Hoff disease of the knee joint, treatment


  • 1Hoff's disease of the knee joint: description and treatment
    • 1.1Causes of development
    • 1.2Main symptoms
    • 1.3How to recognize?
    • 1.4What treatment?
    • 1.5Effects
  • 2What is Goff's disease and what is its danger
    • 2.1What it is?
    • 2.2Causes
    • 2.3Risk group
    • 2.4Symptoms
    • 2.5Diagnostic Methods
    • 2.6Treatment
    • 2.7Conservative therapy
    • 2.8Operative treatment
  • 3How to cure Hoff's disease of the knee joint. Symptoms and Diagnosis
    • 3.1Causes
    • 3.2Symptoms of Hoff's Disease
    • 3.3Diagnostics
    • 3.4Possible complications
    • 3.5Treatment of Hoff's disease of the knee joint
    • 3.6Hoff's disease of the knee joint: treatment with folk remedies
  • 4Hoff's disease: treatment, causes, symptoms (signs) of the syndrome
    • 4.1Factors influencing the development of Hoff's disease
    • 4.2Diagnosis
    • 4.3Treatment
  • 5Hoff's disease of the knee: symptoms, treatment:
    • 5.1General information
    • 5.2Lipoarthritis
    • 5.3The provoking factors
    • 5.4Diagnostics
    • 5.5Clinical picture
    • 5.6Hoff's disease: treatment
    • 5.7Tasks and features of therapy
    • 5.8Finally
  • instagram viewer
  • 6Treatment of Hoff's disease of the knee joint
    • 6.1Causes
    • 6.2Readers often study together with this material:
    • 6.3The editor has found for you two more interesting materials:
    • 6.4Treatment
    • 6.5Physiotherapy
    • 6.6Surgery
    • 6.7ethnoscience
    • 6.8Option 1
    • 6.9Option 2
    • 6.10Option 3
    • 6.11Option 4
    • 6.12Conclusion

Hoff's disease of the knee joint: description and treatment

Hoff's disease or lipoarthritis- a disease caused by inflammation of adipose tissue located in the pterygoid folds of the knee joint.

Causes of development

Not viruses and microorganisms provoke the inflammatory process, but solely injuries and injuries suffered earlier.

The knee joint has a Goff's body, which is a cluster of subcutaneous fat. It is encased in a special capsule, located between its own patellar ligament and the synovial membrane.

The fatty body contains lymphatic and blood vessels, nerve endings.

Its task is to redistribute the load and serve as a shock absorber.

With mechanical action (single or systematic), fatty lobes are damaged, hemorrhages and swelling are possible.

Further development of the inflammatory process can lead to replacement of adipose tissue with connective tissue. Wedging into the cavity between the bones, the fatty layer causes pain and disruption of the joint, the muscles of which eventually deform.

There are two causes of Hoff's disease:

1. Chronic lesions caused by excessive stress (risk zone - athletes).

2. Trauma of the knee (often obtained in his youth).

Types of injuries are different. It can be a drop on the knee, sharp movements - unbending or unsuccessful turn of the shin. A prolonged stay in the "kneeling" or "squatting" position can also provoke an inflammatory process.

Main symptoms

Depending on the period of the disease, there are two types of symptoms - acute and late.

Acute Period:

- Pain in the knee joint;

- Increased edema;

- Impossibility to unbend the joint to the end.

Late period:

- Night pains;

- Presence of creping formations on both sides of the knee, pressing on which causes a crack;

- Impossibility to rely on a sick limb;

- Decreased functionality of the femoral quadriceps;

- Instability of the problem joint (looseness, podkashivanie).

How to recognize?

Unfortunately, it is difficult to diagnose lipoarthritis, so the doctor initially pays attention to complaints patient, such as pain, limp, swelling in the knee area, the inability to fully unbend the leg in the knee.

Further, for more accurate diagnosis of the disease, the specialist assigns a number of examinations, this can be:

  • MRI is the most common and effective examination;
  • CT scan - computer tomogram;
  • Arthroscopy - autopsy;
  • Arthropneumography is an X-ray examination performed by filling the joint cavity with oxygen;

What treatment?

Despite the prevalence of Hoff's disease, it is very difficult to identify it. The reason lies in the unwillingness of patients to undergo a complete course of examination.

Having established the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes treatment, which is aimed at suppressing inflammation, eliminating blocking when moving in the joint, preventing the growth of adipose tissue and strengthening the quadriceps muscles of the thigh. All these measures contribute to the restoration of the full functioning of the limb.

