Scoliosis of the spine: treatment, types


  • 1Scoliosis
    • 1.1Main problems
    • 1.2Causes
    • 1.3Varieties and degrees
    • 1.4Symptoms
    • 1.5Diagnostics
    • 1.6Treatment
  • 2Scoliosis - features of the disease, recommendations
    • 2.1Types of scoliosis
    • 2.2Causes of the disease
    • 2.3Symptoms of scoliosis
    • 2.4Treatment of scoliosis of the back
  • 3Scoliosis of the spine
    • 3.1Forms of scoliosis
    • 3.2Degrees of scoliosis
    • 3.3Treatment of scoliosis
    • 3.4Technique of performing exercises
  • 4Deformation of the spine: types, causes, treatment and prevention
    • 4.1Physiological curves of the spinal column
    • 4.2Types of disease
    • 4.3Why does the bending occur?
    • 4.4Deformation of the cervical spine
    • 4.5Treatment of torticollis
    • 4.6Infringements of a thoracal department
    • 4.7Treatment of thoracic kyphosis
    • 4.8Deformation of the lumbar spine
    • 4.9Scoliosis - deformity of the spine: congenital and dysplastic
    • 4.10Treatment of scoliosis in young children
    • 4.11Indications for surgical treatment
    • 4.12Types of surgical treatment
    • 4.13Prevention of curvature of the spine
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In Greek, there is the word "scolios which translates as "curve."

By this word, doctors designate the curvature of the spinal column. And not every curvature, namely the lateral deviation of the vertical axis of the spine. The fact is that in normal conditions our spine is not perfectly even.

Front and back bends (lordosis and kyphosis) protect our spine from excessive loads while keeping the body in a certain position while moving and carrying weights.

Negative processes in our body develop only in those cases if these kyphoses and lordosis are expressed beyond the permissible norm.

Main problems

However, even a small degree of lateral bends (scoliosis) of the spine is always a pathology. And it's not just a cosmetic defect.

Although the characteristic repulsive appearance with pronounced or progressive scoliosis is always a tragedy for a person striving to live a quality full life. This especially applies to young boys and girls.

Indeed, it is in the childhood and adolescent period (up to 15 - 16 years) that a significant portion of scoliosis is diagnosed.

The main problem is that, due to changes in the configuration and volume of the chest with pronounced lateral curvatures always suffer internal organs (heart, lungs, stomach, liver, intestines, large vessels).

Men are less tolerant to physical activity, women have problems with conception, pregnancy and childbirth.

Moreover, very often the lateral deformation of the spine is just the above-water part of the iceberg, which is a sign of a much more serious pathology - tumors, tuberculosis, endocrine disorders.


So why is the spine deformed? Before answering the question, it is necessary to determine the types of scoliosis. At its core, scoliosis can be structural and non-structural.

Structural scoliosis develops as a result of anatomical changes in the structure of the bony tissue of the vertebrae, as well as adjacent muscles, nerves, ligamentous apparatus.

Such curvatures can be acquired and congenital, with the latter accounting for about a quarter of all diagnosed scoliosis.

Among the main reasons for the development of structural scoliosis are:

  • Malformations of intrauterine development leading to dysplastic disorders of one or more vertebrae
  • Congenital malformations of the thorax - absence of ribs, additional ribs
  • Congenital pathology of connective tissue - neurofibromatosis, Marfan syndrome
  • Brain deficiency due to infantile cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy) leading to impairment of innervation of certain parts of the spine
  • Osteoporosis (rarefaction of bone tissue) of the spine with rickets, parathyroid gland diseases, lack of calcium intake with food
  • Osteomyelitis of the vertebrae
  • Dystrophic changes in cervical, thoracic and lumbar musculature
  • Tuberculous lesions of the vertebrae
  • Injuries to the spine
  • Tumors of the spine.

More details about the causes of scoliosis, we described in this article

Non-structural scoliosis, as the name implies, is lateral deviation of the axis of the spinal column with the unchanged structure of the vertebrae.

As a rule, such scoliosis is most often acquired except in cases when the curvature is compensatory in the case of congenital anatomical defects of the pelvis or lower extremities. The reasons for such scoliosis are most often:

  1. Injuries of the pelvis and lower limbs
  2. Congenital defects of the pelvis and lower limbs
  3. Permanent incorrect posture in school children
  4. Diseases of internal organs with asymmetrically expressed pain syndrome
  5. Inflammation of muscles (myositis)
  6. Burns, soft tissue scars from any one side.

In these cases, to eliminate the curvature of the spine, it is enough to cure the underlying disease, and therefore many non-structural scoliosis is easily reversible. In connection with this, some physicians tend not to classify non-structural deformations to scoliosis in general.

Recently, cases of development in young people of scoliosis with unexplained causes have become more frequent. This is the so-called idiopathic scoliosis. It occurs in adolescence, during a period of rapid growth of the body.

