Exostosis: growths on the bones


  • 1Exostosis: what is it? The causes of the appearance of bone growths and modern methods of their treatment
    • 1.1Exostosis - what is it?
    • 1.2Exostosis and the causes of its formation
    • 1.3Main symptoms
    • 1.4Modern diagnostic methods
    • 1.5Methods of treatment
    • 1.6Exostosis of the bone and possible complications
  • 2Symptoms of exostosis and features of its treatment
    • 2.1Causes of the disease
    • 2.2Classification and diagnostics
    • 2.3Methods of treatment
    • 2.4Folk methods
  • 3Exostosis: symptoms and treatment, exostosis removal, complications, prevention
    • 3.1Causes of exostosis development
    • 3.2Forms and location of exostosis
    • 3.3Diagnosis and treatment of exostosis
    • 3.4Complications
    • 3.5Prevention
  • 4What are exostoses and how should they be treated?
  • 5Osteoma - exostosis: symptoms and treatment
    • 5.1Classification
    • 5.2Osteoid osteoma
    • 5.3Osteophytes (endo- and exostoses)
    • 5.4What is exostosis?
    • 5.5Causes of appearance
    • 5.6Main symptoms
    • 5.7Diagnostic Methods
    • 5.8Methods of treatment
    • 5.9Possible complications
  • instagram viewer
  • 6Heel exostosis
    • 6.1Features of pathology
    • 6.2Varieties
    • 6.3Causes
    • 6.4Symptoms
    • 6.5Treatment
    • 6.6Operation
    • 6.7Conservative treatment
    • 6.8Folk methods

Exostosis: what is it? The causes of the appearance of bone growths and modern methods of their treatment

Often at a doctor's appointment, patients hear a misunderstood diagnosis - exostosis. What it is? How serious can such a disease be? What are the reasons for its occurrence? These questions are of interest to many people who have encountered such a problem.

Exostosis - what is it?

Exostosis is nothing more than a build-up on the surface of the bone. By the way, such neoplasms can have different sizes and shapes. For example, there are growths in the form of a fungus or cauliflower. Bone exostosis consists of compact spongy tissue.

In some cases, build-ups are formed from cartilage. Although, it is worth noting that the term "cartilaginous exostosis" is a bit wrong.

Yes, the neoplasm arises from the cartilaginous elements, but then it becomes stiff, turning into a spongy tissue.

And its surface is covered with hyaline cartilage, which, in fact, is a growth zone.

Exostosis and the causes of its formation

In fact, the reasons for the formation of such build-up may be different. As a rule, neoplasms are the result of excess tissue growth at the site of bone trauma - this is often observed with fractures, fissures, surgical intervention, etc.

But there are other risk factors. According to statistical data, children and adolescents often face such problems, which is often associated with physiological characteristics, namely, the intensity of growth.

In addition, hereditary communication is often tracked. In addition, the causes include various chronic inflammatory diseases of the bones. Sometimes growths appear against the background of fibrositis and inflammation of mucous bags.

The cause may be chondromatosis of bones, as well as aseptic necrosis. Quite often exostoses develop in people suffering from congenital anomalies of the skeleton. In addition, growths may indicate a benign bone tumor, being a complication.

It is worth noting that not always doctors can find out the causes and origin of the disease.

Main symptoms

In most cases, growths do not cause a person any discomfort.

The disease is asymptomatic and is found quite accidentally during a routine examination.

Nevertheless, some people have signs that help diagnose exostosis. What are these symptoms?

First of all, it is worth noting the discomfort and soreness that occurs during movements, pressure on the bone or physical strain (depending on the location of exostosis).

The intensity of these symptoms, as a rule, increases with the growth of the neoplasm. If the built-up edge is closer to the joint, it can significantly limit the amplitude of the movements.

Quite often exostosis can be palpated, sometimes even independently.

Modern diagnostic methods

In fact, such a disease is relatively easy to diagnose.

To suspect the presence of a build-up, the doctor can still during the examination of the patient, since neoplasms in some places are easily probed under the skin.

In addition, an important role in diagnosis is the history and symptoms present.

To confirm the diagnosis, the patient is assigned an X-ray study. Exostosis is easy to see in the picture. By the way, the actual dimensions of the built-up edge, as a rule, are several millimeters larger, since the cartilaginous tissue is not visible on the radiographic image.

In some cases, more research is needed.

In particular, this applies to cases when the build-up rapidly increases in size, because there is always a possibility of malignant cell degeneration.

In such cases, patients are assigned a biopsy, during which tissue samples are taken with further cytological laboratory testing.

Methods of treatment

In fact, in modern medicine, there is only one method of treatment - the removal of exostosis by surgery. Naturally, surgical intervention is not necessary for every patient.

After all, as already mentioned, quite often such growths do not pose any threat to health, and the disease does not occur at all without any visible symptoms.

