Drops for eyes from fatigue - a variety and application

In modern times, people are working more and more with various means of transmitting visual information - with screens of monitors, mobile phones. The demand for ordinary paper books does not fade away. All this leads to one unpleasant consequence - the eyes of people start to get very tired. There are other factors that cause this fatigue. And with this you can fight - not only with the help of competent interruptions, but also with the help of special drops for the eyes from fatigue. Consider what they are and how to apply them.


  • 1Application area
  • 2Features of preparations
  • 3List
  • 4Recommendations for use
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Application area

To use these drugs, you first need to figure out what exactly is the cause of eye fatigue. The following key reasons can be distinguished:

  • Needless to say, a long time in front of a computer. People, looking at the computer screen, blink more often, plus the fact that the computer screen luminous, while human vision is more focused on seeing not direct, but reflected Sveta.
  • instagram viewer
  • Non-compliance with the rules of wearing contact lenses.
  • The presence of diseases that are not directly related to the organ of vision, for example, ARVI or something similar.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Tendency to thrombosis.
  • Damage to the cornea.
  • Ophthalmic diseases.
    Allergic reaction

Please note that there are a number of problems on this list that are very difficult to correct with eye drops. In the case of their occurrence, it is necessary, not postponing any mines, to tackle the elimination of the original cause, and only then, as additional measures, to drip the necessary drops.

Features of preparations

Eye drops can vary greatly in their effect.Some can moisturize the eyes, others can remove redness and irritation - and so on. Therefore it is important to first understand what the most probable cause provoked the problem in you, and therefore already acquire drops.And it's better not to buy them at all, but to contact an ophthalmologist who will advise you on the most optimal option.

Do not be guided by the price of the drug. Often two completely identical tools based on the same components can cost in fundamentally different ways solely because of marketing policy.


Let's consider more in detail categories of preparations and examples in each of similar preparations.

  • Moisturizing.When the eyes are overworked, they can become dry. And this very common category of drugs fights just with dryness, moisturizing the skin of the eye. For example, this is important when wearing lenses, with cataracts and so on. Examples can be Vizin, Aktipol and a number of other drugs.
Vizin - moistening drops
  • From irritation.If the eyes are tired of a long work at the computer, from dry air or from a strong wind, then then the most optimal solution will be vasoconstrictive drugs from irritation such as Vial or Cationorm.
Vial is used for eye irritation
  • From computer fatigue.Since there is nowhere to go anywhere without computers, special drugs have appeared that are targeted specifically at active computer users. They simultaneously anesthetize, moisten and relieve tension. This, for example, Oftagel or Systemin.
Systein Ultra uses computer fatigue
  • Anti-inflammatory.If the cause is trauma, then you need to use drops that effectively relieve inflammation. This category includes, for example, "Dexon "Aktipin" and a number of other similar popular eye preparations. Please note that it is forbidden to choose this category of drugs without a doctor.
    Aktipol - anti-inflammatory drops

Recommendations for use

To ensure that the drugs bring the maximum benefit, they need not only to choose competently, but also apply it correctly. Here are some practical tips to follow:

  • Always wash your hands thoroughly before the instillation procedure, you can take an infection in your eyes.
  • Before instillation carefully pull the lower eyelid down with a finger, raise the head, and point the eye vertically upwards.
  • The pipette should be placed as close to the nose as possible, but it is very important not to touch the bottle with the eye.
  • When you have injected the drug, blink a little, but do not get carried away, because otherwise the composition may simply flow out before it positively affects your eyes.
    Instructions for instillation of the eyes

Different tools may have different recommendations for use, because, although they take into account these tips, but still try to adhere to the instructions for use, which comes with the product you have chosen.



Eye drops can be an excellent way out if you often face increased eye fatigue. But they must be chosen so as not to make their eyes, on the contrary, worse. If you doubt the choice, do not experiment, just contact an ophthalmologist who will recommend to you exactly the option that is best for you.

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