Pneumonia symptoms in children without fever

Is there pneumonia without fever? Pneumonia without fever and cough

Pneumonia is a very dangerous disease, which can lead to complications and disruptions in the work, in the first place, the cardiovascular system. In the presence of such signs as cough, shortness of breath, weakness and high fever, it is not difficult to suspect the presence of such a disease in your presence and to consult a doctor in time.

Does it happen without a fever? It turns out that in some cases this is quite possible. This pneumonia is also called quiet or hidden.

Than the disease is dangerous

To detect this pathology, it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis, the usual listening to the lungs does not reveal latent pneumonia. In addition, even an experienced doctor can not always put the right diagnosis in a disease that is not accompanied by fever and cough, which often leads to disastrous consequences.

Particularly dangerous is pneumonia in children without temperature, since a young child is not yet able to explain his feelings. Therefore, it is desirable for everyone to know the main symptoms of this disease.

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Main Risk Factors

Pneumonia without temperature often occurs in people with reduced immunity. The reason for reducing the protective forces of the body may be the presence of a source of chronic infection, such as, for example, inflamed tonsils or untreated teeth. A person with reduced immunity may not even suspect that he has pneumonia without fever, symptoms may be absent for several days. The main sign in this case is shortness of breath. When you try to take a deep breath, a person feels dizzy.

In elderly people, pneumonia without fever and cough can manifest as pain in the chest, which is not always localized in the lungs. Such pain is sometimes similar to muscle pain, so people sometimes go to the doctor with complaints about stretching the muscles.

The most susceptible to this disease are people with a busy life schedule, who work hard without rest and suffer from diseases on their feet.

A good standard of living and adequate nutrition help the body cope with inflammation on its own, but with This is the replacement of affected lungs with connective tissue, and this can cause respiratory insufficiency.

Another cause of the disease is uncontrolled use of antibiotics. With prolonged use of such drugs, the body becomes accustomed to them, which leads to a decrease in the therapeutic effect.

Due to prolonged use of antitussive drugs, pneumonia can develop without temperature and cough. Such drugs suppress the process of sputum discharge from the lungs, which leads to the accumulation of pathogenic flora in the body.

Features of the course of the disease

Sometimes pneumonia happens without a temperature, but is accompanied by a cough. Most often this happens after a long cold, when the person's condition has improved, wheezing in the lungs is not audible, but a small cough persists.

Should be alerted, when such signs occur:
  • Cough with abundant or poor sputum lasts more than two weeks;
  • increased weakness, decreased appetite, a constant sense of thirst;
  • a painful blush. Red spots can appear only on one cheek, from the side of the inflamed lung;
  • obstructed, wheezing, which is accompanied by pain in the lower part of the chest. When breathing, the asymmetry of the chest movement is noticeable. Rapid breathing is one of the main symptoms of this disease. The fact is that when the disease develops, the area of ​​a healthy lung becomes smaller, the patient lacks oxygen and compensates this lack with frequent breathing;
  • with minimal physical exertion, a person sweats profusely and throws it into fever;
  • there are painful sensations in the chest when the body turns.


The identification and diagnosis of such a disease requires vast medical experience and basic knowledge symptomatology, as pneumonia in adults without a temperature with listening to the lungs is often not is revealed.

To diagnose a doctor, the doctor should ask the patient for complaints, perform an examination of the chest, paying special attention to the symmetry of her movement during inspiration and expiration. Then rattling and listening to the lungs are performed (with inflammation dry and wet wheezing, dull sound in problem areas).

To diagnose this form of the disease requires a general analysis of blood, urine, as well as sputum analysis.

In order to clarify which area of ​​the lung is affected, determine the size of the inflammation focus, and identify possible complications, an X-ray examination is performed. The X-ray diffraction pattern is performed in two projections. The presence of a limited darkening of the lung tissue is the main sign of this pathology.

Unfortunately, sometimes radiographic research is not informative. In this situation, resort to a more accurate method of research - computed tomography of the lungs. Use this method in such cases:

  • The roentgenogram does not allow to reveal the center of an inflammation at presence at the person of all signs of a pneumonia;
  • with recurrence of the disease (more than 3 times), in the event that the focus of inflammation is in the same lobe of the lungs;
  • if the results of the X-ray examination do not match the clinical manifestations of the disease.

In some cases, you may need a bronchoscopy. The study is carried out using a flexible tube with a camera at the end. The tube through the nose is inserted into the lumen of the bronchi. Bronchoscopy is necessary for complicated forms of pneumonia.

Signs of latent pneumonia in children

Pneumonia in children without fever is accompanied by slightly different symptoms than in adults. Parents should be alerted by constant drowsiness and sluggishness of the baby, tearfulness without reason, poor appetite, excessive sweating, blueing of the nasolabial triangle, shortness of breath.

In the presence of such signs it is necessary to immediately show the child to the pediatrician, who will conduct the necessary studies and make an accurate diagnosis.


After a complete preliminary examination and conducting all the studies, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment. If you have pneumonia without temperature, self-medication in this case is unacceptable.

For the treatment of pneumonia, antibiotics of a broad spectrum of action are usually prescribed. Very often a combination of two antibacterial drugs is required. The course of treatment is at least 7-10 days.

