Low back pain: causes and treatment


  • 1Back pain, back giving in the foot - reasons, treatment
    • 1.1The cause of the pain giving up in the foot depending on the place of irradiation
    • 1.2Diseases of the orthopedic nature
    • 1.3Diseases not of an orthopedic character
    • 1.4Other causes of pain
    • 1.5Diagnosis and treatment
  • 2Pain in the lower back gives in the right foot: causes and methods of treatment
    • 2.1Where is the problematic site
    • 2.2Problems with the musculoskeletal system
    • 2.3Pathology of internal organs
    • 2.4Other factors
    • 2.5When you should be alert
    • 2.6Diagnostics
    • 2.7Treatment with medicines
    • 2.8Physiotherapy
    • 2.9Massages
    • 2.10Operation
    • 2.11Possible complications
    • 2.12Preventive actions
  • 3Pain in the lower back giving in the leg
    • 3.1The main causes of lumbar pain, giving in the leg
    • 3.2Diseases accompanied by lumbar pain
    • 3.3Methods of diagnosis
    • 3.4Effective methods of treatment
    • 3.5Physiotherapy
    • 3.6Preventive actions
  • 4Why does the loin ache and give in the foot, the main reasons and methods of diagnosis
    instagram viewer
    • 4.1More about the issue
    • 4.2Causes of pain
    • 4.3Discomfort of the upper part
    • 4.4Spreading on the back of the thigh
    • 4.5Occurrence of pain syndrome from the side
    • 4.6Unpleasant sensations in front
    • 4.7Orthopedic diseases
    • 4.8Violation of adjacent systems
    • 4.9Troubleshooting and Troubleshooting
    • 4.10A temporary solution to the problem

Back pain, back giving in the foot - reasons, treatment

Back pain, lower back, radiating in the leg is one of the most frequent complaints of the population, especially over 35 years old.

This makes one think about the fact that a modern urban resident, since childhood, has been leading a life that is not harmonious with nature, producing uneven loads on the spine throughout the day - with a long sitting position, standing, the condition of the back muscles is always in tension, and relaxation is not occurs.

Moreover, after a long stay in a sitting position, a person can perform extreme physical exertion in the gym, swimming pool, etc.

The causes of pain in the back, giving up in the leg very much, and to understand the etiology of its appearance, sometimes it is necessary to address at once to several experts - to the neurologist, the orthopedist, the osteopath, the gynecologist, the urologist, gastroenterologist.

The cause of the pain giving up in the foot depending on the place of irradiation

  • Back pain, gives to the upper part of the leg, thighs

This pain syndrome often happens against the background of protrusion or prolapse of the intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine.

Also radicular lumbosacral pains occur also with tumor processes in the sacral plexus, tumors of the spinal cord, bursitis of the tendons gluteus muscles, if there is a violation of sweating, it can also be caused by vasculitis-neuropathy of the sciatic nerve (ischemic character).

  • Dull pain in the back, lower back and back of the foot

It can be a pear-shaped muscle syndrome - neuropathy, pinching, sciatica nerve inflammation.

Most often, pain occurs at the point of exit of the sciatic nerve in the region of the pear-shaped muscle and spreads along the back surface of the thigh, up to the foot.

With coarse compression, pinching the sciatic nerve, it is possible to develop atrophy of the gluteal region.

  • Pain in the back, giving back to the side of the leg

This localization - lamp-like pain can be caused by an intervertebral hernia, when the upper lumbar spines are affected, manifested by acute lumbago, weakness of the hip muscle, with pathology of the femoral joint, it can be accompanied by pseudo-root irradiation. If burning pains occur in the lateral region of the thigh - this may be a tunnel syndrome of the external cutaneous nerve of the thigh - the parietal Roth-Bernard meralgia.

Meralgia is a pain on the external surface of the skin of the thigh due to the fact that the nerve is compressed by the inguinal ligament or fascia.

For example, in pregnancy, in obese people who are overweight.

In addition to pain during movement, there are paresthesia (crawling, tingling) or a decrease in sensitivity (numbness). In rest all symptoms, as a rule, pass.

  • Pain, gives to the front surface of the leg, thighs

This syndrome is caused by the defeat of the femoral nerve, mainly arising after surgery in the lower abdomen, or hernia repair.

These injuries are additionally accompanied by loss of the knee reflex, sensitive disorders, weakness of the thigh muscle. while motor disorders will be more pronounced than pain.

