Drops from cold and flu

Drops from colds and flu for the nose

The most common group of drugs to combat viral diseases are interferons in the form of drops, sprays, ointments for the mucosa in the nose.

The drugs derive their name from the active substance, which has an antiviral and immunomodulatory effect of the polypeptide.

Effects of intranasal interferons

Interferon-containing drugs do not have the ability to be absorbed into the body. They have local effects on viruses that cover the nasal mucosa and have not yet penetrated into the bloodstream. The drug is applied to the mucus of the nose and acts on the viruses that have settled there.

Therefore, it is advisable to use intranasal drugs as a prophylactic or for treatment for the first 2-3 days after infection.

The effectiveness of these means depends on the timeliness of their use - the earlier, the better. If the disease lasts three or more days - the use of interferon preparations for fighting colds is meaningless.

Nasal medicines are represented by a whole line of drugs having different concentrations of the recommended doses of the active ingredient. The difference can be from tens to thousands of times.

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All interferons of Russian and Ukrainian intranasal type are used for the prevention and treatment of early stages of acute respiratory viral infection, influenza, and herpetic infections.

Foreign medics (outside the CIS) interferons for intranasal treatment are not used.

Intranasal preparations of Russian interferon

Among Russian nasal preparations with active substance, interferon is most widely distributed:

  1. Interferon;
  2. Gripferon;
  3. Genferon light spray;
  4. Viferon is a gel and ointment.

Leukocyte dry human interferon is produced by the Moscow JSC "Biomed". This is the oldest of all known drugs, the only one from the group of nasal drugs that is obtained from the blood of immunized donors.

Form release: ampoules with dry powder, which is applied endonasally or for inhalations.

Active substance: interferon alfa-2b.

  • Volume: each ampoule contains 2 ml of the drug, with a concentration of 1 ml of the drug - 500 IU of the active ingredient. In one drop of the drug contains about 20 IU of the active substance.
  • Application for injection: strictly prohibited.
  • Action: The first days after a cold effectively removes the symptoms of influenza or ARVI and stops their further development. It is used as an effective preventive agent for ARVI and influenza.
  • Preparation of the solution: open the ampoule immediately before use, add boiled water at room temperature to the label. You can store the finished solution in the refrigerator for no more than 24 hours from the time the ampoule is opened.
  • Prevention of colds or SARS for 10 days to a month twice a day: in the nose - 2 drops per each nostril; or one inhalation in the morning and evening.
  • Scheme for therapy: the first three days of the disease to dig in the nose for 5 drops for each nostril with an interval of 2 hours at least five times a day, or 3-4 inhalations during the day every two hours.
The remaining intranasal agents contain recombinant interferon, identical to alpha-2b, obtained by genetic engineering.

Grippferon, developed by Russian pharmacists, is produced by the Moscow-based ZAO "Firn M". A relatively new drug - first produced in 1999. It is produced by a ready-made solution that does not require preliminary preparation.

It is used to treat the first three days after a cold or infection.

  • Form release: nasal spray; liquid for instillation into the nose.
  • Concentration of the active substance: per ml of the drug is 10 000 IU of interferon. One drop of 400 IU.
  • Application: children 1-3 years - two drops three to four times a day; children older than 3 years and adults - two drops for each nostril 4-6 times a day. Newborns and up to a year - one injection or a drop for each nostril 3-4 times a day. Course - no more than 3 days.

Genferon Light Spray has not yet been clinically tested on children, so it is recommended to use it for cold treatment only from the age of 14 years.

  1. Concentration: 1 dose - 50 000 IU of interferon (more than 1 dose of leukocyte human interferon, 2500 times).
  2. Application: for 3-5 days in the nose, one dose for each nostril three times a day.
  3. Prevention: it is used only as an emergency measure when in contact with a sick person with the flu or ARVI. The scheme is the same as when treated, but for a week.

Viferon is a preventive and curative remedy available in the form of a gel or ointment.

  • Area of ​​action: topically, on the applied surface.
  • Purpose: prevention of acute respiratory infections, treatment of the first 3 days after the appearance of cold symptoms, treatment of herpes.
  • Concentration: 1 g of ointment contains 40 000 IU, and 1 g of gel - 36 000 IU.
  • Application: the first five days after a cold, lubricate the nose and the surface of the tonsils 3-5 times a day.
  • For prevention, a gel or ointment for two to four weeks is applied to the phlegm-cleansed mucosa of the nose and tonsils twice a day.

The active substance of gels and ointments acts for a longer period, due to the fact that they are retained on the mucosa longer than preparations for instillation.

Nasal interferons of the Ukrainian manufacturer

Nasoferon is a drug analogous to geneferon and influenza, manufactured by the Kiev PJSC Farmak.