And girls suffer from idiopathic scoliosis several times more often than boys. Apparently, this is due to the relatively weak musculature of the back of the female, which is incapable of enclosing the spine in a full muscular framework.

Not the least role in the development of idiopathic scoliosis is played by an unbalanced diet with a low content of calcium salts, the general infatuation of young people with carbonated drinks.

As you know, carbon dioxide in bubbles and orthophosphoric acid in the composition of synthetic inclusions contribute to the elution of calcium salts from the body.

Varieties and degrees

Depending on the location, scoliosis can be cervical, thoracic, lumbar or mixed (cervicothoracic, lumbar-thoracic). There may be one or more curved arcs.

In this regard, distinguish C-shaped scoliosis (with 1 arc), S-shaped (with 2 arcs) and Z-shaped (with 3 arcs). Most likely, the presence of 2 or 3 arcs is compensatory. With C-shaped scoliosis, the axis of the spinal column deviates.

In an effort to compensate for this, the spine bends in the opposite direction. In this regard, scoliosis is divided into compensated and uncompensated.

In compensated spinal curvatures, the vertical line, lowered from the 7th cervical vertebra, passes through the fold between the buttocks. More details about S- and C-like scoliosis are written here.

Spinal curvatures are often combined. For example, in the thoracic region, in addition to lateral curvature, there is a pathological kyphosis, or simply a hump. In these cases, talking about thoracic kyphoscoliosis.

In addition, with large degrees of scoliosis, in addition to lateral displacement of the vertebrae, torsion is noted. In a literal translation, this means twisting.

Indeed, with many scoliosis, the bony tissue of the vertebra is twisted along the vertical axis.

Depending on the angle of the arc, four degrees of scoliosis are distinguished:

  • 1 degree- the angle of curvature does not exceed 10 degrees. Asymmetry on the eye is practically not determined. Attention to the stoop, uneven level of the shoulder girdle.
  • 2 degree- The angle of curvature is from 11 to 25 degrees. In this degree, the torsion of the vertebrae is already noted. There is visible asymmetry of the shoulder girdle and pelvis visible to the eye. Because of the pathological tension of the muscles, a muscular roller is formed in the lumbar region from the concave side, and in the thoracic region - with the convex side.
  • 3 degree- the curvature is from 26 to 50 degrees. The visible deformation of the chest - the westing of the intercostal spaces with a concave side of curvature and bulging with convex. Weakening of the abdominal press, the formation of the inner hump.
  • 4 degree- The angle of curvature I exceeds 50 degrees. The cosmetic defect and all previous signs are expressed. Low tolerance even for small physical exertion. In addition to the musculoskeletal system, internal organs suffer.

The angle can vary depending on the position of the body, while securing a stable and unstable scoliosis. With unstable scoliosis, it decreases in the prone position, when the load on the spinal column decreases. With a stable curvature of the spine, this value remains unchanged.


Recently, orthopedists often use the term "scoliotic disease". And denote a set of those negative changes that occur in the body when the spine is curved.

As a rule, scoliotic disease develops in childhood and adolescence, during the formation of the musculoskeletal system.

At this time there is a high probability that scoliosis will progress.

Apparently, intervertebral disks play an important role in increasing the angle of curvature. With lateral displacement, the disc experiences unequal pressure from the vertebral bodies.

From the concave side, this pressure is greater, with the convex side less.

As a result, the disc is even more worn off by scoliosis, a pathological muscle tension is created (muscle cushion) and torsion of the vertebrae - all this leads to the appearance of disc hernias and to a further increase in the angle curvature.

Along with the spine in scoliotic disease, the thorax changes again.

The so-called rib hump is formed - from the convex side of the curvature, the intercostal spaces widen, and with the concave - they fall.

With scoliosis of the 4th degree, the deformation of the chest is so pronounced that the lower ribs on the side of the curvature touch the crest of the ilium.

Because of severe deformation of the chest, a full-scale excursion during breathing is difficult.

As a result, the body with expressed scoliosis does not receive the necessary amount of oxygen - develops the so-called chronic hypoxia with violation of all metabolic processes in the body.

The pathology is aggravated also by the fact that the internal volume and shape of the thoracic cavity changes. Because of this, the circulation of blood through the blood vessels is disrupted, the lungs suffer, the shape of the heart changes, and chronic cardiopulmonary insufficiency develops.

Similar changes occur in the abdominal organs with lumbar and lumbosacral scoliosis. The motility of the stomach and intestines decreases, followed by an enzymatic deficiency of the digestive glands.

All this only exacerbates metabolic disturbances. These violations often lead to belated sexual maturation of boys and girls. In addition, because of the lumbar scoliosis, the pelvis is bent again.

This creates problems for expectant mothers with bearing pregnancy and with childbearing.

Details about scoliosis in children can be found here


Diagnosis of scoliosis, especially of large degrees, as a rule, is not difficult. Often, a visual inspection is often sufficient to detect a deformity of the spine.

