Cleansing the joints at home with rice


  • 1Cleaning the joints with rice at home
    • 1.1The benefits of rice therapy
    • 1.2How to cook a medicinal rice
    • 1.3Advice of professionals
    • 1.4Who should not cleanse the joints
  • 2Cleansing the joints with rice
    • 2.1Basic principles
    • 2.2Cleaning joints with raw rice
    • 2.3Cleansing course
    • 2.4Valuable recommendations
    • 2.5Side effects
    • 2.6Prophylactic rice cleansing
    • 2.7Reviews about the procedure
    • 2.8Interesting articles:
  • 3Cleansing the joints with folk remedies at home
    • 3.1Spiced Spice
    • 3.2Rice
    • 3.3Root of parsley
  • 4Cleansing the body with rice at home
    • 4.1How to soak rice for cleansing?
    • 4.2Rice cleansing in the morning
    • 4.3Cleansing the joints with rice
    • 4.4Cleansing the intestines with rice
    • 4.5Cleaning the vessels with rice
    • 4.6Cleaning the body with rice - contraindications
  • 5We treat joints, applying rice for their purification
    • 5.1Three-week course of purification
    • 5.2The procedure, calculated for a month and a half (40 days)
    • 5.3Proper nutrition during cleaning
    • 5.4Feedback on the application of phytotherapy
  • instagram viewer
  • 6Cleansing of joints: from salts
    • 6.1On the books a. malovitch
    • 6.2Healing leaves
    • 6.3Recipes from Rudnitskaya
    • 6.4Recipe with potatoes
    • 6.5Other recipes, nameless
    • 6.6About the creative approach and the precaution

Cleaning the joints with rice at home

Treatment of joints with rice is a popular technique, thanks to which it is possible to dissolve and remove excess salts from the body.

The procedure is available to every patient, since it does not require special financial investments and has practically no contraindications.

What is the cleaning of the joints with rice at home? Does it really make it possible to forget about pain without using medicines?

The benefits of rice therapy

Cleaning the joints with rice is quite an old practice. According to the records of scientists, it was actively used by Chinese doctors.

Thanks to the technique, you can not only cleanse the body of unnecessary salts, but also correct the work of the urinary canals, normalize the metabolism.

After the procedure, the kidneys and liver seem to have a second life, the swelling becomes almost invisible. Plus the system and in the normalization of the weight of the patient, so it is so popular among people who have extra pounds.

The meaning of the therapy is that for some time to consume rice water soaked in water. Salt is recommended to be excluded from the diet or to reduce its use to a minimum.

How to cook a medicinal rice

Rice has adsorbing properties, but to improve them, the croup should be properly prepared. The recipe is simple and does not require any special skills:

  1. Prepare 5 bottles with a capacity of 500 liters. Assign each number.
  2. In the jar № 1 pour washed rice (2 tbsp. l.). and pour water from the tap (250 ml will be enough). The contents are left in a dark place for the night.
  3. The next morning, the water is drained, the rice that will be used to treat the joints, washed and re-filled with clean water. In the jar No.2 a new pre-washed rice is poured (2 tbsp. l.) and also pour a glass of clean water. Now both containers are left in a dark place until the next day.
  4. On the third day, the water is drained from the first two jars, the rump is washed again and poured with clean water. Fill the jar number 3 (2 tbsp. l. cereals + 250 ml of tap water).
  5. The procedure is continued until all capacities are filled.
  6. After 5 days, the process of cleaning the joints begins. Water from the first jar is poured, rice is thoroughly washed and boiled from it porridge (salt and oil are not added). If there are no problems with the digestive tract, rice can not be cooked, but simply pour a steep boiling water for a quarter of an hour. In an empty jar put a new portion of cereals and pour water.
  7. The next day the porridge is cooked from the jar № 2 and again a fresh portion is made. The full course of treatment is 20 days.

Advice of professionals

The procedure is strictly not recommended, without consulting a doctor. Cleaning of the joints is performed no more often than once a year. Take cereals very carefully, adhering to certain rules.

So, it is very important to consume as much as possible products rich in potassium.

This is explained by the fact that besides the excess of unnecessary salts, the therapeutic rice also removes potassium salts, without which some organs can not function properly.

