Expectorant cough

How to cure an expectorant cough quickly

Separation of sputum causes irritation of certain receptors in the respiratory tract, resulting in an attack of expectorant cough. It can indicate that the sputum has dropped into the bronchi or lungs. And this - the consequences of serious diseases that require immediate treatment. Remember that it should appoint a doctor who first diagnoses the disease and determines its nature (infectious or not).

Treatment of cough expectorant: the main component of the complex

Treatment of expectorant cough should be comprehensive. First of all, it requires the elimination of the underlying cause of the disease. If it comes to bronchitis, the patient is most often prescribed antibiotics in the form of tablets:

  • Amoxicillin.
  • Azithromycin.
  • Z-factor.
  • Amoxiclav.

In pneumonia, treatment for expectorant cough is also done with antibiotics, but only injectively.

If the cause of the expectorant cough is an infection, the patient is prescribed antiviral drugs aimed at combating bacterial pathogens. The most effective of them are:

instagram viewer
  • Arbidol.
  • Ingoverine.
  • Otsilokokcinum.
  • Kagocel.

Cough expectorant - medication treatment

Drug treatment for this unpleasant symptom should be aimed at diluting sputum, which because of the increased viscosity settles in the bronchi and lungs. In modern pharmacies there is a whole arsenal of medicines that perfectly help to cope with this problem. After they are taken, sputum is not only diluted, but also is excreted from the lungs and bronchi. The most known and effective among drugs for the treatment of wet cough are:

  • ATSTS.
  • Herbion.
  • Broncholitin.
  • Supriombronho.
  • Ambrogen.
  • Lazolvan.

Old and good "Mukaltin" and "Tablets from cough" and syrup "Althea" are also in great demand in the treatment of an expectorant reflex act. Perhaps because they stand a little, and their effectiveness is checked by time.

Inhalations with the help of a nebulizer also help to cope with an expectorant cough. They can be carried out with both usual saline solution and with special solutions for inhalation (Lazolvan, Ambroxol, Berodual).

How to cure an expectorant cough with the help of traditional medicine

It is, of course, possible to use folk medicine in the treatment of an expectorant cough. However, it is recommended to do this only after consulting with a doctor and only in conjunction with medications. Here are a few simple recipes, the use of which will help in the treatment of an expectorant reflex act:

  • Take one black radish, cut off the top of her head and make a circular groove inside the root of the root. Make sure that the hole is funnel-shaped and widened to the top of the head. In the resulting cavity, pour the honey and place the radish on a deep bowl so that the juice along with the honey gradually flow out of it. Take the mixture three times a day for two teaspoons.
  • Mix in equal parts St. John's wort, mother-and-stepmother, plantain and fill with hot water. The dosage of herbs in this case is comparable to tea brewing. The present broth should be taken up to five times a day. You can add a little honey to it.
  • Take one medium lemon and squeeze out the juice from it. In the resulting liquid, add a few teaspoons of honey. Mix everything thoroughly and take a teaspoon several times a day.

Remember that an expectorant cough can not pass by itself. Do not wait until the disease that provoked the symptom, will go into a chronic form. Be sure to visit a specialist who will prescribe you a cure.


All expectorants for cough with bronchitis

When ORVI, bronchitis with a damp cough with poorly separated sputum, the use of medicines is recommended, which either dilute sputum - mucolytic drugs, or facilitate its separation - expectorants from cough. These include both herbal remedies and synthetic preparations.

Many of us prefer to restrict the intake of medications not obtained from natural substances, however, it should always be remembered that any a medicinal plant, no matter what positive properties it possessed, as well as synthetic agents have side effects, and has a number contraindications.

Since the composition of all medicinal plants is very complex and saturated, in addition to useful and medicinal herbs, a lot of other, sometimes toxic, harmful substances are included in the herbs and preparations. Moreover, in our days, the majority of the population suffers from various types of allergies, and any drug, even the most expensive, effective and safe, can cause an inadequate body reaction.

Classification of funds that facilitate cough and promote rapid recovery

All means for cough relief are subdivided into antitussives, expectorants and mucolytic agents.

  • Antitussives, as well as combination preparations - are indicated for dry, unproductive cough, disturbing sleep and appetite (see. article antitussives with dry cough).
  • Expectorants - are indicated with a productive cough, when the sputum is not thick, not viscous.
  • Mucolytic agents - are shown with a productive cough, but with a thick, hard to separate, viscous sputum.

Any cough medicine must be prescribed only by your doctor. Antitussive remedies can not be used to treat concomitantly with mucolytic drugs, but there are combination drugs that have a weak antitussive and expectorant effect.

Expectorants - means that stimulate expectoration are also divided into:

  • Reflex action - these drugs have an irritating effect on the gastric mucosa, and this in its turn excites the vomiting center, but vomiting does not occur, but the production of mucus in respiratory ways. The peristalsis of the smooth musculature of the bronchi and the activity of the epithelium, which removes phlegm from small to large bronchioles and into the trachea, is also intensified. The result of this irritation is the facilitation of expectoration of mucus and the removal of sputum from the bronchi. In general, these are herbal preparations - thermopsis, Ledum, mother and stepmother, althea, plantain, thyme, etc.
  • Direct resorptive action - after digestion of these cough suppressants in the digestive tract, they cause irritation of the bronchial mucosa, thereby increasing the secretion of liquid sputum.

