Rupture and sprain of the ligaments of the ankle joint how many heal?


  • 1Treatment of rupture and stretching of the ligaments of the ankle joint, how many heals, prevention
    • 1.1Causes of ankle sprain
    • 1.2How much does the ankle sprain heal?
    • 1.3Provision of first aid
    • 1.4Medication
  • 2Stretching and rupturing of the ligaments of the ankle joint: how many heals and passes
    • 2.1Standard recovery times
    • 2.2Light trauma
    • 2.3Injury of moderate severity
    • 2.4Severe injury
    • 2.5Regeneration rate depending on age
    • 2.6What accelerates healing
    • 2.7Correct First Aid
    • 2.8Physiotherapy for the rehabilitation period
    • 2.9Home exercise
  • 3Rupture of ligaments of the ankle joint - how many heals
    • 3.1Damage to ligaments and its signs
    • 3.2Partial break and the possibilities of its treatment
    • 3.3Criteria for assisting in ankle damage
    • 3.4Treatment with folk methods
  • 4Sprain of the ankle joints
    • 4.1Causes
    • 4.2Main reasons
    • 4.3Factors that increase the risk of sprain in the ankle joint:
    • 4.4Treatment
    • 4.51st degree
    • 4.62nd degree
    • 4.73rd degree
    • 4.8Prevention
  • 5How long the ankle ligaments heal
    instagram viewer
    • 5.1Causes of sprain
    • 5.2Types of stretching
    • 5.3Treatment and recovery time
    • 5.4First Aid Instructions
    • 5.5Stretch Prevention
  • 6Sprain of the ankle joint: prevention, causes, symptoms, treatment, how many heals
    • 6.1Causes of stretching
    • 6.2Degrees of severity of tension and diagnosis
    • 6.3Treatment options for stretching
    • 6.4Prevention of ankle sprains

Treatment of rupture and stretching of the ligaments of the ankle joint, how many heals, prevention

Despite its small size, the ankle assumes full body weight when walking. By nature, it is sufficiently protected by the ligaments connecting the joints, but no one is immune from tearing or tearing of the ankle ligaments.

Injury in the joint can occur for various reasons. Depending on the severity of damage to the ligaments, a person completely falls out for a certain period from the usual life, as the ankle ceases to be functional.

The majority believes that such traumas are peculiar to people who are engaged exclusively in a narrow sports orientation: football, parkour or, for example, dancing.

However, according to medical statistics, this can happen absolutely with everyone.

Rupture of ligaments of the ankle- quite frequent household damage.

Causes of ankle sprain

If to exclude the most dangerous kinds of sports, in a daily life of a trauma of a stretching of joints in the bottom extremities happen under such circumstances:

  • a fall;
  • abrupt change in the position of the foot when moving (walking, running)
  • dislocation of the ankle when wearing unsuitable footwear on an uneven or slippery surface (shoes on high heels for women, various kinds of athletic shoes that are not fixed on the ankle joint);
  • a blow or a bruising traumatic and an uncommon position of the foot.

Exista number of factors, increasing the risk of getting ankle sprain:

  1. inherited weak ligaments at birth, increasing the likelihood of getting such traumas during life;
  2. regular small sprains, which may lead to a more serious rupture;
  3. large physical and sports loads on the ankle;
  4. congenital high arch of the foot or abnormal development in the initial period of the formation of the organism;
  5. other various pathologies.

How much does the ankle sprain heal?

Only when the moment of trauma comes, a person understands how important the function is performed by the feet in everyday and habitual life. Immediately acute question arises: how long does the ankle sprain heal?

The duration of recovery depends on the complexity of the extension of the ligaments themselves and the natural regeneration of tissues, whileThe joint can not be moved, and it is absolutely forbidden to attack a sick leg.

There are three degrees of damage: light, medium and strong.

The first degree is a small micro-stretching of several fibers of ligaments, as a rule, proceeds without edema of the limb, a small swelling is formed at the site of the lesion, there is a pronounced pain. This stretching is treated at home. It is treated within 10-15 days.

The average degree is a more complicated ankle injury. At the second degree of stretching a person can not stand, there is a partial rupture of the tissues, as a result of which there is edema with a pronounced hematoma.

With any movement of the foot, there is a sharp sharp pain. Even in a calm state, the patient feels aching pain. The minimumduration of treatment - three weeks.

For the entire time interval the leg should be completely immobilized.