Attention is drawn to the apparent curvature of the contours of the spine, the asymmetry of the shoulder girdle, the angles of the scapula, the secondary curvature of the pelvis and the shortening of the lower limb on the side of the curvature.

If at least one of these signs is present, a radiograph of the spine is shown. On the roentgenogram determine the configuration, degree and localization of curvatures.

During the examination and X-ray, you can determine whether scoliosis is compensated and stable.

Recently, a qualitatively new method for studying the spine has spread: magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), during which a three-dimensional image of the spine.

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With significant curvatures, it is necessary to investigate the work of internal organs-spirometry, electrocardiography, ultrasound of the heart and internal organs.


Treatment of scoliosis can be carried out both conservatively and operatively. To conservative methods include medical treatment, massage, physiotherapy procedures, manual therapy.

It should be borne in mind that the final formation of the spine is completed by the age of 20, and after this age correction of curvature is almost impossible.

At a scoliosis of 1-2 degrees of effort are directed on achievement of an initial, normal configuration of a backbone.

With severe scoliosis of 3 to 4 degrees, this is unattainable, here the main thing is to stabilize the spine and prevent the progression of scoliosis.

A set of therapeutic exercises for scoliosis can be viewed here

Medications (chondroprotectors, vitamins, restorative drugs) in the treatment of scoliosis play only an auxiliary role.

Strengthen the muscles, eliminate the muscular cushion, and even to a large extent stabilize the spine with massage and manual therapy. A good effect is provided by physical therapy.

But here, with inadequate physical exertion, spinal instability increases and scoliosis progresses. Therefore, a set of exercises is developed for each patient individually, taking into account the localization and severity of the curvature.

With a large degree of scoliosis, running, strength training, jumping, moving games are contraindicated. More information on what can not be done with scoliosis is written here.

A very good result is a correction by position - an optimal posture is created that contributes to the normalization of posture. For this, special devices are used, orthopedic beds in which young patients spend much of their time.

If the conservative measures are ineffective, the progression of the curvature shows surgical treatment aimed at stabilizing the spine.

Surgical correction is not shown in early childhood, it is carried out in adolescence, when the formation of the spine is almost complete.

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Scoliosis - features of the disease, recommendations

Scoliosis treatment and prevention of which is, perhaps, one of the rather significant issues for each person, can seriously worsen the quality of life. From the article you will learn what posture is and what is scoliosis, how this disease is treated and what consequences can be from an untimely call to a doctor.


Scoliosis is an unnatural lateral curvature of the spine, causing its deformation and deformation of the chest. Curvature can have both an innate and acquired character.

Most often, pathology develops in the period of intensive growth of the skeleton, often accompanied by twisting of the vertebrae.

The danger of scoliosis is not only in an unattractive appearance - the disease also provokes clamps of nerve endings, which causes poor health and prevents the normal operation of the nervous system.

Types of scoliosis

Scoliosis can be expressed in several ways. Below are the types of disease:

  1. cervicothoracic. The curvature originates on the 4-5 vertebra of the thoracic region. Such scoliosis is accompanied by deformations of the thorax;
  2. thoracic. The vertex of curvature is in the region of 8-9 thoracic vertebrae;
  3. lumbar and thoracic. The beginning is located in the region of 10-11 thoracic vertebrae;
  4. lumbar. The vertex is located in the area of ​​1-2 vertebrae. This type of disease progresses rather slowly, however, the pain syndrome occurs even at the initial stage and is strongly felt;
  5. lumbosacral scoliosis. The top of the curvature is 10-11 thoracic vertebrae;
  6. combined. Such a scoliosis of bones is also called S-shaped. It has two primary arcs of curvature: the first is located in the region of 8-9 thoracic vertebrae, the second - in the region of 1-2.

The disease is also classified according to the angle of curvature:

  • 1-10 ° - I degree;
  • 11-25 ° - the second degree;
  • 26 ° -50 ° - the third degree;
  • more than 50 ° - IV degree,

where 1-10 ° and so on. - degrees of scoliosis, the value of which determines the scoliosis and its degree.

Next, we will consider the question of what causes scoliosis, including scoliosis of the head, we will identify the main causes, as well as the factors provoking the disease.

Causes of the disease

Congenital scoliosis is caused by such anomalies as fused ribs, additional vertebra, lateral sphenoid vertebra, fusion of vertebral bodies. This type of disease can manifest itself not immediately after birth, and this form of pathology poses a serious problem for doctors.

Causes lateral curvature of the spine (so-called non-structural scoliosis):

  1. congenital torticollis;
  2. cerebral palsy;
  3. Rickets caused by vitamin D deficiency in the body;
  4. poliomyelitis (infectious-type disease affecting the nervous system);
  5. osteochondrosis of thoracic and lumbar;
  6. hernia of intervertebral discs.