Very severe back pain irradiating to the limb can occur simultaneously with the atrophy of the hip muscles, which is observed with anticoagulant treatment and the development of retroperitoneal hematoma (accumulation of blood in the retroperitoneal space), as well as diabetes if asymmetric proximal Neuropathy.

Pain on the front surface of the thigh in combination with a violation of the 4-th chapter of the thigh muscle (difficult to unbend the shin and flex the hip) strongly pronounced - lesions 3-4 lumbar roots.

  • Simultaneous pain in the knee and lower back

In the knee joint, pain can be combined with pain in the lower back with orthopedic disorders of the femoral joint.

And also with oncological diseases of female genital organs, in men with prostate cancer.

In fractures of the pelvic bones, numbness of the skin, crawling and pain in the region of the nerve are sometimes irradiated to the medial region of the knee joint.

  • Pain in upper, middle back

These pains are caused by excessive muscular activity, overexertion, intercostal traumatic neuropathy, and the disease of Sheyerman or Bekhterev, spondylitis, transverse myelitis, spondylosis of the thoracic region, spinal tumors.

  • Pain in the lumbar region

Most of these pains are caused by diseases of an orthopedic nature - spondylosis, osteochondrosis, spondylolisthesis, lesions of the lumbar disc or their degeneration.

And also an arachnoid cyst in the sacral region, local muscular densification in the gluteal muscles, with sciatic nerve inflammation.

Night pain in young men can be due to Bekhterev's disease.

However, one should know that not in all cases, when the pain in the lower back, in the foot, causes serve disorders in the spine, there are many other pathological processes causing this syndrome.

Diseases of the orthopedic nature

We list the possible pathological, inflammatory, degenerative processes in the spine, which can contribute to the development of compression lesions of blood vessels, membranes, rootlets, the brain.

  • Osteoporosis
  • Lumbar spondylosis, spondylolisthesis, stenosis, ankylosing spondylitis
  • Prolapse, protrusion of the disk
  • Fracture of vertebra, myeloma, vertebral tumors
  • Recklinghausen's disease, Paget's disease, congenital deformities
  • Sacralization, lumbarization
  • Osteophytes, vertebrae osteomyelitis
  • Faceted syndrome

Diseases not of an orthopedic character

In addition, the following diseases are not associated with disorders of the musculoskeletal system:

  • Tunnel syndromes are neuropathies of various origins: the sciatic nerve, the lateral nerve of the thigh, the lumbar, obstructive, femoral, common peroneal nerve
  • Postherpetic neuralgia, herpetic ganglionitis
  • Metabolic polyneuropathies and mononeuropathies
  • Neurinoma of spinal root
  • Tumors of the spinal cord
  • Spinal syphilis
  • Epidural hematoma or abscess
  • Chronic meningitis or carcinomatosis of meninges
  • Reflex sympathetic dystrophy is a regional complex pain syndrome
  • Plexopathy, syringomyelia
  • Caulking tail cauda or intermittent claudication
  • Acute spinal cord injury

Other causes of pain

Other causes of pain in the back, giving in the leg can be various diseases, such as: gynecological inflammatory and oncological processes, myeloma, tuberculosis osteoarthritis, tuberculosis of the kidneys, female genital organs (tubalpinitis), kidney, urinary tract diseases, syphilis, sarcoidosis, femoral artery occlusion, brucellosis, polymyositis, duodenal ulcer, frustrating aortic aneurysm, pancreatitis, ectopic pregnancy (symptoms), post-injection complications, hormonal spondylopathy, coxarthrosis.

Diagnosis and treatment

Based on the above, it becomes clear that the reasons for such pain in the back, radiating in the leg can be very much. If the patient is concerned about such pain, treatment should be started only after a thorough diagnosis.

When referring to a doctor, a patient may be offered a number of different diagnostic procedures and analyzes, the result of which the specialist will establish the disease and appoint the appropriate treatment:

  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity organs
  • Neuro-orthopedic examination
  • X-ray, MRI, CT of the anus and lumbar spine, positron emission tomography
  • EMG - electromyography
  • General, biochemical blood test, general urine analysis
  • Seeding and research of cerebrospinal fluid
  • Sometimes other tests may be required: determination of glucose tolerance, x-ray of the limb, scanning bones, biopsy of muscle, nerve, lymph node, ultrasound of blood flow, sigmoidoscopy, check of arterial pressure in extremities.