Surgical removal of exostosis is necessary if the growth is larger or grows too fast. In addition, indications for surgical intervention are severe pain and movement problems.

Some patients agree to surgery if the build-up is a strong cosmetic defect.

Modern methods of medicine can get rid of tumors in the shortest possible time. Bone exostosis is removed through a small incision length of 1-2 centimeters.

Such an operation is considered to be minimally invasive, does not require special training, long hospitalization and rehabilitation - as a rule, after a few days after the procedure, people begin to gradually return to habitual life.

Exostosis of the bone and possible complications

As already mentioned, in some cases even a small bone growth can lead to a lot of problems and affect the quality of life. Moreover, there are some complications with which exostosis is fraught.

What are these problems? First of all, it should be noted that a greatly enlarged neoplasm often rests against neighboring bones, which leads to their gradual deformation.

To complications, it is also possible to include fractures of the legs of exostosis, which, however, is extremely rare. But the greatest danger remains the risk of malignant degeneration.

In some patients, the appearance of such a build-up was a harbinger of the appearance of a tumor - most often the cancer affects the pelvic and hip bones, as well as vertebrae and scapula.

A source: http://.ru/article/143095/ekzostoz-chto-eto-takoe-prichinyi-poyavleniya-kostnyih-narostov-i-sovremennyie-metodyi-ih-lecheniya

Symptoms of exostosis and features of its treatment

About exostosis, very few people know, despite the fact that this disease is not rare. The disease can develop in both a child and an adult. However, most often a person does not even suspect about the disease, since it does not cause any discomfort and is asymptomatic.

Causes of the disease

Exostosis is a bone or bone-cartilaginous growth on the surface of the bone.

It is a benign tumor several millimeters thick, consisting of cartilaginous tissue. But as the growth grows, the tumor hardens and becomes transformed into a bone growth.

The disease can develop even in a young child, but up to 7-8 years, as a rule, does not manifest itself.

In most cases, it is diagnosed during adolescence during the examination.

The danger of bone-cartilaginous exostosis lies in the fact that it can not manifest itself for a very long time, growing to enormous dimensions.

Although it is quite easy to diagnose it: the outgrowth is probed under the skin. Also, neoplasms are seen on an x-ray.

The causes of the disease are as follows:

  • injuries and injuries in childhood and adolescence, when there is an intensive growth of tissues;
  • chronic diseases of the osseous system;
  • complications after inflammatory processes in the body;
  • congenital anomalies of the skeleton;
  • excess calcium in the body settling on the bones;
  • heredity.

When exostosis can be observed several growths. Sometimes their number reaches several tens. They can be of different sizes and shapes. There are growths in the form of a ball, an inverted bowl and even in the form of a flower.

Classification and diagnostics

Usually, neoplasms are noticed during an x-ray examination.

However, in the picture only the ossified part of the built-up edge is noticeable, and the cartilaginous "cap" that covers the growth is invisible.

Therefore, the actual size of the neoplasm is always greater than seen in the X-ray image. But X-ray examination perfectly shows the number, shape and stage of development of tumors.

Exostosis manifests itself in different ways. Most often the disease can develop for years, until it is discovered by a doctor. But there are cases when the tumor presses on the nerve endings and blood vessels. Then the person experiences painful sensations at pressing on the certain sites of a body or feels a numbness.

If the build-up is located next to the joint, then it limits the movement of the limbs. Sometimes exostosis is accompanied by dizziness. In such cases, the patient undergoes additional examinations.

If the disease develops with complications, and the growth itself grows rapidly, there is a risk of transformation of the tumor into a malignant tumor.

Then a tissue biopsy is performed to better study the development of the disease.

The disease is divided into 2 types:

  1. A solitary exostosis, manifested as a single outgrowth.
  2. Multiple chondrodysplasia, characterized by several neoplasms. Multiple growths appear immediately in several areas. It is this type of disease that is hereditary.

Most often, exostosis is diagnosed on such parts of the body:

  • collarbone;
  • the hip joint;
  • Shoulder joint;
  • tibia;
  • edge;
  • scapula.

In half the cases, the exostosis of the femur and the tibia is diagnosed.

One of the most severe types of disease is exostosis of the spine.

A tumor on the spine can hit the spinal cord, leading to abnormalities in his work. Edge exostoses of vertebral bodies interfere with their normal mobility.

In addition, vertebral growths often turn into malignant formations.

Exostosis of the knee joint is no less dangerous. A growing tumor causes inflammation and leads to deformation of the joint, disrupting its function.

Brushes and feet are less likely to be affected. Usually, hereditary exostosis of the calcaneus and metatarsal bone is detected.

Methods of treatment

Exostosis is treated only in one way - an operation. However, some patients may not need surgery. Usually the operation is prescribed to children who have reached adulthood.

Up to this time, the build-up may decrease and completely resolve. For example, exostosis of the rib that behaves in children 8-18 years old behaves.

