Features of the treatment of conjunctivitis in pregnant women

During pregnancy, women, due to hormonal changes, exacerbate many different problems. Some of them are directly related to the situation in which the woman is located, while others are only indirectly associated with it - but this is no less a hassle. A vivid example of this is conjunctivitis, which in pregnant women is extremely rare.


  • 1What it is
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Diagnostics
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Complications
    • 5.2Prevention
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

What it is

Conjunctivitis is a disease of the mucous membrane of the eye, which is usually provoked by bacteria or viruses.When it occurs in pregnant women, it is best to begin treatment fairly quickly, in the early stages, otherwise complications may occur for both the mother and the child.

The problem during pregnancy is complicated by the fact that not all drugs that are usually taken when a problem occurs are acceptable.Therefore, although the course of the disease may not differ from that of other patients, approaches to it are usually used differently.

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The main reason that this problem occurs is a general weakening of the female body due to the stresses that it experiences during the period of pregnancy.As a result, all immunity is weakened - and various infections begin to manifest.

Optionally, a woman picks up a new infection, it is possible that she awakens the one that was in her body before pregnancy, but was effectively suppressed by immunity.

The cause of conjunctivitis directly depends on what type it relates to. It is customary to distinguish three main varieties.

  • Viral.Also known as infectious. This conjunctivitis, as a rule, is caused by the same viruses that provoke the development of colds.
  • Bacterial.As the name implies, it is excited by various bacteria.
  • Allergic.Occurs when the body begins to react negatively to various allergic stimuli, which include dust, pollen, animal hair, various foods, ticks and much other.

How to treat viral conjunctivitis in children will tell this article.

There is during pregnancy one form of conjunctivitis, which is especially dangerous and can lead to extremely unpleasant consequences. This conjunctivitis, caused by chlamydia, which provoke the development of various dangerous infectious processes. If this is diagnosed, then you should not hesitate, you need to urgently go to the gynecologist to solve the problem.


There are several signs that will help to identify the problem quickly enough. It:

  • redness of the eyes;
  • increased tear;
  • discharge from the eyes;
  • painful sensations that arise when the eyes need to turn;
  • the swelling of the eyelids.

These characteristic symptoms are manifested in principle with any conjunctivitis, the course of the problem in pregnant women is not carried out in any special way.

The cause of what disease is tearing, read here. Why in the morning there is a puffiness of the eyelids look in this article.


In order to more accurately diagnose, confirm the presence of conjunctivitis and accurately indicate its form, the doctor makes a blood test, on the basis of which the further treatment of the patient is thought out.


Treatment during pregnancy must necessarily take place in direct interaction with the doctor - only he must make decisions, what exactly drugs can be taken, and from what costs abstain.Usually the main difference in the approach to treatment is that the dosages are not so large that the concentration of blood in the blood is minimal and does not harm the fetus.

During pregnancy, the doctor not only appoints a treatment that will directly eliminate cause of the problem, but also treatment, which is aimed at general strengthening of immunity and health. For this, a complex of vitamins and microelements is taken. Immunostimulants and immunomodulators can also be prescribed if the doctor decides to do so.

With an allergic variety of the problem, it is necessary to radically restrict contact with the allergen, to perform local therapy with derivatives sodium cromoglycate, and also, if the doctor allows, take minimal doses of antihistamines, which are weak and do not affect fetus.Occasionally, eye drops with antihistaminic properties are prescribed. They are much softer than those that are taken inside, because they are even safer.

Sensitiv - eye drops, instructions for use you can read here.

A compromise option, if the disease is at a sufficiently weak stage, is the use of folk remedies. The effect of them will be less, but almost no harm.

Even if you are our non-prescription drugs, which are positioned as exceptionally safe - you should still try not to use them without first consulting a doctor. You can hurt the child.

Here are some good examples of folk medicine:

  • Aloe.Several leaves are taken, from which the juice is squeezed out and diluted with ten portions of boiled water. Then the solution is gently lubricated with a sore spot.
  • Rose petals.One tablespoon is brewed in a glass of boiling water. Everything cools a little, half an hour settles, filters, then compresses are made.
  • Cold compresses.Even cold compresses with ordinary plain water can help relieve symptoms if done regularly for five minutes. This method is especially good for the allergic form of the disease, when even weak solutions of some drugs can only exacerbate.


Special complications can arise in those cases when the problem is caused by chlamydia.Infection in this case can be very dangerous for the fetus, miscarriage or rupture of membranes can occur.It can also trigger the development of new infections.

There may also be complications from allergic forms of the disease.Usually the problem does not arise directly from conjunctivitis, but from various drugs that a pregnant woman takes, although they are not allowed to her.Here it is necessary to consult a doctor. It may be necessary to take an allergy test to find out which preparations are acceptable.


Prevention is fairly simple, you must follow the basic rules of hygiene, in particular:

  • Try to touch the eyes as little as possible.If you have a habit of rubbing your eyes, it's best to try to get rid of it.
  • Use only your own cutlery, soap and a towel.
  • If the first signs of the disease began to appear, refrain from using cosmetics.
  • The more you wash your hands with soap, the better.
  • Ideally, a pillowcase and a face towel should be changed every day, but at least several times a week for sure.
  • When wearing contact lenses, you must carefully observe all the rules of hygiene. Although it is best not to wear them during pregnancy.

& g; and focal lenses: why is it so popular.

What is hypermetropia in children, read this article.

The causes of strabismus in children under one year: http://eyesdocs.ru/zabolevaniya/kosoglazie/kosoglazie-u-detej-goda-prichiny-diagnostika-lechenie.html




Even if conjunctivitis occurs during pregnancy, if you contact a doctor on time, no particularly severe complications will arise.The main thing - do not do especially serious self-medication.It's one thing - neutral folk methods, the other - taking drugs that could potentially harm the child - and the mother, too. Remember that it is often not the disease that is harmful, but the wrong attempts to treat it. The same goes for other diseases during pregnancy, such as dacryocystitis.

To avoid serious illnesses during pregnancy, do not forget about products that improve vision and strengthen immunity. What products improve vision will tell you this material.