Thus, to prevent a joint diet from damaging other organs, it is necessary to include bananas, dried apricots, raisins and figs in the diet.

A large amount of potassium is found in baked young potatoes, so it is also recommended to include it in the menu.


Some experts recommend using potassium preparations, for example, Asparks.


For the purification process, it is recommended to use long-grain or brown rice, as these products are not polished, so they contain more fiber and other useful substances. Long-lasting soaking of cereals allows you to remove excess starch. Due to this, the kernels become more porous, their ability to absorb and remove salts from the body increases.

Who should not cleanse the joints

Despite many advantages, the technique has contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • kidney disease;
  • pathology of the liver;
  • stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers;
  • period of acute phase of infectious diseases;
  • individual intolerance to the product.

The result of the procedure can be observed approximately 30 days after the first treatment. A clear sign that the procedure was carried out correctly is cloudy urine.

Light dizziness and nausea may also occur, indicating an intensive release of harmful substances.

After cleansing, joints not only stop hurting, but overall well-being improves.

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Cleansing the joints with rice

Why there are problems with joints? The main reason - the accumulation of salt in the body. Rice is one of the affordable and effective products that will help get rid of this problem.

For the procedure to be effective, it is necessary to follow the recommendations clearly. It is important to consider that almost always white rice is processed before selling, so it must be soaked in water at night or washed well in cold water.

Great for cleaning rice kvass, you can quickly cook it at home.

Basic principles

With the help of rice cleansing, you can remove toxins, salts, slags from the body, improve mobility in the joints. White rice is a popular product in China, Japan, Thailand.

It is proved!The more we consume rice, the better our body is cleared. It is important to prepare the product.

It is best for the procedure to prefer brown rice, which is not so heavily processed.

If you do not have the opportunity to buy just such a product, you can use white rice.

By cleaning the joints with rice, you work the liver and intestines, from which all harmful components come out. Try to clean the joints at least twice a year. You can combine with cleansing the laurel leaf. Stop your choice on the way that is convenient for you.

In the eastern countries, the purification procedure is used to purify the urino-genital organs. After cleansing, the mobility of the joints improves, but the urine becomes turbid. It is not worth worrying, it should be so. In this way toxins and salts are released.

What does the procedure do?

Grains of rice begin to actively absorb toxins that have accumulated in the intestine. This is how the intestinal microflora is restored, the digestive process improves, nutrients and vitamins are absorbed. After the purification procedure, metabolic processes are restored, salts are excreted.

Cleaning joints with raw rice

Eastern healers use cereals in their raw form, they gently cleanse the body of salts, toxins. After the procedure, you can quickly return to health, get rid of excess leanness.

How does cleansing occur? It is necessary to use raw rice in the morning on an empty stomach. As for the quantity, you have to count as many grains as you are. Whole grains are swallowed, then you need to drink quite a bit of water.


After the procedure, about 3 hours you can not eat, drink. Then you can eat everything only until 19.00. To clean an organism it is necessary within 10 days, differently all can end with heavy consequences.


If you start to abuse raw rice, alkaline metals will start to wash out from your body, and this is dangerous for the heart.

Cleansing course

The rice is washed with warm water, so the starch will completely leave the grains. To make the rice porous, it is necessary to immediately wash 3 kg with warm water for two days.

Rice is considered ready when the water is absolutely clear. The washed rice is thoroughly dried and poured into special paper bags. After that, you can use the cereal.

Cleaning is done like this:

  • Every morning a table spoon is taken from the package with washed rice, everything is boiled in 400 ml of water.
  • Do not forget to stir in the cooking of rice.
  • The water is drained 2 times.
  • The rice is washed with boiling water and eaten early in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Do not eat anything for 4 hours.

Attention! When you eat rice in the morning, do not drink water, because the grass from it will start to remove salt, and not from the body.

Valuable recommendations

Before cleaning the joints it is necessary to clean the intestines with an enema. At the same time it is forbidden to eat meat, fatty, drink alcoholic beverages, salt and pepper the food.

We recommend to give preference to vegetable food, while the menu should contain products with potassium:

  • Dried apricots.
  • Vegetables.
  • Nuts.
  • Whole grain.
  • Potatoes.