If pneumonia without fever is accompanied by a cough, expectorant and thinning medications are prescribed at the "ACE" Lazolvan Bromhexine ". In patients without cough or with a dry cough, there is no need to use such remedies.

If a person suffers from shortness of breath, it is necessary to use bronchodilators. Inhalation with nebulizer is useful.

In severe forms of pneumonia, immunomodulatory therapy is required, the administration of multivitamins.

10 days after the start of treatment, an X-ray examination is repeated. In case of threat of complications or deterioration of a person's condition, pictures can be taken earlier. Since there is a risk of decomposition of the lungs during a prolonged course of the disease, it is necessary to visit the phthisiatrician.

Treatment with folk remedies

Folk methods of treatment can only be an addition to the main treatment, but not a substitute for it. If you have pneumonia without fever, treatment with any folk remedies is possible only if you are not allergic to them.

It is useful to use honey, as well as large doses of garlic or onions.
Instead of the usual hot drinks, it is good to drink infusions from the leaves of mother-and-stepmother, hips, elderberry, linden flowers, raspberry.

At the stage of recovery is useful infusion of leaves of mother-and-stepmother, plantain, calendula flowers, thyme, licorice. A tablespoon of a mixture of plants is poured into a glass of boiling water and insisted for 30 minutes. Then the medicine should be filtered and taken on a tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals. This remedy strengthens the immune system, regains strength.

Lifestyle during illness

Pneumonia without temperature requires bed rest. No smoking. The volume of liquid used should be no less than -3 liters per day. Food should be rich in proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins, especially A, B and C.

Many will benefit from breathing exercises. The simplest exercise is inflating balloons. Before you start, you should consult your doctor. In some conditions, breathing exercises are contraindicated.

What can not be done

In no case do not self-medicate with antibacterial drugs (you can use them only after the sputum is examined for sensitivity to a particular series of antibiotics).

Do not heat the chest and body as a whole. You can not take hot baths, bathe in a sauna or a sauna. Do not use antitussive and expectorant drugs without the advice of a doctor.

Do not engage in the usual activities, even if you have pneumonia without temperature. Symptoms of the disease may not be pronounced, but even in this case you can not lead an active lifestyle and give your body increased physical activity.

For the prevention of pneumonia, it is necessary to strengthen the body's immunity and defenses, to eat fully and regularly exercise.

At the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, because the inappropriate treatment of such a disease can be fatal.

Pneumonia without fever and without coughing

Inflammation of the lungs in itself is a very dangerous disease, but pneumonia without a cough is much more dangerous. Not many people know, but this pathology can develop quite unnoticed, without any pronounced symptoms and a sharp deterioration in well-being. This term is a collection of several pathologies relating to lung tissue, and each has its own characteristics. It is important to remember that the ailment is not always accompanied by the usual symptoms: cough or temperature.

Facts about the disease

The main and main respiratory organs are the lungs. They let oxygen into the human body and remove carbon dioxide from the blood. It is here that gas exchange of substances occurs, air purification from toxins, microorganisms and harmful elements, as well as nutrition of each cell. In a healthy person, pushing the air outward is normal, the patient's breathing is much more difficult.

As soon as the infection enters the respiratory system, their functioning, normal functioning of the cardiovascular and immune system are hampered. Infection occurs through inhaled particles of vomit, through viruses, harmful bacteria and fungi, foreign objects and the like. In addition, the factor of the appearance of pneumonia may be both hypothermia, and the recently transferred cold. Not all lungs, but only separate parts of different areas can be affected. Such a disease is not contagious and is not transmitted by airborne droplets, although it has the character of an infectious disease.

A term such as pneumonia without a cough was introduced due to the fact that due to the inflammation of various sections of the respiratory organs were identified different types of disease, which, in turn, flow differently. The most dangerous condition is when the patient does not know the true reason for his poor health. He will not feel pain in his chest, there will be no coughing or wheezing, and if the temperature is present, then a small one (it can easily be confused with the symptom of an ordinary cold).

Note that the risk of getting sick is most common among older people over 60 and children under 2 years old. Finding the root cause of infection, you can determine how a person fell ill: because of an infection that got into the body through the airways, or because of deterioration in health against the already existing disease. For example, if the flu is not completely cured, the consequences can be unpredictable.

Despite the main prerequisites for the emergence of ailment, the negative impact can have both medicines and medical intervention. This includes the following:

  • organ transplantation;
  • manifestation of the disease after intubation of the trachea or artificial ventilation;
  • infection can occur and as a result of visiting the infectious disease department of the hospital.

How to discover the disease in time

Analyzing existing types of the disease, you can be ready for anything. However, do not forget that all kinds of bacteria and microbes surround us everywhere. So, the causative agent of pneumonia may be one of the harmful microorganisms, such as staphylococcus, streptococcus, legionella or chlamydia, which primarily affects the lung tissue. As for viruses, the most dangerous are the herpes virus, the pulmonary plague and those that appeared due to complications after the flu (A and B).

The condition of the body is affected by the human condition. Such reasons as an unfavorable environment, poor diet and bad habits can lead not only to pneumonia, but also to other serious illnesses. Therefore, most patients can be found in nursing homes and similar institutions. In addition, people who suffer from narcological and alcohol addiction, with weakened immunity and HIV-infected are also prone to infection.

Anyone with a weak immune system may not notice the development of the infection. Protection capabilities are reduced due to the presence of microorganisms and viruses in the blood, so the body can not fully resist the harmful effects of the environment.