  1. The form of release: drops in a nose, a spray. For instillation in the nose the remedy is allowed to be used for children from birth, the spray after one year.
  2. Purpose: prevention and treatment of colds, SARS, influenza.
  3. Concentration: 1 ml of the drug - 100 000 IU, one drop of the drug - 4000 IU. This is 10 times more than that of Russian influferon.
  4. Treatment: children up to a year - drop by drop for each nostril up to 5 times per day. From year to three - 2 drops / 2 injections in the nose for both nostrils 3-4 times per day; from 3 to 14 years - 2 drops / 2 injections 4-5 times per day; adults - 3 drops / 3 injections 5-6 times per day.
  5. The course of treatment is from 3 to 5 days.

Prevention: the age-related dosage in each nostril in the morning once every two days.

Laferon nasal - manufacturer: LLC "Scientific and Production Campaign Infarmbiotek Kiev.

  • Form release: hermetic bottles with dry powder, supplemented with a special cap-dropper.
  • Purpose: treatment and prevention of colds, flu, ARVI.
  • Concentration: 1 ml. finished solution - 200 000 IU, in 1 drop - 8 000 IU.
  • Preparation of the solution: the contents of the vial are brought to the desired volume with boiled water at room temperature.
  • Preventive maintenance: instillation of 1-2 drops of the ready solution for each nostril 4 times a day for 10 to 30 days.
  • Treatment: children up to a year - eight times a day, one drop for each nostril; from one year to seven - 2-3 drops every eight times for day; from 7 to 14 years - up to 4 drops with the same frequency, adult - 5-6 drops in the nose for both nostrils 8-10 times for day.
  • The duration of the course is 3-5 days.

Other antiviral drugs of nasal action

  1. Oksolinovaya ointment - a drug-prophylactic drug, which was produced by USSR pharmacists in 1970. The population of the former CIS countries uses it as the oldest antiviral agent for external use. In addition to CIS countries, this ointment is not registered anywhere else and is not recognized.
  2. Derinat - inducer of endogenous interferon, whose active substance (sodium deoxyribonucleate) is extracted from the milk of fish of the sturgeon family. Producer - ZAO AF Technomedeservice, Moscow.
Oksolinovaya ointment is a means of local exposure. It is applied to the nasal mucosa at the first sign of a cold, until the viruses have penetrated into the bloodstream. The ointment is partially absorbed from the surface of the mucosa, but does not affect the viruses that have already entered the bloodstream.

Does not have allergic properties, does not have a toxic and other harmful effect on the human body.

For the prevention or treatment of influenza, 5% oxolin ointment is used. It is used to prevent nose lubrication, apply ointment on the mucous membrane during outbreaks of a large number of cases of diseases, as well as the first days of colds or infections of the acute respiratory infections, with flu 3-4 times a day.

There is 3% oxolin ointment - it is used to treat viral skin lesions to get rid of warts, herpes, molluscum contagiosum.

Derinat is an immunomodulator, which was first released in 1996. It helps to increase antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal immunity. In addition, under its influence, activation of regeneration of damaged tissues takes place.

Form release: solution for intramuscular injection; for endonasal application - a vial or dropper-dropper.

Intramuscular application:

  • when treating severe forms of tuberculosis, endometritis;
  • for the healing of stomach ulcers, burns, bedsores, trophic ulcers.

As a nasal agent in the nose is used, 5% solution of derinata for the prevention and treatment of influenza, colds, SARS.

Advantages of nasal degenerate:

  1. Derinat has the ability to absorb from the nasal mucosa and move along the lymphatic ways. Thus, even with endonasal application, Derinat is able to have both a local and systemic therapeutic effect on the whole organism.
  2. Applies to any period of the disease;
  3. Stimulates the renewal of affected tissues;
  4. The remedy is allowed to use from the first days of life.

Treatment scheme for colds, flu, ARVI for children of any age and adults:

  • The first two days - in the nose two drops for each nostril 5-6 times a day at intervals of two hours;
  • From the third day until the disappearance of cold symptoms - two drops in the nostril 3-4 times a day.

Prevention: the entire epidemiological season drip two drops 3-4 times per day.

Can be used for rinsing with stomatitis, as well as for instillations with conjunctivitis and dystrophic lesions, inhalations for colds, protracted pneumonia and bronchitis, as detailed in the video in this article.


Effective drugs for ARVI and influenza

At the time of worsening epidemiological situation, the question of how to effectively treat ARVI and influenza is very acute; drugs that modern pharmacological industry, help not only to eliminate the symptoms of viral diseases, but also to influence the mechanisms of their development, which makes them the main means of treatment virus infections.

Influenza is a part of the ARVI group, so this type of illness is similar in its symptoms. The difference is the duration of the incubation period, the course of the disease and the complications of advanced forms of the disease. The similarity of the symptoms makes it possible to apply an identical remedy for cold and flu for therapeutic therapy.

Features of viral infections

To select the effective treatment of viral respiratory diseases, the doctor focuses on such symptoms as:

  • fever, chills;
  • pain in the muscles;
  • headache;
  • general malaise, weakness;
  • high body temperature;
  • change in the condition of the lymph nodes;
  • inflammatory processes in the airways.