In the early stages of the disease, you can limit yourself to conservative therapy, in more severe cases, surgical intervention is necessary.

Conservative therapy includes:

- Introduction to the joint of oxygen;

- Laser therapy;

- Inductometry;

- Speleotherapy;

- Intra-articular oxigenotherapy, which contributes to the elimination of the blockade by extruding the body of Hoff;

- Electrostimulation of the muscles of the lower leg and thigh;

- The introduction of corticosteroids inside the joint and drugs that reduce the inflammatory process in the knee and the proliferation of connective tissue;

- Ultrasound on the anterior and lateral parts of the knee;

- Electrophoresis with iodine;

- Radon and hydrogen sulphide baths;

- Irradiation with a Sollyx lamp;

- Physiotherapy (paraffin treatment, mud wraps);

- Gymnastics;

- Massage;

A good result is the honey compress, which also includes iodine, bile medical, ammonia, glycerol. The components are mixed in equal proportions. Before use, the solution is shaken. Apply such a compress for 24 hours a month, every other day.

If the ineffective result of a conservative method of treatment, the specialist appoints an operative.

The operation is performed by an orthoscopic method.


The doctor makes two punctures by, cm using a special tool, using video surveillance.


The squeezed and enlarged part of the subcutaneous fat is removed, as well as the connective growths. At the same time, there are particles of cellulose that will eventually develop into the full body of Hoff.


Postoperative rehabilitation period is only three to four weeks.

Restored physiotherapy and physiotherapy exercises are conducted, all knee stresses are excluded.

Experts recommend that the rehabilitation time be spent in a sanatorium where you can take a course of massage, exercise therapy, physical therapy, mud treatment.

Resorts with iodine-bromine, sulphide and radon waters will promote a speedy recovery.

A source: http://vse-sustavy.ru/lechenie/kolennyj/bolezn-goffa.html

What is Goff's disease and what is its danger

The knee is one of the most complex joints in the human body. In addition to the bones, cartilages and ligaments that provide movement, there are a lot of important soft-tissue components in the knee joint.

Auxiliary apparatus of the knees includes mucous bags, folds of the synovial membrane, menisci, fat bodies, muscles.

These components should primarily provide such a function to the joint, such as damping - softening of jerks in the joint during running, jumping and other movements. They also serve as an additional stabilizing knee apparatus.

It is with the defeat of the soft tissues of the knee joint, namely fatty bodies, Hoff's disease of the knee joint. Let us consider in more detail what it is, how it manifests itself, what is the danger, and whether it is necessary to treat this disease.

What it is?

Each knee joint has in its composition accumulations of fatty tissue, Goff's body, which are enclosed in a separate capsule and located between the synovial membrane of the joint and its own patellar ligament.

The main task of the fat body is to absorb and redistribute the load from the synovial membrane during movements in the joint.

This accumulation of fat cells is rich in blood and lymphatic vessels, as well as nerve endings.

The figure shows where the Hoff's body is localized


Hoff's disease is a non-microbial, chronic inflammatory change in fatty knee formation.


Due to constant active inflammation, the fat cells are gradually replaced with fibrous tissue, and The fatty formation of Goff loses its function, which negatively affects the health of all the joint.

In ICD-10, this disorder can be found in the rubric of other unspecified soft tissue diseases of the knee.


The cause of the disease is any knee injury (stroke or fall on the joint, sharp movements in the leg).

As a result, the fatty body is clamped between the femoral and tibia, hemorrhages from the vessels, swelling and proliferation in the volume of Goff's body. An aseptic inflammatory process develops, which is prone to chronic course.

In consequence, the fatty tissue is replaced with fibrous tissue and the whole knee joint suffers. Secondary arthrosis changes begin to develop.

Also the cause of lipoarthritis, as Hoff's disease is also called, is the constant overload of the fat body.

This is possible, for example, with prolonged kneeling or squatting.

As a result, the fatty body is constantly squeezed, which provokes its inflammation, an increase in volume and an infringement between the bones.

In some cases, lipoarthritis may develop due to degenerative changes in the knee or disorders metabolism and hormonal balance, which is confirmed by the frequent presence of this disease in women in menopause.

Risk group

Increased risk of development of Hoff's disease has people who:

  • women after 55 years;
  • have to spend a lot of time on their knees;
  • are subject to constant microtraining of knees, for example, athletes, acrobats, ballerinas, postmen.