Every day you need to drink tea with honey. And before you start the procedure, you need to use 2 apples. Remember that after eating rice, it can not be seized with anything.

Do you feel hungry? Well, then the body is cleansed. After a month, the urinary system begins to clear, but the salt from the joints will completely come out after only 3 months.

Side effects

During the procedure, your condition will sharply worsen, there will be pain in the joints. This is normal! You will have to suffer a little pain, after that it will be easier. The main use of food, in which there are many vitamins, potassium, drink tea with lemon and honey, freshly squeezed juice.

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Prophylactic rice cleansing

The procedure can be used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention. Put as much rice in the jar as you are. Then rinse it, add it to cold water, put it in the refrigerator.

Every day, take a tablespoon of rice and boil in a glass of water (do not salt and do not add spices). The resulting porridge is used at exactly 7.30. The procedure is performed until the bank becomes empty.

Reviews about the procedure

Tatyana: "I have been using rice for about 16 days. Quite a delicious dish. In addition, I try 4 times a day to drink a glass of water and squat.

When I want a sweet, I do not eat chocolate, I prefer dried fruits. Cleansing rice very much helps me. Throughout the body I feel a pleasant lightness, dropped 2 kg. "

Lisa: "At first I could not look at the rice at all. And now I'm very happy. I noticed that after cleansing I got rid of the fatty fold on my back. "

Inga:"I do not advise cleaning rice. So much time you waste, and all in vain. You start to soak it, dry it, and then still boil it. I did not like the result either. On the contrary, it was strongly cemented. "

Thus, the purification of rice is not suitable for everyone, the main thing is to observe the basic rules, only then will the result be pleased. If you have problems with joints, still it is worth trying this procedure. Maybe it will help you. Good luck!

Interesting articles:

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Cleansing the joints with folk remedies at home

  • 1 Spicy Spice
  • 2 Rice
  • 3 Root of parsley

Unfortunately, very often we are faced with the problem of the appearance of pain in the joints. This is due to the fact that they lose strength and elasticity, as well as clogged accumulated salts. That is why the cleansing of joints at home by folk remedies is of interest to many people.

And it's not a myth that it is with the help of traditional medicine that many get rid of the pain that is exhausting them. To date, a lot of positive reviews are affecting, which are shared by those who have actually tried many national recipes prepared from the gifts of nature.

Today, medical professionals are sure that results in salt deposits or not the proper nutrition of a person, or his hereditary data.

In the case of heredity, the protein can be poorly digested and not completely digested, thereby forming salt accumulated in certain places.

It should be noted that such accumulated formations with time start to manifest themselves as painful sensations, and then lead to serious diseases. For example, gout, osteochondrosis, as well as heel spur.

Of course, with heredity nothing can be done, but in another version you can work, correcting the correct diet and adding to this folk remedy, which will help relieve the joints from the salts.

In order to try to get rid of the above troubles, it is necessary to understand how to clean joints at home without resorting to medicines. After all, today there is a mass of auxiliary food products that are able to remove the formed salts at the junction of the bones of our joints.

For the correct approach of organizing the use of folk remedies, it is necessary to change its ordinary menu, and also to include in the complex addition gymnastic exercises, which also contribute to the relief of the body, because it will get rid of toxins, and this is so important.

There is a huge amount of cleaning joints at home, for example, with bay leaf or the root of parsley, as well as rice is able to help with the removal of accumulated salts, and with the relief from pain.

Some people, misguided, think that if they do not consume salt in the diet, then they will get rid of unpleasant salt deposits. Of course, this is not so.

So do not follow, because the human body salt is just necessary for a full-fledged existence in general.


After all, it is not in vain that an important salt is found in practically any liquid of the human body. Pancreatic juice, blood, bile and so on all contain their necessary amount, without which our bodies can not be dispensed with.


The table salt during digestion produces hydrochloric acid. It is also it contributes to the proper formation and growth of bone tissue, the movement of muscles, as well as the transfer of oxygen. Proceeding from what, the importance of such an element is necessary for a full-fledged life.

Of course, almost everyone knows that salts have their own composition of chemical elements. In order to correctly learn how to clean joints and which salts where deposited it is necessary to do additional tests, which are delivered to the laboratory and there reveal what and where.

