Our appearance is our calling card. You get enough sleep, do not eat salty, are alien to various excesses, but every morning in the mirror you are greeted by a little aesthetic bags under your eyes? Maybe it's not swelling, but a hernia.
- 1Causes
2Methods of conservative treatment
- 2.1Cosmetic and hardware methods of conservative treatment
- 2.2Home recipes: compresses and lotions
- 3Prevention
- 4Video
- 5conclusions
The skin of the eyelids is thin and delicate. With age, it stretches, loses its elasticity, becomes thin. It forms small pores, through which the migration of fatty clients into the dermis begins. Such cells begin to accumulate, forming clots and eventually turning into a hernia.
Hernias under the eyes are a collection of fat cells in the dermis. As a rule, they appear with age.
Many confuse hernias under the eyes with bags, but bags are swelling, and hernia - fatty clusters.What exactly you have, it is not difficult to understand - press on the eyeball and see if there is protrusion from the side of the eyelid.
If there is, then it is a question of fat accumulation, but the exact diagnosis is made only by the doctor. We recommend that you undergo an examination with an ophthalmologist, as well as a cardiologist and neurologist.2 - Painting "bag"
3 - Nasolacrimal furrow
Consider the main causes of the appearance of hernias under the eyes:
- Heredity - the genetic factor in this case plays an important role.
- Corresponding anatomical features of the skull.
- Smoking and alcohol abuse.
- Nedosyp.
- Permanent work at the computer.
- Passion for smoked, sharp, fatty, salty dishes.
- The habit of drinking plenty of fluids before going to bed.
- Hormonal problems.
- Strong stress.
- Love for sunburn (without adequate protection - glasses, cream).
Hernias under the eyes usually occur after 35 years, but can be diagnosed and at an earlier age. In themselves, they are not dangerous, except when the fat tissue begins to squeeze the tear ducts and cause constant lacrimation.
Methods of conservative treatment
Get rid of hernias under the eyes can be surgical and non-surgical methods.If the disease has arisen because of certain anatomical features of the skull or under the influence of genetic factors, only surgery will help.Blepharoplasty gives good results, but requires appropriate rehabilitation, has not the lowest cost and a number of contraindications (glaucoma, diabetes mellitus, malignant formations, problems with blood coagulability, acute respiratory viral infection and acute infections, respiratory, cardiovascular diseases systems).
Operation is the only way to get rid of hernias under the eyes, if they have arisen for anatomical reasons or under the influence of genetic factors.
About conservative ways of treatment of fat formations - further.
Cosmetic and hardware methods of conservative treatment
At the initial stages of appearance with hernias, you can fight in the following ways:
- Cosmetic programs- peelings, special cream, massage of the infraorbital area. Independently at home, these procedures can not be done - otherwise you risk only aggravate the situation.
- Electrostimulation- The technique is based on the effect of currents of low frequency, which increase the tone of facial muscle. Electrostimulation effectively prevents strong tension of the membrane, and peripheral fat does not accumulate.
- Lymphatic drainage- The procedure contributes to the activation of the processes of lymph drainage from the "bags displays water.
- Mesotherapy- this microinjection of special preparations (cocktails), which restore skin tone.
- RF-lifting, thermage- radiofrequency lift.
The use of these methods gives a pronounced visual effect. Many procedures need to take courses. Their selection is carried out strictly by the doctor-cosmetologist.
How effective are cosmetic and hardware techniques from hernias? In the early stages of disease - effective, but they do not allow the removal of adipose tissue.
Home recipes: compresses and lotions
"Home" ways to combat hernia do not work wonders, but with regular performance can give very good results. If you regularly make masks, compresses and lotions, then quickly forget about ugly bags and slow down the growth processes of fat accumulations. Since the cost of compresses and lotions is low, it's worth trying.
Consider the main "home" recipes from hernias under the eyes:
- Take about 30 g of parsley, chop it and pour a glass of water, cook for a few minutes.The broth can be frozen or used for cotton compresses. Cubes of ice are enough to apply for 15 seconds with pauses for several minutes, cotton compresses hold for 15 minutes.
- Mix white clay with rose oil: and apply the mixture to the area under the eyes for a couple of minutes.
- Pour the tea bags into the water, then put them in the freezer. In the frozen form they need to be applied to the skin under the eyes. The method is cheap, but effective.
- Apply the pulp pulp to the problem area for half an hour.
- Boiled potatoes cut into small pieces and apply to the eyes for 20-30 minutes.
As you can see, recipes are simple and cheap, so they will suit everyone. Try it - it will not be worse for sure, but you will always have time to do the operation.
.Treatment of the halachion of the lower eyelid
The list of eye drops from cataracts is presented here.
Treatment of amblyopia in adults http://eyesdocs.ru/zabolevaniya/ambliopiya/u-vzroslyx-lechenie-i-obnaruzhenie.html
If you do not want to face a hernia in the future or found their appearance in the early stages, you can help. Main prevention measures:
- healthy sleep;
- balanced diet;
- refusal to smoke and drink alcohol;
- Use of sunglasses and high-quality creams with a high SPF factor;
- normalization of the hormonal background;
- an increase in the overall stress-resistance of the organism;
- decrease the amount of time spent at the computer;
- the application of quality cosmetics for the skin of the eyelids.
Nothing supernatural - the risks of herniation helps to reduce a healthy lifestyle. Good results are also given by special gymnastics.
If you do not want to face such an unpleasant problem as a hernia, adjust the diet, get enough sleep, avoid stress. Not bad help and special exercises.
Exercises from hernias:
- strongly squint your eyes for a couple of seconds, open and hold the position, repeat up to 10 times;
- turn your eyes one by one to the left, then to the right, after each movement, squeeze your eyes tightly;
- do circular motions clockwise, and then against, 5 times on each side;
- Move your eyes up and down, not squinting, and then sideways;
- Close your eyes, open and look around, repeat 5 times.
In most cases, a hernia is just a cosmetic defect, so, before deciding on an operation, weigh all the pros and cons. Moreover, it is possible to significantly improve the situation thanks to special cosmetic procedures, home compresses and gymnastics.
.Yellow sclera of the eye: what diseases are indicated by this pathology
Yellow circles under the eyes: the reasons for women are disclosed in this article.
All about drops Diklo F http://eyesdocs.ru/medicinaoperacii/lekarstva/diklo-f-glaznye-kapli-instrukciya-po-primeneniyu.html
Hernia under the eyes is not beautiful, but in most cases, they do not carry health risks. If the disease is caused by anatomical or genetic factors, only the operation will help, in other cases it is possible to do without surgery. Do not ignore simple preventive measures, do special gymnastics (but regularly), home compresses and lotions. Not bad results give modern cosmetology procedures - which will help in your case, ask the specialist.
If you are interested in the treatment of conjunctivitis in newborns, then all available methods are described here. And this article tells why children have red circles under their eyes.