Degree difficult - this is a serious ankle injury, accompanied by a complete rupture of ligaments or dislocation of the joint. The injured limb has a pronounced hematoma and a burgundy edema.

Severe pain, absolute inability to step on the limbs, sometimes to loss of consciousness, characterizes the third, most dangerous degree of ankle joint damage.

Here one can not do without hospitalization, sometimes surgical intervention is used to restore the integrity of the ligament fibers. The duration of the therapy period lasts from four weeks to one and a half months.

Rehabilitation period, depending on the degree of complexity can lastwithin three to six months.

The speed of recovery is greatly influenced by the provision of first aid, proper diagnosis and therapy, and compliance with all prescriptions of the doctor.

Provision of first aid

First of all, when stretching the ankle joint, it is necessary to consult a traumatologist to confirm the exact diagnosis and analyze the severity of the injury. Only a doctor can diagnose the degree of damage to the limb.

With X-ray, you needto exclude the presence of closed fractures, dislocations and the formation of nocking on the bone.

X-rays can not show the presence of sprain or ligament rupture, this pathology can be diagnosed only doctor traumatologist, based on the appearance of the limb and painful indications of the most traumatized rights. X-rays only exclude the possibility of dislocations and / or fractures.

If there is no possibility to get to the nearest hospital or trauma center, first of all it is necessary to immobilize the sick limb, completely immobilize it, so as not to damage the ligaments even more.

Also it is necessary to remove the shoes, in the future the edema may increase, which will bring an additional number of worries for the injured joint.

Under the diseased limb should be putfabric folded into several layers, the joint should be above the level of the heart, to ensure the outflow of blood and reduce puffiness.

On the injured ankle it is important to put the ice as fast as possible for thirty minutes and the first 48-72 hours to continue applying the cold at intervals of 30/30 minutes. When cooling, the blood vessels narrow, and this eliminates pain and swelling.

However, the skin is not directly contacted with ice, it is better to put it in a plastic bag and wrap it with one layer of tissue. It is also impossible to abuse hypothermia, the ligamentous ligaments will not contribute to an early recovery.

During the provision of first aid, the next necessary step is the imposition of a tight elastic bandage on the damaged ligaments, not tightening but firmly fixing the foot. Important Importantbandage an injured limband leave it stationary.

Do not take a hot bath or sauna for two to three weeks after the injury. Heat will adversely affect the damaged ligaments and increase inflammation.


Without a traumatologist and an X-ray, this pathology can not be avoided. Single fixing bandages and cooling compresses, too.

There are a number of medicines in the NSAID group (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and various analgesics that help to remove pain and relieve inflammation.

Are usedin the form of tablets, ointments and injections.

The first degree of ankle joint stretching - cooling is applied only in the first day.

It is important to relieve the pain syndrome, especially pronounced in the patient. In medicamentous treatment a number of such agents are appointed, such as Ibuprofen, Ketanov, Nimesil, Ortophen, Tempalgin, and others.

A number of these medicines have a number of contraindications. Use as directed by a doctor.

On the second third day, warming, anti-inflammatory ointments begin to be applied, like Apizarthron, Kapsikan, etc. The warming effect promotes improved circulation and accelerates regeneration of the fibers.

To remove puffiness, ointments are used:

  • Troxevasin,
  • Venitan and others.

Ointments for the treatment of sprains without personal allergic intolerance do not negatively impact the body. Their curativethe impact is local.

The fixing bandage rushes from three days to a week. After removing the elastic bandage, the minimal load on the ankle gradually begins to be added with the use of therapeutic and prophylactic gymnastics. In the future, try to minimize a certain load time on the injured leg.

The second degree of rupture of the ligaments of the ankle joint - in addition to the drug treatment, the gypsum longite is adjusted for a period of 10-15 days.

At first it is important to put your foot on the hill as often as possible to drain blood. On the second fourth day, dry heat is applied to the site of local pain.

It will be necessary to move on crutches, with a point of support on a healthy leg.

After removal of longia number of physiotherapy procedures are prescribed(electrophoresis, paraffin, magnet, UHF), exercise therapy, massage and health gymnastics, with the introduction of a gradual, minimal load on the aching leg.

Massage should be performed with such a damage by a specialized masseur, otherwise, it is possible to re-injure the fibers.

The third degree is the most complex, therefore the treatment of this stage is the longest.

To fix the leg, a plaster cast is used for a minimum period of four weeks to one and a half months. The initial period is recommended to be spent in a hospital.