Mucolytic agents are preparations that dilute sputum:

  • Mukoliticheskie means, affecting the elasticity and viscosity of bronchial mucus (ATSTS, etc.)
  • Mucolytic agents that accelerate the excretion of sputum (bromhexine, ambroxol)
  • Mucolytic drugs that reduce the formation of mucus (Libexin Muko, M-cholinoblockers, glucocorticoids).

Expectorants for cough reflex action

The use of infusions from the herb of thermopsis should be treated very carefully. At children at the slightest overdose there can be a vomiting. Moreover, the cytisine (alkaloid) entering into its composition in large doses can cause a short-term stimulation of respiration in children, which then gives way to respiratory depression.

Preparations of Althea

Indication: Chronic and acute diseases of the respiratory system - bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, obstructive bronchitis, emphysema. At which a difficultly separated sputum is formed, increased viscosity.

Pharmacological action: When using expectorants from the herb althea medicinal, the effect is achieved by stimulation of peristalsis of bronchioles, it has an anti-inflammatory effect, dilutes bronchial secret.
Contraindications: increased sensitivity to this drug, gastric and duodenal ulcer. For preparations in syrup, use with caution in diabetes mellitus and fructose intolerance. Children under 3 years, with pregnancy only according to the indications.
Side effects: allergic manifestations, rarely nausea, vomiting

Mukaltin, tablets (20 rubles).

Method of use: Children mukultin as an expectorant for cough take, dissolving 1 a tablet in 1/3 of a glass of water, adults are recommended to 50-100 mg 3/4 p / day before meals, a course of therapy 1-2 weeks.

The roots of the althea(60 rubles) raw materials crushed
Dosage: Take in the form of infusion, which is prepared as follows - a tablespoon on a glass of cold water, in a water bath is boiled for 15 minutes, cooled, filtered, squeezed, brought to 200 ml. Admission is carried out 3-4 r / day after eating, before taking shake. Children 3-5 years, 1 dessert each. spoon, 6-14 years for 1-2 tablespoons, adults 1/2 cup for 1 reception. The course of treatment is 12-21 days.
Alteika syrup(90 rub) syrup Althea (30-130 rub)
Application: Inside after meals, children under 12 years old - 4 r / day for 1 hour. spoon, diluted in a quarter of a glass of water, adults for 1 tbsp. l. syrup, diluted in half a glass of water. The course of treatment is up to 2 weeks, according to the indications the duration of therapy can be continued.

Preparations of thermopsis

Thermopsolpills for cough (30-50 rub)

The herb of thermopsis has a pronounced expectorant property, this herbal preparation contains many alkaloids (cytisine, thermopsin, methyl cytisine, anagirine, pachycarpine, thermopsidin), which exert a stimulating effect on the respiratory center, and at high doses on the vomiting Centre. Sodium bicarbonate, which is a part of the tablets Termopsol also reduces the viscosity of phlegm, stimulating the secretion of bronchial glands.
Indications: Tablets from cough Termopsol are indicated when coughing with hard-to-recover sputum, with bronchitis and tracheobronchitis.
Contraindications: Stomach ulcer and 12-finger. gut, hypersensitivity
Usage: 1 table. 3 r / day course of 3-5 days.

Kodelak Broncho(120-170 rubles)without codeinethe composition includes (thermopsis extract, ambroxol, sodium hydrogen carbonate and glycyrrhizinate)
Kodelak Broncho with thyme100 ml. elixir (150 rub)without codeine,in the composition (thyme extract, ambroxol, sodium glycyrrhizinate) These are combined expectorants that have expressed and mucolytic, and expectorant action, in addition have a moderate anti-inflammatory activity. Included in Ambroxol reduces the viscosity of phlegm, and Sodium glycyrrhizinate has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties.
Indications: Kodelak Broncho is used for difficulty in sputum discharge during pneumonia, COPD, bronchitis acute and chronic, with bronchoectatic disease.
Contraindications: Pregnancy, children under 12 years, during lactation, with increased sensitivity to components of Kodelak Broncho. With caution in bronchial asthma, ulcerative gastrointestinal diseases, people with hepatic and renal insufficiency.
Dosage: When eating 1 table. 3 r / day, can not be used for more than 4-5 days.
Side effects: Headache, weakness, dry mouth, diarrhea, constipation, with high doses and prolonged reception - nausea, vomiting. Dryness of the mucosa of the respiratory tract, allergic reactions, dysuria, exanthema.

Thoracal Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4

The composition of which includes medicinal herbs:
  • Breast gathering 1 - mother and stepmother, oregano
  • Breast gathering 2 - plantain, mother and stepmother, licorice (Phytopectol 40-50 r.)
  • Breast gathering 3 - marshmallow, pine buds, anise, sage
  • Breast gathering 4 - Ledum, licorice, chamomile, calendula, violet

More details about these collections of medicinal herbs from coughing can be read in our article - Breastfeeding, "from coughing - instructions for use.