In addition to the main causes, there are also risk factors that contribute to the development of the disease. Scoliosis can be caused by factors such as:

  • incorrect posture;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • deficiency of calcium in the body;
  • lack of physical activity and poor physical preparation;
  • overweight;
  • spine trauma;
  • incorrect load on the spine;
  • genetic predisposition to this and similar diseases.

Symptoms of scoliosis

Symptoms of scoliosis may not appear for a long time. Often the disease is asymptomatic, and the curvature can be only insignificant.

Nevertheless, it is possible to distinguish common signs of the pathological process:

  1. slouch;
  2. protruding asymmetrically the scapula;
  3. excessive inclination of the head;
  4. one shoulder above the second (also the hip);
  5. deformities of the breast;
  6. support with a body more on one side;
  7. breasts of different sizes;
  8. pain in the back, waist.

When curvature of the spine and the detection of such symptoms should resort to medical care. After the examination, the doctor will be able to establish a diagnosis and prescribe an adequate treatment.

Treatment of a serious ailment - intervertebral hernia - is devoted to our article, in which you will receive exhaustive information on ways to get rid of this unpleasant pathology. Another unpleasant disease - sciatica, about the principles of treatment which you can read here.

Treatment of scoliosis of the back

Treatment of scoliosis of the back begins with monitoring the angle of curvature. Also taken into account the patient's age, sex, the location of the curvature and its severity. All these data are necessary for predicting the disease, whether it will stop its development or will continue to progress.

So, the methods of treatment of the pathological process can be as follows:

  • the use of special corsets (corrective and supporting);
  • massage sessions;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • surgery.

Let's consider in more detail everyone.

Let's start with the corsets. Correcting corsets allow to reduce the angle of curvature of the spine. They eliminate the deformation of the column in the lateral and anteroposterior planes.

Supporting corsets provide removal of excess load from the spine, which is no less important in scoliosis. They also reduce the pain syndrome.

Corsets are effective for 1 and 2 degrees of the disease.

Therapeutic massage is appropriate for any degree of scoliosis. This method of treatment helps to remove pain, normalize blood circulation and lymph circulation, besides, it strengthens muscle tissue. Muscles should hold the spinal column, and during massage sessions they come in tone.

For the treatment of scoliosis, such physiotherapeutic procedures as hydrotherapy, electrotherapy, thermal therapy, electrostimulation can be used. Such procedures increase the flow of blood in the back and shoulder region, raise the overall tone of the body.

A radical method of treating scoliosis is a surgical operation. It is carried out in the case when conservative methods do not help, and the pathology progresses, and the patient's condition worsens.

The most safe and effective method is the Harrington method.

The process of its implementation is to introduce into the patient's body a metal structure that is intended to support the spine.

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Scoliosis of the spine

Scoliosis of the spine is one of the varieties of curvature of the spine, which is inherent mainly to children and adolescents.

The danger of scoliosis is that it has a lot of serious consequences associated with worsening of work internal organs of the patient, as well as constantly accompanied by pain and impairment of mobility the spine.

If you ignore this disease, eventually it can flow into another, for example, in a hernia, osteochondrosis or sciatica.

By the way, scoliosis is considered a very ancient disease, because its description and name it received even before our era ("scoliosis" literally means "curve of the spinal column").

Forms of scoliosis

In medicine, there are two basic forms of scoliosis: congenital and acquired.

The congenital form of the disease manifests itself, as a rule, around the age of ten, but parents can detect the first signs of the disease earlier.

The sick child is distinguished by a rounded back and a hollow chest, he is tearful, irritable, nervous. Also, the patient constantly keeps his head lowered, his hands are cold, bluish, moist.

Sick babies are sweaty and inactive, their muscles are very poorly developed. In this case, the disease is explained by the fact that some ossification occurs in the lumbosacral spine. This is due to a disruption in the development of the lower part of the spinal cord.

As for the acquired form of the disease, it has a number of subspecies.

  1. Ricketski scoliosisbegins to develop at the age of 4-6 years and, as a rule, already at the younger school age it is identified. This form of the disease affects 10-12 thoracic vertebrae and causes a curvature directed one way.
  2. Idiopathic scoliosis- the most "popular" form of the disease. It begins during puberty, that is when the body of a person grows very actively. The cause of the disease is an infection (eg, polio) or a serious injury.
  3. Habitual scoliosisThis is the kind of disease that is so common in many schoolchildren. It causes all the negative aspects of school life - the wrong size of the dicks, a long stay in an uncomfortable position, seat in a position with a displaced center of gravity (leaning on one side of the desk), carrying a heavy bag or briefcase in one hand. In addition, an incorrect position during sleep can also cause illness.
  4. Ishialgic scoliosisis a consequence of the transferred sciatica. This type of disease is characterized by a strong curvature in the thoracic spine. Asymmetry is so strong that it can be seen with the naked eye. In addition, the isciological form of the disease is accompanied by strong, sharp pains and extremely difficult to treat.
  5. Paralytic scoliosiscan occur in a person with paralysis or paresis (due, for example, again, the same poliomyelitis). This is an extremely dangerous form of the disease, which develops very rapidly and quickly leads to the formation of a hump. There is a disease if the patient is too early to stop bed rest. Finally, to overcome this form of the disease is very difficult. Sharp physical exertion can lead to a relapse. Characteristic signs on which it is possible to determine the onset of the disease are, first of all, the weakness of the muscles of the abdomen and back, as well as unnatural mobility of the spine. In addition, more serious signs include a partial (or even complete) prolapse of the quadriceps muscle of the buttock and a significant gait disorder.
  6. Static scoliosisis concentrated in the lumbar region and pelvis. It is characterized by a strong curvature, which leads to a significant shortening of one leg. This form of the disease most often develops after injuries, for example, after a hip dislocation, but it can also appear after some serious diseases such as tuberculosis.
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This list of forms of scoliosis can be completed, but it should be noted that there are several more species that are very rare indeed.