In most cases, it is a complication of various diseases and eventually spontaneously.

If the bone growth does not increase and does not cause any discomfort, then some people live with him all his life, from time to time being seen by the doctor.

Indications for removing exostoses are:

  • significant tumor size or rapid growth;
  • risk of transformation of growths into malignant neoplasms;
  • painful sensations due to the pressure of the build-up on the vessels and nerve endings;
  • various cosmetic defects.
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As a rule, surgery to remove tumors does not require special preparation. Neoplasms are removed along with the periosteum adjacent to the tumor in order to avoid relapse.

Operations are carried out under general anesthesia, as well as under local anesthesia, if the case is uncomplicated.

Even after surgery on the site of the hip or foot, the patient returns to a full life in a few weeks.

When the affected area of ​​the body should be taken care of, it is immobilized after a surgery for some time with a gypsum lint. Then the patient undergoes a course of rehabilitation procedures. With all medical recommendations, the patient is quickly restored.

Only in rare cases, complications occur when the disease recurs. The growth appears again and is a harbinger of malignant neoplasms. Most often, a malignant tumor affects the vertebrae, the hip bone and pelvis, and also the scapula.

Folk methods

Despite the fact that exostosis is a disease that requires surgical intervention, many are trying to cure bone growth in the home.

Some are turning to folk healers, others take information from the Internet, viewing questionable photos of treatment and using unproven recipes.

Unfortunately, self-medication often only complicates the situation.

As a rule, patients start treatment with folk remedies when the bone growth produces a great discomfort. To calm the pain, many make herbal compresses and lotions. Such methods do not harm the health, but exostosis is not treated.

Not having achieved the result with the help of herbal prescriptions, patients pass to radical drugs - painkillers and various ointments. However, similar methods are fraught with complications.

  1. First, the thoughtless use of painkillers negatively affects such internal organs as the liver, kidneys and stomach.
  2. Secondly, a benign tumor can turn into a malignant formation, and drugs used without an appointment, only accelerate this dangerous process.

Nevertheless, folk methods are not so harmful in the treatment of exostosis, if they are of a preventive nature. First of all it concerns a way of life.

Normal nutrition, strengthening of immunity, exercise - all this protects from the development of exostosis, even when getting injured.

Some diseases of the internal organs can also provoke the appearance of a tumor on the bones. To prevent this from happening, you need to carefully monitor your health and in time to treat various ailments.

Doctors often prescribe to patients various compresses and baths to reduce pain syndrome or to remove puffiness. The use of home methods is possible even after the operation, however, no prescription should be used without consulting the attending physician.

A source: https://OrtoCure.ru/kosti-i-sustavy/drugoe/ekzostoz.html

Exostosis: symptoms and treatment, exostosis removal, complications, prevention

Exostosis - bone or bone-cartilaginous growth of the bone of non-tumor etiology.

Initially, a bone develops on the bone, consisting of cartilaginous tissue, which later becomes more rigid, gradually degenerating into a spongy bone.

The surface of the newly formed bone remains covered with cartilage, which solidifies.

This cycle can be repeated to infinity, providing growth of a tumor. The process proceeds painlessly, developing extremely slowly.

The maximum tumor size reaches ten centimeters or more.

Neoplasm is manifested, as a rule, in the period of growth of bones and the formation of the skeleton in adolescence.

Causes of exostosis development Forms and location of exostosis Diagnosis and treatment of exostosis Complications Prevention

Causes of exostosis development

According to some experts, hereditary abnormalities may serve as the causes of this disease, but this theory has not been scientifically confirmed.

The main factors for the appearance of exostoses are:

  • various inflammatory processes;
  • bruises and bone injuries;
  • disorders of periosteum and cartilage development;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • infectious diseases of various etiologies.

The most significant factor provoking the emergence of exostosis, is the excess of calcium in the human body, which is just deposited on the bones and forms outgrowths.Causes of excess calcium levels can be excessive consumption of dairy products, eggs, parsley, cabbage, hard water.

The second name of an eczostosis is an osteochondroma.

So in medicine is called a benign bone tumor, consisting of bone-cartilaginous tissue.

In early childhood, this disease is diagnosed extremely rarely, its development is observed mainly during puberty in adolescents.

Forms and location of exostosis

Whensolitary formbone-cartilaginous exostosis, there is a single tumor. It is motionless, and can be of different sizes. Expanding to a significant extent, the neoplasm can exert pressure on the nerves, blood and lymph vessels.

The second form ismultiple exostosis chondrodysplasia. In this case, several tumors are observed. It is believed that this particular type of disease is most prone to inheritance.

The favorite places for the localization of exostosis are the femoral and tibia - they account for about half of the cases.

Also in the "risk group" are the hip bone, scapula, collarbone, shoulder joint.

Bones of feet and hands suffer extremely rarely, and on cranial bones cases of appearance of tumors are not officially recorded.