Expectorant collection- Ledum, chamomile, elecampane rhizomes, mother and stepmother, calendula, peppermint, licorice, plantain.
Application: infusion take 4 r / day before meals in 1/4 cup or 50 ml, course 10-14 days. Infusion is prepared as follows - 1 tbsp. l. collection boil in a water bath for 15 minutes in 200 ml of water, then cool, bring to 200 ml.
Side effect: Diarrhea, heartburn, nausea, allergic manifestations.
(elixir, manufacturer of Ukraine) composition: Ledum, plantain, anise, violet, licorice, sage, thyme.

Leaf of plantain, mother and stepmother, ledum and other vegetable preparations

Leaf of plantain(30 rubles pack)

Plantain contains many useful biologically active substances, mucus, vitamins, essential oil, oleic acid, bitter and tannins, resins, saponins, sterols, emulsions, alkaloids, chlorophyll, mannitol, sorbitol, phytoncides, flavonoids, macro- and microelements. It has bacteriostatic, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, expectorant, mild laxative effect. It also has a mucolytic effect, restoring the work of the ciliated epithelium.
Indication: diseases of the digestive tract, kidneys, atherosclerosis (treatment of cerebral atherosclerosis), cystitis, inflammatory diseases nasopharynx and oral cavity, with atopic dermatitis, with whooping cough, bronchitis, pneumonia as a strong expectorant therapeutic means.
Contraindications: gastritis hyperacid, ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions to herbal preparations.
Application: infusion for half an hour before a meal of 2 tbsp. spoons. 3 r / day course 1-2 weeks.
Side effect: Heartburn (see. tablets from heartburn), allergic reactions

Herbion with plantain(180-230 rubles) For more details on the use of Herbion in dry cough and Herbionum with a damp cough, read in our article.

Grasshopper herb grass(35 rubles)is part of the expectorant collection, Breastfeeding No 4 and Bronchophyta. Herbal means of expectorant action, essential oil components have a locally irritating effect on mucous membranes bronchi, ledum has both antimicrobial and moderate anti-inflammatory effect, has an exciting effect on myometrium and CNS.
Dosage: Infusion of 3 r / day for 1/2 cup, for infusion it takes 2 tablespoons of herbs per 200 ml of boiling water.
Side effects: Increased bronchospasm, increased irritability, excitability, dizziness.
Mother and stepmother(40 rub)
Application: due to the biologically active substances included in the composition it has antimicrobial, expectorant, diaphoretic, choleretic, wound-healing and antispasmodic properties.
Dosage: every 3 hours for 15 ml infusion or 2-3 tablespoons 3 r / day for an hour before meals. Prepare the infusion as follows - 2 tbsp. Spoons are filled with a glass of water and for 15 minutes. boil in a water bath, then cool, filter, volume is adjusted to 200 ml.
Plantain syrup and mother and stepmothers(200 rubles)
Contraindications: children under 6 years of age, pregnancy, lactation, peptic ulcer.
Use: the syrup is taken to children 6-10 years old to 15 years old for 2 hours. spoon, adult 1-2 tbsp. spoon 4 r / day course 14-21 day. The change in the duration of therapy is determined by the attending physician.
Side effects: allergic reactions (see. all tablets from allergies)

Stoppussin phyto syrup(130 rubles)composition: plantain, thyme, thyme. This is a phytopreparation with an anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect.
Contraindicated: during pregnancy and feeding, children under 1 year. Patients with epilepsy (causes), kidney and liver diseases, brain injuries should be taken with caution.
Application: after meals 1-5 years for 1 hour. spoon 3 r / day, 5-10 years for 1-2 hours. l. 10-15 years for 2-3 tsp, adults for 1 tbsp. l. 3-5 r / day. Usually the course of treatment is not more than 1 week, continue therapy is possible according to the indications.
Coldrex bronchus (syrup 110-250 rub)
Syrup Caldrex bronchus has the smell of anise and licorice, the main substance used is guaifenesin, and also includes dextrose, macrogol, sodium cyclamate and benzoate, tincture of red pepper, star anise seed oil, racemic camphor, levomenthol.
Contraindicated: children under 3 years, with peptic ulcer, hypersensitivity.
Usage: Children from 3-12 years of age are shown an example in a single dose of 5 ml every 3 hours, an adult 10 ml every 3 hours.
Side effects: abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, urticaria, rash.

Thyme (thyme extract)

Thyme grass(40 rub) Thyme essential oil (90 rub)

It is also an expectorant for coughs of plant origin, has analgesic and antimicrobial effect.
Contraindications and side effects are similar to plantain leaf.
Usage: 1 tbsp. spoon or 15 sachets filled with a glass of water and boiled in a water bath for 15 minutes, cooled, filtered, brought to 200 ml. Take after eating 1 tbsp. l. 3 r / day course of 14-21 days.

  • Bronchicum - pastilliki from cough (150 rub) syrup (250 rub)
  • Pertussin syrup (30 rub)
  • Tussamag drops and syrup (90-170 rub)

These are liquid extracts of thyme, which are mucolytic and expectorant agents for coughing with bronchitis, pneumonia, with diseases with paroxysmal coughing, and with hardly detachable sputum.