It is not uncommon for many already experienced people to conduct such an analysis on their own. To do this, they collect the first urine in the morning in a glass container, after which they look through the day to see if a sediment has formed there, which will tell you about the state of the organism.

When there is pain in the spine or joints, immediately it is necessary to take measures, because the pain will be with time, it becomes stronger. After all, the accumulation of salts will only increase.

Proceeding from what, it is necessary to take measures on their derivation.

Many experienced specialists believe that cleaning joints should be carried out not only during the period of exacerbation pain syndrome, as well as for prevention, which in the future will help to avoid various kinds diseases.

After all, for example, salt buds grow so imperceptibly that a person does not notice any changes. Proceeding from what, he thinks that cleaning the joints is completely unnecessary. However, it should be noted that this is a complete fallacy.

Modern ecology and food products are so polluted that to doubt that our body does not receive a full set of necessary elements is not necessary. Therefore, there are various tried and tested recipes that have long helped people get rid of salt accumulations.

Spiced Spice

For example, everyone knows such a fragrant seasoning as "laurushka". This spice has medicinal properties that can help the body to get rid of salts. Often resorting to the help of this spice, prepare a cleansing decoction, which has long been helping people.

It should be noted immediately that a concentrated broth from aromatic spice leads to the expansion of blood vessels, thereby provoking blood flow, which helps get rid of unwanted concentrations. But it is not recommended to consume heavily saturated broth, it is better to dilute it, otherwise you can cause bleeding.

Cleansing the joints with folk remedies must be done correctly, then the result will be positive. To begin with, it is necessary to prepare laurel leaves for a glass of water taken 5-6 pieces. They are washed from contamination and poured a glass of water.

Then bring to a boil and fill all the contents in a thermos bottle. Insist the night and in the morning it is already possible to strain and drink half a glass after eating.


Usually, the joints are cleaned of salts for three days, but this is not the limit.


After all, each person has his own organism, which may need to be prolonged.

In any case, before you drink a course, you need to prepare, for example, to check for kidney disease, because when deducing, thus, the slags are superimposed on them. With such diseases, the reception of broths with laurel leaves is strictly prohibited.

After a three-day reception of the broth, you can repeat the course, but only after a week.

When treated with such a folk remedy, many people are afraid of the color of their own urine, it can acquire a pinkish shade.

To be frightened of it does not follow, because at dissolution of salt irritate a bladder, because of what such shade turns out.


To date, many people know the quality characteristics of everyone's favorite rice.

He is able to draw from the body quite a huge amount of unnecessary slag or harmful deposits.

This groats can easily cope with the removal of salts from the joints. And it happens absolutely painless.

Take rice should be pre-soaked, then it appears a large number of adsorbing qualities.

To do this, it is enough to soak the croup for the night, but it is better if it stays in the soaked state for several days, maximum to three. After that, rice is boiled in the usual way and after eating.

The use of such food is desirable at one and the same time. Even more about cleaning the joints with rice, find out from this article.

It should be noted that before eating, you should always drink a glass of plain water. This will help to normalize proper digestion and metabolic processes. After the course of admission, you need to take a break, and then repeat everything again.

Root of parsley

It is not rare that many people, wanting to remove salt from their bodies, resort to the help of the root of parsley.

But at once I would like to note that this cleaning is rather complicated.

And it is important to know that if someone has diseases related to the heart or kidneys, then treatment with this method is strictly prohibited.

To prepare this product you need to take a few kilograms of parsley root to grind it. Pour two liters of milk and a liter of water, then cook over medium heat until that state until you get thickened gruel, which should be divided into 3 days.

You can fill this mess with vegetable oil. More these days you can not eat anything. Take food fractionally 4-5 times a day.

Throughout the course of treatment, that is, within three days, it is allowed to drink diuretics that can be bought at a pharmacy.

Thus, salt deposits will be quickly removed from the body.

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It should be noted that this method is completely contraindicated in pregnant women. Because it can cause a miscarriage. However, as in previous recipes. To clear joints it is necessary.


It is not rare that many people take one course for prevention. Only to do this must be neat and reasonable.


