsules, suspension or tablets. Injections and combining of antibiotics are indicated only in case of extremely severe course of the disease accompanied by purulent cough. It is necessary to give examples of common antibiotics prescribed by pulmonologists in the treatment of purulent cough.

  • Trifamox. Produced in the form of tablets and injection solution. Refers to the antibiotics of the penicillin group and has an excellent bactericidal property. Oppresses the pathogenic microflora.
  • Amoxiclav. Also belongs to the group of penicillin antibiotics. Has a wide range of bactericidal effects on the body. Clavulanic acid is one of the main active ingredients of this drug. It has antibacterial properties.
  • Clindamycin. It is an antibiotic belonging to the group of lincosamides. It is available in the form of capsules and an injection solution. Has a wide range of antibacterial and antimicrobial activities. This drug is active against many types of infectious agents.


Treatment of purulent cough with the tools of this group is very effective, so very often doctors use drugs of this category.

  • Umcalor. Phytopreparation is available as a solution for oral administration. Increases nonspecific resistance of the body. Promotes liquefaction of mucopurulent discharge, facilitating their excretion. It also has an antimicrobial effect.
  • Ambroxol. Regulates the function of serous cells of the glands of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Normalizes the ratio of mucosa and serous sputum components. As a result, sputum becomes less viscous, which makes it easier to expectorate.
  • Bromhexine. Helps facilitate expectoration of sputum, by normalizing the composition of the bronchial secretory fluid. According to experts, this drug contributes to the production of surfactant.


Treatment of purulent cough with such a means promotes the speedy recovery of a person.

  • Atrovent. It is available as a clear solution for inhalation. Has the ability to suppress bronchial spasms, normalizes the function of external respiration.
  • Theotard. Produced in the form of capsules. Helps reduce the contractile activity of smooth muscles. Has a relaxing effect on the bronchi and blood vessels. Improves the function of intercostal and respiratory muscles. Provides saturation of blood with oxygen and a decrease in carbon dioxide in its composition.
  • Ventolin. It is produced in the form of a suspension having a white color. Effectively affects the smooth muscles of the bronchi. Perfectly reduces bronchial spasm. Has a stimulating effect on the secretion of mucus and the work of the ciliated epithelium.

Supplementary Therapy

In addition to the main drug treatment, the doctor can prescribe the following procedures to the patient:

  • UHF;
  • physiotherapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • SCR;
  • warming compresses;
  • therapeutic gymnastics.

The above procedures are prescribed by a specialist, provided that the patient does not have elevated body temperature. Also a good additional folk remedy is a warm drink. For example, to treat an ailment you can use tea, which includes:

  • raspberries;
  • sage;
  • Linden;
  • viburnum;
  • chamomile;
  • plantain;
  • honey.

Also, in order to speed up the treatment of purulent cough, it is recommended to perform inhalation procedures using garlic, apply animal fat (outside and inside) and more often be in the fresh air.

If you have a cough with purulent discharge, you should immediately seek medical help. A timely visit to a competent specialist will avoid serious health consequences. With all the prescriptions of the attending physician, you can be sure of a successful cure for a purulent cough. Be healthy!


Yellow sputum when coughing is a dangerous symptom

Cough is a symptom of a certain disease that requires immediate treatment. But, as practice shows, not always people turn in time for help to a specialist, as a result of which a large amount of mucus accumulates in the bronchi. If it is for a long time, it acquires a yellow tinge. This symptom indicates that the body is in full swing inflammatory process, which can move to other organs.

What is

By changing the color and consistency of sputum, one can judge the formation of pathological processes in the lungs. If there is clear and neobylaya sputum, then this is a clear sign of a viral disease.When it thickens and the presence of a yellow shade, it is necessary to clarify the data on the presence of bacterial infection in the lower respiratory tract.With a green shade and an unpleasant odor, stagnation of the lungs and progression of the inflammatory process are most often diagnosed. The presence of bloody veins is the first symptom of tissue decomposition in lung cancer or tuberculosis.

Without temperature

When the sputum is yellow during the cough, this is a clear sign of bronchitis (here the symptoms of purulent bronchitis are described), sinusitis (here the symptoms of purulent sinusitis are described). When a cough rarely visits the patient, but sputum is released, it is urgent to go to the clinic. Emergency help is needed when there is an impurity of blood and pus in the phlegm. After yellowness in sputum indicates the presence of pus.

Also, a cough with yellow sputum can occur in people who have a passion for smoking. The nature and shade of sputum indicates the cause of the formation of bronchitis. A yellow shade indicates that an infection has accumulated in the bronchi. Therapy of such patients should take place in a hospital at home. The scheme of treatment is determined by the doctor after the diagnosis. On the link you can read how to cure the smoker's cough.

In summary, the following diseases should be identified, during which yellow sputum is released without temperature:

  • bronchitis;
  • viral diseases;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • abscess of the lung;
  • lung cancer.

With temperature

If, in addition to yellow sputum, the patient still has a temperature rise, then this is a clear symptom of diseases such as pneumonia, tuberculosis. The temperature can also rise with the diseases mentioned above. If the indicators are not significant (up to 38 degrees), then panic early. When for a long time the temperature is above 38 degrees, and yellow sputum leaves, this is the reason for going to the doctor.

To accurately determine the nature of the inflammatory process, it is necessary to conduct a laboratory study. For these purposes, the patient surrenders his sputum, and the specialist studies it by microscopic and macroscopic methods.To conduct this analysis, you need to collect phlegm in the morning, but do not eat anything before that.Otherwise, you will not get the exact result. To ensure a minimum content of saliva, the patient must rinse the mouth with an antiseptic solution and boiled water. After this, collect the mucus in a special tank. If mucus is released in a small volume during the analysis, the patient is prescribed irritating inhalation. Here you can read more about inhalations with wet cough in children.

Get the most accurate information and the nature of yellow mucus can be with the help of bronchoscopy. It is carried out in a hospital setting. Thanks to this, it is possible to thoroughly examine the bronchi and trachea using special equipment. During this manipulation, mucus is obtained without the impurities of the bacteria of the mouth and saliva. For special cases it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis.

Learn how to distinguish allergic rhinitis from colds.

Here you can read what to do if watery eyes and a runny nose.

What to do if the Pershit is in the throat, folk remedies: http://prolor.ru/g/bolezni-g/pershenie/v-gorle-lechenie-narodnymi-sredstvami.html.