The most dangerous localization of exostosis is the vertebral column.

With the growth of the tumor, it is possible to squeeze the spinal cord, which can lead to serious violations of the central nervous system.

There is also the risk of degeneration of benign education into malignant.

Diagnosis and treatment of exostosis

The disease develops extremely slowly, this process passes absolutely without manifesting any symptoms. Signs in the form of pain, dizziness, headache, numbness of body parts, sensation of goosebumps are possible when the tumor is squeezed by the tumor of blood vessels and nerves.

The disease is either visually (when the growth is large enough), or accidentally during the X-ray diagnosis of other diseases.The final diagnosis of exostosis is established only with the help of an X-ray.

Pay attention: when determining the size and shape of the tumor, you should not forget that in the picture only the bone part of the built-up edge is visible, and the cartilaginous tissue is not detected. Therefore, the true size of the tumor will be different from the one shown in the x-ray image.

Treatment of exostosis is possible only by surgical methods.Medicamental methods of cure for this disease simply does not exist.

Carrying out rapid removal of outgrowths is not recommended for persons who have not reached the age of majority, since the growths in the formation of bone tissues can disappear by themselves.

Surgical intervention is indicated in case of rapid development of the tumor, especially if, due to the large size, the nerves or blood vessels are infringed.

The operation can be performed both under anesthesia and under local anesthesia. The choice of method of anesthesia depends on the size and location of the tumor.

The technique of carrying out the intervention is quite simple, bone formation is removed with the help of a bit, and the place of damage on the bone is smoothed.

The recovery period lasts about a couple of weeks.

If surgical intervention was insignificant, for example, one small tumor was removed, then the next day the patient is able to move independently.

At the first stage of recovery it is important to observe the most gentle mode of motion. After the swelling has completely subsided or is reduced to a minimum, restorative therapy begins.

Recovery is reduced to exercises aimed at regaining lost muscle mass and strength. When the training stops to cause physical pain and cause discomfort, then rehabilitation can be considered successfully completed.


In principle, exostosis does not apply to diseases that cause dangerous complications. Butin the case of localization of the tumor on the spine, there may be a compression effect on the spinal cord, which is fraught with the most serious consequences.

It is very rare to diagnose a fracture of the exostosis leg. Multiple chondrodysplasia in childhood and adolescence, in some cases, can lead to a disruption in the proper development and deformation of the skeleton.

Sometimes, especially with rapid growth, tumors can degenerate from benign to malignant, which most often manifest themselves in the form chondrosarcoma or spindle cell sarcoma, the favorite places of localization are pelvic bones, spine, thighs, shoulder blades.


Prevention, as such, reduces to identifying exostoses at the earliest stages.Regular medical examinations contribute to the achievement of these goals. Given the risk of deformation of the skeleton, early diagnosis is especially relevant for children and adolescents.

Inspection is also necessary after injuries of the musculoskeletal system, because an impetus to the emergence of pathology can serve even a minor injury or fracture.

And as mentioned above, it is highly desirable to regularly monitor the level of calcium in the body, because people with high calcium content fall into the risk group.

By and large, despite the etiology, exostosis does not belong to the group of dangerous diseases. Rebirth of a tumor into a malignant is extremely rare.

This neoplasm does not pose a serious danger to human life and health. In children, cases of cure are spontaneous, without the intervention of physicians.

A source: http://OkeyDoc.ru/ekzostoz-prichiny-simptomy-i-lechenie/

What are exostoses and how should they be treated?

Crunch and aging of the supporting motor system

Exostoses - what kind of disease is it and what are the consequences of it? All parents need to know. In general, affects the disease of children and adolescents from 8 to 17 years.

Exostosis is a bone-cartilaginous outgrowth on the surface of the bone, which can be formed in both single and multiple formations.

Growing up, the bone tumor can squeeze nerves and blood vessels, with multiple exostoses the deformation of the human skeleton occurs.

  • 1. Causes of the disease
  • 2. Symptoms and Diagnosis
  • 3. Therapy of pathology

The bone-cartilaginous exostosis proceeds without any special symptoms and remains unnoticed for a long time. It is possible to detect the disease early in the course of X-ray of the affected area, or when the build-up is greatly enlarged and begins to cause inconvenience to the patient.

Exostoses can be spherical and flat. Sizes range from a small pea to a large apple. Rapid development of pathology begins at puberty.

The disease affects the tibia, collarbone, scapula and the lower part of the thigh. Rarer growths occur on the hands and feet.

Especial discomfort is exostosis of the calcaneus and knee joint.

When they reach a considerable size, they make it difficult to move, in some cases causing pain.

Causes of the disease:

  • injuries and bruises of the bone;
  • inflammatory processes of mucous bags;
  • abnormalities of periosteum and cartilage;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • bursitis;
  • after a surgical operation;
  • chondromatosis of bones;
  • syphilis;
  • disease of the endocrine system.