In some cases, there may be swelling of the larynx mucosa, coughing and lacrimation. Influenza begins suddenly and has more severe symptoms than SARS or ARI. With a typical manifestation of these types of viral infection and their course for more than 7 days, the doctor prescribes effective medications for cold and flu. Especially it concerns small children, if begun ORVI is complicated by additional symptoms from other organs. Of great importance in this case is antiviral therapy, which consists of three main areas:

  • influence on the cause of the disease and directly on the virus-causative agent with the help of etiotropic drugs;
  • influence on the mechanisms of the development of the disease;
  • elimination of painful symptoms.
The most effective remedies for colds and flu are etiotropic drugs that have an effect on viruses. In the treatment of colds and influenza, they are given special attention when the first symptoms appear, but by 5-7 The day when bacterial flora can join the disease, doctors recommend taking antibiotics. Etiotropic drugs are not used as preventive agents. If the disease has an easy form of leakage, antiviral drugs doctors do not recommend using, because the body itself is able to cope with the infection under normal immunity.

When new symptoms appear in the form of a cough, runny nose, fever, only the use of antiviral medicines helps. During this period, active propagation of the virus-agent occurs, therefore, as soon as the patient began to observe these symptoms of a cold, these medications must be taken immediately. After a few days, taking these medicines will be useless.

Classification of antiviral agents

Drugs from influenza and colds are divided into several groups:

  • interferons and their inducers;
  • antiviral antibiotics;
  • antiviral phytopreparations;
  • stimulants of immunity - immunomodulators.
Interferons are a protein group of substances that are produced by virus-infected cells.

Due to their effectiveness, the multiplication of viruses in cells ceases, which allows us to further protect the body from a virus attack.Interferon is a powder that is dissolved in boiled water.

It is taken immediately before contact with the infected person and before leaving for places with a large population of people. Use the drug as follows: dissolved powder is injected into each nasal canal for 5 drops for 2 times a day.

For today it is the best remedy for viral diseases. The earlier his reception is begun, the more effective he will show himself. When the infection begins, the dosage of the drug is changed. The drug is administered 5 drops every 2 hours (5 times a day).

Treatment continues for three days. You can treat the disease with Interferon, using it as a substance for inhalation: in 10 ml of warm water dilute 3 ampoules. The thermal procedure is carried out 2 times a day for 3 days.

To this group of drugs is another means for influenza and viral infections - Grippferon, which is a combined preparation of preventive and curative action. The drug is instilled in the nasal passages every 4 hours for 3 drops. If the patient is sensitive to the components of the drug, its use is discontinued. It is contraindicated for pregnant women, especially in the early stages.

ARI and influenza are treated with Viferon. Recently, doctors recommend it for treatment of young children as the best tool to help stimulate the formation of interferons in the body. They have a depressing effect on different groups of viruses such drugs from influenza and ARVI, as Amiksin, Lavomax, where the active substance is Tyloron.

Arpeflus, Arbidol, Immustat - a group of drugs that help increase the body's resistance to viral infections. The main substance in them is Umifenovir.

Other antiviral agents

Treatment for colds and influenza is also carried out with the help of other drugs that inhibit the process of reproduction of the virus by affecting its shell. These medications include Remavir, Rimantadine.

For children this type of medicine is prescribed for treatment and prevention. Packaged powders are diluted in water and given in the scheme. As a preventive tool, it is recommended to drink the medicine for two weeks with 1 diluted bag (the dosage varies according to the age of the child).

All these groups of drugs have side effects and contraindications. To avoid severe consequences, it is necessary to carry out a sensitivity test and strictly observe the dosages for the treatment prescribed by the doctor. The most common side effects are nausea, dizziness, stools, hypertension, allergies. Especially cautiously should take these drugs to people with kidney disease.

Other types of drugs that act solely on the influenza virus are neuraminidase inhibitors. These include Zanamivir, Relenza. These drugs are used only as inhalants as a curative and preventive agent. Preparations in which the active substance is Zanamivir, have a high degree of toxicity, which demonstrates a large number of side effects. Very carefully it should be taken to people with kidney diseases and prone to allergic reactions.

Preparations of the natural group

Inhibiting the activity of influenza virus neuraminidase and helping the body to produce its own interferon are antiviral drugs of plant origin.

Effective among them are Proteflazide, Flavozid, Altabor, Immunoflazid, in which the extract is an active alder. This type of medicines has not only antiviral, but also antibacterial action. For medicinal and prophylactic purposes, the medicine is taken three times a day, dissolving two tablets. The course of treatment is 7 days.

If a patient has increased sensitivity to this group of drugs, the doctor appoints others. Against the background of long-term use of drugs in this group, there may be an allergic reaction. When pregnancy and breast-feeding, they are also not recommended.

To reduce and stop the multiplication of viruses, the administration of Proteflazide, Flavozide, Immunoflazide, which are made on the basis of medicinal herbs of pike and turtle, terrestrial.

