Mortar and drops Cordiamin: instructions for use

Cordiamin - a drug used to stimulate the work of the nervous system and exert a stimulating effect on it.

It is an analeptic drug that has a mixed effect: it stimulates the nervous system, and also reflexively excites the respiratory and vasomotor centers. The medication is able to influence the respiratory center of the brain, the vasomotor center located in the medulla oblongata.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Stimulator of CNS metabolism.

Conditions of leave from pharmacies

It is released on prescription.

Price list

How much is Cordiamine? The average price in pharmacies is at the level of120 rubles.

Form of issue and composition

  • Drops for ingestion - 15, 25 or 30 ml in dark glass bottles-droppers, 1 bottle in a pack of cardboard;
  • Solution for injection - 1 or 2 ml in ampoules, 10 ampoules per pack or 5 ampoules in contour cells, 2 packs in a pack of cardboard.

The active substance of the drug is niketamide. In 1 ml of the solution and 1 ml of drops - 250 mg.

Pharmacological effect

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Pharmacological action of the drug is due to the two main constituent mechanisms: peripheral and central. Peripheral mechanism is characterized by an increase in the frequency and depth of respiratory movements.

The central mechanism has a direct effect on the vasomotor center of the medulla oblongata, which consists in increasing the pressure and excitation of the center. The use of Cordiamin does not affect the cardiovascular system of the body.

Indications for use

Apply Cordiamin for indications: fainting, asphyxia (including newborns), collapse, shock of various origin, poisoning barbiturates, narcotic drugs, hypnotics and other drugs, acting depressingly on the central nervous system.

The drug is also prescribed for: respiratory failure, pathology of blood circulation of an infectious and non-infectious nature, including chronic ones with a decrease in vascular tone.


It is not recommended to use the drug if:

  • there is a hypersensitivity to the components of the drug composition;
  • in the anamnesis - convulsive phenomena;
  • there is a predisposition to epileptic seizures;
  • the baby has hyperthermia.

Use in pregnancy and lactation

There is no information on the safety of use in pregnant women. It should be used Cordiamin if the possible risk is less than the expected effect. Be sure to consult a doctor and use the drug under his supervision.

Cordyamine with low blood pressure in pregnant women can only be used occasionally, in emergency situations. For example, with a sharp drop in pressure, development of dizziness, fainting, etc. In this case, you should give the woman 30 drops of Cordiamine to increase the pressure. But as a drug for constant regulation of pressure in pregnant women, this drug is absolutely not suitable.

Dosage and route of administration

The instructions for use indicate: Drops of Cordiamine are taken orally at any convenient time, without binding to meals.

  1. Usually adults Cordiamin is prescribed 2-3 times a day for 15-40 drops. Children are recommended to take as many drops as they can to a child. For adults, the maximum daily dose is 180 drops, single dose is 60.

The solution for injections is administered subcutaneously, intravenously and intramuscularly, adults 1-3 times a day for 1-2 ml, the children of the dose are set in accordance with the age of 0.1 to 0.75 ml. Intravenous infusions should be carried out slowly. Subcutaneous and intramuscular injections are painful, for its reduction is allowed in advance inject Novocain into the injection zone - 1 ml adult (0.5-1% solution), children - depending on age.

With subcutaneous injections, the highest daily intake for adults is 6 ml, single dose - 2 ml. In the case of drug poisoning, the maximum single dose for injections into the vein and under the skin is 5 ml.

Side effects

Cordiamine can cause the following side effects: clonic and clonic-tonic (arising with increased dosage) cramps.

In some cases, during the application of this remedy, development of hyperemia of the face and upper half of the body, twitching muscle, soreness at the injection site, nausea, vomiting, and the development of allergic reactions.


When administered to too large doses of the drug may develop clonic-tonic seizures, reminiscent of an attack of epilepsy. With the development of seizures, the patient undergoes symptomatic therapy with anticonvulsants.

special instructions

Before the beginning of Cordiamin use according to the indications, as well as in cases of development of uncharacteristic symptoms, you should consult a doctor.

Drug Interactions

Strengthens the effects of psychostimulants, antidepressants.

The convulsive effect of the drug increases reserpine and aminazine.

The pressure effect of niketamide is enhanced by the action of monoamine oxidase inhibitors.

Reduces the effects of narcotic analgesics, hypnotics, antipsychotic and antiepileptic drugs, anxiolytics.

Reduces the effectiveness of niketamide: aminosalicylic acid, opiniazide, phenothiazine derivatives and medicines for general anesthesia.


We picked up some reviews of people taking the drug Cordiamin:

  1. Love. I have a negative experience with the use of the Cordyomina. If to my daughter he helped repeatedly (she suffers the lowered pressure and at it sedentary inactive work), to me it has appeared it is useless. My blood pressure is also jumping drastically, but due to age, it seems that when I'm in such conditions, it does not help me anymore. Therefore, I resort to more effective means.
  2. Lena. most often cordyamine is used intramuscularly or subcutaneously. But drops are the most convenient form of application. My mother resuscitates this drug at a very strong low pressure. She constantly carries drops with herself, since low pressure is her constant problem. She can walk down the street, and then her head will spin, she begins to feel bad, she starts hysterical. Then it takes a drop and after 20 minutes it gets much better, the pressure is normalized. Coffee, tea, chocolate and all that does not help her.

The responses of most people are positive, they consider it a means, which effectively raises the pressure. The main consumer of drops are women 20 - 30 years old, leading sedentary or sedentary lifestyle, because they are more prone to lowered pressure. Often, parents who are forced to normalize and support breathing in a child with an infectious disease resort to Cordionin injections.

Doctors believe that Cordiamin is a good and quite effective tool in the resuscitation of a newborn with asphyxiation. People who had to resort to Cordiolin injections to normalize and maintain breathing in children with infectious diseases also respond positively to the drug. Parents noted that the child felt much better, breathed freely and deeply, did not wheeze or snore, catching the air often and superficially, like a dog on a hot day. Naturally, parents felt calmer.

Negative reviews are associated with the ineffectiveness of the drug, but they are relatively rare. So, most of the negative feedback relates to the fact that Cordiamin has not helped to eliminate attacks of lowering pressure in the elderly.


Structural analogs for the active substance:

  • Diethylamide of nicotinic acid;
  • Kordiamin Rusfar;
  • Nitacamide.

Analogues on the curative effect (drugs used in hypotension):

  • Apilak;
  • Gutron;
  • Dopamine Solvay;
  • Cortineff;
  • Caffeine;
  • Cofetamine;
  • Tincture of ginseng;
  • Nobrethum;
  • Noradrenaline Agetan;
  • Ringer's solution;
  • Estecor.

Before using analogues, consult your doctor.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Store in a dark place at a temperature of no higher than 25 ° C, out of the reach of children. Shelf life 3 years. Do not use after the expiry date printed on the package.

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