Quite often for the purification of joints, many people use red beets.

Take this root with the tops and with the help of a juicer, squeeze out all the juice from it. Drink a glass, but pour half, and then to a full glass add boiled warm water.

In its pure form, juice is better not to be taken, and the taste is different when it is diluted.

Before taking any folk remedy, you need to make sure that a person does not have allergies to the components that make up the decoction or juice. And only after that it is possible to start the treatment in full.

If during the reception of a recipe a person feels not relief, but a malaise, then it should immediately stop taking.

Just follow the skin of your body, not rarely bay leaf causes allergic reactions, of course, if a person has a predisposition to it.

In general, in any case, you need to be careful and extremely attentive to yourself.

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Cleansing the body with rice at home

To rejuvenate, reduce weight and purify the body, the medicine of the East uses rice for centuries.

Its grains absorb and remove from the intestine waste of metabolism, toxic substances and excess salts.

Purification of the body by rice is based on the unique porous structure of this natural sorbent.

How to soak rice for cleansing?

To activate the absorbency, the rice is soaked by removing starch from it. For the course of cleaning we take 4 jars or glasses. We sign them from 1 to 4. In the morning in the tank № 1 fall asleep 2 tbsp.

l. rice and pour cold (better filtered) water. The next morning, this rice is washed and poured again. In the second jar we place two tablespoons of rice, pure water.

The third day - we wash rice from two containers and prepare the third. So consistently we fill all 4 jars. On the fifth day, rice from the first container is ready for eating.

It is best to use raw rice to cleanse the body.


A sedentary lifestyle and nutrition with a high content of dyes, preservatives lead to the accumulation of toxic substances. Cleaning the body with rice is a simple and affordable way to establish good work of the intestines, kidneys and liver, slow down the aging process and normalize body weight.


After the course, which is carried out for forty days once a year, the mobility of the joints improves, the vessels are cleaned, the skin rejuvenates, the swelling and manifestations of cellulite are reduced.

Cleansing begins with the fourth week, and the effect continues for three months after ingestion.

Rice cleansing in the morning

To carry out the purification treatment, instead of breakfast, only the soaked rice is needed. On an empty stomach you can drink a glass of water. After taking rice, it is forbidden to eat or drink for three hours.

When intolerance of raw rice, you can pour it with boiling water or boil for about 7 minutes. Rice cleaning is effective in limiting alcohol, meat, fish, sugar and salt during this period.

It is recommended to drink plenty of pure water without gas (at least 2 liters per day). It is best to use brown brown rice, it will take about a kilogram.

Clearing the body of rice can be carried out and the usual white, oblong or round.

Cleansing the joints with rice

Pain in the joints and spinal column occurs when salts are deposited on articular surfaces.

Cleaning the joints with rice reduces pain during movement, improves mobility and flexibility, helps get rid of the morning stiffness due to the ability of rice to remove excess salts and reduce swelling of the tissues.

For greater benefit, during the period of cleansing, it is necessary to increase the motor activity, doing gymnastics, walking or swimming.

Cleansing the intestines with rice

If there is a violation of the functioning of the intestine - unstable stool, alternating diarrhea and constipation, dysbacteriosis and flatulence, after taking antibiotics or any other long-term medication treatment shows cleansing of the intestine rice. From the intestines are removed toxins, slags, mucus, excess bile acids and cholesterol, the microflora and metabolism are normalized. When carrying out the course before bedtime, it is advisable to take a glass of homemade yogurt.

Cleaning the vessels with rice

With age, the blood cholesterol level rises even when the right diet and lifestyle are observed. The rice reduces the absorption of fats and cholesterol from the intestines and helps to remove them from the body.

Rice cleaning at home helps a natural way to clean blood vessels from atherosclerotic plaques for better supply of organs with oxygen and vitamins. After a course of cleansing, memory and working capacity improves, aging processes are slowed down, heart attacks and strokes are prevented.

In the menu you need to add raisins, dried apricots, baked potatoes to avoid loss of potassium.

Cleaning the body with rice - contraindications

This cleansing is well tolerated, but weakness and headache are possible in the first days, which last for three to five days. Cleaning with rice is not carried out without prior consultation of the attending physician with:

  • severe chronic illness;
  • in the acute period of the disease, elevated temperature and infections;
  • oncological diseases;
  • taking medications, contraceptives;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • in children.