  • Bronchicum With syrup and lozenges

After meals, children 6-12 months - on, h. spoons 2 r / day, 2-6 years - 1 hour. l. 2 r / day, 6-12 years - 1 tsp3 r / day, for adults 2 tsp. 3 r / day.

Pastilles should be absorbed, children 6-12 years old - 1 paste. 3 r / day, for adults 1-2 pastes. 3 r / day.
  • Bronchicum TP (primrose with thyme)

Children 1-4 years - on, ch. 3 r / day, 5-12 years - 1 tsp each. 4 r / day, adults for 1 tsp. 6 r / day. Bronchicum should be taken throughout the day at regular intervals.

  • Pertussin (thyme + potassium bromide)

After meals, children 3-6 years old, ch. Lolki,

6-12 years old by 1-2 tsp, over 12 years old on a dessert spoon, adults on a tablespoon 3 r / day, course 10-14 days.
  • Tussamag drops and syrup (thyme extract)

Children 1-5 years old take 2-3 r / day for 10-25 drops, which can be taken in diluted and undiluted form. Children older than 5 years of 20-50 drops, adults 40-60 drops of 4 r / day. Syrup should be taken after meals for children 1-5 years 3p / day for 1 tsp., Over 5 years 1-2 tsp, for adults 2-3 tsp. 4 r / day.


Gelomirtol (170-250 rub)

It is an expectorant for coughing with chronic and acute bronchitis, of plant origin.
Dosage: Children under 10 years of 120mg 5p / day for acute inflammation, 3 r / day for chronic process. Adults for half an hour before meals with acute bronchitis 300 mg 4 r / day, with chronic 2 p / day for chronic. In chronic bronchitis at bedtime, 300 mg are additionally taken to improve sputum excretion.
Side effects: dyspepsia, allergic reactions, abdominal pain, increased mobility of stones in the gallbladder and kidneys.

Expectorants for cough of direct resorptive action

Such active ingredients as ammonium chloride, sodium hydrogen carbonate, potassium and sodium iodides increase secretion liquid sputum, the same effect is possessed by essential oils of fruits of anise, medicinal herbs - rosemary, oregano and etc.



ammonium chloride, sodium benzoate, potassium bromide, licorice root extract and herbs of thermopsis.
Contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation, children under 3 years, peptic ulcer, hypersensitivity.
Application: After meals, children 3-6 years old - 1 / 2hl. 3 r / day, 6-12 years - 1 teaspoon, 12-18 years - 1 dessert each. spoon, adults for 1 tbsp. l 3 r / day, the course of treatment 10-14 days.

Mucolytic agents for coughing with bronchitis

Mucolytic agents help to dilute viscous sputum, improving the process of its removal, eliminating the nutrient medium for pathogenic microorganisms.


  • ATSTS (sachets, tab. soluble, syrup, bottles (120-400 rub)
  • Vix active agent ekspedomed (tab. soluble 220-280 rub)
  • Fluimucil (granules, ampoules, tablets 200-240 rub)

Mucolytic agent, reduces the severity of the inflammatory process, reduces the frequency of exacerbations in chronic bronchitis. It is indicated for laryngitis (treatment in a child), otitis media, obstructive, acute bronchitis, pneumonia.
Contraindicated in pregnancy, children under 2 years of age, with pulmonary hemorrhage, with caution in bronchial asthma (may worsen

bronchospasm), renal and hepatic insufficiency, adrenal diseases.
Application: Duration of therapy for acute catarrhal diseases should not exceed 7 days, with chronic bronchitis a longer reception is possible. Preparations of acetylcysteine ​​is better taken after eating, it should be borne in mind that always additional fluid intakeincreases the expectorant effect.
Children 2-5 years of 100 mg 2-3 r / day, from 6-14 years 3 r / day for 100 mg, an adult at 200 mg 3 r / day or 600 mg once a day.
Side effects: tinnitus, headache, stomatitis, vomiting, heartburn, tachycardia, lowering of blood pressure, bronchospasm, development of pulmonary hemorrhage, urticaria, skin rash.


  • Bromhexine (table 40-80 rub, drops 100 rubles, potion (140 rub)
  • Bronchosan (drops 160-190 rub) Ingredients: bromhexine hydrochloride, oil of oregano, fennel, mint, eucalyptus, anise, levomenthol
  • Solvyn (syrup, table. 120 rubles)

Mucolytic agent, has expectorant and weak antitussive effect. The effect occurs within 2-5 days after the initiation of therapy.
Contraindicated: children under 6 years of age for tablets, hypersensitivity, 1 trimester of pregnancy, during lactation.

children from 6 years 8 mg 3 r / day, from 2-6 years (in syrup, medicine) 2 mg 3 r / day, adults 8-16 mg 4 r / day. You can treat in the form of inhalations with bronchitis, laryngitis, they are 2 r / day, the solution is diluted with saline solution or distilled water 1/1, heated to body temperature, dosage for children 2-10 years -2 mg, over 10 years - 4, adults - 8 mg.
Side effects: vomiting, nausea, allergic reactions, headache, dizziness.