Most often the disease bears a hereditary character and speaks of a violation of normal endochondral ossification. If the parents have such a pathology, a regular examination of the child is necessary.

Bone-cartilaginous exostosis is divided into a solitary one, which is represented by only 1 tumor, and multiple exostosis chondrodysplasia - the appearance of several formations.

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In most cases, the bony growth does not bring any discomfort to the child. The initial stage proceeds without symptoms. Symptoms of the disease can manifest with a significant increase in the tumor.

The main symptoms of exostosis:

  • when feeling, you can feel a tight knot in the altered area;
  • painful sensations when pressed;
  • when the build-up is located near the joint, its mobility is limited;
  • if the build-up on the bone compresses the nerve endings, then there is a feeling of tingling, numbness of nearby tissues;
  • As the education increases, the pain begins to increase.

Enlarged growths of patients usually find out accidentally when palpation of various parts of the body, such as exostosis of the calcaneus. Basically, the ledge is localized on the heel and injured by the shoes.

As a result, there is acute pain, swelling of the leg and restriction of movement. An exception is the exostosis of the knee joint, which develops from the femur under the quadriceps muscle and is not accessible by palpation.

Growing up, the tumor presses, stretches and deforms the muscle, sometimes under it develops a mucous bag.

Exostosis of the knee joint can cause severe discomfort, interfering with movement. Large growths press on adjacent bones, resulting in a leg of exostosis can break and cause inflammation of the joint and a violation of its functions.

At a primary examination, the diagnosis is performed by palpation of the patient's body parts. But the whole picture and the degree of growth can be seen only on an x-ray photograph, which will show how many bones are captured and the number of exostosis formations.

Bone-cartilaginous exostosis is treated only by a surgical method. If the growths do not cause discomfort and do not squeeze the organs, they are periodically observed. Operations for children under 18 years old try not to be carried out, since in many cases an independent resolution of the growths is noted.

Indication for the operation:

  • rapid growth of exostosis;
  • restriction of movements;
  • the build-up on the bone is large;
  • painful sensations;
  • danger to health;
  • create a cosmetic defect.

The disease can not be treated with physiotherapeutic procedures, since this can provoke a transition to a malignant tumor.

The operation is performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on the location and size of the build-up. The essence of surgical intervention is to remove exostosis and smooth the bone.

The nature of the operation is determined by the size and number of growths. First of all, remove the largest and exostoses, compressing the nerves. The operation of the calcaneus is performed under local anesthesia.

Make a small incision in the area of ​​the tendon or apply endoscopy. When the procedure is open, the tendon is pushed aside and the protruding section is cut with a special device.

If there is a mucous bag, it is subject to excision. The wound is sewn up and a sterile bandage is applied.

With exostosis of the knee joint on the posterior surface, the neoplasm is removed, capturing a healthy part of the bone. After this, a plaster tire is applied to the foot for 12-15 days.

After the removal of edema and pain syndrome prescribed therapeutic exercise to restore the mobility of the joint. In all cases after the operation, a gentle motor regimen is required.

Treatment with conservative methods is aimed only at weakening of periodic inflammation. Assign non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and ointments.

With severe discomfort, a blockade is carried out in the area of ​​exostosis, which for a long time will relieve pain.

If within 2 weeks the situation does not improve, an operation is prescribed.

To date, there are no specific measures to prevent exostosis. The disease can only be observed and controlled by growth on the bone. It is necessary to conduct periodic examinations of children, especially after traumas that can trigger the mechanism of the disease.

A source: http://spina-health.ru/ekzostozy-chto-eto/

Osteoma - exostosis: symptoms and treatment

Osteoma is a benign neoplasm developing from bone tissue.

Osteoma is typical for patients of children and young age (in the period from 5 years to 21 years).

In general, osteomes are localized on the outer surface of bones and on flat cranial bones, and may also appear on the walls of the lattice, frontal, wedge and maxillary sinuses and on the femoral, humeral and tibial tubular bones. Possible damage to the bones of the spine. Osteomas are usually single, but there are also multiple (Gardner's disease).

Frontal sinus osteoma on X-ray

If the osteoma reaches significant dimensions and squeezes adjacent areas (eg, vessels, nerves, etc.), it can cause manifestation of the corresponding symptoms and, in the event of a disruption in the functioning of the squeezed areas or organs, requires a surgical removal. In other cases, osteoma is removed by cosmetology.


Depending on the origin, specialists distinguish two types of osteome:

  • Hyperplastic osteomas are tumors that develop from bone tissue. This group includes osteomas themselves and, so-called, osteoid-osteomes (synonym: osteoid osteomas);
  • heteroplastic osteomas - neoplasms that appear from connective tissue. In another way, such osteomas are called osteophytes.

Osteoid osteoma

It is a bone tumor with a high differentiation, but, unlike the actual osteoma, its structure is different from the structure of normal bone tissue.