Anesthetics are prescribed by a doctordepending on the nature of pain. It can be a strong painkiller pill in certain cases, injections are prescribed.

Important! When restoring damaged fibers with any stretching, during the period of treatment it is necessary to provide absolute joints to the joints of the joint.

Add loads during the rehabilitation period after the course of drug treatment with great care.

Absence of pain syndrome does not mean complete recovery!


Unfortunately, there is no prevention of the disease as such.

To minimize the risk of ankle sprain, it should be correct and goodwarm up bundlesspecial and correct exercises in front of various sports. Choose a comfortable orthopedic footwear prescribed by an orthopedist.

If a trauma occurred and the correct, complete course of treatment is carried out together with rehabilitation, it should be remembered that heavy loads for articular ligaments are contraindicated for a very long time.

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Stretching and rupturing of the ligaments of the ankle joint: how many heals and passes

Stretching of the ankle ligaments heals always for a long time, because the ligaments are slowly The regenerating part of the body, which also undergoes constant loads even during inactivity patient. The duration of treatment after stretching is individual. It depends on the method of therapy, compliance with the prescriptions of the therapist, the patient.

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The rehabilitation period also depends on the severity of the injury. The rate of regeneration of cells in all is different: in children it is faster, in adults it is slower, in weakened people and at all almost at zero. How long will the recovery take in each case?

Standard recovery times

Overlay of elastic bandage with sprain

Stretching of the ligaments has several degrees of different severity. The greater the severity, the longer the patient will have to be immobilized and treat his own ankle.

There are three degrees of stretching:

  • slight trauma;
  • trauma of moderate severity;
  • severe trauma.

An easy degree can be treated at home, but the next two steps can not be cured at home.

Light trauma

An injury of mild degree is characterized by a slight swelling in the ankle, however, it is not yet edema. The swelling passes in a short time, during the day.

The structure of the ligaments varies slightly: there is stretching plus a weak microfracture of the tissues. This leads to pain, but only when walking and foot movements.

Hematoma does not occur, because there is no extensive tissue rupture and hemorrhage.

The patient is recommended to immobilize as much as possible, to assign him bed rest. It is acceptable to treat a weak microbreak of tissues at home.

With proper observance of bed rest, the sensation of pain completely disappears in 10-15 days.

And if you perform proper restorative exercises, use medicines (only with the permission of a doctor), then rehabilitation will accelerate by one and a half times.

Injury of moderate severity

If there is an extension of an average severity level, you can not do without hospitalization and professional examination.

Let after the examination and it is permissible to spend the rest of the period of treatment at home, prescribe all the necessary preparations, the traumatologist or surgeon should conduct the initial therapy.

With this injury, there is always a swelling. It can be extensive, but the hematoma always comes in different sizes. Even the appearance of a small bruise suggests that the stretch is serious.

Painful sensations in the wound prevent the patient from standing, he feels a desire to relieve tension and strain from his legs.

So it is necessary to do: completely protect the damaged area from any impact, and also to visit the trauma center.

With an average degree, the therapist prescribes treatment for a period of three weeks to a month and even a longer period of time.

Severe injury

The last degree of severity is characterized by severe pain.

Severe edema due to sprain

With her, there is swelling and bruising, but the worst is permanent discomfort. Even in a relaxed state, the leg is constantly aching, pulsating and giving the wearer inconvenience.

He can not attack the ankle at all, experiencing a severe malaise, even with a light touch on the affected area. The rupture of ligaments can be complete, which is the most dangerous situation in which an operation is needed.

Ankle ligament injury heals for at least 3 months. In some, it can last up to 6 months or slightly more. According to the classification of diseases, the ICD indicates that the entire period of recovery is not strictly forbidden to move the ankle.

Regeneration rate depending on age

Elastic bandage for rapid recovery of ankle ligament

The recovery period directly depends on the age of the patient who was injured. Conditionally there is a division into:

  1. children;
  2. young and adults;
  3. of the elderly.

Soft tissues and ligaments in children recover much faster, because they are constantly growing and increasing due to natural processes.

The organism does not even need to be reconstructed for treatment, because the necessary cells were already produced in almost the same volume.

Therapists point out that the healing of any wounds in children occurs on average, times faster.

This is confirmed by the studies of the VOG. With ankle injuries and sprains, children with a mild degree of problems recover within 10 days, and at an average of 15. A complete rupture of ligaments is followed by rehabilitation in 3-4 months. At least one day per month should be given to an examination with a doctor.