Therapeutic events

Treatment for cough with yellow sputum requires immediate treatment. The treatment regimen is made individually, taking into account the diagnostic results. As a rule, necessarily therapy presupposes expectorants that allow to clear lungs.

In the video - tells about the yellow sputum when coughing:

Mucolytics are used to dissolve mucus. Antibiotics are to be combated with a bacterial infection.
Thanks to mucolytics, which does not increase the amount of sputum, it is possible to dilute it and cleanse the lungs. Presented medications are prescribed for the treatment of bronchial asthma, bronchial inflammation, cystic fibrosis and other ailments of an inflammatory nature.

Expectorant medications help to excrete sputum from the upper respiratory tract, and also activate a cough reflex. To such preparations it is possible to carry:

  • Trypsin,
  • Theropsis
  • Sodium benzonate.

But do not self-treat these medicines. They are appointed by the doctor taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

To expand the bronchial tubes and mucus is easy to use it is necessary to use medications that increase the patency of the bronchi.

Eliminate the inflammatory process of the respiratory tract, one of the manifestations of which is yellow mucus, use antibiotics with a narrowly directed effect. Also in the process you can use medicines of a broad spectrum of antibacterial action.

One symptomatic therapy will not be enough, so it is absolutely necessary to carry out therapeutic measures aimed at treating the underlying ailment.

To facilitate the process of cleaning the lungs, you need to apply as much fluid as possible, moisten the air in the house, using a special device, to rest more.Such measures will improve the removal of yellow sputum and clear lungs and bronchi. If you began to worry about a fit of cough, then take a direct position. Thus, the lungs will be enlarged, and sputum will be better separated.

The video tells what it means if a dense yellow green sputum is released during coughing and the means of combating the disease are described:

To protect your body from the development of a disease that contributes to the formation of yellow sputum, you need protect your lungs from getting a different infection, you need to clean them with a special gymnastics. The complex of exercises should be compiled by your attending physician when he conducts an examination and examines the information obtained during the diagnosis. Perform the composed breathing exercises every day for 15-20 minutes.

Sputum yellow color may indicate a certain allergic reaction. In this case, the patient must take antihistamines and drugs to stabilize the membranes of mast cells. When swelling of the lungs, it is necessary to take diuretics and medications that reduce the foaminess of the sputum.

Yellow mucus is a very dangerous symptom, which indicates that the disease begins to progress. If you do not take medical measures in time, then it can end as a dangerous disease, like lung cancer. If you find the very first symptom of the disease you need to go to the clinic and undergo the necessary diagnostics. Perhaps, it will also be useful for you to know what medicines are taken with chronic bronchitis, how quickly to get rid of the common cold with folk remedies.


Treatment of cough with phlegm

Treatment of cough with phlegm or, as it is called, productive cough is carried out not just with pills or a mixture of "from coughing" but with the help of mucolytic drugs that dilute sputum, and mucokinetic (expectorant) drugs that contribute to its excretion.

To treat cough with sputum is contraindicated with drugs that depress the cough reflex (antitussive drugs based on codeine, glaucin, butamate or prenoxdiazine): they are used only if cough dry.

Treatment for cough with difficult sputum

The basic pharmacological preparations providing effective treatment of a cough with hardly detachable sputum, and also treatment strong cough with sputum of any character as an active substance should have acetylcysteine, carbocysteine, bromhexine or ambroxol. Briefly about each of these substances.

So, acetylcysteine ​​- sodium salt N-acetyl-L-cysteine ​​- makes the bronchial mucous secret less viscous, blocking the polymerization of mucins, but increases its number by stimulating the cells, producing mucus. In this case, the biotransformation of acetylcysteine ​​leads to the formation of an active metabolite, the sulfate amino acid cysteine, which is a potent antioxidant. And thanks to this, this drug exhibits certain anti-inflammatory properties.

Preparations of Acetylcysteine ​​- ATSTS, Atstin, Acetal, Fluimutsil, Mukobene, etc. - Adults and adolescents are recommended to take p, g twice a day (ACTS in the form of effervescent tablets - 1-2 tablets), children 6-14 years old - in, It is contraindicated to use these drugs for peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, with a cough with blood, bronchial asthma without viscous sputum, elevated blood pressure and problems with the adrenal glands.

Carbocysteine, which belongs to the secretolitics and stimulators of muscle tissue contraction in the respiratory system, is part of the preparations of Bronkatar, Bronhokod, Mukosol, Mukodin, Mukopron, and others. All dosage forms of the drugs in this group not only dilute the thick sputum well, but also normalize the condition of the damaged mucocutaneous airways. But with inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney and bladder, as well as during pregnancy, these medicines are contraindicated.

In respiratory diseases, symptomatic treatment of cough with abundant phlegm can also be carried out with medications that contain benzylamines, this is bromhexine (Bromhexine, Bronchosan, Bisolvon, Lizomucin, Mugocil, etc.) or ambroxol (Bronchoprot, Brontex, Lazolvan, Ambrobene, Flavamed et al.). From the point of view of pharmacodynamics, indications and contraindications, side effects and other characteristics, there is practically no difference between them, since bromhexine is a The synthetic derivative of the alkaloid leaves of the Asian plant Vascular Adustoda vasica (vasicata), and ambroxol is a pharmacologically active product of metabolism bromohexine.

On dilution of thick hard-to-detachable sputum they act as Acetylcysteine, and facilitating sputum evacuation occurs due to stimulation of ciliary epithelial activity of the respiratory tract. The therapeutic effect of these mucolytic agents is not felt immediately, but after a few days.

Bromhexine in tablets by, 016 g is taken by adults and children older than 14 years, one tablet three times a day, children 6-14 years should take one tablet, 08 g (or half the adult dose). Among the most frequent side effects of these medications are skin rashes, headache and dizziness, runny nose, mucosal dryness, nausea, intestinal disorders, abdominal pain, dysuria, chills, increase in PQ interval, decrease in blood pressure, dyspnea.

And the contra-indications of Bromgexin and Ambroxol include the stomach and duodenal ulcer and the first three months of pregnancy. Although the instructions of some trade names of preparations with these active ingredients state that studies on animals have not revealed their teratogenic effects. However, given that Bromhexin has an effect similar to the hormone oxytocin, use it in pregnancy is categorically contraindicated (especially since alkaloid vazicin is known for its ability to stimulate contractions myometrium).

Successfully cope with the treatment of productive cough Mukaltin tablets (they have an extract of the root of the althaea) - on a tablet 3-4 times a day; Pectussin resorption tablets (with oil eucalyptus); syrup Bronchicum (it contains thyme, primrose and honey) - for adults, 1 teaspoonful every 5-6 times a day (adults) and a half dose to children (three times in day).