It is clear that the treatment of one pathology can be completely contraindicated in any other violation.

Only after an accurate diagnosis is established, appropriate therapy is possible.

With very severe pain, the doctor, before clarifying the final diagnosis, can prescribe various painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs - ointments for back pain, injections for back pain.

A source: http://zdravotvet.ru/bol-v-poyasnice-spine-otdaet-v-nogu-prichiny-lechenie/

Pain in the lower back gives in the right foot: causes and methods of treatment

Back pain, which gives the right leg and other parts of the body, is a common complaint of modern people.

Most often, older people and future mothers suffer from unpleasant sensations, although cases of the appearance of a problem at an earlier age have become much more frequent recently.

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Initially, such a symptom is eliminated quite easily, but as progression can lead to disruption of the internal organs, paralysis or even death.

Where is the problematic site

It so happened that most people do not know the cause of back pain, in the lumbar region and do not consider them quite serious, but in vain. Such symptoms can be quite dangerous.

This department represents the final part of the spine and connects the upper and lower half of the human body.

As medical practice shows, this part of the back bothers most often, because it has the maximum load. There are a lot of nerve endings that can be jammed and inflamed under the influence of various reasons.

Problems with the musculoskeletal system

It is not possible to determine the presence of any disease due to the presence of pain syndrome.

Causes of back pain, in the lumbar region, can be as follows:

  1. Problems with the sciatic nerve (lumboschialgia, ischialgia).
  2. Pathology of the vertebrae (lumbarization).
  3. Diseases associated with defects in discs (lumbalgia).
  4. Inflammation of the nerve roots and problems with the vertebral column all over (radicular radiculitis).
  5. Neoplasms (hernias, protrusions, benign and malignant tumors).
  6. Complex diseases (osteochondrosis).

Pathology of internal organs

In some cases, pain in the lower back gives in the right foot and can be a symptom of the diseases:

  • gastrointestinal tract (colitis, hemorrhoids, tumors, fistula, necrosis, intestinal obstruction);
  • liver and biliary tract (hepatitis, cholecystitis, dyskinesia, the presence of gallstones);
  • urinary system (cystitis, cysts, pyelonephritis, stones in the kidneys, ureter);
  • genitals (prostatitis, inflammation of the ovaries, malignant neoplasms, cysts).

Often the symptom is caused by a combination of the above reasons.

Other factors

Often the pain in the back, radiating into the leg, can be caused:

  • lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • systemic damage to bone tissue (osteoporosis);
  • pregnancy;
  • strong physical activity or lack of physical activity;
  • stress;
  • overweight;
  • long stay in an uncomfortable position;
  • viral diseases;
  • vegetative vascular dystonia;
  • inflammation of nerve endings.

The list of factors, one way or another associated with the development of the pain syndrome, is quite extensive, so you should not make a diagnosis yourself. Their assumptions about the root cause of pain can be voiced by a doctor, to whom they, perhaps, will help to understand the situation.

When you should be alert

If the pain in the lower back gives in the right leg, it worries many. But very few people turn to the doctor, especially if it is insignificant and is well eliminated with the help of anesthetics from a home medicine chest.

For this reason, most of the diagnosed diseases are already in a neglected form and are difficult to treat. Therefore, all patients need to observe their condition and necessarily visit a doctor if present:

  • strong piercing or prolonged sluggish pain;
  • numbness of limbs;
  • loss of sensitivity;
  • sensation of crawling;
  • lumbago in the right or left leg, buttocks, scapula;
  • migraine, dizziness;
  • the appearance of black dots in front of the eyes.

Such conditions can be very dangerous, so do not take any medications. In most cases, they remove only symptomatic manifestations, the cause remains and is often aggravated.


What to do with low back pain, is of interest to many. To find out the reason and make an accurate diagnosis it is necessary to come to a consultation with a physician-therapist who, after a preliminary examination, will give a further direction to:

  • X-ray of the problem area;
  • a common blood and urine test.

If he has additional suspicions, the list can be supplemented:

After receiving all the necessary data, the patient will be given a referral to the following specialists:

  • the neurologist;
  • traumatologist;
  • nephrologist;
  • the venereologist;
  • urologist;
  • gynecologist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • the surgeon;
  • the oncologist.

Most often it is necessary to visit several doctors at once, especially when the diagnosis is in doubt.