This group of medicines is also characteristic of its immunomodulating feature. Doctors appoint them as a curative and preventive agent. Immunoflazid - syrup, which is used for two weeks twice a day for 9 ml. With a preventive purpose, it is consumed within a month.

The drug Flavozid is taken according to the scheme: 5 ml twice a day from the first to the third day of the disease, starting with the fourth - 8 ml. Preparations made on the basis of phytocomponents almost never show side effects. Their reception is contraindicated only to pregnant women in the first trimester, as well as during lactation.

Complex homeopathic antiviral drugs that suppress the active action of viruses are Engystol, Sagrippin, Amizon, which have antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, interferonogenic properties.

Treatment of children

In acute respiratory viral diseases, pediatricians recommend the use of homeopathic medicines - candles, powders, syrups. These types of drugs actively suppress viral attacks and increase the protective properties of the child's body. These include Viburkol and Aflubin, Gripp-Heel, EDAS-903 and others. Significant effectiveness of these drugs with simple forms of viral diseases.

Some pediatricians are inclined to believe that not all phyto-drugs have an effective antiviral effect, so they advise not to experiment with the health of the child. If the drug does not begin to show therapeutic effect within 24 hours, it should be replaced with a drug of another group.

Treatment of influenza and colds in children is carried out with drugs such as Arbidol, Rimantadine, Ribavirin, Tamiflu. In some cases, it is recommended to take Acyclovir, which acts on many types of viruses. Rimantadine, as a rule, is used only to neutralize the influenza virus, it does not have the proper effect on other types of viruses.

This drug is considered the most in demand during the flu epidemic as a preventive. It is shown in the treatment of children and Ribavirin, which in its spectrum of action is very similar to Rimantadine. In addition, it has a depressing effect on the virus that causes pneumonia in infants. If there is a decrease in the effectiveness of rimantadine, it is advised to replace it with Ribavirin.

The spread of the virus in the child's body delays Arbidol. Despite its popularity in ARVI, it can only have a curative effect on influenza viruses. Of all antiviral drugs for children, Tamiflu is recognized as the most effective.


Its activity is observed not only in the early stages of the disease, but also in the period of exacerbation. Its effect is several times stronger than other drugs. Tamiflu has side effects, so it is prescribed only to children who are 12 years old.

Assign drugs and interferon group with a child's dosage - suppositories Viferon, drops Grippferon, suppositories Kipferon. The drug of the new domestic pharmacy Derinat, despite its recent existence on the pharmacological market, has won many positive reviews.

It is available in the form of drops. This helps start an active fight against the viruses through the nasopharynx, preventing them from penetrating further into the body. The drug helps to strengthen the effect of drugs that treat a child in conjunction with Derinatom. It is allowed to use this medicine for infants from the first days of life.


Sometimes children are prescribed immunostimulating agents - Riboxin, IRS 19, Imudon, Bronhomunal, Metiluracil. There are separate types of these medicines, prescribed by the pediatrician as a prophylactic, and those that are can appoint only immunology doctors after a special diagnosis of the immune characteristics of the body child. It must be remembered that immunostimulants do not have a therapeutic effect during the active development of the disease. They are used before the infection begins to multiply in the body.


Means "Interferon" - drops in the nose for cold and flu

Medication "Interferon" (drops in the nose) is a medicine that has immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antimicrobial action. The drug interferes with the replication of bacteria and viruses, inhibits the reproduction of cells affected by microorganisms. The agent promotes the synthesis of specific substances - protein kinase and ribonuclease, which destroy the RNA of the virus and counteract its translation. After using the medicine, the protective properties of the body increase.

Indications for use

Medication "Interferon" (drops in the nose) is often prescribed to treat children with influenza, respiratory acute infections. The drug can be given to babies from birth, it will bring benefits to pregnant women, people with frequent pharyngitis, laryngitis and other pathologies of the respiratory system. In addition, the agent "Interferon" (drops in the nose) is used to prevent influenza and other viral respiratory infection after accidental or direct contact with patients, during seasonal epidemics, in kindergartens and educational institutions. It is especially recommended to undergo such prophylaxis to those people who rotate in an environment with increased risk of infection, for example, to doctors and other workers of medical organizations.

Medication "Interferon instruction

Drops must be prepared before use. For this, 2 milliliters of cooled boiled water are added to the powder. Bury the medicine in every turn of the nose. Dosage is prescribed by the doctor depending on the purpose of the application. After the administration of the solution, it is advisable to massage the wings of the nose with your fingers for several minutes, which will ensure a uniform distribution of the drug. To prevent influenza and respiratory acute infections, Interferon (drops in the nose) should be injected at a quarter of a milliliter, which is approximately five units. The medicine must be instilled in each nasal passage twice a day. The break between installations should be at least 6 hours. Preventive measures are performed during the entire period when the probability of infection is high.

Treatment with drops should be started as soon as possible, the medication is required to be administered at the first symptoms of a cold. With the flu, the solution should be applied at least 5 times a day, 5 drops per turn of the nose. The interval between the procedures is not more than two hours. Therapy is carried out for three days.