Treatment of cough with purulent sputum

Treatment of cough with purulent sputum, in addition to the above mucolytic drugs, for symptomatic therapy, must necessarily include cough treatment with sputum antibiotics. To this end, doctors recommend patients such antibacterial drugs as Ampicillin, Augmentin, Azithromycin, Rovamycin, Levofloxacin, and others. They provide the disposal of pathogens that have infected the respiratory tract.

Treatment of cough with green sputum, the allocation of which is typical for acute bronchitis, bronchodracheitis, pneumonia (pneumonia or bronchopneumonia), bronchiectasis, purulent inflammation of the pleura or The maxillary cavities are in many cases carried out with antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action by Augmentin (other trade names - Amoxicillin, Flemoxin) or Levofloxacin (Tavanic, Flexiide, etc.). A five- or seven-day course of Augmentin is prescribed for adults and children older than 10 years - on, g (three times a day, after meals); children from 5 to 10 years take on, 5 g, and 2-5 years - on, 25 g three times a day. A Levofloxacin can be used only after 18 years: by, 5 g (before meals) twice a day.

Assigning antibacterial treatment of cough with yellow sputum, for example, with pneumonia, Ampicillin (Ampexin, Riomycin, Cimexillin, etc.) is often recommended. Adults should take it 500 mg 4 times a day, and for children, doctors calculate the daily dose, based on the proportion of 100 mg per kilogram of body weight; the obtained amount of the drug should be divided into 6 receptions in day.

It is necessary to keep in mind the following: if for better sputum coughing you are prescribed Acetylcysteine ​​(or another drug on its basis) and simultaneously antibiotics with ampicillin, then their administration should be divided in time by at least 2, 3 hours, as these drugs reduce the therapeutic effect of each friend.

Treatment of an allergic cough with phlegm

In most cases, cough for allergies is dry, but the course of the disease can be accompanied by attachment of infectious factors with edema of the mucous membranes, and then the mucus clears, as a rule, without impurities.

In accordance with medical recommendations, symptomatic treatment of an allergic cough with phlegm is carried out with the help of the same drugs for the dilution of sputum and its expectoration, as with the cough of inflammatory character. And in etiologic therapy, antihistamines should be used, for example, Claritin (Loratadin, Lotharen, Clallergin, etc.) or Fenistil. So, Claritin in tablets is prescribed one tablet, 01 g once a day, in the form of syrup - on a dessert spoon once a day.

With diagnosed chronic bronchitis of an allergic nature, the inhalation method of administration of such drugs is considered to be the most expedient: Atrovent - 3-4 inhalations in during the day; Ventolin-po, -5 mg per inhalation, four inhalations per day (the drug can cause headache and heart rhythm disturbances); Pulmicort - for 1-2 mg in day.

And it is also very important to breathe properly with an allergic cough: after another attack of cough, you need to hold your breath for five seconds (so that there is no spasm of the bronchi), but to inhale the air slowly.

Treatment of a smoker's cough with sputum

Smoking people often cough, especially in the morning, and this should make one seriously think about the really imminent threat of the development of so-called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Therefore, the treatment of a smoker's cough with phlegm should begin with the first of its symptoms: first cough in the morning hours dry, then begins the coughing of clots of mucous semitransparent sputum, which very soon acquires a gray or greenish color tone. Then shortness of breath is coughing, attacks of severe coughing during an intense inhalation of air or with a sharp change in the position of the body.

What do doctors recommend in such cases? First, quit smoking. And the best release of the respiratory tract from sputum will not only help the already mentioned mucolytics, but also the famous drops of the Danish king - a thoracic elixir with a root extract licorice (25-30 drops three times a day, if there are no problems with the liver), and Pectosol with extract from the root of elecampane (20-30 drops three times a day, in the absence of gastric diseases).

The broths of such medicinal plants, indispensable for wet coughing, like the mother-and-stepmother, plantain, oregano, thyme, and black elder flowers are good. It is necessary during the day to drink a glass of herbal decoction (or infusion) - after a few sips, after eating. For broth, boil one tablespoon of dry raw material for 200-250 ml of water for five minutes, - pour the same amount of steep boiling water, but in both cases, you need to close the dishes tightly and insist not less hours.

In addition, regardless of the cause of this symptom, cough treatment with sputum can be alleviated and accelerated by doing wet-steam inhalations with ordinary table salt or baking soda.


Green sputum when coughing

Green sputum when coughing speaks of an inflammatory process in the bronchi, trachea or lungs with the formation of mucopurulent or purulent exudate.

With intense inflammation, the exudate accumulates and gets into the secretions of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract affected by the infection.

Causes of green sputum on coughing

The main causes of the appearance of green sputum when coughing are directly related to those diseases, the symptom of which is a productive (wet) cough. Such diseases are tracheobronchitis, acute bronchitis and exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchopneumonia, bronchiectatic disease, post-pneumonia purulent pleurisy (empyema of the pleura), and abscess lung.

As experts note, if coughing leaves green sputum, it means that such gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria are involved in the development of these diseases, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus viridans, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis, Klebsiella spp., Serratia marcescens and other

Bronchotracheitis infectious etiology develops from tracheitis amid a fairly high temperature, rhinitis, pharyngitis or laryngitis, when the inflammatory process descends from the upper respiratory tract in lower. If the cough is dry at the beginning of the disease, with bouts in the mornings, then on the 4th-5th day the cough becomes productive, and yellow-green sputum appears on coughing.

For acute bronchitis, as well as exacerbation of its chronic form is characterized by a strong cough, in which the patient coughs up the mucopurulent exudate of a viscous consistency of yellow or greenish color.

Among the clinical signs of bronchiectasis arising from damage to the walls of the bronchi and their enlargement, there is a green sputum when coughing, often with bloody inclusions and particles of dead epithelial tissues of the bronchi.

In most cases of pneumonia (pneumonia), the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae, which doctors call pneumococcus, is to blame. However, pneumonia can also be caused by viruses (mainly RS virus) and fungal infection (pneumomycosis, developing due to fungi of the genus Candida, Actinomyces, Histoplasma, etc.), and even parasites (pneumocystis pneumonia). But a cough of a greenish color can be with any etiology of pneumonia.