Treatment with medicines

Treatment of low back pain requires an integrated approach and is selected depending on many factors:

  • underlying disease;
  • the severity of the condition;
  • the presence of severe pain and inflammation;
  • age and sex;
  • the presence of pregnancy, lactation, etc.

The main goals of the treatment:

  • elimination of the cause of the disease;
  • relief of discomfort;
  • reduction of pain;
  • removal of inflammation;
  • restoration of joint mobility;
  • prevention of nerve strain.

If the reason lies in the pathologies of the spine, then most often appointed:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs (oral and in the form of gels, ointments);
  • anesthetics;
  • vitamins and minerals;
  • drugs that promote the restoration of cartilaginous tissue.

In the presence of pathology of internal organs, treatment is selected individually and requires an integrated approach.

It is strictly forbidden to apply the methods of traditional medicine, since many pathologies rapidly progress (for example, cancer), and a patient who does not contact a doctor in a timely manner loses the precious time.


If there were pains in the lower back, they can be perfectly eliminated with the help of a set of special exercises.

Their main action is aimed at restoring the metabolic processes occurring in the problem area.

Correctly selected gymnastics allows:

  • to establish nutrition of the affected department;
  • provide a complete blood supply;
  • increase the elasticity of muscles, the main task of which is to maintain the skeleton.

It should be borne in mind that the choice of a set of exercises should be the attending physician, because incorrect and abrupt movements can greatly aggravate the problem, up to the need to carry out the operation.

During the therapy, it is necessary to know that:

  1. The first lessons are supervised by the trainer, then home treatment is allowed.
  2. In cases of exacerbation of the disease, charging is not done - it is very harmful. To begin with, anesthetic and anti-inflammatory treatment is carried out, and then they return to the gym. Sometimes with the permission of the attending physician, you can do simple exercises that do not cause discomfort.
  3. You can not add or remove movements from the recommended list.
  4. If pain arises during training, it is worth telling the doctor, and before doing so, postpone the performance.
  5. Sharp jerks, turns can be very harmful, so all the exercises do slowly and smoothly.
  6. Do not allow the occurrence of shortness of breath.
  7. Loads should be alternated with rest. Between each approach, the break is about 30-60 seconds.
  8. Extremely useful for the spine on the horizontal bar. It allows to form a correct posture, and in some cases to eliminate the pain associated with the infringement of the lumbar nerve.


These procedures can be performed as an adjunctive therapy for osteochondrosis of the terminal back and other degenerative changes in this area.

Indications for the use of the method are:

  • chronic diseases of the terminal spine;
  • state of remission;
  • pinched nerves;
  • muscular pain localized on the pathological site.

Absolute contraindication to such treatment is aggravation. In this case, first prescribe symptomatic therapy, and then go to massage.

It is forbidden to conduct it when:

  • osteomyelitis;
  • oncological and other tumors;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • acute viral and bacterial infections accompanied by fever;
  • pathologies of the lymphatic system;
  • varicose veins.

The procedure is carried out by one of the methods recommended by the doctor.

Apply the following types of massage:

  • vacuum;
  • canned;
  • classical;
  • point;
  • Thai;
  • honey.

This kind of treatment can be an excellent preparation before the daily exercise complex.


"What to do with back pain, if the complex treatment has not yielded positive results?" - often asked by patients who have undergone a course of ineffective therapy. In this case, surgical intervention can be performed, but doctors resort to this method in extreme cases, when one can not do without it.

Indications for surgery on the terminal spine can be:

  1. Complications in the form of disruption of the internal organs.
  2. Paralysis.
  3. Parezy feet.
  4. Unbearable pain, not eliminated by medication.

In cases where a herniated intervertebral disc is detected, the operation is not always carried out. If possible, first apply conservative methods, physiotherapy and so on.

Such intervention is quite dangerous for the patient, because there is always a chance of complications that can cause negative consequences.

Possible complications

In the absence of timely diagnosis, the traumatic pain in the lower back and right leg can result in the following consequences for the patient:

  • various paralysis, paresis;
  • violation of the internal organs of the small pelvis;
  • the appearance of hernias;
  • serious bone marrow problems;
  • spondylosis;
  • spondylarthrosis;
  • osteophytosis;
  • lameness.

These are very serious diseases, so it's worth seriously thinking about ignoring the next signal from your body.