It consists of vascular-rich sections of so-called osteogenic tissue, chaotically scattered bone bunches and zones of bone tissue destruction (osteolysis). Usually osteoid-osteomas rarely exceed 1 centimeter in diameter.

This is a fairly common disease. Its share in the total number of benign bone tumors is about 12 percent.

Can be localized on any bones of the body, except for the bones of the skull and sternum. More common in men.

The course of this disease is characterized by gradually increasing pain. At an early stage of the development of the disease, these feelings are similar to muscle pains.

Over time, pains increase and arise spontaneously. Sometimes there is lameness.

In the case of a tumor in the region of the joint part of the bone (epiphysis), fluid can accumulate in the joint.

If the neoplasm is located in the region of the growth zone, then it stimulates bone growth, so that skeletal asymmetry may develop in children of childhood.

If osteoid osteoma is localized in the region of the spine, scoliosis is possible. At a similar location of osteoid-osteoma, there is a risk of squeezing peripheral nerves.

Exostosis of the nail phalanx

Osteophytes (endo- and exostoses)

There are two types of osteophytes:

  1. internal osteophytes (in other words - endostoses) grow into the bone marrow channel. As a rule, they are single, but there is an exception - a hereditary disease known as osteopykilosis. In this case, multiple endostoses are observed. The course of the disease in most cases is not accompanied by severe symptoms. Often diagnosed accidentally by X-ray examination;
  2. external osteophytes (in another way - exostoses). As their name suggests, bone forms on the surface. The cause of exostosis may be various pathological processes, but their occurrence is possible without any apparent reasons. Exostoses most often occur on the bones of the face, skull and pelvis. Developments of these osteophytes may not be at all, or they manifest themselves as cosmetology defect, or, in the case of squeezing of nearby areas, are manifested by the corresponding external signs. There are cases when the development of exostosis was accompanied by deformation of bones and fracture of the foot of the external osteophyte.

Since exostoses are more common than endostoses, consider them in detail.

What is exostosis?

Often, after hearing the doctor's diagnosis of "exostosis patients are frightened. How serious is this disease? Where does it come from?

Such neoplasms have different shapes and sizes. For example, there are exostoses in the form of a fungus or cauliflower. The structure of this formation is a compact spongy, compact tissue.

There are cases when growths are formed from cartilage. It should be noted that the use of the term "cartilaginous exostosis" is a bit wrong.

Neoplasm, although it appears from the cartilaginous elements, but later becomes bony and turns into a spongy tissue.

And its surface is covered with hyaline cartilage, which is the zone of exostosis growth.

When the limbs are formed on long tubular bones, the growths are most often localized on the femurs. On the second place in the frequency happens the tibia is standing, on the third - the brachial bone.

Causes of appearance

This is often observed with cracks, fractures, surgical intervention and so on.

Also, the causes of the appearance of this disease include various kinds of chronic inflammatory bone diseases.

In some cases exostoses can be formed against the background of inflammation of mucous bags and fibrosites. Aseptic necrosis and bone chondromatosis can provoke the appearance of growths.

Often exostoses appear in patients with congenital anomalies of the skeleton.

Main symptoms

However, in some cases, there are signs that help diagnose exostosis. What are these signs?

As the disease develops and exostosis grows, these symptoms become more pronounced. If the built-up edge is located in the immediate vicinity of the joint, it is able to strongly limit the amplitude of movements. Often this neoplasm can be palpated, in some cases even independently.

Painfulness of bones with exostosis

Diagnostic Methods

Currently, this disease is relatively easy to diagnose.

Suspicion of exostosis in the doctor may occur at the stage of examination of the patient (in some parts of the body, the growth can be easily found under the skin).

Of course, an important role in the diagnosis is played by symptoms and anamnesis. To make sure the diagnosis is correct, an X-ray examination is prescribed.

It should be said that the actual dimensions of the built-up edge are often several millimeters larger than in the photograph, since the cartilaginous tissue is not visible on the roentgenogram. Sometimes additional tests are needed.

This is especially true of cases in which the growth rapidly increases in size. In these cases a biopsy of the tissues is made, followed by a cytological examination in the laboratory.

Methods of treatment

Of course, such intervention is not always necessary, since in most cases exostoses are not dangerous to health, and the disease itself is generally asymptomatic.

Existing at the moment, the techniques allow you to get rid of exostosis in a short time. Bone build-up is removed through an incision length of one to two centimeters.

Such intervention does not require special training, a long stay in the hospital and a long rehabilitation.

In most cases, the patient after the removal of exostosis begins to return to normal life after a few days.

Bone-cartilaginous exostosis of fibula

Possible complications

In some cases, even an exostosis of a small size can cause a lot of problems and seriously affect the quality of life.

One of the possible complications is a fracture of the exostosis leg (although such cases are extremely rare). However, the greatest risk remains the risk of "malignancy".