And with especially severe forms of pneumonia in their tissues, a pyogenic capsule can be formed - a cavity with purulent-necrotic contents. In this case, an abscess of the lung is diagnosed, which eventually breaks through to the bronchi, and then a green sputum with pus, which has a pronounced putrefactive smell, leaves behind the cough.

Who to contact?

Pulmonologist General practitioner Family doctor

Diagnosis of green sputum when coughing

The exact cause of diseases of the respiratory system, which are accompanied by a cough with green sputum, is designed to establish diagnostics. Unfortunately, the presence of green sputum when coughing is not always subjected to a comprehensive study with the use of proven diagnostic techniques. This leads to the fact that the appointment of antibiotics does not take into account the causative agent of the inflammatory process, and, therefore, with the same symptom antibacterial drugs may not work and do not lead to a cure of the disease or slow the recovery to a great extent and cause complications.

To find out the true origin of cough, a more thorough examination is needed on the basis of:

  • a general blood test;
  • biochemical blood analysis;
  • a blood test for eosinophils, mycoplasma, etc .;
  • sowing sputum on the microflora;
  • sputum smear microscopy;
  • general analysis of urine;
  • analysis of urine for antigens;
  • koprologicheskogo research (analysis of feces);
  • chest x-ray;
  • spirometric study of respiratory rates;
  • bronchoscopy;
  • Ultrasound or CT of the chest.

Treatment of green sputum when coughing

Currently, in the clinical practice, the etiologic treatment of green sputum when coughing, or rather, diseases that have this symptom, is carried out with the help of antibiotics.

Appointment Ampitsillina (synonyms - Ampexin, Domipen, Opicilin, Pentrexyl, Riomycin, Cimexillin, etc.): adults - 500 mg 4 times a day; The daily dosage for children is calculated at 100 mg per kilogram of body weight and divided into 6 receptions within 24 hours.

Amoxicillin (synonyms - Augmentin, Flemoxin) adults and children over 10 years old take after meals, d, three times a day, children 5-10 years old, 5 grams, children 2-5 years old, 25 g three times a day. The minimum course of treatment is 5 days.

In the treatment of green sputum during coughing in adults (with pneumonia), an effective fluoroquinolone antibiotic of the third generation Levofloxacin (Levoflocin, Tavanic, Tigeron, Flexin, etc.) in tablets: before meals twice a day, p, 5 g; duration of admission - 5 days.

Practiced a five-day course of treatment of streptococcal respiratory tract infections with the antibiotic Rovamycin (in tablets by, and 3 million. IU). Adults should take it for 3 million. IU three times during the day, children daily dose is calculated per kilogram of body weight - 150 thousand. IU per day - and is divided into three doses. Also used are Azithromycin (Sumamed) and Erythromycin. And Josamycin (Vilprafen) is especially effective in the inflammation of the respiratory tract, triggered by Peptococcus spp. or Peptostreptococcus spp. Doctors recommend taking the drug 500 mg three times a day.

With pneumonia of fungal etiology, treatment of green sputum with cough should be performed with antifungal antibiotics, for example, Amphoglucamine. The recommended use of this is 10 to 14 days: adults - 200-500 thousand. ED twice a day (after meals); children - depending on the age (25-200 thousand. ED. 2 times a day).

With drug therapy of viral bronchitis and pneumonia, antibiotics should be supplemented with antiviral agents (Remantadine, Acyclovir, Virazol, etc.), which the doctor appoints individually - depending on the specific pathogen disease.

Treatment of green sputum during cough: means for liquefaction and coughing up phlegm

A key principle that all physicians adhere to by prescribing the symptomatic treatment of green sputum cough - in any case not to suppress the cough reflex, but to promote the coughing up of the accumulated exudate.

Expectorants act by dilating the bronchioles, which facilitates the excretion of phlegm. Tablets Terpinhydrate (on, 5 and, d) are prescribed one tablet three times a day. Mukaltin (on the basis of althea medicinal) should be taken before meals by, 5 g intake 2-3 times (before meals). Lycorina hydrochloride - on, mg 3-4 times a day (about 30-45 minutes before meals). Narrow-anis drops should be taken with a cough in this dosage: adults - 10-15 drops 2-3 times a day; children - at the rate of one drop for each year of life. Finally, Pertussin, containing in its composition extract of thyme and potassium bromide, stimulates the physiological activity of the ciliated epithelium and peristalsis of bronchioles, due to which any, including green sputum when coughing, moves from the lower parts of the respiratory tract to the upper ones, and from there is output to the outside. Adults should take Perthussin on a tablespoon three times a day, children - on a tea or dessert spoon 2-3 times.

Mucolytic drugs make sputum less viscous, which greatly facilitates its removal from the respiratory tract. Recommended medics Bromhexine (Bronchostop, Solvin) is used by adults and children over 14 years of age at 8-16 mg 3-4 once a day; children 6-14 years - 8 mg three times a day, 2-6 years - 4 mg, children under 2 years - 2 mg 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 5 days.

Ambrohexal (other trade names - Ambroxol, Lazolvan, Bronhopron, Mukozan, Mukovent, Mucobroxol, etc.) increases the production of mucus in the respiratory tract. Adults drug is given one tablet 2-3 times a day (after a meal) or 10 ml of the drug in the form of a syrup - three times a day. Children older than 6-12 years, the recommended dose of syrup is 5 ml (2-3 times a day); children aged 2-5 years - on, ml; up to 2 years - on, ml twice a day.

Acetylcysteine ​​(Acestin, ATSTS, Mukoneks and others. trade names) adults and children over 14 years of age are prescribed 200 mg 3 times a day; children 6-14 years old - 200 mg each twice a day; for children 2 to 5 years, the drug is recommended in the form of effervescent tablets ATSTS - 100 mg 2 times a day.

Also can be used for coughing with green sputum pharmacy plant charges, which include the root licorice or althea, herb-coltsfoot and oregano, blackberry flowers, plantain leaves of large, seeds anise. Preparing the medicinal broth is simple: a tablespoon of the mixture is poured into 250 ml of boiling water (or two tablespoons per half-liter of water) and a quarter of an hour under a lid on a water bath; then the broth should be cooled, drain and take half a cup twice a day (after meal).

Prevention of green sputum during coughing consists in the effective treatment of cough in any pathology of the respiratory tract, without bringing it to the state of sputum stagnation in the bronchi and lungs. The faster you get rid of phlegm, the more favorable will be the forecast of green sputum when coughing. So, acute bronchitis can be overcome in ten days, but with chronic it will have to be fought much longer - one and a half to two months, or even more.