Contraindications to the use of "Interferon" (drops in the nose)

The instruction says that there are prohibitions on the use of the medication. Do not prescribe the drug to patients who are hypersensitive to medicinal components, as well as people suffering from severe forms of allergy. There were no cases of side effects, it is not known about overdoses. Drops of "Interferon" are not recommended for use with vasoconstrictor intranasal means, so that the nose mucous membrane does not dry out.


Drugs for flu and colds for children

Modern pharmaceuticals provide funds for influenza and colds for children in a wide range.When choosing drugs for the treatment of colds in children, mom and doctor should be guided not only by their effectiveness, but also by safety.The main thing is not to harm the child's health.

Features of drugs for colds

As soon as the child has the first symptoms of a cold, you should immediately call a doctor.

The doctor will conduct an examination and, on the basis of all the manifestations of the disease, make up a correct strategy to fight it, prescribe medications and procedures. However, the treatment of cold symptoms, such as fever, coughing and spitting, should begin immediately, even before the pediatrician arrives.

It is possible to alleviate the manifestations of the common cold with symptomatic children. Before giving the baby syrup or tablets, dig in drops in the nose, make sure that your child does not have allergies to the funds you have chosen. Carefully read the composition, ask the seller at the pharmacy, whether the given remedy is suitable for a cold to the child by age.

A cold child is strictly required to comply with bed rest. Provide the child with plenty of warm drinks (tea with raspberries or lemon, milk with honey), take his attention with something that does not require much physical activity.

It is not necessary to give the child antiviral drugs, without consulting with the attending physician, because in order to successfully resist the disease, you must first find out its cause.

The incubation period of influenza lasts from one to five days, during which the patient feels particularly bad. The very course of the disease is caused by the influence of many factors, such as the age or condition of the body's defenses. It is also important whether the child has previously contacted the pathogens of this disease.

Basic forms of influenza

There are four main forms of influenza:

  1. Easy.
  2. Medium-heavy.
  3. Heavy.
  4. Hypertensive.
Each of them has its own symptoms and peculiarities of percolation.

The main symptoms of colds and flu are associated with inflammation of the respiratory tract and malaise. The most characteristic for the common cold and flu are: fever, runny nose, coughing, perspiration and hoarseness.

Similar symptoms have diseases caused by the ingestion of a harmful infection. It is only the physician who can determine the exact nature of the disease and its severity, therefore, it is not worthwhile to delay procrastination.

How to choose a medicine for a child

Do not give your child antiviral drugs unless they are prescribed by a doctor, as their administration may have the opposite effect. Such drugs are able not only to treat, but also to suppress the work of the body's defenses, especially children's.

Taking symptomatic medications will greatly facilitate the health of a small patient. Everyone knows that high temperature should be knocked down with the help of antipyretic drugs, but very few people know about The fact that you need to fight with other symptoms, such as swelling of the airways, muscle pains or chills. These unpleasant sensations give a significant load on a small organism, making it even harder to resist the disease.

With great attention, refer to the composition of drugs that are intended to give the child. Instruction for use is written not only for a doctor with special knowledge, but also for those who plan to be treated with it. The World Wide Web will help you easily find information about a particular medicine, its composition and age, for which it is suitable.

It is necessary to stop the choice on children's medicines. Active components in tablets and other drugs should be exactly as much as can be taken by children. Of all the forms of medication, it is best to choose the means which, before use, will need to be dissolved in water. The child will much more willingly agree to drink a liquid medicine, rather than it becomes difficult to swallow large and uncomfortable tablets or capsules. Examine the active substances included in the drug. Its obligatory components should be:
  • vitamin C;
  • antihistamines;
  • antipyretic components.

One of the most popular antipyretic agents is paracetamol, which is included in most cold remedies. It does not have such a detrimental effect on the stomach, and allergy to paracetamol is rare. A doctor can prescribe medication with this medication starting from the first three months of a baby's life.

Antihistamines will help get rid of the edema of the airways and allow the baby to breathe normally, giving oxygen access to the lungs. Such drugs can be prescribed not only for colds, but also for other diseases of the respiratory tract, such as rhinitis or pharyngitis. By facilitating breathing, such medications significantly reduce the burden to which the cardiovascular system is exposed. Vitamin C strengthens the body's defenses, helps it cope with the disease. The daily dose of this vitamin for a cold should be two or three times more than for a healthy child.


Modern life puts many parents in a rigid economy, but it's never worth saving, so it's for the health of their own children. Buying a medicine at a drugstore, you need to be one hundred percent sure of their quality. It is best to purchase European drugs, the quality of which is proven and confirmed by international certificates.

Such drugs are much more difficult to forge. Buy the products of well-known manufacturers who have already proved themselves in the domestic markets. Of course, it can hurt to hit the family budget, but it helps to avoid unpleasant consequences from taking low-quality medicines.

