Symptoms and treatment of a foot injury in the home

Foot injury is a common closed injury, in which soft tissue damage is noted, but their structure does not change. When the toes of the toes, feet, knees are injured, it is recommended to contact a traumatologist. Otherwise, due to insufficient treatment, the function of these joints may be impaired or chronic pain may occur.

Article content:
  • Causes of
  • Symptoms
  • General recommendations
  • How to treat folk remedies?
  • What is not recommended?
  • Prevention measures

Causes of

Leg injury often occurs when falling( outdoors or at home), as a result of a blunt object, in industrial or sports, road injuries. It occurs more often in children and people doing hard physical work.

The main causes:

  • injury of the foot and ankle arises from the fall of a heavy object;
  • shin contusion occurs after a direct stroke;
  • a hip injury occurs with a direct hit with a heavy object, a fall in sports, an accident;
  • knee joint injury - as a result of a fall, knee injury( as a result of an injury: sports or household);
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  • hip joint injury occurs after a direct stroke or as a result of a fall on the side.

Characteristic symptoms of

Severe leg injury is accompanied by:

  • intense pain in the site of an injury severely restricting any movement;
  • swelling in the site of the injury( which tends to increase);
  • by hemorrhage( associated with damage to blood vessels);
  • hemarthrosis( with a knee injury inside the joint accumulates blood);
  • restriction of joint function due to injury;
  • by difficulty of movement;
  • in severe cases - pain in the periosteum, sometimes exfoliation, damage to bones.
The severity of the manifestations may differ depending on the severity of the injury received, the characteristics of the organism of each person.

General recommendations

Providing first aid to the injured , ensure that the injured leg is at rest, apply cold( ice, cold water compress) to the damaged area for 20 minutes with a break of 5 minutes.

It is recommended to put a roller under the damaged leg( in order to keep it in a raised position) for better blood flow. Damage to the skin( abrasions, scratches) must be treated with a disinfectant.

After specifying the diagnosis, the doctor gives recommendations for further treatment. General principles of treatment of a bruise:

  • analgesics( with severe pain prescribed Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Analgin);
  • cold during the first day( to reduce pain and hemorrhage);
  • on the second day after the trauma - application of warming compresses with medicines( to reduce puffiness: Heparin, Romazulan, Dimexide, Menovazine);
  • gels and ointments( for relieving inflammation, reducing swelling and pain: Lyoton, Voltaren, Dolobene, Troxevasin);
  • physiotherapy( helps to reduce puffiness, accelerate resorption of the hematoma: electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, UHF)

Surgical treatment is required:

  • in case of suppuration of bruising;
  • if nerve endings are damaged;
  • after intraarticular hemorrhage;
  • when stretched, with a separation from the attachment point or rupture of ligaments.

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How to treat folk remedies?

The foot injury causes pain, relieve it and prevent the possible complications of reliable methods of traditional medicine. When treating at home in the first day is recommended to use only cold compresses, in the subsequent - warm( to eliminate swelling and better resorption of bruises).

Description Dosage How to use
Vinegar 9%
Vegetable oil Water
For 1 tbsp.l. Wet a piece of cloth in the prepared mixture, apply to the site of the injury. Top cover with a film and heat wrap. Onion bulb
Stone salt
5 pcs.
1 tbsp.l.
To the chopped onion add the rock salt, wrap the mixture in a cloth, put it to the place of injury. Change 3 times during the day. Course 5 days.
Wormwood leaves fresh Razirayut before the formation of gruel, applied to the site of injury.
Apple vinegar
½ l
2 tsp.
4 drops
Heat the apple cider vinegar on a water bath, add salt and iodine to it. In the solution, a piece of tissue is moistened and applied to the site of the injury.
5 pcs.
1 pc.
Boil the vegetables, knead well, apply to the site of injury for 30 minutes.several times during the day.
Iodine Iodine mesh is applied to the damaged area. Do not apply iodine on the entire surface to avoid burns.
Fresh leaves of yarrow and plantain For 50 g Carefully crushed leaves are applied to the diseased area.

What is not recommended?

It is not recommended to get up immediately after the fall: needs to evaluate the condition.

It is impossible to warm up the bruise in the first day of , to use medicament or folk remedies .It is allowed to apply cold compresses. All other procedures are only starting from the second day.

You can not treat a foot injury yourself, if the pain is intense, long does not pass ( 2 - 3 days), it becomes difficult to walk. Perhaps, these are manifestations of a dislocation or fracture, for the treatment of which qualified medical care is needed.

It is forbidden to force any medication into the place of injury: it can cause blood vessel thrombosis and severe consequences. Do not give load to the affected limb( within 7 days is recommended bed rest).

Only a doctor can determine the severity of the injury( whether the integrity of the ligaments and joints is not broken).

Prevention measures

It is impossible to protect yourself from accidental injuries, but it is possible to prevent complications. Recommended:

  • exercise regularly( to strengthen the muscles and protect from damage when falling, impact);
  • include in the diet of calcium-rich foods( with its shortage, there are often serious bruises);
  • comply with the rules of the road when riding a bicycle, roller skates, put on to protect the joints from falling shields;
  • wear comfortable shoes;
  • walk slowly, looking under your feet;
  • observe safety precautions when handling tools that could cause injury.

With timely first aid and proper treatment at home, recovery occurs within 1 to 2 weeks. Daily pain should decrease. In more difficult cases, you should contact a traumatologist.