Self-medication and taking medicines without doctor's supervision affects the internal microflora and promotes the favorable reproduction of harmful bacteria. They quickly adapt to the environment and become insensitive to treatment.

Cough is an important indicator for infection of the respiratory tract. This is a normal reaction of the body to the appearance of foreign pests. This process allows you to get rid of mucus and sputum. Its appearance means inflammation of the upper respiratory organs.

It is accompanied by temperature, fatigue and weakness in general. Not everyone wants to see a doctor when a cough occurs, because they think that the usual home treatment will be more effective. However, this is how the inflammatory process begins, which can lead to serious complications if you do not give enough attention to the treatment (or if you do not cure the ailment).

Absence of obvious symptoms

With a careless approach, a mild cold can take on a chronic character. Slime does not go away from the bronchi, and suppression of cough drugs leads to the development of pneumonia, which is very difficult to detect under such conditions. All pathological changes remain directly in the lungs and continue to develop there. A more severe stage leads to the appearance of pus of a green or yellow hue. If a person does not have a temperature, then the following symptoms are possible:

  • weakness;
  • pallor;
  • excessive sweating;
  • dyspnea;
  • pain in the chest during movement;
  • coughing.
These signs indicate a weakened immunity. It can also be a consequence of an untreated disease. Without contacting a specialist, you can not correctly diagnose and begin treatment. And after taking medication from one disease the body can not cope with a new wave of infection. If the cough intensifies and lasts for more than two weeks (especially in children), then this is the signal for urgent in-depth diagnosis.

If symptoms are found in a child, it is necessary to go to the doctor as soon as possible. At home, observe how the child performs physical exercises, whether there are signs of drowsiness or a decrease in appetite. The specialist will be able to conduct the necessary examination and make analyzes and, of course, explain the harm of self-treatment.

Correct approach to recovery

As practice shows, not all follow the doctors' warnings about the back side of self-treatment. We must not forget that, without knowing the cause of infection, it is impossible to find the right drugs, which will once and for all get rid of the pathogen. A full course of treatment, affecting both temperature, cough, and the condition of a person as a whole, is a comprehensive approach. For this purpose, a specialist (in the case of children, a pediatrician) prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs and general strengthening therapy. Such methods will have a beneficial effect on the body. In addition to taking medications, the patient can in another way contribute to his recovery:

  1. Observe the sleep regime and the correct diet. Eat more foods with protein and zinc.
  2. More fish, dishes from cereals, berries, vegetables and fruits. These products reduce the risk of developing pneumonia.
  3. Abandonment of bad habits will speed up recovery.

It is very important to return the cough reflex, otherwise it is necessary to perform a sanation with bronchoscopy. To all this, physiotherapy and special gymnastics are prescribed.


Concerning folk remedies: medicine does not prohibit such an approach, but to rely solely on recovery with home-made decoctions and tinctures is dangerous enough.

Pneumonia without cough

Can there be pneumonia without a cough?

Whether there can be a pneumonia without a cough, such question many are set recently. Often doctors give an affirmative answer. Since all those common symptoms, for a particular disease, are usually described in the majority of a certain number of observed patients, but there are exceptions. In view of the fact that in every organism the reaction of response to any of the aggressive media will be individual, although in the majority of cases they are similar among many people, nevertheless, this is so. And the course of the disease with pneumonia, which is not accompanied by a cough or changes in temperature is a direct proof of that, even when X-ray studies are powerless, anything to detect. A special risk group for asymptomatic pneumonia is, unfortunately, children. When the vigilance of the parents is blunted by the absence of obvious signs of the disease, and they come late to see a doctor for reasons of incomprehensible deterioration of the baby's well-being. And the difficulty of detecting pneumonia of this kind and, as a rule, treatment with delay can promise severe and irreversible consequences for the health of the child.

Pneumonia without cough: causes

Pneumonia without a cough causes its own and they are very likely to lie in the fact that the child:

  • The immune status is broken;
  • For him, inadequate antibiotic treatment was conducted;
  • The cough reflex was systematically suppressed.

In addition to childhood, it is difficult to recognize the disease of pneumonia in elderly people. After all, their immunity already has a decreased reactivity because, and the symptoms of the ongoing disease can be poorly expressed. The weakening of the immune system leads to foci of chronic infections that occur in the body. This can gradually reduce its protection for the simple reason that the presence of pathogens is permanent and occurs the moment when habitual addiction is created, which nullifies the whole reaction, even to new incoming pathogens infection. An important role is played, and uncontrolled independent treatment with antibiotics for each occasion, which contributes to the loss of sensitivity to their action of bacteria and viruses due to their adaptation in the body.

Pneumonia without cough: symptoms

Pneumonia without a cough symptoms can manifest as a rise in temperature, which at least indicates the presence of inflammation in the body. The main difficulty in this situation will be the detection of the inflammatory process in the lungs. Diagnosis should be carried out in a differentiated manner, excluding links to other systemic diseases. Diagnose inflammation of the lungs, paying close attention to the presence of nonspecific signs that can be expressed:

  • Pale skin;
  • Presence of an unhealthy blush;
  • Low tolerance to physical activity;
  • Occurrence of dyspnea;
  • Manifestations of tachycardia;
  • Pain in the chest area accompanying any movement.