These include spastic scoliosis (consequence of Little's disease), traumatic (the bone improperly fused after fracture spine), cicatricial (formed in place of scars after pleurisy or burns) and sluggish scoliosis (after the diseases of the dorsal brain).

Degrees of scoliosis

Scoliosis of the spine is 1, 2, 3 and 4 degrees. Degrees depend on the stage of the disease. Let's take a closer look at each of these degrees.

Scoliosis of the first degreehas very slight deviations (up to 10 degrees). However, we all know that each person is not symmetrical and each has small displacements from the axis of the spine, which, however, are practically invisible to the eye.

Thus, it can be argued that the first stage of the disease is actually the norm that occurs in everyone.

However, why in the school parents are often frightened by the fact that their children have scoliosis of the first degree? Thus doctors even manage to describe in terrible colors all consequences of the first degree, creating, thus, unnecessary panic. All this is just "horror stories".

In Europe and the US, scoliosis of the first degree has long been considered an individual feature of each person, so that it certainly can not have any consequences.

Scoliosis of the second degree- this deviation from the central axis of the spine at 11-25 degrees.

This stage must necessarily be treated, since it can rapidly develop and progress. However, the main treatment of scoliosis of the second degree is, first of all, in medical gymnastics.

If your child is diagnosed with this, do not panic. For some reason, very often in our hospitals "love" to overestimate the degree of scoliosis, so the diagnosis must first of all be rechecked.

This is especially important if the doctor has placed it, so to speak, on the eye, not relying on x-ray studies.

Scoliosis of the thirddegree is characterized by a deviation from the axis by 26-50 degrees, and the fourth by 50 or more degrees.

Such stages of the disease are very rare, but if they are still found in patients, then they should be treated without delay, although the treatment will indeed be very difficult.

No wonder the doctors call scoliosis of the third and fourth degree "headache" of orthopedists.

Types of scoliosis

The following classification of scoliosis is its types. They are allocated depending on which part of the spine is affected by the disease.

-Cervico-thoracic scoliosisaffects mainly the fourth and fifth vertebrae of the thoracic spine. This type of disease is accompanied by deformations in the chest and even in the facial skeleton.

-Thoracic scoliosisis concentrated on the eighth and ninth vertebrae. This type can be left-handed and right-handed.

-Lumbosacral scoliosisThe spine is located on the tenth and eleventh vertebrae.

-Lumbar scoliosislocated on the first and second lumbar vertebrae. It is slowly developing, but already at early stages it is accompanied by strong painful sensations.

-Combined scoliosishas S shape and captures both the first-second lumbar vertebrae and the eighth-ninth thoracic vertebrae.

Treatment of scoliosis

The effectiveness of scoliosis treatment depends not so much on the attending physician as on the patient himself and on how carefully he carefully follows the doctor's recommendations.

Very rarely, surgical intervention is used to treat this disease. The surgeon's help is necessary only for people with the third and fourth stages of the disease, when the scoliosis symptom is already irreversible.

Much more often doctors prescribe manual therapy, massages and wearing corsets. In general, medical corsets can be divided into two types:

  1. The supporting corset unloads the spine.
  2. Corrective corset corrects curvature.

It is the second kind that is most effective, but it should be worn constantly for six months, changing only the sizes.

Corsetotherapy is used mainly for children and adolescents under 18 years.

However, after 18 years, a doctor can recommend a patient to wear a corset several times a year for a couple of weeks to maintain the effect and as a preventive measure.

The most effective method of treating scoliosis is a set of special exercises. This complex helps not only to correct the curvature, it is also an excellent prevention of the disease.

Even if you are not prone to scoliosis, but are forced to lead a sedentary lifestyle or, conversely, you You have to overload the spine too much, carry out these exercises in order to protect and improve yourself.

Technique of performing exercises

All exercises should be performed only when you are in good health and are ready to practice. Do not force yourself to do exercises through force and through pain.

Do not try to repeat all the exercises at once. Start gradually, every day introducing one or two new exercises.

