How quickly to regain sense of smell with a cold

Why did my sense of smell disappear after a cold?

Such a problem, like the sense of smell after a runny nose, is very actual today and is encountered in practice more and more often. Often such a question is posed to people who have had a cold and can not fully recover. Loss of the sense of smell is an unpleasant feeling that can speak of the development of rhinitis. But as practice shows, with such a change in the body can quickly cope if you follow all the recommendations of a specialist. But in this case, self-medication is not recommended.

For a person, a natural condition is when he can distinguish and smell, otherwise he experiences discomfort.

The violation of the sense of smell is due to the fact that the norm has gone beyond the limits of the development of pathology. It is worth noting that if you do not feel at least one smell, then your body develops some problem that you need to notice in time and try to eliminate it.

What are the frustration with a cold

In order to restore your sense of smell, first you need to identify what kind of violation you have. And only after that you can begin to be treated. To date, there are two types of disorders: first of all, anosmia, when the sense of smell is completely lost in the rhinitis, and hyposmia, when the ability to smell is only reduced.
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But nevertheless, these are two serious diseases that can cause a lot of troubles and discomfort in the body. After all, a person without feeling any smells, can not fully live and perceive the world as he is.

The most important thing with the loss of smell - you do not need to panic and calmly take the whole situation and try to find the reason that caused this problem. If the loss of smell is associated with the disease, then no measures are taken when the disease has passed, everything will return to its proper place.

In order to regain the ability to smell, you need to do inhalations with menthol and lemon.

Often after five procedures a person again begins to smell. But if you are sure that your disease is not associated with a cold, then you need to turn to a neurologist for that the doctor conducted a computerized tomography of the brain, which will show why it was lost sense of smell.

Causes of loss of smell

A rhinitis is such disease when the person does not feel smells, often it is accompanied by a malaise, rise in temperature. The main reason that a person's sense of smell is lost is that the nasal mucosa is swelling. And if you put the wrong diagnosis, then the effectiveness of the fight against this disease can be minimized.

When a person's sense of smell disappears during the runny nose, the cause of this phenomenon can be the following factors:
  • catarrhal diseases, such as acute respiratory infections;
  • chronic diseases associated with the nasal mucosa;
  • viral infections, such as ARVI or simple influenza;
  • allergic reactions;
  • inflammatory processes in the sinuses of the nose.

It can be noted that loss of the common cold often accompanies the appearance of rhinitis. But this development of the disease is not always observed. And in order to make a correct diagnosis, you need to contact the doctor. But if the sense of smell disappears after a cold, then it is restored a maximum of a week. If it has not returned within seven days, this indicates more serious diseases.

The ability to smell can also be lost due to age. The sense of smell worsens in the elderly. But there are reasons for this, for example, this phenomenon can be observed due to the fact that taste perception deteriorates. To prevent this from happening, people are encouraged to eat as many odorous foods as possible, such as ginger, dill, loops, cinnamon, vinegar, garlic, pepper, lemon.

How can I restore my sense of smell

In order to restore the sense of smell, you need to conduct a few simple procedures. To begin with, soften the mucus with steam baths. Also, thanks to this procedure, you can clean the lungs and bronchi. It is necessary to carry out this procedure no more than three times a day for 20 minutes.

If you have dry skin, then before the procedure you need to lubricate the skin with cream. In order for steam to become more effective, it needs to add herbs. You need to breathe in the air with your nose and exhale with your mouth. Half an hour after the procedure you need to take a shower, just do not wet your head. After the shower, you need to stretch the body to improve blood circulation.

In order for a person to feel all the smells again, several procedures should be performed to restore the function of the mucosa, and only the doctor can do it. Restore the sense of smell can be either with the help of medicines, or with the help of traditional medicine, i.e. on grandmother's recipes.

But it is worth remembering that treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, often it consists of the following drugs:

  • naphazolin;
  • naphthyzine;
  • reserpine.

Of course, other drugs can be prescribed, it all depends on the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient. All of the above drugs are vasoconstrictors that have an effective effect on the common cold. But if too often use these drugs, the runny nose can only increase, as there will be swelling of the mucous membrane.

When the sense of smell was gone, you need to use folk medicine in order to return it. Folk methods are good because they can not harm the human body, which is not to say about drugs. Very often, with the help of grandmother's advice, people managed to be cured much more quickly than after using medicines.

One of the most common ways of treating a cold is inhalation. Inhalations are carried out thanks to oils and solutions, which are based on boiling water and natural ingredients. It is very effective and common inhalation on a dry couple from cooked potatoes. Probably, many people with this procedure are not connected with the best memories of childhood.

There are also several recipes, with which you can make drops for the nose at home. This requires camphor and menthol oil in equal proportions. In each nasal passage it is necessary to drip three drops three times a day.

Excellent smell test

Often people think that they have lost the sense of smell, but in fact it is not always so. That's why if you can not understand if you have lost your sense of smell or not, you need to conduct a test, which will be discussed below. Need to take turns to smell such items as alcohol, valerian and soap. If you are good at all the smells, then you have smell all right.