How many heal ruptures of ankle joints in adults? Time indicators are longer. A healthy person will need respectively 14, 30 days for treatment of mild and moderate degree, 4-5 months - with particularly severe.

Older people are characterized by a particularly slow recovery. The processes of growth of their cells have long ceased, tissues are only being updated.

The body can not immediately rebuild part of the cells for healing and the creation of connective tissue. Therefore, the healing process is often delayed up to several months.

The rupture of the ligaments of the ankle joint heals for a long time even with a mild form of the disease.

What accelerates healing

Ankle surgery for healing ligament rupture

Rehabilitation according to the therapist's recommendations is always complex.

It includes the treatment of medicines, and massage, physiotherapy, and occasionally - surgical intervention.

But most patients do not consult the therapist for treatment, and one more part of patients forgets to follow the prescriptions. This reduces the rate of recovery from sprain.

Injury will heal faster when using the following elements:

  • physiotherapy (hydromassage, electrophoresis);
  • gypsum;
  • massage (both independent and performed by a master in a medical institution);
  • exercise therapy (only after primary healing of ligaments);
  • appropriately conducted first aid;
  • taking medications (ointment or tablets as prescribed by the doctor).

If one or more elements have been prescribed by the therapist, then their observance is mandatory. If no proper appointment was made, then one should not independently "prescribe" procedures and preparations.

Correct First Aid

Cold compress for removing edema

First aid depends on the degree of internal hemorrhage (hematoma), the level of fixation of the foot when traveling to the doctor. First aid should be directed to:

  • blocking the movement of the leg and ankle, so that the ligament can not be torn during transportation;
  • partial removal of pain by soft pressure bandages;
  • partial analgesic effect;
  • stop bleeding, if any.

With the correct fixation of the ankle, the ligament, even torn, will not be completely broken in its structure.

When the patient is transported by ambulance to the hospital, the risk of injuries is high (when riding on an uneven road), so densely imposed, blocking the movement of the bandage - a mandatory requirement for the first assistance.

In some situations, health workers may not be able to apply the bandage themselves. The patient or his companion should try themselves to conduct the procedure: "herringbone" tying the ankle, trying to create an area of ​​increased pressure in the area of ​​injury.

A well-applied bandage prevents:

  • final rupture of ligament tissues;
  • the onset of severe swelling;
  • spread of hematoma;
  • injure of soft tissues with open fracture;
  • strong dislocation of the joint, if a dislocation occurs.

Apply bandage only to people with basic medical knowledge. Incorrectly twisted ankle joint can cause many problems.

Physiotherapy for the rehabilitation period

Mud baths for the rehabilitation period

Physiotherapy exercises are scheduled for the rehabilitation period. They do not require the strain of the foot, so they are performed both during the restoration of the ligament and after. The following procedures can be assigned:

  1. electrophoresis;
  2. hydromassage;
  3. UHF therapy;
  4. mud baths.

Electrophoresis stimulates the muscles and gives a signal to the ligaments to recover. Hydromassage allows tissues around the ligament to receive additional nutrition, which allows the most damaged area to recover more quickly.

Home exercise

LFK is a course of medical exercises. They can be held at home or in a medical institution. The decision on the place of the procedure should be taken by the therapist.

Usually, procedures are started under the supervision of a specialist in exercise therapy, and a third of the remaining course is already at home.

The ligaments will be cramped for a long time, and one can not stay in the hospital all the time.

Summing up

Rehabilitation after stretching ligaments takes a period of at least 10 days. The time varies depending on the age of the patient and the procedures performed during rehabilitation.

To speed up rehabilitation, you must strictly follow the therapist's instructions and perform additional procedures. Physiotherapy and exercise therapy, prescribed medication on average, can accelerate the healing process by 20%.

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Rupture of ligaments of the ankle joint - how many heals

Not every foot trauma ends with its fracture, despite the fact that a person experiences acute pain.

It can be a rupture of the ligaments of the ankle joint. Regardless of the type of injury, the patient should consult a specialist

The terms of rehabilitation after the injury can take as much as several days, and last up to several months.It all depends on what kind of trauma in nature was received and how the patient fulfills all the prescriptions of the treating doctor.

How many ligaments heal? If the ligament rupture was of a partial nature, the timing of recovery may vary from 7 calendar days to 3 weeks.

But do not delude yourself that after that you can immediately get on your heels, wearing free shoes on a flat sole is recommended for about 2 months. With the complete rupture of ligaments, after the removal of gypsum, the rehabilitation period lasts up to six months.