Combined preparations Dzhoset, Ascoril, Kashnol

They are used only for strict indications.
On the appointment of a doctor with obstructive syndrome.
  • Dzhosset syrup price 150-180 rub.
  • Cough syrup 130 rub.
  • Ascoril tablets. 300 rubles, syrup 250 rubles.

Ingredients: Bromhexine, Guaifenesin, Salbutamol.
Shown: with bronchial asthma, COPD, pneumonia, pulmonary emphysema, tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis, tracheobronchitis.
Contraindications: children under 3 years, glaucoma, pregnancy and the period of feeding, tachyarrhythmia, thyrotoxicosis, myocarditis, diabetes mellitus, stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer, hepatic and renal failure, aortic stenosis. It should not be taken together with non-selective blockers of β-adrenoreceptors, with antitussive agents, MAO inhibitors.
Dosage: Children strictly according to prescription of the doctor 3-6 years for 5 ml 3 r / day, from 6 to 12 years 5-10 ml. 3 r / day, over 12 years and adults 10 ml. 3 r / day.
Side effects: increased nervous excitability, headache, convulsions, dizziness, drowsiness, tremor, sleep disturbance (see. how quickly to fall asleep), vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, exacerbation of stomach ulcers, depression of pressure, tachycardia, staining of urine pink, rash, urticaria, paradoxical bronchospasm.
Special instructions: Do not drink alkaline.



- Lazolvan (Table. syrup, bottles 200-360), Ambrobe (tab. ampoules, capsules, syrup 120-200 rub), Ambrohexal (tab. syrup 70-100 rubles), Ambroxol (Table. syrup 20-40 rubles), Ambrosan (tab. 100 rubles), Flavamed (tab. the flask. 150-200 rubles), Haliksol (tab. 100 rubles).

This mucolytic, expectorant drug, Lazolvan - is today considered one of the most effective mucolytic drugs.
Indications: with COPD, pneumonia, acute and chronic bronchitis,

bronchial asthma, etc. diseases of the respiratory tract accompanied by viscous sputum.
Contraindicated: in 1 trim-re pregnancy, in 2 and 3 trim-re with caution, patients with chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys.
Application: Take the tablets after meals for 30 mg. 3 r / day for adults. Children are shown reception in the form of a syrup up to 2 years, ch. 2 r / day, 2-6 years ch. 3 r / day, 6-12 yearsfor 1 tsp. 3 r / day, adults for 2 tsp. 3 r / day, the course of therapy is usually no more than 5 days. The syrup should be taken with a large amount of liquid during meals.
Side effects: heartburn, vomiting, diarrhea, allergic reactions, skin rash.


  • Libexin Muko for adults, Libexin Muko for children (270 rubles)
  • Bronchobos syrup and capsules (200 -220 rub)
  • Fluviert syrup and tablets (230-280 rub)
  • Flüditik syrup (250 rub)

expectorant mucolytic agent, increases the viscosity of sputum, improves the elasticity of bronchial secretions.
Contraindications: pregnancy, up to 2 years (for children's forms) for children under 15 years (for adult forms - Libexin Muko, Bronhobos capsules, Flouifort tablets), gastric ulcer, chronic

glomerufrit, cystitis.
Application: 15 ml or 1 measuring cup 3 r / day, separately from food intake. The course of treatment can not be conducted for more than 8 days
Side effects: gastrointestinal bleeding, nausea, vomiting, urticaria, skin itching, weakness, dizziness.


What cures an expectorant cough for a 5-month-old baby. Doctors speak will pass by itself.



Correct doctors say. Cough is treated with a cough

Elvira Brusnyak

Is this how it will go by itself? Itself will go down to the bronchitis - it's yes... Take Umcalor - it is based on herbs and very effective. It is possible from birth, in my opinion.

Resident Evil

We were treated with nosin
Chamomile solution with cotton fleece was treated with the oral cavity (daisy in any case is useful even for digestion)
Keep your nose warm with salt in a kerchief
Aloe and calanhae juices until a year to drip do not recomend (and after a year you still need to dilute)
and the most important if the child snotches and coughs he needs candles VIFERON (in the pharmacy tell the age baby) they are immunostimulating-they can also help with inflammatory processes and immunity (we are very pomagalo)

Strong woman

Inhalations, if there is a nebulizer.

Svyatoslav Sergeev

If there is a cough, then you need to help the child cough. If coughing from the fact that the droplets flow into the back wall into the mouth, then it means fighting with the common cold. If the doctor in the lungs does not find anything, then maybe there are signs of tracheitis (when the main focus of inflammation is located in the trachea, if it descends further, it passes into bronchitis, if it can go further into inflammation lungs). Therefore, any cough should be treated before finding out the cause. Strange at you pediatrists-it will pass or take place... a little woman.
Do not get carried away with vasoconstrictive drops like Nazivin-this is not useful... If you teach this infancy to this, then what to do next? In infancy, it is better to limit the toilet of the nose-to wash it with aquamoris, an aqualor, and just saline solution. (from a small syringe). You do not need to ruin the mucous membranes from the early months, and this is also the occurrence of a vascular reaction in the baby, if you use Nazivin for more than 3 days in a row.
You were correctly told about the nebulizer. There in the inhalator there is a mask that can be put on a child so that he can breathe. Of course, you need the help of a second person. One holds the child in his arms, the other holds it and keeps a mask on it. If this happens, inhalation with saline and for example Lazolvanom, from a wet cough that should help very well.

nam aste

Completely agree with Svyatoslav. And also - the vertical position of the baby. That the sputum did not become numb in the bronchi. And still - slightly tap on the back - like a massage. It's hard not to lie down. Let relatives help. Get well. And about vasoconstrictor - if the choice between drops and bronchitis - the choice is obvious.