There are cases when the appearance of such a build-up was a harbinger of tumor formation - most often cancer of the pelvic and femur bones, as well as scapula and vertebrae.

A source: http://opuholi.org/dobrokachestvennaya-opuxol/osteoma/osteoma-ekzostoz.html

Heel exostosis

Bony-cartilaginous exostoses are considered as congenital pathologies. But they begin to grow actively under the influence of provoking factors. Especially often this occurs in adolescence.

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Most exostoses do not cause the patient painful or other uncomfortable sensations. But the exostosis of the calcaneus is slightly different from them. This pathology can appear at any age.

The peculiarities of the build-up location lead to strong pains, which often make it impossible for a person to move normally.

Features of pathology

Such an outgrowth, or, scientifically, an osteochondroma, consists of cartilaginous cells and grows on the surface of the bone. It can have different shapes and grows to a size of -2 cm.

If he does not squeeze the surrounding tissue and does not cause pain, he is not touched. But in the heel bone region, exostosis usually strongly hinders walking.

And the only treatment for this pathology is surgical removal of the build-up.

The proliferation of bone tissue in the heel area can be localized on its plantar part or behind. In this case, the formation of even a small size prevents walking and causes severe pain, as it irritates surrounding tissues.

If it is mushroom-shaped, it can squeeze the nerve plexus, which will result in numbness of the foot and loss of skin sensitivity, Semicircular outgrowth always causes severe pain, and linear sprouting in the form of a spine damages soft tissues and leads to development inflammation.

At the initial stage, pathology is very difficult to detect. While it does not cause pain or changes in soft tissues, patients do not even consult a doctor. The growth itself first consists of cartilaginous tissue, so it is not visible on the X-ray.

Gradually, within the soft shell of hyaline cartilage, dense bone tissue forms. Exostosis is growing due to growth of cartilaginous tissue. This is different from osteophytes, which represent a sharp bony growth, which is formed most often in the region of the joints.

On the heel they also form, but always after prolonged inflammation or trauma.

The bone-cartilaginous growth can be formed on the plantar surface of the calcaneus


Often an osteochondral exostosis on the plantar part of the heel is called a "calcaneal spur". This name has taken root among patients, although the "spur" is more like a sharp osteophyte build-up.

And exostosis is an osteoma of bone and cartilaginous tissue. In addition to the plantar surface, such a built-up edge can form on the upper part of the calcaneal tuber.

This pathology is also called a posterior stent exostosis, or Haglund deformity.

In their structure, such formations can be of several varieties:

  • solid osteoma is a layer of bone tissue on the surface of the bone;
  • spongy osteoma consists mainly of soft cartilaginous tissue, it can be spherical or mushroom-shaped;
  • The cerebral osteoma contains the bone marrow and is not formed on the heel.


In most cases, bone-cartilaginous exostosis develops in those patients who have a hereditary predisposition or any congenital pathologies of bone and cartilaginous tissue. But in the first years of life, sprouting does not form.

They begin to grow under the influence of provoking factors. These can be injuries or increased loads on the foot. Therefore, often build-ups are formed in athletes, dancers or people working on their feet.

It is noticed that women are more predisposed to the appearance of exostosis of the calcaneus.

Most often, exostosis is formed for the following reasons:

  • after trauma of the calcaneus, which leads to severe inflammation or abnormal growth of cells;
  • constant wearing of narrow uncomfortable shoes, frequent walking on high heels or on absolutely flat soles;
  • heavy weight and other increased loads on the foot;
  • flat feet or valgus deformation;
  • impaired blood circulation, leading to a deterioration in the supply of tissues;
  • effects on the cartilaginous tissue of infections - syphilis, gonorrhea, influenza, osteomyelitis, periostitis;
  • endocrine diseases and metabolic disorders.

The growth on the heel bone irritates the surrounding tissues when walking, so it causes severe pain


Bony-cartilaginous formation on the heel grows gradually. Usually, until it reaches a size of 1 cm, it does not cause any discomfort.

With large dimensions of the built-up edge, it can already be felt and even noticed. Such a seal can be formed on the posterior surface of the calcaneus or on its plantar part.

But in any case, the built-up edge strongly interferes with walking.

More to become: ak treat pain in the heels

Most often, patients turn to the doctor because of pain. They are most powerful in the morning or after a long period of immobility. Then they subside a little.

And with increased physical activity again intensified toward evening. If the size of the built-up edge on the plantar surface is more than a centimeter, it causes severe pain when walking.

Therefore, often patients are forced to use a cane.

In addition to pain, because of the constant irritation with the growth of soft tissue develops edema, inflammation of ligaments and tendons often occurs.

For example, plantar fasciitis is a natural consequence of exostosis on the plantar part of the heel. Often the Achilles tendon also becomes inflamed. The skin over the overgrowth coarsens, corns appear.

Often noticeable hyperemia, with palpation this place is painful.