Especially, the period of restoration of an ankle joint after a serious trauma is long, if the method of surgical intervention was applied (from 3 to 6 months).

It is necessary to undergo a rehabilitation course and a series of gymnastic exercises to restore the motor function. In this case, do not engage in self-medication - all necessary exercises should be recommended by a specialist.

In any case, the timing of healing depends on the individual nature of the human body and its desire for a speedy recovery, as well as careful compliance with the prescribing physician.

Damage to ligaments and its signs

The rupture of the ankle joints can occur when walking, when a person tucks a leg or in cases when, stopping, the foot folds in half into the inner side.

Symptomatology in case of ligament damage is always the same, differs only in the degree of manifestation of pain that depends on the degree of their trauma:

  1. When an injury occurs, acute local pain occurs.
  2. Presence of swelling of the foot and lower leg.
  3. A bruise can cause bruising.
  4. With a local examination of the legs, painful sensations of different degrees appear, the closer to the lesion focus, the more pain becomes stronger.
  5. The possibility of movement can be partially lost by the person injured by the ankle joint.
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The following indicators can serve as signs of this illness:

  1. At a partial break (single fibers are involved):
    • minor pain and swelling of the upper part of the foot;
    • the function of self-movement is preserved;
    • slight limping on the injured leg.
  2. With ligamentous tear:
    • pronounced pain at the site of injury;
    • a tumor, both on the external and internal sides of the foot, besides this, the spread of the tumor also occurs on the lower part of the shin itself;
    • the function of self-movement is partially lost.
  3. In cases of complete rupture of ligaments:
    • painful sensations of pronounced, acute character;
    • strong swelling of the foot and lower leg;
    • the possibility of independent movement becomes impossible;
    • severe bruising of soft tissues in places of injury.
    • there is an increase in temperature in the place of the injury.

Despite all the above symptoms and signs, with 100% confidence about the presence of an ankle ligament rupture can be approved only after a clinical examination.

To treat the stretching, you can after taking a radiograph of the injured person's leg.

Partial break and the possibilities of its treatment

Only after a complete clinical examination can we talk about the possibilities of treating ligament rupture, the whole point is that it depends on the degree of damage.

With a partial rupture, the local doctor may prescribe topical application of cooling compresses in the first 24 hours. And also the mandatory presence of a tight bandage in the field of trauma.

In addition, the foot should provide maximum peace, at least the first day. Medications can be prescribed that help reduce pain and ointment, which can reduce the tumor and help in cases with the formation of hematomas.

The most common and inexpensive price threshold is heparin ointment, of course, if a person does not have allergic reactions from the body to the components of its composition.

In which damaged ligaments are stitched, or implants are inserted in their place. After the operation, a gypsum is applied to the patient.

In this case, it is necessary to know that even after the removal of gypsum, a person immediately runs and jumps can take a lot of physiotherapy, special gymnastics for medical purposes and time for rehabilitation.

Criteria for assisting in ankle damage

In cases where an ankle injury is received by a person, and there is a suspicion of a rupture of ligaments in this area, then the actions of the caregiver should be as follows:

  • To release the injured leg from the shoe, since after the appearance of puffiness, this procedure can be made independently, especially if a person prefers narrow shoes.
  • Provide a local cold compress for 15-20 minutes, if there is no ice at hand, cold water may come up. In this case, it is necessary to remember that if an ice pack is applied, then it is applied over a rag surface, and not on bare skin, in order to avoid frostbite of the already damaged legs.
  • To fix a sick leg by imposing a tight bandage on the area of ​​trauma.
  • If a person has painful feelings of a very high degree, then it is necessary to give an analgesic preparation.
  • Call an ambulance or, if possible, take the patient to a local hospital.

Treatment with folk methods

Treatment with folk remedies is possible only if the complete rupture of the ankle joints is excluded:

  • To remove puffiness and reduce the temperature at the site of the lesion, a cabbage leaf has proved to be very useful.
  • The best option is considered fresh, but if this is not possible, you can tear off the leaf from the head of cabbage, which is in the refrigerator.
  • A leaf of cabbage must be slightly crushed in the hands first, and then put on a sick leg and fixed with a bandage. This procedure is best done in the evening, before bedtime.
  • Compress of fresh potatoes will help reduce pain in the area of ​​the foot. Grated potatoes are applied to the upper part of the foot and allowed to stand for about 15-20 minutes, after which they carefully remove using a cotton swab.
  • In order to provide the body with a trace element such as calcium, which is indispensable in this rehabilitation process, it is possible to use chopped eggshell eggs for food. For 1/2 teaspoon add to consumed food twice a day.
  • In cases where it is necessary to reduce the formed hematoma, compresses from the body sponge should be used. Do them best at least 2 times a day.