Do not combine rice cleaning with other types of cleansing or starvation.

The best result is given by a vegetarian diet with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, porridge on the water, sugar substitution on honey and dried fruits, salt restriction (for the use of greens and lemon juice) and complete exclusion of alcoholic beverages and smoking. Refuse this time and need from chips, shop sauces, fatty and smoked food.

Folk remedies for cold help to cope with various diseases without baiting the body with chemical preparations, which can not be better suited not only for adults, but also for the treatment of children. Hypertension - treatment of folk remedies at home If the person has hypertension, treatment popular means - a unique opportunity to quickly and safely reduce pressure and facilitate state. There are many different recipes that are simple and affordable. It is best to choose a way with a doctor for yourself.
Onions from the cold are the best folk remedies for the treatment of colds. Apply the onions for years, from a cold, it is possible and necessary, because there are a lot of folk recipes for getting rid of this ailment. Nasal congestion is a strong irritant, so information about the remedies that will remove symptoms is useful to many. Mini sauna cedar barrel for the treatment and prevention of diseases. Mini sauna cedar barrel - a great way to get rid of excess weight, relax and improve your health. You can talk about the benefits of the procedure for a long time, but do not forget about existing contraindications.

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We treat joints, applying rice for their purification

The benefits of using rice to cleanse the joints are answered by many people who felt the whole burden of the manifestations caused by the problems of the musculoskeletal system. A short course of treatment is sufficient to remove salt from the affected joints and alleviate the condition for a long time.

With the help of rice, joints can be cleared of salt deposits and many pathologies can be prevented.The product contains components useful for the body:

  • vitamins of group B (thiamin, pyridoxine, riboflavin), which participate in metabolic processes and improve the regeneration of nerve endings;
  • microelements (sodium, zinc, phosphorus, selenium) that promote the absorption of mineral acids and the elimination of inflammation;
  • fiber, absorbing slag and toxins.

Cleansing the body with rice allows to stimulate the process of removing salts of heavy metals and other species that are deposited mainly in the joints and spine. Thanks to their adsorbing properties, grains literally draw from them deposits of harmful substances.

For the purification cycle, it is best to use white long-grain or brown rice: the latter contains a lot of fiber, as well as more useful substances, since this kind of product does not polish.

Best for cleaning joints is suitable brown (unpolished) rice

In the evening, 1 cup of rice should be washed thoroughly under running water and left to soak for the night (even better if grain is in this form for 2 days, during which each day it will need several times rinse). In the morning, pour all 2 glasses of water and cook for 10-15 minutes. The resulting porridge is divided into 4 portions, which must be eaten during the day at regular intervals.In addition to rice, you can only take juices and herbal decoctions.

On the second day again, use the same amount of rice, adding to the diet, kg of green apples or boiled beets. Before each intake (half an hour before it) it is recommended to drink half a glass of liquid.

To chew rice is necessary carefully, so as not to overload the stomach and accelerate the removal of harmful substances.

You can take a course every week for a month, but only once a year.

The two-day course of purification involves the use of rice and green apples

Three-week course of purification

Take 1 kg of rice, pour it into a saucepan and pour it on water for 2-3 days (every day you need to wash the product and update the water until it becomes transparent). After that, the grain is dried and transferred to a paper bag or a cotton bag.

Every morning for three weeks, take 3 tablespoons of rice, pour a glass of water, cook for 15 minutes, and then eat without oil and salt.Use of food and drinks after such breakfast is not allowed for four hours.

A health event is held no more than twice a year.

The procedure, calculated for a month and a half (40 days)

The cleaning method does not include the addition of butter to rice

It will be necessary to prepare five half-liter cans, which must be arranged in order, and it is better to number them, so that in the future they are not confused.

In the first container put 2-3 tablespoons of rice and add to the top of the water. Leave everything for 1 day, and after this time, wash the seeds and pour again, at the same time soak the portion in the second jar.

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By the same principle, prepare rice in all containers for five days, without forgetting to change the water everywhere.

On the sixth day begins the rice cleaning.