The special difficulty of conducting a diagnosis for hidden pneumonia is the examination of a young child. After all, he is not able to give a clear explanation for his well-being and often can simply get confused in his description. The following symptoms should become the cause for concern and visit to a doctor:

  • The onset of severe weakness and fatigue gradually becoming permanent;
  • Inability to physical loads, which do not exceed the usual;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Causeless whim.

After carrying out the necessary laboratory tests and X-ray, the doctor can prescribe the appropriate treatment when making an accurate diagnosis.

Pneumonia without fever (with a cough)

Pneumonia without temperature, but with a cough can also manifest itself with weakness, the appearance of dyspnea and excessive sweating. This condition may be due to the fact that the activity of immunity is too low. It requires a thorough medical examination with additional diagnostic methods, since the patient's condition can only get complicated. Sometimes pneumonia occurs because of not treated bronchitis smoothly flowing into it. It is difficult for an organism to respond to an outbreak of a new infection, because it is still under the influence of anti-inflammatory drugs. Suspect anomalies and conduct a thorough examination should the patient have a cough duration of more than two weeks, or its increasing dynamics, not accompanied by febrile state.

Pneumonia without cough: treatment

Treatment of pneumonia without coughing is usually very difficult. After all, the cough reflex is nothing more than a kind of protection of the body from all kinds of pathogens of the respiratory tract infection. When it is suppressed, the functionality of the bronchial tree is disrupted, which leads to a violation of the spontaneous elimination of the inflammatory secretion. And this only aggravates the course of the disease. If it is not possible to resume the cough reflex, bronchial cleansing is performed by the method of sanation with the procedure of bronchoscopy. As auxiliaries, as a rule, bronchodilator and mucolytic drugs are prescribed. To a considerable extent, healing is facilitated by physical exercises and physiotherapy. The use of folk remedies and alternative medicine is welcomed. Cope with the disease of pneumonia is possible only with the use of an integrated approach to treatment, where mandatory specific antimicrobial therapy and the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, regardless of whether there is a temperature reaction. It should be remembered that pneumonia is not the case where it is appropriate to use self-medication, especially antibacterial medication. Because the wrong choice of the drug is likely that the causative agent of the disease is simply not sensitive to its action. As a result, the treatment will not yield results, and the disease, continuing to progress, will move into a more complex form.

Inflammation: symptoms in children, causes, treatment, consequences

Inflammation of the lungs in medicine is called pneumonia. It is an infection of one or both of the lungs, which is mainly caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi.

In our time, pneumonia is still a dangerous and serious disease. According to statistics, 5% of patients do not suffer this ailment. In the Russian Federation, pneumonia is 6th in the list of fatal diseases. Babies are especially dangerous for pneumonia. Symptoms in children are much less noticeable than in adults, so the disease is always beginning to be eliminated later than necessary, and this complicates treatment. This suggests that the treatment of this disease should be taken seriously, starting with the first stage.

The onset of a disease

There are cases when pneumonia is transmitted by a virus-drop route. This happens during the sneezing of the patient. Its secretions contain microorganisms and bacteria, which contribute to the onset of the inflammatory process in the body of an absolutely healthy person. In other cases, pneumonia occurs due to increased activity of bacteria that are constantly present in the throat and nose of a person. If the body decreases immune defense, it is not able to resist these viruses, so they begin to multiply at a high rate and, getting into the lungs, cause inflammation.

Symptoms of ailment

Symptoms of pneumonia very often resemble the symptoms of flu or colds. If pneumonia is bacterial, the symptoms can manifest as a gradual as well as acutely. These include: fever, severe sweating, chest pain, trembling, coughing with phlegm, cyanoticity (skin discoloration) of the nails and lips, accelerated breathing, accelerated pulse.

If pneumonia is viral, symptoms such as dry cough, fever, weakness, muscle pain, headache, severe shortness of breath and overwork are characteristic.

If the inflammation of the lungs is caused by mycoplasmas, the symptoms are much weaker, but very similar to the signs of viral and bacterial pneumonia. One of the main symptoms is chest pain, which appears when the patient is trying to take a deep breath. Basically, such pain occurs at the location of the main focus of inflammation. Such a sign should unambiguously cause suspicion of pneumonia. Symptoms in children are slightly different and so do not manifest.

Coughing is not an important symptom, as the infection can be far from the respiratory tract.

In recent years, asymptomatic pneumonia is increasingly observed. In this case, the person does not have fever, there is no cough, and, therefore, sputum does not go away. This type of pneumonia is dangerous for big complications, since its treatment begins with a significant delay, because a person does not immediately notice pneumonia in his lungs. Symptoms in children are almost not observed.

Symptoms in children

Often, in small patients, no characteristic symptoms of pneumonia are observed. The most notable signs are lethargy, fever and loss of appetite. But attentive parents can suspect pneumonia from their child, noticing some changes.


Signs of pneumonia in children are not noticeable. But if the child has a body temperature of 3 to 38 degrees, does not get knocked down by any antipyretic agents and this is sweating, weakness and lack of appetite, this may be the first reason to suspect a baby pneumonia.


The breath of the baby is much faster. A baby up to 2 months makes 60 breaths per minute, up to 1 year - 50 breaths, after 1 year - 40 breaths. Very often, the child tries to lie on his own. According to statistics, most often there is a right-sided inflammation of the lungs in a child. In this case, the kid increasingly tries to lie on the left, less painful side.