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Sprain of the ankle joints

Stretching the ligaments of the ankle is a very common traumatic phenomenon that does not occur only for athletes and people who are actively involved in sports, but also for young people, the elderly and other categories citizens. He is not insured by any person, so you need to take everything about the problem.

Recall that the ligaments on the leg contain a lot of various nerve endings that react to any trauma pain syndrome.

When the ankle sprains are stretched in the local area, severe pain is noted, the joint itself and adjacent tissues swell, and a bruise arises over the ligaments in a short period of time.

Professional trauma doctors usually diagnose three severity levels of the problem:

  1. The first is characterized by a minor pain syndrome, moderate swelling.
  2. The second is usually accompanied by bruising, severe pain, edematous processes and disability in the short term.
  3. The third stage is a serious rupture of ligaments with extremely strong, sometimes shock pain, the appearance of a large hematoma and persistent disability for a long period of time. After recovery, the joint may be unstable for several years.


In the overwhelming majority of cases, the cause of sprain of the ankle is a usual household injury, although in some cases sports and there is an increased risk of getting it, in particular in football, gymnastics, hockey, parkour and even parachuting sports.

Main reasons

  1. Falls;
  2. Sharp turns of the foot during the movement on uneven surfaces;
  3. Mechanical impact on the ankle (bumps, sharp pressing, broaches);
  4. In some cases - tucking in the foot due to the wrong shoes, not intended for specific actions, weather or activities.

Factors that increase the risk of sprain in the ankle joint:

  • Congenital problems with ligaments that make them extremely weak;
  • Frequent small stretching of the ligaments, which fix the joint in place. A number of minor injuries "loosen" the whole system and can lead to severe stretching of the ankle ligaments;
  • Sports overexertion;
  • A high arch at the foot, arising from birth or is a pathology of bone development in early years;
  • A variety of diseases.


Stretching the ankle joints can and should be treated! Otherwise, you risk getting serious problems and defects of the musculoskeletal system.

First, you need to provide first aid to localize the stretch and reduce its manifestations.

  1. Take off your shoes from the limbs;
  2. Provide a damaged ankle full of peace;
  3. Place any fabric under the joint, preferably in several layers;
  4. Raise the injured leg above the chest to accelerate the outflow of blood from the local area;
  5. Apply to the ankle something cold, preferably in a dry form and through one layer of tissue. Ice at the same time should be kept at least fifteen to twenty minutes, after which it is worth taking a break and repeating the procedure several times during the day;
  6. Fix the ankle with an elastic bandage, tightly, but not very much, if necessary, take painkillers.

Next, you should go directly to the treatment, depending on the current status of the patient and the degree of complexity of the injury.

1st degree

It is necessary to apply elastic bandages for three to four days. Ice at the same time is applied only the first day.

Starting from the second day - heat treatment for the normalization of blood circulation and the fastest healing of the torn ligament.

On the third or fourth day, fixing bandages can be removed, while not forgetting to strengthen the muscles with a series of health gymnastics.

In the first two days, to remove the pain syndrome, use Diclofenac or Voltaren ointments, after which smoothly go to a special remedy to improve venous outflow - it's gels Lyoton, Troxevasin or Heparin. After the expiration of three days, the effect is fixed with warming medications - ointments Apizarthron or Capsicum.

2nd degree

In this case it is necessary to immobilize the joint for two weeks. The first three or four days to apply ice (1 day) and heat (2-4 days) and keep your foot on the hill as often as possible. An anesthetic due to the strong pain syndrome in tablet form is Ketanov.

During treatment, active movement is forbidden with the prohibition of loads on the ankle. After removing elastic bandages, slowly increasing loads, as well as physiotherapy in the form of exercise therapy for a month.

3rd degree

In this difficult case, most likely, you will need to apply gypsum instead of bandages, and sometimes an operative intervention to restore the fibers of the ligaments.

Immobilization in this case lasts at least four weeks, sometimes up to one and a half months. Anesthetizing and tablets should be taken only as directed by the doctor, so as not to worsen the patient's condition.