Preventive actions

In most cases, if the pain in the lower back gives in the right foot, then it arises as a consequence of the unhealthy lifestyle, therefore, in order to prevent an unpleasant symptom, several simple advice:

  1. Include in your diet more foods containing calcium, such as whole milk, cottage cheese, kefir, etc. You can periodically drink a course of vitamins and minerals. It is this substance that is one of the most important building blocks of the human skeleton.
  2. Regularly eat meat with cartilage and tendons. Such products help restore your own backbone tissue. There are many pharmacy products of this kind.
  3. To live an active lifestyle. Walk a little more on foot, do a daily uncomplicated exercise, swim in the pool, etc. This is necessary to strengthen the back muscles that support the spine.
  4. Say goodbye to bad habits. Alcohol and nicotine are extremely harmful to the human body, gradually destroying it from the inside. Drinking and smoking people think less about physical activity, since extra movements cause severe fatigue.
  5. Avoid heavy physical exertion. Lifting weights can provoke serious illness.
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Based on all of the above, we can conclude: if the patient has low back pain and the right leg is numb, and also other parts of the body - this can be a rather dangerous symptom.

Self-medication is contraindicated in this case.

In order to prevent serious problems in the future, it is necessary to deal with the health of your back with an early youth, otherwise it will later have to pay for an unhealthy lifestyle with osteochondrosis, radiculitis and other.

A source: http://.ru/article/324094/bol-v-poyasnitse-otdaet-v-pravuyu-nogu-prichinyi-i-metodyi-lecheniya

Pain in the lower back giving in the leg

The most common reason for contacting a neurologist is back pain, giving back to the legs. Unfortunately, with such complaints to the doctors come not only the elderly, but also quite young people 30-35 years old, and sometimes even teenagers.

It is worth noting that back pain - these are very serious symptoms that require speedy diagnosis, staging accurate diagnosis and, of course, treatment, because the disease can quickly become chronic, which complicates the process treatment.

The main causes of lumbar pain, giving in the leg

In the case when the lower back pain and gives in the leg, it is important to determine the root cause of this condition.

Pain in the sacrum, giving to the feet, belong to the following groups of diseases:

  1. Neurodystrophic diseases characterized by very severe pain. Spasm develops mainly at night. In addition to the pain syndrome, metabolic processes in the nerve fibers, in the skin integuments are disturbed. Usually the skin on the legs is thinned, and in the absence of the necessary treatment, trophic ulcers may appear.
  2. Muscular-tonic diseases, manifested by the strongest painful contraction of both the muscles of the waist and the muscles in the legs. Such spasms are combined with compensatory deformation of the spine to the side or forward (scoliosis and lordosis, respectively). Due to severe curvature of the spine, movements in the lumbar region and in the limbs are significantly restricted.
  3. Vegetative-vascular diseases, in which there is numbness, the extremity can feel hot, or, conversely, cold. The leg is cooler and paler than healthy. The most unpleasant sensations appear during movement.

In general, if the loin hurts on the right and gives pain also to the right leg, then most likely there are diseases in right-sided internal organs and vice versa, the pain on the left side of the waist, respectively, giving in the left leg, signals the diseases of the left-sided bodies. And also it can mean the development of the inflammatory process due to tissue dystrophy or a jammed nerve.

Diseases accompanied by lumbar pain

There are a number of diseases, due to which there is pain in the lower back and legs:

  • pathology and trauma of the spinal column;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • loss of the disk;
  • obesity;
  • stressful conditions;
  • tuberculosis of the kidneys, bones of female genital organs;
  • displacement of intervertebral discs;
  • radiculitis;
  • prolapse;
  • disc protrusion;
  • stenosis;
  • Infectious inflammation of the vertebrae (osteomyelitis);
  • bone pathological growths (osteophyte, syndesmophyte);
  • inflammatory processes of the spinal column (spondylitis);
  • degeneration of the vertebrae (spondylosis);
  • radicular syndrome;
  • meningitis in chronic form;
  • infectious disease brucellosis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • kidney disease;
  • abscess;
  • foci of inflammation in the body;
  • supercooling;
  • peptic ulcer of the duodenum;
  • circulatory problems;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • tumor processes.

With a sharp turn of the trunk, as well as when lifting weights, so-called sciatica may develop, in which the pain in the sacrum extends to the leg and buttocks.

Chronic or subacute lumbar pain, in which the legs grow numb and swell, was called lumbulgia.

This pain is manifested when the intervertebral disc structure is damaged.