Also, the rhythm of breathing can be disturbed, a change in the frequency and depth of breathing is observed. In infants, dyspnea manifests by nodding the head in time to the breath, and the child sometimes stretches out his lips or inflates his cheeks.

Atypical pneumonia

In this case, the signs of pneumonia in children appear slightly differently. If pneumonia is caused by chlamydia or mycoplasma, the disease initially resembles a cold. There is a runny nose, a sore throat and a dry cough. But there is shortness of breath and a stable high temperature, which should alert the parents.

Character of cough

Sore throat first causes a slight cough, but over time dry cough becomes painful. You can also notice an increase in cough during the baby's feeding or when he cries. Then the cough becomes moist.

Baby's behavior

The behavior of the child can also be suspected of pneumonia. Symptoms in children are basically similar. The baby becomes sluggish, whiny, capricious. He does not sleep well and refuses to eat. In some cases, pneumonia can cause a child to vomit or diarrhea. In infants, this manifests itself as a rejection of the breast and regurgitation of food.

Inflammation of the lungs without fever

With this type of pneumonia, the same symptoms are observed as in the usual course of the disease. There is weakness and dyspnea, sweating, a cough, but there is no temperature reaction. Under what circumstances does this inflammation occur? Symptoms without a temperature are usually observed if the activity of the immune system is lowered. This situation is also terrible because the severity of the patient's condition can only be determined with additional diagnosis.

Pneumonia without fever occurs most often due to undigested bronchitis, which then flows smoothly into pneumonia. This is due to the fact that the body is already saturated with a number of anti-inflammatory drugs, and the newly flared infection can not adequately respond.

Causes of pneumonia

In children, the disease most often develops as a result of a viral infection, for example, respiratory or adenovirus. Also, pneumonia can trigger a banal flu.

In addition, pneumonia is caused by a bacterium. The main pathogens of pneumonia in a child are streptococcus pneumonia, hemophilic rod, and staphylococci.

Infection of the lungs can be done by inhaling bacteria and viruses that are constantly present in the throat or nose of the child. These viruses and bacteria can also spread by airborne droplets, for example, by sneezing or coughing.

Risk factors

There are four main factors that can contribute to the onset of pneumonia:

1. Weakened immune system of the baby, which is observed due to improper or inadequate nutrition. Very often this applies to infants who do not receive breast milk as the main form of feeding. In this case, an inconspicuous inflammation of the lungs may develop. Symptoms without fever often appear precisely because of this factor.

2. Preceding diseases. They can act otitis, bronchitis, as well as frequent ARI.

3. Ecological environment. Such risk factors may include:

- contaminated indoor air;

- overcrowded dwellings;

- smoky air in the room, etc.

4. Freezing. Very often, inflammation of the lungs in children occurs due to hypothermia. Most of all it concerns freezing of feet.

Two-sided pneumonia

The most common bilateral inflammation of the lungs in children, the elderly or in patients whose health was weakened by chronic ailments. The disease develops most often during staphylococcal pneumonia, but also bilateral inflammation can occur due to the patient's being in a state of immobility. Begins bilateral pneumonia usually in people who have suffered a viral infection. Symptoms of this disease are high body temperature and shortness of breath, wet cough, headache and confusion.


It should be remembered that pneumonia is a disease that can not be treated independently under any circumstances! To eliminate pneumonia, you need the professionalism of the doctor, his experience, as well as the ability to competently use modern antibacterial drugs. Many patients who do not know how to treat pneumonia are often trusted in advertising. So do not be categorically! It must be remembered that such drugs do not affect the outcome of the disease, but only alleviate the symptoms.

It is very rare that pneumonia passes by itself, without treatment. But in most cases, inflammation of the lungs leads to such phenomena that can not only disrupt the patient's ability to work, but also put his life at risk. It should also be noted that in our time there are modern effective and safest antibiotics. This allows the doctor to prescribe the patient a successful treatment at home, but on condition that the patient is given appropriate care. But if this is an inflammation of the lungs in children, the treatment is carried out only in a hospital under the constant supervision of an experienced specialist until complete recovery. This is due to the fact that children's pneumonia is more difficult to treat, and it is also difficult to calculate the symptoms of the disease.

Than to be treated?

If pneumonia has an easy form, it is quite acceptable to have outpatient treatment (at home). But at the same time the patient must follow the prescription of the doctor without question, in order to avoid complications, because the acute form of the disease with improper treatment can very quickly develop into a chronic one.

First of all, it must be ensured that bed rest is maintained throughout the period of intoxication and fever. As for medicines, the main role is given to antibacterial drugs. An important point is that, given the individual characteristics of the patient, the doctor appoints him exactly the antibiotic that is low-toxic and most active. The method and dose of administration of the drug into the body is also determined by the doctor, since he knows better how to treat the inflammation of the lungs of a particular patient. For example, if pneumonia occurs in mild form, the patient is given a drug for oral use. In the event that the form of the disease is severe, the drug is administered intravenously or intramuscularly.

Except medicines

In combination with drugs, other agents can be used, for example, mustard wraps, electrophoresis, ultraviolet irradiation, respiratory gymnastics, etc. In addition, medical practice makes it possible to use phytotherapeutic agents. For example, the infusion of the root of the drug althea helps with a strong cough.