To do this, it is necessary in the morning to take the grains from the first jar, pour them a glass of water and cook for 10 minutes, use a serving, then pour 2-3 tablespoons of rice into the container and put it last number.


You can have dinner no earlier than 4 hours later. Continue cleaning by repeating the described actions every day with grains from all cans in order, a month and a half. The method is used once a year.

Pregnant women from rice methods of joints treatment will have to refuse

Cleaning the joints with rice is not recommended:

  • pregnant or lactating women;
  • sick stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • with liver or kidney disease;
  • in the period of infectious diseases in the acute stage;
  • during intense psychophysical loads;
  • with individual intolerance to the components of the product.

Salts and slags will begin to leave the body about a month after rice cleaning.

If you notice that the urine has become turbid, then the procedures were carried out correctly.

There may be weakness, dizziness in the morning and nausea, which also indicates an intensive withdrawal of harmful deposits.

Proper nutrition during cleaning

Nuts and dried fruits will help to fill the amount of potassium extracted by rice

In the process of rice cleansing, not only harmful deposits come out, but also useful substances, including potassium, so you need or have products with the increased content of this element (raisins, dried apricots, dates, baked potatoes, millet porridge, soya dishes), or take such drugs as asparks and potassium orotate.

In beverages consumed during the period of rice cleansing, sugar or other sweeteners should not be added.

When treating joints rice should adhere to a vegetarian diet, exclude fatty dairy products, cheeses and any dishes with high cholesterol.

In addition, it is strictly forbidden to eat smoked products, conservation and salting, fatty, spicy food, sweet, carbohydrate foods, alcohol.

It is useful to prepare vegetable soups and side dishes, various salads, eat fresh and boiled vegetables and fruits, take herbal decoctions with a diuretic or laxative effect to accelerate the removal of toxins and toxins from organism.Before each lunch or dinner, you can drink a tablespoon of linseed or castor oil to improve intestinal peristalsis.

Light meals, such as vegetable soups, should become an alternative to fatty and meat products at the time of cleansing joints with rice

Feedback on the application of phytotherapy

Svetlana Maktyna




Rice is a reliable remedy for clearing joints from salts and toxins and relieving the painful symptoms associated with the problem.

When carrying out treatment with and after this product, be sure to follow a diet to avoid harmful effects on the digestive system and improve the effectiveness of procedures.

  • Svetlana Nikitina
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Cleansing of joints: from salts

Decoction of decoction of potatoes

With whatever the pains in the joints are connected, you want to get rid of them as quickly as possible. And everyone does it as best he can. Most often the scenario looks like this: pharmacy - buying non-steroids - taking medication - the result.

Nonsteroidal drugs are taken off the pain, and you safely forget that your shoulder or knee was hurting.For a while.

After the situation is repeated, then it becomes habitual and the necessary non-steroids are firmly established in the home medicine cabinet. Preparations are excellent, relieve inflammation and pain, but only arthritis and arthrosis do not treat, but only muffle.

We suggest you get acquainted with another approach to the treatment of joint pathologies and master the healing of joints with folk remedies.


Is it tempting? We proceed.


First we turn to the author's recipes, developed and successfully applied by the ideologists of traditional medicine - A. Malovichko and L. Rudnitskaya.

On the books a. malovitch

The author of the main profession is not a doctor, but has written many books that are devoted to treatment at home of a variety of diseases. Particular attention in his work he devotes to the cleansing of the body, the treatment of arthrosis and arthritis, proper nutrition.

Readers who have tried the recipes of the scientist, are excellent. Simplicity and accessibility of recreational activities, understandable language, and, most importantly, good results of treatment, made books unusually popular.

For example, we give a recipe for cleansing the joints Malovitch, which is especially suitable for people with gout.

Healing leaves

Currant leaves for tincture

It is known that the purine metabolism is disturbed during gout.And the main agent that enhances these disorders is oxalic acid, which enters the body with food.

And not only with sorrel, but also with chocolate, beets, meat.

In the event of a disturbed exchange of purines, this acid is not excreted entirely, but forms salt deposits in the joints, and later in the kidneys.