Lumboeishalgia is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • A sharp paroxysmal pain disrupts the function of the loin (manifested when trying to stand up, change position).
  • At night, aches become aching.
  • Feeling numbness of the feet, up to a partial loss of their sensitivity.
  • Burning in the gluteal muscles, transmitted leg.
  • Change in the color of the skin due to blood flow disorders.
  • After a long stay on foot, walking, there is a stabbing pain.
  • Lifting weights, a long stay in the sitting position, because of what the loin can whine.

It is known that when the nerves are jammed the waist also hurts and gives in the leg, a hernia, osteochondrosis or oncology may provoke such a condition. The pain in these cases is paroxysmal, severe, and with physical stress even more increasing.

The pain of the lumbar spine, giving up in the leg, can arise due to physical overload, for example, after a gym or because of hard work.

It is necessary to allocate one more reason of occurrence of painful symptoms in a loin, transferred in a leg is disorders in the development of the spine and the violation of muscle, nerve tissue, caused by genetic predisposition.

Methods of diagnosis

When you do not know the reasons for which the lower back pains and gives pain to the butt and leg, aching, or, on the contrary, sharp and paroxysmal, you should not hesitate to visit the medical institution.

With such complaints, you may need to consult several specialists simultaneously: a therapist, a gastroenterologist, orthopedist, neurologist and urologist (gynecologist), because the causes of pain, as already mentioned earlier, can be a variety of disease.

After the examination, it is more likely that the therapist will send the patient to a specialist of narrower specialization.

For accurate diagnosis of pain in the sacrum, the following procedures are performed:

  • Clinical analysis of urine.
  • The blood test is clinical and advanced biochemical.
  • Measurement of blood pressure.
  • Bacteriological culture of cerebrospinal fluid.
  • Ultrasonic examination of blood flow, internal organs.
  • CT scan.
  • Method of magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Electromyography.
  • Roentgen legs.
  • Muscle biopsy.

In some cases, additional examinations are carried out, including: glucose tolerance test, osteoscintigraphy, excision of lymph nodes, sigmoidoscopy.

Of course, that therapy, conducted with one violation, can be absolutely contraindicated in any other pathology. Therefore, the establishment of an accurate diagnosis is extremely important, and only after being sure of its correctness, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment.

Effective methods of treatment

Various pathologies of the spine are treated, as a rule, by conservative methods. The most effective methods are:

  1. Medicamentous treatment, including the use of anti-inflammatory drugs with analgesic properties (Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Ketanol, Voltaren), and muscle relaxants (Midokalm). Appointed as anesthetics, relieving pain symptoms, but not curing the root cause of pain (Trigan, Cetarol, Baralgin, Sedalgin). Doctors can recommend taking antispasmodics that normalize blood circulation and remove muscle fiber contractions (Nigexin, Trental, Euphyllin, No-shpa). Appointed also anti-edema drugs that reduce rubbing in the area of ​​the jammed nerve (preparations containing anesthesin, snake venom, Butadion, extract of horse chestnut). To improve the protective properties of the body, doctors often recommend additionally taking vitamin medications (Neurobex, Magne B6, Neuromultivitis). To normalize the patient's condition, it is also necessary to loosen the loins and strengthen the vessels, for which injections, ointments, cold and warm compresses are used. In addition to the above drugs, recipes of traditional medicine can be recommended.
  2. Physiotherapeutic agents (laser therapy, magnetotherapy, electrophoresis - ionophoresis with medicinal substances).
  3. Osteopathic and manual techniques. The use of massages allows you to stretch the muscles, relax, and put the vertebrae in place. At home it is convenient to use the applicator Kuznetsov and other mechanical and electric massagers.

If the loin hurts and gives in the foot due to the presence of intervertebral hernia of large size, osteomyelitis or tumors, then surgical intervention can be used.

If urolithiasis or urolithiasis is diagnosed, then, as a rule, analgesics, litholytic and antispasmodics are prescribed. Surgical intervention (cystolithotomy) can be indicated in emergencies.

It often hurts the waist and pulls the leg with diseases of OMT in women, for the treatment of which doctors prescribe anti-inflammatory medications.


Everyone knows that no problem related to the musculoskeletal system can be solved only medically, without physical exertion.

Properly selected set of therapeutic exercises, the regularity of their performance effectively normalizes muscle tone, improves well-being.

Relief from painful sensations is possible due to therapeutic gymnastics, however, the loads should be dosed. You can count yoga as a gentle option.