Professional athletes are most at risk of developing lipoarthritis


The progression of Hoff's disease is prolonged and chronic with a primary acute period, but there are cases of a primarily chronic course.

The acute phase of the disease includes symptoms:

  • pain in the knee joint area of ​​different intensity, it is often moderate, which causes the patients to ignore symptoms;
  • the appearance of edema in the anterior part of the knee from below the patella, sometimes the swelling is not pronounced, in which case only the experienced orthopedic traumatologist can notice the defoguration of the joint;
  • the inability to maximally unbend the knee (the swollen body of Goff limits the amplitude of movements in the joint).
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Signs of chronic course of lipoarthritis:

  • periodic, aching and nocturnal pains in the knees;
  • restriction of movements in the knee, in particular extension;
  • the reduction in the strength of the quadriceps muscle of the thigh and its partial atrophy;
  • On both sides of the knee cap you can grope crepitating (crackling) dense formations;
  • develop a feeling of shakiness in the knee, periodic podkashivaniya;
  • blockade of the knee joint develops - infringement of the increased and changed fatty body between articular surfaces of bones that causes sharp pain and full time immobility.

Diagnostic Methods

An important point in establishing the diagnosis are indications of a knee injury or the presence of risk factors for the disease.

Diagnosis of lipoarthritis includes:

  • objective examination of the orthopedist and a number of functional tests and measurements;
  • radiography of knee joints;
  • magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography;
  • diagnostic arthroscopy.

All these examinations allow you to turn off similar diseases and traumas in the clinical picture and prescribe the right treatment.

MRI of a patient with Hoff's disease, fatigue of the body is evident


The main tasks of treatment of pathology are the elimination of the blockade of the knee joint, the elimination of the inflammatory process, the reduction of fibrosis of the fat body, restoration of the stability and function of the joint. There are several methods for this, both conservative and surgical treatment.

Conservative therapy

Treatment begins with conservative methods, and only when they are ineffective proceed to surgery. Conservative treatment includes:

  • intra-articular oxygen therapy - eliminates degenerative processes in the joint, and also extrudes Goff's body from the joint, thereby eliminating the blockade;
  • intra-articular injection of glucocorticoids - allows to reduce inflammatory processes and proliferation of connective tissue;
  • laser therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • physiotherapy (mud wraps, paraffin treatment);
  • electrostimulation of hip muscles;
  • treatment with folk remedies;
  • massage.

Operative treatment

Surgical treatment of Hoff's disease is performed by arthroscopic method.

Remove the hypertrophied and jawed parts of fatty tissue, as well as connective tissue growths. The prognosis of the disease is favorable.

Of the remaining fiber particles over time, the full bodies of Goff, which fully fulfill their function.

Despite the rare finding of Hoff's disease, it is quite common.

The problem is that often patients are under-diagnosed and mistakenly diagnosed with deforming osteoarthritis.

Although in fact first developed lipoarthritis, eliminating that in time, it could be avoided serious consequences.

A source: http://MoyaSpina.ru/bolezni/chto-takoe-bolezn-goffa-opasnost

How to cure Hoff's disease of the knee joint. Symptoms and Diagnosis

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Goff's disease or lipoarthritis refers to the degeneration of fatty tissue (fat bodies of Hoff) located around the knee joint.

Its manifestation is the loss of normal mobility of the joint, constant crunching, discomfort, swelling, pain in the knee and lameness.

According to statistics, this disease is most often found in women after 45 years.


The frequency and severity of lipoarthritis is indicated by the fact that among all cases of severe abnormalities in the functioning of the legs, the proportion of disorders provoked by this disease is about 12%. With this disease, the inflammatory process develops against the background of growth of fatty tissue.

Hoff's disease of the knee joint photo


With this pathology, there is often a violation of the integrity of the fat body in the area of ​​the so-called pterygoid folds.

Most often, this painful condition occurs with various knee injuries, which result in pinching and destruction of the fat lobules, as well as hemorrhage and swelling of the tissues.

In this case, Goff's bodies lose elasticity and elasticity. In the damaged zone, fibrous tissue growth and scarring are found. At the same time, it is not capable of performing the functions performed by the fat tissue.

There are various causes and factors that can lead to the development of Hoff's disease. The most common of these are:

  • changes in the level of hormones in the body, for example, with menopause in women;
  • progression of knee arthrosis;
  • mechanical damage to the knee;
  • inflammation of the surrounding area;
  • pressure on the anterior zone of the knee joint for an extended period of time.