Remember that inflammation in the airways can lead to purulent bronchitis, chronic pneumonia, bronchiectasis, lung abscess. In the latter case, according to pulmonologists, serious problems arise, for the solution of which you may need urgent surgical intervention.

Therefore, you should consult a doctor if you have a green sputum when you cough.


Cough with phlegm

The appearance of coughing with all sorts of pulmonological diseases is a very common phenomenon, serving as an excuse for going to a specialist, to find out the causes and purpose of qualitative treatment.

The choice of the most effective drug for treating sputum cough is possible only if there is correctly diagnosed and the exact cause of a productive cough (cough with sputum ). In no case do not cough, because it can cause a violation of the respiratory organs, namely the lungs and bronchi.

Some people, in the measure of their lack of education, mistakenly believe that a regular paroxysmal cough with sputum discharge is a common thing that does not require definite treatment. People who regularly suffer this type of cough unfortunately do not pay any attention to it at all. This continues until the appearance of characteristic symptoms, for example, shortness of breath, sweating, weakness, sputum discharge with an admixture of blood, as well as a gradual loss of weight.

With such symptoms, constantly pay attention to the appearance of the sputum, that is, its consistency, as well as the smell and color of the separated. If the separated phlegm is clear and watery, then the viral agent acts as an irritant, or it is an allergic disease. If the separable yellow or greenish color is the result of penetration into the respiratory tract of a bacterial infection, for example, bronchitis or pneumonia. Sputum with the separation of mucus with an admixture of blood is the result of diseases such as tuberculosis, pneumonia and lung cancer. A wet cough can tell us about the presence of such a complex disease, a bronchial asthma or even worse - cystic fibrosis.

Only if you have all the information about the state of health, you can choose the necessary treatment.

The cause of coughing with phlegm can also be tobacco smoking, it is during smoking in the respiratory system that a large amount of mucus is released.

With productive cough, it is strictly forbidden to use antitussive drugs that prevent it from appearing at the level of the central nervous system, and can be used only under the supervision of the attending physician, in cases where there is a violation of outflow of sputum from bronchi.

A qualified specialist may prescribe expectorant medications. These are usually mucolytic drugs based on ambroxol (Ambrohexal, Flavamed, Lazolvan and Medox), guaifenesin (Tussin, Sinethos and Guaituussin), acetylcysteine (Mukobene, Mukoneks, Tussikom, Mukosolvin and Fluimutsil), carbocystene (Bronhokod, Mukodin, Fluvik and Fljuditek) and bromhexine (Bronhosan, Solvin, Fleganin, Bronchotil and Paxyrazole).

The mechanism of action of mucolytic drugs is to reduce the viscosity of the product to be separated by increasing its volume.

Expectorants are mostly made on the basis of plant components (Thoracic Gathering, Thoracic Elixir, Althea Syrup, Cough Medicine, Mucaltin, Evcabal, Eucalyptus Syrup Doctor Theissa). There are also funds based on chemical compounds. These drugs activate the cough and vomiting center.

For the treatment of cough with the formation of viscous hard to separate sputum, combined agents (with mucolytic and expectorant action simultaneously) can be recommended.

In the treatment of such diseases, it is necessary to follow exactly all the recommendations given to you by the doctor. Pay attention, the combination of expectorants with drugs that stop the attack of cough is an extremely rash and harmful act. A combined use of expectorants and mucolytics - is generally prohibited!

Updated on February 10, 2015

Cough with phlegm does not pass

Very often cough acts as a symptom of many diseases of the respiratory system. Usually, after taking the necessary measures to eliminate the disease, cough is also eliminated. Nevertheless, there are cases when the cough remains and for quite a long time brings trouble, it seems to have already cured the patient. With a similar development of events, a cough is called a protracted, chronic form. Similar definitions apply to a cough that occurs over a period of time longer than one month.

Cough with phlegm, causes

The first cause of cough with phlegm is smoking. This is explained by the fact that during the process of smoking in the respiratory tract, much mucus is produced, which is the reason for the formation of a large amount of sputum, which requires withdrawal from the body. In addition, smoking causes paralysis of the finest hairs that are in the airways, which, during normal body work, contribute to the production of sputum.

In addition, a cough with sputum is facilitated by various ailments, which include:

Asthma.The development of the disease is preceded by the appearance of a dry cough and some hoarseness, then gradually hoarseness intensifies and a cough with sputum appears. It is possible to form thick mucous secretions.

Chronic form of bronchitis.In this case, dry cough is produced by chronic airway disease blocked by the respiratory tract, over time it becomes a cough with phlegm, in which the pus is possible.

A common cold.In the case of this disease, coughing up phlegm containing mucus or a mixture of mucus and pus occurs.

External irritants.Increased mucus formation in the respiratory tract can occur by inhaling fragments of dust, paint and other substances that cause irritation. It is this irritation that causes a cough. Most often, such a reaction is observed in persons suffering from allergic diseases or sinusitis in a chronic form.

Lungs' cancer.A characteristic symptom that manifests itself at an early stage of this disease is a cough that goes into a chronic form, accompanied by blood veins and some sputum. Sputum may contain pus or a mixture of mucus and pus.

Pneumonia.The disease can be accompanied by a dry cough that goes into a cough with phlegm. There may be changes in the color of sputum, depending on which bacteria are present in it.

Tube shapea riculosis.It is possible to cough up a certain amount of sputum containing pus, mucus or blood.

An adult cough with phlegm

In adults, a cough with sputum is manifested when the body has a need for the withdrawal of very difficult to separate sputum. In order to solve this problem, there is a certain set of tools that need to be used only after consulting a specialist.

Cough with phlegm treatment

When a cough with phlegm occurs, it is advisable to take medications for expectoration: lazolvan, bromhexine, ambroben, ambromhexal. In passing, it is allowed to use medicinal plants that promote expectoration and relieve inflammation: syrup, pork collection, St. John's wort and Labrador tea.

Effective help with cough with sputum is provided by warming compresses, whose role is played by mustard plasters, cans, and also a dry black radish. From a radish it is possible to allocate juice and to accept it, combining in various proportions with sugar or honey.

A good therapeutic effect is the use of inhalations with the use of a nebulizer or a mechanical inhaler, with the addition of ambroben or propolin. Such inhalations are recommended to be carried out at least five times a day.