However, it should be understood that physical exercises can benefit if there are no severe pains, otherwise the health condition will only worsen. If the waist hurts and gives in the left leg, the right leg or in the side, then with the physical therapy it is worthwhile to wait.

Preventive actions

Any preventive measures for lumbar pain are always aimed at eliminating the causes that lead to back pain, which can give in the leg.

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It is very important not to allow the supercooling of the back, legs and body as a whole to not be in drafts. Physical overload, lifting of heavy objects are unacceptable.


Women should not abuse uncomfortable shoes on a high rise, heels, as the load on the spine increases due to the displacement of the center of gravity.


All year round the food should be high-grade, balanced vitaminized and moderate, due to what will remain in normal weight and, accordingly, the burden on the spine will decrease, destructive processes in the nerves and in cartilage.

If necessary, patients for preventive purposes can be assigned chondroprotectors - medications that improve the functioning of intervertebral disks, blocking the degenerative processes in them.

If the pain in the lower back gives in the leg, then no matter if this pain is sharp, dull, aching, or of a different kind, it should never be tolerated or attempted to cure yourself.

Any pharmaceutical preparations, as well as home medicines, are allowed to be used only after consulting with an experienced specialist, having obtained his permission.

And, of course, do not forget about the measures to prevent back pain, in order to maintain your health for many years.

A source: https://MoiPozvonochnik.ru/otdely-pozvonochnika/poyasnichnyiy-otdel/bol-v-poyasnitse-otdayushhaya-v-nogu

Why does the loin ache and give in the foot, the main reasons and methods of diagnosis

Back pain gives in the foot - this problem often worries people over 35 years old. However, most often, pathology begins to develop much earlier.

Since early childhood, due to an incorrect distribution of the load on the spine, a constant tension is created for the muscles of the back.

As a result, deviations appear after many years.

You can see such a person on the street by a limping gait. Often, each step is accompanied by pain.

This symptomatology is not a separate disease. If the pain in the lower back gives in the leg, most likely, the fault is the deviations of adjacent systems.

Generalized pain syndrome was called lumboschialgia.

More about the issue

The term lumboscialgia helps to group the common causes causing pain in the back and legs.

The most common causes of the development of pathology are physical activity and severe hypothermia of the body.

But due to the fact that the pain syndrome symbolizes the violation of individual systems and organs, it is impossible to establish a permanent character and localization of pain.

Doctors say that the pain can be strong, weak, aching or burning. Discomfort radiates to the legs or lower back.


Thanks to numerous studies, specialists have managed to establish that the pain in the lower back giving off in the leg has different clinical manifestations:

  1. Neurodystrophic. This deviation is accompanied by burning pain in the legs. Often, acute pain becomes stronger by night. Running cases are accompanied by various complications: thinning of the skin and other trophic disorders.
  2. Vegetative-vascular. A characteristic syndrome is that the limb is numb. Can be taken away like the whole leg, and stop. Visually, the foot becomes pale and cold to the touch, when compared with a healthy one. The disease is accompanied by heat and chilliness. Changing the horizontal position to the vertical, hurts the lower back and gives in the leg. This is due to the hypertonicity of blood vessels.
  3. Muscular-tonic. Appears aching pain, accompanying spasms. It touches the lower back, breaking the mechanics of the lumbar segments. Pathology often depends on the spine, or rather, on its condition. If the lower back and legs hurts, there is a probability of kyphosis, scoliosis and similar abnormalities.

It should be understood that the forms of lumboschialgia can be combined. Moreover, the symptomatology is not constantly observed.

Pain sensations have a different frequency and are often replaced by remission.

Therefore, it is difficult to detect the disease in time, which has become the root cause of why the lower back hurts or the legs are numb.

Causes of pain

Strong back pain giving in the leg is easier to prevent than cure. Therefore, it is important to know what to do to prevent pain.

It is important to know that the pain giving up in the leg arises for different reasons. Often, treatment is carried out by several doctors at once. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the etiology of the pain syndrome, and only then take response measures that are correctly directed to the source of the deviations.

Discomfort of the upper part

Symptomatic of this nature often indicates the development of protrusions. If the case when the pain gives to the thigh, is started, the prolapse of the intervertebral hernia, which affects the lumbar region, is possible.

There are several other diseases associated with radicular pain:

  • brucit tendons of the buttocks;
  • the appearance of education in the sacral plexus;
  • tumor processes in the spinal cord.