Do not try to stuff your child with antibiotics and other drugs for prevention. Remember that by giving such potent medicines, you can cause a significant impact on the health of the child. Yes, the child will suffer from a cold, but can get a dysbacteriosis or other problems associated with impaired functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.


All measures and all preparations are not too lazy to agree with the attending physician. Do not try to speed up the child's recovery, spiking him with an extra dose of medication. His body will cope with the ailment, but you need to understand that it will take some time and it is better for him to give this time.


Drugs for colds. What drugs to take with colds

The risk of catching an acute respiratory disease persists people at any time of the year, even in hot summer. But especially colds sicken us in the winter months, as well as in the off-season. What medications for colds can help get rid of it most quickly and effectively? Our review is devoted to this question.

Antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs

When we catch cold, then, as a rule, our temperature rises, nasal congestion, perspiration in the throat, coughing are unpleasant symptoms, to be sure. What drugs for cold will help to quickly relieve the condition, lower the temperature, remove puffiness in the nasopharynx, slow or even stop the development of inflammatory processes in the body? There are three tested, reliable and universal medicines:

- "Aspirin

- "Ibuprofen


All of the listed cold tablets are widely used in therapy directed against ARI, but today it is considered that "Paracetamol" is the safest. It is produced not only in tablets, but also in the form of rectal suppositories, syrups and drops (for small children). Analogues are preparations "Panadol" Efferalgan "Kalpol" Flutabs "and others. medicines. On the basis of paracetamol, many modern preparations for influenza and cold are produced:

  • "Fervex
  • "Solpadeen
  • "Caffetin
  • "Coldrex
  • "Teraflu
  • "Rince
  • "Maksikold
  • "Parkotset
  • "Sedalgin
  • "Grippex" and others.

A question may arise: "If all these drugs for the treatment of cold unites paracetamol, then how do they differ from each other?" A business in that all of the listed drugs include various additional components that help the body to cope more quickly with disease. For example, in the notorious "Fervex except paracetamol, there are still other substances such as ascorbic acid and poriramine, in" Solpadein "are contained in small doses of codeine and caffeine, etc.

What can be dangerous paracetamol

This drug is well tolerated by most patients, it has relatively few contraindications. In favor of paracetamol is the fact that this medicine is approved for use even in infants (in droplets and syrups). Nevertheless, even the safest drugs for colds can have some side effects on the body. And the drug "Paracetamol" is not an exception.

In the press, they write a lot about medical research, claiming that this drug, taken in a child's age, is able to further provoke the development of asthma in adolescents, and also contributes to the emergence of eczema and allergic rhinitis. Therefore, cold medicines for children should not be used without a good reason and without consulting a doctor.

Paracetamol adversely affects the liver (however, like many other drugs), so patients with severe diseases of this body should take this drug with great care.

Drugs from the common cold

What remedy for cold and flu can effectively fight with nasal congestion with a cold? Such a drug should be sought among the so-called decongestants - drugs that have the ability to narrow the blood vessels, so that they can remove the swelling of the nasopharynx, and the sick person gets the opportunity relatively freely breathe.

These drugs are available in the form of tablets, as well as in the form of drops, ointments and sprays. The most popular today are sprays, drops and emulsions. All vasoconstrictive drugs can be divided into three groups: short, medium and long.

To drugs from the common cold shorts are:

  • "Sanorin
  • "Tysin
  • "Naphthyzine"

The advantage of these drops is their quick action and inexpensive price, and the disadvantage is that they "work" only a few hours, and sometimes even less. Meanwhile, they can be buried in the nose no more than 4 times a day.

Drugs of medium duration:

  • "Rinostop
  • "Ximelin
  • "Galazoline
  • "Xylen
  • "Otrivin".

The composition of these drops and sprays includes the substance xylometazoline. It is thanks to him, in these drugs, the duration of the action (up to 10 hours) is successfully combined with high efficiency. Disadvantage: these drugs can not be buried in the nose of children up to the age of two, and their use should not last more than 7 days.

Drugs for colds with a runny nose:

  • "Nazol
  • "Nazivin".

Use these funds is allowed only twice a day and not more than 3 consecutive days. They are capable of providing free breathing for a long time. The disadvantage is that prolonged vasospasm acts destructively on the mucous membrane of the nose. Contraindications for use are the age of the child under 1 year, pregnancy, as well as diabetes and kidney disease.

If you have a sore throat

We will continue to study the issue of how to fight against flu and colds. Drugs that are used for this, can not be limited only to tablets from temperature and drops for the nose. If the throat hurts, and this happens in ARI in most cases, then effective medications are also needed for it.

Today, very popular are various absorbable lozenges and pills that can have a local anti-inflammatory effect, as well as aerosols:

  • "Inhaliptus
  • "Propofol"
  • "Cameton
  • "Tharyngosept
  • "Akvalor throat
  • "Yoks
  • "Laripront
  • "Strepsils
  • "Hexoral
  • "Terraflu LAR
  • "Neptune Neo
  • "Septolelet Plus
  • "Anti-Anginas
  • "Ajicept
  • "Sebidine
  • "Stopangin" and others.