Each exercise should be done 5-15 times, carefully monitoring the technique of execution.

If you are not sure of yourself, ask someone from your family to observe your training and improve your technique. So, the following exercises are suitable for the prevention and treatment of spine scoliosis:

  1. Sit on a chair exactly, with a straight back and relax. Clasp your hands in the lock and raise your hands so that the brushes are at the level of your eyebrows. Now pull your neck as far as possible, trying to stretch your neck to the ceiling. Try, as it were, to look out from behind your hands. In this position, start slowly turning your head to the right and left.
  2. Stand up straight, straighten your back and look in front of you. Begin to lead pupils to the left, and after the pupils turn and head. Do the same in the other direction. Try to increase the amplitude of movement with each turn.
  3. Become smooth and try to fix the pelvis as much as possible. Now imagine that you are a spring. Under invisible weight, tighten the spine. After that, on the contrary try to pull it as high as possible, shoulders rising to the ears.
  4. Sit on the floor with straight legs and straight back, hands rest on the floor. Slowly start to bend forward, trying to reach the knees with your nose. It is very important to keep your back absolutely straight. Gradually go back and try to bend your back, as if you want to touch the back of your neck to your buttocks. Again smoothly return to the starting position.
  5. Rise steadily. Slowly tilt your head back (to a comfortable position), and then slowly pull forward, pulling your chin to your chest. Perform movements only with the head and neck, the body can be completely immobile.
  6. Stand and lower your arms at the seams. Lift up your left shoulder (the right one remains below). In this position, slowly lower your head, reaching out to the chest with your chin. Raise your head and lower your shoulder. Repeat the same with the right shoulder. Try to lower your chin a little lower each time.
  7. Stand up and pull your hands forward. Imagine that you are grabbing a large invisible ball. Let the shoulder blades follow the hands, and the back is rounded. Then, on the contrary, pull your hands back as much as possible, throwing your head back and arching your back to the other side.
  8. Stand with your back straight, put your hands on your waist, and your feet shoulder width apart, slightly kneeing them in your lap. For 15 seconds, perform a circular rotation with the hips to the right, and then the same to the left. The body should be slightly tilted slightly forward, but leave the back completely straight. Do not forget to breathe deeply and evenly throughout the exercise.
  9. Put your feet to the width of your shoulders and gently bend forward, stretching out your arms. Try to bend as low as possible in the lower back. Slowly return to the starting position.

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Deformation of the spine: types, causes, treatment and prevention

The spine is our inner skeleton. It performs a supporting, propulsion, damping, protective function. Violation of these functions occurs with deformities of the spine.

To return them, you need to do preventive maintenance and timely treatment of curvature of the spine. Pathology is handled by an orthopedist, vertebrologist and neurologist. It all depends on the cause of the curvature and the presence of concomitant pathologies.

Normally, it has several bends in each of its departments, which are located in the sagittal plane (if viewed from the side).

Physiological curves of the spinal column

  • Cervical and lumbar lordosis. Formed in the process of the child's physical development, when his motor abilities are expanding (he begins to hold the head and sit). Are convex spine anterior.
  • Thoracic and sacral kyphosis are formed in utero, the baby is already born with them. Presented convex from behind.

In the frontal plane, the line of the spine passes along the middle axis of the body. Active and correct retention of the body in space is a bearing.

Deformation of the spine leads to the development of pathological posture and vice versa.

Types of disease

What are the types of deformation of the spine? What most often disturbs modern man? Scoliosis develops in the frontal plane. This is the curvature of the vertebral column relative to the median line to the right or to the left.

In the sagittal plane, an increase in the arc of physiological curves (hyperlordosis, hyperkiphosis), disappearance or Reduction of bends (flat back) and combined curvatures combining two directions (lordoscoliosis, kyphoscoliosis).

Why does the bending occur?

The causes of deformation of the spine can be congenital and acquired. Congenital etiology is associated with vertebral pathology:

  • Underdevelopment of structural components.
  • Additional elements.
  • Merging of adjacent vertebral bodies.
  • Non-increasing of arcs.
  • The wedge shape.
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The causes of acquired deformity of the spine may be:

  1. Systematically incorrect posture.
  2. Rickets (the balance of calcium in the body is broken, the bones become brittle).
  3. Tuberculosis of the spine.
  4. Polio.
  5. Osteochondrosis and osteodystrophy.
  6. Cerebral palsy.
  7. Injuries, hernias and tumors of the spine.
  8. Pleurisy is a pathology of the respiratory system with severe pain syndrome. Usually one side is affected, on which the patient lies. The load on the vertebral column in the thoracic region is uneven, a curvature arises.
  9. Shortening of one of the lower limbs - the load is distributed unevenly.
  10. The absence of one arm or leg and as a consequence - a violation of equilibrium.
  11. Weak muscular mass, which is not able to resist the curvature of the spine.
  12. Mental disorders (depression, when the shoulders and head are constantly lowered).