Symptoms of Hoff's Disease

As a rule, the diagnosis of this disease is not particularly difficult. He has a characteristic clinical picture. So for this disease the following general symptoms are noted:

  • decreased functions of the head of the quadriceps femoris;
  • pain and discomfort in the knee;
  • swelling in the lower anterior part of the knee;
  • incomplete leg extension;
  • limitation of mobility;
  • true and false joint blockages;
  • hypotrophy (protein-energy deficiency);
  • crepitus formations on both sides of the patellar ligament;
  • instability of the joint.

This disease becomes chronic with a permanent injury to the synovial bag. The course of Hoff's disease is often prolonged. For each of its phases are characteristic of their symptoms. So in an acute period are noted:

  • the appearance of pain in the knee;
  • the appearance of a growing swelling;
  • incomplete extension of the knee joint.

After 1-3 months from the moment of damage to adipose tissue, the following symptoms appear:

  • night pain in the knee joint;
  • Crepe formations that emit crackling sounds when pressed;
  • blockade of the knee joint, expressed in the impossibility of resting on a sick limb;
  • the functions of the quadriceps muscle of the thigh are impaired;
  • there is instability of the joint.


To establish the diagnosis, an instrumental examination is performed. In this case, Goff's disease is differentiated with a number of other joint diseases that have similar symptoms. In chronic form, its symptoms are not always easy to determine.

In this case, to determine the diagnosis, the specialist appoints an additional examination. It can be carried out using magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography.

Often, as a result of hyperplasia of the fatty body, fibrosis of the synovial membrane of the knee joint occurs. Radiographic examination often shows signs of the initial stages of arthrosis of the knee joint.


This pathology makes it difficult to differentiate these diseases and establish an accurate diagnosis. X-ray reveals calculous bursitis, which is often localized in the area of ​​the pterygoid folds.


In Hoff's disease, arthropneumograms help to establish the presence of disorders characteristic of this disease. These include:

  • Decrease knee joint.
  • The change in the size of the posterior turn to the side of the increase, accompanied by the appearance of a hernial formation called Becker's cyst.
  • Regisleness (hardness, inelasticity) of the upper curvature;
  • Increase in size and weight (hypertrophy) of fatty tissue.

Possible complications

Without proper therapy, Goff's disease can lead to the following complications:

  • Adipose tissue around the knee stops functioning as an anatomical buffer, which leads to a chronic course of the disease.
  • In some cases, lipoarthritis is transformed into arthrosis of the knee, which is accompanied by perennial unceasing pains in the joint and a violation of its functions.

Treatment of Hoff's disease of the knee joint

With the timely establishment of a diagnosis and proper therapy, the patient recovers almost completely. There are 2 types of treatment for Hoff's disease:

  • Conservative, in the course of which the patient's joint is rest, movement is limited, physical activity and labor are terminated. For therapy, mud and paraffin-ozokerite applications are used, Sollyx lamp irradiation, inductometry, microwave therapy, laser therapy and oxygen therapy (oxygen treatment). The doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory treatment. At an early stage of Hoff's disease, hormonal preparations (corticosteroids) of prolonged action are used. They are injected into the cavity of the diseased knee joint. Additionally, electrostimulation, massage and physiotherapy are used to strengthen the muscles of the shins.
  • Operative, which is the surgical removal of strangulated fragments of Goff's bodies and fibrous (connective tissue) formations. After the operation, a full fatty tissue with normal buffer capacity develops from the remaining fat lobules for 2-3 weeks. The prognosis after surgery is favorable. After that, the functions of the knee joint are fully restored.

Treatment of this disease is carried out in stages. It is aimed at:

  • restoration of the supporting and motor function of the lower limb;
  • elimination of inflammation of the joint;
  • normalization of the leg muscles.

After such therapy, the patient must undergo a course of rehabilitation. As a rule, after the therapeutic massage, electrostimulation and physiotherapy, the knee functions are restored completely. Especially important massage with atrophy of the quadriceps femoris muscle. Most often, these types of manipulations are used:

  • stroking the base of the palm;
  • vibrating rubbing.

Massage relieves pain, prevents muscle atrophy, increases blood circulation, improves lymphatic drainage. If the disease recurs, the course of therapy is repeated.

Such a complex treatment in rare cases may not be effective enough. To prevent further progression of the disease, surgical intervention is performed.

During the operation, resection (removal) of adipose tissue that has undergone damage is performed. In some cases, arthroscopy is also prescribed, in the course of which a fibrotic and damaged tissue is removed using the endoscope inserted under the skin.