The big plus of the listed drugs is that they are indicated for topical application, their penetration into the body is negligible, they practically do not flow into the blood. Meanwhile, these drugs have a strong effect against viruses and microbes, which, in case of colds, actively multiply in the mouth and cause inflammation and sore throat.

However, one must understand that with severe angina such medications can not cope entirely with the disease. The attending physician usually prescribes effective pills for influenza and colds, sometimes even antibiotics. You can also read about them in our article.

What will help cough

Runny nose, sore throat, fever is not all symptoms of ARI. If a person coughs badly for colds, what to drink then? It will be better if the doctor prescribes the medicine on the basis of the diagnosis, because cough can be caused by different causes (bronchitis, laryngitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, etc.). In addition, the cough can be dry or wet, with the spitting of phlegm.

To get rid of dry painful cough used such tools as:

  • "Kodelak
  • "Stopoutsin
  • "Terpinkod
  • "Tussin plus
  • "Sinecode
  • "Neo-coding
  • "Cophanol
  • "Insty
  • "Glycodine
  • "Butamirate
  • "Bronhicum
  • "The Falimint
  • "Hexapnevmin" and others. preparations.

Expectorants for the treatment of wet cough:

  • "Bromhexine
  • "Lazolvan
  • "ACC
  • "Mukaltin
  • "Toussine
  • "Glyceram
  • "Ambrobene etc.


Sometimes the illness is so strong that the doctor decides to appoint the most powerful drugs to the patient, which are available in the arsenal of modern pharmacology. What antibiotics for a cold should be taken to the patient - only a qualified doctor can decide. The fact is that different bacterial drugs affect different types of bacteria. Here is a list of modern antibiotics, which are most often used in the treatment of acute respiratory disease, bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, etc.:

1. Penicillin group:

  • "Amoxicillin
  • "Amoxiclav
  • "Augmentin" and others.

These drugs are effective against bacteria that cause inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

2. Group of cephalosporins:

  • "Zinzef
  • "Zinnat
  • Supraks.

Drugs of this group help with bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy.

3. Group of macrolides:

  • "SummaMed
  • "Hemomycin".

This is one of the strongest antibiotics of the last generation. They are able to cope fairly quickly even with SARS.

Antiviral drugs

Often people identify flu with colds. This is because the symptoms are similar in many respects. With the flu, the throat also hurts, the nose does not breathe, the head hurts, the body temperature rises, etc. That's why, when self-medicated, grief-sick people try to fight the flu by taking usual anti-cold medications, including antibiotics, which can be very harmful for themselves.

Meanwhile, you need to know that the nature of the flu is not bacterial, as in conventional ARI, but viral. And this means that antiviral drugs are needed to fight the disease. The following medicines are most often used in complex therapy for the treatment of influenza:

  • "Amiksin
  • "Kagocel
  • "Arbidol
  • "Relenza
  • "Grippferon
  • "Rimantadine
  • "Midantan
  • "Ribamidyl
  • Interferon.

Medicines that strengthen immunity

When we are already sick, the flu and cold pills, of course, will help to quickly overcome the disease and get well, but there are medicines with which you can strengthen immunity and avoid infection even in the peak of the epidemic ARI.

Very popular and safe are immunomodulators, which are produced on a plant basis:

  • "Immunal
  • "Tincture of Echinacea
  • Extract of echinacea "Dr. Theiss
  • "Tincture of ginseng
  • "Extract of Eleutherococcus
  • "Tincture of Chinese magnolia vine".

It is also possible to increase the resistance of the body to catarrhal diseases with the help of medicines that contain microscopic doses of enzymes of various pathogens (streptococcus, staphylococcus, pneumococcus and other). In the pharmacy network the following drugs are sold for the prevention of colds from this group:

  • "Lycopid
  • "Ribomunil
  • "Broncho Munal
  • "Imudon
  • "IRS-19".


With a cold, what else to drink? Usually the doctor necessarily prescribes vitamins to his patients who have taken up ARI. In no case should not neglect this recommendation, because these drugs effectively strengthen the body of a sick person, stimulate immunity, help the damaged cells to regenerate, e. Here is the list of vitamins that we need for a successful fight against the common cold:

1. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid, or ascorbic acid). This is the most powerful assistant in ARI. It is able to actively inhibit the multiplication of viruses and bacteria. When ailments a day, it is recommended to take 1000-1500 mg of vitamin C;

2. Thiamine (B1). It promotes the regeneration of damaged epithelial cells of the upper respiratory tract.

3. Riboflavin is a vitamin B2. It needs an organism for the synthesis of antibodies.

4. Pyridoxine is a vitamin B6. Participates in the regenerative processes of nerve endings when the disease is affected by the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract.