When the back hurts and gives to the upper part of the leg, the source of the problem may be vasculitis or neuropathy of the sciatic nerve. Such diseases are often accompanied by a violation of sweating.

Spreading on the back of the thigh

Pain of stupid character, affects the pear-shaped muscle, where the sciatic nerve emerges. Irradiates on the back of the reed, to the very feet.

Legs can get sick due to a lesion of the sciatic nerve. Deviations are of several types:

  • inflammation;
  • Neuropathy;
  • jamming.

Occurrence of pain syndrome from the side

When the waist hurts and gives in the left leg, it is recommended to be examined for an intervertebral hernia. As a rule, the defeat of the upper lumbar roots leads to a weakening of the femoral muscles and the appearance of unpleasant sensations on the right or left.

The appearance of burning pain, which gives in the right leg, speaks of another pathology - a tunnel syndrome that affects the external cutaneous nerve of the femoral part of the foot. The disease is also known as the "parothetic Roth-Bernard Meralgia"

When the waist is hurting and lows in the left or right, physicians can diagnose the metalgia. This disease worries obese people, as well as pregnant women.

Pain syndrome is explained by high loads on the nerve, which is pinched by the fascia or inguinal ligament. Hips can numb or become covered with goosebumps - the most common symptoms for this disease.

Unpleasant sensations in front

The defeat of the femoral nerve leads to the fact that the waist suffers and gives in the leg in front. Such symptomatology often occurs during the postoperative period in patients undergoing hernia repair and other surgical interventions affecting the lower abdomen.

Among other characteristic symptoms are:

  • weakness of the femoral muscle;
  • impaired motor function;
  • the legs are removed;
  • prolapse of the knee reflex.

It is worth paying attention to the pain in the lower back giving in the foot and the reasons for their appearance. Discomfort is often accompanied by atrophy of the femoral muscle.

Complication is possible with asymmetric proximal neuropathy if the patient suffers from diabetes mellitus.

The problem also arises from the use of anticoagulants, which help fill the retroperitoneal space with blood.

Orthopedic diseases

The cause of the appearance of unpleasant sensations, there may be one or more diseases associated with degenerative processes of the spine. They include:

  • osteophytes;
  • prolapse;
  • faceted syndrome;
  • Sacralization;
  • congenital disorders;
  • osteoporosis;
  • stenosis;
  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • fractures.

Violation of adjacent systems

In medical practice, there are cases when pain in the back is not associated with abnormalities of the musculoskeletal mechanism. These include the following diseases:

  • swelling of the spinal cord;
  • tunnel syndrome;
  • spinal syphilis;
  • radicular neurinoma;
  • epidural hematoma;
  • plekospatiya;
  • chronic meningitis;
  • irregular spinal circulation;
  • metabolic abnormalities.

Troubleshooting and Troubleshooting

It is clear that the reasons, because of which the back hurts and pulls the leg, can be very much. Therefore, if the lumbar region breaks, and pain begins to give to the extremities, you should consult a doctor for advice.

Complex diagnostics includes many procedures and analyzes:

  • electromyography;
  • neuroorthopedic examination;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  • sowing of liquor;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • biochemistry of blood;
  • radiography;
  • MRI and CT.

In rare cases, in order to prescribe the safest treatment possible, the doctor can prescribe specific tests:

  • X-ray of the foot;
  • determination of glucose tolerance;
  • biopsy of the diseased muscle;
  • scanning of bones;
  • Ultrasound of blood flow;
  • the study of the lymph node and nerve;
  • monitoring of arterial pressure;
  • sigmoidoscopy.

A temporary solution to the problem

Pain syndrome, given in the lower limbs, may indicate the development of a more serious disease.

Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you consult a doctor before a consultation before starting self-treatment.

However, there are situations when you need to quickly get rid of pain at home for a while.

The easiest and most effective way is to adopt the embryo position.

If one leg hurts:

  • lie down on a healthy side;
  • pull up a sick leg to the stomach.

If both legs hurt:

  • lie on his back, pulling both legs to his stomach;
  • try not to roll over on the stomach.

Only an experienced specialist, having examined the lower spine and other probable zones of injury, is able to establish the true cause of the deviations.

Based on the information received, the doctor will prescribe a treatment that relieves the pulling pain syndrome, combined with the individual characteristics of the body.

A source: https://spina.help/vopros-otvet/bolit-poyasnitsa-otdaet-v-nogu.html