The curvature of the spinal column can affect any of its departments.

Deformation of the cervical spine

  • Krivosheya is a pathology that simultaneously tilts the head in one direction and turns the neck into the other.
  • Kyphosis - curvature of the neck to the back. This is a rare phenomenon.
  • Lordosis - strengthening of the physiological bend. The neck is stretched forward, the shoulders are rounded, the stoop develops.

Causes of congenital torticollis:

  1. abnormal intrauterine position of the fetus;
  2. birth trauma;
  3. spasm or shortening of the neck muscles;
  4. congenital pathology of the cervical vertebrae (Klippel-Feil disease);
  5. rotational subluxation of the 1st cervical vertebra.

The causes of the acquired deformation of the cervical spine:

  • adjusting torticollis - when the child takes a wrong position for a long time in the crib;
  • compensatory - with inflammatory diseases of the ear, purulent processes in the neck (the child spares the sick side and tilts his head to a healthy one);
  • fracture, dislocation or subluxation of the first cervical vertebra;
  • osteomyelitis, tuberculosis, tertiary syphilis - vertebrae are destroyed, axial deformation of the skeleton occurs.

Treatment of torticollis

Conservative methods:

  1. massage;
  2. physiotherapy;
  3. treatment by position;
  4. physiotherapy;
  5. water procedures in the pool using a circle for newborns;
  6. wearing a collar that fixes the cervical spine in the right position.

Surgical treatment is performed in the absence of the effect of conservative:

  • myotomy - dissection of the neck muscle;
  • plastic (lengthening of the muscle).

Kifosis and lordosis are treated with conservative methods (exercise therapy, massage, drug anesthesia, removal of muscle spasm).

Infringements of a thoracal department

Kyphosis is accompanied by deformation in the form of increased physiological bending. There is a pathological bending backward with the formation of a round back. More common is the acquired kyphotic deformation of the spine.

Causes of thoracic kyphosis:

  1. Weak muscle corset, which does not have time to form after the accelerated growth of the child.
  2. Early rickets (up to 1 year) - affects the thoracic and lumbar divisions. The deformation disappears in the supine position (non-fixed curvature). The severity of pathological bending is aggravated when the child sits down and rises on the legs.
  3. Late rickets (5-6 years) - develop fixed kyphosis and kyphoscoliosis.
  4. Osteochondropathy is observed at the age of 12-17 years. Suffer more often boys. In the medical world is called Sheyerman-Mau disease. Dystrophic changes in the bodies of vertebrae and intervertebral discs develop. Formed a fixed wedge-shaped deformation of the spine.

Treatment of thoracic kyphosis

Ricky deformity is treated conservatively: swimming, vitamin therapy, exercise therapy, coniferous baths, massage, wearing a special three-point corset. The disease can disappear without a trace.

Juvenile kyphosis is treated in a complex way: massage, special exercises for strengthening the muscular corset, drug-improving trophism of the osteoarticular system. Often it is necessary to use surgical methods of therapy: various types of instrumental fixation of the spine.

Deformation of the lumbar spine

Lordosis - curvature of the spinal column with the formation of convexity in front. Therapy is based on the fight against the disease, which caused the curvature. Use stretching, special patient styling, physiotherapy procedures, exercise therapy and general restorative massage courses.

Causes of lumbar lordosis:

  • deformation to compensate for rickety and tuberculous kyphosis;
  • dislocations of the thighs, which arose in the process of giving birth;
  • contractures of the hip joints.

Scoliosis - deformity of the spine: congenital and dysplastic

Scoliotic deformity of the spine can affect any level of the spine and affect several sections, causing S-shaped distortions. The disease is more susceptible to pre-pubertal girls.

  1. Congenital scoliosis is associated with the presence of fusion of several vertebrae, the presence of additional vertebrae, an anomaly of the structural components of the vertebra. It occurs in toddlers under the age of 1 year. Progresses slowly, lines of bends are not pronounced brightly.
  2. Dysplastic scoliosis is formed in the pathological development of the lumbosacral division. It is found at the age of 9-11 years and quickly progresses. The line of curvature is observed in the lumbar region.
  3. Scoliosis of a neurogenic nature develops due to poliomyelitis, syringomyelia, myopathy. The mechanism of development is associated with the lesion of the motor spines of the spinal cord. Functional deficiency of muscles develops. In parallel, there are dystrophic changes in the spine.
  4. Ricket scoliosis. Due to the violation of calcium metabolism, bone tissue becomes soft. With static loads, physiological bends increase. When the body is in a wrong position, scoliosis quickly forms in space.
  5. Idiopathic scoliosis is the most frequent deformity of the spine. It is a multifactorial disease: a violation of the growth rate of the spine, neuromuscular insufficiency, an active period of growth in children and an increase in physiological loads on the skeleton. There is a violation of endochondral bone formation in the vertebrae, followed by the development of osteoporosis and spinal disorders.