Cough sputum diffusion

During the whole period of the existence of medicine, certain rules have been recognized and deduced that help to recover, and in this particular case, those who are liquefying phlegm after coughing. These rules are quite simple:

- As much as possible to take liquid during the day - the liquid dries helps to normalize the body's water balance and at the same time contributes to the dilution of sputum. Cough is mitigated by the use of alkaline nutrition, based on mineral waters. The composition of these waters helps to simplify the process of isolating the mucus caused by the disease and speeds up the disposal of it. It is recommended to add vegetables and fruits to the diet.

- Dissolving sputum also causes inhalation with a solution of medical herbs. Used for this mixture of sage, thyme, chamomile, mother and stepmother on one tablespoon of each element. The whole composition is poured with boiling water and insisted for an hour, after which a teaspoon of soda and eucalyptus oil is added. Inhalation is carried out twice a day.

- Dissolving sputum through the use of medications is effective in tracheitis and bronchitis - in this case, the spitting phlegm does not go out, creating a very painful obstacle. In this case, the use of medications that cause expectoration is recommended. Their appointment is in the competence of the doctor, who monitors the course of treatment of the disease.

- A very effective means for liquefying sputum is a decoction of pigeon pigeon. By means of its application, the mucous surface of the bronchial tubes undergoing irritation is moistened, so that mucus is easier to exit, reducing the process of an unpleasant cough.

"It's good to have figs, if you have to deal with the stretching sputum and bored cough." It should be placed in a glass of milk, cut into two figs. The moment of appearance of a special shade means readiness for use.

Medicines for coughing sputum

Medicinal products used in the treatment of sputum with phlegm are of plant and synthetic origin. With regard to the principle of action of drugs, they are subdivided into an expectorant with direct and reflex action.

Drugs with a reflex action are a certain set of medicinal extracts and herbs that help accelerate the process of sputum production from the respiratory system. They represent a variety of broths, herbal preparations, extracts, infusions and powders. They include: herbs thermopsis and thyme, licorice and althaea roots, pectoral charges No.1, No.2, No.3.

Drugs with direct action affect the bronchi and, directly, the sputum, speeding up its withdrawal by dilution.

There are two main groups of drugs:

- Means that affect the bronchial glands, used as inhalations. These include essential oils, iodine salts, baking soda.

- Means that dilute sputum - lazolvan, Bromgeksin, ATSTS.

Today, the pharmaceutical industry significantly expands the market for drugs to combat cough with sputum, but take care, as each drug has its own indications and contraindications, and not all medications are compatible with each other friend. Wishing to quickly and effectively cure the disease, you should get advice from a competent specialist, since self-medication in this case can only be harmed, not observing the rules of admission, and the compatibility with each other of various drugs.

How to treat cough with sputum folk remedies

1. A few pine buds are poured into a glass of boiled milk, wrapped and insisted for about an hour. Should be taken throughout the day in equal parts. Such a prescription is an effective folk remedy for coughing sputum, in view of the fact that it has an effect on the focus of the disease and has an effect even after the application is started.

2. An excellent folk remedy for coughing with phlegm is the onion. There are many recipes for the use of this natural medicine. You can cook a decoction of onions: two onions, without cleaning them, put in half a liter of water for an hour, as cooking is done, adding one glass of sugar. The broth is intended for internal reception, half a cup three times a day.

3. Effective herbal collection containing mint, plantain, marshmallow, mother-and-stepmother. Components are mixed in the same proportions, they are poured with boiling water, calculating one a tablespoon of herbs for a glass of boiling water, after which it is insisted for 15 minutes on a water bath. The broth is applied on an empty stomach at least twice a day.

Sputum color when coughing

Green sputum when coughing

Mucous green sputum when coughing occurs with numerous diseases of the lungs and bronchi caused by infection, colds and various allergens. Such diseases include all kinds of inflammatory processes, bronchitis of different severity, forms of pneumonia, tuberculosis, cancer, bronchial asthma.

Cough with yellow phlegm

The manifestation of a cough with yellow sputum indicates sinusitis, bronchitis or pneumonia. A yellowish shade appears when pus is mixed with phlegm.

Yellow sputum may appear in smokers with significant experience. The color and nature of the sputum may indicate the cause of bronchitis. Yellow sputum appears when there is a bacterial infection in the bronchi. When yellow sputum appears, you should see a doctor, do not try to treat the disease yourself.

White sputum when coughing

White sputum when coughing, if it has a consistency of cottage cheese, indicates tuberculosis, or the presence of a fungal infection in the airways. Bronchi are affected by the fungus when long-term antibiotic therapy is applied under the condition of reduced immunity, which causes the appearance of pathological microflora in the mucous membranes.

If white sputum when coughing has a watery consistency, the cause may be a viral infection, or chronic diseases of the respiratory system, a reaction to external irritants. All these causes cause an increase in mucosal secretion.

Brown sputum when coughing

The presence of brown sputum during a cough testifies to various types of infection, bacterial or viral, occurring with inflammatory processes. This occurs with pneumonia, bronchitis, as well as with a common cold. Brown sputum can occur with bleeding that has opened earlier.

Cough with pink phlegm

The presence of phlegm in pink cough indicates the presence of a certain amount of blood in the mucus. The color of mucus can change completely and find its reflection in the form of spots and veins. Pink sputum may also indicate bleeding, if blood appears in sputum during bronchitis, this fact may indicate such diseases:

- Pneumococcal pneumonia.

- Lungs' cancer. The color of sputum may vary from pink to red, turning into black or brown.

- Tuberculosis. There is blood spitting and the presence of bright red bands.

- Embolism of the lungs.

Purulent sputum when coughing

The purulent sputum produced during coughing contains in its composition an extensive microbial flora. Coughing at times becomes painful, and excreted sputum is viscous and viscous, expectorated with great difficulty. Sometimes purulent sputum appears only in the mornings, during the rest of the day the cough remains dry. In some patients, cough continues around the clock, accompanied by nausea, vomiting and shortness of breath. The temperature does not usually rise, but if the disease worsens, it can rise to a low-grade level.

Purulent sputum when coughing is manifested with pulmonary tuberculosis, lung abscess, lung cancer. Diseases occur with expectoration of copious or small amount of sputum containing pus.

Black sputum when coughing

Black sputum when coughing is coughing up with pneumoconiosis. This is the name of a certain group of diseases of the pulmonary system (incurable) caused by prolonged inhalation of industrial dust. It is observed among the workers of the mining, machine-building, and coal industries.

Smell of sputum, as a rule, is absent. It appears only in the case of gangrene and abscess of the lungs, due to the development of microflora rot.

Sputum can be in a variety of consistencies: thick, liquid, viscous. Usually it has a viscous consistency.

