How to get rid of chronic bronchitis forever

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Cure chronic bronchitis forever - is it real?

Chronic bronchitis is an inflammatory process in the bronchi, which worsens every 2-3 months for at least 2 years. Even if the cough (the main symptom of any type of bronchitis) is present for a month, then disappears for a couple of weeks and resumes with a new force, unconditionally diagnose chronic bronchitis it is impossible. First, a constant cough may be in smokers, and secondly, this symptom may be associated with special / harmful working conditions.

Types of chronic cough

In medicine, there are several principles for the classification of chronic cough:
  1. By degree of injury:distal and proximal. In the first case, the inflammatory process affects small bronchi, in the second - large.
  2. By the presence of bronchospastic seizures:obstructive and non-obstructive.
  3. By qualitative changes:catarrhal, purulent, fibrous.

In addition, chronic bronchitis may be in remission and / or exacerbation - this also applies to classification and must be indicated in the patient's medical / outpatient card.

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Causes / factors of development

Chronic bronchitis can develop for two reasons:

  • the patient constantly, for a long time, inhales chemical substances, toxic fumes, fine dust - this is typical for some specialties. For example, wood dust after grinding works not only "hangs" in the air, but also gets into the bronchi, settling on their walls. In this case, the mechanism of bronchial function is reconstructed, the structure of the walls varies;
  • Earlier acute bronchitis was diagnosed, his treatment was not complete. Alternatively, the patient developed the acute form of the inflammatory disease in question too often.

Factors that can exacerbate chronic bronchitis are:

  • attachment of the virus - for example, the development of an acute viral respiratory disease or common cold;
  • infections - angina, influenza, laryngitis (tantum verde spray with laryngitis), tracheitis and any respiratory tract diseases;
  • regular hypothermia.

Signs and symptoms of a chronic nature

Cough - the main sign of chronic bronchitis

The only common sign for all types and forms of chronic bronchitis is cough- this is the main symptom of bronchitis, it is necessarily present, but it can manifest itself in different ways.

For the catarrhal form is characterized by a moist cough, uncritical fever, signs of general intoxication. The frequency of exacerbations of this type of chronic bronchitis is no more than 4 times a year.

When the obstructive form of the inflammatory process under consideration in the bronchi is observed:

  • paroxysmal cough;
  • difficulty in getting a sputum;
  • Attacks of suffocation and bronchospasm.

Pay attention: hyperthermia (fever) with obstructive bronchitis of chronic form may not be noted.

Non-obstructive type of disease - sputum purulent-serous character is allocated constantly, with every fit of coughing.The daily norm of excretions is maximum 150 ml, but this figure corresponds only to the period of remission.At an exacerbation to pristanopojnomu to tussis are added:
  • pain in muscles and joints;
  • a slight increase in temperature;
  • signs of intoxication, characteristic of all inflammatory processes (weakness, drowsiness, loss of appetite, headaches).

Important: with prolonged flow of obstructive chronic bronchitis may appear thickening in the area of ​​finger phalanges, the patient notes increased sweating.

Diagnostic measures

The doctor needs to not only diagnose, but also to identify the cause of the development of bronchitis

Diagnosis of chronic bronchitis should be carried out only in a medical institution by an ENT doctor. It is necessary not only to put the diagnosis itself, but also to identify the cause of the development of the inflammatory process under consideration. This will determine the purpose of medicines, the feasibility of using folk remedies.

When examining the patient, the ENT doctor will notice a too long exhalation, wheezing / wheezing sounds in the lungs, wet "sobs".To confirm the diagnosis and clarify the required accuracy (what kind of chronic bronchitis is present, what is the degree of its development, and more) the doctor directs the patient to X-ray, and if necessary, and carried out radiation diagnosis (eliminates emphysema, tuberculosis and oncology).

What can you do with a cold in breastfeeding is indicated in this article.

After the common cold, the sense of smell is gone, what can you do, you can understand reading the article.

What good and inexpensive remedy for the common cold is used most often, is indicated here:

It is mandatory to take sputum for laboratory testing - the causative agents of the disease are identified (microbiological analysis), the structure of secretions (serous-purulent, purulent) is determined, and its viscosity.

An effective method of diagnosis is computed tomography, but more often the study is performed using a bronchoscope, which allows to determine the degree of pathological changes in the walls of the bronchi.

Methods of therapy: can I be cured forever?

Chronic bronchitis can not be cured forever - every patient of an ENT doctor will receive such an answer. It is believed that literate appointments can only increase the period of remission, but exacerbations will be necessary. In fact, chronic bronchitis in mild development can be completely cured. For this, it is not absolutely necessary to be registered for inpatient treatment, although with serious exacerbations such a step is mandatory.