An important role is played by the food ration. In the menu must necessarily be present fats, proteins and carbohydrates in sufficient volume. The patient should also drink plenty of fluids - up to 3 liters a day. Most useful are vegetable, fruit and berry juices, as well as vitamin teas and cranberry juice.

It should be borne in mind that with the intake of antibiotics, bowel function is disrupted, so the patient should consume foods such as prunes, kefir, boiled beets, rhubarb compote.

Effects of pneumonia in children

It can be said that the timely treatment of pneumonia in children does not leave any consequences. But there are situations when the disease begins to heal when it is already progressing. Under such circumstances, it is much more difficult to stop the process, so complications of various kinds may arise. For example, pleurisy, pulmonary edema or lung tissue abscess.

Also, the inflammatory process in the lungs can affect neighboring organs. This threatens the appearance of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart), and in the most severe cases can lead to meningitis.

It should be remembered that a timely call to the doctor provides the patient with adequate therapy. If a child or an adult has the right care, pneumonia will not lead to serious complications. This suggests that if there is at least the slightest suspicion of this ailment, do not delay with a visit to the doctor. This will help not only to cure the patient more quickly and painlessly, but also to save his life.

Symptoms of pneumonia in infants. Treatment, consequences of the disease

Pneumonia is an infectious disease of the lungs caused by viruses and bacteria of several species. The lungs become inflamed and filled with fluid, resulting in a cough in the patient and it becomes difficult to breathe.

How to recognize the symptoms of pneumonia in infants?

The disease can proceed quickly and develop literally in one or two days, but in a number of cases the infection process is delayed and lasts for several days. Often, a layman can not distinguish pneumonia from an ordinary cold.

The very first sign of pneumonia is a cough. Call the district pediatrician at the house if the infant or infants:

  • often occurs in attacks of severe cough with mucous discharge;
  • clearly feels bad;
  • lost his appetite.

Severe cases of pneumonia require adequate treatment in the hospital. Call an ambulance if you find the following symptoms of pneumonia in infants:

  • cough gradually worsens, and mucus becomes yellow, brown or with bloody veins;
  • the child's body temperature rises;
  • the baby wheezes (or whimpers hoarsely when breathing);
  • the baby refuses to drink water, and the total amount of liquid consumed in the last 24 hours does not exceed half of its norm;
  • the child breathes often and shallowly, with each sigh his skin is drawn between the ribs, above the clavicles or under the rib cage;
  • the child's lips and nails turned blue.

Risk factors

There are circumstances that increase the risk of developing some infectious diseases (which include pneumonia in the baby). Symptoms, reviews about childbirth, the behavior of the baby during feeding - all this information will allow the doctor to determine if the child is at risk.

The following groups of children are most susceptible to pneumonia:

  • the youngest;
  • daily exposed to cigarette smoke;
  • left without vaccination or vaccinated in violation of the schedule;
  • with diagnoses affecting the condition of the lungs (asthma, bronchiectasis - enlargement of the bronchi, cystic fibrosis);
  • born prematurely;
  • Pressed and coughing during feeding;
  • suffering from chronic diseases (regardless of the lesion).


At home examination it is very difficult to diagnose such a serious disease as pneumonia in the baby. Symptoms without fever can be misleading even doctors, since the first manifestations of pneumonia are in many ways similar to the usual, much more common cold. That is why it is necessary to show a small child to a pediatrician as soon as possible. He will listen to the lungs with a stethoscope and determine if there is liquid in the paired organ. The doctor will also check the heart rate of the infants, listen to breathing, check with the parents, what other symptoms of the disease they found.

If the child's condition appears to the district pediatrician to be unsatisfactory, he will suggest that you go to the hospital to take a chest x-ray. On an x-ray you will see how much the lungs are infected. You can also take a blood test or sputum to determine the causative agent of the infection and its nature (viral or bacterial).


If the doctor discovers mild symptoms of pneumonia in the baby (without cough and complications), he will most likely prescribe treatment at home. With bacterial pneumonia, they fight with antibiotics. Viral illness can pass by itself - as the immune system of the child will suppress the impact of a harmful virus.

However, in order to accurately determine the type of infection, it is necessary to take the baby to the hospital for testing. In the case of mild infection, the doctor can prescribe antibiotics without testing to ensure that both the virus and bacteria are cured. There are other ways to alleviate the condition of a small child.

What can you do yourself?

No matter what type of pneumonia the infant is, the symptoms of the disease are always extremely unpleasant and can disrupt the sleep, nutrition and the regimen of the child. In order to minimize the discomfort experienced by the baby and contribute to an early cure, try to follow the following medical recommendations:

  1. Create a baby all the conditions for a good rest.
  2. To reduce the temperature, give the child child paracetamol or ibuprofen ("Nurofen"), strictly adhering to the instructions for the use of the drug. Paracetamol can be given to babies starting from two months if it was born at 37 weeks and later and weighs more than four kilograms at the moment. Ibuprofen ("Nurofen") is safe in treating children from three months weighing at least five kilograms. If you are in doubt about the correct dosage of the drug, strictly follow the instructions of the instructions or consult a treating pediatrician.
  3. Pneumonia in the infant, the symptoms of which are expressed in the obstruction of the respiratory tract and cough, can lead to dehydration of the body, since with the listed manifestations of infection to a small child difficult to drink. Constantly offer the baby a breast or a bottle with a mixture, regardless of the established mode of feeding, and give additionally pure boiled water. If there is a financial possibility, it is advisable to buy special water for babies, intended for babies and sold in the departments of baby food.