Dasha Matveeva

We must build on how much the child is already coughing. If the cough is residual, then do nothing, but wait until it passes. Even with a damp cough, in principle, a warm, profuse drink is always helpful, it removes and dilutes sputum. As for cough syrups, it is difficult to say, it should only the doctor appoint after listening to the baby's lungs, because if you do not pick the right syrup and start giving it to your baby, you can only cough aggravated. In general, with acute respiratory viral infection, it is necessary to treat them in a comprehensive and timely manner, we were prescribed Viferon suppositories, coughs, sore throat, fever, bed rest, warm drink. It is also worthwhile to ensure favorable conditions for recovery: the air temperature in the room is 22 degrees, always fresh and moistened air must be.

Gleb Utkin

In no case should it be closed on the expectorant cough of the eye in the hope that it will pass by itself. Specialists who recommend leaving everything on their own, in this situation show a high degree of incompetence and illiteracy. From sputum must be disposed of in all available ways, as this is a very favorable environment for the development of dangerous microorganisms and bacteria.
There is a generally accepted view that it is only necessary to complete the treatment if and stage, when the child himself can spontaneously and efficiently cough up phlegm during mobile games and movement. In 5 months it is difficult to "catch" this moment, therefore I advise each step to be coordinated with a qualified doctor.
Councils for medicines suitable for the treatment of productive cough in infants are information only and can not be used in practice without prior consultation with the pediatricians.
It is possible and even necessary to facilitate the process of recovery, by creating the most favorable conditions for this. Drinking drink, cool (18 - 20 degrees) and regularly ventilated air in the room, sufficient humidification, walks in the street - these are the main and most effective ways of treating a well expectorant cough in children. By the way, also it is not necessary to arrange the baby with bed rest because sputum is better removed from the respiratory tract if the child is on the move. Given the early age of your crumbs, I advise you to put a pillow under your head and back so that the phlegm does not stagnate and accumulate in the airways, provoking coughing attacks.
You as a parent should understand that the respiratory musculature of a five-month-old child is not developed enough, and sputum itself age is more viscous, so the treatment of productive cough in infants is much more difficult than the treatment of wet cough in an adult rights.
To help necessarily come and effective mucolytic drugs, which are designed specifically for the treatment of children at such a small age.
Ambroxol dilutes sputum well. If the cough is not productive enough, this drug will help achieve maximum effect. Inexpensive, has a pleasant taste, is intended for children from a month old.
"Ambrogen" also suits children from the first month of life and facilitates the separation and expectoration of phlegm.
"Lazolvan" can be prescribed to children from 6 months. Given his ability to thin and expectorate sputum, I advise you to talk with the pediatrician about the advisability of using it already now.
Licorice root is an excellent expectorant, which facilitates the excretion of phlegm. Applicable up to 2 years of age.
It is also worth paying special attention to mucolytic preparations of plant origin. "Dr. Mom various breast picks, solutan, etc. in addition to high efficiency, they differ in their predisposition to allergic reactions.
The dosage and duration of these medications should be consulted with your doctor, as the risk of developing allergic problems is too high. Any skin rashes, redness or anxiety should be the reason for an immediate refusal to continue taking medications and seeking help from a doctor.
Recently, pediatricians are increasingly advised in the treatment of various types of cough to use inhalation procedures. I draw your attention that this should not be ordinary steam inhalations, but inhalations with the help of children's nebulizers.
Details read: http://www.domotvetov.ru/pediatriya/lechenie-mokrogo-kashlya-u-mladen.html

Effective expectorants and folk remedies for dry cough

Coughing periodically torments almost all people. Therefore, it is very important to learn in time and correctly treat it.Expectorants for dry cough are used primarily for liquefaction and withdrawal of sputum.After using such medications, the cough becomes wet, and this is already halfway to recovery.

There are a lot of such drugs - medical drugs, traditional medicine, ready-made formulations for inhalations. Many effective means are offered to us by nature itself - propolis, honey, onions, milk, herbs and other plants. Of course, from an arid cough to an adult, you need to use one means, and for children - quite different.

Causes of dry cough

Dry cough usually occurs in the first stages of colds, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory infections, influenza, bronchitis caused by hypothermia, bacteria, viruses, allergies. It is worth noting that all these diseases, as a rule, occur against the background of weakened immunity. Rarely is hereditary predisposition, that is, a tendency to catarrhal diseases at the gene level.

Cough - a way to protect the body from bacteria by producing sputum. So do not try to get rid of it. But to make the damp dry, so that sputum is removed - this is the task of both doctors and patients suffering from cough.