The scientist proposes to get rid of salts with the help of the following water infusions:

  1. It is a vine leaf. For its preparation, dry crushed raw materials in the amount of 30 grams are placed in a small thermos and poured a glass of boiling water. Take before meals, 2-3 tbsp. l.
  2. Infuse a sheet of currant. Prepare also, only 30 grams of dry currant sheet poured half a liter of boiling water. Drink, again, before eating. Half a cup.
  3. Leaf cranberry leaf. Here the proportions are slightly different: for the preparation of the infusion it will take a teaspoon of raw materials and 300 grams of boiling water. They drink half a glass several times a day. Taking an infusion of cranberries, do not panic - it has mild diuretic properties. It is an increased separation of urine and will help eliminate unnecessary salts.

Recipes from Rudnitskaya

Decoction of potatoes

Lyudmila Rudnitskaya positions herself as a practicing doctor. She is the developer of special joint exercises and recipes for the cleansing of joints from unnecessary salts forming osteophytes (outgrowths).

Lyudmila Rudnitskaya suggests not to start cleaning the joints without preliminary preparation of the body.In the beginning, Lyudmila Rudnitskaya believes, you need to undergo a checkup and check with your doctor if you have been shown a general cleansing of the body.

In this, we fully agree with the author. After all, any prescription that you are going to use at home can be both useful and very harmful, in the presence of some chronic pathologies.

If the doctor "gives good Lyudmila Rudnitskaya suggests switching to a healthy diet and proceeding to a gradual cleansing of the body. How to do this, the author describes, giving a variety of ways.

The simplest method of purification and preparation of the whole organism for the purification of joints is the use of grass sporisha.

The medicinal decoction should be used within 2 months and only after starting to improve joints.

Now directly about the recipes for joints, which suggests using Ludmila Rudnitskaya.

Recipe with potatoes

Cleaning the joints with the help of potatoes is simple, and in our opinion, the safest. The author offers treatment with potato for arthrosis, arthritis, various diseases of the spine.

  • Treatment of arthritis with a decoction of potatoes: boil the uncleaned tubers in water, drain the broth. Drink it early in the morning, and in the evening. And the remaining potatoes are used for cooking.
  • If the arthritis affects not one joint, but several, and also the spine suffers, the prescription changes a little. A kilogram of sliced ​​raw potatoes is poured into 3 liters of water and boiled exactly one hour and 20 minutes. Water is decanted from cooking, and a little pressed potato is added to it. The treatment is carried out with the resulting thick decoction of potatoes. There are no restrictions on admission - drink a little throughout the day. The remaining potatoes after pressing are discarded.

Other recipes, nameless

Decoction of rice for joints

Treatment and cleansing of joints with folk remedies can be carried out not only with the help of herbs, but also with ordinary rice cereals.

If you have pain in the shoulders or knees, uncomfortably crunches when you move your hand, try this simple tool.

Therapeutic cleansing of the joints with rice is carried out for 40 days.

Method of preparation:

  • The 1st day. 2 tbsp. l. Rice we fall asleep in a half-liter jar and fill it with cold water.
  • 2 nd, 3, 4, 5 day - do the same, along with changing the water in the previous jars.
  • The 6th day. We merge the first jar, eat the swollen rice. Without bread, salt or sugar. After that we fall asleep-we fill in a new portion of the medicine.

Before each change of water, rinse the rice thoroughly.This is done to remove starchy compounds and carbohydrates.

The porridge remaining in the pot has excellent sorbing properties. It will remove toxins from the body and eliminate salts. However, there will be a loss of some useful substances, especially potassium.

Combine the cleansing of the joints with rice with a potassium-rich diet.

About the creative approach and the precaution

Traditional medicine offers a variety of means for cleaning joints. If you have chosen something for yourself, first consider. No enthusiasm of outsiders from a recipe should not serve as your decisive opinion.

For some medicinal infusions, we recommend caution. With their help, you can cause irreparable harm to the body. For example, the pages of the Internet widely advertised cleansing of joints with bay leaf.

The method is really dangerous for people with varicose veins, stomach and heart ailments, allergies, blood diseases, intestinal problems, etc. It is able to provoke constipation, bleeding and many other pathologies.


Therefore, we repeat: any way to treat the house with the doctor. So it will be correct.


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