The recovery period can last from three months to six months, preferably temporarily in the hospital.


Try to adhere to the above recommendations for the prevention and treatment of sprains in the ankle joint, then follow recommendations of doctors, be sure to undergo post-traumatic restorative procedures, and the problem will not be disturbed in the future you! Good luck and quick treatment!

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How long the ankle ligaments heal

Hello! Today I would like to talk about the most common type of injuries that occur not only among athletes, but also in ordinary people - stretching the ligaments of the ankle joint.

Probably, every person at least once in life received such an injury, albeit not in the worst version of it.

Therefore, it is important for everyone to know the following: stretching the ligaments of the ankle joint, how much the trauma heals, how to prevent it and how to treat it better.

Causes of sprain

Before I talk about the treatment and recovery time after this injury, we'll figure out how it turns out.

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Ankle joint, this is the most loaded part of our body when moving.

Rupture of ligaments occurs at the moment when the shin is turned inwards and at the same time the whole body weight affects it, which leads to damage.

These kinds of injuries are mainly received by athletes because they have "a lot of activity" to move a lot.

Plus to this movement itself, - neither as in ordinary walking, but with accelerations: jumps and a change of direction. With such a load, ligaments and muscles become tired, which leads to an increased chance of tucking the leg.

And the opportunity to step on or land on an opponent's leg - does not leave a chance at all to avoid stretching.

Types of stretching

The time of stretching treatment depends very much on how strong it was. Doctors distinguish three types:

  • Lung. With this kind, I think, everyone came across. With it, there are no swelling and swelling. The bundle is not torn, but briefly lengthens to the brink of its possibilities. The only unpleasant sensation can be a slight pain when walking for several days.
  • Average. This degree is more relevant to athletes. Or if an ordinary person is unlucky. It is characterized by a partial tearing of the ligaments. With such damage, a large enough hematoma appears immediately on the foot, with internal bruises. Movement is almost impossible because of severe pain.
  • Heavy. The most terrible and long-term view. With it, the ligament either completely ruptures, or breaks off from the bone. In this case, immediately appears a huge hematoma with a black tinge, which speaks of internal hemorrhage. A person can not even lean on his leg because of severe pain.

Treatment and recovery time

As I said earlier, treatment and recovery time depends on the type of stretching.

With easy damage, there is no need even to consult a doctor, since there was no rupture. The bunch stretches a little and within a couple of days will recover.

If the pain remains, then you can use ointments that accelerate the regeneration of tissues.

The average stretch is a serious injury. The recovery period depends on physiology, as well as on first aid and can last from two weeks to a month.

In this type of trauma, usually a rest is prescribed, wearing a special fixative.

Also help ointments and pills, speeding up healing by increasing the flow of blood in the damaged area.

True, in our hospitals you will never see a fixator. You will simply impose a cast! Recovery will be associated with a small rehabilitation.

In severe stretching, the initial treatment is the same as with the average. Ointments and tablets are prescribed, a plaster or a fixative is applied.

However, if, after its removal, the color of the skin remains dark, and the ankle joint is unstable, then ultrasound is prescribed to identify the rupture. If it is confirmed, then surgery is necessary, the ligament is stitched.

The recovery period is strictly individual, and can range from two months to six months.

First Aid Instructions

The recovery time depends on what measures were taken in the first hours after the stretch. Here is my step-by-step instruction for getting such an injury:

  1. Once you are injured, immediately remove your shoes and put something cold. For example, lower your foot under cold water or attach snow-ice wrapped in cloth. A bottle with cold water will do. The athletes have frost for these purposes.
  2. If possible, apply a tight bandage on the joint. This will fix it and prevent the possibility of further injury.
  3. Do not load your foot, ask for help. If there is no car to reach the doctor, call a taxi or an ambulance.
  4. If the doctor does not prescribe an X-ray for some reason, you should insist that it be carried out. With sprains, there are often fractures.
  5. On the first day after the injury, make cold compresses lasting 10-15 minutes, every two hours.

Stretch Prevention

People say: it is better to prevent trouble than to eliminate its consequences. So with stretching. I recommend simple rules that help to avoid rupture of ligaments:

  • If you are an athlete, then train and play is in specialized footwear that protects the ankle joint. For each sport it has its own, so choose it accordingly.
  • For sports or jogging, use special locks supporting the joint.
  • The weakness of the muscles and ligaments of the ankle, due to a sedentary lifestyle, also affects the ability to get stretched in an innocuous situation. Therefore, if you spend a lot of time sitting, then make yourself a walk or a light jog to strengthen the muscles.