In addition to infections that penetrate the bronchi, dry cough can also be caused by the following reasons:

  • cough can be caused by an allergy, while the muscles surrounding the bronchi are contracted, under the action of serotonin, histamine or bradykinin, that is, substances produced by the body under the influence of an allergen;
  • ailment can cause stagnant phenomena in the lungs, this happens if the heart can not deliver to the lungs the amount of blood necessary for their work;
  • dry cough can cause and blockage of the bronchi, for example, with a tumor;
  • in some cases, medication can also provoke an ailment, for example, certain drugs to reduce pressure.
But coughing is not always a sign of a disease. It often occurs suddenly when a foreign body enters the respiratory tract. Even a simple speck of dust, unsuccessfully flown into your mouth, can provoke a cough, because our body tries to get rid of it. Inhalation of smoke, too, usually causes a cough.

Cough in heavy smokers is also not uncommon. The ailment is often caused by obvious everyday causes. After all, cigarette smoke, like other stimuli, stimulates the release of excess sputum in the bronchi, from which the body gets rid of, coughing it out.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Dry cough is different, and its manifestations can be used to judge a particular disease. Cough can be rapid and prolonged, with and without seizures, coughing at night or just during the day, barking cough or calm. Factors accompanying the ailment are also taken into account: fever, weakness. For all these indicators, an experienced doctor will immediately diagnose and prescribe the right treatment. The main thing is not to miss the moment for the treatment to be timely. Only in this case it will bring good effect in a short time. Consider these symptoms in more detail.

A long-lasting cough indicates a chronic illness. If the cough passes quickly, then it is most likely an acute illness.

If a dry cough occurs at night, and in order to soothe it, you have to sit for a long time so that the trunk was in the vertical position, it is a pulmonary cough that occurs due to increased pressure in the vessels lungs. To lower the pressure, a person instinctively gets up or sits down, leading the trunk to a vertical position. The cause in this case is the poor work of the heart - it does not pump blood into the lungs. Overcooling or even emotional stress also occur among the causes of dry cough.

Coughing attacks often occur with a diagnosis such as bronchial asthma. Such a cough is accompanied by a whistle or wheeze. Attacks occur at night. Bronchitis in chronic smokers also has similar symptoms.

If the patient's body temperature rises and he feels weak, then this indicates an infectious disease. The feeling of general weakness in this case often indicates blood diseases or even tuberculosis. With tuberculosis, these symptoms are accompanied by sweating and severe thinness. They are considered characteristic signs of the disease.

To identify the causes of dry cough, additional studies are being carried out - radiography, fluorography, bronchoscopy is prescribed for suspected bronchoconstriction.

When suspected of the allergic nature of the disease, blood tests are performed. A general blood test will be useful in all cases of dry cough.

Suspicion of a cardiac cough is confirmed or refuted by analyzing the results of ECG, ultrasound of the heart and small physical exertion. Almost always, a feces analysis is taken to reveal the presence of helminths. After all, they can be the cause of a dry cough.

Review of expectorants with dry cough

The choice of a medicine for dry cough depends primarily on its nature and the symptoms accompanying it, discussed above. In addition, one must take into account the individual preferences of the patient. The best way to choose a drug is to consult a doctor.

For the treatment, both medical pharmaceutical preparations with dry cough and folk remedies are used. Dry cough is also called unproductive, and moist productive. The primary task of treating dry cough is to turn it into a productive wet cough for the production of sputum. For this purpose, expectorants and tablets are used for dry cough. In addition to performing its direct function - diluting viscous sputum - such drugs also expand the bronchi, improve breathing.

Expectorant drugs for dry cough are divided into two groups. The first include the so-called secretotomotor drugs that increase the amount of sputum produced. The essence of their action is to stimulate the expectorant reflex. These drugs include: licorice root, benzonate, hydrogen carbonate and sodium iodide, potassium iodide, thermopsis.

The second group includes the directly diluted sputum preparations, the so-called mucoregulators. These drugs are aimed at reducing the viscosity of sputum, which is achieved by breaking intermolecular bonds. Examples of such agents are ambroxol, bromhexine, trypsin.

Some medicines for dry cough

At home, you can cope with a dry ailment by drinking a large amount of warm liquid, prepared in various ways. For example, even simple warmed alkaline mineral water makes the symptoms of dry cough easy. Borjomi, narzan, essentuki are suitable here.

Inhalations are the most effective remedy for such a disease. This method allows the use of different formulations for inhalations and achieve sustainable results in a short time. In any case, inhalations even with the use of simple soda bring quick relief.

Of course, to date, many devices for inhalation have been invented, among which nebulajzar, perhaps, the best has proved due to ease of use, safety and efficiency impact.

However, if there was not at hand a special device - an inhaler, you can do inhalations over the pan, covering yourself with a towel or blanket. In this case for the inhalation will be suitable just cooked potatoes, broths of chamomile, sage, inflorescences of linden, plantain, St. John's wort and other medicinal herbs.

This inhalation should be carried out for at least 15 minutes while the steam is still hot. But you need to keep in mind that at elevated blood pressure it is better to refuse inhalations, do not do them at elevated body temperature.

Recipes of traditional medicine

The wide experience of using folk remedies with dry cough distinguishes the simple recipes presented below from the whole variety. Onions can be used additionally as an antibacterial agent.