At home

To permanently get rid of chronic bronchitis, you must follow the following treatment regimen:

  1. Reception of medicines.The appointment should be done only by the attending physician - eit is not discussed. First, doctors will find out which virus / pathogenic microorganism has caused the development of the inflammation in question
    process. Secondly, some medicines can provoke the development of the strongest allergic
    reaction. Thirdly, it is necessary to conduct a dynamic observation of the treatment process.
  2. The use of medicinal drink.It can be herbal decoctions / teas - for example, lime blossom, raspberry, chamomile or thyme.
  3. Diet.Remove from the diet fat, spicy, smoked or pickled - anything that can serve as an irritant for the bronchi.

At home, it is most appropriate to use medicines prepared with "your own hands". These include

  1. Take in equal amounts of plantain juice and honey, warm in a water bath for 20 minutes and cool. Take the medicine should be 1 teaspoon twice a day.
  2. Brew a teaspoon of Icelandic moss in a glass of boiling water, like ordinary tea. Drink the medication for the night in full.Note: Iceland moss gives a lot of bitterness, so in the "tea" you can add a little honey to improve the taste.
  3. Prepare a medicinal mixture: 1 egg yolk of a chicken egg, 1 teaspoon of honey, as much butter and flour. Mix thoroughly and take half a teaspoon at least 4 times a day.Please note: this mixture must be dissolved in the mouth an hour before meals.
  4. From the lower leaves of the aloe plant make juice and mix it with honey - per 100 ml of juice 20 grams. Stir and take a tablespoon twice a day. How to use aloe in case of nasal congestion in a child is indicated in this article.

Pay attention: the listed means need to be used not up to that time, as symptoms will disappear, and before complete cure. Up to this point, it can take a long time - up to 3-5 months.

Do not forget about the compresses - warming the upper sections of the breast will help to withdraw sputum from the bronchi and speed up the process of treatment. As fillers for compresses, you can use:

  • 2 parts of aloe juice + 1 part honey + 3 parts vodka or alcohol - the mixture needs to be heated to 40 degrees;
  • 1 part honey + 1 part melted animal fat (the most effective is goat fat).

You can actively practice the treatment of bronchitis with honey:

  • propolis- for inhalation (pour a teaspoon of 100 ml of boiling water and inhalate);
  • pollen- to strengthen immunity (mix 5 grams of pollen with a teaspoon of honey and eat 15 grams 2-3 times a day).


Important: only a doctor should prescribe medicines!The composition of therapy for chronic bronchitis may include the following drugs:

  • mucolytic- help get rid of phlegm;
  • antispasmodic- relieve pain in the chest and ribs (it appears from a constant cough);
  • antibacterial- Antibiotics for chronic bronchitis are prescribed when an infectious etiology of the disease is identified;
  • antiviral.

The above medicines can be used as tablets / capsules or intravenous / intramuscular injections - which is optimal, will be determined by the attending physician.

Possible complications

If no treatment is carried out, then the bronchitis is aggravated by bronchial obstruction, pulmonary emphysema and respiratory insufficiency

Chronic bronchitis can for years run almost asymptomatically - the patient from time to time worries cough, but there are no powerful exacerbations. But if no treatment is carried out, then the inflammatory disease under consideration is aggravated by bronchial obstruction, pulmonary emphysema and respiratory failure.

To permanently get rid of chronic bronchitis, it is necessary to carry out an exclusively complex therapy - it is necessary to simultaneously take prescribed medications and funds from the category "folk medicine".Necessarily it is necessary to strengthen immunity and undergo a course of physiotherapeutic procedures.


All about the correct treatment of chronic bronchitis - in this video:

Prolonged, long-lasting and often exacerbated chronic bronchitis can not be cured forever. But using all of the above methods of therapy can achieve long-term remission.

How to get rid of chronic bronchitis

Ordinary bronchitis usually occurs due to a viral or bacterial infection that promotes inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. If to treat his treatment is not serious, you can earn a chronic form of this disease, that is fraught with many complications, including pulmonary insufficiency and pathological changes in a heart. It also develops due to smoking, poor environmental conditions, inhalation of dirty air and chemicals, etc. Cure it, like any chronic illness, is not easy.

You will need

  1. -luk, honey, sugar;
  2. -turnip;
  3. -China berries, honey;
  4. - Sage, elderberry and linden flowers, dried berries or raspberry leaves.