After such a surgical intervention, very small scars remain, as the endoscope is injected through the micro cuts. During the rehabilitation period, it is recommended to take radon, iodide-bromine and sulphide baths.

Significantly accelerates the process of restoration visits to balneological resorts.

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Hoff's disease of the knee joint: treatment with folk remedies

Some people prefer folk recipes to scientific medicine. At the same time, they put in vain hopes for them, because with Hoff's disease, only painful sensations are removed by the people's means, and the inflammatory process progresses further.

The most popular methods of treating this disease at home are mud packs made of green or blue clay. Painful sensations will help to remove the compress from glycerin, ammonia, iodine, natural honey and medical bile.

Lipoarthritis is dangerous because in the absence of timely therapy, it can be transformed into arthrosis of the knee, which will lead to permanent joint pain. That is why it is so important when you are suspected of Goff's disease and immediately go to a specialist.

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A source: http://sustavu.ru/sustavy/kolennyj/bolezn-goffa-kolennogo-sustava.html

Hoff's disease: treatment, causes, symptoms (signs) of the syndrome

The knee joint is a complex joint, responsible for a lot of different functions - depreciation, movement and so on. The work of the knee joint is mitigated by the fat deposition, which is called the Goff's body.

Hoff's disease (lipoarthritis) is a chronic inflammation of the fatty tissues of the pterygoid folds of the knee joints. Inflammatory process is promoted not by infections and viruses, but by various traumas. It turns out that the fatty tissue surrounding the knee joint, first injured, and then reborn.

Goff's disease can develop not only in adults, but also in children. Also, quite often this disease is mistakenly confused with trauma of the meniscus.

If you do not start timely treatment, then the disease will take on a chronic form, because of what can appear complication, such as knee arthrosis, as a result of which the patient will be persecuted for years in constant pain in the knee.

Factors influencing the development of Hoff's disease

There are two main reasons, because of which lipoarthritis of the knee joint is formed:

  • knee injury (in youth);
  • defeat of the chronic form, associated with excessive loads (a phenomenon characteristic of athletes).

Types of damage that contribute to the development of the disease is a turn of the shin, a sharp drop on the knee and a sudden extension of the knee.

In all cases, Goff's body is pinched by the joint condyles. Moreover, another factor that causes Hoff's syndrome is a prolonged pressure on the joint, i.e.

when a person sits on his knees or squatting for a long time.

Note! Lipoarthritis of the knee joint is affected by women, age 40 years, tk. at them during a climax there are changes in a hormonal background and people suffering from an arthrosis of a knee.


In the structure of the knee there are not only bones, but also cartilaginous tissues, mucous bags and four ligaments.


And the gap between the bunches and bones is filled with fat, its main function is depreciation.

The body of Goff is covered by the synovial membrane that forms the pterygoid folds, which are permeated with nerves, blood and lymphatic vessels.

Important! After damage to the knee joint, a hemorrhage often occurs in the fat tissue located near the ligaments.

As a result, fatty tissues are replaced by connective tissues, while deformation of the fat pad occurs - it takes on a different shape and size. Fat gets into the joints and in the interosseous spaces.

Hoff's disease has a sharp and neglected stage. For the acute phase is characterized by such symptoms:

  1. painful sensations in the joint;
  2. the patient can not unbend the knee completely;
  3. swelling.
  4. On the advanced stage there are such symptoms as:
  5. severe pain at night;
  6. functional instability of the joint;
  7. reduction in the operability of the quadriceps femoris muscle;
  8. when palpation from both sides of the knee joint, crepitating pathologies are found, if you press them, you can hear a characteristic creak;
  9. blockade of the knee joint, which does not allow full rest on the lower limb.


It is quite difficult to establish a diagnosis of a knee joint lipoarthritis. However, in the process of diagnosing a specialist is guided by the presence of such signs:

  • chromate;
  • The knee joint does not fully unbend;
  • painful sensations;
  • swelling of the knee;
  • the quadriceps muscle functions partially.

The presence of such signs is indicative of Hoff's disease, therefore it is necessary to immediately consult a specialist.

To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes arthropneumography (not only in the process diagnosis, but also for surgical treatment), MRI of the knee joint, instrumental diagnostics and CT.

If there is a problem with the diagnosis or in case of ineffective therapy, arthroscopy (joint dissection) may be required.


Therapy of lipoarthritis is aimed at eliminating blocking movements in the knee, inflammatory processes, symptoms and restoration of the functioning of the foot.