In 1965, V. D. Chaklin radiographically identified 4 degrees of deformation of the spine in scoliosis:

  • 1st degree - 5-10 degrees;
  • 2nd degree - 11-30;
  • 3rd degree - 31-60;
  • 4th degree - more than 61 degrees.

Clinical manifestations of scoliosis:

  1. At the 1st degree in the standing position, there is a weakness of the muscular corset of the back and abdominal wall, different shoulder level, the angles of the scapulae are located at different levels, the asymmetry of the waist triangles. In the thoracic part there is a noticeable curvature, in the lumbar - on the opposite side the muscular compaction, which is also visible when the body is tilted forward. There are no signs of vertebral rotation on the X-ray. The pelvis is located in the horizontal plane. In the supine position on the back, weakness of abdominal muscles is noted.
  2. At the 2nd degree, the S-shaped curvature of the spine is visually determined. There are rotations of the thoracic vertebrae, there is deformation of the thorax. The sample with an inclination shows the projection of the ribs on one side or the muscles of the waist. Progression continues as the child grows.
  3. At the 3rd degree, a pronounced deformation of the skeleton is determined. Clearly visible rib hump and skewed basin. The line of shoulders coincides with the line of the pelvis. The venous plexus of the spine is compressed. There may be abnormalities on the part of the respiratory system.
  4. At the 4th degree, a severe deformation of the entire trunk is observed. Growth stops, the relationship between internal organs is broken. The compression of the spinal cord leads to the development of paresis. On the roentgenogram, wedge-shaped vertebrae are identified.

Scoliosis is a serious disease that can lead to permanent disability (disability).

Treatment of scoliosis in young children

Deformities of the spine in children should be detected in the initial stages. In such cases, only correction of posture, physical exercises, swimming, organization of the right working space, observance of an adequate mode of work and rest, proper nutrition will be required.

Non-surgical treatment is aimed at fixing the spine in the correct position by wearing corrective corsets, training the muscles of the back and abdominals. In the child's room there must be a special bed with a rigid mattress and an orthopedic pillow.

The second degree is treated conservatively, with the progression of the process children are sent to specialized sanatoria. A planned course of nonoperative treatment in the departments of orthopedics is being conducted.

The traction method using side traction is used. This treatment lasts 2-4 months. Extension is often a preoperative preparation in the 3rd and 4th stage.

The achieved level of correction is fixed promptly with the help of special tools.

Indications for surgical treatment

  • Aesthetic defect that disturbs the adult or parents of a small patient.
  • The angle of curvature is more than 40 degrees, but with incomplete growth.
  • Any deformation is more than 50 degrees.
  • Persistent neurological complications and pain syndrome.
  • Deformations, accompanied by a violation of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Types of surgical treatment

There are 3 ways: operations with front access, with rear and combined. The essence of operations is to introduce into the spine metal structures that can be static and mobile.

The advantages of a dynamic implant: it can be adjusted to ensure the correct growth of the child, and allows you to play sports. The design is not visible in outward appearance and can be used in the treatment of severe spinal deformities in adults.

It allows you to fix the curvature and stop its progress.

Prevention of curvature of the spine

  1. Early detection of congenital curvatures of the spinal column (examination of the orthopedist in the maternity hospital is carried out at 1, 3, 6 months and a year) and their correction.
  2. Detection of acquired deformations at preschool and school age on medical examinations and application of appropriate measures for their correction.
  3. Control over your posture. Since childhood, it is necessary to teach children to keep their backs straight. In school establishments there should be desks with adjustable table and chair height. During work, it is necessary to make small breaks with walking to avoid a static load on the spine.
  4. Timely detection of rickets, poliomyelitis, tuberculosis and appropriate treatment.
  5. Preventive courses of general massage for passive strengthening of the muscular corset.
  6. Doing sports to strengthen the muscles of the back and the press.
  7. Swimming.
  8. In the absence of limbs, it is necessary to solve the problem of prosthetics.
  9. Wearing orthopedic footwear with different length of legs.
  10. When lifting weights, it is necessary to evenly distribute the load to both halves of the body.
  11. Proper nutrition, the food should be balanced in terms of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements. Avoid overeating and weight gain, which serves as an additional factor in the development of spine deformities.
  12. Avoid prolonged position in one pose, arrange physical training.
  13. Organize the correct mode of sleep. The bed should be rigid, and the pillow is better to get orthopedic in a special salon.
  14. In case of visual impairment, it is necessary to turn to the oculist (with reduced vision a person can take a forced position, stretch the neck and aggravate cervical lordosis).
  15. Fight with depression and apathy.
  16. Observe precautionary measures for the prevention of injury.
  17. In time to treat a hernia, osteochondrosis, tumors of the spine.

Timely treatment is able to completely eliminate the deformation of the spine.

A source: http://.ru/article/349441/deformatsiya-pozvonochnika-vidyi-prichinyi-lechenie-i-profilaktika

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