Precautionary measures

Do not give a small child any medications for cough or cold, sold in pharmacies on a non-prescription vacation. Almost all medicines of this kind are intended for children over the age of six due to the increased risk of side effects in the youngest patients.

If a pediatrician diagnoses severe pneumonia in the baby, the symptoms (treatment with folk remedies in such cases almost never helps) gradually worsen, and antipyretic medicinal drugs have a very limited period of action, should go to the hospital and go to hospital. Remember that a dangerous condition does not always develop quickly - sometimes it takes several days before the baby's well-being worsens. Be sure to go to the hospital if the child has difficulty with absorption of food or breathing.

In the hospital

On inpatient treatment, doctors will provide the child with a full volume of fluids and oxygen. If necessary, the baby will be delivered a dropper, through which antibiotics will be introduced or, in case of severe dehydration, special fluids. In cases when pneumonia develops in the infant, symptoms, treatment with methods of alternative medicine, ignoring pediatrician recommendations and insufficient attention to the patient from relatives can lead to serious complications disease. If a baby has difficulty breathing and the blood oxygen level has reached a critical level, a special oxygen mask will be placed on his face.


Usually, in such a common disease as pneumonia in the baby, the consequences do not represent any Dangers: most young children are successfully cured, and the former excellent state of health. However, in a number of cases, pneumonia is accompanied by complications that require special therapy and extreme attention to the condition of the baby.

Dangerous consequences of pneumonia in the child

  1. Bacteremia (the presence of microbes in the patient's blood). Penetrating from the lungs into the bloodstream, bacteria are able to spread the infection to other internal organs and thereby cause dysfunction of these organs.
  2. Abscess of the lung. Abscess means accumulation of pus in the lung cavity. This condition is treated with antibiotics. Sometimes for the removal of pus requires a surgical operation or installation of drainage with a long needle or tube, which is placed in the abscess.
  3. Pleural effusion (exudative pleurisy) - accumulation of fluid around the lungs. Pneumonia can cause accumulation of fluid in a narrow space between layers of tissue, lining the lung cavity and chest (pleura). If bacteria get into this liquid, you will most likely need to pump it out with the help of drainage or remove it with the help of a surgical operation.
  4. Labored breathing. With severe pneumonia, there are problems with breathing, and the sick child is unable to breathe enough oxygen. In this case, treatment in stationary conditions is necessary, where a small patient will be connected to special equipment that will minimize the most terrible symptoms of pneumonia in the baby.


To provide a small child with all the conditions for a healthy life and to minimize the risk of inflammation of the lungs, take the following preventive measures in time:

  1. Do not give up vaccinations. Pneumococcal vaccine (Prevenar 13) protects the baby from pneumonia, meningitis and sepsis (blood poisoning). In order not to seek out the symptoms of pneumonia in a babe who has fallen ill with an ordinary cold, it is also useful to put inoculations from a hemophilic infection of type b, diphtheria and whooping cough. The last two vaccines are part of the DTP.
  2. Do not forget about the rules of personal hygiene. Cover your mouth and nose during a cough, and often wash your hands and your baby to prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses - the causative agents of infection.
  3. Do your best to minimize the negative impact of cigarette smoke on the health of the baby. If you or your partner smoke, think about giving up bad habits. Infants living with smokers are more likely to get sick and more likely to suffer from such ailments as pneumonia, colds, asthma and ear infections.

If you are attentive to your baby, you can not only suspect the disease at an early stage, but also prevent it altogether.

Symptoms of pneumonia in adults without fever

Inflammation of the lungs or pneumonia is a very insidious disease. And it affects everyone: people aged, children, young guys and girls. This disease has an infectious nature (although it is not transmitted from person to person) and is accompanied by inflammation of the lung tissue.

Usually pneumonia occurs after hypothermia and is accompanied by a strong inflammatory process.

Everyone knows that the main symptoms of pneumonia are high fever (38-39 degrees), excessive sweating, coughing and shortness of breath, acute pain in the chest. However, in recent times, there is an increasing frequency without temperature or latent pneumonia. It is especially dangerous, since it is quite difficult even for an experienced doctor to diagnose this disease.

  • Often, the sick do not even turn to the medical institution, writing off their poor state of health for an ordinary cold. At this time, the general condition of the patient is aggravated. If you do not take care of yourself in time, the ending of such a story can end sadly.
  • In order that the irreparable does not happen, it is necessary to determine as soon as possible that the patient has pneumonia. Pneumonia without temperature can be caused by several factors. In most cases, the disease proceeds in this way in people with weakened immunity. Therefore, adults need to keep a close eye on the diet and include in it vitamin-rich fruit, more out in the fresh air and tempered.


Monitor your health - inflammation of the lungs, not complicated by temperature, can lead to foci of infection: sick tonsils, teeth or lymph nodes. Also often this diagnosis is put to people who are fond of uncontrolled intake of antibiotics not prescribed by a doctor.