Note! Initial treatment (a couple of weeks) assumes absolute peace, only in this way it is possible to ensure its effectiveness.

The complex traditional treatment includes the following activities:

  • electrostimulation of the ankle and thigh muscles;
  • Oxygen is injected into the joint space;
  • speleotherapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • gymnastics;
  • application of a lamp-lamp;
  • mud applications;
  • the introduction of corticosteroids into the prolonged joint;
  • laser therapy;
  • mud applications;

However, if Goff's disease is at a neglected and severe stage, then surgical intervention arthroscopy is still needed. In the process of surgery, the surgeon excises the knee joint and removes pathology.

For postoperative recovery, it will take only one month. But the rehabilitation period is better spent in sanatorium-resort conditions where it is possible to strengthen considerably improving effect with the help of physiotherapeutic procedures, massage, exercise therapy and mud baths.

It is advisable to undergo a course of rehabilitation in sanatoriums that offer such therapeutic procedures as the adoption of radon, iodide-bromine and sulphide baths. Thanks to mineral baths, the duration of recovery will be greatly reduced.


Timely treatment is an important part of the well-being of a person who has Hoff's disease.


Moreover, in order for the treatment to be effective, it is necessary to abandon heavy physical activities and sports for a while, otherwise therapy and rehabilitation will be ineffective.

Therefore, you should not postpone visiting a doctor, so that later you do not have to apply surgical treatment.

A source: http://sustav.info/bolezni/drugie/bolezn-goffa.html

Hoff's disease of the knee: symptoms, treatment:

The knee joint is a complex biomechanical system.

It includes a large number of various anatomical formations that contribute to the performance of certain functions. If any elements are damaged, the activity of the entire system is disrupted.

Next, consider what is Hoff's disease. Causes and treatment of the disease will also be described in the article.

General information

Ligaments act as the main stabilizing component in the joint. Nevertheless, soft tissue is also an important segment of the system.

It consists of synovial bags, Goff's bodies (fatty formations). The latter are located in the pterygoid folds.

Also, the soft-tissue component includes the muscles that surround the articulation and menisci.


Hoff's disease of the knee joint is a process of degeneration of adipose tissue surrounding the articulation. Lipoarthritis can go into arthrosis, causing pain for many years.

In the absence of therapeutic measures, the fat pad loses its properties, ceases to perform its functions. As a result, pathology takes a chronic stage.

Hoff's disease of the knee joint, the symptoms of which will be discussed further in more detail, is manifested by restriction in movement, lameness, pain, a sense of discomfort in the articulation. There is also a crunch and swelling.

The provoking factors

The most common causes of the development of the pathological process include damage to the fatty body (in the region of the pterygoid folds). As a rule, this is a consequence of injuries.

At the same time, fatty lobes are jammed and damaged, hemorrhage occurs with subsequent swelling of the tissues. At the site of damage, proliferation and spread of fibrous tissue.

Despite the fact that it replaces the lost fat, it can not perform its functions. In some patients, Hoff's disease of the knee joint is a consequence of the influence of hormonal factors.

In particular, the development of pathology falls on the climacteric period. Also, the disease appears with arthrosis of the knee.

Often, as provoking factors, prolonged pressure is applied to the anterior area of ​​the joint, minor trauma, inflammation. Often, Hoff's disease of the knee joint appears in women after 45 years. This is due to violations of the hormonal background.


The most informative diagnostic methods are arthroscopy and X-ray of the joint in Hoff's disease. In some cases, an MRI is prescribed.

At the first stage of the examination, the specialist in conversation with the patient finds out the time of detection of the signs of the disease, the probable connection with the trauma.

Examining the knee joint, the doctor assesses the degree of movement limitation, the condition of the quadriceps femoris muscle, draws attention to the localization of edema, characteristic of pathology.


X-ray examination allows to reveal the changes inherent in arthrosis of articulation of a small degree of development. When performing arthropneumography (filling the articular cavity with air), a decrease in the upper bag and volume of the inner region is detected.


On the images made in the lateral projection, hernial protrusion, oriented in the popliteal zone, is revealed. When carrying out arthroscopy, a specialist determines the presence of hypertrophy of adipose tissue and its edema. MRI is a non-invasive method that allows you to visualize Goff's bodies without interfering with the cavity.

Clinical picture

Hoff's disease of the knee joint has characteristic features. In particular, there is a swelling in the lower anterior segment, hypotrophy, dysfunction of the lower head of the femoral quadriceus muscle.