For this recipe you need to prepare a decoction of oats in milk. One glass of peeled oats should be added in two glasses of milk and cooked over low heat until the oats completely boil. This broth should be drunk at least six times a day.

Healing with a dry cough will be and the following composition: a teaspoon of honey, butter and soda melt in a glass of warm milk and drink in small sips to the bottom.

Particularly distinguish the recipe from black radish due to its beneficial effect on cough and the ability to excrete phlegm.

The action of radish is recommended to strengthen with the help of honey.

Black radish on honey. The top of a large radish needs to be cut, so that the lid turns out. Take out the core with a teaspoon. Bee honey is poured into the resulting cavity in a radish to about half. Then you need to close the radish cut at the first stage of the lid and lower the root into the water. After a six-hour exposure, the radish extracts the healing juice. The obtained effective agent has expectorant properties.


It is rare to find a recipe from a banana broth that helps with coughing. It is necessary to knead two bananas and dilute in a glass of water, adding one teaspoon of sugar. Heat to boil and remove from heat. The broth is ready.

Recipe based on baking soda. Suitable for adults and children. After dissolving a teaspoon of soda in a glass of warm milk, take a few small sips inside the reception.

Nature comes to the rescue

We reviewed recipes based on such well-known products as black radish and honey, milk, onions. Against dry cough often used and a variety of herbal preparations. The combination of herbs can be selected, based on the individual preferences of the patient and the characteristics of his body. In addition to herbal decoctions, propolis, vegetable oil, goose fat is often used.

A lot of herbs having an expectorant effect are given by nature. The root of licorice, chamomile, birch, plantain, mother-and-stepmother, oregano, marshmallow - all are herbs and plants that can cure us not only from cough, but from many other ailments. However, broths from such herbs should not be drunk with allergies or asthma.


All these medicinal decoctions are suitable for adults and children alike. It is advisable to take them after consulting a doctor. Medicinal broths, cooked from these herbs, are aimed at softening the sputum and are expectorants with a dry cough.

Many people are used to treatment with medications. But there are a lot of those who can benefit from this kind of treatment with the help of means that nature takes care of us.


Expectorant against coughing

Cough, as a rule, indicates a complication of the disease. In this case, every effort should be made to get rid of the unpleasant symptom - to use both pharmaceuticals and to try the recipes of traditional medicine.

Cough can also be a consequence of a bad habit - smoking, and in this case, its treatment requires completely different approaches than in the treatment of bacterial or viral cough.

Best expectorant for cough

The most universal and effective expectorant against cough, caused either by smoking or a catarrhal disease, is the root of licorice.

Licorice root is an indispensable remedy for the lungs, as it irritates the receptors and helps to sputum. Also, licorice root has a powerful anti-inflammatory property - it calms irritation and helps immunity with new forces to resist the disease.

Licorice root can be used in three forms - in the form of tea (it is desirable at the same time to add to it oregano, thyme and root of the althea), in the form of inhalation (preferably carried out with a decoction of chamomile), and also chewing the dried roots.

Expectorant drugs for wet cough

Expectorants pharmaceutics with a wet cough are numerous. The most effective among them are syrups - they are more quickly absorbed into the blood, and therefore the effect can be felt already within half an hour. They are convenient because before going to bed, doctors advise not to take mucolytics due to provocation of cough, and so drugs in the form of tablets have to be taken long before sleep, and syrups, therefore, save time.

At the same time, during long-term treatment, medicines in the form of tablets are convenient - they can be taken with you and taken in any conditions.

Expectorant against cough in the form of syrup

Inexpensive, but effective cough syrup isPertusin. It has a plant composition, and therefore has practically no contraindications. Analog Pertusin - syrup of licorice root.

Antibacterial medication with expectorant action -Fluditik. This is an effective medicine that alleviates the symptoms of cough and quickly relieves it if bacteria are the cause.

LazolvanIs one of the most popular cough remedies. It exists in several forms, among which are tablets and syrup. This drug has a pronounced mucolytic effect, and therefore recommends its use if there is a pronounced wet cough. In the opposite case, it provokes attacks of suffocating cough.

Проспан- Another means of plant origin, which effectively cleanses the bronchi. Propane contains extracts of ivy, as well as ethanol, and is presented in two forms - soluble tablets and syrup.

Expectorant against cough in tablets

Ambroxol and Bromhexine- the most famous tablets from cough. Many modern products contain these substances, but have a different name, which is why their price is somewhat higher than that of Bromhexine and Ambroxol.

For example,Flavamed and Ambrobene- tablets that contain 30 mg of ambroxol hydrochloride.

Expectorants for coughing a smoker

To treat a cough that is caused by smoking, plant-based tablets are used. Their goal is to calm irritated mucous membranes, promote tissue regeneration, and improve immunity so that vulnerable organs (lungs) are not primarily affected during the cold.

For these purposes, suited and the root of licorice, and mint, and eucalyptus.

Plantain syrup can also restore the condition of the smoker - this plant promotes the regeneration of mucous membranes, which is why it is appreciated with dry cough. Plantain has not only anti-inflammatory and astringent properties, but also antimicrobial and expectorant.


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