  1. If you have chronic bronchitis, then you probably already started his treatment. In order not to worsen your condition, consult a doctor. Without his appointment, do not buy medications and especially antibiotics. People's means can be a good help in getting rid ofbronchitis, but only in combination with prescribed medications.
  2. Try to relax and drink a lot of drinks. Best of all - herbal teas, juices and mineral still water. If it's cold, drink tea with honey, lime blossom, raspberry, lemon and ginger.
  3. There is a need for such food, which does not irritate the throat, so exclude from your diet hard, sharp, salty and hot dishes.
  4. During the illness, sweating usually increases, even with little physical exertion. In order not to exacerbate the disease, try to dress in the weather, so as not to freeze and not catch cold, and if you sweat, take a shower and quickly change your wet clothes to dry.
  5. Spend daily inhalations to facilitate coughing and easier recovery of sputum. To do this, you can use a soda solution, eucalyptus oil, herbs or ready-mix for inhalation in a pharmacy.
  6. To get rid of stagnant phenomena in the airways, perform such physiotherapy procedures, like breathing salt, vibrating massage, breathing exercises (Body-flex or by Buteyko methods, Strelnikova).
  7. Try not to lie in bed for long periods. Take a walk in the fresh air in the park or forest - this will help expectoration of phlegm, improve ventilation and oxygen saturation of blood. When chronic bronchitis is useful for you to travel to a sanatorium with suitable conditions (salt caves, pine forest, sea resort, mountain air), as well as summer vacations in the Crimea, the Caucasus or the seaside in other countries.
  8. As a good help in the fight against chronic bronchitis are many folk remedies. For example, you can try these out of either: spin a half kilo of onions in a meat grinder. Mix well the gruel with a tablespoon of honey and 400 g of sugar. Add a liter of water. This mixture is boiled for 3 hours on low heat, then cool and strain. Take this drug should be spooned 4-5 times a day.
  9. Two tablespoons of turnips, grated on a grater, pour a glass of boiling water and insist in a warm place for about two hours. Ready infusion take 4 times a day for a quarter cup. You can also use turnip juice, previously diluted with boiled water.
  10. Grind 100 g of viburnum and mix them with 200 g of honey. Boil this mixture for 5 minutes. Take it three times a day for one or two tablespoons, before meals, washing down with water.
  11. A mixture of sage leaves, elderberry and linden flowers, leaves or dried raspberry berries (two tablespoons) pour a glass of boiling water and insist an hour. Take this infusion before going to bed warm.

BRONCHITIS! How to get rid of this ailment forever?



he can not be saved from him


salt mine, should be in a polyclinic, or a sanatorium... P.S. there you have to breathe

Ramil Eighman


Michael R.D.

Probably will not detach

Elena Ivanova

Do not use any inhalers. Go to the pulmonologist.


Drink tea with chamomile, linden, more alkaline water.
In time to react to drafts and external temperature.

Travnitsa Anna

Taken from the Internet.

Constantly I read in the newspaper about the requests to help some good folk prescription for getting rid of bronchitis. I know one way and I can tell it to you. Since my son had chronic bronchitis for several years, I treated him with this prescription.

You need to take one glass of shredded wax, one glass of honey, one glass of sunflower oil, one glass of pine resin. All this is poured into a saucepan and put on gas, cook, stirring until everything is thoroughly mixed, but do not bring to a boil. It turned out a liter bank of a mixture. I need to put it in the fridge.

I gave this mixture of my son one teaspoon half an hour before eating, giving me a glass of hot milk. The son drank only one liter jar of such a mixture and for ten years forgot, and to think about bronchitis.

Wax to take - bees.

Anar Akhmetova

Thank you very much, Anna Ivanovna, I will use it without fail. Only where to get pine resin. May not necessarily?


I will tell you to cure him of nada to quit smoking, and to remove allergens in the room, only then everything will pass away

Nastya Litunovskaya

garlic and lemon tincture drink in the morning on an empty stomach

Vladimir Danilov

There was the same error, fixed for a minute with the help of this:

How to get rid of a chronic cough?



How to get rid of chronic bronchitis.
Chronic bronchitis is not easy to cure. Means of traditional medicine, as, indeed, many recipes of traditional medicine, sometimes prove to be powerless. In this case, you can try to drink this infusion. It is very simple to prepare, does not require a lot of money, and after about 3 months you will be rid of chronic bronchitis for a very long time, if not forever.
To prepare this remedy, you need 3 teaspoons of peppermint mixed with 3 teaspoons mother-and-stepmother, add 5 teaspoons of yellow flowers of marigold mixed together, then pour all this mixture 3 liters of boiling water. After this, the product must be insisted for three hours. Insist should be in a warm place, or simply wrapped. After this time, the infusion is ready. Take the remedy every day, and use at least 5 glasses every day. Usually the effect comes about a month later, it becomes easier to breathe, less often the coughing attacks. After this, it is necessary to drink the medicine until it is completely cured. On average, it's 2 more months. Thus, the course of treatment with this infusion is approximately 3 months, after which you can forget about cough for many years. It should be noted that after such treatment, catarrhal diseases are much less likely to "cling and they proceed in a very mild form. It would be desirable to remind, that at cold it is urgently recommended to spend in bed at least 1 day. This will greatly accelerate recovery and ease the course of bronchitis.


thoracic collection number 4, and in the chest and back rubbing badger's fat

NPO Progress LLC

Read and adhere to the principles of the book C. Peunova's "ABC of Happiness"


badger fat one teaspoon three times a day, horseradish juice with honey


to begin with, you need to raise your immune status. and against chronic bronchitis can drink erespal.

@@@ [email protected] @@@

maybe asthma - and this is not a joke, I advise you to consult an allergist!

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