Most often without a temperature inflammation of the lungs occurs if a person tries to heal a cold or carries it "on his feet."The constant intake of antibiotics no longer has any effect on the virus, but the tablets knock down the temperature, and it becomes more difficult to diagnose.

Inflammation of the lungs in this case can be diagnosed by a patient's prolonged cough. However, there are clinical cases when he is absent (or "drowned out" by means of cough - tablets, medicines). If you are faced with this particular patient, pay close attention to the appearance of a person. Symptoms of pneumonia in an adult without a temperature are also reflected in appearance, that is, pneumonia is accompanied by a pallor of the face and a painful blush on the cheeks.

Changing and breathing - it becomes jerky, accompanied by a small whistle. A man loses his appetite and refuses his favorite dishes. Even a slight physical load is not tolerated well: dyspnea appears, pulse and heart rate increase. In especially difficult cases, there is a tachycardia.

It can happen that an adult has a slight temperature for a long time - 37 degrees.This indicates an inflammatory process in the body, so you should immediately show yourself to the doctor.

It is almost impossible to diagnose pneumonia without the help of the patient himself. The signs of pneumonia in an adult without a temperature directly depend on the general condition of the patient.


An adult feels in his condition that something is wrong with him, and he must tell the doctor about it. It should be more responsive to their health, and then the disease will not go into a chronic form.

Native patients should alert the following symptoms, which also indicate pneumonia - excessive weakness, severe breathing (possible difficulty with inhalation or exhalation), excessive sweating, unreasonable and constant thirst, pain and aches in everything body. By the way,the latent inflammation of the lungs is also characterized by the absence of movement of one side of the chest during inspiration or exhalation.

If you have found several of these symptoms, you should immediately call a doctor who will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a treatment that is adequate to the condition of a person.


It is very important in time to identify pneumonia in the patient. Otherwise, sclerotized areas are formed on the lung tissue. They are not able to participate in gas exchange, so the working part of the lungs is reduced, and this does not have the best effect on the quality of a person's later life. Other complications of the course of the disease are possible, some of which can lead to death.

Therefore, as soon as you have a suspicion of pneumonia, call an ambulance or a doctor at home. Drink more and do not take any medicine, so that the doctor had a complete picture of the disease.The doctor must necessarily listen to the patient and assign him medical research. X-rays can help determine if the patient has pneumonia, and show complications from the disease.Only after this can be diagnosed - pneumonia.

If pneumonia was diagnosed on time, complications do not occur, and doctors make favorable predictions. Usually after three to four weeks of effective treatment a person completely recovers. Pneumonia without temperature is a very unpredictable process, so you should take care of your health and take care of every ailment.


What are the symptoms of pneumonia? can it pass without temperature? And the pain behind the sternum can be?


Nina Sulima

There is a pneumonia and without a temperature, called sluggish. Immediately on the X-ray! A bath is contraindicated categorically.


Signs of pneumonia:
You should know some signs that allow you to suspect the development of pneumonia.

1. Cough became the main symptom of the disease.
2. Deterioration after improvement or any "catarrhal disease" lasting more than 7 days.
3. It is impossible to take a deep breath - such an attempt leads to a fit of coughing.
4. The expressed pallor of a skin on a background of other signs ORVI (temperature, a rhinitis, tussis).
5. Shortness of breath at a low body temperature.
6. At high temperature, paracetamol (panadol, epheralgan, tylenol) does not help at all.

I want to emphasize that the knowledge of the 6 mentioned characteristics is not necessary in order to make a diagnosis, but in order not to be drawn with seeking medical help.

Yulia Timoshenko

It is possible complication after SARS. Maybe pneumonia, maybe, pleurisy. I once had bilateral inflammation of the lungs without fever. If it falls so deeply, then the doctor may not listen. In such cases, ALWAYS sent to X-ray. From a warming ointment this should not be, but a hot bath could do much harm.


I had pneumonia and no temperature! What they said is not good. Maybe it's a pain. My pains were below the scapula and severe sweating at night.


bronchitis is a time... (was and still is not over)
2-X-ray of the chest-SROCHCHCHCHCHNAAAAAA!!! !
3-possible bronchopneumonia (as a complication) -pri transfer of the process to the pleura
4-most likely you were prescribed antibiotics, so there is no temperature.. but maybe the body is already so weakened.. .

y)) la-la

maybe bronchitis, and I had pneumonia without temperature, without any manifestations, and without a cough, just heard a whistle in the right lung, but the doctor immediately diagnosed pneumonia, and turned to the doctor simply because she did not want to go to work, went in the hope of a sick leave, and almost hit the hospital

Alexander Lidovsky

When pneumonia usually elevated temperature, but pain, as a rule, no. The described symptoms, rather approach to a small tracheitis or bronchitis. Especially pneumonia so quickly does not pass.


Pneumonia is usually accompanied by an increase in temperature. Pain behind the sternum can be associated with heart disease.


Pneumonia happens without temperature. this often depends on the age and individual reaction of the organism to the infection process.
In your case, more likely bronchitis, he could have overtone bronchopneumonia, but if the lungs are really clean, then he does not overdo it.
But the bronchitis you have is quite medium-heavy, requires careful treatment.

Lydia Schneider

Pneumonia without temperature happens. severe cough, often dry, when not coughing up. If the doctor did not hear anything, this is no reason to calm down. X-ray the chest. Treatment with antibiotics.

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