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Against the background of pathology the extension of the articulation is not fully realized without the expressed involvement of the meniscus and ligamentous apparatus. Crepening pseudoflucturing formations are found on either side of the knee ligament.

When you touch the damaged area, pain appears. Swelling of the joint is expressed quite clearly.

In the chronic form of pathology, the symptoms of the disease are not always clearly identifiable. In this connection, CT or MRI can be prescribed. Among the common symptoms of the disease should be noted the false and true articular blockade.

When hyperplasia of fatty bodies often occurs fibrosis of the synovial membrane. When X-ray examination revealed signs of stage 1-2 arthrosis.

This, in many cases, is probably the basis for misdiagnosis. The presence of changes clearly indicates arthropneumogram.

In particular, the study reveals rigidity in the upper ligament and an increase in volume in the posterior, at which hernial protrusion develops (Becker's cyst).

In the lower part, in the patella, the adipose tissue undergoes hypertrophy, followed by its introduction between the femoral and tibia bones. In the photographs during X-ray examination, calculous bursitis is often found in the area of ​​the pterygoid folds.

Hoff's disease: treatment

Causes of pathology and timely detection of violations are of great diagnostic value.

If the disease was detected in the early stages, then to eliminate it may be enough therapy, the main direction of which will be the removal of inflammation.

In this case, as a rule, long-acting hormones are prescribed (for example, the drug "Prednisolone" and others), which effectively eliminate Hoff's disease of the knee joint.


Treatment also includes laser treatment in combination with physiotherapy and massage. If these therapeutic measures failed to produce the desired result, and pathology continues its development, an operation is prescribed.


Intervention consists in excision of the affected fragment of adipose tissue. The least traumatization of the area is provided by arthroscopy. A persistent positive effect is also observed after laser exposure. To reduce inflammation in the articulation, the patient is assigned corticosteroids.

Tasks and features of therapy

Treatment of pathology is carried out in stages. Therapeutic activities are aimed at achieving the following goals:

  • Restoration of the motor and supporting functions of the lower limb.
  • Elimination of inflammation.
  • Return to the musculature of the leg.

To strengthen flexor muscles, the patient is prescribed therapeutic walking and gymnastics.

The therapy also includes intraarticular oxygenation (exposure to oxygen), the introduction of steroids into the cavity and adjacent tissues.

With the repeated development of pathology (relapse), the therapeutic course is prescribed again. In addition, in addition to general activities, massage and electrostimulation (impulse current) is attached.

At atrophy of the femoral quadriceps muscle, vibro-exposure is recommended (vibrating stroking and rubbing the base of the palm). These methods help to eliminate pain, slow down further atrophy, improve blood circulation.

Arthroscopy is often used as a therapeutic agent. When an arthroscope is inserted into the joint cavity, the specialist not only determines the degree of tissue proliferation, but also removes it. This method is considered the most radical.


After the operation, a recovery period follows.

During this time, the patient is recommended to visit resorts, sanatoria, the use of radon, sulphide and iodide-bromine baths.

Elimination of Goff's disease is considered to be a laborious and lengthy process, requiring compliance with all prescriptions and prescriptions.

A source: https://www.syl.ru/article/171950/new_bolezn-goffa-kolennogo-sustava-simptomyi-lechenie

Treatment of Hoff's disease of the knee joint

Recommendations of orthopedist and rheumatologist ...

What is Goff's disease? This is called inflammation of the adipose tissue of the knee; The second name of the pathology is lipoarthritis.

If earlier this pathology was the lot of people of the age, now it is more and more often found in young people. The insidiousness of the ailment lies in the fact that incorrect and untimely treatment leads to arthrosis of the knee joint.

Hoff's disease is an inflammation of adipose tissue in the knee


information for reading

Goff's body is a fat-filled cavity enclosed between the patella ligaments and surrounded by a capsule. It is intensively blooded and innervated. Performs a fat body function of softening of impact at movements.

The process of inflammation in this organ is aseptic, that is, it is caused not by exposure to viruses or microbes, but by mechanical damage.

When impact is possible, the displacement of individual lobules and their infringement is possible. In the future, a hemorrhage occurs at the injury site.

The final outcome of the process is fibrosis (replacement of adipose tissue with a scar).

Among the factors contributing to the development of Goff's disease, distinguish:

  1. Systematic microtrauma, for example, in athletes or people whose legs are bent in the knee due to their profession.
  2. One-time injury (even occurred long ago).