When coughing with phlegm

Cough without phlegm

Sometimes cough with phlegm without temperature exhausts even more than a constant fever. The situation can improve for a certain period of time, then repeat again. May be useless all the pills, inhalers and injections - cough still does not pass.

To effectively treat this phenomenon, one must not forget that it does not belong to the number of independent diseases. This is just a symptom of the disease, a manifestation of the process of inflammation of the respiratory tract. Inflammatory process leads to the appearance of a cough with phlegm without temperature.

Sputum is a mucus containing the products of the body's struggle with bacteria and viruses. When expectorating, particles of mucous membranes come out with it.

If the cough lasts a long time, there may be many reasons for this, from the precise establishment of them depends the effectiveness of the treatment. That's why to say exactly how to cure a cough with phlegm can only a doctor.

Cough with phlegm and runny nose

The appearance of cough with phlegm and a cold is possible for colds, as well as some ARVI. In the event that the cough does not stop within three weeks after the beginning of the SARS, it is necessary to consult a therapist.

Severe cough with phlegm

A strong cough with phlegm is always unpleasant, it is always necessary to clear your throat, there is a badly smelling liquid that irritates the surrounding and the patient. Similar symptoms are accompanied by many diseases, but in order to treat qualitatively and effectively, you need to know exactly the cause of the disease.

A strong cough with phlegm is a symptom of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, in which serous and purulent secretions accumulate in the lungs and bronchi.

A moist strong cough with hard-to-recover sputum is a symptom of developing inflammation of the bronchi. As the disease progresses, cough increases, sputum production increases.

With pneumonia, a rapid cough is observed, which is accompanied by a copious discharge of purulent sputum. Similar phenomena are observed with inflammation of the lungs, both in the child and in the adult.

Blood when coughing in sputum

Cough with blood signals serious pathological changes in the body. If there is a small amount of light fresh blood, this can be explained by damage to the blood vessels due to increased coughing up, but when there are blood clots or veins, the explanation may be starting tuberculosis, or a cancerous tumor in lungs.

Blood for coughing in sputum by medical evaluation is the allocation of a certain number of red blood cells contained in the lungs and bronchi. Sputum contains blood in the case of bronchitis, pneumonia and a number of other dangerous diseases, therefore it is recommended to start the examination as soon as possible in order to identify the cause of the onset discharge of blood.

Dyspnoea and cough with phlegm

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is usually caused by people over the age of 50 years who have a certain length of smoking. The main symptom of this disease is progressive dyspnoea, which accompanies cough with phlegm, as well as symptoms of suffocation. Dyspnea either occurs after the appearance of a cough, or manifests simultaneously with it. Sputum emitted in the morning has a pale gray color, it is possible to expectorate it throughout the day.

If cough with sputum and shortness of breath are observed for many years, it is typical for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease of the bronchial type. With COPD emphysematous type, there is a rare cough with small sputum and a pronounced dyspnea. If there is a change in the nature of phlegm from pale gray to purulent, this indicates that an infection has joined - acute bacterial bronchitis. When wheezing and attacks of suffocation can be concluded that the patient will benefit from inhalation. Expectoration of blood is usually due to an acute bacterial infection, lung cancer must be excluded. It is required to get the patient detailed information about the harmful aspects of his profession, about possible contacts with gases and dust.

Bronchitis and cough with phlegm

Increased cough with increased sputum is characteristic for bronchial disease, inflammatory processes taking place in them. Often the disease develops against the background of sore throat or ARVI, coughing is constantly increasing, there are pains in the chest, symptoms of dyspnea, and if in addition to all there is auscultation in the bronchi, breathing becomes stiff, appear wheezing.

In the case of acute bronchitis in the first few days, sputum dries with difficulty. There may be a slight increase in temperature.

Treatment of bronchitis should be timely and individual, the doctor should know about how the course of the disease was occurring, in what conditions does the person who has become ill with bronchitis work. It is necessary to completely eliminate the factors that have a negative effect on the body. In the event that you are late with the beginning of treatment, it may not give any tangible results. Thus, it becomes clear that it is impossible to underestimate the moment of commencement of treatment and timely diagnosis.

Types of cough with phlegm

Long cough with phlegm

A cough is considered long, if it lasts from four to eight weeks without significant changes. A long cough with phlegm is a very disturbing symptom that makes you think about the possible onset of serious illnesses. For this reason, the following points are important.

.- A long cough with phlegm can be a consequence not only of bronchial asthma or any infection. Due to this circumstance, first of all, it is necessary to perform an X-ray examination of the lungs in order to detect cancer

- It is very likely in this case a disease with tuberculosis. The sooner an appeal is made to doctors for the diagnosis, the more favorable will be the final outcome.

- There are cases of a long cough with phlegm with prolonged bronchitis in smokers. At the same time the disease becomes chronic and very difficult to cure.

- A prolonged cough is observed in people of certain professions. Such a disease is professional, and its therapy is to stop all contact with substances that cause coughing.

Cough chest with phlegm

Various inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract caused by fungi, viruses and microbes begin from the usual cold and end with pneumonia and bronchitis. The onset of these diseases is a dry cough. As the sputum accumulates in the lungs, the cough becomes transformed into a chest cough. With a chest cough with phlegm, bronchitis often begins.

The very first remedy for chest cough with phlegm is saline solutions designed for gargling. It is also possible the emergence and growth of cough as a result of smoking. Cough medicines are used to expand airway paths. For the final disposal of cough, you should ask the doctor to prescribe medications that dilate the bronchi.

Wet cough with phlegm

With a wet cough, sputum is separated. The nature of sputum with a damp cough may be different. It can be a product of the secretion of specific bronchial glands, facilitate the withdrawal from the respiratory tract of agents of various origins caught there with air. Normally, the production of secretion is small, in case of disease the body tries to wash the infection from the bronchi accumulated there. This process stops with recovery, and a wet cough with the formation and sputum discharge also ends.

Coughing sputum

Coughing spells with sputum occur with various diseases of the respiratory system. The body thus tries to get rid of the mucus that has accumulated in the bronchi. Often it thickens so much that it becomes difficult to talk and breathe. Similar conditions and provoke coughing attacks with separation of sputum.

To reduce cough, it is recommended to drink hot milk for the night with the addition of soda and sugar. Soda contributes to the dilution of phlegm, while sugar in milk will calm the cough. For such purposes, mineral water on an alkaline basis is suitable.