5. Nicotinic acid is a vitamin PP. Thanks to it, blood circulation improves, vessels are restored.

6. Retinol - vitamin A. This is a very necessary element for the successful regeneration of epithelial cells.

7. Tocopherol - vitamin E. It has powerful antioxidant properties; can stimulate the immune system.

Of course, vitamins enter our body with food, but this is not enough, especially in winter and spring. In the pharmacy you can buy universal multivitamin complexes, for example:

  • "Complivit
  • "Multivit
  • "Polivit
  • "Undeeth
  • "Pangexavite
  • "Oligovit
  • "Nutrisan
  • "Macrovite
  • "Hexavit" and many others.

There are multivitamin preparations, the action of which is enhanced by useful mineral substances. Independently to understand the abundance of vitamin funds is difficult, so it is better to rely on the choice of a doctor.

Medications for children

Drugs for colds for children should be prescribed by a pediatrician. After all, individual drugs from an adult home medicine chest can be harmful to children. But to have at hand some proven drugs in the family, where there is a baby, is also necessary.

Antipyretics for children:

  • "Panadol" children's candlelight or in suspension.
  • Analogues of "Panadol" Cefekon "Kalpol" Efferalgan. "

Cough medicine:

  • Syrup "Tussin".
  • A solution or syrup "Lazolvan".
  • "Sinecod" in drops or syrup (from a dry cough).

For ears, throat and nose:

  • "Nazol Kids" and "Nazol Baby" (spray and drops) - from the common cold.
  • "Otypaks" - droplets for the ears, not containing an antibiotic.
  • "Aqua-Maris" - a weak solution of sea salt in the form of a spray. It moisturizes and cleanses the mucous membranes of the throat and nose. Analogues: "Salfin" and "Valleys".

The listed funds are enough to hold out until the doctor arrives.

Folk remedies

Good cold pills - it's certainly great! But some people, for various reasons, prefer to be treated purely by natural means. Well, folk medicine can offer a lot of excellent recipes and recommendations. Here are some of the most versatile and effective:

1. Raspberry tea is a remedy for colds and flu, which has been used by mankind since time immemorial. Raspberry berries in dried form or in the form of jam will help to quickly lower the temperature, they have antipyretic properties, since they contain natural salicylic acid. In addition, in raspberries in sufficiently large quantities there is vitamin C.

2. In the gruel, garlic is added honey (proportion:), the drug is thoroughly mixed and given to the patient twice a day, one to two teaspoons. Garlic is also recommended for inhalation. To do this, several of its teeth are crushed, poured with water (1 tbsp.) And boiled for 10 minutes. Then this "shock" medicine can be put in front of the patient, so that he breathes over it.

3. Another remedy (and very effective) for a cold is ordinary milk. Perhaps you do not know that it contains enzymes that enhance immunity, and there is also a tryptophan substance, which contributes to the development of serotonin in the body - a strong soothing. In a liter of milk, you need to add a few spoons of honey, nutmeg, cinnamon, vanilla, bay leaves and a couple of peas of sweet pepper. Bring the milk drug to a boil and insist before use 5 min.

4. If the patient is suffering from cough, you can try to use such a proven means, as the juice of black radish, mixed with honey. The drug is prepared as follows: from the washed root the apex is cut off, a part of the pulp is scraped from the middle, so that an empty cavity is formed. The hole is put honey (2 h. l.), and the radish is closed by a cut top, like a lid. Wait 12 hours - during this time, the juice will be allocated, which, combined with honey, will turn into an antitussive medicine. Take the drug is recommended as follows: for adults - 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day, for children - 1 hour. l. three times a day.


We are used to fighting flu and cold from time to time. Drugs in the pharmacies are abundant, so most meet the disease with the certainty that it will not be easy to cure. But prevention is a great and necessary thing. Therefore now we will remind, what preventive measures help happily miss each other with a heavy foul:

1. Inoculation against influenza. Every year, doctors warn the public about the need for timely vaccination, but many of us simply ignore it, and in vain.

2. In the cold season, when there is not enough sun in the street, and there are not enough fresh fruits and vegetables on the table, you can and need to feed yourself synthetic vitamin complexes and do not forget about lemon, cranberries, decoction from the hips - all this will save the body from a deficit vitamin C.

3. Oksolinovaya ointment, neatly applied before going out on the mucous membrane of the nose, is a strong shield that can repel attacks of bacteria and viruses.

4. Personal hygiene should be on top. That is the motto "more often to wash hands with soap" is actual as never!

5. The room in which you are, you need to ventilate and conduct mandatory wet cleaning, since in a dry dusty atmosphere, the microbes feel incredibly comfortable.

6. During the epidemic of influenza and acute respiratory disease, it is not recommended to go to popular shopping centers, cinemas, cafes and other places where a lot of people gather. But walks (especially skiing) in the open air in a country park or a forest are excellent for strengthening the body.


Having become acquainted with information about what preparations to take with cold, you can meet ORZ or the flu fully armed. But it's better, of course, never to catch a cold and not get sick! Take care of yourself, we wish you strong health!


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