But that's not all, in the next stage of this test, you need to try to discern the smell of sugar and salt. When this test is over, it's time to proceed to the next one. You need to put in front of yourself perfume, onions, instant coffee, chocolate, braised match and thinner. Then you need to close your eyes and ask someone to serve you one by one. If you could recognize each of the smells without errors, then everything is in order with your sense of smell.

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If one of the levels of this test is not passed, then for sure you are not all right with the sense of smell and you need to consult a doctor.

How to restore sense of smell and taste in the common cold with folk remedies?


Hello, my name is Sergey, 29 years old. I have a very strong cold, because of which all the food has become fresh, and I hardly feel any smells. Tablets or folk remedies can restore the nose smell?


Hello, Sergey. The total loss of smell in a runny nose is known as anosmia, and the deterioration in perception of taste is like agevia. Aromas and taste sensations are an integral part of our daily routine, and without them life seems gray and boring.

The ability to detect odors is a process that involves the olfactory nerves located in the nose. Nerve cells then send signals to the brain, which detects and identifies the specific smell of the substance. If these nerve cells are damaged or if the nose is laid, the sense of smell worsens. Both taste and smell are chemical senses, since the taste and olfactory receptors respond to molecular signals. And what we call the taste of a substance is often its smell.

How to return the sense of smell and taste for a cold and cold? This question is really important: non-functioning receptors are capable of delivering many problems to humans. To return the sense of smell and taste in the rhinitis, you need to release the nose from the slime that killed it. Your doctor must prescribe suitable nasal sprays and medications. How to restore the sense of smell with folk remedies? The simplest thing is to take a hot shower before going to bed. Steam and moisture provoke a better mucus from the nasal passages. You can achieve the same effect by drinking hot tea or chicken broth. But it is better to avoid cold drinks before going to bed. They can increase the "congestion" of mucus in the nose. Also it is necessary to humidify the room. It is important to know what humidity should be in the apartment.

One of the safest ways to unlock congested sinuses is to use saline, composition which is extremely simple, either using a bottle with a sprayer or a special watering can with a narrow spout, which is used for washing of the nose. Salt water will wash mucus and irritants from the nasal passages. To prepare the irrigation solution, you can use a liter of distilled, sterile or previously boiled water and sea salt (a teaspoonful).

Here's how to return the sense of smell and taste in the cold with garlic: chop four cloves of garlic and add boiling water to the cup. Cook for two minutes, add a pinch of salt and drink the mixture until it is hot. Drink it twice a day, and your sense of smell and taste in the near future will be restored.

Because of the common cold, the sense of smell was gone, tell me, please, how to get it back?



Simple prophylaxis - frequent airing of the apartment, the use of multivitamins, beekeeping products (honey, propolis, pergah, pollen), garlic, onions, lemons for food, reception BADs, frequent walks in the open air, general hardening - and you and your family will be under reliable protection, believe me - checked on my family and all my relatives and close.
With pain in the throat - just gargle with a solution - on a glass of warm boiled water - 1 teaspoon of salt and soda, and 1 teaspoon of tincture of propolis or calendula (that is at home). Rinse often - 5-8 times a day.
With a cold - Balsam "Revival" - anoint them with nasal passages, dilute the juice of red beets: with warm boiled water and drip them for 3-5 drops in each nostril, you can make garlic oil - crush 2-3 cloves of garlic, pour them with unrefined sunflower oil and let stand in a closed bowl for at least 15-20 minutes, then drain this oil and dig in the nose - 1-2 drops in each nostril 2-4 times in day. There are a lot of such recipes - but here they have resulted most effective and tested both on themselves and on their loved ones.


That's when the cold will pass, and the sense of smell will return itself. Really with you such for the first time?! At me at each cold


do inhalation with onions, it helped me


Urgently to the doctor!!! Forgot about the flu?


This is a temporary phenomenon. Restore immunity and everything will pass.


you will be treated) and all will return) at many so

Maria Level

it will pass from me so it was... even the smell of acetone did not feel... so it turns out to be fun, but it's strange)) but everything came back afterwards

Lyudmila Falco

wash your nose!

Please tell me how quickly to cure a cold and return the sense of smell?


Roman Gubaidullin

There is a means of a nuclear mixture calling the juice of a lemon and a shallow belief on a drop in the morning and before going to bed with an everyday product and on the next day there will be a nose like a dog!


there is some kind of ointment from the common cold, gets smeared inside. But I do so, I wrap the cotton wool around the match, lubricate it with ointment and in the nose. And with matches in my nose I go for a while. Pre-stock up with napkins! the spectacle is certainly fun, I sneeze every 5 seconds, from the nose bubbles with a waterfall))) but after 5 procedures per day,


Glue the stripes of pepper patch at night on the bridge of the nose, the wings of the nose and under the chin.


Rinoflumycin helps me very well in such situations. It's a spray.


Better yet - all at once all the oxycycline ointment will be pierced, a wand for your ears will appear and wait. Cautiously burning.

*** SKARLETT ***

Aloe and Kalanka
- Wash the leaves, squeeze the juice
add honey and pokapat at night.
The girlfriend helped and quickly.

Personal Cabinet Removed

try using a folk remedy-a spoonful of honey-I recommend


Buy sprays (fliksonase srey, or tafen-nasal, or nazoneks). Do not drip thuja oil.

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