Night cough with phlegm

Night cough with sputum can very often be caused by an increase in the tone of the vagus nerve that occurs at night and is characteristic of diseases accompanied by spasm of the bronchi. Such a process is localized in areas of special receptor sensitivity, while sputum is progressing under exposure to its own gravity in the bronchi from the cavities, while the diseased is in a horizontal position.


Strong cough with phlegm in the morning

Often there is a cough in the morning with phlegm. This is a fairly common phenomenon. It is a kind of reflex act that occurs when the respiratory muscles contract and jerk out with sudden shocks. There is a cough during the stimulation of sensitive receptors in the respiratory system. Even the body itself clears the respiratory tract from accumulated mucus and fluid, harmful microorganisms and foreign bodies with the help of cough.

What are the causes of morning cough with phlegm?

The first thing to remember is that morning cough is not a disease. Coughing, especially in the morning, is a sure sign of an inflammatory process that occurs in the airways. This inflammation leads to the appearance of so-called sputum, which is deposited on the trachea and bronchi.

And what is this so-called sputum? This kind of mucus, containing a large number of products of interaction of the body with various pests, for example, with viruses or bacteria. Sometimes in the sputum there may be blood. Basically this is not a consequence of serious problems.

But why is there such a cough in the morning? What are the reasons? There can be many. The main reason is smoking. When a person smokes, a lot of mucus is formed in his respiratory tract, which in the process turns into phlegm. Also, smoking contributes to the paralysis of the finest hairs in the airways. Because of this, sputum is excreted only with the help of a morning cough. Other reasons:

  1. Pneumonia. There is a dry cough that turns into a cough with sputum secretions. Sputum color may vary. It depends on the bacteria that are in it.
  2. Cold. At usual cold there is an expectoration of a sputum. It is worth noting that it often contains pus and mucus.
  3. Asthma. At the initial stages of the disease appears dry cough, at times - hoarseness in the voice. Then intensifies in the voice of hoarseness, and the dry cough turns into a cough with phlegm.
  4. Bronchitis is chronic. When bronchitis is blocked by the respiratory tract, forming a phlegm. Sometimes it can contain pus.
  5. Lungs' cancer. At the beginning of the disease, there is a cough with blood veins and a lot of sputum. This cough slowly turns into a chronic form.
  6. Tuberculosis. This disease is accompanied by a cough with a small amount of purulent or bloody sputum.

Of course, this is not all the reasons for which there may be a cough in the morning. And it is better not to engage in self-medication. It will be safer to turn to a specialist. Causes should be established by the doctor, using for this purpose a survey and comparison of the obtained data. When all data is collected and studied, it is possible to make a scheme of treatment and select the necessary medications.

Many people have a question: does it happen that the doctor can not establish the cause of the cough with phlegm? This happens, but it is very rare. Basically, these are mistakes and failures in the determination of dry cough. When coughing with sputum, any methods of examination and diagnosis without problems highlight the real cause of the disease. Although there are cases that the attending physician can not diagnose.

Causes in the morning

Morning cough with discharge is mainly a consequence of bronchitis or sinusitis, but do not forget about bronchiectasis or cystic fibrosis (hereditary disease).

The specialist even before receiving all the test results is able to determine the cause of this cough. But he must appoint a mandatory examination, which will confirm or refute the arguments.

A man himself can roughly determine his illness. At a bronchitis and a genyantritis it is allocated a lot of a sputum, and a clearing up occurs very easily. Bronchitis and sinusitis are not accompanied by high fever. If it is a bronchoectatic disease, then the cough is more painful and long, it does not always clear up to the end.

Treatment for cough with phlegm

When treating cough with phlegm, it is necessary to take drugs with expectorant action.These are medications such as bromhexine, ambrromgsal, lazolvan and others. In addition, you can use the herbal infusions, which contribute to expectoration. They make broths of St. John's wort or Labrador tea, and also often use breastfeeding.

Do not forget about the warming compresses. It is very popular in folk medicine mustard plasters or cans, and also grating black radish. You can also use its juice, mixing it with honey or sugar. Doctors advise to do inhalations with the addition of ventolin or ambroben, which must be carried out at least 5 times a day.

Treatment should be appointed by a doctor. Self-treatment can not be. Sometimes it happens that the doctor is diagnosed, the patient is prescribed treatment, and cough with phlegm does not go away. What to do in this case?

The first step is to repeatedly contact a doctor. He must write new recipes. This is the most reasonable thing a patient can do. But in most cases, people prefer more traditional medicine, stubbornly ignoring traditional methods of treatment.

Indeed, most of the recipes of traditional medicine are very effective. Although not all of these recipes are universal. Some infusions can help the patient, others will not give effect, and others will harm the person. For example, allergic people are forbidden folk drugs, which contain a root of licorice and althaea. And even with herbs you need to be very careful.

Partly advise to breathe over potatoes and put compresses on the chest of the same potato with additions of sunflower oil or honey, vodka or beer (it must be hot), propolis. The patient can choose what suits him and can not hurt him. But do not forget that in severe cases, traditional medicine will not give the proper result. The main thing in the search for the right means is not to contact friends for help. What helped one does not have to help the other.

Treatment of cough with sputum during pregnancy

To treat expectant mothers is very difficult and difficult, but extremely important and necessary. We must ensure that they are very careful about health at the initial stages of pregnancy. But even this often does not save them from a coughing cough. The question arises: what to do if there was a cough?


Cough for pregnant women is very dangerous. He is able to provoke a miscarriage if the woman has an increased tone of the uterus. In addition, the inflammatory process is the cause of polyhydramnios. To avoid this, you need a special therapist who follows the treatment of pregnant women. It can be found in any women's consultation.

Cough in the baby

Bronchitis children are sick very often. Such a cough in a child rarely causes serious complications. But just in case, you need to check the child and exclude all diseases of a hereditary nature. For this purpose it is necessary to address to the children's pulmonologist, that that has understood in the reasons of illness.

If necessary, the pulmonologist will connect other specialists to the survey.

You need to trust doctors and not engage in self-medication. If treatment is carried out at home, then it is necessary to act strictly according to the doctor's instructions. If the doctor ordered to put the child in the hospital, then do not give up on it.


When treating a child, you can turn to traditional medicine, but only with the permission of a doctor. You can breathe over the pot with fresh potatoes, so that the steam penetrates into the bronchi. For the night, it is necessary to put on the child tights, and on top - socks, pour in them mustard powder.

In addition, if the cause of cough with phlegm is tracheitis, then such heating will be very useful. Follow the recommendations of your doctor and be healthy!


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