Knee Injury Can Lead to Lipoarthritis

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Clinical manifestations of Hoff's disease differ depending on the period of the disease.

  • Acute period: there are pains in the knee area; movements in the joint are limited (especially extension); it is edematic and enlarged in size.
  • Late period: the joints appear in the joint, when pressed, a characteristic crunchy sound (crepitation) is heard; pains bother the patient already and in night time; joint is loose, it's impossible to lean on; the work of the quadriceps (quadriceps femoris muscle) has been disrupted; gait is disturbed, there is lameness on the a bad leg.

Pain in the knee worries the patient throughout the course of the disease

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It is sometimes difficult to recognize this disease only according to the clinical picture. To confirm the diagnosis, the patient is assigned instrumental diagnostic studies:

  1. MRI is the most revealing and reliable method.
  2. Arthroscopy - examination of the joint cavity with a special device containing a micro-video camera.
  3. Arthropneumography is an inexpensive and informative method in which medical oxygen is injected into the joint cavity and then an X-ray photograph is taken.

Inflammation in the body of Goff on MRI (well visible changes in adipose tissue)


If the diagnosis is established on time, the function of the joint can be restored completely and without consequences.In this case, conservative treatment is enough. It includes the following methods:

  • Intra-articular oxygen therapy. A method in which medical oxygen or ozone is injected into the joint cavity. At the same time, the following effects are achieved: the articular bag is straightened, which facilitates unloading of the joint; spikes are broken, and the possibility of movements in the joint increases. Improves metabolism in the joint, the menisci and cartilage are more intensively restored. The pain syndrome decreases.
  • Short introduction into the joint cavity of glucocorticoids. These hormones significantly reduce the inflammatory process and prevent the growth of connective tissue.
  • Physiotherapy.

Intra-articular injection of glucocorticoids quickly removes inflammation in the fat body with lipoarthritis


Influence physiotherapy methods greatly accelerates the recovery of the patient. The most widely used are:

  1. Laser therapy - improves nutrition in tissues and stimulates regeneration.
  2. Irradiation with a Sollux lamp (infrared light therapy) - reduces pain and inflammation.
  3. Electrostimulation of the quadriceps muscle (impact by impulse currents) - prevents its atrophy, improves nutrition and blood flow.
  4. Electrophoresis with medicinal substances (accelerated transfer of ions into tissues under the action of an electric field) - reduces the inflammation of the knee joint. Most often, iodine and its derivatives are used.

Laser therapy for Hoff's disease is an integral part of conservative treatment


To prompt treatment resorted to neglected cases, when conservative therapy is ineffective.

With Hoff's disease, the operation is performed arthroscopically. Through small incisions into the articular cavity, the instruments are inserted, which under the video surveillance the surgeon removes the affected areas of adipose tissue. Of the small remaining fragments, the Goff's bodies are subsequently restored.

Because of minor trauma, most knee surgery is performed arthroscopically


Treatment of Hoff's disease of the knee joint folk remedies is in addition to the main therapy and must be agreed with the attending physician.

Home recipes help to reduce pain. For this purpose, they should be used. Here are some examples of folk remedies.

Option 1

Compress from clay is easy to prepare.

The blue or green clay is diluted with warm water to the consistency of sour cream and applied to the joint a layer of several centimeters, fixed with a bandage or a film and wrapped in a warm woolen thing.

Do a compress better before going to bed and leave it overnight, and wash off in the morning. The course of treatment can be long, depending on the effect. It is better to repeat the application every other day.

Appliques from clay relieve pain and inflammation in lipoarthritis

Option 2

Good pain relief compress of the following components

  • ammonia solution (ammonia);
  • solution of glycerol;
  • alcohol tincture of iodine;
  • honey;
  • bile canned medical.

The components are mixed in equal amounts and applied to the joint for a day. The procedure is repeated once in two days. The course lasts for a month.

Option 3

In summer, it is good to apply fresh leaves of burdock or horseradish to the joint for the night. The sheet is fixed with a bandage.

Option 4

Mix 1 spoon of salt and soda, 4-5 drops of iodine are added to them and the resulting mass is applied to the joint for 10-15 minutes, and then washed off. After the procedure, the skin can be irritated, so it should be lubricated with its nutritious cream.


With the timely begun treatment of Hoff's disease, the recovery period is about a month. Especially beneficial in this period are the sulfide and radon baths, mud therapy, massage, exercise therapy.


A source: http://SustavInfo.com/bolezni/drugoe/lechenie-bolezni-goffa-kolennogo-sustava/

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