The skin over the growth site coarsens, often inflammation of the soft tissues

Constant pain can lead to deformation of the fingers, impaired joint function, the development of flat feet. The consequences of pathology are also numbness of the foot skin, propensity to fractures and dislocations of the joint.


Some patients, especially the elderly, do not consult a doctor with such a pathology, preferring to relieve the pain themselves. This approach threatens many complications, the most serious of which is the degeneration of the cells of education and its transformation into a cancerous tumor.

After all, exostosis very rarely disappears on its own, only in adolescence can a build-up decrease. But usually the pathology gradually progresses, the formation grows, more and more irritating the surrounding tissues.

Therefore, it is very important to consult a doctor on time in case of pain in the heel.

After all, exostosis treatment is possible only surgically, no medications or folk methods will not reduce sprouting.

They have only symptomatic effect, facilitating the patient's condition. At the same time, constant monitoring of the growth of education is conducted to avoid complications.

In addition, it is very important to eliminate the causes that led to an increased proliferation of bone-cartilaginous tissue. Without this, even after surgical removal of the build-up after a while, it can form again.

In many cases only surgical treatment of exostosis on the calcaneus is possible


It is possible to get rid of the bone-cartilaginous growth only surgically. But the operation is not performed for all patients with this pathology.

Indications for surgical treatment are severe pain, development of inflammation, rapid growth of education.

The operation is also necessary if the build-up obstructs walking or does not allow wearing normal shoes.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia. Often the patient has many growths. In this case, only the largest and those that squeeze the surrounding tissue are removed.

After anesthesia, make a small incision and remove the growth. After that, smooth the surface of the bone and superimpose the cosmetic suture.

The operation is considered uncomplicated, so a complete return of the patient to normal life takes place after 1-2 weeks.

Conservative treatment

If the build-up is not yet very large and causes not a lot of discomfort, perhaps symptomatic treatment. Its task is to eliminate pain, swelling and inflammation. First of all, it is necessary to avoid traumatization of soft tissues.

For this, a comfortable, best orthopedic footwear is chosen. Under the heel, you can put a special insole or felt pads. This will help reduce pain when walking.

In addition, it is recommended not to stay on your feet for a long time.

To relieve pain, you can use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of tablets or ointments.

Particularly well relieve pain "Diclofenac "Ibuprofen "Ketoprofen "Voltaren gel" or a solution of "Dimexide."

Sometimes it is required to carry out a blockade by introducing hormonal means into the heel area: "Hydrocortisone "Diprostenpan" or "Kenalog".

Effective for the removal of inflammation of soft tissues and ligaments of physiotherapy. Most often used are:

  • warm foot baths, best of all with healing mineral water;
  • foot massage;
  • physiotherapy;
  • electrophoresis with potassium iodide or with Novocain;
  • shock wave therapy;
  • ultrasound;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • laser heating;
  • UHF;
  • cryotherapy.

To relieve pain and inflammation with success, shock wave therapy

Folk methods

At the initial stage, if the pain is not strong, and the build-up does not squeeze the nerves and does not violate the circulation, it is possible to use folk methods. They will help alleviate pain and relieve inflammation. Most often, various compresses, ointments, foot baths are used for this.

Compresses should be warming, so the leg is wrapped in polyethylene. In addition, in order to better penetrate the medicinal substances, it must first be uncoiled. After applying the foot baths it is useful to make iodine net on a sore spot and wear warm socks.

It is better if the procedure is carried out at night.

  • A fat compress will help relieve pain and soften rough skin. You can use bear, badger or pork fat. This compress is applied overnight.
  • Grate the raw potatoes and apply to a sore spot. Wrap and hold for 4-5 hours.
  • Effective composition for compresses: 100 ml of aloe juice, as much alcohol, a bottle of valerian, half a teaspoon of red pepper and 2 tablets of "Aspirin" and "Analgin." The composition is well mixed and infused in a dark place for 2 weeks.
  • It's good to get a compress out of medical bile for the night.
  • Effectively relieve fatigue, swelling and pain foot baths with salt. Make a strong pickle from 5 liters of water and 1 kg of salt. You can add a few drops of iodine or soda.
  • Baths with clay help to remove salts and relieve inflammation.
  • A massage with a large salt is useful. For this kilogram of salt should be heated and sprinkled on a flat surface. On warm salt you need to walk with your bare feet.

You can also use means for oral administration. They are needed to normalize metabolic processes, nourish bone tissue, improve blood circulation and strengthen immunity. It is best for this purpose to use tincture of cedar grains along with the shell on vodka or tincture of lilac flowers.

To prevent the growth of bone tissue on the heel, it is necessary to avoid increased loads, wear comfortable shoes, to treat pathologies of the musculoskeletal system in time. During adolescence, a doctor should be examined regularly to find out this disease in time. Then it can be cured without complications.

A source: http://MoyaSpina.ru/bolezni/pyatochnyy-ekzostoz

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