I think I answered the question that we asked ourselves at the beginning: the sprain of the ankle joint, how many lesions heal.

I want to note that we must take seriously injuries, because if you ignore or unprofessional to treat such a stretch, you can earn instability of the foot, at which the leg will turn constantly.

A source:

Sprain of the ankle joint: prevention, causes, symptoms, treatment, how many heals

It is generally accepted that stretching of ligaments is less dangerous injury than fracture. In most cases, this is indeed the case. But sometimes heavy damage to the ligament apparatus can permanently deprive you of the opportunity to walk or make any movements with your hand.

Stretching the ligaments of the ankle is the most common injury of this kind. After all, it is the ankle that is the maximum load in the process of walking or running.

Bundles indirectly, through the joints connect the bones. However, they are much less elastic than tendons.

Therefore, when a strain is diagnosed, it means a rupture of the fibers or the entire ligamentous apparatus.

Causes of stretching

Most often, such a trauma happens during a sharp turn of the foot inside.

This can happen to an athlete during a match or training, especially if the muscles, ligaments and joints were not sufficiently heated before that.

A similar problem can arise in women who wear high-heeled shoes. And, at last, any person can slip on ice or simply stumble.

Many times the risk of stretching increases, if not long before there was a similar injury in the same place.

Degrees of severity of tension and diagnosis

Modern medicine distinguishes three degrees of stretching.

  • At the first degree of stretching, a small laceration of the ligament fibers occurs. A person can walk and step on a sore leg, but at the same time he experiences pain. There may be a slight swelling.
  • At the second degree of damage, the ligament is partially detached. In this case, the pain is strong, but a person can still walk, and the functions of the foot are not completely disturbed. Edema is significantly greater than with mild stretching. Usually on the leg is visible internal bruising
  • The third degree of stretching is the heaviest. In this case, the entire ligament apparatus disintegrates. The functions of the joint are completely broken. A person experiences severe pain, can not step on his leg. The hemorrhage and swelling spread to the entire foot.

Diagnostics of stretching is performed by a doctor with the help of visual inspection, palpation, analysis of patient complaints.

With the help of X-ray examination, it is impossible to detect the stretching.

X-ray images only allow you to exclude a fracture, except when the part of the bone is torn off along with the ligaments.

Treatment options for stretching

  • In case of easy extension of the first degree, treatment can be carried out independently at home. Immediately after the injury, in order to avoid the formation of a tumor or hematoma, it is recommended to apply cold compresses during the first 24 hours. Then on the second and third days you can already use warming ointments. To prevent relapse and fixation of the joint, it is recommended to wear a fixative bandage on the foot for several days. Complete recovery occurs in 7-10 days.
  • At the second degree of stretching, if the leg is swollen and there is a hematoma, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Such a visit will make it possible to correctly diagnose and exclude a variant of the fracture. Usually in this case the pain is quite strong, therefore the doctor prescribes pain medications. These can be pills or injections of novocaine. Depending on the condition of the patient on the foot for 10-12 days, a fixative dressing or a gypsum loom (tire) can be applied. In parallel, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed: massage sessions, paraffin therapy.

    Workability is restored in three weeks.

  • In the case of a severe third degree of stretching, qualified medical assistance is simply necessary. As in the previous case, anesthetics are being actively used. For 4-6 weeks, the immobilization of the foot is carried out with the help of a closed gypsum bandage. After its removal, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed. In some cases, surgical intervention is performed (most often this happens when the tension occurred together with a fracture). The healing of damaged ligaments occurs within a month, and a full recovery in 2-3 months. That is why, after removal of immobilization, in order to avoid relapse, it is necessary to wear a stabilizing bandage within 8 weeks.

Prevention of ankle sprains

Nobody is immune from such health problems. Therefore, it is difficult to talk about the prevention of such injuries. Nevertheless, if you take into account some of the tips, you can avoid or shine to the minimum occurrence of such troubles.

So, before playing power or playing sports, athletes need to conduct a qualitative warm-up. This will allow you to prepare joints and ligaments for the upcoming workloads.

If the sprain of the ligaments does happen, then after recovery, the likelihood of re-injury is very high.

This is due to the fact that the ligaments are fully restored slowly enough, and the joints at this time have increased mobility.

Therefore, during the rehabilitation period, even when the pain has already completely passed, it is necessary to wear a stabilizing bandage.

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